YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 357: The City of Xeros (pt. II)


The waters splash and rippled, the river flowing smooth and blue, contained in walls of stone and streaking across the whole city. Bridges and gates were placed atop them, stretching all over the wide and long blue.

Small boats cruised along the rivers, only a couple figures riding them. Their eyes swam like the fishes below them, hearts filled with glee and joy as they enjoyed the whistling winds and splashing waters, music ringing in their ears.

"Mmn~! Hmmn~! Nnn~! Nnn~! Hmn~! Mmn~!" [Yuna]

The hums of a certain elf also rang along the air, accompanying the bustling noise of the city, the clopping of carriages, and the giggles and laughter of the passersby, the symphony of Xeros, playing all throughout the afternoon.

"You sure are excited, aren't you, Yuna?" [Grey]

"Fufufu! How could I not be? The air is just so fresh and peaceful. It just makes me want to stretch my arms and relax~." [Yuna]

"Well, I guess I do understand that..." [Grey]

Said Grey, his eyes swimming about the place, watching the children run and play by the riverside, the fishes swim and pop below them, the birds perching by the bridges, cawking and hopping without a care in the world. It was truly a lovely day.

The two were still on their tour date in Xeros, now enjoying their time together after window shopping from a myriad of shops and stalls. Needless to say, they spent a whole lot of money from all the magic tools they bought.

And now, the two are riding a boat down by the river. It was a river which stretched all over the city, parting it in half as it flowed. It wasn't too wide nor was it too narrow, just enough for small boats to fare freely under the beautiful blue sky.

It wasn't the first time Grey and Yuna had ridden a boat like that before, since they have experienced them back at Erdea's ponds, but it was the first time they went on an actual route, a lot of sights to be seen left and right.

"Grey, look! Look! There's a huge pharmacy! They must sell really good medicine! Do you think they sell herbs there too?" [Yuna]

"Hmm... That's unlikely. Though, I'm sure their medicine is effective." [Grey]

"Ehh~? I'm getting even more curious... Should we drop by for a bit?" [Yuna]

"Nope, that's not working on me anymore. We're now buying a ton of medicine again. You're not fooling me this time round." [Grey]

And as one would expect of Xeros, there were tons upon tons of pharmacies and laboratories all over the place. There is even a designated district in the city for alchemists and the likes. It truly lives up to its name as the "City of Alchemy".

Well, it wasn't just alchemy-related buildings and infrastructures, but also a whole ton of handicraft and artisan shops here and there. With resources so abundant in the forests and mountains, there was no way they could pass up in the opportunity.

It was just like the city of Avalon, but rather than smithies and equipment shops, there were alchemy and crafts related structures. To add more to that, their architecture is also quite a style to behold, all buildings looking unique yet coherent despite them serving different purposes from one another.

"Grey, I want to buy some handicrafts. You know, as souvenirs!" [Yuna]

"Hmm... I guess we could do that..." [Grey]

"Un! Great! I'm sure everyone would be happy! And... Can I row the boat now? I promise I won't be reckless this time." [Yuna]

Or so she says, but her eyes were practically begging to differ. They were the type of sparkly eyes which one couldn't help but worry, eyes that looked nothing but trouble. After all, it wasn't just once or twice that Yuna went ham.

No, actually, it was Yuna who was the one who rowed the boat first, but she was so excited, she immediately caused trouble. She didn't crash the boat towards the sides, instead, she splashed water everywhere and almost drenched everyone.

It was pretty severe, they almost got reprimanded by the boat renter. Thankfully, they managed to squeeze their way out of trouble with a couple apologies. Grey could still clearly remember what just happened a few minutes ago, clearly hesitating.

"Pretty please~! I promise I'll be careful~!" [Yuna]

Grey was firmー No, he was trying to be firm, but when faced with such a pure and adorable pleading expression. She sparkled even brighter than usual, pushing Grey around with her cuteness alone. The winner has already been decided.

"Haah... Alright... Just make sure to row slowly this time." [Grey]

"Yaay~! Grey, you're the best! I love you! I love you! I love you!" [Yuna]

He was a fool, the atmosphere around them turning pink and sweet in an instant. It was so sweet, the singles around the area couldn't help but curse them inside their minds. "Die, normies!" is what they were all thinking. Oh, such harmony.

All jokes aside, Grey and Yuna continued to row down the river, Yuna now holding the oars and taking the lead. She was now gentler than before, rowing slowly but surely with a smile blooming on her face.

Time passed some more, and the two finally finished their trip down the river. They exited the boats and their feet reunited with the ground once more. They enjoyed the ride to the fullest, then proceeding their date as the sun continued to sink.

"Grey, where are we going next?!" [Yuna]

"Hahaha. I wonder... You'll just have to wait and see." [Grey]

"Ehh~? How bothersome... Being mysterious doesn't suit you, you know? Just tell me already, Geez~! We're going there anyway." [Yuna]

"No... That wouldn't be a surprise anymore then, would it?" [Grey]

The tread along the wide and stony streets, the street lights greeting them as they continued their pace. They turned right, then left, yet another left, and straight for a couple hundred meters, walking in the open maze known as Xeros.

They soon arrived at their destination, three whole statues greeting them upfront at the gates, one in the shape of a Cerberus, one looking like a Fenrir, and the last of them taking the form of a majestic and grand dragon.

They weren't just simple statues, but the greatest masterpieces of art which were intricate down to the finest details. The sharp scales, the myriad of fur, the massive fangs, the intimidating eyes, and everything else. The sculpting of the pieces was precise and beautiful. True national treasures.

"Amazing! There's so many wonderful crafts! Is this a museumー No, since there aren't any walls, it must be an open museum!" [Yuna]

"Hahaha. Close, but not really... This place is called the 'Artisan's Plaza'. It's one of the greatest attractions in Xeros... Or at least, that's what I heard." [Grey]

"No! I'm sure it is! It's just so beautiful!" [Yuna]

Of course, there weren't just statues and sculptures, but framed handicrafts, weaved and carved antiques, traditional game pieces, olden furniture, and many more, all in their own podiums and display cases, scattered all throughout the plaza.

Heck, even the place itself was a piece of art. Unlike other museums, it was without any walls, the pillars woven like fibers twisted into a rope, and the roof designed like the canopy of the forest, the gentle sunlight seeping through the place.

"Hmm.. Is this okay...? Wouldn't this place get wet when it rainsー Ah! Did they set up an array here, Grey?" [Yuna]

"Yeah, and some pretty high-level ones at that." [Grey]

"Really? It must have cost quite a lot then." [Yuna]

"Hahaha. Not just a lot, but a whole lot. I'm sure it cost them several millions if not even more. That's just how precious this place is." [Grey]

There weren't just one, two, or three, but more than a dozen arrays set up all over the plaza, each one serving a different purpose. It may look open and vulnerable, but it was one of the toughest and most resistant places in Xeros.

To top it all off, there were even a few C-rankers and dozens upon dozens of other Mid-Rankers. Even a B-ranker would find it hard to break through the security of the place, much less steal anything precious inside.

"Well, I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem for us though. A light punch should be enough to shatter the defenses here. Don't you think so too, Yuna?" [Grey]

"Mmn... That's true, but... Grey, please don't say something that will get us arrested. We're still in public, you know?" [Yuna]

"Hahaha. I'm kidding, I'm kidding." [Grey]

"Mou... You didn't look like you were, though..." [Yuna]

Yuna was right on the dot, but Grey didn't even flinch as she was looking him straight in the eyes. His poker-face has been tempered by the constant deals and contracts in the Merchants' Guild. Even masters would find him hard to read.

As for the reason why Grey wanted to try things out, other than curiosity, there was also something he wanted to experience in life. He had seen it in a lot of animated films and in comedy films. A thief veiled in mystery... A phantom thief!

To give prior notice and strike when the clock turns 12, to dance under the moonlight whilst being chased by the authorities, to crack down the toughest security and claim their prize. Just thinking about it was enough to make his blood boil in excitement.

'A phantom thief, huh... I wonder how it feels like...' [Grey]

Fortunately enough, Grey was quite the responsible one. Though he really wanted to role play as one, he wouldn't just cause international troubles just to have fun. He was more responsible than that. It was a shame indeed.

"Grey, you just thought of something fun, didn't you?" [Yuna]

"My, I don't know what you mean. I was just thinking of something else." [Grey]

"Ehh~? No fair... I'm sure you were just thinking of something fun! I'm sure of it! I can sense it! My fun senses are tingling!" [Yuna]

"Eh? What even is that?" [Grey]

With shenanigans and excitement afoot, Grey and Yuna continued touring the plaza, admiring all sorts of fun and creative crafts littered all over the place. Some were so beautiful, they couldn't help but simply look at it and gawk.


Of course, Grey and Yuna didn't forget to take some photos for remembrance, the two of them snapping their cameras as they explored the place. They have gone full tourist mode, ignorantly treading about the unknown world before them.

But perhaps the most wonderful piece was the one titled "The Heart of Lorinia". It was a piece composed of numerous different flowers which could be found in the Lorinia forest surrounding the capital, laced with the enchantment of preservation.

The flowers were arranged in such a way that it makes a beautiful and colorful image. Not just any image, but one which would look different depending on which angle it was viewed from, telling a whole story when you looked throughout its entirety.

"Haah..." [Grey]

The only problem with the piece was that Grey couldn't preserve it in a physical form, only etched into their memories. The technology of Merusia was still far too lacking. The young man could only heave a sigh of disappointment.

"Is something wrong, Grey? Do you not like it?" [Yuna]

"No, it's not that... It's just a shame that I couldn't take a video of this. It would have been nice to look back at this when we're back in Galderia." [Grey]

"Videos... Was it the moving pictures you were talking about before?" [Yuna]

"Yeah... That's the one. It's just a shame I couldn't figure it out yet. Making the film is one thing, but the problem is how to play it. It might take a lot of time." [Grey]

From arts and crafts into videography, the topic of their conversation shifted as they walked down the halls of the Artisan's Plaza. It was a big step into the field of artistry, and it was yet another big project for Grey's hands and mind.

The clock continued to tick and the sun sunk down some more over the horizon. After visiting the Artisan's Plaza, Grey and Yuna then headed towards another place, yet another popular attraction in the city of Xeros.

The birds flew with pride, hopping towards hoops, shooting marbles towards rings, and dancing to the tune of the jukebox. They were performing all sorts of tricks in front of the people, showing off their amazing and creative talents.

"Waah~! It really shot a marble towards the ring! I didn't think parrots could do that! I thought they were just chatty birds!" [Yuna]

"Chatty birds... Pft... Hahaha! That's a unique way to call them," [Grey]

"Well, they mimic the way people talk and are also very loud. I even managed to talk with one when I was younger. It was so talkative!" [Yuna]

"Hahaha. It must have quite the intelligent bird then." [Grey]

Normally, one would think the other was just imagining things when they say the parrots could talk to them like a person, but since it was Merusia, Grey didn't find such a thing strange at all. Rather, it was the opposite.

Though, now that Yuna has mentioned it, yet another thing was added to Grey's little bucket list. He now wants to meet a normal parrot and hold an actual conversation with it. It might look strange, bur it would be interesting, that's for sure,

"Ah! Grey! Look! Look! They're doing crows next!" [Yuna]

"Oh, crows! They're really smart birds! This should be interesting," [Grey]

"Un! I'm getting excited!" [Yuna]

The crows made their entrance and started doing different kinds of shows in front of everyone. Not only did they follow instructions, they also solved puzzles, and made relatively complex decisions other birds wouldn't be able to.

Moreover, they were quite the social creatures, working together as they solved the pieces of the puzzles given by their trainer. They were even more skilled than most children, beating them not only in intelligence but teamwork as well.

There were only cheers and applause as the crows completed their tasks, the whole audience having a lot of fun as they watched them move. They may be considered by many as birds of death, but right now, they were the stars of the show.

"And now, for the main attraction of our colorful avian circus, please welcome my wonderful partner! Ad~lea~!!"


The trainer reached out his hands out and the cries of a bird echoed all throughout the place. Snowflakes then started to form in the air, falling ever so slowly like the lightest feathers of the birds, white like the fluffy-looking clouds in the sky.

What followed after the gentle snowfall was the sound of flapping wings, a bird of blue and white appearing soon after. It circled around the place a couple times, then perching on its trainer's hand soon enough.

"Grey, isn't that bird..." [Yuna]

"Yeah, it's a familiar, alright... It's called Winter Foul." [Grey]

Grey didn't even need to use "Appraisal". Just a single glance alone, and he could tell that it was a familiar with how subservient it looked to its trainer. After all, the Winter Fowls were quite the shy animals. They wouldn't approach just anyone.

However, that was all there was to it. Though the Winter Fowl looked beautiful like some sort of bird of paradise, it was actually quite weak, sitting in the middle of H-rank. It wouldn't even be able to harm people even if it wished to.

"Everyone, I hope you enjoy the show!"

Without further ado, the trainer finally played the final act. With a snap of his ringers, he made the Winter Fowl take off again. He then cleared his throat and grabbed a flute from God-knows-where, placing his lips near the mouthpiece.

The trainer played the flute and a harmonious melody played in the air. The Winter Fowl danced to his tunes, spreading snow as it flapped its wings. It was the perfect show, the two perfectly synchronized with one another.

Soon, the other birds also took off and danced along them, circling the whole place as they flapped their wings and even creating various formations as they zoomed here and there. Just like dancers in the festival, they danced to their hearts' content.

The tempo sped up and the birds started swirling closer towards the Winter Fowl as they flew. The show soon reached its finale, orbs of snow exploding like fireworks and painting the place with a bluish hue.

"Whoohoo!! That was awesome! You rock, Mister!"

"We love you, Adlea~! And everyone too! That was a good show!"

"No wonder my friend recommended this! This is a masterpiece!"

There were only praises and applause as the show reached its conclusion, everyone in the audience only wearing smiles on their faces. The trainer of the birds couldn't be any happier, bowing with pride welling up in his heart.

With the show now having ended, everyone then slowly poured out of the venue and headed away to wherever they were going. And as soon as they left, a few people took their place, wanting to see for the show as well, excited as can be,

"Mmn~! That was a wonderful show! Should we watch it again, Grey?" [Yuna]

"Yeah, I'd love to, but we still have a lot of places to go, you know? If we watch it again, we might not be able to experience them." [Grey]

"Uuu... That's true... But the bird show is good too.. Uuu... What to do... Should we stay or should we go to another place... Uuu...." [Yuna]

It was only a simple question, but the young lady pondered as hard as she could, trying to weigh down which decision would be more fruitful. Seeing her think ever so seriously about such a silly topic was truly adorable. Grey could only chuckle.

"Ah! Forget it! Let's just go to another place today! I'm sure we'll still have a chance to visit again next time! Right, Grey?!" [Yuna]

"Hahaha, that's right. We'll watch it again as many times as you want." [Grey]

"Yaay~! I knew it! You're really the bestest in the world, Grey!" [Yuna]

The clock struck another hour, and the sun continued to sink down the horizon of blue and white. Grey and Yuna paced their steps, their strides taking them all over the place, wandering freely like the birds in the everlasting sky.

They headed east, west, and all directions, finding all sorts of interesting things from a small contest between alchemists, to the parade of dancers and performers, some kind of grand opera house and eaters, and even...

"Go! Go! You can do it Master Ham! I believe in you!"

"King Pork! I bet all my money on you! Make sure to take the crown!"

"Boss Boar! Just plow those logs! Show them who's the true boss!"

"Ooh!! He's taking the lead! That's it! Just keep on going, Jonathan!"

... Some sort of extreme(?) sport where, rather than horses, they made the pigs race all throughout the tracks, the loud cheering and booing of the crowd ringing in the air as the little pigs ran throughout the muddy tracks filled with not-so-difficult obstacles,

Grey and Yuna couldn't even make a comment about what was unfolding before their eyes, not knowing whether they should laugh, cry, or smile. At the very least, it was an interesting experience, that's for sure.

And so, time flew along the whispering winds, and the sky finally changed colors. The amber hue soon faded away, darkness encroaching on the world, the stars showing themselves with each and every step they took. Night has come.

"Fuwaah~! That was a wonderful day! I had lots of fun!" [Yuna]

"Hahaha. I'm glad you liked it." [Grey]

"Though... It's a shame we couldn't visit the herb market today... I really wanted to take a look, but you wouldn't let me... You meanie..." [Yuna]

"That's because I know you wouldn't leave there as soon as we step foot inside. Our date would have turned into a bargaining spree then." [Grey]

"Uuu... I can't argue with that..." [Yuna]

Grumbled Yuna as she accepted Grey's words. She also knew full well how impulsive she becomes whenever it involves alchemy, and knows she wouldn't leave the herb market until all the shops have closed, exploring to her heart's content.

There was also the recent incident where she declared to buy everything in a shop, one which most likely occurs again if she gets too overexcited. There was no telling what an alchemy-crazed elf would do. It was only trouble.

Though, there's no need to be so sad. While they may not be able to take a look for the day, it was decided that Grey and Yuna would be taking a look around the Herb Market first thing in the morning and spend the day buying everything they need.

"Right... We also need to buy the Guildmaster asked for, huh... I wonder how much it'll cost us this time..." [Grey]

"Couldn't we just give them as souvenirs?" [Yuna]

"That's no good. Mister Aldean will surely scold us if we do. The Guildmaster needs to be more responsible, is what he would say." [Grey]

"Mmn... I guess you're riー" [Yuna]


A sudden grumble came out of the blue and their steps suddenly stopped in their tracks. A young elf was now red all the way to the tip of her pointy ears, dwelling in embarrassment as she realized where the sound came from.

The young lady was so excited about their tour date, they barely stopped to eat some snacks. And with all that running around, it was only natural that one couldn't really blame her. She was just too adorable.

"Hahaha. I guess we'll worry about those things tomorrow. How about we get something to eat first?" [Grey]

"Uuu... So embarrassing..." [Yuna]

"Hahaha. Don't worry. Yuna's stomach growling is cute too." [Grey]

"Grey, stop it... You dummy...!" [Yuna]

And the idiot couple continued to flirt...


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