Yandere hell: Lovely Nightmare

Date: Amusment park and Arcade

Later that afternoon, Haruto met Kei at the entrance of the town's amusement park, it was a lively place full of bright lights and colorful decorations and is filled with sound of laughter of children in the air. Kei was already waiting for him, standing just outside the ticket booth.

 She wore a light, sundress that has hugged her lean frame and the soft feminine curve of her neck is visible beneath her hair. Her hair was tied up in a loose ponytail, and when she spotted Haruto, her face lit up with a smile.

"Hey, Haruto!" she called out, waving as he approached.

He cleared his throat. "Kei... that ponytail looks really sexy on you," he admitted, his voice slightly hushed. "Thanks for... uh... tying it like that for me."

Kei blinked, a faint blush creeping onto her cheeks, but she quickly recovered. "Oh? I didn't know you were into ponytails, Haruto. I'll have to remember that," she said thinking while tossing her hair

"How could I not?" he said with a gri. "You really look hot."

"I guess it was great that you find me attractive " Kei said while rubbing her left foot on ground while trying to make eye contact with him

Haruto replied back " Sorry if I kept you waiting."

Kei shook her head "Nope, you're right on time. Ready to explore the gardens?"

Haruto grinned, his earlier nerves melting away. "Yeah, let's make the most of it."

Kei, wearing a cute sundress, grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the roller coaster. "Let's start with something thrilling!" she said, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Haruto chuckled, letting himself be dragged along. "Alright, but don't blame me if you scream louder than the kids."

They spent the next hour hopping from one ride to the next. Kei seemed intrested, and soon Haruto found himself completely immersed in the fun, forgetting about everything else.

As they walked through the gates, the sights and sounds of the amusement park surrounded them. Haruto couldn't help but feel a surge of nostalgia—this place had always been a favorite spot for him as a kid.

Their next stop was a classic: the Ferris wheel. As they climbed into the small cabin, Haruto glanced at Kei, who seemed more excited than nervous. The wheel slowly ascended, giving them a breathtaking view of the entire park.

Kei gazed out the window, her eyes wide with wonder. "Look at all the people down there... It's kind of amazing how small everything looks from up here, huh? I can see them in microscophic levels"

Haruto nodded, his gaze shifting to her. "Yeah, but don't get too much nerdy."

As the Ferris wheel reached its peak, the cabin rocked gently in the breeze, and Kei leaned closer to Haruto moving bit towards him from her seat. "You know... I'm glad we did this," she said softly while moving closer. "It's been a while since we've hung out like this, just the two of us."

Haruto smiled, feeling her flowery scent up close with her sitting next to her. "Me too, Kei."

She put an arm close to him and they both stayed for a while in the Ferris wheel while savouring the moment.

They spent the rest of the afternoon exploring the park, playing games, and trying out different rides.

Haruto tried shooting range and hit 1 out of 4 and He was surprised to see kei shooting 4 out of 4. 

"You would be easily a mafia don lady, Kei " Haruto said while nudging her

"Hey....d-don't tease me like that " She recoiled while feeling his touch on her soft body.

As the sun began to set, they found themselves at a small food stall, sharing a cone of ice cream. Haruto watched as Kei took a bite slowly, she looked bit cute to haruto

"Aaah~ " Haruto yawned a bit feeling drowsy.

[System Alert: Ayumi's Affection Level: +2]

Haruto froze, his gaze snapping to the system notification in his mind. Ayumi? But she wasn't even here! He hadn't seen her all day. How did her affection level go up?

"Something wrong?" Kei asked, noticing his sudden tension.

Haruto shook his head, forcing a smile. "No, nothing. Just... thinking."

But inside, his thoughts were racing. Why would Ayumi's affection level rise out of nowhere?

 He quickly asked the system, but it simply responded, [The affection level rose due to your cute yawn. Isn't that sweet?]

"You know, Haruto," Kei began, her voice thoughtful. "I've always enjoyed these little moments with you today. Even when we were kids, just playing games or skipping classes... it felt like we were in our own world."

Haruto smiled, his gaze meeting her. "Well, someone had to make sure you know how fun feels."

They continued talking as the sky darkened, and the park lights came on, creating an atmosphere around them.

"So, Kei," Haruto began, trying to shake off the lingering unease from the strange system notifications earlier. "How about we head to the arcade next? I know it might sounds childish to you, but I want to play with you."

Kei's eyes lit up at his  suggestion. "No, it's not childish, that's fun thing to do! We have played together for a while. Remember how we used to compete all the time? I still think I could beat you at 'Dragon Raid' or maybe 'Star Defenders'—you know, those games where strategy and quick reflexes win."

Haruto chuckled as he remembered their past gaming sessions. "Maybe I shouldn't have told you my tricks. You became too much good at those. I might be rusty since I haven't played for a while, but I'm ready for a rematch."

Kei raised from her seat. "Then it's settled. Let's go." 

They finished their ice creams and made their way to the arcade. The neon lights filled arcade sign brightly as they approached with sound of beeping machines and clinking coins filled the air.

Inside, Kei immediately scanned the rows of machine, she felt excited. She pointed to a two-player game with a futuristic racing theme, the title glowing on the screen in bold letters: "Turbo Vortex."

As Haruto and Kei sat down in front of the "Turbo Vortex" machine, the screens lit up and the roaring sound of virtual engines filled the air. Both leaned forward in their seats, fingers gripping the controls as they raced through the futuristic tracks.

Kei was in the lead as she had made almost no mistake expertly moving the car every twist and turn, while Haruto was struggling to keep up as he made pretty dumb mistakes but soon tried to catch up. Despite his best efforts, she was just too good. The race came to a thrilling end, with Kei finishing first and Haruto trailing just behind.

Haruto slumped back in his seat, a mock pout on his face. "I was so close! Almost 0.5 miles difference"

Kei laughed and leaned over, her arm playfully nudging him. "No way that's close! You just need to practice more, Haruto."


In her excitement, Kei leaned a little too close, and haruto got tripped and smooshed into her chest area. His head pressed against her soft cleavage.

 He can feel her warm body that made his mind go blank for a moment. The sensation was overwhelming, and it was soft and warm and haruto felt comfortable in her chest.

Kei realized the situation as her cheeks turned pink while she bit her lip in embarrassment. "Oh! Sorry about that, Haruto," she said.  "Maybe this will help you feel better about losing?"

[+8 Affection: Kei]

Haruto, still pressed against Kei, felt his heartbeat quicken as he felt the sensation. It was hard to focus on anything but the soft, warm and comforting pillows that he is feeling . His mind raced, and he hesitated for a moment before responding, "Thanks, Kei. Honestly, this is exactly what I wanted... not just me, but... probably every gamer.....Being comforted by his gaming girlfriend."

Kei's eyes widened slightly at his words, her blush was deepend. Haruto gently pulled back, meeting her gaze with a seriousness that hadn't been there before and is out of character for a simple and funny boy. "Kei, I... I want you to be my girlfriend. Officially."

"Okay, Kei, focus! The square root of 144 is... 12. And, uh, the speed of light is 299,792,458 meters per second... Wait, why am I thinking about this right now?!" Kei's mind went into overdrive, her cheeks burning as she desperately tried to distract herself from the situation.

She even began calculating the probability of this happening by accident, only to find herself lost in the softness of the moment again.

Realizing she wasn't fooling anyone, Kei sighed, giving up on her internal calculations in her mind. "Okay, maybe math isn't helping me out of this one," she muttered, more to herself than to Haruto.

For a moment, Kei was silent, her expression was unreadable. Then, to Haruto's surprise, she shook her head. "Haruto... being your girlfriend isn't enough for me."

His heart sank, being felt rejected. "What do you mean?" he asked, his voice filled with remorse.

Kei smiled softly, her eyes shining with affection. "I don't just want to be your girlfriend, Haruto. I want to be your wife. I've always wanted that. Ever since we were kids, I've imagined a future with you—not just dating, but being by your side for the rest of our lives."

Haruto blinked, stunned by her confession. He reached out, gently taking her soft hand in his hand. "I'm sorry if I made you feel like just being my girlfriend wasn't enough."

Kei softened,and she squeezed his hand. "It's not just that, Haruto. I just... I've always seen us together after a month of hanging out with you, you were not in my short term plan, but you are my long term partner. I wanted to tell you so many times, but I was scared. I thought you might see me as just a friend, or maybe that you didn't feel the same way." Her voice wavered slightly as she confessed her fears.

"I had the same fear and doubt, but I won't let it any longer " Haruto replied " Kei, I like spending my time with you. And I want that future too....Forever and ever " Haruto declared

Suddenly, a familiar notification pinged in his mind.

[System Alert: Kei's Affection Level has reached 90%. Mission Complete.]

Haruto's heart pounded as the system continued.

[System: Kei has accepted the idea of being your wife. Further interactions may lead to... deeper bonding. She's prepared to take the next step with you.]

Haruto stared at Kei as he wanted to kiss her. "Kei... you really mean being my life"

She nodded, her smile never wavering. "I do. I want to spend my life with you, Haruto."

A wave of relief, joy, and excitement washed over him. He leaned in closer, his hand gently caressing her cheek. "Then, let's make that future together."

Haruto leaned  slowly, his heart pounding in his chest. Haruto could see her breath and the loud sound in her cheat and the anticipation in her eyes and the expression she made while she was gazing seriously looking into his eyes. All of it made made him even more exicted. And he put all of it aside and went for it as  the arcade noises faded into background noise as he pushed his lips into her lips.

Her lips were sweet, cooperative and so incredibly soft that he could feel his groin getting heated up and couldn't believe it happening. It was even more pleasurable and comforting than seen in eroges.

As he kissed her, his arms instinctively wrapped around her, pulling her closer. He could feel her warmth pressing against him. The softness of her body against his body almost made his mind go blank with him wanting to ravish her body here and taste it even if they are in public place.

Kei's scent filled his senses, it was sweet and familiar smell that only made him want to hold her tighter and nudge his body with her. 

They both released the kiss and breathed for oxygen and again this time Kei pushed her lips again and again with haruto and  he felt her hands slide up to his neck, her fingers gently brushing through his hair as caressing him while she is giving him kisses while his member gets grinded with her legs.

He hugged her even tighter, his hands resting on the small of her back, feeling the curve of her body. The feeling of her in his arms was both comforting and addicting as he tried to wrap her body with his and squeeze her.

When they finally pulled back trying to catch their breaths. The world slowly came back into  their focus. Haruto could still feel Kei's lips as he felt the sensation burned in his brain.

But then, reality hit him

As they glanced around, they noticed the glares from the other gamers in the arcade. The guys, especially, were staring daggers at Haruto, their eyes filled with envy and disbelief. Some muttered under their breath, a mix of jealous grumbles and frustrated sighs.

"Seriously? That lucky bastard..." one guy groaned, his fingers gripping his controller tightly.

"How does he get a girl like that? She looks hot, DAMN IT" another whispered, shaking his head in defeat.

Haruto's face burned red as he realized how close he'd come to losing all sense of control. The thought of how far he almost went with a kiss in public place frightened him. His sanity finally snapped back into place.

Kei, too, was trying to steady herself, but unlike Haruto, she seemed more amused by the situation than embarrassed.

One girl leaned over to her friend and whispered, "Damn, she's bold. I wish I had that confidence... and that boyfriend."

Another girl rolled her eyes, half annoyed, half impressed. "Ugh, it's always the quiet guys who end up surprising you. Who knew he had it in him?  "

Kei caught the envious glances from a few of the gaming girls nearby, and her smirk only grew wider

Kei noticed Haruto discomfort and gave his hand a reassuring squeeze, pulling him closer while smirking at the few of the gaming girls nearby. "Relax, Haruto. Let them be jealous. You earned this."

'[Who let her cook] ' System commented.

The sincerity in her voice, the warmth in her eyes—it all hit him at once. A rush of emotions surged through him, and for a moment, he was speechless.

They  made their way out of the arcade, the cool night air washed over them as they felt cold

 Haruto still feeling the heat of her kisses on his lips walked side by side with her, his hand stayed intertlinked with Kei's. He was silent, but his mind was racing with thoughts of what could come next.

Haruto took courage to speak, his voice low but determined. "Kei, why don't you come over to my place tonight? I promise... I'll be careful and gentle. We will make love."

Kei stopped in her tracks, her cheeks turning a deeper shade of pink as she looked at him. She looked at him with her eyes soft but filled with a knowing look. "Haruto... I know this has been a lot for both of us. We're both virgins, and rushing things now might not be the best idea." She bit her lip, her expression shifting to something more thoughtful.

"It's not that I don't want to—because trust me, I do—but maybe it's better if we wait until tomorrow. We should be prepared for everything, make it special night, you know? Don't worry, we'll do it. I guarantee it. So be patient for today" She smiled, then leaned in to plant a kiss on his cheek. "Good night, Haruto."

As she pulled away, a notification popped up in Haruto's view.

[+40 Affection: Kei]

But then, something strange happened. The number on the screen began to flicker, and the gauge continued to fill past 100%.

[Affection Level: 125%]

Haruto blinked in confusion, staring at the number. "Wait... how is it over 100 percent? Isn't the max supposed to be 100?"

The system responded, but this time, the voice was different—darker, creepier, as if something was lurking beneath the surface.

"Who says 100% is the limit?"

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