YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 360: The Power of Connections


A long sip rang out in the air, the taste of chocolate caressing one's tongue and the warmth of the drink warming up the stomach. A smile bloomed in the air and a few munches and crunches following it as cookies were eaten one after another.

The sun had risen once again, and the sky was painted blue, darkness erased by the warm and gentle sunlight. Sunlight just as warm as the breakfast the young lady was enjoying ever so happily, humming to herself as the birds chirped outside the window.

The young lady glanced outside the window, still sipping her hot chocolate as she watched the city folks be merry and the children be rowdy. Xeros is now full of life, energy, and laughter, lively as can be.

"Yuna, haven't you eaten enough cookies already...?" [Grey]

"Hmph! And whose fault is that? Thanks to a certain someone, I didn't get to eat sweets yesterday. I wonder who was it."[Yuna]

"... Are you still mad about that...? It was only for a day, you know?" [Grey]

"Hmph! I don't care! You bully me too much!" [Yuna]

But perhaps even livelier was Grey and Yuna's daily morning banter regarding the time Grey banned Yuna from eating sweets. Though it was only for a day rather than a week, the young lady was still devastated, almost brought to tears.

What made it feel worse was that Grey was only doing it for some petty reason, arrows of quilt striking his heart as he watched his fiancée mope all day around, acting as if her whole life was over. Sugar addiction was horrifying.

As compensation, Grey then baked her a lot of cookies in the morning, making sure they are sweeter and tastier than usual. Fortunately enough, it was able to appease her, her smile stretching from ear to ear as she filled her need for sugar.

"Hmm... Should I stop teasing you then?" [Grey]

"... No... Even though it's annoying, I like it when Grey has fun with me..." [Yuna]

Though, even when she gets teased everyday, Yuna knows it was just one of Grey's ways to show affection. She has already gotten used to it, falling in love with his teasing and mean side as well. She was just as hopeless as the latter.

"That's right, even though it's really, really annoying!" [Yuna]

"Alright, alright, I get it already. You didn't have to say it twice." [Grey]

"Hmph! I should at least be able to say it that much!" [Yuna]

It didn't even take the two half an hour before making up, the young lady now snuggling closely and comfortably in her fiancé's warm embrace. Now, she is being warmed up from the outside too. It was heaven.

The two enjoyed their early morning together, chatting their time away and wondering about the most random of topics from concepts in alchemy, to whether dragons can drink magma or not. It was a load of nonsense, but nonsense which they enjoyed.

Just like that, time passed like a blur and the clock struck 7. The streets were now filled with people and carriages, going about their daily lives and chattering merrily amongst themselves. It was yet another usual and bustling day.

"But aren't dragons immune to most attacks? Do you think I would be able to beat them with just one hand?" [Yuna]

"A single hand, huh... I'm not sure. Maybe True Dragons, but if we're talking about Elder Dragons, that might be impossible. They're really strong." [Grey]

"Ehh~! I want to see one... I wonder where we could findー" [Yuna]


And just as they were talking nonsense, a sudden series of knocks came from the other side of the door, easily cutting their conversation off. The two then looked at the door with curious looks, wondering if the time had come.

"Big Brother Shin, Big Sister Elena, there's a letter for you." [Wena]

Came, it did. What Grey and Yuna have been waiting for has finally come, expressions of delight painted on their faces. They hurriedly stood up, heading towards the door as their footsteps rang out in the air, clicks and clacks following soon after.

Yuna opened the door and what was revealed was a little lady who held a shabby-looking letter by her hand. She was as adorable as before, her bright eyes greeting the two as they opened the door. A happy sight.

"Fufufu! Thank you for delivering it here, Wena." [Yuna]

"No problem! It's my job, after all!" [Wena]

"Hahaha. What a hardworking girl... Here, have some cookies before you get down, and make sure to share them with Chris, alright?" [Grey]

"Yes~! Thanks for the cookies, Big Brother, Big Sister!" [Wena]

And off she goes...

Having received the letter, Grey and Yuna then headed back inside and closed the door. They then locked the door and erected a sound-proofing and sight-obstructing barrier all throughout their room, even veiling it with a layer of illusion magic.

After all, though the letter looked shabby, it couldn't be any more important. It was also laced with illusion magic, and after dispelling it, surely enough, it bore the crest of the Foltriesse Royal Family, handwritten by the very King himself.

As for why they received such a letter, it was because Grey sent them one as well the day they went to the Herb Market. They already knew each other back at the Festival of Hearts at Erdea. He was the youngest of the Kings and Emperors gathered.

And the content of the letter... It contained a number of questions relating to a way to enter the Darius Academy without breaking any laws or causing a ruckus. In other words... It was all for Yuna's little wish.

"Waahhh.... His Majesty sure wrote a lot..." [Yuna]

"Hahaha, you can say that again..." [Grey]

There wasn't just one, not two, but 7 whole pages filled to the brim with letters and numbers. They don't know whether the King was just serious or was a chatty writer. Just seeing the amount of letters was enough to make their eyes spin,

Reluctance and excitement conflicting in their hearts, Grey and Yuna then went ahead and read the long letter. Grey read it in an instant with his abilities, whilst Yuna's eyes zoomed all throughout the pages, only taking moments to read.

The King happily replied to their queries, his positivity leaking out in his writing. Most of the paper wasn't even relevant, only him boasting about his wife and his daughters like a doting husband and father. There was only a single paragraph as his reply.


Right, about the questions, just come to the Royal Castle so we can talk comfortably. It's quite a hassle talking via letters, so It is much appreciated if we get to chat over a game of chess. I'll make sure to prepare a platter of delicious snacks to enjoy as well. How does this afternoon sound?

Yours Truly,

Nerester ro Gallen Foltriesse


In no part of the letter did he look like a King at all, seeming more like an old friend who was greeting his friend who he hasn't seen in a while. They don't know whether to call him unique, or just overly enthusiastic. Nevertheless, he was an interesting fellow,

But the most important was that the King gave them a positive response, and with how excited he sounded in the letter, it was as good as a done deal. Connections really are the best, especially when it was the King himself!

"Then, should we get dressed now, Milady?" [Grey]

"Un! Let's go! We can do this!" [Yuna]

Yuna's spirit was in cloud nine, punching her hands as she looked forward to the meeting. She quickly finished all her cookies, and cleaned up after herself. A bit of magic and she looked like she was just fresh out of the bath.

Grey also did the same, making himself look neat and formal. They then switched from casual clothes to more formal ones. Yuna wore yet another elegant dress, a touch of make-up to pretty herself up, whilst Grey wore a princely attire of black and silver to match his beloved.

It only took them no more than a few minutes to dress up, but the difference was heaven and earth, the two looking more gorgeous than they were before. Though, there really wasn't much in the ways of surprise as they were already beautiful.

"You look stunning as usual, Milady." [Grey]

"Fufufu! You're not too bad yourself, Sir Grey." [Yuna]

"Hahaha. Then, may I have the pleasure of holding your hand?" [Grey]

"The pleasure is mine." [Yuna]

Fooling around a little, Grey and Yuna then headed out and went towards the Royal Castle. But of course, they can't be seen going out in such garments as it would be no different than exposing themselves. They once again used their trusty "Gate".

Grey reached out one of his hands to create the gate, and the other held the hand of his beloved. He acted like a gentleman, escorting the young lady towards the gate, the sound of their footsteps soon disappearing throughout the room.

The two popped out in yet another alley, Yuna's nihility veiling the two of them. They arrived just a few meters away from the noble's district, yet another high wall greeting the two of them, yet another massive gate guarded by soldiers.

Normally, it would have been difficult for people to get in, but once again, Grey and Yuna weren't normal. All they needed to do was show the Royal Permit to the guards, and they were easily let in, walking without worries towards the Royal Castle.

Thankfully enough, the King didn't mention their real identities in the Royal Permit he issued, and only referred to them as "Royal Guests". It is because of this fact that they can proceed with their walk smoothly, not a single clamor in the air

"I have confirmed your identities. You may pass."

Another check before the Royal Castle's walls and they were finally inside, another castle greeting them yet again. The only difference was that this one was painted with a darker tone, the city's architecture improved to the highest level.

There weren't just columns and arches, but very fine details engraved all over the place from stone murals all the way to life-like statues scattered around the place. There weren't just one or two, but a whole lot of them.

There were also the not-so-usual garden of medicinal herbs, the plentiful gazebos with vines wrapping around the supports, the castle towers which extended a few dozen meters, the grandiose and lavish halls, and much, much more.

"We have arrived, My Lord, My Lady."

And just as they admired the place, they finally arrived at their destination. From a knight to a butler, they were taken towards the parlor room where the King awaited, the fragrant smell of tea already wafting from the inside.

"Then, I shall be taking my leave."

"Yes. Thank you for your service." [Grey]

The butler bowed his head and soon took his leave, vanishing in the long corridors. Only Grey and Yuna were left behind, still staring at the big doors before them which were just as lavish as the Royal Castle itself, a familiar figure behind them.


Grey breathed out a deep breath and placed the back of his hand in front of the door, a series of knocks echoing and the back of his fingers hit the door repeatedly. Soon, a reply came, a familiar voice echoing in the air.

"Oh, you arrived sooner than expected. Come in, come in." [Nerester]


They held the handles, and twisted the knobs, a series of clicks, clacks, and creaks dancing merrily in the air. They soon opened the doors, wide and free, then greeted by a man by the window, admiring the scenery of his beautiful garden.

His hair was the color of mint, flowing smoothly like the creeks down the mountain sides. His eyes red as rubies, reflecting a fierce yet gentle glow as his eyes gazed afar. And a body neither too muscular nor too lean, perfect in proportions.

He was simply standing by the window, but he exuded a dignity which Grey and Yuna had seen in every King and Emperor they met. His calm and soft gaze was like that of a placid lake. It was a sight to behold, that's for sure.

"It's been a long time, hasn't it? Lord Grey, Lady Yuna?" [Nerester]

"It has been a long time, indeed, Your Majesty. It's good to see you well." [Yuna]

"I hope you had a wonderful day, Your Majesty. And... I apologize for the sudden letter we wrote the other day. It must have troubled you." [Grey]

"Oh no, not at all. Rather, it was because of the letter that I could take a breather. Work has been kind of hectic lately, you see." [Nerester]

Though, the moment he opened his mouth, just like in his letter before, rather than a King, he sounded more like an old friend. He was acting very comfortably, and simply enjoying the tranquility of the room.

Of course, unlike a certain King who shall not be named, Nerester was quite diligent in his work and barely rests with how busy he is. He is the reliable type who takes his work very seriously. In fact, if it wasn't for the letter, he would still be working today.

"Now, now, don't just stand there. Why don't you take your seats first? I already made sure to prepare some tea and snacks." [Nerester]

"Oh! Sweets! Can I have some, Your Majesty?" [Yuna]

"Of course! Go help yourself." [Nerester]

And help herself, she did. With the King leading them, everyone soon took their seats and indulged in some sugary sweetness. The tea was also still hot, perfect to go with the snacks, a refreshing and relaxing scent tickling their noses.

There weren't just sweets and tea, but a selection of light snacks and fruits as well. A chess board was also present atop the table, some other card and board games to be seen on the other tables, and a King before them who was mildly excited.

There were also flowers by the table vase, red roses blooming beautifully, and lastly, a tiny bell to ring if ever they needed something. Everything was perfect, everything thoroughly prepared by the King before he even sent the reply.

"So, we're here to talk about Darius Academy, am I correct?" [Nerester]

And the King didn't dilly-dally even a single second, immediately getting straight to the point. He had already read the content of Grey's letter and understood most of it, but there were still some things he wanted to clarify on.

"That's right, Your Majesty. We'd like to find a way inside Darius Academy." [Grey]

"Hmm... I did hear that Lady Yuna is an alchemist, so it's only understandable that she's curious about the academy. Well, all of them are." [Nerester]

"Yeah, that's part of the reason, but actually, we just want to see what it's like inside. We just want to finish our tour of Xeros, or something like that." [Grey]

"A tour, huh... Hahaha. That sounds fascinating." [Nerester]

Fascinating indeed, as no one would have ever guessed that the letter addressed to the contained something as trivial as a tour. The King could only chuckle, evidently fond of Grey and Yuna's way of thinking. They really were something.

Though, the King really doesn't mind it. After all, he had already received plenty of games and recipes for sweets which the two gave out back in the Festival of Hearts. It was now his turn to pay them back and do a favor for them.

"So, how long will you be staying here at Xeros? A few days? A week?" [Nerester]

"We've checked in for a whole week in the inn we're staying at, but since we're already here, we may be staying for a while. Maybe for about a month...?" [Grey]

"Oh~! That'a longer than I expected... In that case... How about this..." [Nerester]

Said the King as he whipped out a piece of paper out of nowhere, and a magic pen along with it. He then started writing a letter to be addressed towards an unfamiliar individual, whom Grey and Yuna are going to meet later on.

Grey and Yuna had a peek, and surely enough, it was for the Headmaster of Darius Academy. He was a close aide to the King, and was also a good friend. With a letter from him, Grey and Yuna wouldn't have any problems getting entry.

No, with the power of theKing behind them, even if they do get in trouble, they now have some sort of assurance that they won't be punished severely. At most, they'll probably be reprimanded. It was leagues better than a free pass.

"Hm? Is this really okay, Your Majesty? Your reputation might be jeopardized if we cause trouble in the Academy, you know?" [Yuna]

"Hahaha. My reputation isn't something that will be tarnished so easily, and I trust that you won't go out of your way and cause trouble. Not that I have the power to stop you if you really decide to. Hahaha." [Nerester]

He was a jolly one, laughing even while knowing full well that his Kingdom may be in danger if Grey and Yuna were to decide and cause trouble out of the blue. They don't know whether to call him trusting or just carefree, always smiling.

"Also... I already talked about this to the Headmaster yesterday, so there's really no need to worry so much." [Nerester]

"Oh? Yesterday?" [Grey]

"Well, it was about time he reported this month's activities. I just happened to get a good chance when I received your letter." [Nerester]

"What did the Headmaster think, Your Majesty?" [Yuna]

"Hahaha. That Gramps was all up for it! Actually, he was even more eager than I was. After all, who wouldn't want to meet the genius alchemist who reached Tier-8 at the tender age of 17?" [Nerester]

Said the King as he looked at Yuna straight in the eyes, once again contemplating about how amazing she was. Not only was she hailed as a Heroine who saved many countries from ruin, but also a genius who's even greater than the Headmaster.

As a King, it was only right to form an amicable relationship with her, but even more so as an individual, he was curious to see how much the young lady before her will grow. Perhaps he was already looking at the future Divine Alchemist.

"And one more thing... The Headmaster suggested something interesting. Not just for Lady Yuna, but for Lord Grey as well. Are you interested in Listening?" [Nerester]

"A suggestion? Do we need to do him a favor?" [Grey]

"Hmm... I guess you could say that... Actually, the Headmaster asked me if you could enter Darius Academy. Not as guests, but as students." [Nerester]

It came out of nowhere, shocking both Grey and Yuna. Their eyes both widened in shock and confusion. They thought they were just hearing things, but seeing the smile on the King's face. It was obviously not the case.

"P-Pardon?! As students?!" [Grey]

"Well, you don't really have to if you don't want to. The Headmaster was just curious about how you would evaluate the other students. That's all." [Nerester]

"I see... But we're gonna be exchange students, huh..." [Grey]

Studying... A word Grey had heard almost everyday when he was still back on Earth. He could still recall the days where he went on sleepless nights just so he could pass the exams the day after. A not so pretty memory in his noggin.

Thankfully, he now possessed both "Divine Mind" and "Divine Eyes" so learning has never been easier. He wasn't particularly keen with the idea, but there was nothing wrong with trying it out. He has been an Instructor before, and now a student again.

"Exchange students... Darius Academy... Alchemy... Headmaster...," [Yuna]

Of course, what mattered the most was not his own opinion, but rather, the thoughts of the young lady beside her. She has been muttering intangible words for a while now, clearly thinking seriously about it, a stern expression on her face.

She has drifted into her own world yet again, and it was only when Grey placed his hand atop her head that she snapped back to reality, then tilting her head as she looked at Grey with question marks in her mind. She was adorable as ever.

"What do you think? Do you want to go?" [Grey]

Grey asked the young lady, but deep inside he already knew the answer. The latter simply smiled back at him, her eyes sparkling in excitement as she gave her reply.

"Un! I want to enter as a student!" [Yuna]

"Great! It's decided then! I'll inform the Headmaster shortly!" [Nerester]

"Thanks, Your Majesty. And sorry for troubling you." [Grey]

"Hahaha. Don't worry about it. Compared to the unreasonable demands of the nobles, this much is nothing! Rather, it's actually refreshing!" [Nerester]

The decision was finalized, and the King finished writing the letter to be sent to the Headmaster. He folded the paper and took out an envelope from God-knows-where and then ending everything with a stamp of their crest.

The King then rang the handbell from earlier and the doors opened shortly. A servant entered the room and received the letter from him, then bowing his head before he excused himself and headed out to fulfill the King's order.

"Now then, with that out of the way... Should we get to the main course? A game of chess, that is." [Nerester]

Proclaimed the King with his eyes shining brighter than ever, all the while opening the chess board and placing the pieces over the board. It was the real reason he invited Grey and Yuna, clearly excited to play with them again.

"Chess, huh... It's been a while, Your Majesty." [Grey]

"Fufufu! I'm pretty sure I defeated Your Majesty with a score of 10 to 0 last time. That was a lot of fun." [Yuna]

"No need to rub salt in my wounds now. But let me just remind you, I'm not the same person I was before. I've improved by leaps and bounds!" [Nerester]

"Ohh~? Then let's see whether that's true or not." [Grey]

"Hahaha! Bring it on!" [Nerester]

There was an unfound vigor burning fiercely in the King's eyes. He may have lost one too many times before, but he has honed his skills ever since then, playing countless times against his wife, his prime minister, and some nobles. He was much better,

The battle of chess progressed, and pieces of black and white moved turn after turn, swallowing up the opponents in a fierce battle between mindsー or so how the King hoped it would turn out, but he was mercilessly crushed by the two monsters.

He still has a long way to go.


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