Xeno Core

Chapter 28: What's Immigration Policy?

Long range sensors send an alarm through various systems. They detect energy signals entering local space. I alert Yosip and put the feed up, just in time to catch the show.

The first ship breaks free of the cloud of debris encircling the system, a massive, flattened disc. In its wake are two smaller wedges. These ships carry visible patches on their outer hulls. Plates of newer metal cover gaping holes that had been torn open by the weapons of people in defense of their worlds.

These former invaders now limp into the clear space around Honus and its sun on rebuilt engines. Their particle trails are rough and full of turbulence. At least their energy shields are working.

Active scans from the lead ship bounce off of the station, identifying us. The small fleet sends out a communication frequency soon after. Yosip has Eva Chel answer them from inside the war room. With him also are Dunc and part of his squad, as well as another pair of administrators.

"Greetings. Welcome to Honus. I'm Supply-Master Peal. You can expect to hear from me quite a bit, I'm afraid."

As he speaks another pair of large wedge-shaped vessels follow, and with them are the expected escort of fighters and scouts. Yosip pauses, allowing the newcomers time to formulate a response. They don't take long before answering. The face that greets us is still thickly coated in black fur, though streaks of gray now run through the Tserri's pelt.

"And greetings to you, Supply-Master. I am Gelen. I speak for my clan and the sister clans that have joined us. We were promised a place among you when we were released. Do you honor this promise?"

"I can answer only for the station, Kalibern. Matron Bell outranks me, and it is to her that we both must answer. I do not believe she wishes your people to settle upon the soil of Honus. If you wished it we would make room for you aboard Kalibern, though I have heard that you have other plans? How shall I address you, Gelen?"

"We have never needed a term for one who leads so many. Pack leader will suffice for now."

Gelen stops talking and looks off camera. He motions for one of his followers to perform some action. The display splits, and alongside the aging Tserri leader appears a stylized representation of the local system. The star in the center, Honus around that. Keeping pace at a much greater distance is a symbol I assume represents the station. The system is very empty, with only a few asteroids and the debris cloud which englobes the entire system.

"We wish to settle this region." A thin ring forms between the planet and station, lighting up in yellow. "We have heard that our kin aboard your station are living a good life. We see no reason we cannot make the same for ourselves here, with a little help."

"And how exactly do you intend to feed yourselves? We've spent considerable effort creating the means of supporting our population. We can help you, but only so much."

The grizzled alien leader nods in understanding. "Yes, of course. Your people are still rebuilding after what we tried to do. No, we don't want to take your food and give nothing back. We want to earn our way."

Supply-Master Yosip Peal pulls up the map on his personal comms. He makes a few slight modifications before having me replace the old version on the screen. The new arrangement has the ring much farther out, between Kalibern and the debris field.

"If you settle this region then you'll be able to harvest from the nearby barrier cloud," he offers. "We still need several different elements that are much harder to get at here, and that are too expensive to ship up from Honus. But if you were gathering the materials we needed for us, well, that would free up quite a bit of time and labor for producing more food."

"Send us the information we will need to identify those things you value. We will also need tools, nets, and suits to perform the labor required, I would think."

One of the administrators, the diminutive Eva Chel, adds, "As well as some upgrades to your sensory suite. We can't accommodate all of your vessels, but two at a time should be within our abilities. Please park at the end of the unloading tower so we can have our mechanics get to work."

Yosip uses his personal comm to send out work orders. Supplies and equipment we had assumed they would need are already stored nearby. Air and water filters, rations, insulation, medicines and computer components, as well as several other minor things are waiting in storage rooms at the base of the tower, just off the main greeting hall.

The other necessities they request will take a little longer. In order to speed things along, I send a small request to Glian. He can use the business. Thirty-six suits should keep him occupied and out of trouble for a few days.

Jetanda had not been idle these past days, either. Younger members of her extended family race back and forth along the station corridors. Blankets and pillows, clothing, and even small packages of preserved food are all being delivered to the primary loading tower. Her methods are less efficient than Yosip's but none the less effective.

"The changes to your ships will need to be extensive," Yosip continues. "If you're set up like the other similar ships we've dismantled, then your cargo holds are entirely insufficient. Not to mention batteries. We can make space by taking out some of your weapon systems. The Matron would demand it anyway, to let you stay in her system."

The Pack leader frowns into his camera, scowling at the loss. "I suppose we don't need missiles to hunt rocks," he says slowly, feeling out this new opportunity. "Weapons are highly valued, however. More so than nets and drills," adds Gelen, more enthusiastically.

"Let's continue this discussion later," offers Yosip. "Dock, and I'll send an officer to escort you to my office." He turns and gestures to one of the Tserri seated nearby with one of his mechanical arms. Gelen cuts communications, a thoughtful tilt to his head.

The lead ship, Gelen's Tent, as well as one of its supporting vessels bring themselves lumbering to the docking tower. The rest of his fleet heads a small way off, to be ready if their leader needs them, before placing themselves in a parking orbit matching our own.

The overhead view still displayed on the main screen looks like the inside of a child's toy. One central axis held within a soft shell, and filling the space within are parts all spinning around the central pivot. Everything is synchronous, planet and moons forming the driving arm, station and fleet moving in time around them as if dragged by the steady stream of small craft connecting all the points in a long loose line.

Just attach a tail and it would be the perfect toy. Not too many moving parts to get caught in the plated mouthparts of careless spawn. They're so violent when they first hatch, ripping each other to shreds with mindless aggression. Adding a few toys into the water allows a few more of the little darlings a chance to survive.

When Gelen steps off of his ship, there are already throngs of Tserri there. They shout questions at him and his support staff, asking after family and friends. One male with russet fur begins taking names down, as well as passing out lists of the passengers aboard the vessels of the Tserri refugee fleet. The crowd flocks around this poor male, but Gelen and his remaining team are able to traverse the docking area more easily afterwards.

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