YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 44: Fried Rice for a Brave Girl!

⟨⟨Water Blade!⟩⟩ [Eliza]

With Eliza's voice resounding throughout the forest, a thin blade of water shot out from her hand and flew towards a group of slimes in front of her, who were also bouncing towards her.

The slimes' bodies which were as soft as jelly were cut without much resistance as the blade of water ruptured through them. Four slimes were killed in a quick second, dropping mana crystals as their corpses vanished into thin air.

It was the second day of Eliza's battle experience training, and with the amount of experience she has acquired the day before, fighting slimes have become easier than ever. She could now fight about 6 or 7 slimes simultaneously.

"Haah... Haah... Haah..." [Eliza]

Short rough breaths alternately came out of Eliza's mouth as she witnessed the last of her enemies disintegrate. With it, she has now completed two slime extermination quests by herself.

Watching over her were Grey and Yuna who were much more wary after the attempt on Eliza's life they experienced yesterday. Yet even with how much caution they were practicing, they made sure to not let the young girl notice. They wanted her to train without worry.

After the slimes were defeated, Eliza approached the locations where they were defeated and collected the dropped mana crystals. The amount she has collected was now enough for her to fill six pouches full.

"Good job, Liz! You've grown stronger again!" [Yuna]

"R-Really?!" [Eliza]

"Yuna's right. With the rate you're going, you should be able to reach G-rank in less than a month." [Grey]

"Hehe... It's because Elder Sister Yuna and Elder Brother Grey are the ones teaching me! I'm really happy that I became your student!" [Eliza]

A large cheerful smile bloomed on Eliza's face as she expressed her gratitude towards Grey and Yuna. It was a smile which bloomed brighter as bothe Grey and Yuna patter her head.

"Mmm... It's already this time, huh..." [Grey]

Grey pondered as he looked towards the sky, his hand providing shade to his eyes as he measured the position on the sun. Noon has already arrived.

"Should we have lunch now?" [Grey]

""Un!"" [Yuna and Eliza]

The two ladies raised their hands enthusiastically towards the sky as they excitedly answered Grey's question.

Grey had noticed it before, but as he witnessed it once again, he could now fully confirm that Eliza was becoming more and more like Yuna. Even their actions are starting to match one another.

Just like the day before, Grey took out a picnic blanket from his "Inventory" and laid it barely to the grass carpeted ground of the forest. The smell of the savoriness and warmth harmonized with the forest's scent as Grey took out the dishes one by one. All of which were still hot as they were stored in the "Inventory".

""Mmm~!!"" [Yuna and Eliza]

As they took a bite of their meals, both Yuna and Eliza made a satisfied smile which were identical to one another. It was yet another similarity Eliza has developed after observing Yuna.

Grey could only look at the two with warm eyes as they continued to wolf down on their meals. Surprisingly, Eliza was now able to catch up to Yuna's speed. Both of them were able to finish a plate in a minute or two.

"Grey, pudding please~" [Yuna]

"Ah, Elder Brother Grey, I would also like some!" [Eliza]

"Okay, okay, just make sure to finish your food first. I won't give you any if there's leftovers on your plates." [Grey]

""Un!"" [Yuna and Eliza]

With Grey's promise secured, Yuna and Eliza continued to chow down on their meals with glee. The speeds of their spoons made it look like their life depended on it. They were really fast.

And as promised, Grey gave a cup of pudding each to Yuna and Eliza as they finished eating their meals. Well, or so Grey had planned, but in the end, he was defeated by their pleas and gave them three cups each.

Whenever it comes to Yuna's pleas, Grey becomes a total pushover. And combined with Eliza's innocent puppy-like eyes, it becomes a destructive force where Grey didn't have the heart to refuse.

'Am I spoiling them too much...?' [Grey]

Reflection and pondering... That's what Grey did as he witnessed how easily he gave in to their pleas. It's not like he hated it, but he was worried what would become of the two if he continued to spoil them.

As Grey pondered of such silly things, their hearty lunch resumed with bright expressions painted on their faces. They talked, laughed, and teased one another. It was such a lively scenario.

After their lunch, Eliza's battle training didn't continue immediately. Grey took the time to teach her about medicinal herbs and plants which are helpful in certain situations. It ranged from common weeds up until rare magical herbs.

Yuna also joined in since it was the topic of herbs. Being a Tier 6 alchemist herself, she was quite knowledgeable in the aspect of herbalism and botany in general. She even knew things which Grey didn't know from observing them and using them in experiments.

"Look here, Liz. This is Kalkia Grass. It's the most basic grass you should learn about. It is used as a base in many types of potions." [Yuna]

"Waah~ They're very pretty... So green too!" [Eliza]

"Aren't they? Now, in order to collect these, you should....." [Yuna]

As Eliza showed interest in herbs, Yuna took the chance to explain thoroughly to her how to deal with them. From collection to usage, Yuna didn't miss out on any detail as Eliza listened to her attentively.

After Yuna's demonstration, it was time for Eliza to collect the herb herself. While it wasn't quite perfect, she did pretty well considering that it was her first time doing it. Yuna was very proud of her.

The session of forest exploration and herb collection continued for more than an hour and it was a very fruitful experience for Eliza. The only reason why they have stopped was because...

Grruukkk Gurriikkk

.... Just as they were exploring the forest, they chanced upon a stray goblin who has yet to notice their presence.

Fear started to engulf Eliza's heart the moment she saw the goblin. While she was alright with fighting slimes, goblins who had a very threatening appearance made shivers run down her spine.

Even if Eliza was stronger than most people her age, she was still a 10-year old child. It was already commendable that she hasn't cried yet like how children her age would normally react.

"I'll handle thisー" [Yuna]

"Yuna, stop. This will be a part of Liz's training." [Grey]

Yuna was about to draw out her daggers, but before she could even think of equipping them, Grey had already stopped her on her tracks.

She was a bit hesitant at first, but after careful consideration, Yuna decided to trust Grey's decision. She knew full well that it would be best for Eliza to experience a fight against a stronger enemy.

It wasn't only about fighting stronger monsters. It was a chance for Eliza to be able to overcome her fears and fight against humanoid creatures. It was something she will have to experience sooner or later.

As fear encroached her heart, Eliza didn't catch a single word of Grey and Yuna's conversation. Her body was still trembling as she looked at the horrific goblin in front of her.

"Liz..." [Grey]

"Y-Yes!?" [Eliza]

Grey only wanted to get Eliza's attention, but as soon as he placed his hand on her shoulder, the latter jolted in surprise. She was so surprised that she replied with her former way of speaking.

In order to calm her down, Grey held her small hands as he squatted on the ground. He did it just like how he did with Yuna's whenever she was nervous. Yuna also joined in and patted her head.

"Liz, this might sound unreasonable, but... we need you to defeat the goblin. I know you're scared, but you need to do this so that you can overcome your fears. It will prove to be useful in the future." [Grey]

Word for word, Eliza listened carefully as Grey gently told her what she needed to do. She didn't make any complaints even though she was still trembling at the sight of the goblin.

Eliza is a smart and kind girl. She knew that Grey was only telling her to fight the goblins because it will help fuel her growth and make her stronger. She knew that it was all for her good.

"Don't worry, me and Yuna will always be here for you." [Grey]

"That's right. If ever something goes wrong, your Elder Sister and Elder Brother will protect you!" [Yuna]

Through their words of encouragement, the emotion of fear inside Eliza's heart slowly turned into that of courage. While she was still trembling slightly, her courage had managed to conquer her fear.

'I can do this! For everyone protecting me, I need to get stronger!' [Eliza]

A newfound determination bloomed in Eliza's heart as she remembered the reason why she wanted to learn from Grey and Yuna.

She didn't want to burden others anymore in protecting her. She didn't want someone to experience the pain her maid, Rosa, went through to protect her. She wants to be strong enough to protect herself.

"Hooh... I'll do it!" [Eliza]

A strong burst of determination gleamed in Eliza's eyes along with her declaration. Her eyes were now like fire which can devour everything in its path.

Silently, Eliza approached the goblin which was located about 10 meters away from her previous position. She has learned to move without making much noise from listening to Yuna's lectures.

⟨⟨Water Blade!⟩⟩ [Eliza]

As soon as the goblin was in her range, she took the golden opportunity and quickly casted a spell towards the unsuspecting goblin.


A loud screech echoed throughout the forest as the blade of water struck the goblin's body. While it did not kill the goblin immediately, it left a large and grave lashing wound on its back.

Its eyes full of rage, the goblin blindly charged towards Eliza with the goal of tearing her to shreds the moment it could lay its hands on her. Even with the wound on its back, it was still agile and approached Eliza at a rapid rate.

But Eliza did not falter. Even with fear still lingering in her heart, Eliza gripped her sword tightly and heaved out a lengthy sigh to calm herself.


The goblin tried to strike Eliza with its sharp claws, but the latter was able to parry its attack with her sword. Eliza then swung her sword, successfully pushing back the wounded goblin.

Eliza did not let her momentum die out. Even before the goblin could get back up again, she dashed towards it and swung her sword towards the goblins chest, leaving yet another large wound on its body.

Having received a second wound, the goblin's movement became even more erratic. It attacked Eliza with a fury of strikes which the latter successfully blocked every single time.

The goblin continued its barrage of furious strikes towards Eliza, but after she found a gap, she was able to deflect the goblins' arms towards the air, giving her an opportunity to strike once again.

⟨⟨Heavy Slash!⟩⟩ [Eliza]

A powerful vertical slash came down upon the goblin's body as its guard was broken. Unfortunately, with the goblins erratic movements, Eliza only managed to cut down one of its arms and not the head.


The goblin screeched loudly with the loss of its arm. It counterattacked Eliza with its remaining arm aiming towards her chest. Its strike fueled by rage came down rapidly towards Eliza's direction.

Eliza tried to block the strike but she was too late by a moment. While the goblin wasn't able to land a strike to her chest, the force of its strike forced Eliza quite a few steps back.

"No! I can do this!" [Eliza]

Grey and Yuna were about to interfere, but Eliza stopped them before they could even take even a single step. Her eyes were full of determination as she told them to stop.

It didn't even take a few seconds for Eliza to recover. As soon as she was standing on her foot again, she immediately rushed towards the goblin with the intention to finish the fight once and for all.

The goblin tried to strike Eliza once again, but by twisting her body to the right, she was able to avoid it skillfully. The goblin was now wide open as its arms were still reaching out away from its body.

⟨⟨Heavy Slash!⟩⟩ [Eliza]

Eliza poured all of her strength into her final strike. The horizontal slash headed towards the goblin's neck at unprecedented speeds.

The moment the slash connected, the goblin's head was sent flying to the air, decapitated from its body, and its body fell to the ground helplessly. It was Eliza's victory.

As soon as she saw her enemy fall, Eliza lost all the strength in her legs and fell flat towards the ground. Her breathing was rough as she tried to recover from her recent right.

Grey and Yuna then quickly rushed towards her and gave her water to drink. Grey also checked if Eliza sustained any injuries, thankfully, there wasn't much other than the scratches she got when she fell on the ground.

"It was scary, wasn't it?" [Yuna]

To Yuna's question, Eliza could only nod quietly as her body trembled slightly. Now that the goblin was defeated, her pent up nervousness and fear has started to flood out of her body.

"You did well, Liz. We're proud of you." [Yuna]

"Uuu... hic... hic..." [Eliza]

Tears trickled down Eliza's face as soon as she heard Yuna's words. She was so relieved that she couldn't stop herself from crying. She was letting out all the negative emotions through crying.

Yuna gave the crying Eliza a warm embrace as she gently stroked her head. She was like a mother who was trying to comfort and console her crying child. It was a scene which emanated warmth to the surroundings.

After the fight with the goblin, Grey and Yuna spent all their time consoling Eliza and making sure that she was alright, not just physically but mentally as well. They didn't want Eliza to develop a trauma from their selfishness.

From the moment Yuna embraced her up until they had arrived home, Eliza didn't let go of Yuna and stuck closely towards her without uttering a single word. She was acting like a child who didn't want to leave her mother's side.

It garnered quite the amount of attention in the town, but they couldn't do anything about it. No matter what they told her, Eliza didn't want to let go of Yuna. Grey even had to process the quest's completion by himself due to their circumstances.

When they arrived at the mansion, it gradually got better. Well, even when it got better, Eliza was still closer to Yuna than usual. She followed closely behind Yuna as if she was a tail of some sort.

"Yuna, Liz, why don't the two of you head to the dining room first. I'll cook something the both of you will enjoy." [Grey]

"Have I tasted it before?" [Yuna]

"Unfortunately, yes. But don't worry, I'm sure you'll like it." [Grey]

"Then I'm looking forward to it." [Yuna]

When Eliza heard that Grey was going to cook something, her ears perched up as her attention was caught. Even when she was sulking, she still took interest in the food Grey was going to make.

As Yuna and Eliza headed to the dining hall, Grey headed towards the kitchen where he was greeted by Rhodes and the other chefs who were cooking a few dishes for dinner.

"Mister Rhodes, I'll be borrowing the kitchen once again." [Grey]

"Oh, are you going to cook something again, Lord Grey?" [Rhodes]

"Yeah. I'm trying to cheer Liz up so I'm making a rice dish called 'Fried Rice'. It's quite tasty so I'm sure she'll like it." [Grey]

"I see... Then could I watch you as you cook?" [Rhodes]

"Sure. You can even take notes if you want." [Grey]

"Oh! Then I'll be intruding in your kindness!" [Rhodes]

As soon as Grey stated his words, Rhodes quickly got a pencil and notepad from inside his apron. It was the notes he always carried around just in case an idea popped inside his head.

Grey then started cooking by heating up a wok and melting butter on it. Soon after he cracked a handful of eggs and fried them in the wok, making sure to cook them in scrambled style and small pieces.

He then set aside the freshly cooked scrambled eggs, and started sautéing the vegetables he had chopped into very small pieces. After the vegetables, the ones which were fried in the pan next were the bite-sized meat pieces.

After all were stir fried, Grey then added another portion of butter and added the already cooked rice soon after. He stirred gently from time to time as he added the condiments. He then added back the vegetables, meat, and eggs when the rice had turned slightly golden brown.

With the mixture of rice, vegetables, meat, and eggs beautifully mixed, it was time to add the seasoning. Grey added a little bit of salt, pepper, and a bit of oils and condiments into the mix.

"And... Done!" [Grey]

A wonderful aromatic scent filled the kitchen as soon as Grey finished cooking the fried rice which looked like a mix of grains of gold and tasty ingredients. Just a look at it and one would become hungry.

Coincidentally, just as the fried rice finished cooking, the time for dinner had also arrived. It was the time to serve the dishes to the dining hall.

"Waah~ It's fried rice!" [Yuna]

The first to react to Grey's dish was Yuna. Following her enthusiasm, Eliza's eyes were also drawn towards the said dish.

"""""Thank you for the meal!"""""

Without further ado, everyone took out their spoons and had a taste of the dishes which were served. Yuna was especially excited since it has been quite a while since she had a taste of fried rice.

"It's still delicious as ever!" [Yuna]

"Yet another exquisite dish" [Fritz]

"You never fail to amaze, Lord Grey!" [Rhodes]

Everybody's faces shone brightly as they ate the fried rice Grey had cooked. Of course, the dishes the chefs made were also delicious.

But there were two people whose reactions Grey was paying attentively to. One was Yuna whom Grey wanted to be happy, and the other was Eliza whom he wanted to cheer up.

Throughout the whole time, Eliza still didn't utter a single thing. Rather, she only continued to eat silently. Grey started to become very worried, but those worries were blown away by just a few words.

"Umm... Elder Brother Grey... I want seconds..." [Eliza]

Eliza meekly requested Grey as her plate had become completely empty. She had thoroughly enjoyed the dish Grey had cooked and wanted to eat more. Her appetite and energy has started to return.

Not only Grey, Yuna has also become relieved once Eliza had started to speak again. They were happy that Eliza had returned to normal.

"Alright, just make sure you can finish it, okay?" [Grey]

"U-Un!" [Eliza]


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