YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 384: Light of Legends

The hallways were emptyー or at least, it used to be. But the noisy sound of footsteps and chatter filled it with life. Multiple figures walked down the corridors, discussing the meeting they had been in just a few minutes ago.

Some were wearing glasses, some brought notebooks and textbooks with them, some were wearing smiles on their faces, and some had dark bugs under their eyes. There was a variety of people, the scent of herbs lingering around every one of them.

"It seems that we'll have a large number of graduates this time 'round. I believe we'll have a handful of graduating Tier-5 alchemists as well."

"Indeed. Indeed. There's so many good ones, it's hard to pick an apprentice."

"I agree with you, Professor Rodmann. I think I might pick more than 3 this year. They are simply too good to pass up."

They were the esteemed Professors of the Academy, each one of them not lower than Tier-6 in terms of prowess as an alchemist. They are the proud nurturers of Darius who shine a bright path for the next generation of alchemists.

But perhaps the most notable one of them was the Headmaster. Not only was he a Legendary Alchemist, some of the Professors with him were also his students once. He is the most respected figure in the academy whom everyone aspires to be.

"What do you think, Headmaster? Are you taking a disciple this year?"

"Hmm... I did have someone I had my eyes on for quite some time, but unfortunately, she declined my offer. It's a shame but there's nothing I could do about it." [Fran]

"Eh?! A student declined your offer?! W-Who in the world is she?!"

"To think someone would actually refuse the Headmaster! How bizarre!"

Just like that, the Professors were sent abuzz, discussing who could have possibly declined the Headmaster's hands which even they would take. It was too bizarre of a situation, they couldn't fully comprehend what happened between them.

Of course, that person was none other than Yuna. It wasn't just once that Fran made her an offer, but she rejected them each time without fail. She was a strong-minded lady the Headmaster just couldn't help but be fond of.

'Hm? Isn't this...' [Fran]

Coincidentally, they just happened to pass by the area where the private laboratories are located. The Headmaster halted his steps in front of a large door, his clear eyes shifting left and right as he continued to stare.

That door was none other than Yuna's private laboratory. He couldn't see through the door like Grey, but he could definitely smell the scent of herbs brewing inside. There was alchemy being performed, his heart filled with curiosity.

"Headmaster, is there something wrong?"

"Not really... I just remembered who uses this private Laboratory, and thought I'd take a look and see how they're doing." [Fran]

"Oh? A student which caught the Headmaster's eye? That's rare..."

"Hahaha. She's an exchange student named Elena. Though she's young, she is already displaying skills and talent on par with our top graduating students." [Fran]

"Ohh!! That's not something you hear everyday. Is this the student you were talking about just now, Headmaster? The one who rejected your offer?"

The Headmaster did not confirm nor deny the question of the Professor, simply giving them a vague smile. All their interest was piqued, everyone wondering just what kind of student the person the Headmaster was evaluating so highly.

"Oh! If it's Student Elena, then she should be the one in my class!" [Dorothy]

"I believe she's taken my elective as well. She is a very talented child." [Casey]

"That's true... Even I, as an instructor, couldn't help but be amazed. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that she's the best in her year." [James]

Though luckily enough, there were 3 other people amongst the Professors with the Headmaster who knew of Yuna. They were Dorothy, the advisor, James, the one in charge of "Advanced Formulations III", and Casey who teaches "Heavy Brewery".

They have witnessed Yuna's talent first hand and could confidently say that she was the best student they have seen in their whole career. They all regard her skills and talent highly, sure that she will reach great heights in the near future.

Hearing all their praises, the other Professors became intrigued as well. They have also heard rumors of the exchange students going around in the academy. And now that confirmed it from other Professors, they became even more curious,

"Then, I will be parting ways with you now. I wish to talk with her." [Fran]

"Ah, could I also head inside as well, Headmaster? There's some things I want to ask her about her homework." [Dorothy]

"I'm of the same opinion as well, Headmaster. There's also something I wish to discuss with her. If you allow me, that is." [James]

Now, not just the Headmaster, but the other Professors as well now want to head inside the Laboratory and observe Yuna for the meantime, most of them having questions wish they wanted to ask the young lady.

The reason for this was none other than her strange answers in her homework that the Professors couldn't just wrap around their heads with. They were too novel and ingenious ideas to be left untouched. They were all raring to go.

"Hmm... It should be fine. As long as we don't make too much noise, I don't think there would be any problem. Though I might have to check first." [Fran]

"What a shame... I also want to see who this young lady is..."

"Right...? If only it weren't for work..."

Thankfully, other than Professors Dorothy, James, and Casey whom Yuna has a connection to, the other Professors couldn't go with the Headmaster as they were either too busy, had a prior engagement, or weren't just interested.

It was a good thing for Fran as he also doesn't want to bring Grey and Yuna too much trouble either. He was already sure that whoever was in the room had already known they were there, not wishing to make any more noise and distractions.

"Then, we'll be taking our leave now, Headmaster. Take care, Headmaster."

"Everyone as well. Good work, everyone. I'll see you again next week." [Fran]

They soon said their goodbyes, and the other Professors finally took their leave. Only 4 figures remained, standing by the door and waiting for an opportunity to knockー or at least, they were hoping to do so....


.. But before they could even take the chance to knock, the doors suddenly opened on their own, a bright young man greeting them with a bright smile. It was none other than Grey, unsummoning the familiars and spirits before he did so.

It was just like the Headmaster had expected. Grey already overheard their casual conversation, and rather than have an awkward atmosphere loom over them, he brought it upon himself to decide and welcome the other party instead.

"So it really was you, Headmaster. I knew that voice sounded familiar." [Grey]

"You really do have sharp hearing, Shin. Did you hear our talk just now?" [Fran]

"Well, just a tiny bit... I couldn't really make out most of them since the room is sound-proofed nicely. I did hear Elena's name though." [Grey]

"Hahaha. We did discuss a little about her," [Fran]

Said Grey, playing it as if his hearing couldn't bypass the thick, sound-proof walls of the Laboratory. The Headmaster knew it as well, but there was no need to turn the situation needlessly tense and awkward. He decided to just play along.

"And... Who might these esteemed Professors be, Headmaster?" [Grey]

"Oh, pardon the late introductions. From the right, these are Professors Dorothy, Casey, and James. They handle some of Elena's subjects." [Fran]

"Oh! So you're Elena's Professors! I've heard a lot about you from Elena. It's a great pleasure to finally meet all of you." [Grey]

"Fufufu! And you must be the rumored fiancé. You really are as handsome as the rumors say. It's also my greatest pleasure to meet you." [Dorothy]

And as it seems, it looks like Yuna wasn't the only one famous in the Academy. Grey might be from another year level, but many Professors have also heard of him, not just as someone good-looking, but someone who's also a genius at alchemy.

Grey may not be a match to Yuna against alchemy, but his skills still far surpass his skills. He was only said to be a Tier-4 Alchemist, but with his skills at the Pinnacle of Tier-5, he showed more promise than others, catching the eyes of many.

"Hahaha. It's embarrassing to be called thatー Oh! How rude of me! Please head inside. It might not be much, but I'll try to be accommodating," [Grey]

"No, it should be us who should be sorry for dropping by without warning, I hope we didn't bother you too much." [Fran]

"It's alright, Headmaster. Please come inside." [Grey]

Casual as can be, Grey invited he others inside the private laboratory, the Professors and the Headmaster heading inside one after another, their eyes falling towards Yuna the very moment they entered,

She was still focused on her alchemy, not even knowing there were already a lot of people around. Her focus was not something you would see everyday, the Professors once again in awe as they watched the young lady perform alchemy.

They already knew she was very capable, but seeing her work in her own workspace was completely different. It was as if she was a completely different person, like a brilliant composer stringing along the words and tunes to make a song.

"Oh~! This is my first time seeing her work so earnestly." [James]

"What amazing concentration... It seems like she's in her own world." [Casey]

"I already knew she was an amazing alchemist... But this is far way beyond my expectations. How frightening." [Dorothy]

Each of the Professors made different comments, but they all wore astonished and confused faces, traces of shock riddled evidently in their eyes. The Headmaster was also shocked, but for a completely different reason than them.

'A-Aren't those all rare magic plants?!' [Fran]

There wasn't just one or two, but over a dozen ingredients and materials stop the alchemy table, each one of them a hard item to find. They were all incredibly rare materials, costing a hefty amount reaching 6, and sometimes 7 or 8 digits.

And he may not be the most knowledgeable about Yuna's equipment, but he could tell at a glance but they were not ordinary. Yuna had taken out her Divine Alchemist's Toolset which may very well be the best alchemist toolset in the world.

The Professors couldn't tell since they were just Tier-6, but he who has numerous decades worth of experience could easily tell. Cold chills ran down his spine as he imagined just how valuable everything on the alchemy table was.

"Headmaster, is there something wrong? You look pale." [Grey]

Whispered Grey to the Headmaster, trying to keep his voice down so that the other Professors couldn't hear the two of them. It was subtle, but more than enough for a High-Ranker like the Headmaster to pick up.

"Hahaha... How could I not, when you're openly using such precious items. I would have fainted if it weren't for the others around." [Fran]

"We weren't expecting visitors, after all," [Grey]

"That's not the problem here, Grey." [Fran]

The Headmaster could only laugh wryly as he continued to watch the bizarre scene unfolding before him. He wanted to think it was all a dream, but seeing such fluid and precise movements before him, he could only shake his head in resignation.

Yuna wasn't just performing alchemy, she was performing High-Level alchemy which only people of the Headmaster's level is capable of. She is attempting to challenge a high wall before her which many alchemists fail to do so.

'Hahaha... How absurd... How truly absurd...' [Fran]

Yet despite all that, he could only smile to himself and watch the scene unfold without any regrets. His heart was pumping madly and his body was trembling in excitement, looking forward to what kind of presentation Yuna would serve them.

She whisked her hands, shaking the contents of the vial at speeds no normal person would be able tk achieve. All the Professors could see was a blur, the tint and clarity of the liquid changing in all but a single moment.

Yuna didn't just stop there. As soon as the colors changed, she immediately brought out the flames, heat waves sweeping throughout the room. She controlled them with such precision, the flames dancing to the beat of her tune.

"What amazing control... It seems like she's proficient at magic as well..." [James]

"That's not just the level of being called proficient. It seems like she has mastered the control over fire. How terrifying..." [Casey]

"Did you know she was a mage as well, Headmaster?" [Dorothy]

"Well, yes... I didn't know she was this talented in fire magic though," [Fran]

The Headmaster replied with a subtle chuckle. He already knew how terrifying Yuna's ice magic was, but he didn't expect her control over an opposing attribute to be so precise as well, wielding it as if it were her own hands.

What's more, it wasn't just fire magic. There was also, water, wind, earth, lightning, and every single attribute. She was even using special magics such as holy magic in the mix, controlling them magnificently as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

The more he witnesses Yuna's prowess, the more bizarre a person she becomes in his mind. He had seen a lot of talents before, but never one on the level of Yuna. She was a true monster. A prodigy whose level cannot be judged by common sense.

"By the way.... Student Shin, what potion is student Elena making?" [James]

"That's... To be honest, I'm not very sure as well. All I know is that she's giving her all in this one. It might be her best one yet, I guess...." [Grey]

"Eh? Then is it alright that we're here?" [Dorothy]

"Hahaha. There's no need to worry about that, Professor. Despite how she seems, once Elena gets into focus, not even an earthquake could disrupt her." [Grey]

Said Grey with a big smile on his face, all the while making a loud stomp with his foot. And to everybody's surprise, Yuna was not shocked one bit. She went on with her work as if nothing happened, calm as can be.

Everyone felt relief and amazed at the same time, though in reality, Grey actually just erected a sound-isolating barrier around the young lady. Even if there was a nuclear explosion outside, she wouldn't hear a single thing. There is no harm in being careful.

Yuna simply went on with her work, adding new reagents and ingredients into her concoction. The more time went, the more complex Yuna's creation became, all sorts of fantastical things unfolding before everyone's eyes.

She wasn't just doing alchemy with the ingredients, but with mana and the chemicals in the air as well. Even more, she was simulating the aether inside the ingredients, making them pulsate and react. It was a level so advanced, even the Headmaster couldn't help but be in awe.

"N-Notes! Notes! Please let me borrow a piece of paper!" [Dorothy]

"That's right! I don't really know what's happening! But we must record this!" [Casey]

"I apologize, Student Shin. I know this may sound impudent, but could we study Student Elena's methods right now? Please." [James]

The Professors really didn't know what was happening, but they could definitely tell that Yuna wasn't doing something ordinary. The alchemist blood inside them was boiling fervently, excitement running through their veins.

"Hmm... I don't know if Elena will allow it, but I don't think she'll be against it either. You can study for now, and ask her later. Is that alright?" [Grey]

"Yes! That's more than enough! Thank you!" [Dorothy]

"You'll have to ask Elena later, though." [Grey]

"Don't worry, Student Shin. We won't do anything rash to harm the Academy's reputation. We'll surely have a talk with her later." [James]

And with permission from Grey, they quickly took out their papers and pens, hearts burning with passion as they wrote down their observations of the young lady. What they knew was little, but their speed and estimation was unmatched.

They have seen the Headmaster make potions before, but the process before them was definitely novel in their eyes. All they knew was that it was a difficult opportunity to come by, taking grasp of it before everything was too late.

But perhaps the most interested one, was the Headmaster. He tried to match what Yuna was doing with the many methods and theories he knew of, but not a single one of them was close to similar. It was as if she was part of the concoction, her body acting as an extension of the process.

"Hmm... This method Elena is using right now... Is this also amongst the ones your Grandmother left, Shin? This is pretty remarkable, I must say." [Fran]

"You can say that again, Headmaster... Well, I don't really know much of the method, so I can't say that much. You can try asking Elena later.." [Grey]

"Hahaha. Wasn't your Grandmother the one who taught this? How come Elena knows more about it? You weren't listening to her lectures, weren't you?" [Fran]

Grey didn't reply any longer and simply kept his mouth shut, looking at his beloved with stern and unwavering eyes. Even he, the one who taught her, was in disbelief due to the sight unfolding before him.

As for the Headmaster, he was also looking at Yuna. It took him a while to realize his mistake, but when he did, his face quickly turned pale whilst his eyes opened wide in shock. A wry smile soon appeared on his face.

"Shin... Don't tell me..." [Fran]

"Yes. What you're thinking is right, Headmaster... It's Elena herself who made that very method." [Grey]

It wasn't Grey nor was it the knowledge God gave him. Yuna herself made a new method to brew and concoct items. The moment the Headmaster realized this, he could barely keep his hands from trembling, heart racing even faster.

She may look like she's simply standing there, but Yuna is actually using both her mana and her aura to become a medium of alchemy, washing away the impurities and simulating the reactions which were normally hard to achieve.

Every time some elements tried to clash, Yuna would forcefully keep them under control and keep them that way until the solution was stable enough, allowing her an even higher degree of freedom when brewing new items.

"Hahaha... And here I thought she wouldn't be able to surprise me any longer... Looks like I was wrong." [Fran]

"Then please prepare yourself, Headmaster. Be it today, or in the far future. I'm sure Yuna still has more surprises up her sleeves." [Grey]

"The future, huh... I'm looking forward to it." [Fran]

The Headmaster smiled, Grey chucked to himself, the Professors continued taking down notes, and Yuan quickly and smoothly progressed in her work, mixing and separating different items, eliciting reactions as time passed.

She poured in more mana, she regulated the conditions without a single flaw, she executed every step in perfect timing and combination, and she worked at speeds that no one other than Grey could follow.

Such a monotonous yet strangely exciting scene continued, when suddenly...


"W-What's happening?! An earthquake all of the sudden?!" [Dorothy]

"Ah! Student Elena! Please be careful!" [James]

... A resonant and constant shaking ran throughout the ground. The whole Academy was struck by a sudden earthquake, everyone quickly sent to panic, raising their voices along the sudden shakingー Well... Almost everyone...

There were 2 figures in the room who were calm as can be, tiny traces of surprise showing on their faces. They knew exactly what was going on, a swirl of various emotions flooding their hearts. They're none other than Grey and the Headmaster.

"Watch closely, everyone... For we are now witnessing the birth of a new Legendary Alchemist... The youngest in history..." [Fran]

Said the Headmaster, a wry and dry smile on his face. His words echoed in the whole Laboratory loud and clear, the faces of the Professors dyed clearly with shock, slowly turning their heads towards the young lady before them.


Before long, the whole Laboratory was filled with light, swallowing everything in sight. An explosion of golden light rocked the whole Academy, a massive beam shot out towards the vast blue sky and piercing the clouds above.

It wasn't anything harmful nor was it even blinding to the eyes. However, it was more than enough to grab the attention of everyone in the Academyー no, the attention of everyone throughout the whole city. An unbelievable sight in the middle of the day.

"Mommy! Mommy! Look! It so pretty~!"

"Wh-What's happening?! Did someone's experiment go wrong?!"

"That light... Don't tell me..."

Some were mystified, some were shocked, some were confused, and some were trembling in disbelief. Everyone who saw the sight gave different reactions, but there was one thing for sure... The whole capital will soon be really noisy.

Of course, such reactions were even in greater magnitude inside the Laboratory itself, the faces of the Professors far from being easy to draw. Professor Dorothy's soul had even left her body, muttering gibberish words from time to time.

There was silence in the air, everyone's eyes glued to the young lady, or rather, the item that the young lady was holding onto. It was still gleaming a dim glow, the color of honey dwelling inside. It was, no doubt, a Legendary-Grade item.

"Yaay~!! I did it! I finally did it! I made a Legendary-Grade potion~! I'm so happy~! I can't wait to show Greyー" [Yuna]

The silence was soon broken with the celebration of the young lady, but even such celebration was quickly cut off. Yuna couldn't even finish chanting, her body stopping the moment she made a twirl, various people greeting her.

"... Ehhhhh?!! W-W-Why is everyone here?!" [Yuna]

She was in shock, even more than the people before her. Not only did they witness her making a Legendary item, they also heard yell Grey's name. And most of all, they saw her acting all merry and childish. She was red from embarrassment.

"Surprise...? I guess..." [Grey]

The poor young lady couldn't even celebrate.


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