YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 6: Getting Stronger

The dark and gloomy days have passed and the sun has started to illuminate the world once again. The girl who had barely eaten a bite was now happily eating every dish that was given to her. It was a joyous occasion.

After the girl's suicide attempt, she had bawled her eyes out for a couple of hours before falling asleep on Grey's shoulder. To let her sleep peacefully, Grey moved her to his bedroom and laid her down on the bed. As for Grey, he just grabbed a futon and slept on the floor.

The day after, the girl apologized to Grey with a flustered face which seemed much healthier than before. Her eyes which were once very dull also showed its true colors like deep blue diamonds shining under the light of the stars. Her voice which can barely be heard became a smooth melody which harmonizes with the wind. Most importantly, her pale complexion had become a little bit healthier.

Naturally, what came after that was an introduction of the two to each other. And as he already knew the girl's name, he couldn't help but feel guilty about taking a peek without permission.

With the passing of time, the girl eventually recovered her healthy constitution and was once again able to smile like a normal girl. While some may doubt if it was a real smile, Grey who possesses "Judgement" knew that it was a sincere one.

The days passed by and it has been almost a week since Grey had rescued the elven girl who was named "Yuna" was able to go outside on her own once again, but the moment she went outside, she had burned Grey with a troublesome request.

"Umm, so what you're saying is... you want to train in both spells and arts. Did I hear that right?" [Grey]

Doubting his ears, Grey checked again and again if Yuna really requested to be trained in magic, and in response to Grey's question, she just nodded silently and enthusiastically.

Yuna's request was something that Grey could do easily as he just needs to give her instructions based on the knowledge he received. While he'll have less time in the dungeon if Yuna needs to train alone, he could still improve his skills on aspects other than battling. There really wasn't a large drawback, the only problem was if it was the right thing to do.

Another thing to note was Yuna's objective. The day after Yuna had started to eat once again, Grey had told her his hypothesis about how someone deliberately brought ruin to the village. To his surprise, although there were little traces of shock, Yuna was calm and collected after she heard Grey's words.

Now, Grey is worried why Yuna wants to suddenly get stronger? Was it to extract revenge? Was it to vent out her frustrations? Or was it solely for self-improvement? Grey didn't know.

"Why?" [Grey]

"What do you mean "why"?" [Yuna]

"I meant... Why... Why do you want to get stronger?" [Grey]

To Grey's question, Yuna fell into silence. Although she was trying to hide it, Grey could easily notice her trembling slightly.

"Do you remember what you told me before? About the destruction of the village... you said that someone might be behind it. That's why I want to get stronger so that I can make that someone pay for what they did." [Yuna]

'So it was for revenge after aー' [Grey]

"Also, I don't want to lose anyone anymore. That's why I will become strong so that I can protect those who are precious to me." [Yuna]

Before Grey could finish his thoughts, Yuna cut in and continued her reasoning. It was such pure reasoning that it made Grey show a smile of relief.

'I see... So she's "that" kind of character' [Grey]

Hearing Yuna's reasoning, Grey started to reminisce about the protagonists of the animated shows he saw when he was younger. In his head, Yuna really was giving off the same kind of characteristics with them that he couldn't help to chuckle under his breath.

In addition to that, Yuna's resolve, although rough, was quite strong. With that kind of resolve, Grey knew she wouldn't back down even if he had refused her.

"Haah.... Alright" [Grey]

Getting Grey's approval, Yuna's face beamed with pure and sincere happiness. Her face was so bright that it was blinding to the eyes.

Basking in Yuna's smiling face, Grey chuckled as he pulled out an "Armament Ring" from his "Inventory".

Like his, the "Armament Ring" he pulled out was a platinum ring with dozens of mysterious and mystical engravings on it. It was a ring which can transform into a weapon which was programmed into it.

Yuna had already seen Grey pull out many things from who knows where so she wasn't surprised at all seeing such a spectacle again. She just believed that it was an ability or spell of some sort.

"Here, take it." [Grey]

Not understanding Grey's intentions, Yuna tilted her head in confusion like a little child who just witnessed a strange object for the first time.

"Don't worry, it won't harm you. It's just a ring which can transform into weapons like mine here." [Grey]

Grey explained as he showed a similar platinum ring that he was wearing and demonstrated the transformation of the ring into gauntlets. It was an exhibition which made Yuna's eyes shine even brighter.

"While mine turns into gauntlets, this ring will turn into a pair of daggers at your command." [Grey]

"Amazing... I've never seen something like that before" [Yuna]

While there may be items with similar properties scattered all over Merusia. apart from the ones Grey have, they are quite literally unique. After all, those very items were a gift from God.

"But... why daggers?" [Yuna]

Seeing as to how Grey picked a weapon without any hesitation and consultation from her, Yuna became puzzled with Grey's actions. After all, she will be the one using those daggers.

Grey wanted to hide the real reason but he had no other choice but to reveal his abilities. Otherwise, his explanations wouldn't make any sense at all.

Adding to the fact that they are going to train for who knows how long, Yuna would inevitably find out about it anyway so there weren't any advantages in hiding it. In fact, it would be better to know each other's abilities if they wanted to work together.

Without further ado, Grey explained his other abilities as simply as he could to Yuna. Of course, he left out the part about reincarnation and meeting God, not that anyone would believe in him even if he did.

He also explained about Yuna's ability which was called "Nihility". A very unique and powerful ability that perhaps only Yuna has in the whole world.

Like how "Combat Power" are categorized into "Threat Level", abilities are also categorized into tiers by how rare and powerful they are. Starting from the weakest "1☆" which slightly enhances physical abilities to the strongest "5☆" which can defy the very laws of the world.

Of course, Grey's "Divine" rank abilities are outside of the norm. After all, they were meant to be abilities only Gods have. They are abilities that can easily overturn the tide of any battle and can even change fate itself.

Yuna's ability was a "5☆", the highest rank which only 1 in 400 million or so people have. In the whole of Merusia, there are only 4 people who possessed abilities of the same caliber. Yuna, in other words, is the 5th and youngest living 5☆ ability user.

Unlike the abilities of lower levels, 5☆ abilities have at least 2 effects, and Yuna's "Nihility" was one which possessed 3. One could only imagine the possibilities and potential Yuna possessed.

Like Grey's abilities, 5☆ which have multiple effects awaken in stages. The first and only unlocked effect of Yuna's "Nihility" was "Presence Concealment", which as the name describes conceals the presence of anything and everything in range with the ability user.

While it wouldn't use mana if used on users themselves, casting it one other people or objects will drain mana the longer the concealment is in effect. The bigger the object is, the more mana it will need.

The reason Yuna survived the incident might also have been because of this ability. Because of it, the Magma Crawler wasn't able to sense her life force and didn't attack their house. Of course, luck and her parents' protection also played in her survival.

Daggers are the main weapons of an "Assassin", and Grey handing out Yuna that kind of "Armament Ring" basically meant he was asking Yuna to become one.

As an assassin, one needs to conceal themselves and attack in the shadows. Just with "Presence Concealment" alone, Yuna was basically fated to be one. One which has the potential to be the best assassin that has ever lived.

The daggers also had the ability "Bleeding Edge" that aggravates the wounds the wielder inflicts and stops them from healing. Not only that, with every wound inflicted, the wielder's strength would be temporarily enhanced by a small amount.

"Amazing!" [Yuna]

Hearing Grey's reasoning, Yuna happily accepted the ring and placed it on her right ring finger. She then proceeded to stare at it enthusiastically as she held her hand up towards the sky.

Of course, the "Armament Ring" wasn't the only thing Grey gave to Yuna. Apart from the one whose "Phoenix Heart" is still recharging, Grey still had 2 more spare "Divine Amulets". One, he equipped himself, the other, he lent it to Yuna.

Grey thought of lending Yuna other things but seeing that Yuna doesn't have any storage-related items or ability, he decided to stop for the day and hand it over at a later time.

"Ummm... If I'm interfering with your training, it's fine if you don't train me, I will be alright by myself." [Yuna]

Seeing Grey deeply bothered by something, Yuna put up a string front and voiced out a timid suggestion.

"Ah, if you think you're being a bother, that isn't the case at all." [Grey]

"Oh, sorry... I thought you might get burdened by my request... so... I just thought thatー" [Yuna]

"You really don't need to think like that. You really aren't bothering. It's just... there's something else I'm concerned about." [Grey]

True to what he said, Grey was not in the very least bothered by Yuna. What he was worried about was the Special Dungeon.

Normally, it would summon monsters based on the person's skills. At first, Grey worried about what it would summon when more than one person enters, but from his knowledge, it seemed that the dungeon would just summon a mix of monsters based on the skills of the people who had entered.

To Grey, the monsters might become many times easier, but for the first-timer Yuna, it would still be very hard training. Fortunately, the dungeon will stop when the trainees are exhausted or injured enough.

It could also be the chance for Grey to learn how to fight with someone, and also how to fight while protecting someone. Something that he might have to experience sooner or later.

With a quick run through, Grey explained a few things to Yuna about the dungeon, her "Ice" attribute, and the dagger class. To which, Grey was surprised about how Yuna absorbed his teachings like a sponge.

"Waaahhh~ They're really glowing! Look, Grey, they're glowing!" [Yuna]

Seeing the crystals in the walls glow the moment they entered the dungeon, Yuna was shocked and amazed at the same time. For some time, she acted like a child who just witnessed an amazing scene for the first time.

Watching by her side, Grey was giggling to himself as he saw Yuna act excitedly and curiously as she tried to examine the crystals.

Cute... That was the only thing that popped up in Grey's mind as he observed Yuna's acts of excitement. He could even see her pointy ears twitching from time to time.

"Waaahh~ I wonder how much these crystals cost." [Yuna]

When they were about to enter the dungeon, although she tried to act tough, Yuna was trembling from nervousness. But now, none of that nervousness could be seen. In fact, she might have completely forgotten the reason they entered the dungeon in the first place.

The two have already descended into the battlegrounds and Yuna was still looking in all directions, observing every nook and cranny of the dungeon.

"Yuna, stay behind me." [Grey]

"Hm?" [Yuna]

"They're here!" [Grey]

As soon as Grey finished his words, mana had finished concentrating into the center and from it spawned a bunch of monsters made up of two types.

The first things one would notice were the group of 5 minotaurs standing more than 5 meters tall. They are muscular humanoid monsters with the head and tail of a bull, belonging to the "Earth" attribute. They also happen to be at the pinnacle of D-rank that could easily shatter a boulder into smithereens in a single blow.

Along those gigantic and terrifying minotaurs were the slow and harmless slimes swarming the ground. The contrast between the two types of monsters was so large, it was bewildering.

"Okay, just like we planned. I'll take care of the Minotaurs, you take care of the slimes!" [Grey]

"Y-Yes!" [Yuna]

As soon as the monsters noticed, Grey immediately dashed towards them, leaving dust clouds on his wake.

Yuna on the other hand, was concentrating hard as she tried to conjure her first spell with Grey's teachings as her guide. Of course, unlike Grey who had scientific knowledge, Yuna had a little bit of a hard time visualizing the spell.

The moment Grey closed in to the Minotaurs, a Minotaur hastily swung down its gigantic battleaxe towards the ground where Grey was. The moment it hit the ground, the ground quaked as large chunks of soil were heaved upwards and a cloud of dust formed from the impact.

Unfortunately for the Minitaur, Grey's speed far surpassed its strike. The moment the dust cloud cleared up, Grey was nowhere to be seen in the ground.

"I'm up here!" [Grey]

The moment the Minotaur noticed Grey, it was already too late to counterattack as Grey's fist was already a fraction of a second away from connecting to its skull.


A sound like thunder echoed throughout the dungeon as Grey's fist shattered the skull of a Minotaur. The Minotaur, notwithstanding the impact, fell to the ground and vanished into mana soon after.

Of course, the moment it perished, a storm of mana brewed up, ready to summon another Minotaur in its place to continue the training.

Like a lantern gathering insects towards it, Grey became a target to which the Minotaurs charged relentlessly. The slimes who tried to target Grey didn't have a chance as they were stomped on by the giant feet of the Minotaurs.

As the fight became more intense on Grey's side, the slimes which were further away from Grey started to target Yuna which was closer to them.

⟨⟨Ice Lance!⟩⟩ [Yuna]

Just as the slimes were about to reach Yuna, she finally grasped the spell and fired a large and sharp chuck of ice towards them, obliterating every slime that approached in a straight line.

Spit might have taken Yuna a longer time than Grey to comprehend the spell, but she was still able to do it on her first try. It was a sign that she was a prodigy born rarely every few million people.

"Hap!" [Yuna]

To the slimes which weren't aligned to Yuna's "Ice Lance", they were met with the sharp edge of Yuna's daggers.

With a single downwards swing, the slimes met their end at the hands of Yuna. Not only did they die, they also provided a temporary boost to Yuna's physical strength, with the help of "Bleeding Edge".

Left... Right... Center... Down... To the back...

⟨⟨Ice Lance!⟩⟩ [Yuna]

The more slimes Yuna's dagger cut, the faster and stronger each of her strikes became, and when all slimes within proximity were defeated, Yuna shot a spell towards those located far from her.

There were times when a Minotaur tried to target Yuna instead of Greu, but before they could go near her, they were greeted by Grey's fists and quickly met their ends.

"Hap! Haah... Haahh... Haa!" [Yuna]

While Yuna's physical strength improved the more wounds she inflicted and slimes she cut, her fatigue accumulation became an issue. Not to mention that she was also running out of mana.

"!!!" [Yuna]

Just as she was about to cut another slime, Yuna noticed in the corner of her eyes was a Minotaur who was about to hit Grey from behind. It was a strike, which if it will surely cause harm to Grey.

"Grey, watch out! ⟨⟨Ice Lance⟩⟩ !" [Yuna]

Without a moment's hesitation, Yuna conjured a spell as fast as he could and fired it towards the Minotaur. And while it would be useless against its thick hide, Yuna aimed it so that it would hit the Minotaur's eyes.

Like an accurate bullet, the "Ice Lance" struck the center of the Minotaur's left eye, causing it to flinch and miss its attack. The moment it opened its eyes, Grey was already in front of it, his right fist thrusting towards its forehead.

With a single punch, the Minotaur fell to the ground and immediately vanished into thin air, once again turning into mana like others which were defeated before it.

"Thanks, Yuna!" [Grey]

As Yuna had poured all her remaining mana into that spell, the moment she saw Grey safely defeat the Minotaur, she helplessly fell flat to the ground from relief.

"Ouch!... Huh...?" [Yuna]

The moment Yuna lost her strength, all the monsters within the dungeon stopped and immediately despawned. It seemed like the dungeon had detected that Yuna could no longer continue.

Although Grey had already explained the gist of the dungeon, it was still shocking for Yuna to see the monsters they were just fighting against disappear suddenly. Then again, they also appeared out of nowhere so it cancels out.

"Are you alright?" [Grey]

"Y... Yes... Haah... I'm... just a little tired..." [Yuna]

"Alright. Then here's some water. It will help you calm down." [Grey]

"Un, Thank you..." [Yuna]

After having drank the water, Yuna's breathing slowed down and her body slowly cooled down from moving too much. It was at that time that Yuna realized how hard the path she had chosen was.

Grey asked her once again if she really wants to continue this path, and her answer was just like Grey had expected. Her resolve didn't waver despite how difficult the fight just moments ago was.

Her reply made Grey very happy as not only will he have a housemate, he will also have a training partner over the next 2 and a half years or so.

"So, how long will it take for your mana to recover?" [Grey]

"Give me at two... no, at least one hour... I should have recovered a portion of my mana by then." [Yuna]

"Good, then it's decided. Let's go once again after an hour!" [Grey]

Grey declared with a large smile on his face. Yuna on the other hand....

"Eh? Ehhhhhhh!?" [Yuna]

Thus, it was the start of Yuna's spartan training.


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