YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 58: The Labyrinth Opens

Gloom... There was only a gloomy expression present on Grey's face. Rather than greeting the morning with a bright and relaxed expression, his face looked as if it was the end of the world.

5 days, 23 attempts. That was Grey's current record in trying to confess to Yuna. And each and every one of those attempts were all failures. What's more, each attempt was much worse than the previous ones.

Grey deeply regretted not confessing on the first try. That attempt was the only one which was unsuccessful because of his own ineptitude. The remaining ones failed because of random and sudden circumstances.

"Haah... Forget it, I'll find a way to confess one way or another." [Grey]

Deciding to not think too much about it, Grey prepared himself for the day. He first bath to refresh his mind and body. After which, he wore his trusty set of adventurer clothing. Of course, he didn't forget to check his "Inventory" to make sure everything was ready.

With all things done and ready, Grey headed to the dining hall to fuel his day with a warm and hearty meal. When he arrived, one other person was already sitting there. It was Gustav who will also be participating in the Labyrinth.

"Oh, Lord Grey, good morning. Are you excited for the labyrinth's opening?" [Gustav]

"Well, yeah... It's going to be my first time, after all." [Grey]

"Oh right... You've just registered as an adventurer a couple of months ago. I totally forgot because of your strength." [Gustav]

Gustav commented with a slightly amazed tone. Because of Grey's prowess, he sometimes forgets that the young man before him could still be considered a rookie adventurer. It was one of those moments.

Well, there aren't any rookies in the world capable of battling it out with a lesser dragon. Even amongst the veteran adventurers, only those who are truly capable could stand toe to toe with one.

"Anyway, Lord Grey, that pis... pista... piー" [Gustav]

"Pizza?" [Grey]

"Ah, yes, pizza. Could you please teach me how to make it?" [Gustav]

"Mmm... Sure, why not." [Grey]

A sudden shift in their topic, Gustav suddenly requested to be taught by Grey. While the latter didn't have any problems with it, he was still confused why a man like Gustav would like to learn how to make them.

In a manner which Grey couldn't explain, he felt that something was off with Gustav's request. It was especially suspicious when he heaved a sigh of relief after hearing Grey's positive response.

"But Sir Gustav, why do you want to learn how to make it though?" [Grey]

"Ah, that's because..." [Gustav]

Wanting to confirm things, Grey did not hesitate to ask Gustav of his suspicions, which Gustav answered honestly. The answer was something that Grey didn't expect to come from a respectable military officer.

Apparently, every time Gustav comes back from an expedition, Vanessa would always force him to tell every single detail. And every time there was food involved, she would ask Gustav to make it for her.

As her subordinate, Gustav couldn't do anything about it but follow her orders. He tried to refuse one time but the outcome wasn't pretty. He was made to run a hundred laps on the training grounds with him only wearing his underwear.

After hearing that story, Grey felt pity for Gustav. Grey didn't expect that behind Gustav's bright smile, was hidden a painful and shameful experience caused by the one and only Vanessa.

It was clearly an abuse of authority, and Grey wanted to refute, but when he remembered Vanessa's overbearing personality, he was forced to silence. He didn't want to get dragged into Vanessa's schemes.

"Alright, Sir Gustav, let's head to the kitchen. I'll show you how it's done." [Grey]

"Lord Grey... I'll forever be in your debt!" [Gustav]

A great emotion of joy flooded Gustav's heart at the moment. He could finally be saved from Vanessa's eccentric and sudden whims, It was the very least Grey could do to help out Gustav.

Without wasting any more time, Grey and Gustav headed to the kitchen where Grey briefly demonstrated the process of making pizza, and Gustav took notes of the process without missing a single thing.

Gustav also didn't shy away when he didn't understand something. He immediately asks Grey questions and elaborations. After all, his pride and dignity as a knight is on the line.

"That should be it. Any more questions?" [Grey]

"No, this is more than enough. I'll never forget this kindness, Lord Grey." [Gustav]

"Don't worry about it. Just make sure that you show Big Sisー I mean Lady Vanessa just how capable you are." [Grey]

"Of course!" [Gustav]

To show his gratefulness, Gustav slightly bowed his head towards Grey, and soon after, he then saluted him like how a knight would to their superiors.

Due to Gustav's sudden request, pizza was added into the breakfast meal. It was somewhat strange to have it for breakfast, but what's important was that everyone enjoyed it with smiles plastered on their faces.

After breakfast, Grey, Yuna, Fritz, and Gustav all headed towards the western gate and then headed a little bit north when they exited town. They were heading to the Labyrinth of Death which was the main reason why Grey and Yuna traveled to Moterno in the first place.

While Grey and Yuna have been in Moterno for about a month already, they still have yet to see the Labyrinth. After all, most of their time was spent guarding Eliza and taking quests which happened to be not in the Labyrinth's direction.

Just a few hundred meters outside of town, a large number of people could be noticed gathering by the labyrinth. The labyrinth was like a concert venue on the day of the concert, and the participants were the fans eagerly waiting to see their idols.

"You'll be giving a speech today, right, Fritz?" [Grey]

"I am. It's part of my duty as the lord, and... shouldn't you two be on the front lines now?" [Fritz]

"We'll be heading there shortly." [Grey]

"Hahahaha! May fortune befall you, Lord Grey, Lady Yuna." [Gustav]

"Thank you, Mister Gustav." [Yuna]

Shortly after they arrived at the location, Fritz and Gustav separated with Grey and Yuna to fulfill their duties. Fritz headed to the labyrinth's entrance, while Gustav prepared the knights to head inside the labyrinth.

As for Grey and Yuna, they headed to the front, just like Kris and Aria had previously said. On the way there, not one adventurer bothered them, but rather, gave way for them. Rumors of Grey and Yuna's might have reached the ears of all adventurers.

"Oh, Grey, Yuna, you're here!" [Althea]

The first to greet them was the Guildmaster, Althea, who was facilitating the adventurers. Behind her were Kris, Aria, and three other people. They were the other high-rankers who helped out in the recapture a few days ago.

Other than them being B-rankers, all of them were much older, yet weaker than Kris and Aria. It made Grey once again realize that the two were still geniuses of their own rights even when they banter a lot.

"All right, I'll introduce everyone to you. Starting from the right, it's Kris, Aria, Hela, Grucius, and Jiro. Everyone, this is Grey and Yuna. Although they are young, please don't underestimate them." [Althea]

The Guildmaster introduced the other High-rankers to Grey and Yuna without any sort of honorifics. It seemed that she was comfortable enough with them to the point she could just address them casually.

"I am Hela, leader of the B-rank party 'Green Blaze'. Nice to meet you." [Hela]



[Name] Hela

[Race] Human

[Sex] Female

[Age] 36

[Status] Healthy

[Mana Capacity] 1,092 [Mana Quality] C

[Combat Power] 1,264 [Threat Level] B

[Attribute] Fire [Magic Proficiency] High (53%)

[Class] Archer [Weapon Proficiency] High (52%)

[Physical Enhancement] 54%

[Ability] 『Poison Fire (3☆)』


Despite her age, Hela didn't look a day older than 25. She was the big sister type of character which Grey had remembered from his days of reading fiction works. Behind her are her four party members, all of which were women.

"Call me Grucius, B-rank party 'Scarred Wolves' leader." [Grucius]



[Name] Grucius

[Race] Therianthrope (Wolf Tribe)

[Sex] Male

[Age] 46

[Status] Healthy

[Mana Capacity] 1,221 [Mana Quality] C

[Combat Power] 1,566 [Threat Level] B

[Attribute] Null [Magic Proficiency] High (51%)

[Class] Brawler [Weapon Proficiency] High (58%)

[Physical Enhancement] 61%

[Ability] 『Iron Fist (3☆)』


Grucius was the stereotypical example of an adventurer people usually think of at first. He was tough looking, had a deep voice, a wild appearance, and heck, he even got a scar on his left eye. He was a menacing one.

Behind Grucius were three other members of the wolf tribe, two men and one woman. All of them bore resemblance to Grucius, making Grey infer that they were all related to one another.

"And I'm Jiro. The leader of 'Silent Thunder'. A pleasure to meet you!" [Jiro]



[Name] Jiro

[Race] Human

[Sex] Male

[Age] 34

[Status] Healthy

[Mana Capacity] 1,116 [Mana Quality] C

[Combat Power] 1,341 [Threat Level] B

[Attribute] Lightning [Magic Proficiency] High (53%)

[Class] Assassin [Weapon Proficiency] High (53%)

[Physical Enhancement] 57%

[Ability] 『Stealth (3☆)』


Lastly, there was Jiro. He was that one dude in fictional works whose eyes were always closed. Behind him were three beautiful women. Because of that, many male adventurers are glaring daggers at him.

It is also worth noting that Jiro, like Hela, looked nothing like how their age would suggest. It was the power of being a high-ranker. Your body would do its best to retain its peak form.

"I'm Grey of the B-rank party "Aster". It's also a pleasure to meet you." [Grey]

"I'm Yuna of the same party. We'll be in your care." [Yuna]

After Hela, Grucius, and Jiro introduced themselves, Grey and Yuna also gave their own greetings to them. Surprisingly, none of the other B-rankers were surprised by Grey and Yuna's ranks.

They have already heard a number of rumors about the two and they have already verified from the Guildmaster that they were indeed high-rankers like them. If there was something to be surprised about, it was that they were younger than they had anticipated. Especially Yuna who was still 16 years old.

Of course, Kris and Aria didn't need to introduce themselves anymore. They were already acquainted with everyone's parties because of the past labyrinth explorations they have attended.

"All right, then Yuna, Grey, please ready your position." [Althea]

"Alight," [Grey]

"Un." [Yuna]

Just like how Kris said it would be, the high-rankers were placed in the front, with Krisin the lead. He was then followed by the other High-rankers, then the C-rankers, the D-rankers, the knights, and finally, every other participant.

A few moments later, Fritz walked in front of the large crowd and announced the rules that should be followed while inside the labyrinth. The rules are as follows:

First, no stealing of loot from other participants. Second, only the participants that found the treasure room and their companions can enter the said room. Third, no fighting amongst the participants. Fourth, participants should not meddle in the problems of other participants, unless asked for. And lastly, participants should not put the other participants in danger. Anyone caught breaking these rules will be kicked out and punished accordingly.

The first three rules were self-explanatory. The fourth one is created so that no one complains when their loot is stolen. This is because some participants use the premise of "helping out others" in order to steal their loot.

Lastly, and the most important rule, the fifth one. This is because there were cases where participants who can't beat their opponents, in order to escape, push it to other participants. This usually leads to the other party getting hurt, and in the worst case scenario, death. If proven that a participant did this, they will be subjected to prison and face severe consequences.

"Now, without further ado, I declare the Labyrinth of Death's official opening!" [Fritz]

As Fritz gave the signal, the crowd of participants cheered in joy and excitement. Not wasting any more time, the ones in the front, the high-rankers, dashed their way through inside the labyrinth.

Just like in the special dungeon, when the high-rankers entered the labyrinth, the dungeon torchstones started illuminating the path, and the labyrinth which once looked like the abyss, became a well-lighted tunnel which can give fortunes to the ones who challenges it.

On their way, the vanguards met different types of monsters, there were slimes, goblins, kobolds, and many more. Although it was called the Labyrinth of Death, it didn't mean that only dark-attribute or undead monsters would spawn.

Rather, monsters who are of the dark-attribute or undead-type monsters will get their strength boosted. For example, skeletons which are H-rank will become as strong as G-rank monsters. Thus, participants needed to be wary of them.

Inside the labyrinths, there are 10 floors, with each floor a rank stronger than the previous one. Each floor is also divided into color-coded zones, namely, blue, green, yellow, red, and black. Blue being the safest and Black being the most dangerous.

In order to conquer the labyrinth, one must defeat the boss on the lowest floor, which is of course at Disaster Class. Since the Vanguards are in the front, it is their duty to eliminate any monsters that are too strong for the floor they are in.

After a few dozen minutes, the Vanguards have run kilometers of distance, and after each fork road, less and less of them stayed in one group. After some time, Yuna and Grey were left traveling together with Jiro and his party.

"13 skeletons just about 200 meters ahead." [Grey]

Just like Grey had warned them, after about 200 meters, 13 skeletons appeared out of nowhere. But with relative ease, they took them down in an instant. It couldn't even be considered a fight.

"Whoa~ There really were 13 skeletons. Was that your ability, young man?" [Jiro]

"Yeah, sort of..." [Grey]

"A detection type ability, huh... I wish I had one too..." [Jiro]

Although his eyes were closed, Grey could feel on an instinctual level that Jiro's eyes were sparkling in fascination. It was a topic which one hurt one's head if they think too much about it.

While they had just met, Jiro was already acting friendly towards Grey and Yuna. He was a very outgoing and friendly person who could get along with just about anyone. Though it will probably be hard with men, seeing how the adventurers were looking at him with contempt.

As Grey chatted with Jiro, Yuna was also engaged in a conversation with the ladies. Other than Eliza, it was the first time Grey had seen Yuna open up with strangers very quickly.

Also, along the way, Grey and Yuna learnt that Jiro was not in any sort of harem-type party which the male adventurers thought them to be. Rather, the three ladies in Jiro's party were actually all his little sisters.

"Pretty unbelievable, huh?" [Jiro]

"Well, yeah..." [Grey]

But even with that fact established, Grey couldn't wrap his head around the fact that they were all siblings. Just like every case Grey had encountered, they bore no resemblance to one another.

"Hahaha, right? Even I wouldn't believe myself if I was another person. It's just that they inherited our mother's looks while I inherited our father's." [Jiro]

"Must be tough, huh..." [Grey]

"You could say that again. It's especially tough whenever we're inside the guild. I would always get the contempt and envy of the other adventurers. Though, I made sure to teach them a lesson if they cross the line!" [Jiro]

Jiro ended his sentence with a menacing smile. He had remembered the times when some adventurers tried to lay their hands on his little sisters. Needless to say, all of them received a beating they could never forget.

Grey could wholeheartedly relate to Jiro's experiences. After all, it wasn't just once or twice some unknown men looked at Yuna in undesirable ways. Though they were easily scared off by him.

"Well, I don't do much of that these days. I usually devote my time to my wife and children. We only get together in special events like this one." [Jiro]

A longing yet happy smile appeared on Jiro's face as he looked at his little sisters. He clearly missed adventuring with them but couldn't do it because of the new priorities he had established.

'A family, huh...' [Grey]

Hearing Jiro's words, Grey was also thrusted into deep thought as he reminisced about his life back on Earth. He felt a little empty but also a little happy as he remembered his previous life.

While his parents died early on an accident during his high school days, Grey didn't feel particularly alone as his relatives were there for him. He also had acquaintances and friends in work which he shared happy times with in the office.

But even though he enjoyed interacting with people, he also enjoyed his time alone with his hobbies. While it lacked a little excitement and was a little repetitive, it was not a bad life to say the least.

Though Grey really didn't have too much attachment to that life as he was someone who could move on easily. This time was different, he greatly treasures his time with Yuna and would do everything to protect it.

The times he had spent with her were irreplaceable and were much more valuable than any treasure. Thinking back to that, it made him realize that he really was such a fool to realize his feelings after only a very long time.

"Well, it looks like it's another fork road. I guess this is where we part ways. Make sure to greet us the next time we meet." [Jiro]

"Yeah." [Grey]

As Grey was rethinking his life, a sudden fork road appeared in front of them. It meant that it was time for their parties to go separate ways and make sure to perform their duties as vanguards.

"Take care~!" [Little Sister 1]

"Look out for Black Zones, okay?" [Little Sister 2]

"Un. You too, please take care!" [Yuna]

Having said their goodbyes, Jiro and his little sisters parted ways with Grey and Yuna and headed to the left route, leaving Grey and Yuna alone with each other. Needless to say, it became much quieter with less people around.

"Hey, Yuna, are you ready to go all out?" [Grey]

"Un." [Yuna]

"Well then, in three, two, one, go!" [Grey]

With no other eyes around, Grey and Yuna stopped limiting themselves, and with a signal from Grey, they both sped up to breakneck speed, skillfully cleaning up all the dangerous monsters they met along the way.

Them being on the first floor, all the monsters could easily be killed without the use of magic. Even the Black zones which were swarmed with monsters were easily cleared up with just the two of them.

"Yuna, let's see how far we can go!" [Grey]

"Un!" [Yuna]


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