YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 387: Last-Minute Preparations

"Y-Yes...?" [Yuna]

All sorts of beautiful colors, what was painted on her face was the color of confusion. The Headmaster's offer was so sudden, Yuna couldn't even maintain her usual tone, answering formally as her head was flooded with question marks.

She blinked her eyes again and again, looking at Grey for assistance, but the young man himself was just as puzzled as she was. Only the Headmaster knew what he meant by his words, calmly gazing at the two youths before him.

"Umm... Headmaster, by judge, you mean..." [Yuna]

"Yes. That's right. I want you to supervise the Final Exams with me and pick out the outstanding students that catches your eyes." [Fran]

"No, I understand that part, but why... Not only am I not a part of the Academy, weren't the 3 judges already selected? Or was there a change of plans recently?" [Yuna]

"Oh, so that's what you meant... Actually, about that..." [Fran]

Slowly but surely, the Headmaster explained about the Final Exams like Professor Dorothy did just a few moments ago. Everything was about the same, except for one fact... And that was, Grandmaster Lilianne wouldn't be able to attend.

Apparently, she has been sick and bedridden ever since a week ago, and though she is not in any critical condition, she wouldn't be able to move her body like she could before. As for traveling to Xeros, it would be too much for her to handle.

Unfortunately, the urgent message delivered by the messenger hawk had just arrived yesterday. With the Final Exams just a few days away, there was no way they could find a replacement in such a short amount of time.

There was the current Guildmaster of the Alchemists' Guild, however, he was only a Tier-7 Alchemist, a drop down from the Tier-8 Lilianne. Even if he is selected, he still has a lot of work to finish so we won't be able to attend anyway.

"Fortunately enough... We just so happened to have another reliable alchemist present. It must have been fate." [Fran]

"I see... So you want me to replace Grandmaster Lilianne's spot, right?" [Yuna]

"Yes, very much so. I don't think there is anyone else in the whole Kingdom who can match your level of alchemy. You're the best and the only one we have." [Fran]

Said the Headmaster, but Yuna was still far from convinced. Though the request doesn't sound too bad, she doesn't want to do something so troublesome. She just wants to spend the day with Grey and cheer on their friends.

Sure, they're planning to reveal her identity during the second day, but that's only it. There was no need for her to be physically present and people won't be crowding over her. She could just watch the Final Exams in a carefree manner.

However, on the other hand, It was also an interesting offer. If she refuses now, she won't be able to serve as a judge anytime soon. She also wants to look around and see all the potions and interesting things the students would make.

"Of course, I'm not asking you to do this for free. If you accept the offer, then I will pick out one of my most prized magic plants from the greenhouse and hand it over to you. I swear this on my name as the Headmaster of Darius Academy," [Fran]

But such doubt and hesitation was soon cleared as soon as the Headmaster finished his sentence. Yuna was easily baited by the words "magic plants", her choice leaning more on accepting the offer, barely keeping herself from agreeing.

After all, it wouldn't just be any magic plants like the ones she's seen, but rare magic plants from the Headmaster's personal greenhouse. No matter what it will be, it will surely be a very valuable item even more precious than gold.

"No, how about we do it like this? I'll let you pick any magic plant in my collection. No matter what it is, I'll more than gladly give it to you." [Fran]

"A magic plant of my choice... Uuu... That's tempting..." [Yuna]

"Oho? Then how about 2 magic plants?!" [Fran]

"Deal! I'll be sure to perform my duties perfectly, Headmaster!" [Yuna]

Though, all it took was add a couple more incentives and Yuan quickly took the job, her eyes sparkling brightly as she shook the Headmaster's hands. Grey could only sigh and smile wryly as he realized once again how gullible his fiancé was.

Of course, the Headmaster was smiling as well. He had been troubled about how to address the problem if ever Yuna were to decline, but thankfully, she easily accepted with just a few conditions. Alchemists are very simple creatures.

"Oh, and that reminds me, I would also like to ask for Grey's assistance. I need your help with the Final exams as well." [Fran]

"My help... Is it a different role from Yuna's?" [Grey]

"Yes... Rather than a judge, I would love it if you could join the wardens as well. I hope you to protect the students in case of danger. It doesn't happen often, but I just want to make sure everyone is safe." [Fran]

"Hmm... That sounds much easier than Yuna's job, doesn't it?" [Grey]

And the Headmaster also reached out his hands to Grey. Though there are already a number of wardens supervising the place during the time of the exams, there was no harm in being more cautious in the off-chance something disastrous happens.

Moreover, Grey was a master of the wind and holy attributes. In the chance some toxic gas were to spread, he could easily expel them in the atmosphere and heal the students with a couple spells. There was no better man for it.

"Couldn't you just set up an array for that?" [Grey]

"We could, but... There isn't exactly a good amount of great enchanters in Xeros. Even our Guildmaster is only Tier-7. It's impossible for now." [Fran]

"Hmm... In that case, I'll do it. I may not look it, but I'm still a Tier-8 enchanter. If it's just an array to dispel harmful elements, then it shouldn't take too long." [Grey]

"T-That would be fantastic! But are you sure it's fine?" [Fran]

"Well, I'm not doing this for free. You can give Yuna some more magic plants as payment. That shouldn't be too difficult, right?" [Grey]

"Of course! Consider it a done deal!" [Fran]

There was no need for hesitation. As soon as the Headmaster heard Grey's offer, his decision was already set and he was willing to pay the price no matter how high it is as long as he has the ability to pay for it, even emptying his pockets.

After all, a protection array is not just a one-time thing. As long as they replenish the mana in order to run it, they could use it almost indefinitely as long as it isn't too damaged. Grey was basically doing it for free. The deal was secured.

"Oh, and don't worry about the magic crystals needed. Yuna and I already have a surplus of them so I can get started immediately." [Grey]

"That would be most wonderful, but at least let me pay for them. I'll make sure to add a couple more magic plants to your payment. Is that fine with you?" [Fran]

"Yeah. I'm sure Yuna would be happy about that." [Grey]

She wasn't just happy, she was extremely happy. Yuna's eyes were already twinkling when the Headmaster offered her 2 magic plants, but now that the Headmaster said he would give some more, it twinkled even more to the point it was blinding.

If it wasn't for the fact that the Headmaster was there, she would have already given Grey a right and loving embrace to show how happy she was. Her ears were flapping up and down, Grey chuckling to himself at the adorable sight.

The Headmaster soon took out a piece of magic paper from his desk and made a written contract with Grey and Yuna. It wasn't really necessary, but it was needed for the sake of formality. Signatures were soon written one after another.

"Now then, now that that's done... Didn't you say there were 4 topics you wanted to talk about, Headmaster? We already talked about 3 of them. Should we proceed with the final one then?" [Grey]

"Ah, yes... That one...." [Fran]

"Hm? Is something wrong, Headmaster?" [Yuna]

"No, err... Well, it isn't really that serious... It's more of a personal request." [Fran]

Said the Headmaster, all the while scratching his cheeks, a conflicted and troubled expression on his face. Grey and Yuna didn't even need to guess. Just his gestures alone was more than enough to tell them it wasn't his own request.

"Actually... My wife and daughters asked if they could purchase Yuna's cosmetic products. They have been nagging me all weekend. Hahaha...." [Fran]

And they were right. It wasn't his own request, but her wife and daughters', the man now laughing wryly as he explained himself to Grey and Yuna.

Apparently, rumors and talks about her new products have spread throughout the various branches of the Alchemists' Guild, every woman greatly interested in it. Noble ladies were especially impatient, wanting to buy it as soon as they could.

The Headmaster has been quiet about it since he knew it would get troublesome, but just the other day, he made a slip of the tongue and his wife and daughters caught wind of the fact that Yuna was now in Xeros. He was interrogated a lot that day,

Even then, he was thankful that it was only his wife and daughters which were there that day. Had his granddaughters been present, he surely would have been in a lot of trouble. He just barely made it out alive.

"I really don't understand women. They are already beautiful and charming, but they still want to use cosmetics. Haah... I just don't get them..." [Fran]

"Well, that's just how women are. It must have been tough, Headmaster." [Grey]

"Hahaha... To be honest, I really don't want to go home right now. I don't know what kind of demons are lurking and waiting for me there. Hahaha..." [Fran]

"I... I'm sorry..." [Yuna]

He was laughing, but there was no light in his eyes. Grey and Yuna didn't even need to ask. They could already tell that the Headmaster had been through a lot, his eyes and expression flickering with exhaustion. Such a pitiful man.

"Then, Headmaster, how much would you need? I only have a few samples here right now though." [Yuna]

"Thart's more than enough. Thank you, Yuna... Thank you very much..." [Fran]

He has been through so much, he was put to tears with just the mere sight of soaps, shampoos, conditioners, and lotions in Yuna's hands. Grey and Yuna couldn't even ask for payment, simply giving them away to the poor man.

Jokes aside, everything progressed quickly after the deal with the Headmaster. The days flew by quickly, and other than the fact that Grey worked in the examination area to lay out the arrays, everything went by like they always do.

Yuna continued to do alchemy, Alea, Kale, and Edin honed their skills even further, and the Headmaster could finally be at peace after giving all the cosmetic products to his lovely wife and daughters. Everyone was happy and satisfied.

The days quickly passed, and before long, the day of the Final Exams had arrived. There was only less than an hour left before things finally start, Grey and Yuna now readying themselves before heading towards the Academy.

"Are you ready now, Yuna?" [Grey]

"Un! I've never been more ready! I can't wait for the exams!" [Yuna]

"Hahaha. If someone heard you, they might think you're taking the exams. You're a judge, you know?" [Grey]

"Hehehe! I'm just so excited, I couldn't help it!" [Yuna]

Today, Yuna is just as adorable as ever, her ears flapping up and down once more as she thinks of the upcoming Final Exams. She is itching to see the performance of students, wanting to see how far everyone has come.

Of course, they will also be cheering on their friends so they must be present at all costs. They know how hard they've been working for the sake of the Final Exams, and want to be there for them. They are quite the supportive friends, after all.

"Then, shall we head towards the Academy now, Milady?" [Grey]

"Un! Let's go! Let's go!" [Yuna]

The two didn't waste any more time and quickly headed towards the Academy. They left the Camellia Valley with bright smiles on their faces. Yuna was cheerfully skipping her steps, humming merrily to herself as she grabbed Grey by the hands.

A few minutes later and several hundred steps, they finally reached the gates of the Academy, showing their IS cards and passing right through. The atmosphere of the Academy was much quieter than usual, not many students to be seen.

Everyone was holding books and flipping through their papers, clearly studying for the upcoming exams. There was tension in the air, everyone trying their best to make sure they could answer as many questions as possible.

"Hmm... How nostalgic. This sure reminds me of the past..." [Grey]

"That's right, you also attended schools before, right? How was it? Is it any different from the ones here in Darius? Those... Umm... Universities, I mean." [Yuna]

"Not really. Apart from the culture and technology, it's pretty much the same. I was also like that during exams, you know? There was one time I haven't slept for several days trying to pass the Board Exams. Hahaha. Such memories..."" [Grey]

"I... I see..."" [Yuna]

Yuna didn't ask any further questions, only keeping her mouth shut as she shifted her eyes away from Grey. He was laughing and smiling brightly, but there was only dread and anguish in his eyes, seemingly remembering the hell he experienced.

After all, taking Board Exams was no joke, Grey wanting to suppress all the memories where he was suffering through hell. He was thankful he didn't have to go through the same hellish situations again in his new life, otherwise, he'd have gone insane.

"Grey... Sorry..." [Yuna]

"Hm? Why are you suddenly apologizing?" [Grey]

Grey asked, but Yuna didn't answer any more, simply holding his hands in silence, not wanting Grey to remember the painful past, much to the young man's confusion as he tilted his head ever so slightly.

Meanwhile, the spectators' were full of envy and irritation as they watched the scene unfold. The students were even more fired up, cursing the idiot couple as they buried their hearts in the anguish of the hellish examinations before them.

All jokes aside, Grey and Yuna continued to head towards the examination area, the atmosphere of Darius continuing to be tense as more and more students arrived at their classrooms, mumbling and grumbling echoing in the air.

"Waah~! It's even bigger than I imagined... This is amazing..." [Yuna]

"Right? I also thought so too when I first entered. It's even several times larger than the gymnasium before. I heard it can hold more than 100 thousand people," [Grey]

"Ohh~! That's amazing! It must have taken a lot to make!" [Yuna]

Before long, they finally arrived in the examination area, the stadium. Yuna had seen it form the outside before, but never inside. It was only now that she was inside that she realized how truly massive the whole place was.

It was just as big, maybe even bigger, as the Grand Colosseum in Avalon, able to house a copious amount of people. There were also private chambers for the special guests, a large chamber located in the highest platform for the Royal Family.

And in the arena itself, there were several hundred tables and brewing setups that were present, ready to be used by the students. They were all properly set and had already been checked by the staff. Everything was perfect.

Grey had already finished installing the array, thousands of invisible runes engraved all over the examination area. He also set up a barrier in case of unexpected attacks. Even if a High-Ranker were to strike, it would remain standing.

The two were there to test the array, and make sure everything was working as they intended. Grey already checked everything the day before, but there was no harm in checking it again. The more secure, the better.

"These are quite the intricate circuits, Grey. How did you make these in just 3 days? Are you a genius or something?" [Yuna]

"Hahaha. I'm not Edin to be saying those things. I still need to do a final check before I can say that it's perfect. We can't be having any issues, after all." [Grey]

"Oh, I'll help you out then." [Yuna]

"Thanks, that is muchー" [Grey]

"Oh? Looks like we have some early birds here." [Fran]

Yet before Grey could even test things out, a familiar voice called out to him. Both him and Yuna turned around, a familiar faceー or rather, familiar faces greeting them. All the judges are now present in the examination area.

There was the Headmaster, looking as dashing as ever, greatly looking forward to the performance of the students, and Grandmaster Darwin whom the two have met before on the way to Xeros, his strides calm as can be.

"Huhuhu! It seems that we meet again, young ones, Miss 'Elena' and Mister 'Shin'. Or… should I say... Your Highnesses?" [Darwin]

"Oh? Do you know each other already? That's a surprise." [Fran]

"Huhuhu! I had the pleasure of meeting them in Alconia before. Though... I didn't think that the young ones I met would be such great figures." [Darwin]

"It's our pleasure to meet you again, Lord Darwin. How have you been?" [Grey]

"Huhuhu! I've been more than fine, thank you for asking. And it's a great pleasure for me as well. It must be fate that we meet again this way." [Darwin]

They have already figured out that the old man from before was amongst the judges, but seeing him before their eyes, it felt a little conflicting. They've only met him for a short while, after all. They were more like strangers than acquaintances.

Still, that doesn't remove the fact that Darwin was a great alchemist. He may not be a Legendary Alchemist, but he was still a Grandmaster who has devoted his life in the name of alchemy, making several creations himself. He was a fantastic man.

"I heard that you have reached your goal as I've said... Still, I didn't think you'd have become a Legendary Alchemist so quickly." [Darwin]

"It's all thanks to your help. Without the Bluestone Bellflower you gave me before, it would have been hard to create the 'Fairy's Blessing'." [Yuna]

"So that's the name of the Legendary Potion, huh... I feel incredibly honored to be a part of your story, Your Highness. I feel like I could die at ease now." [Darwin]

"What are you saying? You still have a lot of years to live." [Fran]

"Huhuhu! Hopefully so." [Darwin]

The old man was just as carefree as before, simply laughing things off as if they were a joke. He was quite shocked at first, but seeing Yuna standing before him, it was very clear that she was no ordinary young lady.

The scent of herbs was strong in her hands and her eyes sparkled as if it contained all knowledge in the world. It might be a long and far future, but he was more than sure that she would be able to reach the pinnacle. A smile bloomed on his face.

"Anyway, what are you two lovebirds doing here?" [Fran]

"That... We were just checking to see if the array works for the final time. It's perfect that you're here to observe, Headmaster." [Grey]

"Ohh~. That sounds promising. I'd be more than willing to." [Fran]

With chit-chat and everything else now done and dusted, it was finally time to test out the array and see if it would truly last. Grey quickly retrieved a glass bottle from his Inventory and moved towards the center of the area.


He raised his hands and threw the glass towards the top of the arena, the sound of shattering glass echoing as it struck a transparent force. It was none other than the barrier of the array, keeping what's in and out as it should be.

Grey didn't put his full strength in the throw, but he still exerted enough force to equal an A-ranker. Still, the barrier remained relatively unharmed, not a single scratch nor a crack to be seen. The barrier stood perfectly still.

"Grey threw that with the strength of an A-ranker. Even if it's an S-ranker, the barrier should still be able to hold out over a dozen hits." [Yuna]

"Ohh~! What a powerful barrier! I didn't think Grey was capable of this." [Fran]

"Incredible indeed... If a calamity were to ever strike, the stadium could be used as an emergency shelter. His Highness is amazing." [Darwin]

However, the test didn't just stop there. As soon as the glass was broken, a thick veil of dark green smoke swallowing the field. It was poison gas which was potent enough to kill an adult elephant, rushing out towards all directionー or so it tried.

But before the gas could even try to spread throughout the place, the runes around the arena suddenly started glowing and purified the air, sucking away the poison all the while casting holy magic all over the place.

"This won't be able to heal large injuries, but if it's just a small wound, Grey said the holy magic spell should be able to help." [Yuna]

"And even holy magic as well? This is beyond incredible!" [Darwin]

To protect from dangers, to disperse poison and harmful substances, and to even heal light wounds and injuries. Nor matter which angel one looks at, it was a great array which wouldn't lose to the protection in the Royal Castle.

And to think that it was only made in a mere 3 days, no one would be able to believe it unless they saw it for themselves. The young man was now smiling, fully satisfied that the task left to him had finally been finished.

"Then, Headmaster, what do you thinkー Woah!" [Grey]

"Young manー No, Your Highness! Please install an array like this in Alconia as well. I will make sure to pay for everything, just name your price!" [Darwin]

"P... Pardon...?" [Grey]

"And don't worry, our stadium is much smaller, so it shouldn't take too long! Could you start when the Final Exams are over?! But, ah! I could also wait if you want! What do you think, Your Highness?! Is it alright with you?! Is it?!" [Darwin]

However, what was not finished was Grey dealing with the old men. He is normally calm and composed, but after seeing Grey's magnificent work, Darwin couldn't help himself but ask Grey for a favor, eyes burning with passion.

Grey tried to look at Yuna and the Headmaster, but it was of no use. Both shifted their eyes away, not wanting to have anything to do with the situation. Now, it was time for Grey to be ignored like the times he ignored Yuna's pleas for help before.

The Final Exams approaches...


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