Yandere hell: Lovely Nightmare

Asked Childhood friend on a date

Points Shop:

[Mystery Event - 100 Points]: Unlock a random event that could change your relationships in unexpected ways.

[Secret Date Event - 150 Points]: Plan a secret date with a girl of your choice, potentially boosting affection dramatically.

[Gift Box: Special Edition - 80 Points]: A carefully curated gift box that has item to impress any girl. The perfect way to increase affection with minimal effort.

[Affection Hint] (Unlocks Weaknesses) - 120 Points]: Discover the hidden weaknesses and desires of the girls, making it easier to win their hearts.

[Memory Fragment - 200 Points]: Unlock a significant memory that could provide insight into a girl's past or deepen your bond with her.

Haruto has 166 points. He decides to spend 100 points on the [Mystery Event], leaving him with 66 points.

The [Mystery Event] begins, and Haruto feels a strange sensation as the world around him slowly shifts. He has no idea what this event will bring. He is anticipating with extra emotion pounding on his heart

Soon club activities wrapped up, Haruto has literally learned nothing about them and he found himself lagging behind the others in the literature department. Kei insisted on walking home with him for some reason.

 His mind was still spinning from the strange sensation he felt after activating the [Mystery Event]. He had no idea what would come of it, but he couldn't shake the nagging feeling that something was about to change his life—drastically.

He couldn't help but think of using the system for his own usage. Since he found the guilty pleasure being close to attractive girls, hot. These girls are cute and adorable in their uniforms and they have same hobby as him almost.

Walking out of the school building, he noticed the sky had darkened with the setting sun. The faint glow of streetlights, casting. The usual buzz of students heading home filled the air, but Haruto felt oddly detached from everything as he walked over the school grounds as Haruto walked with Kei.

 The evening air was cool, and a soft breeze rustled the leaves of the trees lining the path. They had ended up alone after the day's events, their footsteps the only sound breaking the silence between them.

[Mystery Event Active: Unknown Trigger Point - Be Alert]

Great. That's vague as hell, he groaned inwardly.

Haruto glanced at Kei, her black eyes focused ahead, arms casually crossed as she walked beside him. Her affection meter floated above her head—still at 50%. The system seemed to taunt him with that number, as if reminding him how distant things had become with her.

As they continued walking, a familiar ding echoed in his mind. The system menu flashed before his eyes.

Event Activated:

Evening Event: Childhood memories

Kei noticed his distracted expression and raised an eyebrow. "You look like you've got something on your mind, Haruto."

He snapped back to reality, offering her a sheepish smile. "Ah, sorry, Kei. Just thinking about... everything, I guess."

Kei's gaze softened slightly, though she still maintained her usual guarded expression. "You're always worrying too much. You don't need to have all the answers, you know."

They stopped near a bench, and Kei sat down while patting the space next to her and placing bot of her arms on her skirt. Haruto hesitated for just a moment before joining her.

System Alert:

[Evening Event:Activated]

The system's notification made Haruto's heart race. This was one of those moments where he could potentially gain—or lose—affection points.

Kei looked out into the distance as her voice softened. "Remember when we used to hang out like this all the time? Before everything got... complicated?"

Haruto nodded, a nostalgic smile crossing his face. "Yeah. Things were simpler back then. Just us, no pressure, no system..."

She chuckled. "No system, huh? You make it sound like we're in a video game."

Haruto froze for a split second. If only she knew.

[+2 affection for Kei]

System Hint:purchase for 30 points.

Succesfully purchased

[To earn points with Kei, acknowledge your shared past and express genuine interest in reconnecting.]

What a waste of points. Haruto thought.

Taking the hint, Haruto leaned in slightly, his tone genuine. "I miss those days, Kei. I miss us being close. I know I've been distant, but I really want to make things right between us. "

Kei is surprised and something else—maybe relief? She didn't say anything at first, just studied his face as if trying to gauge his sincerity 

"You have been way passive since we have been preparing for exams. You cut off from me. I thought you didn't like my company " She asked hesistating while clutching her hands

"Kei...I just wanted to achieve this on my own " Haruto replied and held her hands.

"Kei, I know it might sound silly, but I wanted you to understand that I can compete with you in studies and I wanted you to treat me as equals. That is the reason I have worked alone "

"But that is no excuse for isolating you...So as a makeup for everything...I will take you to an amusment park " Haruto replied while helding her hands close to him. 

He was panicked and was shivering but he held his anxiety. He was a virgin but resisted the soft and smooth hand of Kei. Haruto thought he should get used to handle women in future

System Alert:

[+20 system Points Earned - Kei Affection +10% ]

Kei Affection Level: 62%

Haruto mentally sighed in relief as he noticed the slight increase in her affection. Kei seemed to relax a bit more, and for a moment, it felt like the wall between them wasn't as high as it had been before.


[Quest solved]

Raise Kei's Affection to 60%: Unlock Special Memory and deeper insights into her hidden feelings.

Kei's eyes widened as  her expression softened as she let her guard down with a blush she rarely showed. The once-distant look in her eyes transformed into one with warmth, a gentle smile tugging at her lips. She leaned slightly closer to Haruto, the tension between them slowly fading away.

System Alert:

[+30 system Points Earned - Kei Affection +10%]

Kei's affection +72%

"You really remember all that, huh?" she said, her voice filledof nostalgia and affection. "I didn't think you'd remember those days. You were always such a troublemaker, pulling my hair during class and dragging me to those arcades making me skip class... but you were also the one who made my life fun. I have there are somethings that studies won't tell us."

Haruto chuckled softly, recalling it ended with him getting a stern lecture from his mother. "Yeah, I definitely remember. My mom wasn't exactly thrilled when she found out I skipped classes to hang out with you. She was furious when she realized that I took a girl and skipped the class."

Kei laughed, a sound that was genuine something that Haruto hadn't heard from her in what felt like forever. "I can imagine. Your mom was always a fierce woman to deal with. But... I guess that's why I admired you so much. You were fearless, always doing what you wanted, even if it meant getting into trouble with her. I... I loved that about you."

Her confession hung in the air, and for a brief moment, Haruto felt a rush of emotions—surprise, guilt, and a strange sense of comfort. He hadn't realized just how much his carefree attitude had meant to her, nor how deeply it had impacted her.

"Kei..." Haruto's voice was soft. "I never knew you felt that deep....with me. I'm sorry for being distant...  and not realizing sooner. I just didn't want to drag you into my mess further."

Kei shook her head, her gaze locked onto his. "You were never a mess, Haruto. You were just... you. And I liked you for that. I still do."

Haruto hesitated for a moment before speaking, he tried to change subject "So, I guess this means... it's a date?"

Kei's eyes widened at his words, and for a moment, she seemed genuinely caught off guard. Her usual composed expression changed as a soft blush crept across her cheeks. She glanced away, trying to hide the embarrassment but failed as the redness intensified.

"A date, huh?" she murmured, almost to herself. Then, with a sudden burst of confidence, she gently interlinked her arm with his. "Well, I'll be waiting then. Tomorrow afternoon, Sunday."

Haruto felt a warm sensation spread through him at her touch. The moment was perfect, the kind of simplicity that made his heart race. Still, he couldn't resist pushing his luck just a bit further.

"Hey, what do you say we skip Monday too?" he suggested, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "I'm pretty sure I can convince you to do it."

Kei gave him a sharp look, her usual self returning. But this time, it was tempered with a gentler tone as she lightly elbowed him in the ribs, blushing hard. "Haruto, you're incorrigible. You think you can just get away with skipping school now?"

He winced playfully, rubbing his side where she nudged him, but he knew she wasn't truly angry. In fact, her gaze softened as she looked at him.

"But," she added, her voice quiet but filled with sincerity, "I appreciate the offer. Just... don't push yourself too hard, okay? I know you like to joke around, but I also know how much you've been carrying lately. Let's take it one step at a time. No skipping class"

Haruto nodded, his teasing grin replaced by a softer smile. "Yeah, I get it. One step at a time. But tomorrow... it's just us tommorrow, right?"

Kei squeezed his arm gently, her expression finally relaxing into something peaceful. "Just us. I'll see you then."

As the night deepened, they continued to talk, the atmosphere becoming more comfortable. Haruto silently thanked the system for the little push. But deep down, he knew it wasn't just the system—it was Kei, the girl who had always been there, who he didn't want to lose.

System Update:

[Quest: Rekindle the Bond - Complete]

[Points Earned: 100[S+]]

[Note: You choose the best way to deal with it. Don't be arrogant with this fluke result]

Haruto was quickly annoyed by the system but he ignored it for the time being as he remembered the expression of blushing Kei talking with him. 

Her being flustered and playing with her skirt and about his date next day.

As Haruto stepped into his house in the night, he was immediately greeted by the warmth of his home and the lively presence of his adopted sisters.

 Aiko, the elder sister, was the first to approach him. She, was determined and poised girl, but right now, she tugged on his arm with a playful smile on her face.

"Welcome back haruto, you're finally back!" Aiko said, her tone assertive.

 "I hope you didn't forget to keep your head high during your first day. No one messed you on their first day, right?" Her grip on his arm was firm, as if she was making sure he wouldn't slip away without telling her everything as she asked him for what happened today.

But before Haruto could respond, his younger sister Rin came bounding over with wide, innocent eyes and a cheerful giggle. She wrapped herself around his other arm, pulling him in the opposite direction. 

"Ni-sama! Ni-sama! You promised you'd tell me all about your day!" she barged in, her voice full of excitement and anticipation.

Aiko narrowed her eyes at Rin, her grip on Haruto tightening as if she refused to let her little sister have the upper hand. 

"Hold on, Rin. Haruto just got home. He needs a moment to relax," she said in a firm, protective tone, but the tug-of-war between the sisters was already in full swing.

Rin clung to Haruto's arm with all her might, pouting as she tried to pull him away. "But I've been waiting all day, Aiko-nee! You always get to talk to Ni-sama first!"

Haruto found himself caught in the middle, quite literally, as Aiko and Rin each pulled on one of his arms, their competitive natures clashing

Before he could respond, the sound of a door opening further down the hall caught their attention. Their mother appeared, her presence filled with a beauty of a widow. She had a gentle smile on her face, but in her purple eyes made it clear that she was not someone to be argued with.

"Haruto," she called out sweetly, her voice soothing like a gentle breeze. "I trust your day went well?" There was a pause, her smile widening slightly as she continued, "You know, it's important to make a good impression on your first day. But remember, you also have responsibilities here."

Despite her kind words, there was an unmistakable edge to her tone as Haruto realized what she means. He had come come late.

 He had grown up under her care after being cast out by his real family, and while she had always treated him with love, he had also learned to never underestimate her. At the same time he is the only one to argue with her and went away unscathed.

As he stood there, the system flashed before his eyes, displaying the updated affection levels:

Aiko: 90 (Lively and supportive, always curious about Haruto's life)Rin: 85 (Reserved yet deeply caring, often looks out for Haruto's well-being)Mother: 95 (Sweet but with an underlying strictness, cares deeply for Haruto's future)

Suddenly, the system popped up a notification that made Haruto's heart skip a beat:

System Notification: Would you like to take any of your family members on a date? [Yes] / [No]

Haruto's face flushed as he quickly dismissed the notification. "Seriously, this system..." he muttered under his breath, trying to maintain his composure in front of his sisters and mother.

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