YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 55: Love and Pizzas (pt. II)

"Pork! Buy your fresh pork here! 20 kiels per kilo only!"

"Apples! Fresh Apples!"

"Salt, Pepper, Chili, You can buy spices at low prices!"

Noise here, noise there, noise could be heard everywhere in the lively and bustling marketplace. It was a place that would always be full as long as there is light from the sun and customers to be served.

Yuna and Aria, along with Eliza, are buying ingredients for the pizza Grey wanted to cook... or that's what they're supposed to be doing. But currently, they are just exploring the market leisurely.

The reason for it was Rhodes. When he overheard Aria and Yuna talking, he happily and generously offered to lend some of his ingredients to them. Because of that, Aria and Yuna were left with nothing to do.

Since they have nothing else to do, and they were asked by Grey to cheer up Eliza, Aria and I decided to explore the town with Eliza. With their first destination being the closest one to the mansion, the marketplace. But...

"Hey, Liz, do you not like the marketplace? If you want, we can go to other places." [Yuna]

"Ah, no... The marketplace is fine..." [Eliza]

... even though they were already outside, Eliza showed no sign of excitement or happiness. She was still in low spirits from being worried about Grey and Yuna.

"Hmm... Then why don't we go on a shopping spree! Come on, Eliza!" [Aria]

"W-Wait, Miss Aria!" [Eliza]

Seeing Eliza's dejected expression, Aria suddenly suggested going on a shopping spree and gently dragged along the young girl by her wrist. Yuna also followed behind without asking any question.

"Uncle, give me three of those candies!" [Aria]

Aria energetically pointed to one of the candies on display. It was a round orange candy on a stick, which resembled a lollipop. The only difference was that it was much bigger.

"Three Kiria candies, right? That would be 30 kiels." [Vendor]

"Here." [Aria]

After handing the payment, Aria merrily received the candy and gave one of them to Eliza. She received it with curious eyes as she wondered what kind of candy Aria handed her.

It was also the first time Yuna saw Aria acting very energetically as she was usually more reserved and calm. It made her wonder whether Aria was doing to cheer up Eliza or if it was her true nature.

"Is this delicious?" [Eliza]

"You'll have to find out~. Here, Yuna, have one as well!" [Aria]

"Ah, thank you." [Yuna]

After Aria handed Yuna the other candy, the three quickly unwrapped the candy. Yuna and Eliza were particularly interested in what the candy tasted like.

Would it be sweet? Would it be sour? Or perhaps it would be a little minty? Those kinds of thoughts ran throughout their minds as they stared curiously at the orange-colored candies Aria had given them.

"Alright, then let's eat it together in three, two, one, go!" [Aria]

With Aria's signal, the three of them immediately placed the candies in their mouths, and when they did, a very strong taste flooded their mouths instantly, filling up every corner of their tongues.


The three's faces cramped as the rush of sourness aggressively touched their taste buds. It was sour that calling it sour would be an understatement. It was so sour that tears almost flowed down their eyes.

"Miss Aria, you're so mean! How could you do thisー Hm?" [Yuna]

Yuna was about to complain towards Aria, thinking that the latter was teasing them, but just as she was about to do so, her words were cut midway as a new rush of taste replaced the intense sourness on her tongue.

The taste of the candy which was so sour to the one one's face will cramp has gradually changed to a pleasant and sweet taste. The more the candy stayed in their mouths, the more apparent the flavor changed.

"It's getting sweet...?" [Yuna]

"Waah~ it's starting to taste like lemons! Wait! Now it's like oranges!" [Eliza]

"Miss Aria, what is this?" [Yuna]

"It's Kiria candy. Like what you have experienced, the flavor of the candy changes from time to time. I heard it was made by layering different flavors of candies on top of each other." [Aria]

""Whoa~."" [Yuna and Eliza]

Yuna and Eliza commented in unison as they heard Aria's explanation. Just as they were becoming amazed, the fruity flavor of the candy had changed once again, this time to a grape-like flavor.

Eliza who was previously wearing a dejected expression has now started to cheer up as she enjoyed the different flavors the candy has to offer.

"Liz, you live in this town, right? How come you've never tasted this?" [Yuna]

"Ah... That's because I don't really go outside that much and when I want to eat something, I just ask Mister Rhodes to make it for me." [Eliza]

"Hmm... Well, Liz is a noble after all." [Yuna]

"But you know, Eliza, You should go out of your comfort zone and explore the world every now and then. I know Grey and Yuna are taking you outside more frequently now, but you should also try to take the initiative on your own, okay?" [Aria]

"U-Un. I'll try going out more...." [Eliza]

Aria gently advised Eliza as she patted the latter's head. Seeing her act like that, Aria seemed to give off a motherly vibe. She knew perfectly well how to handle little kids like Eliza.

"Ah, but make sure you tell your father before you go outside, okay? He would be worried if you suddenly disappeared all of a sudden, after all." [Aria]

"U-Un!." [Eliza]

Of course, Aria didn't forget to remind Eliza about asking for her father's permission. She made sure that Eliza fully understood that going outside also meant to be responsible over one's actions.

After finishing their candies, the three then headed to another stall. After that, it was yet another stall, and so on and so forth. They had skewers, cookies, fruits, pies, and all sorts of snacks. Actually, rather than a shopping spree, it was more like a food trip.

Because of how much they ate, the three of them sat on a bench by the marketplace and rested their bodies there. Eliza's stomach in particular was about to burst from how full she was.

"Waa~ I'm really full. I wonder if I can still eat the pizza thing Grey was talking about?" [Yuna]

"Pi... zza...?" [Eliza]

It was at that moment Yuna understood that she messed up. She was so satisfied by their food trip that their little secret thoughtlessly slipped out of her tongue, catching Eliza's attention.

"Elder Sister Yuna, are you hiding something from me?" [Eliza]

Eliza asked Yuna with innocent and expectant eyes. It was the eyes that neither she nor Grey could resist. Yuna's eyes swam towards Aria for help, but it was no use, the latter also had no idea what to respond.

'Well... Grey didn't say I couldn't tell Liz about it... It should be fine to tell her... probably...?' [Yuna]

After convincing herself that Grey won't get angry at her for telling Eliza about his plan, Yuna proceeded to tell Eliza everything she knew. Aria also listened closely as she watched over the two.

Throughout the whole time, Yuna kept repeating in her mind Grey's words. Grey only told her to keep Eliza occupied, but didn't say anything about not spilling the plan. Yuna kept telling herself that to feel less guilty, but even then, it was useless. She still felt guilty.

"Eh?! Elder Brother Grey wanted to cheer me up?" [Eliza]

"Un. That's why he'll be cooking this food called pizza. I don't know what it looks like nor what it tastes like, but knowing Grey, I'm sure you'll like it!" [Yuna]

"I know it will be good! After all, Elder Brother Grey is a good cook!" [Eliza]

"Yup, the food Grey cooks is the best!" [Yuna]

The dejected Eliza was no more, now, along with Yuna, the two were singing praises about Grey's capabilities when it came to cooking and the food he cooks. It was all interrupted when...

"Hmm... Yuna. You like Grey, don't you? Romantically, that is." [Aria]

"Ehhh!?" [Yuna]

... out of the blue, Aria suddenly asked an outrageous question, making the recipient of the question jolt and scream in surprise.

With that reaction of hers, Aria was able to confirm her suspicions. She was already almost sure about a week ago when she saw how Yuna looked at Grey. Now, there was no denying it.

"Well, you look really happy when you're talking about him. There was also the way you looked at him. And lastly, you're really red right now, Yuna." [Aria]

"Eh? Elder Sister Yuna likes Elder Brother Grey?" [Eliza]

"N-No, i-ish not like taht!!" [Yuna]

Following Aria's lead, Eliza also became curious and started asking Yuna questions, making the latter very flustered to the point that she fumbled on her words.

"Then, Yuna, let me ask you a few things." [Aria]

"O-Okay...?" [Yuna]

"Okay,first. Do you feel conscious about things like how you look or how you act around him or your distance around him?" [Aria]

"U-Un..." [Yuna]

"Do you have an unpleasant feeling when he's talking to other women?" [Aria]

"A little bit..." [Yuna]

"Do you feel happy when he praises you or when he spends time with you?" [Aria]

"U... Un..." [Yuna]

"Lastly, does your heart race faster when you're with him?" [Aria]

"A... A lot... faster..." [Yuna]

"Haah... Yuna, that's what we call liking someone." [Aria]

One after another, questions poured out of Aria's mouth like a rapid-firing machine gun. And one after another, Yuna had no choice but to answer them honestly with the amount of pressure from Eliza's expectant eyes.

After each and every question that Aria asked her, Yuna became more and more embarrassed. Yuna already knew what her feelings for Grey were long ago, she just didn't want to say it in front of them.

"Waah~ Elder Sister Yuna's is really red." [Eliza]

Eliza wasn't helping either. If anything, her comment only made Yuna feel more embarrassed as she laid out bare her feelings for Grey.

"Well, you've been living together with Grey for quite some time, right? It would only be natural that you start to develop this kind of feeling. Actually, it would be much stranger if you didn't." [Aria]

"I know... I've liked him for almost three years now..." [Yuna]

Seeing as things are going, Yuna just spilled the beans without hiding anything anymore. She had the feeling it would be revealed sooner or later so she decided that saying it earlier would be better.

Aria had already guessed Yuna to be aware of her feelings, but hearing it directly from her mouth was still quite something. She was also surprised to hear how long Yuna has been liking Grey.

"Well, now that that's settled... Yuna, what do you want to do?" [Aria]

"I... don't know..." [Yuna]

Yuna responded despondently when she answered Aria's question. Now, the roles have been switched. It was now Yuna that needed to be cheered up rather than Eliza.

"Well, there's no need to rush. Just take it at your own pace, just like how Kris and I did." [Aria]

"Miss Aria and Mister Kris...?" [Yuna]

"Yeah... Hm... How do I say this... Kris... He's... He's a big idiot." [Aria]

Aria said with an exasperated sigh in the end and eyes looking ever so distantly. It was as if all the bad memories came flashing back to her as she stated those words with a troubled expression.

"An idiot...?" [Yuna]

"Well... When he first confessed his feelings for me, it was in front of a large crowd. I was really happy, but I was also extremely embarrassed that I ended up rejecting him. After that, I actually thought Kris would give up, so I braced myself to confess, but before I could, he confessed to me once again." [Aria]

"But... isn't that just normal, Miss Aria? I don't see why you're calling Mister Kris an idiot." [Yuna]

"Un! Why?" [Eliza]

Eliza agreed to Yuna's statement enthusiastically. She didn't really fully understand it, but still nodded all the same. Seeing their reactions, Aria heaved another lengthy sigh with an even more exasperated tone and lifeless eyes.

"Well, that's because the second time he confessed... It was in a pub. Because of that, I rejected him once again. After that, he confessed again and again, but it was always in the wrong situations. He even confessed to me while I was still bathing in the women's bath... It was always in the wrong place and time..." [Aria]

Hearing the full story, Yuna immediately understood why Aria felt the need to call Kris an idiot. Not just any idiot but a "big idiot" as Aria had previously mentioned.

"It took him 5 months and 73 attempts to get it right, but during those 73 attempts, my feelings for him only grew stronger and strongerー Ah! What am I saying?! Eliza is still listening!" [Aria]

"Ehh? Why am I not allowed to listen?" [Eliza]

When Aria noticed Eliza listening to the conversation fervently with curious eyes, she suddenly became quiet and ended her story with a slightly flushed face, full of embarrassment.

The young girl who was subjected to the discrimination asked as question in response while she flapped her arms in a frustrated manner, trying to show her dissatisfaction over Aria's words.

"You're still a child. You don't need to understand these things yet." [Aria]

"But it's interesting!!" [Eliza]

"Then I'll tell you when you grow up." [Aria]

"Ehh~? But that's still so far!" [Eliza]

"Then you'll have to wait." [Aria]

"No! I don't want to! I want to know now!" [Eliza]

While Aria and Eliza continued their energetic and teasing exchange, Yina was left to wonder how she should handle her feelings for Grey, with consideration of the possible outcomes.

Should she confess to him? Should she just wait it out? What if Grey only sees her merely as a friend? What if Grey will hate her when she confesses to him? What would their future be if she ever did confess?

Yuna's mind was in turmoil, with such kinds of thoughts running wild inside of it. She has never been in such a dreadful dilemma her whole life. A dilemma which would determine her future with Grey.

"Yuna, are you alright?" [Aria]

"Elder Sister Yuna..." [Eliza]

Before Yuna could even notice them, Aria and Eliza were already watching her with eyes filled with worry from how deep in thought Yuna was.

"I'm fine, I was just thinking about how I should handle thisー Ow!" [Yuna]

Out of the blue, Aria flicked Yuna's forehead with her fingers, making the latter halt on her words. It wasn't particularly painful even though Yuna let out a seemingly painful scream.

"Didn't I say you should take it at your own pace? Honestly, what are you even so worried about?" [Aria]

"Confessー Ow!" [Yuna]

Yuna tried to respond but Aria once again flicked her forehead, now with more force than before. Though, it still didn't hurt her that much.

"That's not what I meant. I meant that you should take things easily. Forcing things to happen will just make the situation worse. Do you understand?" [Aria]

"B-But what ifー Ow!" [Yuna]

"Stop hurting Elder Sister Yunaー Ouch!" [Eliza]

"This is a talk of grown-ups. Children should not interfere." [Aria]

"Y-Yes ma'am..." [Eliza]

For the third time, Aria once again flicked Yuna's forehead. Eliza tried to help out Yuna but was shot down magnificently by Aria with a flick to her forehead. After that, Eliza only sat by the bench quietly, waiting for the two to finish their talk.

"Listen, Yuna. Nothing's going to come out from worrying about these kinds of things. It will only make you feel anxious and dejected, and nothing good will ever come out of those. Rather than thinking negatively, you should look at the bright side and face the future with courage. Do you understand?!" [Aria]

"B-Butー" [Yuna]

"No buts! How many times should I tell you..." [Aria]

Because of Yuna trying to refute, she managed to earn herself a 30-minute lecture from Aria. It was embarrassing for Yuna because from time to time, people kept looking at them, but she couldn't do anything about it.

The very second Yuna tries to retort against Aria's words, the lecture becomes longer and more intense. She would even earn another finger flick straight to her forehead.

Yuna tried to ask help from Eliza, but the latter just ignored the former by distracting herself with the market stalls, saying things like "I wonder what those tastes like" or "Those looks delicious" or "Waah~ What a nice smell".

While Aria didn't put much strength when she flicked Eliza, Aria's frightening expression was too much for a child to handle. Even when she loves Yuna as an older sister, there are times when one shouldn't interfere.

"Now, do you understand what I'm getting at, Yuna?" [Aria]

"U.. Un..." [Yuna]

After Aria's lecture finished, Yuna heaved a sigh of relief inside her heart. She didn't want to experience another one of Aria's lectures once again. Her authoritative tone was still engraved inside Yuna's heart.

"Um... Thank you, Miss Aria." [Yuna]

"Hm? Sure, no problem." [Aria]

But even though it was a hellish lecture, Yuna was able to learn something from it. She was very grateful for Aria regarding that front. She managed to clear her mind because of Aria's words.

"A-Are you done...?" [Eliza]

"Ah, yes. Sorry to make you wait, Eliza." [Aria]

"N-No problem!" [Eliza]

Eliza had also engraved in her heart to never talk back to Aria once again and just follow her obediently or else her forehead might get flicked once again.

Seeing Eliza's stiff expression, Aria's expression softened up as she gently patted Eliza's head and inspected whether the spot she flicked had reddened or not. Even when there are times she's strict, Aria was still a very kind person.

"Looks like it's okay... Then how about we head back to the mansion. Kris and Grey should be back by now." [Aria]

"Un!" [Eliza]

"Come on now, Yuna! You're going to be left behind," [Aria]

"A-Ah, coming~!" [Yuna]

As the sun reached its Zenith, the three ladies returned to the mansion with bright expressions plastered on their faces. All of them chatted excitedly as they looked forward to Grey's cooking.


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