Wreath of Lilies, Cauldron of Poison

Chapter 210: Overcast Funeral

Chapter 210

Overcast Funeral

In the lobby of the Steelheart’s mansion, fifty men and women were standing in a line nervously while a raven-haired Beastfolk watched them through a blindfold in silence. As soon as one made a noise, the Beastfolk would point at the offender and shushed them. The whole thing was bizarre, it made them feel like they were children being grounded.

They waited for what felt like hours before Connie walked down the steps with Sebastian and Illumca behind her.

“Mistress,” Lihua bowed respectfully when she saw her. The moment she did so, the servants and the guards straightened up. Their faces tensed. Behind her, they could see Sebastian, his old eyes downcast.

“I suppose you’re all wondering why you’re gathered here,” Connie said as she scanned the faces of the people standing in front of her. “Let me answer that question for you. Lady Joan Carell has passed away.”

The older servants closed their eyes with unreadable expressions while the younger ones looked at each other with worry over their future.

“Before she passed away, she handed over everything to me,” she continued. “That includes your contracts. But out with the old in with the new, they say. And so, Sebastian, read out the names,” Connie said. Before Connie inspected the servants, she asked Sebastian to list all the servants who were dishonest or was supportive of the deceased Joan Carell. Illumca also added some names to the list; these were servants suspected to be in Gladstone’s pocket based on The Silence’s investigations.

Sebastian took out the list and read them with a heavy tone. When he was finished, he took a deep breath. “Those whose names I have called, please step out of the line.”

About half of the servants stepped out, their eyes showed bewilderment. Connie then walked in front of them with slow and deliberate steps.

“I see new faces, old ones too,” Connie paused, turning her heel with a grin. “And amongst them, faces that I could not forget.”

This was a lie; the current Connie had no memories of any of them. She said that to elicit a response from some of them. And indeed, she saw their expressions stiffen from her words.

“You, you and you,” She pointed at each and every one of the men and women in front of them. “All of you…are fired.”

The sentence was dropped on them like a boulder. “Milady. This is -!” The Head Cook was about to say something when Connie’s eyes bore on him like a thousand daggers.

“Do you all think I don’t remember what you all did to me when Joan Carell took over, and you have the gall to try and question me?” Connie said with a frown. “Now, I give you all half an hour to pack up your bags and get your asses out of my property. Stuff any intention of stealing from the mansion where the sun doesn’t shine if you still want all your limbs attached. My guards will check your belongings before you leave.”

“As for the rest of you. You are free to leave or stay. If you wish to stay, then you will all be put into probation. Lihua here will decide whether you can still work here or not.”

Connie turned and left the lobby, leaving the scene of chaos behind to be handled by Lihua. “Sebastian, come,” She said.

“Mistress, is this necessary? The upkeep of the Mansion needs a lot of people.”

“There is no need to keep people I cannot trust under my roof. For every change of Lords and Kings, sometimes a purge is needed. Be glad that it was not a bloody one,” Connie spoke matter-of-factly. “Then, the next matter is the whore’s funeral. Oh, and call the boy. I want to get this whole thing finished today.”

“Mistress, he is still suffering from loss.”

“And why do I care? Call him. Drag him kicking and screaming to the office if need be. Or would you rather I send Illumca to do it?”

“Let me do it,” A cold smile appeared on Illumca’s lips. “I’ll drag him like how his mother dragged me out to the streets in Cairula.”

Sebastian panicked and quickly bowed. “I – I’ll do it, Mistress.”

After some coaxing and begging, Sebastian managed to get Julian to move from his mother’s side. The boy walked with his body feeling weightless, hoping that he was dreaming. He only realized that he had arrived when his nose almost met the cold wooden door.

“Ngh…!” He moaned angrily.

He never liked his stepfather’s office. It smelled of stale books and ink. And the few times he was there when Geno was still alive, he always made him read boring books.

Before Sebastian managed to knock on the door, Julian had already opened it with gusto.

When he entered, he saw his stepsister sitting behind his stepfather’s desk reading a book with a frown. The tall Dark Elf was looking over a map of Grea drawn onto a piece of tanned leather and framed atop a fireplace.

“You! Who gave you the nerve to order me around?!”

When she noticed the boy and the Head Butler, Connie closed the book with a thump. “Very enlightening read,” she commented, pointedly ignoring the fat child. “Based on this report, at least half of the family’s assets had been sold away. I’d guess it was to fuel Joan Carell’s lavish lifestyle?”

“…the Lady was adamant in keeping a certain…level of quality of life,” Sebastian tried his best to not draw Connie’s, but Julian interrupted him with his unpleasant whining.

“Listen to me!! Sebastian! I want her out of my house! This instant!”

Connie blinked. “Sebastian, did you not tell him?”

“I…I haven’t the chance.”

With a groan, Connie waved her arm and a heavy wooden armchair flew from the left corner of the room. It landed heavily in front of Julian. The thing flew so close to his face that it startled him and made him fall onto his butt.



“Sit. Do not make me repeat myself again.”

The show of strange power silenced whatever complaints that the unpleasant little boy had and he did as he was told.

“On to business then, Julian,” Connie spoke, as she walked from behind the desk and rested her behind on its front edge. “First thing first. This mansion, isn’t yours anymore, Julian. It’s mine. By right, and by law.”

“In fact, after the death of my father, this property should have been mine. However, as I was too young at the time, your mother was appointed as my guardian. That’s why she had control over me. But now that she had signed the contract to hand over the Steelheart’s and her private properties to me, everything is wholly…and rightfully...mine,” Connie put emphasis at the end of her sentence, showing the immutable fact that the boy refused to accept.

The boy, still half not understanding the young woman’s stern words became irritated. He had never been treated like this. Not even by his own mother.

“What are you talking about?! Sebastian! Kick her out!” Julian stood up indignantly and turned to the Head Butler.

The man he was calling out for could only bow his head helplessly.

“Sebastian can’t help you, Julian. Now sit the fuck down…and listen,” Connie’s words were calm, but the threat within was palpable enough that Julian’s sudden spark of bravery quickly dimmed. “Here’s what’s going to happen. In three days, your mother will be given a proper burial as tradition dictates,” she stated. “As she is not a Steelheart, she will not be buried in the Steelheart Family’s Mausoleum, but in a vacant plot in the Noble’s Cemetery.”

“As for you, you will be allowed to live here until her burial. After that, you will be sent to - where is that village?”

“Rothen, Connie,” Illumca helped.

“Rothen, right. You will stay there until you come of age, and then you will be sent to a boarding school. Get you properly educated. Be glad, unlike what your mother did to me, I will give you proper allowance. Enough to live comfortably. When you have finished your schooling, I will no longer fund you, and you will be free to do what you want. At that moment, you and I will be strangers.”

Julian’s eyes were still, uncomprehending of the fact that his life had been decided for him. When understanding dawned upon him, he forgot his fear and screamed. “You’re kicking me out?!”

Sebastian saw what was about to happen and placed his hands around the boy’s body. The boy cried; screaming, and kicking with his legs in the air.

“AAAH!!! Damn you!!”

Connie groaned, unwilling to spend any more energy handling the spoiled brat. She missed Sen. Now, that was a child after her own heart.

“I’ve said everything I want to say. Take the boy to his room, Sebastian.”

“Y-yes, Mistress,” Sebastian said, eager to leave. “Please excuse us.”

As they were leaving, Connie looked at him for a final time and spoke. “Your mother’s no longer here to protect you, Julian. Grow up.”

After that, the servants and guards who were let go tried to meet with Connie, risking her anger, but she did not relent in her decision until the last second and they had to leave with unwillingness in their hearts. As for those who were left, ten people chose to stay.

Over the next two days, Lihua and Sebastian took care of the funeral matters, while ensuring that the process of handover of matters between Sebastian and her was done properly.

The funeral ceremony went as planned on the third day. It was on a gloomy afternoon with an overcast overhead. The ceremony followed the tradition of Junnaveil Faith, and was led by a priest introduced by Henrietta.

At first Connie wanted to do a simple ceremony, but Lihua told her that to show the magnanimity of her personage, something more formal and befitting her station should be held. Connie had no particular opinion about this and simply followed her suggestion.

Due to the condition of Joan Carell’s cadaver, the coffin had to be sealed shut and sprinkled with scented oils and perfume to mask the smell. Martell, who was watching the ceremony from a distance away, noted that more than once the priest cringed his large nose. The guests too, kept their distance from the coffin.

Julian tried to keep himself from crying, but when the coffin was lowered into the ground, he began to bawl. Sebastian tried to comfort him to no avail.

Connie and Illumca, dressed in all black, watched the proceeding silently. Nick, who despised the woman as much as he despised Geno Steelheart, was trying his hardest to keep a smile from forming on his lips. Akula and Lihua stood a few meters away so as not to disturb the ceremony.

A few acquaintances of Connie’s who heard about what happened came as well, though it was mostly just as a gesture of respect to Connie. This included the friendly Archmage Edward Grothe and Bazit, who represented himself and Prince Elhart. Madame Griselda sent a heartfelt letter through Lia, who regretted that she could not come due to her position.

Technically it was a private event, and only a few guests were invited. Mostly those close to Joan Carell. However, only one or two came. Instead, distant families of the woman, even some that Julian did not recognize, showed up uninvited to offer them their condolences.

Some of them tried to talk to the boy to offer their help, but was refused vehemently by Sebastian, who knew what they were aiming for.

One or two people had tried to introduce themselves to Connie, but Illumca’s stare was enough to keep them away.

About twenty meters away, under the shade of a tree, was a figure in black dress wearing a mourning veil. She was gazing at the gathering of mourners with tight lips.

“Finally, that plague is dead, brother,” the woman said. “May your soul rot in Sud-Ghazid.”

At the abode of the Gladstones, Serin Gladstone gazed at the hanging grey cloud through a large window with a sour look on her face. “What bad weather.”

“Add more wood to the fire,” a hoarse voice coming from a chair ordered. A well-dressed servant knelt in front of the fireplace and placed three blocks of firewood before giving it a jostle with a poker.

“Is the cold still bothering you, father?” the young woman said. The patriarch of the Gladstone House looked at her from the corner of his eyes.


“Do you know that Lady Joan Carell’s funeral is being held as we speak?” Serin asked. She had always known about her father’s penchant for women. She was not fond of it, but she did not try to stop him either. It was only recently that she knew of his relations with Joan Carell by accident. For some reason, knowing that her own father had bedded the woman who was the stepmother of her nemesis disgusted her to no end.

“I know. It’s a shame,” the man said matter-of-factly, then quickly changed the subject. “How has the Prince been treating you lately?”

“He’s been cold to me these days. Even when I call upon him, he would rebuff me with reasons of being in meetings or too tired after training.”

“I see. It will soon be his first foray to the battlefield, he’s bound to be excited. All hot-blooded men have the desire to prove themselves in combat. You must understand this and support him.”

“But Father - !!”

He raised his arm to stop her from speaking. “I’ve heard about your recent tantrum from losing to the Steelheart girl. It isn’t worth drawing the ire of the Prince just because you lost a measly poetry competition,” he took a deep breath and coughed heavily, before gripping the arm of his chair angrily. “I’ve paved you a path to a future as Queen! Do not ruin it because of your immaturity!!”

“Immaturity? Am I not a Gladstone?! Is a Gladstone supposed to just swallow it after being humiliated in front of the Queen and our Noble peers?!”

“Enough (cough). I’m tired…leave.”

She gazed at the once proud father who she respected and saw nothing but a shell of his former self. She glanced at the mark of the Infidelity Disease on his person, hidden under copious amount of white talcum powder and swallowed her anger. Serin turned sharply on her heels and left fuming.


Outside, her maid had been waiting patiently. When she saw her Young Mistress stormed out of the study, she did not ask anything and simply followed behind her dutifully.

“Call for Julia. I want to talk to her. Now.”

“Milady, is this not -!”

“I said NOW!”

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