YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 342: Peace After the Labyrinth

Clang Clang Clang Clang

Swords were swung and swords were thrusted. Knights retreated and advanced as they brandished their trusty blades, swinging them high and lunging at insane speeds, blurring past the eyes of the beholder as they danced around.

It was yet another lovely day, and the sun was hovering high over Avalon. The Royal Capital is lively as ever, the people working like busy bees and the children running around like little balls of energy, skipping their steps as they smiled with glee.

The Royal Castle was no different, the maids doing their work, the officials reviewing and signing the paperworks, and the knights honing their skills with the sword as they sparred with one another, a series of clangs resounding in the air.

Cling Cling Cling Clink

Sunlight seeped through a certain window, a fine young man pouring warm milk over a cup filled with chocolate. He stirred the teaspoon gently, a couple clings and clinks resounding in the air as the aroma of hot chocolate wafted throughout the room.

He added a bit of sugar and finished stirring. He then placed the cup of chocolate on a cupboard and placed it right next to some french toast, paired with a couple eggs, sausages, and some thin slices of beef. A not-so-light breakfast.

Clop Clop Clop Clop

His footsteps resounded in the air and he watched outside the window once more, watching the flowers bloom and the knights practice. A couple more steps echoed, followed by a flap and the curtains were opened, sunlight then seeping through.

"Mmng... Mmn... Nngh..." [Yuna]

The gentle sunlight caressed the sleeping face of a beautiful young lady, greeting her softly and the fragrant winds blew from the garden. The young lady soon opened her eyes, unveiling a pair of orbs bluer than the morning sky.

She slowly got up and stretched her hands, rubbing her eyes soon after. She was still groggy, her head in the clouds and her eyes barely opened. She then glanced at the window, tilting her head towards the left as she gazed at the young man before her.

The young man in question couldn't help but chuckle at the sight, his heart filled with happiness as he adored the sleepy yet adorable creature before him. Light finally shimmered in the eyes of the young lady, a smile blooming on her face.

"Mmn... Good morning, Grey." [Yuna]

"Morning, sleepyhead. Did you sleep well?" [Grey]

"Mmn... It was the best sleep in a while... The bed is so soft." [Yuna]

Said Yuna as she lay back down on the bed, gabbing a pillow and hugging it tightly. She mumbled to herself, acting like a little puppy who doesn't want to let go. Her ears flapped up and down as she enjoyed such a delight.

It has been a long time since she slept so comfortably without the sound of monsters growling and shrieking ringing in ears, and she could confidently say she enjoyed it. So much so, she slept like a log, and she wants to go back to sleep again.

"Hey now, don't go back to sleep. We still have a good day ahead of us." [Grey]

"Ehh... I don't wanna... I just want to laze around... Grey, aren't you too harsh on me? I'm your fiancée, you know... Can't you spoil me more?" [Yuna]

"I'm already spoiling you enough, so stop acting up. In fact, I think I'm spoiling you too much... Should I cut down your sugar allowance again?" [Grey]

"Uuu... You use that card too much... You bully..." [Yuna]

Yuna puffed her cheeks as she pouted, and Grey took the cupboard towards the bed, bringing Yuna a wonderful breakfast. It was not nearly enough her usual consumption but it was more than enough to get the day started.

She grabbed the cup of hot chocolate, and took a quick sip. The warmth of the drink and the punch of sweetness woke her up fully, a bright glimmer sparkling in her eyes. She was filled with energy, a bright smile painted on her lovely face.

And whilst the young lady was having breakfast, Grey was having a cup of coffee for himself. He already had breakfast, and had warmed his body up. He was more than content as he watched his beloved enjoy her meal.

"That reminds me, Grey..." [Yuna]

"Hm?" [Grey]

"I didn't think you adored me that much..." [Yuna]

It was all too sudden, Grey almost spilling his cup of coffee as he flinched. It came out like a curveball, Grey filled with panic as he looked at Yuna. The very same Yuna who was now wearing a teasing and mischievous smile on her face.

"So I'm your Goddess, huh... Fufufu! Grey, am I really that beautiful?" [Yuna]

Of course, Yuna was talking about none other than the secrets God spilled about how much he praised her when he conquered the Labyrinth of Flames. All the admiration and adoration was spilled without sparing single detail.

Grey already praises and compliments Yuna a lot during their usual days, but what was revealed was even sweeter and sappier. It was something so embarrassing, he couldn't bring himself to say it to his girlfriend at the time. Secrets which have now been revealed to the very last person he wanted to hear it.

"No... Yuna, that... They were all a lie, you know? Don't believe his words so easily just because he's a God." [Grey]

"Really? Then why were you so panicky back then? Your face was also incredibly red! Was that also a lie?" [Yuna]

"Well, that... I was just flustered..." [Grey]

"Fufufu! Is that so~? Flustered, huh~?" [Yuna]

The young man tried to act calm and dismiss the topic with a composed attitude, but with how flustered he was yesterday, there was no escape. No matter what excuses he makes, Yuna knows that all God said was true.

"What did you say again...? Ah, right! I'm so cute when I hug you that you feel like your heart is about to explode every time? Is that true?" [Yuna]

"I don't know what you're talking about... I don't remember saying that..." [Grey]

"Really? Then I assume your heart won't beat faster when I hug you, right? It won't, right? I'm sure it won't~! Right~?" [Yuna]

"H-Hey! Yuna, cut it out already!" [Grey]

It is usually her that gets teased, but now that she got the opportunity, there was no way she was letting it go. She pressed on her fiancé as much as she could, enjoying the spectacle which was Grey flustered face. A rare sight to behold.

She approached Grey with a mischievous smile and pounced at him. She embraced him tightly, placing her head over his chest and listening to the sound of his racing heart. It was so fast, it might fly out of his chest at any given moment.

"Wa... Waah... It... It really is racing..." [Yuna]

It was only when she heard the rhythm of Grey's bearing heart that she realized how embarrassed Grey really is. He always puts on a calm front, but deep inside, his love for Yuna was running rampant, it feels like he's going crazy.

She was aggressive at first, but now she was just embarrassed as Grey was, beet red all the way to the tip of her pointy ears. She continued to listen to his heartbeats, her heart resonating with his as she held his hand.

"Hey, Grey... You really do love me, don't you?" [Yuna]

"What kind of question is that... Would I have proposed to you if I didn't?" [Grey]

"Th-That's right, isn't it?" [Yuna]

The young lady self-destructed from her own question, the two now red as can be, silence looming over the room as the atmosphere turned pink. They were now both shy and timid, returning to their meals and drinks after experiencing embarrassment.

Time passed by, and after having a delicious meal, Grey and Yuna prepared for the day. They had their long-awaited hot baths, and also had a proper lunch, complete with all sorts of dishes made by the castle's best chefs.

It was a peaceful day, not a single monster to be seen nor any white ruins. There was only a beautiful garden outside, and some wonderful views of the Capital to admire from the balcony, air fresh as can be,

If there were any changes, it was that there were now floating spirits popping up here and there. They are more dispersed than they were in the Labyrinth, but they really were present, many floating towards them as they went about their day.

"So other people really can't see them, huh..." [Yuna]

And throughout their observation, they noticed that not a single person can see the spirits. Unlike Yuna who can see them now after their presence has become more established, the other people still can't see them.

They were bobbing up and down along the maids, and were floating around by the training grounds yet the people of the castle continued on their day as if there was nothing unusual. They were completely invisible and intangible to them,

"Yeah, I was thinking about that just now as well... I wonder what the conditions to see them are..." [Grey]

"Hm? Does it have something to do with strength? Maybe those at higher ranks are the only ones capable of seeing them." [Yuna]

"I highly doubt that... Not even High-Rankers noticed them. Though, it would sound reasonable if only Transcendents can notice them." [Grey]

"I see... But that would make us look crazy, won't it?" [Yuna]

There was no doubt about it. The moment they start talking to spirits in public, people would treat them no different from crazy people. They already have so many things going for them, and they don't want more to add to the list.

"Haah... If only we could ask God..." [Grey]

"But we'll have to clear another Labyrinth for that." [Yuna]

"I know... Haah... How troublesome..." [Grey]

It was a bummer but there was nothing they could do about it, and it's not like they could do anything by complaining. All they could do is wait for another chance and learn more from God the moment they meet again,

Well, there was also a method of finding out while experimenting. With the nature of their jobs, they have already experimented countless times and this case was not any different. All they need is some time and motivation.

"Oh?" [Yuna]

And just as they gave up on the thought, a familiar figure suddenly walked out of the corridors, her scarlet hair flowing gently in the air like water. She was more beautiful than the roses and tulips around her, her blue eyes matching the sky.

Unlike her usual attire, she now looked like a proper princess, draped in exquisite clothing and wearing delicate jewelries around her neck and her wrists. Her trusty sword was not with her, her expression gloomy as can be.

"Lisa~! Over here~! Where are you going~?" [Yuna]

Yuna called out and the princess was quickly alerted. She searched left and right for her, only stopping when she spotted them on the third storey balcony. Her mood was quickly lifted, a smile springing up on her face as she waved her hand.

"Good morning, Yuna, Grey! How have you been?" [Lisandra]

"Good morning~! We've been fine, thank you for asking." [Yuna]

"Fufufu! That's wonderful to hearー and, oh! I'm heading to the gazebo over there. Would you like to join me?" [Lisandra]

"Un! Sure!" [Yuna]

There was no warning whatsoever. As soon as she accepted the princess' invitation, Yuna immediately jumped from the balcony all the way to the garden, Grey following suit after her, landing softly with the air of wind magic.

The passing maids were greatly shocked, but Lisandra was calm as ever. After all, it wasn't the first time they pulled such a stunt, and it surely wouldn't be the last. She could only sigh at how absurd her friends were.

"Yuna... You sure are free spirited as ever, huh..." [Lisandra]

"Don't worry. It would take more than a fall from this height to hurt me. I'm a High-Ranker, after all, remember?" [Yuna]

"How could I forget, Miss Champion~?" [Lisandra]

"Geez! Lisa! It's been a month already!" [Yuna]

Or so she says, but with how terrific and noteworthy their performance was, there was no way anyone would dare forget such a sight. Years may pass and Lisandra was more than sure that she'll remember it as clear as day.

Teasing aside, everyone then headed to the gazebo and enjoyed the cool shade over them, the fresh breeze blowing through the garden and bringing along the fragrance of flowers. It was a calming place to be, only a serene melody playing in the air.

Of course, what relaxation would be complete without some snacks? Grey quickly brought out a few cups of warm drinks and a handful of sweet and tasty treats to accompany them. A delight for the eyes to see.

"Thank you, Grey. This is greatly appreciated." [Lisandra]

"Hahaha. You're welcome, but.. What's with the formality?" [Grey]

"Ah, sorry... I just came from a lengthy meeting so I'm still in a formal mindset. I feel like I aged a few years just sitting there." [Lisandra]

They haven't even asked yet the princess was already ranting and grumbling about her terrible morning experience, her brows furrowing into a frown and light traces of exhaustion appearing on her expression as she heaved a lengthy sigh.

She was clearly tired, not wanting to remember about the happenings just a couple moments ago. She simply took a cookie and a cup of her favorite warm chocolate, wallowing in the warmth and sweetness of chocolate to forget her problems.

"Did you meet a lot of nobles today?" [Grey]

"You must have a talent in fortune reading, Grey, but yes, I did. About a dozen of them to be exact, and they were all praising me for my performance back at the Carnival of Swords... All of them..." [Lisandra]

"Parsing you... Ah! That kind of praise..." [Grey]

"It must have been tough,.. Here, you can have my share if you want." [Yuna]

Praising... While it sounds good, most of them were all but empty flattery from the nobles and gentry who wished to form an amicable relationship with the Royal Family. Empty words which were only said to boost one's ego.

Not only flattery, nobles also engage in senseless giving of presents, humble yet obvious boasting, hidden messages behind words, and many more. Dealing with them was a real pain in the ass which would make one's head hurt like hell.

What's worse, it wasn't the first day since they started troubling Lisandra. They have been troubling her since she returned early from the Labyrinth, not giving her any time to rest and pestering her every chance they got. They were just like bugs one just couldn't get rid of.

"Haah... If only I could just cut them down... But the reputation of the Royal Family would be jeopardized then." [Lisandra]

"Lisa, something about that statement is very troubling," [Grey]

"Don't worry, I won't really cut them down. Well, maybe I'll just smack them once or twice. That should relieve some of my frustration, won't it?" [Lisandra]

"Lisa, you're completely missing the point here." [Grey]

The life of a noble is troublesome, and even more so when you're Royalty. Not only do they have to entertain such unreasonable guests, they also needed to make sure every bit of their actions wouldn't cause the slightest bit of friction.

Seeing how tired Lisandra is, Grey and Yuna couldn't be any happier to have refused all the offers the Monarchs and High Nobles have extended to them ever since they were recognized as heroes by various countries.

And that's why, they absolutely cannot reveal the fact that the two of them were now transcendents, and so were their familiars. Only trouble awaits them in the unknown battlefield known as politics where the enemies are even worse than monsters.

"Well, enough about that tiring topic, how has your trip to the Labyrinth been? I heard you returned very late yesterday." [Lisandra]

"It was a great experience. We found some great treasure and also got a little bit stronger than before. Though, it was really quite tiring." [Grey]

"Fufufu! That's right. We were so exhausted, we went to sleep as soon as we got back to our room and slept like logs." [Yuna]

"So it was the same for you too, huh..." [Lisandra]

It was her first time in the Labyrinth, and she could definitely say experiencing things first hand was much different than just hearing about it from ether's mouths. She was so flabbergasted, she made a lot of mistakes during her first day.

Lisandra had battles against countless gladiators already, but she could barely defeat an opponent who was weaker than her because of fear and uncertainty. It felt like she was in a trance, her hands trembling a little bit in front of monsters.

Thankfully, Lionel was there to guide and protect her, making sure everything went right. If it wasn't for him, only God knows how difficult things would have been. The Royal Academy's training was nothing to the experiences in the real world.

"But you overcame it, didn't you? That's already praiseworthy, Lisa!" [Yuna]

"Fufufu! You're giving me too much credit. I was only training on the 4th floor, you know? It's nothing so grand." [Lisandra]

"Still! That's already admirable! Not everyone can do it on their first dive!" [Yuna]

"R-Really? That makes me suddenly embarrassed." [Lisandra]

The princess' dice wasn't the greatest of starts, but the moment she overcame her weakness and inexperience, she plowed through the wave of monsters as if they were nothing, cutting them down one after another without stop.

Even amongst geniuses, it would take a lot of resolve and willpower to overcome a fear and she did it with her own power. She is now stronger than before both in terms of the body and of the mind. She was one princess to be proud of.

"Ah! Speaking of which, Grey, Yuna, what floor were you hunting?" [Lisandra]

"Oh, we hunted on the 8th." [Grey]

That was a lie, and a big one at that. But Grey didn't even flinch as he said those words, simply munching on some cookies as he looked at Lisandra, not a trade of quilt painted in his eyes. It was all natural.

It was only a two-floor difference, but the difference of the difficulties between the 8th and 10th floor was like heaven and earth. A single monster from the 10th floor is more than enough to wipe out everything on the 8th floor without breaking a sweat.

"Waah~! The 8th floor! That's really amazing! Isn't that the floor filled with A-rank monsters?! Even the General doesn't go there!" [Lisandra]

"We are S-rankers, after all. Though, it was quite tiring dealing with a lot of them at a time. There are S-ranks from time to time too." [Grey]

"S-rank... They must have been really difficult to fight..." [Lisandra]

"They are. A single stomp from them is enough to make the ground rumble. They were monsters through and through." [Grey]

Grey lied and lied again, but his eyes didn't waver. He continued to fool the young and trusting princess, twisting the truth without breaking a sweat. His tongue has become so glib, he might as well do a good living as a businessman.

Meanwhile, the princess believed her wholeheartedly, squealing with excitement as she listened to Grey's stories. Yuna, on the other hand, was simply enjoying her treat and drink, not wanting to get involved in either of them.

"That's right! Then that must be the reason why there were so many tremors in the Labyrinth! It all makes sense now!" [Lisandra]

"Yeah. That's just how powerful they are." [Grey]

No, they aren't. They are not even close to that strong. The real reason was none other than their successive advancement to Calamity-Class and Disaster-Class, the Labyrinth shaking every single time their bodies were clad in golden light.

Well, there was no need to tell that to the princess. No matter how close they are, there are still things that need to be kept hidden, hidden by a veil of fabrication people call "lies". Grey has become a big fat liar.

"Then does that mean you've gotten stronger again, Grey, Yuna?" [Lisandra]

"Fufufu! Of course! We got a lot stronger than before!" [Yuna]

"Yeah. You can call us the strongest S-rankers now." [Grey]

"Amazing! As expected of you two! You really are the best!" [Lisandra]

Lies... All of them were lies.... But the princess kept falling for them. While they may be S-rankers in paper, they are in no way in the same league as them. They were just walking contradictions, living cheats who are a total scam.

"Well, I've also gotten a lot stronger too! Would you like to see?" [Lisandra]

"Oh my, is this perhaps an invitation to a spar?" [Yuna]

"A spar... Fufufu! It may as well be a one-sided duel for you right now, but... No matter what, I will show how much I've grown!" [Lisandra]

Nervousness, excitement, determination, and a couple more. A swirl of emotions brewed in the princess' heart as she made her declaration against Grey and Yuna. She waved her hand and a sword appeared by her side.

She was already strong before, but compared to the Lisandra standing in front of her, the past her would have been incomparable. She has truly grown in the past month they haven't seen, and they couldn't be any prouder. It was truly a sight to behold.

"Fufufu! That's the spirit! You really are our student!" [Yuna]

"I will be in your care again, instructor!" [Lisandra]

The sound of clashing swords would soon echo all throughout the castle and the princess would undergo hell once again. She kept on falling, but she also kept on standing back up with her eyes burning with determination.

This is the beginning of a Legend who would one day be called the "Sword Princess" in many tales. Her name would be written in history and her endeavors would be told to children for generations to come, but hey... That's a story for another day.


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