X-Force: Beyond Omega

Ch: 11 [Time Skip]

[Mutant Academy]

After distributing the gifts to everyone, the professor called us to his office and told us that gambling wasn't a good thing to do, then praised me for helping Ghost Spider stop Rhino in time, so, it kinda took some heat off our back. I was ready to take the blame for gambling but he didn't press much about it and let us go with a sigh.

"That was easy. He was in a good mood," Jean said as we walked out of his office.

I nodded. "We just got lucky. So, how about we divide the cash?"

Jean smiled. "You can keep it. I got what I wanted. Thanks for today."

'What she wanted?!' I stared at her in shock. "Jean, are you sure? This is a lot of money."

She shook her head. "It's fine. Enjoy your first earn. Besides, I still have some cash left from the last time. It's all good."

"Wow. Thanks, Jean!" I couldn't believe my ears. She was really giving me her cut?!

Jean giggled. "Don't mention it. It was a fun day. Well, I'm gonna take a nap. See ya." She left the hallway and started climbing upstairs.

I went to my room and took out the remaining cash. I still have around 70 grand left after lunch and shopping. Now, should I just save it or maybe open a bank account? Yeah, a bank account seems like a good idea. So, after freshening up, I decided to open an account on my new phone. Yup! I bought a new phone, not too high-end, just enough to handle regular tasks without any hitch.

It took an hour or so to fill out the details and identity verification. The face ID that the Professor made for me was too good. Anyway, now, all I have to do is go to their branch and deposit the cash. There was also an option where the bank sends an employee home to take the cash and finalize some documents, but it's better if I go there and do it myself. I'll go tomorrow.

I opened the news page and there it was, "Rhino apprehended after rampage, thanks to quick intervention by Ghost Spider and a mysterious ice-wielding hero."

Mysterious Ice-Wielding Hero Huh... Well, luckily my face was covered, so no need to worry. As for cameras and all that surveillance shits Shield does, I'm pretty sure they already know about me by now. Everything is good as long as they don't disturb my peaceful life.



Three days passed like a breeze...

Today is Christmas and it was supposed to be a happy day, well, there were some problems in Siberia, so, most of the X-Men left yesterday. Jean also went with them. I wanted to spend some time with her, but... It is what it is. There were only a few of us in the academy. So, we had a little party. Of course, everyone got something for me since they knew I didn't have any experience with holidays since I'm a clone. So yeah, everyone got me some presents!

It was snowing hard outside, and now I was sitting near the window, looking out. From my room, I can see the street lamps, there were very few people walking around due to the snowfall. So, it was basically me, drinking a cup of hot chocolate, staring out the window, and mindlessly thinking about random stuff.

Haaa... I need a goal. Back in my past life, my only goal was to fight, earn money, and survive at any cost. But in this world, I was just thrown into it without any goal. Now that I think about it, it isn't that bad, right? After mastering a couple of more mutations, I can just leave this place and try to live a normal life, away from all troubles. Maybe, help out the heroes when they are dying or whatever.

Ah! I almost forgot. The New York invasion is yet to occur. I gotta do something to prevent civilian deaths or should I just run away? Nah! Let's fuck up those machines and maybe if I'm lucky, I'll be able to absorb some more power from the heroes. I wonder if my power would work on Thor or Loki? Even my guesses are getting crazy at this point. I smiled while continuing to gaze at the snow, thinking of things.


[1 year later]

1 year passed...

I've mastered Ice mutation to its limit. Now, I can finally walk in the air without any effort at all. I also taught Bobby this technique. He was a quick learner, but not faster than me. It took me around two more months to master that power, and he took two months and a week. There is no need for any meditation anymore.

Next was Psylocke's power. Let's just say, I'm deadly at a close combat and I can get into other's mind. Yeah! Those dreams or nightmares are now under my complete control. Now I can go to cas... Ahem! I mean, I'll use this power responsibly and only use it for my pers... To help others in need. Yeah, that's it. That's what I was going to say.

As for the third mutation, it was Kitty's phasing power. That shit is good. Passing through walls is dope. I don't think I have to explain how awesome her mutation is, right?

Moving on... Jean and I are kinda dating. Well, at least I call it dating. Over the year, we went out on multiple outings. It's just that, neither of us asked each other formally and everyone calls it "friendly hangouts." FRIENDLY HANGOUTS!

Next was the matter of moving out of the academy and starting my own life. I mean, I can't just stay there forever without having a place of my own, right? I made enough from my investment over the year to buy a new house and with my power, I can earn enough through other means. Nothing illegal or anything. Just beat up the bad guys and take their money. Take down big mafias or gangs, take their money and cars, and sell them on the black market. Like that.

Right now, I'm sitting in the canteen area, sipping on a slushie.

"I heard you are leaving this Sunday," A familiar voice came from behind. It was Jean's voice.

I turned around, and there she was, leaning against the doorframe with her arms crossed, a playful smirk on her face.

"Yeah," I replied, putting the slushie down. "It's time."

Jean walked over and sat across from me, her eyes locking onto mine. "It feels weird. I mean, you've been here for over a year. Feels like you're part of the furniture now."

I laughed softly, trying to ignore the weird feeling growing in my chest. "Part of the furniture? Nice to know I blend in so well."

She rolled her eyes. "You know what I mean. The team's gonna miss you. I'm gonna miss you."

That last part hit differently. I leaned back in my chair, watching her carefully. "You can always visit. It's not like I'm going off the grid. And... what about our friendly hangouts?"

She smirked at that, then her face turned serious. "You know what I mean. This past year... it's been good."

There was a weight to her words. We'd danced around this for months now, but with me leaving, it felt like the clock was ticking down. I wasn't sure how to handle it.

"You could come with me," I offered, half-joking, half-serious.

Jean blinked in surprise, and then a soft laugh escaped her. "Tempting, but you know I can't. The X-Men need me here, and there's always something going on."

I shrugged. "There's always going to be something going on. Doesn't mean you have to be the one solving every crisis."

"Maybe." She paused, her gaze softening. "But that's not really the point, is it? You're leaving to find your own way, and I have mine here."

It made sense, but it still sucked. We sat there in silence for a moment, both of us feeling the unspoken things hanging between us.

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