Yandere Ojou-sama!

Chapter 21- Greenhouse!

'What should I do... '

Standing in front of the Takahashi residence, Haruto pondered what he should do about himself and also the cat in his arms.

It goes without saying that he couldn't just bring a pet inside the mansion casually since it wasn't his home rather he was employed to work there. Bringing a pet and more so without any prior notice would be extremely bad.

And also considering Haruto's current condition when he was dripping with rainwater all over, he thought entering the mansion would sully the expensive carpet.

Lost on option, Haruto began walking toward the back of the mansion where the greenhouse was located.

The greenhouse had a glass perimeter and the roof was also the same for the sunlight to shower the plants stored inside.

Haruto has visited the place quite some times since he liked the calm atmosphere of the greenhouse more than anywhere in the Takahashi residence.

"Umm...sorry for intrusion. Can I stay here for a short while?"

Parting the doors, Haruto walked inside just to be greeted by the fragrance of rose along with other strong-scented flora arranged near the entrance for welcoming any kind of guest.

There were so many small trees and plants on the view that could make anyone stumped who comes here for the first time. In between those trees, Haruto saw a middle-aged man with brownish-black short hair, wearing gloves and a small trowel in hand approaching him with a confused gaze.

"Aren't you Haruto-kun, the new butler? What do I owe the visit?"

Haruto already sensed the displeasure in the gardener's voice since Haruto was actively drenching the floor of the conservatory.

Haruto sheepishly smiled as he approached the man in a pleading tone.

"Can you let me be here for some time Kudo-san since going into the mansion right now would be a bit..."

The middle-aged man whom Haruto referred to as Kudo sighed with a shake of his head in exasperation before his eyes fell onto the small creature resting in Haruto's arms as he asked with his brows raised in surprise.

"You have been hired here for not more than ten days yet you are daring enough to have a pet? I simply can't determine whether you don't like your job or are you just testing Minami-sama's patience."

Having a pet or any other relative among the servants was restricted and those who try to go against such rules by inviting their relatives for a short visit get fired without any further hearing.

The head servant of the house was in charge of the management and those who are working under her for years can only understand what kind of scary woman Minami is.

And here, a teenager who was in dire need of shelter and wages was breaching the rule was simply commendable and amusing at the same time. It definitely would cause Haruto problems in the end and if Kudo gets involved in it then maybe his job might be in danger as well.

However, leaving the boy out in the downpour wouldn't be human at all as well so the old man took the cat from the boy and gave him a stool to sit on.

"I will feed the cat with some milk I have in here. I don't have any clothing here so you have to wait for the downpour to clear out before you can call the animal agency... I mean you are not intending to have this cat right?"

Kudo could do only this much and advise Haruto along the lines to get rid of the cat if he didn't want to have himself removed from the job.

Haruto beamed with a smile since getting help from Kudo was not his expectation considering the old man's grumpy nature. And if he would have refused, Haruto would have been left with no other option rather than to run in full throttle toward his room which undoubtedly would have created a fuss.

Since Haruto also had thought to hand over the cat to the animal care center after the rain stops, he agreed with Kudo and handed over the cat.


Surprisingly, the cat screeched as Haruto tried to hand it over to the old man and claimed to remain beside Haruto.

"It seems the cat has taken a liking to you."

Haruto was helplessly staring at the cat who purred and again nestled in the coat before he saw the man going inside the greenhouse. Haruto also took the stool and after adjusting it by a side to not block the passway, he sat down comfortably with his back leaning on the wall.

Soon Kudo returned with a small bowl and a glass bottle with milk contained inside it. He paused before Haruto and poured the milk into the bowl before placing it on the ground.

Haruto understood the intention and slowly brought the cat to the ground who was reluctant to leave the warm embrace of the human but it seemed the neko was hungry as well since it jumped toward the milk with slight persuasion.

Both Kudo and Haruto smiled in contentment to see the cat lapping on the milk with its cute small tongue and eyes closed in pure bliss.

"I will be returning to my work kid. You can rest here until the rain doesn't go off."

Haruto hurriedly got up and politely bowed, thanking the man which Kudo just brushed off, and walked away. He might have been grumpy with Haruto in the past but seeing his humble and kind nature, the old man felt Haruto might not be like other selfish servants in the mansion that's why the old man helped him to begin with.

Seeing the retreating back of the man, Haruto sighed and rested himself on the stool. Seeing the cat enjoying itself and the peaceful atmosphere around, coupled with the pitter-patter of the rain created a serene environment for Haruto to lean his head on the wall and close his eyes in drowsiness.

Soon he fell asleep since for some reason he was feeling a little too sluggish to think properly.


Back in the mansion, inside a spacious room which by the queen-sized bed seemed the bedroom, sat a certain female in her teenage with her raven hair loosely hanging to a side and currently being combed by the other woman present beside the prior mentioned.

Akira after returning took a short shower and currently was having her hair taken care of by Minami as she gawked at the screen in front of her eyes without minding to blink even once.

From the point Haruto walked into the mansion perimeter to how he pondered where to go and ended up in the greenhouse, Akira was watching over him all the time.

She had surveillance implanted at each corner of her territory which helped her have her eyes on her target all the time.

She accepts that it was a little disheartening to see Haruto shivering because of the cold and also the feeling of envy she felt for the cat was not something Akira would ever tell anyone, but she knew she couldn't appear in front of Haruto at the moment.

He needed the punishment to understand his limits and what he was not supposed to do. Until Akira doesn't meet the required age and authority over her father's company she couldn't do anything about Kaede or any prominent face.

But controlling her Butler was in her hands and Akira would do just that time after time until Haruto doesn't understand where he belongs or who was his mistress.

"My lady... Haruto-kun seems to be struggling, no?"

Akira snapped back to reality as she leaned forward to have a closer look at her screen she found that indeed Haruto seemed to be laboring on his breath and his face also seemed to be redder than before.

Well, it was quite a scene to behold and Akira knew she would take a lot of pictures of the current Haruto but why settle for just screen projection when she can have the man in front of her in flesh?

"Bring him here Minami and that cat as well..."


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