Yandere hell: Lovely Nightmare

Movie night with two girls

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating on the bedside table. Groggy, I reached over and grabbed it, blinking against the bright screen.

Missed Calls: 3

There were a couple of texts from her as well. I scrolled through them quickly, still half-asleep:

"Haruto, are you okay? You didn't come home last night."
"I tried calling, please let me know you're safe."
"If you're with Kei, just make sure you behave yourself."

I rubbed my face, trying to shake off the last bits of sleep. Behave myself? Why would she think I wouldn't—?

 I tapped out a quick reply.

"I'm sorry, Miyako. I stayed at a friend's place last night because I was too tired to go home. I didn't mean to worry you. I'll make it up to you. Thanks for bearing with me, and sorry for being such a burden."

I stared at the message for a second before hitting send, feeling a small knot of guilt form in my chest. Miyako had always looked out for me, almost like a mother—no, she was something like family to me. I treated her poorly.

I turned my head slowly and found Akira far away in a bed, still asleep. Her body was sprawled out on the bed like she had no care in the world. One arm was draped over her stomach, her other arm tucked under her head, and her long, messy hair flowed down her face.

She looked completely different from her usual self when she was asleep. Calm, relaxed, and undeniably hot. Even in her casual state, wearing nothing but a simple black t-shirt, she had this natural sexiness. Those thighs were good and thick.

Her lips were soft were parted slightly, and looked like they were begging for a kiss, and her skin glowed in the morning light that made me hard to look away. 

I tried to process the fact that Akira had fallen asleep in the same room. We were both fully clothed—thank god—but I still couldn't help the intrusive thoughts rushing in my brain.

What did Miyako say about behaving myself? I wonder what would have happened if she slept near a stranger rather than me.

Before I could panic any further, Akira stirred. Her eyes fluttered open, and she gave a little yawn, stretching in the most lazy yet seductive way possible. When she noticed me staring, she smirked.

"Morning, Haruto," she said, voice husky from sleep. "You're staring. Like what you see?"

I quickly replied back. "No, I mean yes—but not like that!" I sputtered, trying to give a better response

Akira chuckled softly, completely unbothered, and rolled onto her back, staring at the ceiling. "Relax, I just slept next to you. It's not like I jumped you or anything. You're not that lucky."

"Yeah, sure," I muttered, grabbing my phone and scrolling through other texts to see if I missed anyone. Oh! dear 59 missed calls from kei.

Before I could continue, the door to the room creaked open harshly. I turned to see Kei standing there, her eyes wide, her expression... crazy

"Well, well. What do we have here?" Kei's voice was sweet, almost too sweet. She tilted her head, her smile growing. "Akira-chan, enjoying your time with my dear Haruto-kun?"

Akira straightened with her eyes wide, clearly caught off guard by her tone. "Kei—uh, it's not what it looks like. We were just talking."

Kei's unsettling smile softened, but she was still an edge of madness in her eyes. She tilted her head slightly and her gaze was locked on Akira. "Don't worry, Akira-chan. I'll allow you to date him," she said, her tone turning casual for such a big statement.

Akira's mouth dropped open, completely stunned. She blinked rapidly, unable to process Kei's words at first. "Wait, what? You...  just allowed me to date him?" 

Her voice was full of denial. "You've always been so protective of Haruto. You never let anyone get near him."

Kei gave a soft giggle, twirling a strand of her hair as she took a step closer to us. "Well, we did promise to share him since childhood, didn't we?"

Akira's eyes widened even more. "Share him? You shoved me into a drainage ditch when I even suggested it as a joke, remember? You made it very clear you didn't want to share. I just... gave up." She crossed her arms defensively. "But secretly, I was curious. I wanted to meet him."

Kei's expression shifted. There was a strange, starry-eyed look in her gaze as she spoke. "Haruto-kun is my husband, Akira. We promised to marry each other, and I inititally didn't want to share my dear, precious man with anyone."

Her voice grew softer, almost wistful. "But after yesterday... my darling Haruto-kun pleaded with me. And as his woman, how could I ever reject his happiness? If seeing him with other girls makes him happy, then that will make me happy too."

Akira rolled her eyes, still looking skeptical. "Kei... you're so weird. One moment you are zrazy and next moment you behave like a starry eyed maiden"

Kei didn't flinch at the comment and her wide smile stayed. "I trust you, Akira-chan. I know you won't hurt my man. So go ahead... make him happy." She spoked as she urged Akira forward, her tone both gentle and terrifying. "Go on. He's all yours."

Akira, who was usually fond of teasing, seemed to freeze, clearly caught off-guard by Kei's twisted generosity. "Uh... okay?" She glanced over at me, her cheeks flushing as if this situation had gone way beyond what she had expected.

I cleared my throat, stepping in before things went out of control again. "How about we spend time together—all three of us?" I suggested quickly, trying to change the strange atmosphere. "We can all hang out, and Akira can get more accustomed to me... slowly."

I gave Akira a  smile. "I know you like to joke around, but this is serious. You don't have to feel pressured just because Kei's giving the green light."

Akira looked relieved and sighed "Yeah, I might be a little too proactive sometimes. But this is just too fast...even for me."

You don't like Haruto-kun, do you?" Her voice was low and icy, every word dripping with an unsettling calmness. It wasn't a question—it was an accusation.

"N-No, it's not that!" Akira  stammered, her voice rising defensively. "I like him! I do, I really do... it's just... I'm not ready for... this." Her words came out rushed, like she was trying to convince both Kei and herself. "It feels too fast, Kei."

Kei's eyes darkened, and she let out a low, almost sinister chuckle. "Too fast?" she echoed, her tone laced with sarcasm. "Akira-chan, you used to make all those dirty jokes, remember? Always flirting, always acting like such a tease." She leaned in closer to Akira, her voice dropping to a whisper, but still loud enough for me to hear. "You were always such a horny little thing. A degenerate, through and through. And now, what? You're suddenly shy?"

Akira's face flushed deep red, her mouth opening and closing as she tried to form a response. "T-That's different!" she finally managed, her voice shaking. "Joking around is one thing, but... actually doing it is... it's not that simple!"

 I stepped in quickly, hugged kei in her back and pulled her close, kissing her softly on her cheeks. "Babe, calm down," I murmured softly, while caressing her. "There's no rush. We'll take this at her pace."

Kei nodded, her smile softening into something more normal—almost. "Yes, let's all spend more time together. I want Akira-chan to feel comfortable around you, Haruto-kun."

Akira laughed awkwardly, scratching her head. "Yeah... comfortable. That's one way to put it."

Akira smiled faintly, her eyes gazed the ceiling like she was recalling a distant memory. "We've been family friends since we were kids. Besties, actually. I thought you'd know by now." 

She glanced at me, seeing the confusion on my face. "Yeah, you didn't, huh? I guess Kei never brought me up. That's so like her."

Kei's smile didn't waver, but there was a flicker of something in her eyes—maybe a hint of guilt, maybe something else. "I didn't think it mattered back then," she said softly, her voice almost too calm. "I was... protective. I didn't want anyone influencing Haruto in the wrong way. You know how you are then, Akira-chan."

Akira raised an eyebrow, with a smug grin. "Oh, I know. Miss Overprotective Kei. That's why it's funny seeing you all... flexible now."

I cleared my throat, stepped in. "How about we do something chill together? Like a movie date—all three of us. That way, no pressure, and we can just hang out and have fun."

Kei's eyes brightened instantly. "A movie? With the three of us? That sounds perfect!" Her enthusiasm was like a beam of light—like she was too eager.

Akira smirked. "A movie, huh? Sure, I'm in. But you better not get all lovey-dovey with Kei and leave me out, Haruto. I hate being ignored. You know"

I laughed, shaking my head. "Don't worry, I've got enough room for both of you."

A few hours later, we were in line at the theater, on the popcorn counter. Kei was practically filled with energy, her arm looped through mine as she glanced over the menu. 

I usually thought she was reserved and shy when it comes to PDA, but she was lot more bold and outgoing when it comes to personal people. It's interesting to see this cute side to her.

"What do you want to get, Haruto-kun? I'll share with you," she offered sweetly, her head resting on my shoulder.

Akira rolled her eyes but chuckled. "Kei's laying it on thick, huh? Just get the biggest popcorn, and we'll share it three ways. No need to be all couple-y about it."

Kei shot Akira a dirty glare. "I'm allowed to spoil him. Besides, don't act like you're not going to snag the caramel corn."

After ordering a massive bucket of popcorn and some drinks, and she insisted on paying it, we headed to the theater. I looked at the seating chart and took seats near the back row. "We are at the top row. We'll have the best view there."

We settled into the top corner seats, the dark theater creating an oddly intimate atmosphere.

Akira's eyes gleamed mischievously. "The top row? Nice choice. We could do some... lewd things up there, you know." She winked dramatically, nudging me with her elbow.

I chuckled nervously, not sure how serious she was being, but Kei—surprisingly—replied with a bold comment. 

"That's fine," Kei said, her tone oddly nonchalant. "I've actually been holding back for a while. So... maybe it's time."

I knew it

Akira's eyes widened in genuine surprise. "Wait, what? You, Kei? Miss 'Prim and Proper' wants to get lewd in the cinema?" She blinked, she was in shocked and amused to learn the drastic change in Kei.

Kei blushed, but she spoke with steady and confident tone. "I'm not as prudish as you think, Akira. Haruto and I... we've already... did it. So, I don't mind."

Akira's mouth dropped open. "You guys already—wait, I'm the only one who hasn't done anything?!" She stared between us, flustered, before she quickly composed herself  with her usual smug smirk returning. "Guess I'm behind, huh?"

 The lights dimmed, and the sound of trailers filled the room, but definitely charged. Kei slid closer to me, her arm brushing against mine, while Akira lounged casually took my other arm, with both of the girls glancing at me side by side. It is peak man fantasy, I would say

The movie started, but I could feel the weight of both girls arm pressing on me. As the opening scenes played out, Kei's slowly intertwined her fingers with mine, squeezing softly.  Her lips brushed my ear.

"I've been holding back for so long, Haruto-kun," she whispered, her voice laced with desire. "Ever since we started dating... I've wanted to be closer to you...physically"

Akira, noticing the shift in her tone, grinned and leaned in from the other side.

"Oh? Kei's making a move, huh? Guess I'll just watch... for now," she teased, though there was —some hunger in her eyes.

Kei turned to Akira, her expression serious. "You don't have to hold back, Akira-chan. I know you want it too, I want us to share him. Isn't that what we used to talk about?"

Akira's grin faltered. "You're... serious, aren't you?"

 Kei, leaned into me, her hand resting casually on my thigh. She was teasing me, her touch light but intentional, as her fingers traced small circles on it.

Akira, on the other side, shifted uncomfortably. She wasn't used to this, and she bit her lip and looked at us with a slight pink cheeks I didn't expect from her. She glanced at Kei, then at me, unsure but interested, curious. Both women really turned 180 after I started dating them, but they are cute! I can't complain much. They are lovely afterall.

 When I reached for her hand, she twitched slightly, but then relaxed, letting me touch her closer. Her fingers twitched nervously as she grasped onto me, desperation in her grip, like she was trying to match Kei's confidence but wasn't used to it.

Kei, came near with her signature smirk. "Akira-chan, what's this? I thought you were used to men. You're always so flirty, but look at you now, all shy and sweet," she teased, her voice amused.

 She leaned in closer, her eyes glinting. "It's almost like you're not used to being touched, hmm?"

Akira's blush deepened. "S-Shut up!" she stammered, her voice cracking slightly. "That's different! I was just joking around back then!" She glared at Kei

Kei, sensing Akira's hesitation, leaned over me slightly, her lips brushing my ear as she whispered, "She's new to this, but that makes it all the more fun, doesn't it?"

Ah! I see. Is Kei being a wing-women for me?

I then ruffled her hair with affection, watching as she went even pinker, her lips pressed into a pout. "Don't worry, Akira," I said softly, my tone teasing but gentle. "It's kind of cute seeing you having some shame in you. It makes you seem... girly."

Akira's eyes widened, and she was in disbelief "I'm not—! I mean, that's not—!" She sputtered, her face with a vivid shade of red. "Ugh, you're both impossible!" She crossed her arms, clearly flustered but unable to hide the small smile at her lips.

Kei shifted closer, her thigh now fully pressed against mine.

Akira, still nervous, caught the  movements between Kei and me. She swallowed hard, her cheeks flushed. "You're really... into this , aren't you?" she whispered, her voice trembling.

Kei chuckled softly. "Oh, Akira-chan," she said amused

 "you'll learn soon enough. It's not just about being 'into it.' It's about making every moment count. Isn't that right, Haruto-kun?" She emphasized her words with a soft squeeze of my thigh, making me tense up at her squeeze.

Akira's  eyes widened as she watched the two of us. She leaned in a little more, her lips brushing my ear now, mimicking Kei's moves whispering to me. "I... don't know how to do this," she admitted, her voice a little shaky. "But I want to... try."

Kei laughed softly, a low, sultry sound. "You're overthinking it, Akira-chan. Just follow your instincts." She shifted slightly, pressing even closer to me, her body rubbed against mine in a way that was both comforting and tempting. She tilted her head toward Akira as if to make her jealous "Don't be shy. You've wanted this, haven't you?"

Akira's face showed various emotions ,nervousness, curiosity, and something more raw primal desire. Akira hand, tightened its grip as she hesitantly leaned closer, her lips hovering near mine, unsure if she should go further.

"Do it," Kei whispered encouragingly, her hand now resting dangerously close to where my body was begging for attention. "He's yours too, Akira. You don't need to hold back."

With a deep breath, Akira closed the distance, her lips pressing against mine in a soft, intensive kiss. "Mmmph~" *mph* It was gentle, almost shy.

 I responded, pulling her closer, feeling her body tremble slightly against mine as she kissed me again, this time with a bit more confidence.

Kei watched us with a wicked grin, her hand now fully exploring my thigh, moving dangerously close to my thing, but she stopped to make relax under her touch. 

Then Kei leaned in, her lips bit my neck, sending jolts of pleasure down my spine. "Good boy," she whispered to me. "You're the best."

Akira pulled back slightly, her cheeks flushed, her breath coming in short, shallow bursts. She glanced at Kei, then at me, as if seeking approval, and wondering if she did it wrong and Kei smiled at her, soft and sultry. "See? It's not so hard, is it?"

Akira bit her lip, clearly still a little nervous, but her eyes betrayed her. She pressed closer to me, her hand resting on my chest now, "I want... to keep going," she admitted softly, her voice trembling but accepted it.

Kei chuckled, *slurp* her lips licking my nec, her hand now moving with a slow, sensual. "Oh, we're far from done, Akira-chan," she murmured, her voice dark and seductive. "Now, why don't we find somewhere a little more... private?" She leaned in closer to me, her breath hot against my ear. 

"And I'm not sharing everything yet. You'll just have to wait." She replied taking my hand, as Akira followed us.

I let out a small sigh of relief but still felt the tension in the air. The system had triggered an increase in her affection meter, it was thanks to Kei as wing-women. Maybe it seems I have be pushy with Akira. I guess it is a right thing to cross personal boundaries sometimes.

Maybe I should do same with Yumi, Johanna and Rei. I should put some real effort in capturing their hearts and making them mine. I fantasize for a bit. 

Akira blinked, confusion crossing her face for a split second before she realized what Kei was suggesting. Her eyes widened, and her lips twitched into a half-smile, half-smirk. "The bathroom?" she asked and she picked up her brand new Iphone and typed a message to someone.

Fuck you rich I-phone users. Maybe I am just copping here. Wait a minute!

"Isn't that girl's bathroom, and why we are going there " I asked, maybe it seem innocent.

Kei slid her hand into mine and started guiding me toward the door. "Of course it is. Unless you'd want to do it here where anyone could walk in on us having sex?" 

She gave Akira a knowing look, then turned her attention back to me with a seductive smile. "What do you say, Haruto-kun?"

With a grin, Kei led me into the bathroom. The door clicked shut behind us, sealing us in our little private bubble

Akira chuckled softly, shaking off the last bits of hesitation as she followed suit. "I might've tipped the owner off earlier," she said with a wink. "No one's coming near this place for a while."

Before I could even respond, Akira slipped ahead of us, reaching the door first and quickly flipping the "Out of Order" sign. With swift movements, she barricaded the door with a chair from inside, her confidence seeming to return now that the her mischief had kicked in. "There, all set."

Kei raised an eyebrow. "Efficient as always, Akira-chan. I knew I could count on you."

Akira laughed it off. "Someone's gotta take care of the logistics, right? You know"

Okay, if we are doing it here. I am gonna risk it and say it too. I believe we can avoid any further distractions 

I nodded freed my hand from kei, and now my hand is squeezing both Kei's and Akira's hands gently. "I want both of you to be happy. I care about you... a lot. If this is something that helps us understand each other better, then I'm okay with it doing it here." My voice seemed calm, but inside I was embarrassed to say those words loud.

"You're a hard guy to figure out, Haruto," Akira said.

 "One minute you're clueless, and the next you're picking apart everything I say." Akira said while squeezing my hand back. 

Kei chuckled softly, stepping closer to me, her head resting against my shoulder and squeezing mine. "See, Akira? Haruto-kun has always been so considerate," she said with a warm smile. "He wants us both to feel loved, to feel like we belong with him."

Akira's blush deepened, her grip on Haruto's hand tightening. Slowly, she leaned in, her head now resting on Haruto's other shoulder. Her initial hesitation began to fade as she allowed herself to melt into the moment. "I guess I've always wanted this too," she admitted softly, her voice laced with emotion. "I just didn't think it would ever happen."

For a moment, the three stood there. ,

A small crowd had gathered, outside the bathroom, with line of some unfortunate troubled women.  Muffled sounds started to escape from the bathroom, barely audible over the background noise of the cinema were just enough to make everyone uneasy

 No one wanted to use it anymore. The cleaning staff didn't even bother to check it regularly; they said it had become a "no-go" zone. Girls would rather hold it in or travel all the way across the mall than risk stepping foot inside.

That once-busy ladies' bathroom was now an untouched, forgotten corner of the cinema. A place where people only glanced nervously at the locked door as they walked by, whispering about the strange happenings and moans they'd heard.

It became an urban legend, a ghost story that cinema-goers would share in hushed voices—the forbidden bathroom, where no one ever returned the same after entering.

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