Wreath of Lilies, Cauldron of Poison

Chapter 212: Dreams of Romance

Chapter 212

Dreams of Romance

After leaving Prince Elhart’s place, Connie saw that the sun was still high in the sky, and decided to head over to the Rose of Paradise Club to see how Rosanna was doing.

She donned her Swinton disguise and was welcomed into the building warmly. She was taken into Rosanna’s room by the Beastfolk girl Lia and spent about twenty minutes looking over her condition.

“How are you feeling, Rosanna?” she asked, while withdrawing blood from the woman. It was a routine procedure by now that Rosanna immediately offered her arm when she saw Connie taking out her long silver needle.

“Better, thank you. The cold doesn’t bother me too much now.”

“Good, that means it’s working as it should. Remember, you cannot stop taking it for a month.”

“Yes, Lady – “

“Mr. Swinton,” Connie warned her.

“I’m sorry…may I ask how is the progress with the Type Two cure?”

“I’ve not much progress sadly. I am still missing some materials to make it,” Connie replied with a sigh. As she was a foreigner in this world, she was not familiar with a lot of plants and creatures here. And the materials that she needed was something that even Prince Elhart’s extensive warehouse stocked. She needed something with enough Yin Energy to suppress the mutated bacteria which were gorging Yang Energy like a glutton.

“By the way, I could not help but notice…that’s a lot of flowers you have there.”

She glanced at the mountain of cheerful Daisies and Lilies carefully bound with pink ribbons.

“Ah, those…those are from Lord Karn,” Rosanna said, looking away to hide her blush, but Connie could see the red coming up to her ears.

“A few days ago, that foolish man climbed up to the balcony of her room and almost fell,” Lia, who was bringing them some hot tea said. “He was so persistent that our Rose finally gave up. Finally, rather than allowing him to hurt himself doing such antics, Madame Griselda allowed him to talk to her through the door.”

“A romantic, eh? He’s an annoying one, but I have to say, I do not hate that persistence of his,” Connie said, remembering her own past experience. “You know…once you are cured of the disease, why not let him court you?”

“I…I don’t think it’s possible,” The diseased woman smiled sadly before throwing her gaze out the window. “Did you know, Mr. Swinton? I never knew my father. I was a child born out of wedlock, to a woman who let herself be fooled by the desire for status. Unfortunately, instead of a son, she had a girl. Therefore, useless in her eyes,” she gripped the edge of her blanket tight. “Not a day went by without her cursing me. And then I was ten, she sold me to the Club as an errand girl, took the money, and ran away. I cried for days.”

She then looked at Connie, eyes glazed with sadness. “I don’t want to be like my mother. Who fell for beautiful words and fanciful dreams. And neither do I want to be a Mistress, who will be abandoned when time took its due,” her choice of words, a sign of proper learning, spoke of painful truth. “I confide in you this, because though you’re a Noble, you’re also someone I greatly respect. A person who – despite your birth – would willingly touch the untouchables.”

“As for Lord Karn…” she gave a sad smile. “He will soon lose his interest in me and move on. That’s the way it is.”

“…hmm…well,” she harrumphed, not knowing what to say. “Now, open your mouth and put out your tongue,” Connie said, as she placed a wooden stick on her tongue, eager to finish up and let her rest.

After she was finished, while she was leaving the Club, she saw Nick in his daily clothes talking to a familiar man in a dapper suit. It seemed that they had become fast friends.

“Mr. Swinton! It’s so good to see you!” Karn Welk took the pudgy man’s gloved hand into his own hands, shaking it up and down appreciatively. His excitement made him ignore the disguise’s unnaturally squishy hand. Chen let out an annoyed grunt.

“Lord Karn.”

“I’ve heard the good news. Truly, you are our savior!”

“Yes, yes,” Connie said. “What are you doing here?” she whispered from the side of her mouth.

“I met him on the streets and he insisted on taking me here to share a drink,” Nick said in response.

Karn Welk, unable to sense the secretive nature of their short conversation said. “Please, Mr. Swinton. I’d like to treat you to a drink.”

“I’m sorry. I am very busy at the moment. Now, you must excuse me – “

A strange scent piqued Connie’s attention. She sniffed the air twice and caught a whiff of an enchanting aroma, one that reminded her of a plump dates, incense, and leather.

“What is…this scent?”

“What? Oh, do you mean my perfume?” Karn asked. “It’s a fragrance my company made for me. Exclusively made from rare herbs from Al-Khemiya.”

Connie took a minute to ponder and then asked. “Al-Khemiyan herbs, eh? You know, I’ve looked all over the stores in Courandhel, but I’ve never smelled something like this.”

“Makes sense. The spices and the herbs I used in my perfume are more…exotic.”

“Is there a way for me to look at these…materials?”

“Of course! Come, Mr. Swinton. I’ll take you there!”

Nick frowned. “So, no drinking then?”

Karn brought them to a shop in the Business District with the words ‘Fragrance of the Soul” written on top of a picture of two Whelk shells.

“This is my little shop, a passion of mine,” he said proudly. “The name of the shop is a play on the family name.”

As he walked in, the attendants welcomed him with deep bows. Nick noted how well-dressed they were. He also noted a few patrons, all of them wearing rich, well-designed clothes with a touch of arrogance in their demeanours.

“This way, let me show you where the magic happens,” the man said, as they walked up the stairs to the second floor. They entered a room where a clean-shaven man was sniffing a handful of dirt. All around the room hung various dried herbs and flowers. “This is Gunter. The Alchemist in charge of taking care of the development of my perfumes. Gunter, this is Mr. Swinton and Mr. Mark. They want to look at the store room.”

Gunter offered his hand that was still dirty from the dirt, which Connie took with a friendly nod.

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Swinton, and Mr. Mark. Let me take you to the back. That’s where we store our raw materials.”

The three of them entered a big room with crates stacked on top of each other. Connie spread her Energy and felt that some of the crates showed a reaction to it.

“May I have a look around?” she asked.

“Take your time.”

Connie had Nick help her to take crates that showed the most reactions to the center of the room. One particular small crate showed a very strong reaction and she opened it. Within, she found rows and rows of wrinkly, dark-colored pouches that exuded a beastly, yet sweet smell. “What is this?”

“Those are dried Mauruq gall bladder. They are rare three-legged lizard monster found only in the desert of An-Hayud in Al-Khemiya. One of them cost about fifty gold,” he said. “It’s mostly used for incense, but I am experimenting with it. See if I can make it into a unique fragrance.”

“Can I buy this off of you?”

“Hmm? May I ask why?”

“You see, Lord Karn. I’m currently in the midst of concocting the cure for the Infidelity Disease Type Two.”

“Yes, I am aware. Rosanna told me.”

“Well, I’m currently stuck, as no ingredients available in the market can provide me with the properties that I need," She took hold of the wrinkled sphere and said. "And this dried Mauruq gall bladder might be the very thing that I lack.”

“Then there’s no need to ask, Mr. Swinton. You may take it, free of charge.”

Connie’s eyes widened in surprise. “Are you sure?”

“Mr. Swinton. You are a benefactor of the one I love. You have given her future back to her. This is the very least I can do for you,” the man said decisively. "Anything you need, just ask."

“…then don’t mind if I do. Oh, now that I think about it, there are some other things I need.”

“S-sure. Just take whatever you need,” Karn Welk stated, somehow feeling that he had done something that he could not take back.

“Swinton…please don’t overdo it,” Nick said with a tinge of worry.

A few days later, on the evening of the Spring Ball, Connie was looking dubiously at her reflection in the mirror. She wore a dark purple suit with silver threads sewn into the lapels and a culotte of the same color. It too, was a fashion item brought to Calendia by Otherworlders

“How is it, Chen? Does it look like a skirt? Or trousers?” Connie asked Chen. It was answered with a wobble of indecision.

As she was running her hand through her hair, Lihua came in with a small grin.

“Mistress,” she gestured coyly at the direction of the door. “Behold.”

Illumca and Akula came into the room, dressed immaculately, causing Connie to forget to breathe.

“H-how does it look? I’ve never worn something like this before.” Akula said. Unlike her usual bold Grassland tribe clothing, she was dressed in a complex, Calendian-style dress. Bold, yellow silk draped over the horse’s torso, with intricate latticework decorating her lower back. Her wild hair was styled to a prim bun and decorated with a tiara. Her usual veil was replaced by a curtain of pearl and silverwork, giving her an air of mystery and sophistication.

“It’s always worth it to see you react like that,” Illumca said confidently. She was dressed in elegant orange dress that accentuated her figure. On her neck was a beautiful pearl necklace that paired with Akula’s. Her hair was braided and oiled with perfumed oil, giving it a beautiful luster.

“…both of you look absolutely radiant,” Connie said after a long pause and a cough.

"Really? It doesn't look weird on me?"

"Honestly Akula. If anyone says you're not attractive, they are blind indeed," Connie said to reassure her. “Shall we?”

“Please go ahead, Mistress. This one has prepared a special carriage for you. Something big enough to hold everyone. Wouldn’t want to mess up the dress, do we?”

“You’re not coming with, Madam Sui?” Illumca asked.

“This one has promised to be the companion of Mr. Bazit for this evening’s party. It is what he desired in return for his help with preparing the custom dresses. He will be coming to pick this one up soon.”

Connie chuckled. “One more to add to your list of paramours, eh?”

“That remains to be seen, Mistress. We will see.”

The Audience Chamber, decorated in festive Spring colors, were filled with a gentle, flowing melody from a string ensemble. Fresh flowers decorated each table.

Servants in festive suits poured wine into empty glasses, aiding the joyful atmosphere of the Ball.

At this time, Prince Mikael was being surrounded by many Nobles, men and women, wishing him good luck in his expedition to the border. He was in a cheery mood because finally, his Father had entrusted him with something important. The party itself, in essence, was held by the King to raise the Prince’s name in the eyes of his subjects.

As he drank from his glass, he caught a glance of Serin, dressed in matching white as his own. She was being surrounded by her peers.

Lately, he found being with Serin to be rather tiresome, and gave her a bit of distance. When he saw that she was smiling, he was relieved, and promised to himself that he would make some time for her before he departed to the Vorzennian border.

On the other side of the room; Serin, who was being complimented profusely by her followers, was simply going through the motion. Their words of praise entering her left ear, only to exit through the other side. Her attention was directed at the entrance.

She was waiting. Waiting for the hateful blonde-haired woman to appear.

“Announcing Duchess Cornelia Asterium Steelheart of House Steelheart! Lady Illumca Fir Liban of the Liban Clan!” Serin could not hide a sinister smile as she heard her nemesis’s name announced. “And Lady Akula Altanghazar of Altankheer Clan!”

People turned their attention towards the current darling of Courandhel’s rumor mill, their eyes following her and her companions as they made their way inside. The Dark Elf held the blonde-haired girl’s right arm while the Centaur took her left.

Quickly, they were surrounded by people. Even the usually sour-faced Illumca had to make an effort to smile, and failing miserably.

Akula was unused to the interest the young Noble daughters had towards her. It was very different from her last experience when she went to the last Ball as the Hero of Vorzenny’s party member. At that time, she was treated like a pet, made to follow him obediently.

A sense of pride filled her chest and she tightened her grip. A grip that would’ve caused pain to lesser human.

Mikael was worried that her appearance would agitate Serin. When he saw that she was moving towards Connie, he had half a mind to stop her. However, to his delight, despite the hateful look she was giving his ex-fiancée, she did not make any movements to provoke her and simply greeted her and her companions politely before moving away, blissfully unaware of what vile thing she had in her mind.

Good, she’s listening to me. A wife must learn to listen to his husband, after all.

A few minutes later, the Announcer bellowed.

“Presenting! His Majesty, The King of Calendia! The 13th King of Calendia! Vanquisher of the Demon of the Lake of Sorrow! King Gerard of Calendia!! And Her Majesty, the Queen of Calendia! Queen Margarethe!!”

The King and Queen, wearing regal clothes with accents of gold and blue, appeared at the top of the steps. The King looked to be weary, but his eyes were alert.

“Greetings, everyone. Tonight is a wonderful night, as we celebrate a new year and the coming of spring. It is a night of thankfulness, for the gift of good year that Junnaveil had given us, and for the continuance of the prosperity of our Kingdom.”

“I have also received good news today. Our Knights had taken over Fort Siffredi and Costa Amalia. And soon, my son too, will join the battle to rid us of the traitors of the Races.”

The Prince accepted the gaze of admiration and clapping of hands with small nods, accompanied by a proudful smile.

The King then took a glass proffered to him by a servant and raised it high. “So, join me in raising our glass. For the proud Knights of our Kingdom! For the blessing of our Goddess, Junnaveil! And for the everlasting prosperity of our Kingdom! Huzzah!”


While everyone raised their glasses in joyful cheer, Julia Wendell nervously caressed the ring containing Maiden’s Sleep; her eyes gazing at her target. To her side was one of her lackeys, a plain looking young woman with a cruel look in her eyes.

“The time is at hand. Notify the men. We’ll make sure that Steelheart whore could never show her face in public ever again.”

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