YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 395: The Quest for Sweet Syrups! (pt. I)


There were no massive earthquakes nor were there any disastrous storms. Yet the air was trembling, darkness looming over the place and people's bodies trembling ever so slightly, three figures inside a room.

One of them was a normal civilian, the other was a young man whose features could not be mistaken for any other, and lastly, there was a silver-haired elf whose usually blue and innocent eyes now looked more menacing than ever.

Her eyes were sharp and there was a burning hostility in her heart. All the man before them could do was tremble in fear at the sight of the two. He was especially wary of the young lady, feeling like a dagger might plunge to his neck at a single mistake.

"The tea is quite tasty, isn't it?" [Grey]

"Y-Yes! Very much so, Your Highness! Would you perhaps like me to serve you more? I would be more than glad to!" [Giornes]

"No, it's alright. This much is already enough." [Grey]

"A-Ah, I see... That's a relief then..." [Giornes]

The man before them was "Giornes". He is a merchant in the town of Barkley located about 300 kilometers from Galderia, and is a Bronze-Rank Merchant who has been in the business for a couple decades already.

Giornes isn't particularly famous, but he is doing well enough so that he could live a comfortable life and not worry about not having food on the table. He was just another merchant who is yet to make a name, and is simply doing what he can to earn.

"Grey, that's more than enough chit chat. We're here on a quest, remember? We can be waring so much time with the client." [Yuna]

"Hmm... I suppose you're right. Sorry about that, Mister Giornes." [Grey]

"No, no, it should be me who's apologizing." [Giornes]

The reason why Grey and Yuna were there was none other than to finish a quest they had taken up in the Adventurers' Guild. It was a quest which tasks them to subjugate the bandits which are responsible for destroying the Palma Bridge.

Because of their doings, the main route in the town of Barkley has been disrupted and several merchants have no choice but be delayed. Several businesses have already been affected, and so much more will be in the future.

Moreover, even when they tried to repair the bridge with the help of magic, it was futile. The bandits came back again when people least suspected it and destroyed it again. It has already happened a third time.

"Three times already... Is there something wrong with your security? Once is quite understandable, but twice, not to mention thrice... This is disappointing." [Yuna]

"I-It's because of my incompetence, Your Highness! Please forgive me!" [Giornes]

"Hmph! Do you even know how important that bridge is?!" [Yuna]

"Yes! Please pardon this lowly one!" [Giornes]

Giornes also happens to be the client who made a request to the guild for the swift subjugation of the bandits. He is the man in charge of the bridge repairs, security, and management. The man who is the key to everything.

Yet never did that man think that the ones to accept his request would be Grey and Yuna, the fabled Heroes whom even nobles have a hard time meeting. Those heroes are now sitting in front of him, making his whole body tremble and rattle.

"Yuna, calm down for a moment." [Grey]

"But Grey! This is unacceptable! This shouldn't be happening!" [Yuna]

"I know, I know. So let's calm down for a moment, alright? I'll handle this quickly, so why don't you enjoy yourself with some tea and snacks for the meantime?" [Grey]

"... Okay... You win this time..." [Yuna]

Well, it wasn't just Giornes, even Grey is puzzled why they were there. It was all due to Yuna's sudden and unreasonable decision to crush whoever caused the lack of honey and maple syrup. That's right, it's all because of honey and maple syrup.

Just a couple hours ago, Yuna suddenly dragged Grey towards the Merchants' Guild in Galderia and asked for some information from Marcel. Before he knew it, they were already flying in the sky, and heading towards Barkley, the root of the problem.

Needless to say, everyone in Barkley's Guild was surprised when the two of them made their entrance. They didn't even bother hiding their true identities, immediately asking for the quest as soon as they arrived on the scene.

And now, here they are, in front of the client who is even more nervous than shocked. And Yuna was still pouty and angry, raring to give the bandits a beating for disturbing their peaceful daily life. All for the sake of honey and maple syrup.

'Haah... Seriously, this girl loves sweets too much...' [Grey]

Grey doesn't know whether it was because she read too many novels recently or that she has been spoiled too much by him, but Yuna's personality has become more and more impulsive as of late, acting a little more childish.

No, actually, after seeing her buy what she bought this morning, Grey couldn't dare think his beloved fiancée is turning childish. Because no child would dare buy such bold and daring undergarments. She's definitely not a child.

"Umm... Your Highness... Is there something wrong?" [Giornes]

"Ah, sorry... I was just thinking of something important for a moment. Where were we again? Was it the bandits? Am I correct?" [Grey]

"Yes, Your Highness... As I was saying..." [Giornes]

Well, there was no need to think too much about it for the moment. Though things might have taken all sorts of weird turns for today, Grey and Yuna could still talk about it later on. For now, they should focus on the quest.

And thankfully, the bandits were nothing more than just a group of petty thieves, the strongest of them only at E-rank. There are less than 20 of them, and they are mostly retired adventurers who didn't have anything better to do.

As usual, their hideout is in the mountains located deep in the cave. It seems like they have been hiding in a cave, one big enough to hold several people. They are just a new bandit group who just recently inhabited the area.

"I see... That does sound helpful... And where exactly is this cave you're talking about? There should be many in the mountains, right?" [Grey]

"Worry not, Your Highness. We already know the location of their hideout. All that's needed to do is to investigate and subjugate them" [Giornes]

"So you already know, huh... That would really be useful." [Grey]

"Yes. It took us quite some time, but we found out their hideout is just under the foot of Mount Ligayen, right around.... Here! It's here, Your Highness!" [Giornes]

Declared Giornes as he pointed at one of the mountains in the map and marked it with a red "X". It was neither too far away, nor too close, but if one didn't have any guides, they would surely get lost with how dense the forest there is.

However, with Grey's eyes, there was no way they would get lost. They should be able to bridge the whole distance in a matter of a couple minutes. However, there is just one thing which bothers him...

"Hmm... How long have you found out about their hideout?" [Grey]

"Ah! We just found out about it yesterday! Some of my men got injured getting this information, so this is pretty precious to us." [Giornes]

"I see... They must be pretty competent men, then." [Grey]

"Hahaha, I'm honored to hear your praise, Your Highness." [Giornes]

And that was the fact that Grey and Yuna never heard about such and information about it from the Adventurers' Guild. It wasn't just the location, the numbers of the bandits, their capabilities, and many other information were also missing.

As a client, it is one's responsibility to report everything you know to the guild to make the situation easier and make sure things go well. Even if they just found out about it yesterday, it should have reached the Guilds' ears by now.

Moreover, time was money to a merchant. As someone who is losing money with the passing of time, he should have reported it as soon as he could. There is nothing to gain in delaying things no matter what the circumstances are.

『Grey... Did you find out something...?』 [Yuna]

『Yeah... He's lying...』 [Grey]

But most importantly, he was lying. Grey had already marked him as "evil" as soon as they saw him, and now, it was proven even more to be right. He couldn't shake off the feeling that something was not right, suspicions growing by the second.

And despite being a Bronze-Rank Merchant, much like Gerd and his family, he was wearing outfits which are too fancy for the financial status he claims to have. They all looked recently bought as well, making things even more suspicious.

"Right... About their attack patterns, do you know something ir, Mister Giornes? Like when they strike, at what timing, and all those sorts of things?" [Grey]

"I'm sorry, Your Highness, but unfortunately, I don't..." [Giornes]

"I see... That would have been helpful..." [Grey]

Grey asked a question, and Griones' lied again. His heart glowed a bright red color, the color of deceit surging strong. He could fool others with his acting, but there was no way he could fool Grey's almighty eyes.

"Then... What do you say we focus on reconstructing and strengthening the bridge so that the merchants can pass. Yuna and I could help." [Grey]

"A-A-Ah! H-How could I be so shameless to ask Your Highnesses to do so. I can't possibly waste your precious time. That would be preposterous!" [Giornes]

"Don't worry. It only takes a minute." [Grey]

"E-Even more so! With speed like that, it would surely cost us a lot! We can't possibly spend so much and inconvenience you." [Giornes]

"Then, it would be alright if we do it for free, right? We also have some things we want to buy from those merchants, so it really isn't an inconvenience for us. This should be a pretty beneficial deal for everyone, no?" [Grey]

"But Your Highness, how about the workers who are repairing the Palma bridge? We already have a contract, so repairing it would make it hard for them. Please think about the workers, Your Highness." [Giornes]

Grey tried to offer a helping hand about the situation, but the more he tried to show his good will, the more Giornes pushed the offer away, lies spilled here and there, it was as if he didn't want the bridge to be repaired.

Rather, he wants to prolong it as much as he can. With that, Grey and Yuna have basically confirmed their suspicions. No matter how one looked at it, there was no way a merchant would turn down Grey and Yuna's offer which only has benefits.

Grey tried to push more, but Giornes made up more and more unthinkable lies and excuses to just make sure Grey and Yuna didn't interfere with his plans. He was digging his grave deeper and deeper with time.

"Then, if that's the case, we can do nothing about it, then..." [Grey]

"Thank you very much for understanding, Your Highness... Oh! And I hope you weren't offended by my impertinence." [Giornes]

"Hahaha. Not at all. We're not that petty." [Grey]

"Un. It's normal to listen to your elders." [Yuna]

"Hahaha. Your Highnesses really are as magnanimous and benevolent as they say. To meet the two of you, today must be my lucky day." [Giornes]

Or so they say, but Grey and Yuna didn't have a shred of respect for the man who was before them. Rather, they viewed him as someone despicable who needs to be eliminated as soon as possible. He was a snake who lived through other's suffering.

They wanted to report him to the guild as soon as possible, but it would be useless without any evidence. The best thing they could do was catch the bandits and dispose of the trash one after another. Maybe they'll get a clue there.

"Then, we'll be taking our leave now, Mister Giornes." [Grey]

"Oh, so soon?! Why don't we have lunch first, Your Highnesses? I know a good place which serves some very exquisite dishes and great desserts." [Giornes]

"Hahaha. Thanks for the offer, but we still have a lot of bandits to catch to see. Maybe we'll see each other during dinner?" [Grey]

"Un! We'll be looking forward to it, Mister Giornes!" [Yuna]

Giornes tried to hold back Grey and Yuna as soon as possible, but it was no use. The two of them didn't fall for his temptations and soon stood up from their seats. Before long, they finally took their leave, silence remaining in the room.

That silence was soon broken by a series of erratic footsteps, Giornes walking back and forth in the lonely room, panic and anxiety traced on his face. He was biting his fingernails and mumbling several incomprehensible words.

It was only now that his true face was revealed, his face now white and his almost balding hair disheveled from scratching his head. Grey and Yuna's sudden visit was too much for him to handle, his plans spiraling into ruin.

『He's panicking a lot, isn't he?』 [Yuna]

『That's only natural. We suddenly showed up all of the sudden and destroyed all his plans, after all. He must be shaken.』 [Grey]

『Hmph! He deserves it for ruining our day!』 [Yuna]

Unbeknownst to him, Grey and Yuna were actually still observing him, using both their abilities to hide their existence and peer through the doors. Giornes couldn't be any more suspicious with his involvement in the matter.

Thankfully, it seems like he won't be feeling anytime soon. He still has a lot of money, jewelry, and luxurious items in his hidden vault. There was no way he could flee while Grey and Yuna ho and defeat the bandits.

『Procyon, Achernar, can watch over the man for us? Just report to us if he does something dangerous and don't hesitate to stop him.』 [Grey]

『Roger that, Master!』 [Procyon] 『Understood, Master!』 [Achernar]

『Good. We'll be counting on the two of you then.』 [Grey]

Now, there is possibly no way Giornes could escape with two S-rank familiars probing his every move. The moment he tries to escape is the moment he'll be beaten into submission. They don't even need to lift a finger.

With that, Grey and Yuna headed towards the location marked by the map given by Giornes, Grey using his eyes to survey the whole surroundings. They bolted through the forest, rushing towards the hideout without any breaks.

"Get out of my way!" [Yuna]


Some monsters popped out, but they were no match to Yuna. All she did was swipe her hands and their heads went flying, their bodies falling towards the ground with loud thuds resounding in the air soon after.

Some beasts also tried to approach them, but sensing the bloodlust in Yuna's eyes and heart, they dared not to approach her. Just a quick glance was enough to scare the light out of them, each and every single one of them running away in fear.

"Yuna... Are you still mad about the honey and maple syrup?" [Grey]

"How could I not?! He disturbed our peaceful lives just because of his greed! I would understand if it was monsters or beasts, but this... This is unforgivable!" [Yuna]

"That's not the purpose of this quest, you know?" [Grey]

"That doesn't matter! I will never forgive him!" [Yuna]

And the reason for such bloodlust was nothing more than the honey and maple syrup Yuna missed out on Galderia. She was still holding a heavy grudge against Giornes, wanting to beat him up for being a nonsensical bastard.

Actually, her sweets addiction is already too much. Grey could only think what would happen if the supply of sugar was suddenly cut off for some reason. Yuna might even wage war against a whole kingdom if she ever needs to.

"Yuna... Don't wage wars against any country, alright?" [Grey]

"Huh? What are you talking about, Grey? Did you eat something strange this morning? Do you have a fever?" [Yuna]

"I should be the one asking that, you know?" [Grey]

Well, there was no use trying to understand the young lady, one's head only hurting when they tried to. It wasn't like she was unfathomable, she is just extremely carefree and free-spirited that it was hard to rein her in.

Not that Grey could judge her for that anyway as he too was already in a realm where common sense doesn't work on him. It may be because of magic or because of their absurd experiences, but he is fully aware he wasn't in any way normal.

"Yuna, you should stop frowning already. That's not good for you, and.... You look much cuter when you smile, you know?" [Grey]

"W-What?! Th-That flattery won't work on me! D-Dummy!" [Yuna]

"I'm being sincere though? I'm sure Yuna is the cutest when you smile." [Grey]

"G-Geez! Stop teasing me already! We're still on a quest, Grey! Why are you looking at me?! Focus on the mission before us! Geez!' [Yuna]

No, actually, the two of them were just idiots. No matter which angle you look at it, they are idiots who are too much of a fool for one another, a sweet atmosphere of red and pink drifting in the air as flowers bloomed all over the place.

I pity the monsters who see such a sickly sweet scene before their lives flash before their eyes. They were so sweet, they lost the motivation to fight before the battle even started. Oh, how painful must it be for such pitiful creatures.

All flirting and teasing aside, Grey and Yuna continued rushing straight towards the said hideout, arriving there in all but a couple moments. However, the moment they arrived, what greeted them was a surprise.

"There's... No one here..." [Yuna]

There was furniture, there were used tools, and there were unusual rock formations. It might seem like a hideout at first, but there were no traces of it being used in quite some time already. There was no way it was a hideout.

"Haah... I already expected it... But a trap, huh..." [Grey]

"Their real hideout must be somewhere else. Giornes, that greedy pig... He must have made this to confuse the adventurers..." [Yuna]

"Well, seeing as to how he's still not caught, it must have been effective." [Grey]

It also wasn't an abandoned hideout. Rather, it was a decoy which is laid there in order to confuse those who come to scout and investigate. There were no traps or anything of the sort. It was simply a distraction.

However, there was no need to worry. Grey already knew Giornes was lying, and is simply checking the hideout for sure. Just in case there were trapped adventurers or something of the sort, they could then help them out.

And unfortunately for Giornes, Grey had already memorized the map he showed and the location of the caves. Even if it was an unknown cave, he would still be able to find their hideout as long as he keeps his eyes peeled.

"Grey, where should we go next?" [Yuna]

"We'll go northeast. Since this is a distraction, the hideout should be the furthest one away. It also seems to be quite a hidden place." [Grey]

"Isn't that too obvious?" [Yuna]

"Yuna, Giornes is more simple than you think. Didn't you see how he panicked at the slightest provocation? I'm sure he didn't think too far ahead." [Grey]

Said Grey, and Yuna remembered the scene just a couple moments ago. And surely enough, she could remember him panicking. He was quite good at acting, but he isn't the brightest. He wasn't a very calculating man, even Yuna could tell.

There was no time to waste. Grey and Yuna soon rushed towards the furthest cave, all the while Grey scanned the nearby areas where the bandits could possibly dwell. However, he didn't find anything, only regular caves filled with rocks and darkness.

It wasn't long before Grey and Yuna arrived at their destination, and surely enough, it was the hideout of the bandits. There was only a small crevice so it was hard to see, but the space inside was pretty massive, perfect for a hideout.

"Are you sure it's here, Grey?" [Yuna]

"Yeah. I even see them partying inside." [Grey]

And carefree as can be, the bandits were having the time of their lives, eating various sorts of good food and drinking the heaviest barrels of booze. They were all chatting and laughing merrily, bragging about their recent crimes.

As expected, they were all red, not a single one fit to be spared and as it seems, they have also killed some adventurers who were sent to subjugate them before Grey and Yuna arrived. It was another group of scum that needed to be wiped clean of the world.

"Yuna, how do you want to deal withー" [Grey]

⟨⟨Blue Phoenix!⟩⟩ [Yuna]

A sudden wave of heat lashed out in the forest and a Phoenix adorned in blue flames was given life. Yuna reached her palms out and the Phoenix soared at her command, rushing towards the cave's walls and bolting at breakneck speed.


The Phoenix crashed and a loud explosion rang out throughout the whole forest. The once hidden cave was cracked open, debris and rocks falling towards the ground as it crumbled and clouds of dust brewing all over the place.

A pile of debris appeared and sunlight finally graced the cave. Coughs and screams rang out all over the place, the bandits' faces filled with confusion. Just then, a slender figure stood atop the rubble, her blue eyes shimmering like the sky behind her.

"Prepare yourselves, you Syrup Fiends! I'm gonna make you pay!" [Yuna]

The Plan...? There was no plan. Yuna will just beat them up.

"Yuna..." [Grey]


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