YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 64: Spaghetti and Macaroni!

Bang Bang Bang

"Grey! Wake uppppp!" [Yuna]

Accompanied by Yuna's unusually loud voice, a similarly loud banging on the door echoed throughout the whole room. That was the first thing that had greeted Grey the moment he woke up.

After his long night of making his gift for Yuna, Grey still wanted to sprawl lazily on the bed and waste his morning that way. Even when he wanted to, because of Yuna making such loud noises, he couldn't.

The more time passed that Grey did not answer, the more aggressive Yuna's "knocking" became. She was becoming increasingly worried that Grey still didn't respond. Her knocking only stopped when she heard Grey's footsteps.

Groggily, Grey headed towards the door like a sleepy zombie, his eyes barely open and his hair greatly greatly disheveled. He put no effort into fixing himself a little bit. After all, Yuna had seen that side of him countless times already.

"Geez, what took you so lonー" [Yuna]

The moment Grey opened the door, Yuna tried to show her dissatisfaction, but before she could even finish her words, Grey grasped her into his embrace and held her tightly, making her both flustered and confused.

"G-Grey...?" [Yuna]

"This is punishment for waking me up." [Grey]

"I... I see... What a cruel punishment..." [Yuna]

Yun just let Grey embrace her tightly without showing any signs of resistance. She was also enjoying the warmth of Grey's body and the sound of his heartbeats as she placed her head on his chest.

Grey embraced Yuna for about a minute, and during that time, Grey enjoyed Yuna's facial expressions. Especially when her cheeks and ears were painted in a rosy tint from being flustered.

"You seem tired." [Yuna]

"Mmm... I tried organizing the items we got from the Labyrinth yesterday, so I didn't get much sleep." [Grey]

"Sorry, I wasn't able to help." [Yuna]

"Don't worry about it. I also had fun doing it." [Grey]

Just like he said, Grey was actually having a little bit of fun as he organized the things they managed to acquire. And rather than having Yuna help, he was actually thankful that she wasn't present yesterday.

If Yuna was there, Grey wouldn't have been able to craft the necklace he made throughout the night. He wanted it to be a surprise to Yuna and wanted to see how she would react to it.

"Ah, right. Grey, breakfast is almost ready. I came to tell you that." [Yuna]

"..." [Grey]

Grey was left speechless from Yuna's statement. With the amount of noise she created, he had assumed she had something far more important to tell him. But it turned out it was actually quite trivial.

"Pfft." [Grey]

"What's so funny...?" [Yuna]

"Nothing... I'm just thinking how cute my girlfriend is." [Grey]

Accompanied by a gentle patting in her head, Grey's words made Yuna's face instantly beet red. She was red all the way to her ears that Grey wanted to tease her more.

After all, even if they had already become lovers, they showed their affections more in action rather than words. While they do say sweet things to one another from time to time, they still haven't gotten used to it.

"W-What are you saying all of a sudden?! Surprise attacks like that are unfair!" [Yuna]

Or so she says, but Grey had also received quite the number of surprise attacks from Yuna, and destructive ones at that. Rather than teasing her, it was more like he was just returning the favor.

"Well then, let's head to the dining room." [Grey]

"H-Hey, Grey! Don't ignore me!" [Yuna]

With Yuna complaining cutely and Grey teasingly ignoring her, the two headed to the dining room to have breakfast. There, everyone was already seated in their seats only waiting for them to arrive.

"Sorry, did we make you wait?" [Grey]

"No, we just arrived. Anyway, why didn't you tell me yesterday that Yuna and you had become lovers already?" [Fritz]

Surprise was evident in Grey's eyes when he heard Fritz's words. He was sure that he hadn't told anyone yet about his relationship with Yuna.

"Liz told me." [Fritz]

But the culprit was easily revealed as Fritz saw the signs of surprise on Grey's eyes. It was none other than Eliza who was looking at the two of them with sparkling eyes as if she was proud of being able to announce it to the whole world.

During their sleepover the night before, Grey and Yuna had talked about a lot of topics as they tried to catch up with one another. They eventually found themselves on the topic of romance, resulting in the current situation.

"I wasn't really trying to hide it. I just didn't have the right opportunity to tell you yesterday." [Grey]

"Well, I had expected the two of you to become lovers sooner or later anyway, so even if you didn't tell me, it would only be a matter of time before I figured it out." [Fritz]

"Urgh... Were we really that obvious?" [Grey]

"Yes, you are. Anyone with a pair of clear eyes would be able to tell easily. Especially when the both of you look at one another. It was really obvious." [Fritz]

Fritz's words made the two embarrassed of their past actions. They initially thought that they had hidden it well enough, but oh boy were they totally wrong.

Almost all of their acquaintances already figured out something was going on with the two of them. If there was one which didn't, it would only be Eliza who was still young and not familiar with the matters of love.

"Still, I want to congratulate the two of you for becoming lovers." [Fritz]

"Congratulations, Elder Brother Grey, Elder Sister Yuna!" [Eliza]

"Congratulations, Your Excellencies. I hope the two of you will have a healthy relationship together." [Sebastian]

"Please allow me to cook for your marriage." [Rhodes]

Following Fritz's lead, everyone congratulated Grey and Yuna for hooking up with each other. There was only one who was a little off. It was Rhodes who was already thinking far ahead into the future.

After relating their sincere congratulations to Grey and Yuna, everyone then had their breakfast. As usual, the dishes made by the chefs were very delicious. There was just one detail Grey couldn't help but notice.

Other than the fact that the dishes served were mostly red or orange in color, there was a distinguishable taste of tomatoes present in all of them. It wasn't just any normal tomato, it was from an ingredient Grey knew too well.

"Hm? Did all of these use tomato sauce?" [Grey]

"As expected of Lord Grey! I knew you'd notice!" [Rhodes]

It was tomato sauce. All of the dishes present on the dining table had used tomato sauce. Additionally, they were all new dishes neither Grey and Yuna had tasted on their stay before they headed to the Labyrinth.

"Did you make all of these, Mister Rhodes?" [Grey]

"Haha, It may not be much, but I'm quite proud of them. How do they taste like Lord Grey and Lady Yuna?" [Rhodes]

"They're very delicious! I could eat them all day!" [Yuna]

"Yuna's right. The balance of flavors are just right. They're not too heavy to the stomach either. You've made amazing dishes, Mister Rhodes." [Grey]

"I'm glad you liked it!" [Rhodes]

"Good for you, Rhodes." [Fritz]

Hearing Grey and Yuna's praises, Rhodes' smile extended from ear to ear. He was very happy that he received amazing remarks from two of the people he respects as great cooks.

But even with the variety of dishes present on the dining table, Grey couldn't help but feel that there was something missing. If one were to talk about dishes using tomato sauce, then "they" would definitely be mentioned.

"All that's missing is pasta..." [Grey]

"Pasta...?" [Fritz]

Grey suddenly blurted out what he was thinking as he finished drinking his glass of water. His sudden remarks intrigued everyone in the dining hall. Rhodes, whose senses as a cook were tingling, was especially excited.

Just like many of the dishes Grey had made before, pasta does not exist in Merusia. There are some simple forms of noodles present, but the pasta which is very popular on Earth is nowhere to be seen.

In Merusia, the main sources of carbohydrates are bread, pastries, and sweets. Unlike meat and plants, dishes made with flour are not as prominent. The only places which used them were the bakeries, pastry shops, and cafes.

"Hm.., Pasta, huh... Spaghetti would be nice..." [Yuna]

Aside from Grey, the only one who knew what Grey was talking about was Yuna. After all, they have already been together for almost three years. Yuna had tried many dishes Grey had cooked.

"Lord Grey, what is this pasta you're talking about?" [Rhodes]

"Umm... Basically, it's a category of dishes made from flour, eggs, and various ingredients." [Grey]

"Flour and eggs... Is it some type of bread?" [Fritz]

"Are we making bread, Elder Brother Grey?!" [Eliza]

Confusion and misunderstandings spread like wildfire as Grey's explanation didn't quite form an image inside their mind. All they could think of when flour was mentioned was something made in the oven.

Grey tried to explain further what he meant and Yuna also helped, but it was useless. They were also having a hard time describing it with the variety of shapes and sizes pasta could take.

"Umm... How about I'll cook some for lunch?" [Grey]

"Really? We'll be having pasta for lunch?!" [Yuna]

"Oh! Looks like I'll have another opportunity to witness another one of Lord Grey's fantastic creations!" [Rhodes]

"Looks like I'll have to look forward to lunch then." [Fritz]

"I'm sure it'll be delicious since Elder Brother Grey is making it!" [Eliza]

Grey's suggestion garnered a variety of responses from everyone. All of their words were positive and full of great anticipation that Grey felt a little burdened by their expectations.

"Yuna, looks like I'll be needing your help once again." [Grey]

"Un! Leave it to me!" [Yuna]

With a dazzling smile on her face, Yuna enthusiastically replied to Grey's request. Other than wanting to eat pasta, she was also happy that Grey was relying on her. It made her feel as if she was being a proper girlfriend.

After their breakfast, Fritz and Sebastian headed to the office to continue their work while Grey, Yuna, Eliza, and Rhodes headed to the kitchen to make the pasta they will be eating for lunch.

"Are these really all we need, Lord Grey?" [Rhodes]

On the table, there was only flour, eggs, oil, and salt. They were four very basic ingredients you could just about find in any marketplace.

"Yeah, but this is only for the dough. After the dough is made, depending on what kind of pasta we will be making, we'll need more ingredients." [Grey]

"Then what kind of pasta are we making today, Lord Grey." [Rhodes]

"We'll be making spaghetti and macaroni." [Grey]

"Waah~ It's been some time since I've had them..." [Yuna]

Yuna commented with a nostalgic tone in her voice but an excited expression on her face. Her expression quickly intrigued Eliza who was just listening to their conversation closely.

"Is it delicious, Elder Sister Yuna?" [Eliza]

"It's very delicious! I'm sure you'll like it!" [Yuna]

"Ahh~ I can't wait!" [Eliza]

As soon as she heard Yuna's response, Eliza just seated herself quietly near the kitchen table as she watched everyone else prepare the dough and knead them thoroughly.

Eliza wanted to help, but with her inexperience in the kitchen, she was afraid she'll just slow them down. All she could do was sit and watch quietly so as to not cause any sort of disturbance or distraction.

Seeing Eliza so quiet, Grey felt a little sad for her. It was then that he thought of an idea to keep her occupied as they cooked the pasta.

『Polaris, can you hear me?』 [Grey]

『I can hear you loud and clear, Master.』 [Polaris]

Telepathy. With the bond of master and familiar, they could share their thoughts without opening their mouths. Even when Polaris was still in Grey's "shadow", he could still communicate with his master.

『Could you and the others turn yourselves into wolf pups?』 [Grey]

『Yes, we can... But why so suddenly, Master?』 [Polaris]

Polaris answered politely even when he was surprised by the sudden question. The other familiars were also listening to their conversation. They were just as puzzled as Polaris was.

『There's someone I want to cheer up. She's important to Yuna and me so I want the five of you to help us with it.』 [Grey]

『I see... Then by your command』 [Polaris]

『Thanks. I'll be sure to treat you guys someday.』 [Grey]

『There's no need, Master. We're just glad to be of use.』 [Polaris]

After their telepathic conversation ended, Polaris and the other familiars shrunk themselves and shapeshifted into wolf pups. The five majestic creatures which exude a domineering aura were now in the form of fluffy furballs.

Grey also let Yuna on what he told the familiars which she agreed to wholeheartedly. Even more than Grey, she wanted Eliza to enjoy and play rather than just watch silently while being left out.

"Huh?!" [Eliza]

A voice full of surprise suddenly came out of Eliza's mouth as she noticed 5 little wolf pups by the bottom of the chair. They didn't have any pets in the mansion so she was very surprised when they suddenly showed up out of nowhere.

They were already very adorable with how small and cuddly they were, but with their tails wagging energetically, both of Eliza's heart and attention was immediately captured by them.

"They're mine and Yuna's familiar's. Cute, aren't they?" [Grey]

"Do you want to play with them, Liz?" [Yuna]

"Really, can I?!" [Eliza]

"Un. As long as you behave properly." [Yuna]

"Yaay~! Thank you!" [Eliza]

Eliza's expression quickly brightened up the moment she heard Yuna's response. She hastily hopped off her chair and cuddled with the tiny wolf pups whose eyes were just as bright as her smile.

"Lord Grey, that..." [Rhodes]

"Don't worry, their fur doesn't fall off. They also don't bring any parasites or dirt so you can rest assured." [Grey]

"I see... That's a relief then." [Rhodes]

With Eliza happy and Rhodes relieved, they then continued with the making of the pasta.

After kneading the dough, Grey used a little bit of magic to entirely skip the process of waiting, but he made sure to instruct Rhodes how long he would usually need to wait and what else he needed to do.

The sauce was prepared, the meat was cooked, and the cheese was brought out. Shaping the pasta took the most work, but after a couple of hours, they had finally finished everything.

Grey and Yuna also helped out in the kitchen with the other dishes as soon as they were done with the spaghetti and macaroni. At lunch, everything they made was served and everyone finally had a taste of pasta.

"Mmm~ So delicious!" [Eliza]

"As delicious as ever, Your Excellencies. You never cease to amaze me." [Sebastian]

"It really is another great dish! Grey, what do you say we also introduce these to the market?" [Fritz]

Along with the praises received, Fritz offered another business proposal to Grey, It was another lengthy and professional negotiation over the dining table.

Just like with the tomato sauce, the Landevar household will endorse it and the Merchants' guild will handle all transactions. With it, Grey and Yuna's source of income has increased.

"By the way, Yuna, Grey, when do you two plan on going back to Galderia? I assume that you will be returning there soon now that the Labyrinth of Death has gone inactive." [Fritz]

With Fritz's words, Grey and Yuna suddenly remembered their plans on staying in Moterno. Just like what Fritz said, they had no more reasons to stay behind as the Labyrinth of Death had closed.

Even if they wanted to stay with Eliza for a little longer, they also made a promise to Helen that they'll return as soon as possible. Besides, their base of operations was Galderia, not Moterno.

"Hmm... If nothing goes wrong, we might depart tomorrow morning." [Grey]

"Tomorrow, huー" [Fritz]

Clang Clang Langggg

Before Fritz could finish his words, Eliza's hands had stopped from moving and her utensils fell from her hand, causing a clanging sound. It was a familiar scene neither Grey and Yuna could forget even if they wanted to.

"Eh? Tomorrow...?" [Eliza]

They could recall the scene that Eliza bawled heavily the moment they mentioned moving out of the mansion. It was the same scene when Eliza acted like a spoiled child that didn't want to be separated from Grey and Yuna.

It has only been two months since they met but Eliza had already become very attached to the two of them. If she bawled her eyes out before, it wasn't difficult to imagine that she would do the same thing again.

"Umm... Lizー" [Yuna]

"Elder Brother Grey, Elder Sister Yuna!" [Eliza]

But rather than crying, Eliza's eyes were filled with resolve. A strong flame of determination was raging inside her eyes. It was a completely different reaction than before.

"I have a final request!" [Eliza]


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