YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 370: The Kobolds’ Nest


Subtle thwacks and cracks echoed in the air, the occasional rustling of the leaves and whistling of the winds joining along them for a harmonious dance. It was a show deep within the forest, streaks of black and silver darting from branch to branch.

Lines of blue and violet cruised in the sea of green, two figures nimbly runningー or should I say, bolting throughout the ever so vast Lorinia Forest, their footsteps barely making any sound, the fresh and gentle breeze caressing their skin.

The deeper they ventured into the forest, the once relaxed expressions on their faces were now gone, replaced with indifferent and vigilant expressions as they continued to run around, finally halting to a stop at the top of the canopy of the forest.

"Waah... It really is a nest... Just how many are there..." [Yuna]

"Hmm... More than a thousand, that's for sure." [Grey]

It was already the middle of the afternoon, and Grey and Yuna are now done in their foragingー or at least, they were forced to do so. With the appearance or a suspicious amount of Kobolds in Grey's eyes, they had to stop and take a look at the situation.

Surely enough, it was one to be worried of. There was a large nest of Kobolds in front of them, loitering around the forest and claiming a large portion of it as their own. It is now a land of death to those who happen to wander near.

"Though... It seems like it isn't a Kobold King that's leading them..." [Grey]

"Is it a Kobold Lord then?" [Yuna]

"Yeah, and there's also a handful of Chiefs present here and there... There's 6... No, 7 of them to be exact, all scattered around the forest." [Grey]

Fortunately, it wasn't the worst case scenario, however, a Kobold Lord is still a B-rank monster. With numerous D-rank Kobold Chiefs and E-rank Kobold Elites under its command, it was even more dangerous than any monsters within its rank.

It is good that nest monsters don't really leave the vicinity of its nest, however, if left alone, the nest itself will continue to grow and the monsters within would also become stronger as well. If they neglect it too much, it would become a huge problem later on.

The B-rank Kobold Lord could evolve into an A-rank Kobold King with enough time and mana.Though, since the nest was still relatively recent, there was really no need to worry too much in that regard. They still have a lot of time.

"Still, nests sure are amazing, huh... To think such structures would suddenly pop out of existence with the use of mana... It's interesting to think about it." [Yuna]

"Well, it's been quite some time since we've encountered a nest again, after all. Has it been more than a year already?" [Grey]

"Un. That's right, but compared to the Goblin neat before, this is much, much more amazing! They look totally different!" [Yuna]

"That's only natural... It's a B-rank Nest, after all..." [Grey]

Said Grey, his eyes swimming through the scenery before him, scanning every nook and cranny of the nest. There weren't only trees and boulders, but walls, pitfall traps, barracks, towers, and a couple more structures present before him.

They have seen a couple huts and fences back at the Goblins' Nest before, but the ones standing before them were on an entirely different level. All the structures are made of stone, solid wood framing them, and metal bits here and there.

While it's true that the leaders of the nests are a bit more "intelligent" than their wild counterparts, they aren't really ones to use such structures. Rather, they were there simply for aesthetic purposes and to diversify the field as well. Even God has a taste.

Not that the nest has a shortage of strength anyway. Even with the Kobold Lord and the higher-ranked variants, there were still a couple hundred Kobold Warriors and just around 2 thousand Kobolds present. It was enough to bring a town to ruin.

"Well, even if it's a B-rank nest with a B-rank Boss, it's still no match for us. Should we quickly clean this mess up, Yuna?" [Grey]

"Un! Let's bet this over quickly and continue collecting herbs!" [Yuna]

"Hahaha. All you really think about is herbs, isn't it?" [Grey]

Asked Grey and the young lady answered with but a sweet and adorable smile. She already had her fun with the Kobolds from before, and she could play a little with the ones before her. There was no way she wouldn't be excited.

Nor minding other things any more, Grey then heaved a quiet sigh and looked in front of him. He extended his arms and the winds started to blow once more. He poured a bit more mana and blasted the fools several dozen meters away, not.

"Ah! Grey! Wait a minute!" [Yuna]

He couldn't even start his chant, and Yuna already stopped him. There was a vivid trace of urgency in her eyes, urging Grey to stop immediately. It was a completely different expression from the one she wore just a couple seconds ago.

If it weren't for the sound-insulating barrier Grey previously made, the enemies would have been alerted by such a loud noise by now. They would have probably engaged in a more troublesome and more tiring battle.

"G-Grey! Let's not use magic here for now, okay?" [Yuna]

"Hm? Is there something wrong with it?" [Grey]

"That's not it! If you use magic right now, you're going to blow away the magic plants I just found! We can't have you do that!" [Yuna]

And of course, the reason was none other than the magic plants blooming ever so beautifully by the corner of her eyes. They have a white and pinkish tone spreading on their petals. They were beautiful and rare flowers named "Urduja Menfellis".

Yuna had already searched the whole forest for rare and useful alchemy materials, and she has found quite a lot of interesting ones. The magic plants before them are such rare flowers. There was no way she was willing to have them damaged.

"Haah... You really surprise me to no end, My Dear." [Grey]

"So, let's not use magic, okay? And let's have a competition too, while we're at it. That sounds like a lot of fun, doesn't it?" [Yuna]

"Alright.... As long as you're happy..." [Grey]

There was no need to think too much about it. Grey simply accepted Yuna's terms and ceased to use wind magic any further. He just equipped his trusty gauntlets and cracked his fist a little bit, readying himself for the battle ahead of them.

Well, with or without magic, it's not like it makes a difference anyway. Grey could still beat up the Kobold Lord with but a single finger, and Yuna could also do the same. Rather than feel burdened by the handicap, it was actually rather exciting,

Of course, that also meant that the familiars and spirits would be playing around as well. They had already changed their forms into that of a panther's, one more suitable in the forest with its agile movements and sharp claws.

"Are you ready everyone~?" [Yuna]

"""Yes!""" """Yeah!""" "At your command, Mistress."

Yuna made a grand declaration and everyone else sang with her, the soft chimes of the spirits playing along their cries. They soon vanished into thin air, the forest now once again peaceful as the plants continued to reach for the sun.

Or at least... It was quiet and peaceful for a short while...


Unknown figures suddenly appeared out of nowhere and struck the Kobolds patrolling the east. Blood was drawn as the figures were graced with light, blood trickling down the leaves and ass, dyeing the scenery red.

The Kobolds couldn't even grasp what was happening, more of their kin dying off before their very eyes. With each passing second, numerous thuds resounded all over the air, a storm of mana brewing as they vanished one after another.

Some Kobolds managed to react, quickly raising their claws. However, they were nowhere near quick enough. Before they could even slash their claws, several deadly wounds already appeared all over their bodies, extinguishing their flames of life.

"You're not going anywhere." [Grey]

"Not so fast! Haap!" [Yuna]

Even those which were far away weren't safe, blades of silver and red, and boulder-shattering fists rushing off towards their direction, boring holes through their bodies and cutting them down without mercy.

Some tried to counterattack, but before their strikes could even reach a hair of them, Grey and Yuna had already reacted, landing a counter of their own. The enemies couldn't even scratch them, their lives taken away in the blink of an eye.


The familiars and spirits were just as formidable, taking down enemies without any hitches nor problems. A single slash and dozens of enemies were fell. They may not be able to use any magic, but their physical strength was not any weaker.

Even the spirits which are the weakest of them were making considerable progress, taking down the lower ranked Kobolds and Kobold Warriors. They didn't use mana, only using the physical advantages they held.

Time and time again, the Kobolds fell helplessly, a tsunami of death engulfing them like there was no tomorrow. In but a single minute, over a hundred of them already passed to the other side, leaving only a couple items behind.


Finally, the Lord has graced everyone with its presence, appearing with a booming roar directed towards everyone. It brought with it its Chiefs, all equipped with their ever so reliable gauntlets, their sharp and claws poking out them.


And just as it made its appearance, the ever so playful spirits did something quite unexpected. Alpheratz suddenly created a sharp thorn laced with a searing poison and shot it towards the Kobold Lord at great speeds.

Of course, with the strength difference of an F-rank Lesser Spirit and a B-rank Kobold Lord, there was no way the attack did anything. It was able to hit it, but it didn't even graze its tough skin. Even the poison didn't take effect, barely stinging a little.

"Alpheratz... You..." [Grey]

However, despite how much of a failure of an attack it was, the little plant spirit was still happy that it landed the attack. The sound of gentle yet cheerful chimes danced in the air whilst the spirit celebrated... It was able to provoke the Kobold Lord.


Filled with a burning rage and extreme hostility, the Kobold Lord lashed out towards the little spirit, its sharp claws glimmering along its gauntlet as it killed its way through the forest, decimating everything in its path, may it be friend and foe.

The Kobold Lord filled both its fists with all its strength and leaped towards the party at breakneck speed, riding the rushing winds. It then brandished it towards them, the winds howling from the shockwave and the whole surroundings shredded by the gale.

However, it was still far from enough. Everyone dodged the attack quickly, Grey and Yuna pulling away the spirits from the trajectory of the strike. All it did was crater the ground and squashing every plant in the area to green paste.

That's right... It squashed the plants Yuna tried so hard to protect, some uncommon herbs turned into useless rubbish, and the "Urduja Menfellis" just a few meters away from utter destruction. Yuna was frozen at the sight, a dark expression looming over her beautiful face, unable to utter a single word.


The Kobold Lord didn't waste the chance that Yuna was still petrified and pounced at her quickly. Its massive claws aimed for her delicate figure, the winds howling once again as it rushed towards the young ladyー or at least it was about to.

It was all too sudden, the said young lady vanishing into thin air without any warning. All the Kobold Lord could slash was the air and some wild plants, its eyes then hastily shifting towards its right, a familiar figure appearing out of the blue.

That figure was none other than Yuna whose eyes were now burning with rage. It may be void of true emotions, but at that moment, the Kobold Lord felt fear surging in its heart. The stares of the young lady were one to swallow it whole.

"You almost destroyed my magic plant! Bad dog!" [Yuna]

Proclaimed the young lady, all the while raising her hand to the air. She opened her palm wide and brought it rushing down towards the Kobold Lord. It struck like a wild meteor, connecting at lightning speed towards the Kobold Lord's face.


An ear-piercing thundering shockwave rocked the whole forest, and the Kobold Lord was sent flying a few hundred meters away. It collided with numerous massive trees and boulders just as massive, a series of thuds and crashes orchestrated in a moment.

The crashing soon stopped and the Kobold Lord lay unconscious on the ground. However, its head was already on the other way around and its eyes were white as the clouds drifted above them. It had already lost its life.


And amongst the trees the Kobold Lord collided with, one particularly large one fell towards the young lady's reaction. Yuna was able to dodge it with ease, however, the same couldn't be said for the "Urduja Menfellis".

"Nooo!! My magic plaaaaaannt!!" [Yuna]

Yuna soon realized her mistake, but before she could even grab the poor plants, it was already smashed by the massive log, resonant thuds echoing throughout the forest as the ground trembled a couple times.

The young lady was frozen once again, her eyes wide in shock as she knelt towards the ground. She tried to roll the log over, but there was no saving it, the magic plants were already crushed beyond recognition. She could still use them for alchemy, but she couldn't grow and cultivate them anymore.

"Noo... My magic plants...." [Yuna]

They were the same words, but the tone couldn't be any more different. Tears formed in the corner of the young lady's eyes, streaking down her beautiful face. There was only gloom in the dark expression of hers.

The Kobold Lord was already subjugated, but the feeling of resentment still remained. Yuna turned her head towards the remaining Kobolds, eyes still trickling with tears. She didn't about what she said before, a blizzard of blue brewing in the forest,

"You mean dogs! I will make sure to discipline you!" [Yuna]

Declared the young lady as the winds brew colder and harsher. Icicles of ice formed by the dozens, shooting out towards all directions, piercing the Kobolds and boring large, gaping holes through their bodies without much resistance.

"Master... What should we do about the Mistress?" [Rigel]

"Haah... Let's just leave her be. I'm sure she'll snap back to her usual once she's done venting out her anger." [Grey]

It was her own fault for being haughty... Is what Grey wanted to say. However, with the way his beloved is right now, there was no way he could stop her. It was better to just leave her be, even if it meant that the whole area had to be destroyed.

"Vega, Capella, help me out repair the forest later, alright?" [Grey]

"Okay~!" [Vega] "U-Understood!" [Capella]

"Then, everyone, let's go around the forest once again. Maybe we'll find some new and rare magic herbs to console Yuna with. Let's do our best!" [Grey]

"""Yes!!""" """Understood!""" """Yeah~!!"""

And look around they did. Whilst Yuna was venting out her anger on the Kobolds, everyone else searched for any and every useful herb they could. They filled the "Inventory" with all colors from the rainbows, brimming with life and vitality.

"Ooh! Master, I found some strange flowers over here!" [Vega]

"I as well, Master. They have a bit of mana flowing within them." [Sirius]

"Hahaha! Don't forget about me! I think I got the best one over here! Just look at how big it is! Aren't I amazing, Master?!" [Canopus]

It was as easy as 1, 2, 3, the familiars finding a mountain of herbs as they zoomed all throughout the forest. With eyes sharp as theirs and mana sensitivity comparable to Grey's, it was no problem sniffing out rare magic plants.


The spirits who were very close to nature were extremely useful as well. They could easily identify the area where mana is gathered, especially in the form of aether. They were areas where magic plants tend to flourish like fertile gardens.

From iridescent orchids clinging on tree branches to weeds which pull on unsuspecting victims. There were all sorts of magic plants all over the Lorinia Forest. Some may not be as rare as the others, but they were still very useful.

"Where do you think you're going?!" [Yuna]


And the young lady's venting was still far from over. After the complete decimation of the Kobolds, she is now hunting down and exterminating all sorts of monsters that managed to catch her eyes, chasing them fervently.

"You're all finished! ⟨⟨Icicle Shotgun⟩⟩!" [Yuna]

Yuna leaped into the air and bone-chilling frost gathered in her palms. Magic chunks of ice formed simultaneously, spinning faster and faster as they took the forms of icy spears, then shooting out like bolts of blue lightning, streaking ever so freely.

The enemies held not a single chance against the still enraged young lady, lances of blue and white piercing their bodies whole, sending deadly chills down their spines. It was a quick and easy death, their flames of life engulfed by the power of frost.

"Yuna, there's some Kobolds about 600 meters away, 8 o'clock." [Grey]

"Ah, un! Thank you so much, Grey!" [Yuna]

"No worries. Just make sure to get back before sunset. It would be a pain to get in later with all the people." [Grey]

"Un! I'll make sure to keep that in mind!" [Yuna]

And rather than scold her, Grey was instead encouraging. Not only is it a good way for Yuna to relieve her frustrations and have fun as well, but also a way to clear out the unnecessary dangers for their upcoming classes involving explorations. It was killing two birds with one stone.


The cries and bellows of the monsters rang like a pitiful and gloomy symphony in the forest. The once lush and verdant forest was now dyed a deep red color, thousands of lives lost in a matter of moments, a massacre unfolding under the skies.

Time passed by quickly. In the blink of an eye, the sky had already changed colors and the sun had already set over the faraway horizon. Grey, Yuna, and everyone else had gone back to Xeros, happy after a satisfying day.

Though, they didn't just head straight towards the Camellia Valley. First, they headed towards the Academy and then to the Headmaster's office. They still had quite the important incident to report, after all.

"Haah... Just wait a minute..." [Fran]

Of course, that matter was about the Kobold Nest Grey and Yuna just spotted and also their quick subjugation about it. They told the whole report to the Headmaster, only cutting out the unnecessary part.

"So let me get this straight... Umm... You took a quest to the forest... Collected some herbs... Found the Kobolds' nest by chance... And subjugated the whole nest...? Did I miss something?" [Fran]

"Un! That's right, Headmaster!" [Yuna]

"I see... As expected of Transcendents..." [Fran]

Or so he says, but deep down in his heart, he knew full well how puzzled he was. The foraging of herbs just couldn't be any further by the sudden and swift subjugation of the Kobolds' nest. It was in no way a normal flow of events.

In the first place, while the academy is aware of the presence of Kobolds, they have yet to confirm whether it truly was a nest or not. They had already sent a scout team before, but they have yet to bear fruit in their progress.

Though, knowing how powerful Grey and Yuna were, it didn't really come as much of a surprise. If it was anyone else, he might have suspected them of going crazy from what nonsense they just spouted. The two were in a completely different league.

"Haah... I don't know whether I should be laughing or crying..." [Fran]

"Hahaha. We'll take that a compliment then, Headmaster." [Grey]

"Haah... You two really are something else..." [Fean]

The only problem now is how to relay such a sudden message to the others. They had already spent quite a lot of effort, but to think it was solved ever so suddenly. It was a welcome surprise, but not one without drawbacks.

Of course, there was also a matter of rewarding the ones who saved them such a lot of trouble. They could offer to buy the materials they brought for a profit or have the two of them be rewarded with items and properties.

Regardless, it was more work for the already busy him....

"Oh, right... Headmaster, can you keep it a secret that we were the ones who defeated the Kobolds' Nest?' [Grey]

"A secret, huh... Why would you do that when you can receive a lot of benefits after becoming those hailed as heroes? Shouldn't you think about it more thoroughly?" [Fran]

"Ehh... No... I don't want to... It's so troublesome..." [Yuna]

"Yeah. We just want to lead a normal life... Or at least a more normal one." [Grey]

Preached Grey and the young lady nodded fervently after him. They already had enough titles to get busy. There was no way they're up for having more. They refused with all their might.

"Haah... Alright, I'll try to see what I can do. Don't get your hope too high, though. I'm just an old man, after all." [Fran]

More work awaits the Headmaster....


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