YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 349: Lack of Ingredients

The market was lively and noisy, various customers and merchants haggling over the prices and some buying in bulk. The shimmer of coins glimmered all over the place as the exchanges were made, bronze, silver, gold, and many more.

In the corner of the market, the fresh and earthy scent of herbs wafted through the air. Various leaves, sprouts, fruits, roots, and flowers can be seen everywhere, all coming in different shapes and sizes, scents calming and refreshing.

It was a wonderful haven for alchemists and herbalists, many of them going around the place and picking out the herbs they needed. Some were even fighting over the rare ones and are competing to see who can offer a higher price. It was a lively place.

"Do you really have no more Heller Sprouts, Mister?" [Yuna]

"I'm sorry, Your Highness, but the stock has been low on herbs recently. Especially the ones which had to be imported from other regions."

"Then what about Jalabra or Mikumiku?" [Yuna]

"I'm really sorry, but I'm afraid it's also difficult to acquire them at the moment. Even if you go to another stall, it would be the same, Your Highness."

Yet one figure stood out the most among them, now wearing a troubled expression on her face as she tried searching for the herbs she needed. It was already the 13th stall, but her efforts have yet to bear fruit.

"Haah... There's nothing we can do about it if that's the case... I'll be buying these ones, then. Can you package them for me?" [Yuna]

"Of course! It's always a pleasure doing business with you, Your Highness!"

The stall owner was up on cloud nine, his mustache springing up as he smiled. He then packaged the herbs Yuna picked and neatly stacked them on top of one another whilst humming as if he just won the lottery.

It has been a couple of days since our main protagonists took the Haunted Forest investigation, and during those days, a couple things happened. For once, Yuna's products were now out in the market, and another thing, she has reached Tier-5 in enchanting. It was a happy feat.

Aside from those events, things have been normal as usual... Well, it was normal until Yuna realized that she was lacking some herbs and went to panic. Her panicked scream even echoed all over the empty neighborhood.

Though Yuna has an abundance of ingredients in her storage ring from her hoarding during their quests, there are still some which she could only get her hand off in the market. The ones which grow only in specific environments.

Specialty products of a region are especially annoying to get as most of them take a few to several days to be restocked. It was an obstacle which only hindered Yuna's pursuit of alchemy. It was truly a hassle, that's for sure.

"Here you go, Your Highness."

"Un, thank you. I'll be back again." [Yuna]

Said Yuna as she received he purchased items from the vendor and headed out soon enough. She then waved her hand and stored the contents to her storage ring before heading to another stall to search for the aforementioned ingredients.

One... Two... Three... Four... And many more. Yuna headed from stall to stall and asked around for the same ingredients, but the result was always the same. Each and every stall she went to didn't have them as if there was some sort of shortage.

What's even more troubling was that those ingredients are the main ingredients to make the detoxification potions she was trying to concoct. And they also don't have any alternative ingredients, making things even more troubling for her.

"Oh, Grey! Did you find anything?" [Yuna]

"Sorry... I tried to ask as many people as possible, but... There's just nothing more of the ingredients you listed. I only found the more common ones." [Grey]

The young man could only shake his head from his beloved's question. He had also been searching for the materials and ingredients Yuna listed but just couldn't seem to find them like the latter. Both their trips were unfortunate.

"No, it's okay. I also asked the other merchants and they said they're having a shortage of imported herbs right now." [Yuna]

"Yeah. It seems like there's some sort of problem with the northern routes so items and products are moving slower than usual. They said it might take a couple weeks before the problem could be resolved." [Grey]

"A couple weeks, huh... That's too long..." [Yuna]

"I know, but we can't really predict things like these would happen nor can we help out when we don't even know what's happening. We're just unlucky." [Grey]

"Uuu.... But my alchemy..." [Yuna]

The young elf's ears drooped down as she said such words, looking like a dejected puppy. After all, other than her daily life with Grey, adventuring, and cooking, it was the thing she looked forward to the most. It wasn't just a hobby, but a lifestyle.

Well, it's nor like Grey couldn't understand her. After all, if he suddenly gets less ores and materials for his blacksmithing, he would be bummed out too. Fortunately, he still has enough supply from the ores God gave him during his reincarnation.

"Now, now, don't be too sad. Why don't we head to the Alchemists' Guild? Maybe they have some herbs there for sale." [Grey]

"But I already did... And they have none as well..." [Yuna]

"Hmm... Then how about we ask the Guildmaster? Maybe she has some in her personal inventory. We might be able to borrow some." [Grey]

"... You're right! There's also that, isn't there?! You're a genius, Grey!" [Yuna]

It took a little while to load, but when Yuna finally understood Grey's words her eyes immediately brightened up and her ears perked up at the same time. She was now excited as can be, a bright smile blooming on her lovely face.

"What are you waiting for, Grey?! Come on! Let's go!" [Yuna]

Enthusiastic as can be, Yuna then grabbed Grey by the wrist and headed towards the Alchemists' Guild whilst she skipped her steps. Each of her steps resounded like a tune playing in the wind, a cheerful melody dancing in the air.

It wasn't long before they arrived at their destination, a cacophony of noises greeting them as the alchemists wandered all over the place. There were also the timely and smoky explosions resounding from the laboratories, result of failed experiments.

There was a long line in front of them, all reception desks filled with busy alchemists and customers, people buzzing about as they went on their requests, both big and small, and the receptionists handled them with bright smiles on their faces.

"Waah~! There sure are a lot more people than usual... Is this also because of the shortage, I wonder?" [Yuna]

"Probably... Though I didn't think there would be so many of them..." [Grey]

"Fufufu! It has nothing to do with us, though!" [Yuna]

Fortunately, Grey and Yuna didn't need to fall in line and wait. With Yuna's reputation not only as a hero, and also a Tier-8 alchemist, she could directly request a meeting with the Guildmaster. The perks of the upper ranks.

All they needed to do was show their guild cards, and the employee immediately let them inside the office spaces. It wasn't the first time they headed there so Grey and Yuna already knew where to go, their footsteps echoing in the empty hallways.

Clop Clop Clop... Knock Knock Knock

"Guildmaster, it's Yuna. Can we come in?" [Yuna]

They arrived at the innermost door and the footsteps soon stopped before it. What followed after it was a series of knocks as Yuna knocked on the door, still wearing an enthusiastic smile, her soft voice echoing soon after.

"Oh! Yuna! Sure, come inside! Is Grey also with you?" [Rina]

"Un! We decided to drop by since we wanted to ask you something." [Yuna]

Click Clack Creaaakkkkkk

Yuna opened the doors and the two of them went inside the Guildmaster's office. It was all neat and tidy, only a few decorations along the walls and her desk. And far back was the Guildmaster, taking a break from checking the documents.

Well, rather than taking breaks, it was more like she was lazing around again, leaving most of the work to the Vice Guildmaster. Compared to her father, who was very much a hard worker, she was quite the free spirit, slacking around whenever she could.

"Oh my, you have a question for me? That's rare..." [Rina]

"There's just something we were curious about... Do you perhaps have some spare Heller sprouts lying around, Guildmaster?" [Yuna]

"Heller sprouts... I see... So that's what this is all about..." [Rina]

It didn't take too long before the Guildmaster caught up with what Yuna was about and nodded her head along with her words. She then made a troubled expression, trying to figure out how to best respond to Yuna's question.

After all, she was the Alchemists' Guild's Guildmaster. She was the one who knew best the economy of alchemy products not only in Galderia, but the whole territory as well. She knew full well about the shortage of herbs which was affecting not only the alchemists but the consumers as well.

Since the lacking herbs are used mostly in higher rank alchemy, the situation wasn't so dire that it would cause an emergency. However, it was a bother to many of the higher ranked alchemists, especially her and Yuna.

"I do have some Heller Sprouts..." [Rina]

"Really?!" [Yuna]

"Well, yes... But... I need them for a request a client made, so I don't really have a leeway to spare some... Sorry, Yuna..." [Rina]

"Ah, no... It's okay, Guildmaster. I understand." [Yuna]

Yuna's short burst of happiness and excitement was quickly extinguished when the Guildmaster finished her words. She also asked about different herbs, but the result remained the same, with some not even the Guildmaster has access to.

If there was any good news, it was that the Guildmaster was able to give them an estimate as to how long it would take before everything would return back to normal. Fortunately, it would only take a little over a week at most.

"Ah! But if you're in a hurry, since you're S-rankers, why don't you sprint towards the Royal Capital instead? That wouldn't be a problem, wouldn't it?" [Rina]

"The Royal Capital...? Can't we just go to a nearby town?" [Yuna]

"Well, you could, but the Royal Capital is much different. You see, all trade routes in the country pass through there so there would be a high chance that they have these herbs there. You might even be able to find more as well!" [Rina]

The Royal Capital, the heart of the Kingdom. Not only is it located geographically near the center of the Kingdom, it is also the biggest city due to the fact that all main trade routes converge there, coming far and wide.

Be it marine products, ones from a forest, food and crops, luxury items, and even merchandise from foreign nations, they all head there eventually and settle down there for quite some time. It wasn't a capital for no reason, after all.

The only problem here was if the route towards the capital was also affected by the current crisis. If that's the case then going there would only be a waste of time.

"Okay! Thank you for the suggestion, Guildmaster!" [Yuna]

"Fufufu! You're more than welcome. You can ask me for advice anytime." [Rina]

Well, not that it matters to Grey and Yuna anyway. With "Gate" at their disposal, what would normally take 2 weeks to travel would easily be bridged in an instant. What's more, they were also planning to visit the Little Princess so it was just perfect,

Yuna's mood bounced back to a happy one, a smile blooming back on her face. She and Grey thanked the Guildmaster once again, before heading out of the officeー or so they were about to. When suddenly, the Guildmaster stopped them.

"Now that I think about it... Yuna, you never mentioned what you're going to make with those ingredients, didn't you?" [Rina]

"U... Un,,,? Is something the matter, Guildmaster?" [Yuna]

"Fufufu! No, no, nothing at all~! I'm just curious, you see~!" [Rina]

Or so she says, but the smile on her face tells otherwise. She was exuding a cheerful aura, but Grey and Yuna could only feel danger from that beautiful smile or hers. It was a smile they have already seen countless times. It was danger.

"I-I see... Then, we'll be taking our leave now, Guildmasterー Eh?" [Yuna]

Yuna tried to escape as soon as she sensed such ominous premonition, but it was already far too late. The moment Yuna tried to open the door, it wouldn't even budge as if there was some sort of enchantment applied to it.

It didn't take them long to realize that the door was remotely locked with the use of a magic tool. It wasn't even there the last time they visited, and the Guildmaster doesn't really need a real reason to install one. It was all for this one moment.

"Now, now, why are you in a hurry? Let's talk for a little bit, shall we?" [Rina]

It was already over before it even started. With no way out without exposing their abilities or destroying the doors, Grey and Yuna could only (forcibly) comply with the Guildmaster's wishes, taking their seat as the latter served them tea.

The teapot and teacups suddenly appeared out of nowhere, piping hot steam coming from the tea as the Guildmaster poured them. She also prepared some cookies which she pulled from God-knows-where, a brilliant smile on her face.

Of course, as one would expect, what the Guildmaster described as a "little bit" was actually one which spanned several hours, her eyes sparkling a dangerous glint as seen in madmen as she asked Grey and Yuna several questions about alchemy.

"Guildmaster, may I ask what you're doing...?" [Aldean]

"A-Ah! Aldean! Th-This is a misunderstanding! I-I was doing my work, you know?! I promise I wasn't skipping out!" [Rina]

"Hahaha. Is that so...? Then why are there still unsigned documents on your table? Can you please explain this to me, Guildmaster?" [Aldean]

If it wasn't for the Vice Guildmaster intervening, they would have been in the office for much longer. The Guildmaster tried to reason out, but Aldean was firm on his point, not budging even a single bit after all her pleas and excuses.

Moreover, Aldean was also extremely angry that the Guildmaster skipped work again, his heart boiling with rage and irritation all over again for the 4th time this week. And it was still the 2nd day... The world really is filled with crazy people...

"You might see something unsightly, Your Highnesses, so I plead that you leave the office right now. This is all for your own good." [Aldean]

"A-Ah, yeah... Thanks, Mister Aldean..." [Grey]

"Hahaha. Anytime, Your Highnesses. Anytime..." [Aldean]

There was a bright and gentle smile on his face, but the look in his eyes only begged to differ. As soon as they closed the door, the wails of the Guildmaster echoed all over the Guild, everyone hearing jt loud and clear. It was carnage.

Just like that, Grey and Yuna's day ended and they headed back home with empty hands. Neither of the two wanted to remember the scene that just transpired before them, burying such nightmares with a delicious dinner made with love,

The next day quickly arrived, and the two had prepared themselves. It was now time to visit the capital again, not only to play with the Little Princess, but also to check out the market in the Royal Capital. Yuna was especially excited.

"Fufufu! Brown hair also suits you, huh, Grey? You look so handsome!" [Yuna]

"Thanks. You look beautiful as well, Milady." [Grey]

Of course, as they were going to the Capital, Grey and Yuna had already disguised themselves with illusion magic. Yuna's eyes were now red and her hair was black. Meanwhile, Grey has chestnut colored hair and green eyes. Still the two looked as gorgeous as they usually are.

They also veiled their faces with illusion magic to make it hard to remember them, and also made sure to change their voices as well. It was the perfect disguise with every layer of security they needed. They could go all out and free as can be!

"Then, shall we head out now, Milady?" [Grey]

"Un! I'll be in your care again, Sir Grey." [Yuna]

Playing around a little bit, Grey then extended his arms and opened yet another gate before them. The two stepped inside at the same time and light swallowed their sight. The voices soon faded away, and there was only silence left,

The two opened their eyes and an empty alleyway greeted the two of them. It didn't look particularly beautiful or remarkable, but the bustling noises outside the alleyways was unmistakably the bustling noises of the capital. They have arrived.

"Grey! Let's go! Let's go buy some herbs!" [Yuna]

"W-Woah! Yuna, calm down a little bit." [Grey]

"Fufufu! Sorry, I just got a little too carried away!" [Yuna]

Excitement blooming radiantly on her face, Yuna then headed out the alleyway and Grey followed after her. The gentle sunlight and the lively noises of the crowd greeted them as they went out, a busy and buzzing market served before them.

Yuna didn't waste any more time and turned her head left and right, only stopping as soon as she spotted some stalls which sold herbs. She grabbed Grey by the wrist once again and dashed excitedly like a puppy let loose in a park.

"Mister, do you sell Heller Sprouts here?!" [Yuna]

"Hahaha! What a lively young lass! And yes, you're in luck, we do sell Heller Sprouts here! How much do you want, Miss?"

"Waah~! Th-Then I'll be taking all of them!" [Yuna]

"Ohh~!! Looks like we have an enthusiastic alchemist over here! Then, please wait a little while, I'll make sure to package your items shortly."

They struck the gold pretty quickly, able to get some Heller Sprouts on the first stall. The stall owner quickly got a paper bag and put inside all the Heller Spouts he had, and weighed them all, a price named soon after.

The price was on the higher side, but considering the market, it was understandable. The stall owner wasn't trying to fool them either as proved by Grey's "Judgement". A couple bronze coins clinked as Yuna handed over the payment.

"Ah, right! Do you also have Jalabra, Mikumiku, Koleras' fern, or Gartail?" [Yuna]

"Ah... About them, I'm afraid you won't get any around these parts, Miss. They say there's some problem in the trade routes so we're low on stock. Sorry."

Unfortunately. Heller Sprouts were the only one which was in stock. Yuna's bright and cheerful smile quickly whitened as soon as she heard the news, her soul leaving her body from the shock, both frozen and speechless.

They went around the other stalls, and got themselves some more herbs, however, what they got was far from enough for what Yuna needs in her experiments. They were barely a tenth of what she needed, some they only got a couple pieces of.

They tried to head out to different districts of the Royal Capital and even entered theA

Alchemists' Guild, but their situation only improved by so much. As it seems, the route towards the Royal Capital was heavily affected as well.

"Uuu... This is the worst... I didn't even get to buy so much..." [Yuna]

"Now, now, don't be too crestfallen. Here, have some candies to cheer yourself up. It seems like they're having a special occasion today so there's a discount." [Grey]

"Uuu... Thanks... Sorry for dragging into all this trouble..." [Yuna]

As expected, the silverー no, the black-haired elf was now crestfallen after going through all those troubles for nothing. It was as if fate was teasing her, making her run around in circles only to find out she was being played.

The two of them now sat on a nearby bench and rested themselves. Grey managed to buy some limited edition candy so Yuna cheered up a little bit after eating them. A pat on the head and the young lady calmed down even more,

"Hm? Aren't those..." [???]

And just as they were having their moment, a familiar figure spotted them from afar. Her golden hair flowed like gold as it fluttered in the wind and her eyes a fierce red color like the flames of a burning forge, a longsword by her side.

A playful smile soon bloomed on her face and mischievous footsteps resounded in the air and she sprung towards Grey and Yuna with a proud expression on her face. Before they even knew it, the two were already embraced in her arms, her bountiful bosom softly touching their cheeks.

"Hehe. I found you two~!" [???]

""B-Big Sis Vanessa?!"" [Grey and Yuna]

It was none other than the playful and mischievous Vanessa.

Vanessa was just on her way home and happened to spot the two youths by the capital. It didn't even take her a moment to realize who they were, quickly pouncing on them as if it was the most natural way to greet someone.

"I really missed you so much, Yuー Pomf! Hmph! Pmh?" [Vanessa]

She was about to greet them with their names, but thankfully, Grey and Yuna were able to stop her, covering her chattery mouth as soon as she opened it. The worst actuation has been defused, but the perpetrator was still with them.

"Fufufu! Did I surprise you?" [Vanessa]

"Y-Yeah, we're really surprised... No, rather, how did you even find out who we were? We were using illusion magic, you know?" [Grey]

"Hm? What do you mean...? Isn't it natural for a Big Sister to find her younger siblings? That's just common sense." [Vanessa]

No, it wasn't common sense at all... Was what Grey and Yuna were thinking, but they stopped themselves from blurting it out. Arguing with Vanessa was nothing short of fighting a losing battle. After all, no amount of common sense works with her.

The two could only sigh at how unpredictable and unfathomable Vanessa was. They even used the best illusion magic yet the latter still managed to find them using some mysterious way. They really were no match for her.

"Well! Let's not worry about that much! Come on, you two! Let's go to our mansion! There's something I want to show you! Hurry! Hurry?" [Vanessa]

And before they could even process what just happened, and causally dragged Grey and Yuna towards the direction of their mansion. She really does march to the beat of her own drum, not a single sense or logic binding her.

『It isn't planned but it seems we'll be visiting Anne now.』 [Grey]

『Fufufu! We really are powerless, aren't we?』 [Yuna]

『Yeah... After all, Big Sis Vanessa will always be Big Sis Vanessa...』 [Grey]


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