YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 29: Raid (pt. I)

Sky Blue, Amber, Orange, Deep Blue, and Black. The colors of the sky changed with the passing of time. The sun and clouds disappeared from sight as the moon and stars took their place.

Evening has arrived and so did the time Grey and Yuna had been waiting for, for three years. It was time to raid Iblis' base of operations and stop the beast incidents once and for all.

Although Grey has been preparing himself since the discussion and all the passing years, he still can't stop his hands from trembling. As tonight, he might end up killing a person for the first time in both his lives.

Unlike on Earth, the laws here in Merusia doesn't value life as importantly. Although Grey hates killing, if it's for the sake something or someone important for him, he won't hesitate on dirtying his hands.

Knock Knock Knock

"Grey...?" [Yuna]

As Grey steeled his resolve, a sudden knocking could be heard coming from the door. It was accompanied by Yuna's soft and slightly anxious voice.

Anger, anxiety, grief, relief, and other varieties of emotions. Yuna's heart was swirling with different emotions. Now that she can extract her revenge, she was feeling emotions she didn't know she had. It was as if she was traversing swampy terrain within a dark tunnel. It was a dark and uncomfortable feeling.

"Yeah, I'm here. Do you need anything?" [Grey]

"Not really... I just want to hear your voice..." [Yuna]

There was a trace of loneliness present in her voice as Yuna spoke those words. Even when she was on the other side of the door, Grey could clearly feel the slight trembling in her voice.

Hearing her voice, Grey felt a little calmer. He had realized that he had no time to feel down. Instead, he felt the need to collect himself and man up. He needs to become a pillar Yuna can lean on.

"Umm, Grey... After this... I want to eat sweets again... I want to eat the sweets you made before..." [Yuna]

Silence... There was no response to Yuna's request. It was only after a few seconds of silence that a creaking sound could be heard as Grey walked towards the door. The footsteps echoing louder inside Yuna's ears as he got closer.

A click and a creak, those were the final sounds which echoed throughout the corridor as Grey opened the door, revealing a silver-haired elf who was looking down the floor as she held both of her hands tightly together.

"Sure, that's a promise." [Grey]

Grey replied as he patted Yuna's head. It was a gesture Grey usually makes without much thought, but this time, he did it to comfort the adorable elven girl before him.

A surging warmth filled Yuna's heart as Grey's hands stroked her head. Even though she was still worried, she was now feeling more comfortable with Grey by her side. She felt protected by the man she trusts the most.

Side by side, Grey and Yuna then headed to the rendezvous point, making sure to not disturb the peace of the night. They were as silent as shadows as they moved quietly on top of the roofs.

"Oh, they're here. Grey! Yuna!" [Kris]

The first one to notice their arrival was Kris, followed by Aria, then Vanessa, and Kurt. All other members of the raid were already present. They were just waiting for Grey and Yuna to arrive.

"Seems like everybody arrived early." [Grey]

"Hahaha, we just couldn't wait anymore. I just want to give those guys a piece of my mind as soon as possible." [Kris]

"Lord Kris is right. They have been committing too many atrocities as they please for far too long. It's time that we put an end to them." [Kurt]

To Kris and Kurt's words, everyone agreed unanimously. They too felt compelled to stop Iblis from bringing more harm to the innocent. A sentiment shared by those with a decent morality.

In the vicinity, there was no carriage nor any sort of vehicle to be seen. It has been decided that the raid team will travel by foot. After all, high-rankers are much more agile than any kind of carriage.

"Alright, are you guys all set?" [Vanessa]

Everyone nodded their heads in response to Vanessa's question as they prepared themselves to run a long distance.

"Then..." [Vanessa]

With Vanessa in the lead, everyone headed out at speeds of surpassing that of a horse's top speed. The moment they all started to sprint, a sonic boom echoed throughout the vicinity, leaving dust clouds in their wake.

While their movements were swift, they weren't pushing themselves to the point of tiring out. After all, they still have a battle to take on after their arrival. It was ideal to conserve most of their strengths,

For half an hour, the team of six traversed the plains and the mountains carefully as they avoided causing a disturbance to their surroundings. Especially since it was night time and there was less visibility.

The moment they were almost at the enemy's base, they slowed down their speed in order to not alert the enemies. Their plan would be useless if they got noticed before they could initiate it, after all.

A few more minutes later, Vanessa halted her movements and the remaining members followed suit. It was time to go separate ways.

"Everyone, it's time to split up. Make sure you protect your partner, kay~? Now then, let's go, Lady Yuna!" [Vanessa]

Grabbing Yuna by the wrist, Vanessa quickly vanished for the other's sight along with Yuna. She had already started heading to the western part of the mountain where the cliffside was located.

"Then, we'll also be going now. Good luck, you two!" [Kris]

"See you later." [Aria]

Following Vanessa, Kris and Aria headed further south as they dove inside the forest. They vanished into thin air, leaving Grey and Kurt alone.

"Well then, we should get going, too." [Kurt]

"Then, I'll be in your care, Lord Kurt." [Grey]

"I feel the same, Sir Grey." [Kurt]

Being the last to move, Grey and Kurt then swiftly headed towards the summit where the final entrance was located.

It took a few high jumps and cliff hiking, but the two eventually arrived at the top. There, a group of men, along with a few beasts, can be observed standing guard by the entrance. It was just like the report had said.

Although Grey and Kurt were so close to the entrance, none of the guards there seemed to have noticed their arrival. The depth of the night was too powerful for the vision of people at their caliber.

Kurt and Grey observed for quite some time but there was no change in the attitude of the guards. Not to mention mere guards, not even the beasts have noticed the two.

⟨⟨Gust⟩⟩ [Grey]

At Kurt's signal, Grey casted a low level spell towards the entrance of the base, creating strong bursts of wind which blew away the guards and knocked some of them unconscious.

Only the beasts, with their large statures, were able to withstand Grey's spell. But even if they had resisted, all of them were still pushed back by quite some distance, leaving tracks in the ground.

"Urgh... What just happened...?"

"Where did that wind come from?!"

"Huh...? Intruders! There are intruderー Urk..."

By the time the guards noticed Grey and Kurt, it was already too late. They were already inside the base. Kurt was even able to pierce one of the guards' chest in a quick instant, killing the man in one blow.

Seeing Kurt kill one of the guards, Grey didn't feel any sympathy, pity, or similar emotion towards them. He had already confirmed all of them were "evil", and that they deserve to be punished.

The moment they entered such a dark organization, they practically agreed to suffering such a fate. Although Grey felt a little uncomfortable, there was no need to give mercy to a group of murderers.

"Sound the alarmsー Aaghh!!"

The others still haven't gotten up but another one of them has already lost their life. Kurt was making a quick work out of them, striking them down one after another without showing any form of mercy.

Kurt had the eyes of knights who have experienced countless bloodshed as he remained calm in the face of the enemies. All of those who confronted him had their lives expired in a single strike.

⟨⟨Gale Waltz!⟩⟩ [Grey]

As Kurt brandished his spear left and right, Grey fired off a spell towards the beasts, decapitating their heads from their bodies in one go and making blood rain all over the entrance.



The guards tried to run away outside, hoping to escape with their heads intact, but the moment they started running away,the earth suddenly started rumbling. Soon after, large pillars of stone protruded from the ground, creating a prison which prevented the enemies from escaping.

As soon as they saw the pillars emerge from the ground, despair swallowed up their hearts as they saw the hands of death reaching out to them. Their whole bodies trembled uncontrollably at the thought of dying.

"H-Have mercy..."

"Please spare us!"

"I'll do anything, just please let me keep my life."

The enemies begged for their lives but it was useless. Kurt and Grey's merciless attacks didn't show any signs of stopping. Their screams echoed throughout the mountain as their lives were taken from them.

Even Grey who was reluctant about killing had no choice but to end their lives in order to avenge the innocent lives lost because of their wrongdoings. It was also a way to cull the roots of the problem. They have no need for the risk of the enemies rebuilding the organization if they spared them.

"Are you alright, Sir Grey?" [Kurt]

"Ah, yes... I'm just a little uneasy, that's all." [Grey]

Contrary to his previous thoughts, Grey didn't feel as guilty when he ended the enemies' lives. Rather, it just felt as if he was exterminating monsters.

Grey's mind has already equated the likes of the murderers and evildoers to the level of monsters such as goblins and orcs. There was no need to show sympathy to beings who only sought the harm of others.

Even seeing his hand dirtied by the blood of his enemies, Grey didn't feel any remorse for taking the lives of multiple people. His mind was as clear as the bright sky as he wiped away those blood stains.

Weeeooow Weeeooow Weeeooow

Just as Grey was reflecting on his actions, a loud blaring sound interrupted echoed throughout the whole base. It was apparent that the enemies noticed their movements.

"Looks like the others have also started their tasks." [Kurt]


Weeeooow Weeeooow Weeeooow



Accompanying the screams of the enemies, a deafening silence reverberated throughout the whole base as Vanessa and Yuna defeated their enemies one after another.

Yuna had already closed off the entrance with Earth magic so there was no way for the enemies to escape. All they could do was fight recklessly as they gave themselves false hope that they could defeat the two ladies before them.

⟨⟨Bloody River⟩⟩ [Yuna]

Like a river flowing towards the ocean, Yuna's daggers flowed from person to person, wounding their arms, legs, and torso, and every part of their body. Some even had their heads flying into the air as they rushed towards her.

Blood gushed out and showered the ground as Yuna's daggers finished off the lives of the few dozen men who were rushing towards her. And it wasn't only Yuna. Vamessa's swords also took as many lives as the former.

At first, the men were looking at Yuna and Vanessa with lecherous eyes the moment they saw them enter, but the current situation was completely different. Now, rather than lust, the men's eyes were filled with fear and desperation.

⟨⟨Sweeping Edge!⟩⟩ [Vanessa]

Vanessa swung her sword horizontally, sending out a blade of mana which cut down every enemy it came in contact with. Some tried to block the attacks with a shield, but their efforts were just in vain. They were still cut down the same.

The scene couldn't even be called a battle. It was a one-sided massacre where the group of hundred or so men were crushed mercilessly by a pair of two young women.

"Waah~ Lady Yuna, you're so brutal..." [Vanessa]

Says Vanessa, but she wasn't clean either. She was just as brutal, or maybe even more, seeing as two how she just nonchalantly cut the bodies of her enemies into two. Some still suffered before they ultimately faced death.

"No... Rather than Lady Yuna, can I just call you 'Yuna'? And then you should call me Big Sis Vanessa. That way, we can be closer to one another!" [Vanessa]

To Vanessa's sudden proposal, Yuna couldn't help herself but be dumbfounded. She knew that Vanessa was a free spirit the moment they met, but she didn't think she would be so assertive.

Vanessa's eyes were even glimmering as she requested it from Yuna. Her eyes had the same shine as Yuna's whenever she found something interesting. They were eyes full of excitement.

"Uh... Umm... Lady Vanessaー" [Yuna]

"It's 'Big Sis' not 'Lady'!" [Vanessa]

Yuna tried to resist but to no avail. Vanessa's persistence was on another level. She wouldn't back down no matter what Yuna tried to say. She always found a way to turn the tide to her favor.

"T-Then... Big Sis Vanessa..." [Yuna]

"Yuna~! You're such a good girl! So cute~! I finally have a little sister! I'm so happy!" [Vanessa]

Eventually, Yuna was forced to give in. With an embarrassed face, she was forced to call Vanessa the way Vanessa wanted to. Even with her being the stronger one, Yuna wasn't able to do anything. Vanessa was simply too powerful.

The moment Yuna called her "Big Sis", she immediately gave Yuna a big hug and patted her head aggressively and cheerfully.

She was so lively that Yuna could finally understand why Kurt became so serious even though he was the younger one. It seems that he grew up like that so that he could keep his older sister in check. Yuna felt a sense of sympathy towards him.

"Now, Yuna, have you loosened up?" [Vanessa]

But it seems that Vanessa didn't just do it for her own satisfaction. Although it was quite strange, she was calming down Yuna on her own way.

Hearing her words, Yuna felt a little happy. The tense expression she had when she was fighting a few minutes ago was now replaced with a softer and calmer one. Vanessa's method was effective.

"Thank you, Ladー no, Big Sis Vanessa." [Yuna]

"No worries! You can rely on your Big Sis anytime! Now then, let's head deeper, shall we?" [Vanessa]

"Un!" [Yuna]



"Heelp! Help meee!"

"Somebody save me!"

Echoing at the depths of the night were the screams of a hundred men as they were slaughtered mercilessly by a large ash-colored lion. Although it wasn't as large as the beasts guarding the entrance, its strength was incomparably higher.

The lion was none other than Kris. He was using his ability "Lion Soul" which allows him to transform into a gray lion more than double the size of a normal bear. In that form, Kris' physical and magical capabilities are increased by 50% at the cost of his mana draining twice as fast.

At first, Kris wanted to take things casually, but the moment he heard the guards spout sexual remarks towards Aria, he immediately snapped and slaughtered all of them without reserve.

"You bastards! See if any of you can survive today!" [Kris]

Although he fights often with Aira, he treasures his fiancée dearly and is actually quite possessive. He won't let anyone just secually harass his beloved and get away with it.

Back in the guild, Kris was quite famous for beating up those who looked at Aria with lecherous and malicious eyes. His actions were influential enough that the cases of sexual harassment in the guild has lowered quite a bit in the past few years.

"Haah..." [Aria]

Aria shook her head and heaved a lengthy sigh as she watched her fiancé rampaged like a wild animal. Her eyes looked like she had already given up in trying to reform her fiancé's behavior.

Without much to do, Aria only sat by the entrance, hoping to catch those who were trying to escape. She then looked at her fiancé one more time and then heaved another lengthy sight. She could already see how tough her married life would be.


Weeeooow Weeeooow Weeeooow

Deep inside the base under the mountain, the deafening cries of the sirens echoed aggressively in a dimly lit room. The alarm has already reached the innermost sections of the base.

Inside the dimly lit room was a man in an untidy white lab coat who was mixing reagents and mixtures. He suddenly stopped whatever he was doing the moment he heard the alarm.

"What's happening!?" [Boss]

"B-Boss, intruders are attacking the hideout!"

"Then what are you standing here for!? Stop them immediately!" [Boss]

"Y-Yes boss!"

Running panicky like a scared rat, the man went outside the room to enact the leader's order.


The moment the man vanished from sight, the leader struck the table with his fist, making multiple apparatus falk down the floor. He was clearly enraged as his eyes were almost bloodshot.

He was enraged that intruders had shown up at the most important moment. He was so close to achieving his goal and yet fate decided to play with him. He couldn't accept such a situation.

"Demiol, come here!" [Boss]

With an ear splitting yell, the leader called out to one of his underlings. His voice was filled with desperation and annoyance.

"You called, Boss?" [Demiol]

"Release the type III Daemons!" [Boss]

Hearing the leader's order, the underling quickly ran outside the room and headed deeper into the basement. He ran and ran until he arrived at a large room sealed by a door made of hard metals. It was like a hangar where planes were stored back on Earth.

The moment he opened the doors, large red eyes glowed within the darkness. Moments later, the ground rumbled as the owner of the eyes planted one of their feet in the ground.



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