YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 365: Darius Academy (pt. II)

"Kyaaaaaa!!" [Alea]

A loud scream echoed all throughout the forest, rocking the ground and scaring away the birds and little critters. Fear, terror, and dread was painted on the face of the young lady, her whole body trembling ever so slightly.

In front of her stood a small creature, several legs like tidy stubs, eyes even smaller than apple seeds, and a long body which stretched and compressed time and time again. It was a devourer of leaves and the destroyer of crop fields.

It was a teeny-weensy caterpillar. A cute green one.

"Get that away! Get that away from me! Kale, you bastard!" [Alea]

"Really no. Do you think you have the power to say that?" [Kale]

"Kyaaaaaa!! D-Don't come any closer!" [Alea]

Kale drew closer with the caterpillar in his hands, and yet another ear-ripping scream rang out in the forest. The young lady soon ran away, tears forming in the corner of her eyes as if she was being chased by a monster.

It has been a couple hours since everyone started touring the Academy, and they have explored a couple places from the libraries all the way to testing facilities. With the three childhood friends accompanying them, it was never boring.

And now, Kale is chasing Alea with a confused caterpillar in his hands. The young lady has always been afraid of bugs ever since she was, and it was of the only few times in which he could take revenge on Alea. She is too strong otherwise.

"Seriously... Rather than fool around.. They should start collecting herbs..." [Edin]

"Mmn... Is it always like this, Edin?" [Yuna]

"Unfortunately, yes... Though, you'll most likely get used to it sooner or later. Everyone in the class already knows." [Edin]

As they progressed with their tour, they now arrived at Darius' Pocket Forest. It was a space expanding more than a hectare, and is lush with all sorts of vegetation. There are also a number of little birds and critters loitering in the forest.

The Pocket Forest's main purpose is to train the students how to collect herbs and materials in the wild, immersing them in the environment which they will encounter many times in the future, and to get them accustomed to foraging by themselves.

Sometimes, the Academy also summons monsters to test how students will respond to sudden dangers they might experience in the wild. Of course, these monsters are only lower rank ones like goblins, trentlings, and slimes.

After all, what a person needs the most in the wild is vigilance and preparedness. It is so that no matter what kind of unexpected situation may arrive, they will still be able to respond properly, and ensure their own survival.

"Too bad... There is much in the way of rare herbs, though..." [Yuna]

"Well, this is just a training area, after all. The Academy would be expending a lot if there are rare herbs here." [Grey]

"I know, but there's only common plants here..." [Yuna]

"You could still do some basic alchemy with them." [Grey]

"Uuu... I guess you're right..." [Yuna]

Everyone continued touring the forest, and they found a couple interesting things here and there. Even though it was just a pocket forest, it was a fully functioning ecosystem complete with food chains and various relationships between organisms.

There are also plants around like fruit trees and berry bushes which produce edible fruits which the students could harvest anytime they wanted to. Even if you're poor, you will not starving if you're resourceful enough.

"Come here, Alea~! Mister Caterpillar wants to greet yー Uwaah!" [Kale]

Kale continued to chase down Alea, but because he was only paying attention to the young lady, he didn't notice the roots below him and tripped on them splendidly. He planted his face on the ground, a stinging pain greeting him.

A low groan resounded ever so subtly, Kale feeling his face for any wounds, and just when he was relieved that there wasn't any, the footsteps of terror rang in his ears. A mad and irritated Alea stood in front of him, menacingly.

"Kale... You asshole... You know what's next, right?" [Alea]

"A... Alea... We... We can talk this over... N-No need for violence..." [Kale]

"Kale, grit your teeth... I'm gonna beat you up." [Alea]

Said Alea with a dark smile on her face, a terrifying expression blooming whilst she raised her clenched fists, irked veins popping out of it. The screams of Kale soon reverberated all across the pocket forest, pain running down his veins.

A handful of punches were thrown, and the young man was beaten black and blue. Though he looked pitiful, he also deserved it after all the things he did. He might not admit it, but he was an idiot like Edin. They really were childhood friends.

Shenanigans aside, everyone continued foraging in the forest and collected materials which seemed useful to them. From edible ferns all the way to refreshing herbs, they made sure to not make any waste and treat the forest gratefully.

"Then, now that we're done here. Should we head to our next stop?" [Edin]

After the pocket forest, everyone headed out once again, the sound of rolling pebbles and breaking twigs echoing one after another as they exited the forest. It didn't even take them a minute, greeting the abundant sunlight once again.

They walked down the corridors, much emptier and quieter than usual. Many of the students have already gone back to their dormitories or exited the campus to have fun, making sure they enjoy the rest of the day.

The next destination which they headed to was none other than the laboratories which many students conduct their experiments on. A place to brew with alchemy and produce new products. A place of innovation.

"This is our laboratory. Though it may seem smallー" [Edin]


What an explosive greeting it was... Literally...

Edin couldn't even finish his words, when a loud explosion suddenly rang out from one of the laboratories. Clouds of smoke and dust soon followed, a cacophony of coughs and grunts filling the air soon after.

Though, perhaps the most astonishing thing was that everyone was relatively calm, neither one of them flinching nor screaming in panic. The students only took a quick peek from their room, heading back inside as if it was no big deal.

"Sorry about that, everyone! We'll be more careful later on!"

The voice of a pubescent boy rang throughout the hallways, and a couple remarks followed it soon after. The smoke was then fanned away, people going back to their usual business without much care about what just happened.

"Umm... Are... Are they okay? That sounded pretty horrible." [Yuna]

"Don't worry too much about it, Elena. This happens all the time," [Kale]

No, you should definitely worry... Is what Yuna wanted to say, but as an alchemist herself, she knew that there are times that experiments fail and explosions occur soon after. She has experienced it many times already, after all.

Of course, with her skills and precision, neither one of the explosions she caused was as loud as thunder like the recent one is. It was actually quite shocking and confusing that everyone was very calm, acting like it was another normal day.

"Actually, remember Edin's failure we talked about just this morning. It was even louder than this one. You know, like a real explosion." [Kale]

"You're exaggerating, Kale. It wasn't that big of a deal." [Edin]

"That's right! Compared to the mess you made last semester, that one is a small one. You really thashed our laboratory last time." [Alea]

"Well, some sacrifices are needed to be done in the name of alchemy." [Edin]

"Shut up, you dumbass! Do you know how expensive the whole equipment was?! I couldn't even spend a single kiel that time! All because of your fault!" [Alea]

Rage burnt in the eyes of Alea as she started choking Edin, reliving the resentment she had during that semester. The latter couldn't even struggle and try to break free, Alea's strength overpowering his wimpy body without much trouble,

"Haah... There they go again..." [Yuna]

"Kale, can we take a look in the laboratory now?" [Grey]

"Sure. I'll make sure to run you through everything." [Yuna]

With how often they fought, Grey and Yuna didn't bother quelling the two, and simply headed inside with Kale guiding them. Edin and Alea will fix the problem on their own anyway, so it was better to just leave them alone.

As for the laboratory itself, it was a plain and ordinary one, complete with basic items and equipment needed in facilities. There was also a stock of ingredients present, stored carefully to make sure and preserve them before usage.

If they need to use more fancy equipment, all they need to do is ask permission to use the testing facilities, with the supervision of the teacher. That way, they can save on costs, while also making sure the students are disciplined.

"There are more seats and apparatus here than usual... Do you share this laboratory with the others too, Kale?" [Yuna]

"Yeah. We share this with the same people we share the greenhouse with. It's just more convenient for everyone that way." [Kale]

"What about private laboratories then?" [Yuna]

"Those are only reserved for the Professors and the top students. Well, I've never really been in one, so I don't really know much about them... Did the Headmaster provide one for the two of you?" [Kale]

"Well... Let's just say that he did." [Grey]

"Ahh... I'm so jealous." [Kale]

Or so Grey said, but the truth was, the Headmaster didn't just provide one for them, but one for each of them. Though, there was no reason to declare it out loud and get into nonsensical and unnecessary trouble.

The laboratory tour elapsed quickly, Kale explaining things in a very simple and easy to understand manner. After all, they were all already familiar with the items present so there was no need to make things any more complicated.

Time passed some more and they then headed out towards other sorts of facilities. There were the utility shops, the dormitories, the relaxing cafes, the club rooms, and also some secret areas where they could hang out without getting disturbed.

"Waah~! You sure know a lot about these things, Kale... That's amazing!" [Yuna]

"Well, what do you expect from a delinquent?" [Alea]

"Hey! How many times do I have to say it?! I'm not a delinquent!" [Kale]

And so, there were only a couple more buildings in the campus left. Edin saved the best for last, all of them heading towards there as the sky started to change colors, the sun slowly setting over the distant horizon.


But before they could head there, they happened across a couple of training grounds with quite a handful of people present. Some were running around in laps, some were swinging their swords, and some were participating in close quarters combat.

In fact, there were even some exceptional people in the training ground, trading quick blows one after another. They were already at the level of knights, able to cut down trees with their bare hands and stand subjugate ogres with ease.

"These are..." [Yuna]

"Pretty bizarre, right?" [Alea]

Though it may be a normal sight in Knight Academies, Alchemist academies rarely possess any training grounds, mostly focusing on laboratories and facilities which all students could use to improve themselves with.

After all, many alchemists simply buy herbs on the market or in the Guild, only but a handful of them going out into the wild and searching. There is practically no reason for them to risk their lives when they could just tinker in their laboratories.

But Darius is different. Other than knowledge, they also hone students to be able to survive in the wild. They train their stamina, instincts, battle senses, and even teach them about weaknesses and strategies to use against powerful enemies.

This not only increases their chance of survival, but will also allow them to gather ingredients and materials which would need a mountain trek, a swamp crossing, cliff climbing, water diving, and many more. All to conquer every area in the world.

"These are rules made by the Headmaster when he received his position. And it is also the reason why Darius is the way it is today." [Kale]

"As expected 'Warring Alchemist'... He really is something," [Grey]

"Though, we're still far from the level of our seniors. Hahaha." [Kale]

"Right, right. Edin would even lose to a child in terms of stamina." [Alea]

"Hey! Why are you dragging my name into this?!" [Edin]

It was amazing indeed, but perhaps what's even more amazing was the fact that the Headmaster pays attention to every little detail in the Academy. He made sure that the students learn in an immersive and competitive environment.

Not only are the facilities top notch, the merit system in place is also outstanding. It doesn't matter what one's social status is. As long as they are capable, the Academy will welcome them with open arms. A place where skills matter.

The sun continued to sink down the horizon and they also continued their stroll. They headed towards yet another structure, located at the rear end of the campus, already looking grand and gallant from afar.

"Here we are! Welcome to the Grand Viritra Hall!" [Edin]

Edin proclaimed with the brightest smile there is, a grand orchestra of shimmers and sparkles playing out behind him. The whole hall was filled with priceless items, all encased in fortified glass and displayed atop their own pedestals.

There were Superior-Grade potions, antique apparatus, delicate magic tools, scrolls, machinery, rare and precious materials, and some replicas of the national treasures stored in the Royal Treasury. It was a feast for the eyes.

"Waah~! There's so many items! I wonder what all of them do!" [Yuna]

"Elena, don't be too rowdy. You might break something." [Grey]

"There's no need to worry about that, Shin. As you see... These items are protected with magic. Even High-Rankers would have a hard time with them." [Alea]

"Well, it is pretty grand..." [Grey]

It wasn't just grand, it was exceptional, even surpassing the security systems back on Earth. Not only are the protective casings very tough, there is also an alarm system and protective arrays which will be activated the moment one tries to break them.

Even the protection spells outside, in the museums all over the city, was nothing in comparison to the various layers of magic in the item's storage. Even if one tries, it would be of no use with such absurd security.

In fact, the whole Hall was so amazing, even S-rankers would find it very difficult to break in and out. Only transcendents would be able to bypass such security. In other words, it was safe to say that it was a nigh impregnable Hall.

"Shin, look! Look! I found another strange item here!" [Yuna]

"Hm? Is it a magic plant again?" [Grey]

"No, it's a magic tool. Come and have a look!" [Yuna]

"Oh... It really is... I wonder what it does." [Grey]

And as one would expect, Yuna was greatly excited, zooming all over the place as she looked at the items intently and curiously. Her eyes were literally sparkling in excitement, a smile never facing away from her face.

Well, it isn't like Yuna was the only one excited. Though not as obvious, Grey's heart was also racing in enthusiasm as he fulfilled his curiosity, appraising each and every single item he came across and wondering if he could recreate them.

"Are these all the alchemy-related treasures of the Kingdom?" [Grey]

"Well... I guess you could say that. Though, most of these are made from Darius. This is the academy's prized collection." [Edin]

"That's right! They say everything here costs millions! Millions, they say!" [Alea]

"Alea, calm down. No one's fighting you." [Kale]

There weren't just items which could be bought with a few millions, but some were already as precious as Superior-Grade, Peak-Tier items which are already in the hundreds of millions, maybe even more.

Grey and Yuna continued to walk down the hall, heading upstairs after exploring the 1st floor. It was yet another grand hall, filled with even more costly items that Grey and Yuna would have never found if it wasn't for the others.

"Mmn?" [Yuna]

Just as they explored the second floor, a certain item caught their eyesー or rather, it stood out like a sore thumb with it being isolated from the others and a large pedestal holding the item. Its protection was also on another level.

It was a small potion stored in a small vial, vines of gold and silver covering the glass container. Inside it was a light, pink fluid which shimmered like pink diamonds under the starlight. It is both beautiful and breathtaking.

"That's the 'Nectar of Youth'..." [Kale]

"The 'Nectar of Youth'... Wait! Isn't that?!" [Yuna]

"That's right. It's the Headmaster's greatest creation!" [Kale]

The 'Nectar of Youth'... It is a Legendary-Grade item which, as the name suggests, allows one to go back in their youth and retain that appearance until the day they die. A potion coveted by many of the wealthy and powerful.

Though it doesn't extend one's life, just the fact that you'll look young again and that your body will be back to its prime is already noteworthy. One wouldn't have to feel the pains of old age and experience a privilege High-Rankers share.

As for the reason why Fran made such a potion, it was because of his wife. He really doesn't mind her looking old, but people often talked about how he was the only one who retained his youthful appearance, which made his wife ever so anxious.

And so, he spent several years formulating such a potion and scoured the whole continent for the ingredients, finally making the potion which allowed him to become one of the three Legendary Alchemists in the world, presenting the "Nectar of Youth" to his one and only beloved.

In other words... He was just another fool for his wife...

"The Headmaster's really sweet, isn't he? I wish I could also get a prince charming like that! And a handsome one, at that!" [Alea]

"Heh... Only an idiot would fall for a gorilla like you." [Edin]

"Huh? Did you say something just now, Edin?" [Alea]

"Like I said... Only an idiot would fallー Keukkk!!" [Edin]

And speaking of fools, another one was sent flying by Alea's fist once again. Alea was just in a good mood, and he just had to ruin it, even repeating his words just because Alea asked him ironically.

Meanwhile, whilst Alea was busy beating up Edin, Yuna's eyes were latched towards the "Nectar of Youth", gazing in silence with complex thoughts running inside her mind, obviously contemplating about what was before her.

As for Grey, he could only watch the young lady think ever so seriously. A subtle and gentle smile bloomed on his face, letting her be in her own world. Something inside of her was brewing like a violent storm.


Time passed by like the whistling wind, and the sun soon set over the horizon. With the ringing of the bell, it was now time for the students to return to their dormitories and their homes, retiring after another long day.

Grey and Yuna also separated with the others and returned to Camellia Valley, then heading upstairs after having a fulfilling dinner. It was a day filled with satisfaction, one far better than any school days Grey ever had.

"Yuna, are you alright?" [Grey]

However, ever since they returned from the Academy, Yuna has been in a daze, her mind seeming to be somewhere else. It was so severe that she wasn't even paying much attention while she was eating dinner, not eating as much as usual.

"A-Ah, yes...? Did you just say something now, Grey?" [Yuna]

"... 'Yes', huh... Why are you formal all of a sudden? You've been spacing out a lot, you know?" [Grey]

"I... I was...?" [Yuna]

"Yeah... Well, you still look cute when you're spacing out, though." [Grey]

"G-Grey! W-What are you saying?! Geez!" [Yuna]

Well, all she needed was a little teasing and Yuna was back to normal, blushing red as she pounded Grey's chest with her closed fists. Still, Grey kept on smiling, soon placing his hands on top of her head, patting her ever so gently,

"You just got some new ideas, didn't you?" [Grey]

Yuna paused for a while, and nodded her head. The moment she saw the "Nectar of Youth", a strong surge of determination bubbled inside her heart. She also wanted to achieve something grand in alchemy, her goals laid before her eyes,

She was puzzled and acting all meek, but Grey couldn't be any happier. All he could do was be supportive of her, flicking his fingers to summon the gate to Sanctuary before them, much to Yuna's surprise.

"Make sure to not overwork yourself too much, alright?" [Grey]

A smile blooming on his face, Grey permitted Yuna to use the Sanctuary facilities to her heart's content, letting her work and play as much as she can as long as she doesn't neglect her health. Of course, he'll also be helping her.

"... Un! I'll keep that in mind!" [Yuna]

"You silly girl, don't just keep it in mind, do it." [Grey]

"U-Um!" [Yuna]

A pinch to the cheeks, light and filled with affection, Grey scolded Yuna a little bit. He was a bit worried about her tendencies, but how could he bear to stop her when she was wearing such a sweet and cheerful smile. He was the biggest fool of them all.


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