YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 68: The King’s Invitation

Grand and massive... Those were the two words which described the mansion which was located in the heart of the city. Even compared to the Landevar mansion, the one in the center of Galderia was even more grandiose and excellent.

It has been a couple of days since Grey and Yuna met with the Guildmaster and currently, they are in front of the aforementioned mansion in order to meet the lord previously mentioned by the Guildmaster.

Even when they have seen Fritz's mansion, they still couldn't help themselves but be in awe just seeing the sheer size and majesty of the mansion. All it needed was a single look to see the clear difference between a viscount and a count.

"Are you two perhaps Count Grey and Countess Yuna?" [Guard]

Just as Grey and Yuna were admiring the massive mansion, a guard came over to their direction and asked for their identities. While the guard was surprised seeing how young they were, he quickly regained his composure and kept his calm.

After seeing their guild cards, the guard then politely bowed his head to them and led Grey and Yuna to a large room, just a little larger than the size of the one where they first met Fritz.

There, a man in his late twenties was sitting on a luxurious sofa. When he saw them, he stood up abruptly and reached out his hand to us. Although he was younger than Grey and Yuna expected, it was apparent that he was the lord.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Count Grey, Countess Yuna. I am Cedric von Aldridge, head of the Aldridge Comital house and Galderia's current lord. I bid you welcome to my humble manor." [Cedric]

"It's also a pleasure, but you can just call me Grey. There's no need for any titles or honorifics." [Grey]

"Same for me, please feel free to call me Yuna." [Yuna]

"Mm... If that's the case, then you can just call me Cedric." [Cedric]

With the introductions finished, Cedric then shook Grey and Yuna's hands one after another. Such actions reminded Grey of his days as a salaryman. It was as if he was in a business interview, only less formal.

Of course, they were offered seats by Cedric. And as expected of a Count's mansion, the sofa was very soft and luxurious, though it was too luxurious to the point that the thought of damaging it made Grey and Yuna a little uncomfortable.

"Would you like some tea?" [Cedric]

"Ah, thank you." [Grey]

With a wave of his hand. Cedric signaled one of the maids by the doors to bring tea to the room. In response, the maid politely bowed to Cedric and exited the room in order to act on it.

"Now then, let's get right into business. Though... I assume you already have an inkling about it." [Cedric]

"Is it about the 'Iblis' incident?" [Grey]

"That's right. Because of your participation in the incident, you will be receiving a medal of honor, awarded by His Majesty himself. Lt. General Filastra, Commander Helsberg, Countess Aria, and His Grace, Duke Kris will also be awarded along with you." [Cedric]

"You've already talked with Miss Aria and Mister Kris?" [Yuna]

"Unfortunately, not. They've already left on a journey before I could invite them. Hopefully, the Adventurers' Guild could get in touch with them." [Cedric]

Cedric said as he heaved a sigh full of worries. While it wasn't his fault since the notice arrived late, he still felt a little anxious. After all, it was a matter assigned to him by the King himself.

After that, Cedric briefed the two of them about the contents of the King's invitation. Just as they had predicted, they were being invited to the capital to receive rewards for their service which included a medal, money, land, and a title.

Thankfully, the land and title could be refused. Otherwise, it would have been troublesome for Grey and Yuna to be tied to the kingdom against their will. The only thing they have to worry about is how the people will be treating them afterwards.

It wasn't a far fetched idea for bards to sing songs about their tales of heroism and spread the word throughout the lands. It was something they both didn't want to deal with. Rather than proud, they would feel embarrassed by it.

Just as they were almost finished with the briefing, the maid from before returned to the room with a pot of tea and tea cups on a tray. The way she was handling them was very graceful, clearly showing how much training she had gone to. Something one would only expect from a noble's servant.

Without wasting any movements, the maid gently poured the three of them tea and arranged the table for them. After that, she bowed her head politely and exited the room once again.

"Waah~ This is delicious!" [Yuna]

As Grey pondered over the maid's expert skills, Yuna had already taken a sip of the tea that was just served recently. The moment she tasted it, her face shone brightly as she subconsciously exclaimed a voice full of amazement.

Seeing Yuna's reaction, Grey also had his share of tea, but before he could even taste the tea, its alluring and relaxing scent already wafted to his nose. It was as if he was inside a garden surrounded by flowers.

A slightly bitter yet delicious and refreshing taste flowed into Grey's tongue the moment he took a sip of the tea. It was both refreshing and calming which would greatly help those who are stressed out.

"Do you like it?" [Cedric]

"Un! It's very delicious and calming!" [Yuna]

"Cedric, may I ask what tea this is? I would also like to brew some for me and Yuna when I have time." [Grey]

"Oh, so Grey knows how to brew tea as well?" [Cedric]

"Just a little bit though. I'm not as good as the maid from before." [Grey]

While Grey and Yuna have had some tea in Fritz's place, the tea they just had was something which matched their tastes. They both wanted to have it, not to relieve some stress, but purely for the sake of enjoying it.

In Grey's past life, he had learnt brewing tea because he was interested in it for some time. He only does it in his free time, but he became quite skilled with the help of the videos he saw on the internet.

"It's Alferia tea. It's something me and my wife enjoy drinking. Although... It is a little bit in the expensive side. About 3 silvers a kilogram." [Cedric]

Grey and Yuna almost choked themselves with tea after hearing Cedric's words. It wasn't just a "little" expensive. It was something only rich merchants, the gentry, and nobles could afford.

If it was in Grey's past life, he would need to use more than three months' worth of salary for a whole kilogram. Forget calling it expensive, it was a luxury and premium item! It was as if they're drinking gold!

Well, even if it was very expensive, Grey and Yuna could still afford it with the amount of money they have. In the end, they still wanted to drink it. Though, they might have to limit themselves into how often, else they would be spending money like mad.

"Would you like me to recommend the supplier to you?" [Cedric]

"Please do." [Grey]

"Then I'll prepare a letter for you." [Cedric]

"That would help. Thank you." [Grey]

"You're welcome... Well, back to the topic. The ceremony would take place at the royal castle on the 5th of Erido, just a day before the founding festival. That day, you'll be presented to the whole populace as heroes of the kingdom." [Cedric]

No matter how much they have heard of it, Grey and Yuna couldn't help themselves but feel troubled by the fact that they would be presented to the public, and as heroes no less.

There was only a little less than a month before the ceremony, yet no matter how much they thought about it, they were sure they wouldn't be able to prepare themselves that day. There was only one thing which Grey and Yuna found interesting throughout the whole conversation.

"Cedric, you mentioned a festival, right?" [Grey]

"I did. It's going to be the 234th year since the kingdom's founding. It's going to be one of the busiest days in the capital. Me and my children are going to be attending it as well." [Cedric]

"Will there be a lot of delicious food there?!" [Yuna]

"Of course. Not only food, there will be plenty of games and entertainment as well. It is considered the liveliest day in Alfrione kingdom." [Cedric]

Yuna's eyes sparkled dazzlingly after hearing Cedric's words. The previous worries she carried inside her heart were now gone, or rather, she just chose to look at the positives and ignored the negatives instead.

As for Grey, the expression on his face became even worse. With the founding festival meant that people from all over the kingdom are going to be attending it and as such, more people will see them in the awarding ceremony.

It totally slipped his mind that the founding festival of Alfrione is just a few weeks away. While he did know of it, he didn't pay it any heed since he thought it would still be a while before he and Yuna visited, but oh boy how wrong he was.

Dejected, Grey just silently took a sip of tea to calm himself down. He has now fully accepted his fate and decided to not fret over it. The only thing he wished for was that his and Yuna's lives to still remain normal.

"Ah, speaking of the awarding ceremony, I actually have a request for you two. If you would allow it." [Cedric]

"That is...?" [Grey]

"Like I said earlier, me and my children are going to attend the founding festival. But there's just one problem... I still have a mountain load of work to do. Although we'll still make it, we will arrive at the capital just before the festival begins. Rather than that, I would like my children to enjoy the capital longer." [Cedric]

Grey didn't even need to hear the rest of Cedric's words. With the familiar flow of conversation, he already knew what Cedric was getting at. Not only Grey, but Yuna had also inferred the contents of the request.

"Do you want to have us take the children with us?" [Yuna]

"Yes, I would like you to escort them to the capital." [Cedric]

"Are you sure?" [Grey]

"About what?" [Cedric]

"You know, about entrusting your children to us. We just met like a few minutes ago, you know?" [Grey]

"Well... I know it was rude doing it, but I've actually had you two investigated already. I really apologize for doing it. I just wanted to make sure that no harm befalls the Aldridge household." [Cedric]

Cedric slightly bowed his head as he apologized to Grey and Yuna for his actions. While Grey and Yuna were a little uncomfortable because of it, it wasn't like they didn't know where he was coming from.

In Merusia, laws are not as complex as the ones on Earth. Laws protecting private and personal information was something which doesn't exist yet. If there were, only those with high status could actually use it.

Of course, as a noble, it was normal for Cedric to be wary of everyone. After all, he just doesn't have one enemy, there are plenty of other nobles, merchants, and of course, criminals which held hatred towards him.

Cedric was especially cautious since he had his children with him. It would be the most disastrous thing if he accidentally invited lunatics into his home. At worst, it could bring downfall throughout all of his territory.

"Haah... It's alright. Anyway, this request of yours, we're fine with doing it. But please make it an escorting quest from the adventurer's guild." [Grey]

"If it's just that, then there's no problem. I'll officially request it from you as a special quest. Other than that, isn't there anything more you need?" [Cedric]

"Well, if the children are obedient then everything would be perfect." [Grey]

"Un. It would be hard to escort them if they're mischievous." [Yuna]

Grey and Yuna relayed in the least disrespectful way. After all, there aren't just one of two noble children who are arrogant and problematic. The two of them were just lucky with Eliza as she was a really good child.

"Don't worry, they're really obedient. Their names are Elnart and Galvin, 7 and 5 years old, respectively. Since my wife is working at the capital, I'm raising them up alone here in Galderia." [Cedric]

Hearing Cedric's words, Grey and Yuna immediately understood by what he meant for the children to "enjoy" the capital.Just like Fritz, Cedric was another case of a father raising his children without the mother.

While neither parties wanted it, as nobles, they had responsibility to fulfill within the capital. Even when they didn't want to part with their loved ones, they had no other choice but to do so.

Cedric didn't directly day it, but from his words alone, it was apparent that he only wanted his children to spend as much time as possible with their mother. Something Grey and Yuna could relate to full well.

"Alright, we'll be taking it." [Grey]

"We'll make sure to take care of the children." [Yuna]

"Thank you, I'm really grateful for this." [Cedric]

A wave of happiness welled up in Cedric's heart as soon as he heard Grey and Yuna's replies. While he also wanted to spend the most time with his wife, he is already satisfied that his children could do so.

"Well, if that's all, then we'll be taking our leave. Also, please prepare your kids, we'll be departing tomorrow." [Grey]

"Huh?! That soon?!" [Cedric]

"The sooner the better, right? You can consider it as thanks for introducing the tea supplier to us." [Grey]

"Grey's right. We'd also love it if the children could 'enjoy' the most out of the royal capital." [Yuna]

"Ah... Thank you very much." [Cedric]

Showing his gratitude, Cedric bowed his head and expressed his words clearly with sincerity. It felt strange for a lord to bow to them over and over again, but they just accepted his actions without saying a word.

With their meeting over, Grey and Yuna headed out of the mansion and back to the "Rabbit's Den", heading to the market on a little pit stop to buy a few ingredients before they head to the capital.

By the time they arrived at the Rabbit's Den, coincidentally, lunch time had just finished. It was the perfect time to cook curry and pizza which Grey and Yuna had agreed to cook as they shopped for ingredients.

"Mister Gerd, I'll be borrowing the kitchen again." [Grey]

"Sure. Lunch is already finished anyway. Are you going to cook curry again?" [Gerd]

"Yeah. That, and one other food." [Grey]

"Another food, eh..." [Gerd]

Gerd tilted his head a little as he tried to guess what Grey would be cooking, but after remembering all the new and novel dishes Grey had cooked, he gave up immediately as it might not even be something he knows of.

"Hmm... And that food is...?" [Gerd]

"It's pizza!" [Yuna]

Yuna exclaimed happily as she announced to the whole world the name of the food she had taken a liking to quite lately. Her eyes were sparkling so brightly that Gerd was easily overwhelmed by it.

And just like he thought, it was something he had no knowledge about. All he could think of after hearing the name was some sort of stew or dessert. Something he was totally wrong about.

"Pizza... What a strange name... Mind if I observe you cooking it?" [Gerd]

"Hm, I don't mind." [Grey]

When Grey gave his consent along with Yuna nodding her head quietly, Gerd took a chair from the inn's diner and took a seat just some distance away from the two of them, observing quietly like a curious child.

"Yuna, please help me prepare the ingredients." [Grey]

"Un!" [Yuna]

Excitedly, Yuna headed to the kitchen table with Grey and then prepared the ingredients with swiftness and precision. As for Grey, he prepared the dough and shaped it into that of a circle,

After a few minutes, the raw uncooked pizza was placed inside the large oven. Soon after, a familiar appetizing aroma wafted throughout the whole kitchen as the pizza was almost done cooking.

If it was him back then, Grey would have felt uncomfortable working while someone was watching, but after his daily interactions with Gerd and Rhodes, he just got used to it. Now, it didn't even matter if he was out in the public, he would still be able to cook just as he normally would,

Although Grey was thankful that he developed tolerance to it because of Rhodes and Gerd, he still felt a little conflicted that he had gotten used to it. Contrary to him, Yuna didn't show a single care as she was fixated on the pizza.

"By the way, Mister Gerd, Yuna and I will be departing tomorrow for the capital. We'll probably stay there for about a month." [Grey]

"Eh? You're departing again, Grey, Yuna?" [Helen]

Coincidentally, just as Grey was talking to Gerd about his and Yuna's departure, Helen walked inside the kitchen, overhearing their conversation with a trace of shock on her face.

As their friend, she felt a little troubled about what to feel. She fully understood that it was a part of their jobs as adventurers, but at the same time, she couldn't help but feel lonely with them going away again.

"It hasn't even been a month since you've returned. Are you going on another quest again?" [Helen]

"Yeah. It's something we couldn't do anything about. Yuna and I also want to decline it but it would just be troublesome if we did." [Grey]

"Un... The quest is from someone we can't say no to." [Yuna]

"I see... Looks like it will be lonely for a while again..." [Helen]

Helen commented with dejected eyes and voice. It was clear that she was reluctant to part with them again, but couldn't do anything about it. Luckily, Grey and Yuna just happened to be cooking something that can cheer her up.

As the aroma of the pizza fully wafted the whole room, even with her dejected expression, Helen couldn't help herself but be drawn to the oven. There, she found a mysterious food being cooked to perfection.

With Helen's attention fixed on the oven, Grey slowly and gently took the cooked pizza out of the oven and placed it inside a new one. The smell was already appetizing, but after seeing it in its full glory, everyone couldn't help but feel hungry.

"Here, everyone, have a bite." [Grey]

Grey swiftly cut the pizza into 8 large pieces, and distributed it to everyone. Gerd in particular looked forward to how the pizza tasted as his blood as a cook boiled in excitement.

""""Thank you for the food!""""

Their voices in unison, everyone gleefully took a bit to the still hot pizza, to which their faces shone with happiness after getting a taste. Even Helen who was dejected wore a smile on her face after a single bite.

"Ah! So delicious!" [Helen]

"As expected of the two of you! Yet another delicious dish!" [Gerd]

"Mmm~ I really do like pizza, after all!" [Yuna]

"Hey, hey, Yuna, slow down a little. You'll choke at this rate." [Grey]

"Oh my, what do we have here?" [Selia]

Just as all four of them enjoyed their slice, Selia happened to walk in on them. They have totally forgotten to invite her, making all of them feel a little guilty.

"Ah, dear, I was just about to call you. Here, have some as well." [Gerd]

"Fufu, thank you, dear." [Selia]

Thankfully, Gerd was there to solve the problem. With their years of being married together, he already knew how to handle his wife, or rather, he knew how to make the situation less awkward.

Only a fool dense enough would fall for Gerd's words. Even then. Selia just accepted her husband's offer happily and partook on lunch with everyone. She was not one to destroy the mood. It was yet another hearty meal.


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