YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 20: Sweet and Spicy Curry!

Pans, Pots, Knives, Spatulas, Ladles, and a variety of kitchenwares. Throughout the whole room, there was a myriad of tools and ingredients that one wouldn't be able to help themselves from being amazed. It was the battleground of cooks, the kitchen!

Standing menacingly in the said battle ground were Grey and Gerd with an intense and bright smile apparent in their faces. The sheer passion coming from the two was enough to rival the fighting spirit of elite warriors.

On Grey's side, he will be cooking the dish which Yuna boasts to be the best in the world. The infamous curry which was known throughout all of Earth, served in many forms and varieties, is now preparing to take the stage in Merusia. A truly versatile cuisine!

Ladle in hand, Gerd is going to cook his specialty which made the "Rabbit's Den" famous throughout all of Galderia. The "Gold-spotted Boar Stew", a dish which explodes to a complicated yet harmonious flavor. A dish which one would yearn over and over again.

"Oh? That's a good number of spices there, Grey." [Gerd]

"I could say the same to you, Mister Gerd. What's with that absurd amount of broth you have over there." [Grey]

"For that, you'll just have to wait and see." [Gerd]

"Then you'll have to do the same too. Just wait and see." [Grey]

The two smiled while conversing with each other, no, rather than conversing, it would be more appropriate to see they were teasing one another.

Although both have a great number of ingredients, there was one kind which stood out amongst them. There were just too many that those who have no knowledge in cooking would surely be confused.

For Grey, he had a good number of spices ranging from sugar, salt, ginger, and many more. And for Gerd he had a good number of broth, each of different kinds. There was chicken, beef, pork, and animals which are only present in Merusia.

Even Yuna, who was also knowledgeable in cooking from helping Grey out from time to time, was confused by the amount of spices. She had never seen Grey take out that amount of spices at once.

Of course, the purpose of Grey's spices was to make curry powder. Unlike Earth, pre-made curry powder is not available in Merusia, he could only experiment with different spices until he got what he wanted.

"You ready to cook, Grey?" [Gerd]

"Ready as you are." [Grey]

"Huhu, then what are we waiting for? Let's get started!" [Gerd]

With Gerd's declaration, flames burned brightly on top of the magic stoves. Some were red, while some were blue, but one thing was certain, all were ready to heat some pots and pans.

The ladies also sat out on the cook off as it was agreed that only the two men were going to compete. They were only there to observe the two grown-up men act like children and of course, to taste the resulting dishes.

Clang Thong

A metallic sound reverberated throughout the kitchen as large pans were placed on top of the magic stove. A splash soon followed as water poured from the faucets to clean the ingredients.

Large chunks of meat were placed on top of the counters, producing a loud thud as they made impact to the countertops. A single glance was all it took to see how red and fresh the meats were.

Gerd brought out the Gold-spotted boar meat which was a delicacy known throughout all the kingdom of Alfrione. Although it may look like it's made purely of lean meat, when one touches it, one could easily feel the fats and tenderness hidden behind.

Slow and gently, Gerd diced up the red meat he brought out and turned it into bite sized pieces and turned the stove to low heat. With a little oil, he then sautéed garlic, pepper, and ginger, waiting for the aroma to slowly waft throughout the whole kitchen.

Sizzle... As Gerd slowly put the diced meat on the heated oil, a new aroma joined the already existing smell, creating a harmonious scent which was enough for anyone to salivate at the mere smell of it.

"Ohh, what an exquisite smell." [Grey]

"Hahaha, you're one to talk. Isn't your dish quite aromatic too?" [Gerd]

As Gerd prepared his, Grey was also working on his curry, not losing in any aspect from Gerd's cooking.

The meat he brought out was something not available on Earth. It was from a large multicolored bird named Adarna, one which they hunted a couple of quests back as they were tasked to subjugate a group of orcs. It tastes similar to chicken with hints of beef, an odd yet delicious combination one could only get in a fantasy world.

But before Grey prepared the meat, he first prepared the curry powder using a bunch of herbs which were identical to cumin, turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, bay leaves, yuzu, cloves, black pepper, and other spices from Earth.

Grey then diced the Adarna meat into even smaller pieces than Gerd. It was a size where even small children will have no problem eating it. With each slice, the meat's natural juice came slightly dripping out.

He then seasoned it slightly with salt and pepper and fried it in the vegetable oil, slowly stirring the meat until all of them became golden brown. But unlike Gerd, Grey didn't sauté any spices, there was only the meat on the pan.

Just as Grey's Adarna meat had finished turning golden brown, Gerd's was also the same. The moment the meat was fried to perfection, the meaty aroma in the room intensified, becoming more appetizing by the moment.

"Ughhh... I'm getting hungry... Grey, Dad, hurry up!" [Helen]

"Helen, stop complaining like a spoiled child!" [Selia]

"Ehh?! But Mom, the aroma is too appetizing! I can't take it anymore!" [Helen]

"Curry..." [Yuna]

As the mother and daughter tandem bantered with one another, Yuna was silently watching Gerd and Grey cook passionately, only mumbling one word from time to time.

As for the two men, they were so caught up in their own world, they completely ignored the ladies in front of them. The only thing they paid attention to was their dish and the other's, hoping to learn a thing or two.

Sizzle... As Gerd noticed the boar meat fry into perfection, he then poured the gold-potted boar broth to the pan, sitting the meat gently to prevent the sautéed spices from sticking at the bottom.

"Huh? That is..." [Grey]

Grey asked as he saw a Gerd grab a strange ingredient, then mix it to the pan. It was a dried herb bearing resemblance to that of maple leaves, only a lot smaller.

"Ah, this? It's called Atsuete. It has a special property which enables blending of multiple flavors without them contradicting each other. It won't matter if the broths used have rich and strong flavors, they will still blend perfectly." [Gerd]

With Gerd's words, Grey finally put the pieces together. It was actually the reason why he never tasted the taste of boar meat in the stew. It was actually because it was not just one flavor, but a variety of flavors brought to harmony by a single herb.

Another amazing thing was that the herb Gerd was holding wasn't a part of Grey's "knowledge". It only showed that it was an herb not many people knew, even when it was such a game changer when it came to cooking.

"Amazing, right? This is a herb cultivated by our family for selectively breeding the Saltinta for generations, so not many people know this." [Gerd]

Just as Grey wondered, Gerd had already answered his question without him asking about it. It was as if he had read Grey's mind.

What was more amazing was that, according to Grey's "knowledge", Saltinta was a herb Used to separate different kinds of toxins. It was amazing how Gerd's family made it to how it is today.

'You really do learn things every day, huh...' [Grey]

Grey thought with a light smile visible on his face. He was thinking of buying some from Gerd after they have finished cooking.

With an even more determined heart, Grey removed the fried pieces of meat from the pan and then sautéed ginger, garlic, and other spices until they started to produce an appetizing aroma.

Chop Chop Chop

As soon as the aroma reached Grey's nose, he then added finely grated carrots and potatoes to the mix, stirring them gently in order to spread them evenly. Soon after, it was time to add the improvised curry powder he made.

With all of the spices mixed, Grey slowly turned down the flames into low heat and gently stirred the mixture, taking great care as to not burn them.

Grey then added the Adarna broth he had prepared a few days ago after getting it. He had intended to use it after some time but he never thought the chance would come so soon. Of course, it was a welcome surprise to him.

He gently stirred the mixture until it became smooth and viscous, proceeding to add back the mest to the pan, along with a mixture of sauces and spices. He also added water from time to time if the curry became too viscous.

It took a few minutes until the curry achieved the perfect consistency. There were only a few more things to be done and it was ready to be served.

"You done, Grey?" [Gerd]

"Almost." [Grey]

Grey replied as he took yet another ingredient from his "Inventory", but this time, it was Gerd who was unfamiliar with the said ingredient. That ingredient was rice!

A splash of water surged in the air as Grey washed the rice he so proudly cultivated. Although not as white as the ones in his previous life, it was delicious rice nonetheless. One which could compete with commercial brands.

Soon after, another flame was brought to life as Grey placed a pot on top of it. Of course, the contents of the pot were the rice and water Grey had prepared in a jiffy.

While Grey cooked the rice, Gerd also did not slow down in his dish. After he brought the boar meat to a boil for about 10 minutes, he added yet another broth to the mix. A few minutes later, he added Atsuete, then another broth. The process repeated itself until the dish was almost ready to serve.

"Mister Gerd, does the order in which you pour the broths affect the taste of the soup? Or is the outcome still the same?" [Grey]

"Not really. Only the ratio of the broth and the amount of atsuete added can change how the dishes will taste." [Gerd]

"I see..." [Grey]

As the two continued to cook, they exchanged notes with one another and observed carefully how the other cooks, not letting a single thing to be missed.

A few minutes later, Grey checked on the rice and split the curry into three portions. On one of the portions, he added extra spice, on the other he added extra sweetness, and on the last one, he made sure to balance them.

"Oh, you're gonna use honey?" [Gerd]

As Grey poured the honey on to the second portion, he was met with a question coming from Gerd. A Gerd with eyes full of curiosity,

"Ah, yes, are you perhaps not fond of sweet dishes, Mister Gerd?" [Grey]

"No, no, not at all. I just that I've never heard of a meat-based dish having that much sweetness. It just made me curious." [Gerd]

"Well, they may not be popular, but there are quite a handful of dishes using honey and sugar as their main seasoning." [Grey]

"Hmm... It really is true that you learn new things everyday." [Gerd]

At Gerd's words, Grey couldn't help but smile at the back of his mind. After all, he thought of the same thing just a few minutes ago. As it see,s, great cooks really do think alike.

A few minutes later the boar stew has been boiled to perfection. Gerd then started cracking the eggs and added it to the soup whilst continuing with his stirring. Lastly, he added a few spices and chopped greens into the mix, waiting for a few minutes for the ingredients to spread evenly.

Donggg Donggg Donggg

Just as the third bell echoed throughout the city, Gerd had finished cooking his "Gold-spotted Boar Stew". All that's left is to serve it and eat it heartily.

As for Grey, he had also finished cooking the curry, all three portions containing the right amount of spiciness and sweetness. Not only the curry, the rice was also ready to be served.

Thankfully, even when it was lunch time, there weren't any customers looking for food. After all, most of the renters of the "Rabbit's Den" were adventurers who were working in the field during lunch hours.

"Helen, set the tabー oh?" [Gerd]

Gerd was about to order Helen to prepare the tables, but when he took a quick glance, it seemed like the three ladies already beat him into it. They were so excited to have a taste that they didn't waste any more time.

At the table, there were utensils, plates, and a couple of simple foods such as fruits and bread. Of course, there were also beverages chilled with the help of Yuna's ice magic.

"What are you two waiting for, Dad, Grey? Serve the dishes already!" [Helen]

"Un! Time to eat!"[Yuna]

With Yuna and Helen's enthusiastic smiles, Grey and Gerd carefully served their respective dishes into the dining table, making sure to not waste even a little drop,

"""""Thank you for the meal!"""""

In unison, the five sang their thanks for the meal they were about to receive, and soon after, they excitedly and happily ate one of the dishes.

The first one everyone had a taste of was curry. After all, the "Gold-spotted Boar Stew" was something they were already familiar with. On the other hand, curry was something they were going to taste for the first time.

"Wow~ so delicious! I've never eaten a dish like this before!" [Helen]

"Oh my, it really is. I never knew you could cook a sweet meat-based dish!" [Selia]

"Un... Curry is the best!" [Yuna]

As soon as their taste buds had a taste of the dish called "Curry", each one of the ladies gave their positive remarks with an excited tone.

The only one who didn't give a remark was Gerd, he just sat there silently, his spoon not moving an inch with a face that looked like the world was about to end. He was so serious it was worrying.

"Umm, Mister Gerd...?" [Grey]

"Grey... this... is... this... curry..." [Gerd]

With a pause in each of his words, Gerd's body slightly trembled as if he was feeling a very strong surge of emotions.

"This curry... is one heck of a dish! Although the dish is a little sweet, you can still taste its spiciness, and on top of that, both the sweetness and spiciness goes along with the savoriness of the meat without being too overpowering to the taste! And even though the dish has a thick consistency, it doesn't make it hard to swallow. I've never eaten a dish like this before! And combined with this thing you call rice, it becomes even better! It's a masterpiece." [Gerd]

Although Grey was a little shocked by Gerd's reaction, he was still incredibly happy from getting such a compliment.

Getting an acknowledgement from a fellow cook was akin to winning a lottery for him. He was so happy, he wasn't able to put his happiness into words for a quick minute. Not to mention, that cook was a pretty respectable one too.

"I'm glad it suits your taste. Your stew is also delicious as always." [Grey]

"Hahaha, that's why I like you, Grey! You really do have the heart of a cook!" [Gerd]

Smiles blooming on their faces, everyone continued eating as they shared stories with one another. There was laughing, shouting, and teasing, but overall, it was a very joyous moment.

Although curry was the main dish for the day, the family of three also fell in love with the white grain called rice. Even when it looked like white worms to them, it was really delicious and satisfying.

Being able to eat like that, Grey had realized once again how blessed he was to be reincarnated in Merusia. Although there were drawbacks and unlikable people, the happy scene before him was something he could only dream of when he was still a lonely salaryman trying to get by in life.

Of course, he was most thankful to the God who gave him such an incredible opportunity. Even though that very same God had given Grey a few headaches from, he was still very grateful towards him. Gratefulness which cannot be explained by mere words.

"Come to think of it, Grey, what meat did you use for this curry? Although it looked similar to chicken, it was also quite different."[Gerd]

"Hmmm... Normally, one would use chicken or pork, but since we got an excellent meat from a quest a few days ago, I decided to use it."[Grey]

"And that meat is...?"[Gerd]

"Adarna meat."[Grey]


Along with the sound of falling spoons and forks, the family's yell of confusion rang throughout the whole inn. Their mouths were wide open from shock as they had just heard something very absurd coming Grey's mouth.

"Ah, so you used the meat of the bird we caught a few days ago. I was wondering what you'll use it for. To think you'll use it for curry... I'm very happy!"[Yuna]

"Well, I thought that it would be nice to use it since today is a special occasion. Well, I could also use other meats next time."[Grey]

"Then, I'd like to have Rock Falcon next time!"[Yuna]

"Hahaha, sure, sure. Then after that, I'll use the Jet Hawk we caught just the other day. Of course, we could also use other ingredients if you want."[Grey]

"It's fine. I'm happy as long as Grey cooks it."[Yuna]

Even when the family of three screamed in surprise, Grey didn't notice it as he and Yuna quickly went to their own worlds, discussing what ingredients from the beasts they caught they would use next.

"Wait a minute! Did you just mention Adarna meat!?"[Gerd]

It was only when Gerd retaliated with a question that the two snapped back to reality, only to notice a very surprised Gerd, Selia, and Helen.

And since it was just a normal conversation for the two, they didn't know what the reactions of the three were supposed to mean. They were even confused themselves when they saw their reactions.

"Ah, yes... Is something the matter?"[Grey]

"Of course there is! An Adarna is a C-rank beast! It's not something you would use as an ingredient for an everyday meal! You even mentioned Rock Falcons and Jet Hawks, which are both D-ranked!"[Gerd]

"That's right! Even the gentry and nobility have a hard time procuring that meat, yet you cooked it as if it was just pork or chicken! If other knew of this, they would surely faint from your actions![Selia]

Being pincered by the husband and wife combo, Grey and Yuna weren't able to do anything but listen as they were scolded. At one point, it even looked like they were kids being reprimanded for getting a failing grade at school.

Of course, it wasn't the fact that they thoughtlessly served high-class meat like it was nothing that concerned the three. There was a far more severe issue which gave them quite a shock.

"On top of that, didn't you say you caught it?! Then that means you two are fairly high-ranked adventurers!"[Gerd]

"Come to think of it, although we are celebrating their promotion, we never really asked what rank Grey and Yuna were promoted to."[Selia]

"Right... Since they were young, we just assumed they got promoted from apprentice-rank to H-rank."[Helen]

Normally, that would be the case seeing how young Grey and Yuna were. Not to mention, they just registered at the guild about a week ago, it was only logical why people would think they just got promoted to H-rank.

After all, rising in the ranks in the Adventurer's Guild was no easy task. It would usually take a normal person a few months to get to G-rank. After a couple of years, they might get promoted to F-rank and then E-rank. For D-rank, it would take a decade or two of hard work to pull off. And there was C-rank which not everyone can attain no matter how hard they work.

Even Kris, who was considered a genius, took almost half a year to achieve C-rank. It was just due to pure luck and their absurd strength that Grey and Yuna achieved such a feat in a single week.

"Yuna, this might sound rude, but what rank are you right now...?"[Helen]

"Umm... I'm a C-rank adventurer, just like Grey."[Yuna]

"""Ehhh?!"""[Gerd and Family]

Once again, a loud cacophony of screams echoed throughout the guild as a second shock striked Gerd, Selia, and Helen.

After that, the family of three kept interrogating Grey and Yuna until they were satisfied. It took quite a few minutes that when they finished their questioning, the food left was already cold.

It was then that Grey silently swore deep inside his heart that he will never use high-class ingredients when cooking for others. Instead, he'll just use normal ingredients. It was a lesson which took him hell to learn.

All Grey could do was laugh wryly inside his heart from the simple blunder he had made. A laugh which wasn't a laugh.


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