Wreath of Lilies, Cauldron of Poison

Chapter 38: A Private Talk

Chapter 38

A Private Talk

It was not long after that little show that Kaihaku, Sidonai and Eleanora were shooed away.

Connie stood before them with hands clasped behind her back. “I only have three conditions. First, you will not tell anyone what happened here. Second, you will not join the Noble’s Faction no matter what they offered you.”

“Those…those don’t sound too hard.”

“And third, I want the two of you to drink these.”

She took out a bunch of Treant’s Leaves and some iron ore from her Item Ring. She used Blasted Grey to melt the two ingredients and concocted two simple but deadly pills that were often used by corrupt lords to ensure total obedience. However, she did not need puppets, so what she created were low-grade pills. She had infused it with her will, thus reinforcing the trigger action that would result in terminal death to anyone who drank them.

“These are Promise Binding Pill. I created it from the Treant’s leaves and Iron shavings to prevent it from being digested easily. It works the same way as a Slave Collar. If you break your promise, it will grow into a Treant from inside your body.”

In her old world, she would have used a Corpse Worm. However, using a Treant would also be interesting.

“Slave Collars cannot do that!” Akira complained.

“I don’t need retorts. Only action.”

“…I don’t have a choice, do I?”

“Relax. I am not such a cruel girl. The pills will be destroyed in 3 years.”

Saying nothing, Akira took the pill and gulped it down. He then helped Hannah to swallow it.

“Good. Now, let us begin.”

Connie fixed Hannah’s back by setting the bone after a vigorous discussion with her and Akira. After which she made a splint and bound it onto her, following the contours of her back.

Two hours later, Connie finished the treatment and concocted some pills for the aftercare.

“Drink these once every two days until it is finished. Don’t eat anything greasy or oily during the treatment. But you will have to eat nutritious food even if you have to force yourself. And drink water. Lots of water,” she said without changing her tone. “The splint is there to keep the posture. When we get back, you will have to put pillow behind her back when she sleeps…”

Akira and Hannah listened to her with amazement. Though she was cruel and ruthless, she was not someone who treated people half-heartedly. It was not because she was kind, for those who have met her would know that she was as kind as a snake. it was because she was a craftsman. And craftsmen had their pride.

“…make sure you do these. And by the end of it you will be able to wield the spear once more.”

After finishing those words, the blonde-haired girl turned her back with a flourish of her sleeves, leaving Akira and Hannah to their thoughts. Grunford was still stuck into the ground like a worthless trinket.

Kaihaku and Eleanora bowed in thanks to her and headed towards the Hero. Whereas Sidonai stood by and said. “Can we have a moment to talk alone?”

“Very well.”

The two found a spot at an unoccupied corner of the chamber. The minstrel leaned on the wall facing Connie.

“You are an otherworlder, aren’t you?” she asked bluntly.

“I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“I might not have my eyes wide open, but I am not blind. Your style of clothing, your mannerisms, and the way you salute. It is similar to the way of the Old Continent.”

Seeing the nonreaction of the girl, Sidonai made another inquiry. “Then do you understand Tianxia?”

A crack finally appeared in Connie’s poker face and the minstrel did not miss it. “All-Under-Heaven. It is a concept one of the past heroes brought into the world.”

“You…” Connie then spoke in a foreign tongue. “Nǐ shì wǒ de dírén ma?”

“Méiyǒu. I can speak some words of the ancient tongue of the Old Continent after learning from a friend who lived there. But that is all I can do.”

“The Old Continent…” To hear that language again gave Connie a feeling of closeness to this odd minstrel. “Where is this place?”

“I don’t know. But I do know that is somewhere beyond the Kanaballu Mountain Range. If you wish to know more, you should head there.”

Connie stared at her, trying to find out what the beautiful woman before her was thinking, telling her all these. But she was an iron wall. And then, the corner of Connie’s mouth raised.

“What is it?”

“Your eyes, Sid. I just noticed something,” she said slowly. “You are looking at me.”

“I always look at people when I speak to them. That is common sense.”

“No, Sid. You don’t. When you were speaking to Akira and the others, you do not look straight at them. Even though they were looking at you, you always look slightly away or turning your head completely. Avoiding them. But when you are speaking to me, like right now. You are facing me, you focus in on my face. Why is that?”


“Come on now, you already revealed my secret. Let’s make it even.”

“I suppose you are right,” she let out a sigh of resignation.

“You see, When I look at people, they look blurry. As if I’m looking at them through the bottom of a murky glass. In exchange for this weakness, I can see their essence. And most times, the essence of what they are, is not what they seem to be.”

“Ah. To see the true essence of others must be hard. To know the shadows lurking behind the smile. The darkness that corrupts beneath the curtain.”


“Then mine must be really black.”

Sidonai did not say anything as what she saw was entirely different to what she was used to.

Contrary to her outer appearance, her essence was steady like a mountain. Something that usually signifies experience. Yet, it was concealing something. A certain presence that she could not see. Something larger than herself.

“I will not tell anyone if you don’t want me to. Some of the heroes I met don’t like for me to spread knowledge of them.”

“You have met the heroes?”

“Yes. I have met 3 of the 7 heroes of this age, including Akira. But I have made a promise not to say anything about them. As you know, the heroes all represent a country each and I don’t want to fight against a country. Wait…how much do you know about our history?”

“Just enough,” she said plainly.

“In that case, I would be glad to share with you some common knowledge about this world,” she said understandingly.

“I would not object to that, Sid.”

Sidonai gave a smile and took out her lyre, strumming a few notes. She gave a hum that sounded like the flowing of a river.

"This is an old song from the 'Epic of Hasenaddin'."

In the beginning before there were songs, were Light and Darkness.

The Light-Father Thalamut and the Dark-Mother Anukara.

They said to one another,

See me now, said Anukara. But she was cloaked in darkness and he could see nothing.

See me now, said Thalamut. But he was clothed in light and she could see nothing.

Their despair and love spoken, and their words become their bond.

Their bond became flesh, and so the Five were born,

Heey yoo, Heey yoo.

Udurr of the Fire, Slayer of the unjust and liars,

Mydirr of the Thunder, blinded by his father’s light.

Junnaveil of the Water, loved by love and hated by none.

Olnadyn of the Wind, her whispers as silent as the wails of Rahu.

Hurgul of the Earth, his roar quakes mountains.

Heey yoo, Heey yoo.

With Grea as their cradle.

Thalamut to wake them,

Anukara to bade them sleep,

The Five blessed Grea with life,

And so are the Races born,

Lii Luu Lay la. Lii Luu Lay la.

But the Races soon fell to sin and chaos reigned.

From the chaos was the Sixth born.

He who is the beginning of the end,

Father of Demons and Ender of All,

Nakir-Sud-Mara, thy name thrice cursed.

Lii Luu Lay la. Lii Luu Lay la.

Lii Luu Lay la. Lii Luu Lay la.

With a small hum, the song came to an end.

“Beautiful,” Connie said sincerely.

“That was the story of how Grea, our world and the ancient enemy of the Races, came to be. Next is about the kingdom and the hero,” she said with another pluck of her instrument.

“Wait. As much as I’d like to hear more of your wondrous voice, I’d like to save that for another day when we are not in a dungeon. Just tell me in plain words.”

“What a shame. I liked the way you listen to me when I sing. You don’t stare at me like I’m an object,” she calmly said as she put away her lyre. “You actually listened.”

“I am an appreciator of many arts.”

Sidonai chuckled brightly and then said. “Very well, my friend. I shall tell you in plain words as you wanted. As you heard in the song, the 7 Gods created Grea, and in the process, they are worshipped by the 7 Kingdoms, each ruler is given the ability to summon a hero from another world to fight against Nakir-Sud-Mara’s servant, the Demon King.”

“Once summoned, they are destined to fight against this very Demon King. The King who rules the Demon Continent. By Nakir-Sud-Mara’s gift, each time he is beaten, he will revive a few hundred years later. Thus, the cycle continues as it has been for eons.”

“So, wait a minute. Let me ask this first. We have 7 heroes.”


“They all are destined to fight against the Demon King.”


“But I heard that the frontline in the battle against the demons are near the Calendia borders. Nick had fought in it for 3 years and the war is still ongoing. Yet I never heard any stories about the kingdoms or the heroes joining forces to fight against him.”

“That’s because they haven’t. As years went by and kingdoms rise and fall, the people forget the reason why they managed to defeat the Demon King and began to covet others’ land.”

“Ah. I am beginning to see it.”

“The heroes are a kingdom’s trump card. Only a hero can defeat a hero, it is said. And the 7 powers are not of one mind.”

At that point, Connie understood the crux of the matter. It was not because they could not work together. It was because they would not even entertain the thought. “That is stupid.”


“I understand why the other kingdoms don’t want to join forces, but you have to agree that it is stupid.”

“It is stupid,” Sidonai nodded, her smile bright even though the content of their conversation was a matter of stupid politics.

Connie did not miss this and said. “Is this type of matter interesting to you? You have been smiling a lot.”

“I have been smiling a lot. That is what I do.”

“No, I mean a real smile. The smile of a child looking at a cuddly little puppy, the smile of a man meeting an old friend after a long time. That type of smile.”

Sidonai did not expect this change of topic and was rather flustered. Was I really doing that?

“I am? A minstrel is supposed to look happy all the time, to spread joy and stories. I learn to smile that way to attract paying listeners,” she touched her lips gingerly. “I suppose talking with someone that is actually intelligent after a long time have lifted my spirits somewhat.”

“Oh, are you coming on to me, Sid? We barely know each other,” Connie said mischievously as she drew her face close to her, one arm pushing against the pillar. The minstrel did not draw back from the sudden invasion of her personal space. “I wouldn’t say that knowing you better is not within my interest.”

“Perhaps. And I do confess that hearing my name from your lips offers a certain sense of…” she paused a bit, her moist lips almost touching Connie’s. “…attraction.”

“The feeling’s mutual.”

The two did not move from that suggestive position for a while when suddenly the two laughed.

“Ahaha, I am afraid that if I make a move on you, I will draw the dark elf’s ire,” Sidonai said while wiping a tear from laughter with her little finger.

“She does have that side to her, haha!” Connie placed both hands on her waist to stop her laughter.

“Connie. You are strong. But you should be careful about showing your power. Werebeast transformation is not a power that humans can have. Only Beastfolks have them. If you do, they will doubt your blood.”

“But I cannot hide from a skill that can analyze me,” she said a white lie.

The minstrel thought about this for a bit before taking out an earring with a beautiful amulet attached to it by means of a silver chain. “Take this. This amulet will conceal your level by giving you a fake one. This was crafted for me by the dwarves. It can trick the Guild’s measurement device and most people who use analyze on you.”

“Why would you give me this? This look very important.”

“It is, but friends are more important.”

Connie put on the earring and thanked her.

“Thank you for this. The night is late, we should go to sleep.”

The minstrel agreed and said. “I will see you in the morning. Good night, Connie.”

“Good night…Sid.”

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