Yandere hell: Lovely Nightmare

Kei became yandere

The sun rose slowly over the town. It was Monday, the start of a new school week, and it was most dreadful day for students.

 Haruto felt annoyed to go to school. But something felt off while he is on his way to school. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he could feel a strange creepiness in the air.

He walked through the school gates, his mind kept drifting back to Kei. He wondered how she is, and hoped that she would be okay. He hoped nothing would change in her behavior as he liked her intelligence and cuteness. He hoped that she will be herself

At the school, they met outside the classroom. Kei greeted him with her usual warm smile while he was going to their classroom. Luckily, Haruto and Kei were in similar classroom 1-A, but Haruto noticed something different in her eyes. Something... more. Her affection level had risen to over 100%, and though the system didn't help him much, Haruto couldn't shake the unease growing in the back of his mind as he felt her change.

"Good morning, Haruto!" Kei greeted him with her unsual cheerful tone yet it was slightly off. She leaned in a bit closer than usual to him, her fingers brushing against his arm as she spoke. "Did you sleep well?"

She was quite physical and getting clingy. Maybe, it was her being concerned for her boyfriend, but it was still a sudden change as Kei is usually not the type of girl to show public display of affection. She was like a high school student council president girl.

' Maybe it was just his paronia' Haruto thought

Haruto forced a smile, trying to match her energy to continue conversation. "Yeah, I did. What about you?"

"Oh, I slept like a baby," Kei replied, her gaze lingering on him longer....too long. "I couldn't stop thinking about last night."

Her words were innocent, but there was something in her tone that made Haruto's stomach twist. Was it just his imagination, or had she always been this... intense? 

She was, but she would be embrassed to share private details like these, but she did try to pry into his private details. She was mad for him. Haruto can see it, but he understood why he hadn't realized Kei's love for a long time.

Kei always has been the kind of girl who wouldn't share anything with anyone, as she is secretive, afraid of 

Did the system really turned her into a yandere. He trusts Kei but he couldn't turn blind eye and lose her, she was precious to him, so he decided to watch her movements and think a plan .

Later that day, after classes, Haruto headed to the clubroom. It was a place where he and his malefriends often hung out, discussing schoolwork, hobbies, and the occasional gossip. Normally, it was a male sanctuary, but today, the air felt heavy. No one is there

Kei was already there when he arrived, sitting by the window with a book in hand. She was relaxed, but her eyes were focused solely on him the moment he stepped into the room. Haruto could feel her gaze following him as he took his usual seat.

"Haruto, over here! We're all having lunch together." one of his club member, Akira called him waving him over with a wide grin and the whole club has placed their lunch . Kei was surprised to see her remaining club members. The club members naturally wanted to use the place for their lunch.

 Ayumi, Johanna, Rei, and Yumi were all there too, sitting around the table with their lunches spread out where Haruto's male sanctuary place normally is at. 

It's like those women occupied the men's territory. Haruto cursed.

Haruto approached the group, but Kei pulled him very quick to her side. She smiled brightly at him, patting the empty seat next to her. "Haruto, come sit with me!"

He hesitated for a second but nodded, taking the seat she offered.

Kei reached into her lunch box and pulled out a piece of tamagoyaki, holding it up to Haruto's lips. "Here, try this! I made it just for you."

Haruto blinked, glancing around the room. The other girls were busy with their lunches, but he noticed Akira smirking at him from across the table. Haruto forced a smile and opened his mouth, letting Kei feed him the tamagoyaki. It tasted good, but the sweetness felt too much, almost suffocating.

Akira was at the center, As the others talked, Haruto stole glances at Kei, trying to figure out what had changed. She was still the same Kei—beautiful, smart,—but he was close to her now. The way she looked at him, the way she spoke... it was like she was studying him, waiting for opportunity.

Ayumi the cheerful girl, noticed Kei feeding Haruto and decided to join in. With a teasing smile, she held up a piece of sushi from her bento box. "Haruto, you should try this too! I bet mine's better than Kei's tamagoyaki."

Kei's eyes flashed for a split second, but she maintained her sweet behaviour in front of him. "Oh, Ayumi-chan, I'm sure Haruto has had enough food. I wouldn't want him to get too full."

Ayumi giggled, ignoring Kei's jab. "Nonsense! A boy could use more food. Here, Haruto, say 'ahh'!"

Haruto hesitated, his gaze changing between Kei and Ayumi. He opened his mouth to accept the sushi, but Kei quickly intercepted by placing her hand on his arm. "Haruto, maybe you should slow down. You don't want to overeat, do you?"

Ayumi pouted but pulled back, with her dimming slightly. "Alright, Kei-chan, you win this round."

Johanna, who had been quietly observing, finally arrived in. "Haruto, you should try my dessert next." She held up a neatly packed mochi, her eyes shimmering with innocent anticipation. "I made it myself. I think you'll love it."

Before Haruto could respond, Kei leaned in closer to him, almost possessively. "That sounds nice, Johanna-chan, but Haruto doesn't really have a sweet tooth, do you, Haruto?"

Rei, who had been silently eating her lunch, suddenly spoke up. "Haruto, you're popular today, aren't you? I wonder why?"

Akira, noticing the tension, tried to lighten the mood by changing topic. "Alright, everyone! Let's just make this a daily thing, sharing lunch together here from now on. It'll be fun, right?" She looked at Haruto with a knowing smirk.

Kei's smile faltered just a bit, her fingers tightening around Haruto's arm as she nodded. "Of course, Akira-chan. It'll be... fun."

Haruto felt a wave of relief wash over him as the situation calmed down and he tried to gently pat Kei's head to calm her. And it surprisingly worked well, her tense expression toned down, and a faint blush crept up her cheeks. She leaned into his touch, closing her eyes for a brief moment. "Haruto...," she murmured, as she relaxed under his arms.

Johanna reacted quick, her green eyes sparkled like stars, as she pouted cutely. "Haruto-kun, that's so unfair! You and Kei-chan are so close! I'm jealous..." She twirled her hair between her fingers, her gaze locked on the two of them. "It's totally unfair..."

Haruto glanced at Johanna with an awkward smile. But before he could respond, Yumi's sharp voice cut through the air.

"You're the reason she's acting like this," Yumi muttered under her breath, though it was loud enough for Haruto to hear. Her glare was icy, filled with frustation. "It's your fault, Haruto. You're the one who's making everything complicated."

Haruto could feel the chill in the air as she glared at him with disdain. Her words stung him, Yumi's gazed at him with accusation. Her hands clenched into fists, and she muttered, "Best friends aren't supposed to fight over a guy like this..."

Kei, sensing the hostility at Haruto, shot her a glare in return. Her soft expression replaced by a sharp, protective instinct at her love. "Don't talk about Haruto like that, Yumi," 

Kei said, her voice calm but with a dangerous tone. "He hasn't done anything wrong."

Yumi looked taken aback for a moment, but she didn't back down. Her gaze flickered between Haruto and Kei, she looked conflicted. 

The tension in the air thickened again, but before it could continue further, Akira clapped her hands together, breaking the silence. "Alright, enough of that! We're here to enjoy lunch, remember?" 

She shot Haruto a grin, trying to diffuse the situation. "Let's just focus on the food, okay?"

The system voice rang inside haruto as he felt very angry and hateful towards the air he glanced at.

Kei's Affection: 135%[Ready to snap]

Ayumi's Affection: 90%[Too close]

Johanna's Affection: 33%[Slowly warming up

Rei's Affection: 27%

Yumi's Affection: 6%[Turning into hate]

Akira's Affection: 47%[Joyful-Playful]

He had hated this system.

Haruto could feel the red flags. Kei's affection was reaching dangerous levels, Yumi's disdain was growing, and Ayumi affection was dangerously close to yandere. It was only a matter of time before things blow up, and Haruto knew he had to handle this carefully and quick.

As the school day came to an end, Haruto decided to call Kei out alone. He needed to calm her down and sort it before things got out of hand. He sent her a direct text message, asking her to meet him in a quiet spot near the school garden after school time.

Kei arrived an hour before the scheduled time, she was impatient and she checked the surroundings for any threats before waiting for him with a giddy expression.

 When Haruto finally met her, she was already there, waiting under the shade of a tree. Her eyes lit up with glee when she saw him, and she immediately moved closer, her mood turning love-dovey.

"Haruto-kun, I've been waiting for you!" Kei's voice was sweet, almost too sweet, as she clung to his arm. Her affection had reached 145%, and Haruto could feel the intensity that is too much love.

He quickly glanced around, making sure no one was nearby. The last thing he needed was for anyone else to witness this conversation. Satisfied that they were alone, he gently placed his hands on Kei's shoulders, trying to calm her down.

 "Kei, listen to me," he began, his voice steady but soothing. "You don't have to be so jealous or stingy towards our clubmates. I care about you, I really do. But you don't need to see them as threats."

Kei's eyes darkened for a moment, and she gripped his arm tighter. "Then they shouldn't be butting into our business, Haruto. You're mine. No one else should even think about getting close to you. Even them."

Haruto's heart skipped a beat at her possessive tone, but he knew he had to handle this carefully. He couldn't afford to let Kei's jealousy spiral out of control. 

"Kei," he said softly, leaning in closer, "I'm yours. But they are like family members who wish for our well-being,. I promise, no one will come between us. Stop hating them, we can always meet alone and spend time like this" Haruto said as he held his arm with her and interlinked their fingers.

For a moment, Kei seemed to soften at his words. Her grip loosened slightly, and she leaned her head against his shoulder. "You're right, Haruto... but I just can't stand the thought of losing you. You mean everything to me."

Haruto felt a pang of guilt as he held her close. He knew he had to capture all the girls to complete his mission, but Kei's attachment was getting stronger by the day. If he wasn't careful, things could spiral out of control.

He gently patted her head, trying to reassure her. "You won't lose me, Kei. I promise. "

As Haruto held Kei close, he could feel the intensity of her emotions pressing against him. The weight of her affection, now edging dangerously towards obsession, made him uneasy. He knew he had to keep her under control, but the thought of what he was about to do gnawed at his conscience.

Kei's warmth, her vulnerability, it all pulled at him. Haruto knew that if he wanted to solidify his hold on her, he needed to deepen their bond. But this step... it felt like crossing a line he wasn't sure he was ready to cross. Still, Kei's words echoed in his mind—"You mean everything to me."

He looked into her eyes, which were now softened with affection and trust. He took a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest. "Kei... there's something I wanted to do with you."

Kei blinked, her eyes wide with curiosity and something else—anticipation that it might be 'that'  moment. "What do you mean, Haruto?"

Haruto leaned in closer, with a sweet whisper. "We could... bond here physcially. Something that will make us even closer."

For a moment, Kei seemed taken aback, her eyes searching his face for meaning. But then, she realization, her expression changed. Her cheeks flushed, her brain is heating up and a small, nervous smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "You mean...?"

Haruto nodded, trying to keep his tone calm and reassuring. "Only if you want to, Kei. I want us to be close—so close that no one else can come between us."

He said excatly the words she wanted to hear

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