YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 34: Names

A large magic device, a single letter in Grey's hand, two idle figures and silence. Those four were the only things to be found in the spacious examination room. There was no disturbance nor any sort of distraction.

After making a racket over how Grey should address her, Vanessa left with Kurt, and the guildmaster to continue their discussion prior to Grey and Yuna's arrival. The only ones left in the room were Grey and Yuna.

The letter Grey held in his hand was a promotion letter given to him by the Guildmaster, and like usual, it was to be delivered to Tilda so that the procedures for their promotion can be completed.

"Grey, are you alright?" [Yuna]

"Yeah... But I can use a few minutes of rest..." [Grey]

A tired expression loomed over Grey's face as he answered Yuna's question and recalled the event of dealing with Vanessa's random and persistent whims. He was sitting on the ground silently.

Although Vanessa is not a bad person, her energy is a double edged sword. She can cheer up those who are feeling gloomy, but at the same time, she can also make others exhausted because of her mischief. She was good in both ways.

"In that case, I'll be joining you." [Yuna]

Yuna said as she sat on the ground, a few inches besides Grey. Her face revealed a little blush as she warmly gazed at Grey who was hanging his head down with his eyes closed.

As she looked at the silent figure of the man who had captured her heart, she subconsciously reached out her hand and patted his head. She was trying to cheer Grey up the way Grey always did to her.

"... Thanks, Yuna." [Grey]

"Un, you're welcome." [Yuna]

While Grey was a little surprised, he didn't find it uncomfortable being comforted by Yuna. Rather, he felt at ease from the warmth and gentleness of Yuna's hand. He was happy.

Yuna was also smiling gently as she continued to stroke Grey's head. Even if it was only a few pats, she was able to touch Grey. Little by little, she was making progress in closing the gaps in their hearts.

A few minutes have passed since Vanessa and company left. Yuna and Grey decided to head towards the reception desks and process their promotion. There, Tilda greeted them with a wide smile as soon as she saw them.

"Did your discussion with the Guildmaster go well?" [Tilda]

"Yeah, and oh, by the way, the Guildmaster told us to give this to you." [Grey]

As soon as Tilda saw the letter Grey has, her expression didn't even change a little. She was still as calm and composed as ever. It was terrifying how she could control her expression.

Inside of Tilda's mind, an equation of "letter = a lot of points or promotion" had already formed. With the rate Grey and Yuna got promoted, she wouldn't even be surprised if they get another promotion within the same month.

Tilda calmly received the letter from Grey and as soon as she read it, she had confirmed that her suspicions were right. It was indeed a letter telling her the news of the two's promotions.

"You never cease to amaze me, Misteー Umm... Your Excellencies...?" [Tilda]

Tilda congratulated Grey and Yuna, but ended up making the situation awkward in the second half. She didn't know how to address the two now that they have been promoted to B-rank adventurers.

While she continues to address Kris and Aria as "Mister" and "Miss" respectively, it was only because she had their permission. As for Grey and Yuna, she didn't know how to refer to them.

The reason for Tilda's uneasiness was simple. It was because there are egoistic people who love flaunting their authority and power to everyone. It was especially prevalent in an aristocratic society.

"Miss Tilda, you can just refer to us the way you are most comfortable with... Actually, since we're about the same age, you just forgo the honorifics." [Grey]

"That's right. I'd also like it if you treat us just how you normally would. We've known each other for more than a month, after all." [Yuna]

The ones who diffused the awkward situation were Grey and Yuna. They already consider Tilda one of their close acquaintances. One could even call the three of them friends.

"I see... Then, I'll be in your care once again, Misー Ah sorry, force of habit... I meant, let's get along, Yuna, Grey." [Tilda]

Tilda initially tried to refer to Grey and Yuna the way she usually does, but after she realized she was still being formal, she immediately changed into a more casual tone. A smile was blooming brightly in her face.

"Same here." [Grey]

"Un!" [Yuna]

A warm atmosphere ensued upon the three as they talked like little children and were friends. Although it was a little embarrassing for their age, it was a happy embarrassment.

With their small issue settled, Grey and Yuna handed their guild cards towards Tilda and what were once silver-colored have been returned to them in the tone of gold. They were the B-rank guild cards.

In all guilds, other than the rank, the color of the card also changes after getting a promotion. A brownish card at apprentice-rank, dirty white at G and H ranks, pure white at F and E ranks, bronze at D-rank, silver at C-rank, gold at B-rank, platinum at A-rank, and for S-rank guild cards, it was a black card with gold engravings.

With their gold-colored cards in hand, they couldn't help but draw the eyes of the other adventurers towards them. Most of the adventurers had eyes full of surprise and confusion.

After all, B-rankers are by no means common. There are only a little more than 400 in the whole world. And in those 400+ B-rankers, a little over a hundred are affiliated with the Adventurers' Guild. The others were in the military or other factions.

"Hey, did you hear that? The Grim Reaper is getting a promotion again!"

"Are you serious? It's only been a month since they were promoted to C-rank, and they're getting a promotion again!?"

"No, it's the Grim Reaper we're talking about, at least this much should be expected."

"Yeah... It's the Grim Reaper after all."

Chaos quickly ensued in the guild as the news of Grey and Yuna's promotion spread like wildfire to the adventurers and guild staff that were present at the moment. Not one could stop talking about it.

The people who were once minding their own business were now unanimously talking about one thing, they were glancing at Grey and Yuna from time to time, trying their best not to get caught looking.

But even when such chaos ensued, there was one thing which kept bothering Grey. It was the first he heard the term, but somewhere inside his heart, he couldn't hide the feelings of uneasiness.

"Hey, Yuna, do you know anything about this 'Grim Reaper' thing?" [Grey]

"No... It's the first time I'm hearing it as well." [Yuna]

Grey asked Yuna but the latter was just as clueless as he was. The two were still holding their cards as they continued their conversation.

"It's really true! The Grim Reaper is now a B-rank!"

"Not only him, but his partner too!"

"I really don't want to get in their way."

"Only those who are insane enough would."

"I agree..."

As more and more people saw Grey and Yuna's guild cards, the commotion in the guild became even livelier and louder. There were even some exaggerated stories flying all over the place.

After all, unlike the other ranks, B-rank, along with E-rank, and Calamity class are a special case. They acted as walls with specific requirements that aren't easily achievable by normal people.

To reach E-rank, one should have at least "Intermediate" mastery on their attribute, class, and physical enhancement. Then for B-rank, all should at least be "High" mastery. Lastly, for Calamity-class, one must have at least one "Superior" mastery with the others being at least "Advanced" mastery.

The rate of mastery goes from Basic (1%), Low (10%), Intermediate (25%), High (50%), Advanced (75%), Superior (90%), and Ultimate (100%). The higher one goes, the harder it is to progress.

This is also the reason why the ranking system could be grouped into 4 stages. H to F ranks are called "Low-rankers", E to C ranks are called "Mid-Rankers", B to S ranks are called "High-Rankers", and those in Calamity class and above are called "Transcendants".

With Grey and Yuna receiving their B-rank guild cards, they are officially recognized as "High-rankers", hence the commotion in the guild. They have surpassed a wall that even veterans couldn't.

"Umm... Tilda, do you know anything about this 'Grim Reaper' thing?" [Grey]

"Ah, that... That's a nickname the adventurers decided to give you." [Tilda]

Shock. That was what Grey felt after learning that he was actually the one the adventurers were referring to. Although it wasn't bad, it was an embarrassment to him. It sounded too much like what middle-schoolers would name themselves.

"Grey, it sounds cool!" [Yuna]

Yuna on the other hand was mesmerized by Grey's new nickname. Her eyes were even sparkling as she repeated it over and over in her head.

The adventurers and staff members were also unfazed about such a name. It seemed like people of Merusia didn't think it was embarrassing at all. Rather, it was a name which oozed an intimidating vibe.

"I think that nickname started spreading when you confronted the group of drunk adventurers after the Orc Horde Subjugation Quest. The amount of bloodlust you released at that time was just incredible. Everyone in the guild thought it was the end of them. Honestly, if I didn't know you beforehand, I would have not talked with you ever again out of fear for my life." [Tilda]

Tilda continued to explain the origin of the term, and Grey's face during the explanation became paler by the moment. He had finally realized the consequence of his actions.

"That time, huh... Huh!? That was already a month ago! How come we haven't heard anything about this?!" [Grey]

"Hmm... It must be because they're too afraid to talk about it when you're around. Well, your promotion is a pretty big thing, that may be the reason why they were not able to hold themselves back." [Tilda]

"Ugh... How troublesome. Is there any way I can clear that nickname?" [Grey]

"None. But don't worry, Grey, even if you didn't acquire that nickname at that time. You would still earn one after some time. You're now a B-ranker, after all. Yuna would probably earn some after some time passes." [Tilda]

"A nickname..." [Yuna]

The more Grey thought about it, the more his head ached from how troublesome it was. Tilda tried to cheer her up, but it didn't help at all, it only made him even more depressed. And Yuna was excited at the thought of getting her own nickname.

Since there was no way to remove the nickname, a sudden thought of forcefully erasing their memories with a few strikes to the head came to his mind, but he quickly dismissed such a dangerous thought.

After all, if he tried to beat up the adventurers, he would most likely get another nickname. His "Grim Reaper" might change into "Berserker" or "Lord of Madness". Both of which sounded just as intimidating as the current one.

"Anyway, Grey, Yuna. Now that you're B-rank adventurers, your party is now also B-rank. Please decide a party name." [Tilda]

Just as Grey thought it couldn't be any worse, another topic related to names has popped up. Now, they have to decide a name for their party.

With the fact that there are a lot of parties in the Adventurers' Guild, it had been long decided by the higher ups from previous generations to only give names to outstanding parties. This is to avoid confusion from too many names.

"Grey, please think of a cool party name!" [Yuna]

The moment Yuna heard the words "party name", her eyes lit up even brighter. She obviously wanted to have a "cool" party name like Kris and Aria's party which was named "Black Silver".

'Hahaha, look at this girl. Her eyes are even brighter than stars.... Hm?' [Grey]

Just as Grey thought that Yuna's eyes were sparkling like stars, a word suddenly popped up inside his head. It was just a simple world which could both mean a "star" and a "flower".

"Then... how about 'Aster'?" [Grey]

"Aster?" [Yuna]

"It is a word which means "star", but is also the name of a certain flower. So, what do you think?" [Grey]

"Flower... Star... Aster... I like it!" [Yuna]

Yuna answered with a beautiful smile blooming on her face. She seemed to like the meaning behind the name Grey chose for their party. It became a really special name to her.

While Grey decided on that name because of pure coincidence, he decided to stick with it because it was a word which describes his adorable partner. A beautiful flower with the brilliance of a star.

"Then, Tilda, we'll be going with 'Aster' for our party name." [Grey]

"Aster... What a beautiful name. Then, just wait a few minutes, I'll register your party names in a jiffy." [Tilda]

With Grey's answer, Tilda quickly worked on registering the party name into the guild's database. She was doing so while talking casually with Grey and Yuna to pass the time.

A few minutes later, the party name "Aster" has been officially registered in the guild's database. It was a name which will be engraved in history, but that's a story for another time.

"Ah, right. Grey, Yuna, will you also be going there?" [Tilda]

A sudden question came out of Tilda's mouth as she finished the registration, leaving Grey and Yuna puzzled as to what she was talking about.

"There...?" [Yuna]

"You know, The Labyrinth of Death. It is opening up soon and many adventurers are going there! It's a big event!" [Tilda]

Thanks to Yuna's question, the two's bewilderment was quickly answered. It was finally time for Grey to keep his promise to God.

Labyrinths, large dungeons which spread for tens of kilometers underground, and are home to a plethora of monsters. But unlike dungeons, labyrinths don't revert when cleared, rather, they stay open for more than a month, then become inactive, only to open up again after another couple of years.

Although labyrinths are places full of dangers, it also provides a stable source of income for adventurers, and so, many gather in the times these labyrinths become active. Whether it be fame, wealth, or the thrill of adventuring, the labyrinths can provide it all.

The Labyrinth of Death was also the reason why Grey's reincarnation took place at the Great Haltea Forest. It was because it was a secluded area with a Labyrinth just a couple hundred kilometers away.

"Grey, do you want to go?" [Yuna]

Yuna asked Grey meekly with puppy eyes. She clearly wanted to go but didn't want to get separated from Grey if Grey ever decided not to go. They were eyes which Grey couldn't resist.

Of course, Grey's answer was already obvious. Other than the fact that it was to fulfill a promise he made to "God". It was also a good time to explore the world. He was still an adventurer, after all.

"Sure, let's go." [Grey]

As soon as Yuna heard Grey's agreement, a bright smile quickly showed on her face. Not only because she can explore further ahead, but also because Grey will be with her along the way.

After finishing up all the things they needed to deal with in the Adventurer's Guild and headed back to the Rabbit's Den, their figures still attracted the attention of the adventurers even as they left.

Along the way home, Grey and Yuna also bought some things from the market. They were mostly condiments and some consumables they will need along the way. It was just in case those goods weren't available in their next destination.

"You're back already? It hasn't even been lunch yet." [Helen]

"Ah, sorry, something came up so we got home early." [Grey]

"Umm... Is it perhaps about the opening up of the Labyrinth of Death." [Helen]

"Yeah, how did you know?" [Grey]

"Is Helen a psychic?" [Yuna]

"No, silly. I just overheard the adventurers talking about it this morning, so I thought that was the case." [Helen]

As per usual, the moment Grey and Yuna entered the inn, Helen was there at the reception desk to greet them. And as usual, she seemed like she had all the free time in the world.

Grey was initially surprised when Helen guessed the answer right in the first try. But as it turns out, it was only because she heard it from others. It made Grey realize how amazing a receptionist's ability to sniff our rumors were as the same thing happened back at the guild.

"Then does that mean you'll be checking out tomorrow?" [Helen]

"Sadly, yes." [Grey]

When Grey gave his response, Helen froze a little and became crestfallen. She was a little downhearted to hear Grey and Yuna were going to depart the day after.

Even if they only knew each other for a little more than a month, since they were essentially living on the same roof and have eaten together multiple times, the three have a pretty close relationship with one another. They were already close friends.

"It's going to get lonely here without you..." [Helen]

Helen voiced out as her eyes became even more crestfallen. After all, apart from her parents, Grey and Yuna were the one she interacted with the most.

"Don't worry, we'll be coming back once the labyrinth closes." [Grey]

"Un! This is already our second home, after all." [Yuna]

"Really...? You promised, alright? No, takesy backsies or else I'm really going to get mad." [Helen]

"Un! We promise! Right, Grey!" [Yuna]

"Yeah. We'll be back before you know it." [Grey]

It wasn't just Helen who was saddened from parting ways. Grey and Yuna will also be missing her the moment they head towards the Labyrinth of Death. Helen was one of their few friends, after all.

The childishness of making promises reminded Grey of the scene back in the guild when he and Yuna talked about friendship with Tilda. Childishness may be a little embarrassing, it is an aspect which can bring people together.

That night, Grey and Yuna had one last dinner together with Helen, Gerd, and Selia. It was a moment which served to cheer up Helen and give a temporary farewell to their second home. It was a moment full of smiles and happiness.


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