Wreath of Lilies, Cauldron of Poison

Chapter 199: The Rose of Paradise Club

Chapter 199

The Rose of Paradise Club

The next day, Connie gathered all her trusted male party members in her room and spoke of her plan to visit the brothel, to varying degree of response.

“So, what do you think?”

“The Rose of Paradise Club? That’s swanky! It’s the premiere brothel in Courandhel! Even the lowest level Courtesan there would cost a fortune. And you’re talking, all expenses paid? You’re really taking me there? Is it my birthday?!”

“Keep it down!” Connie said, eyes darting around. “Illumca is getting really good at sneaking around these days.”

“The Red-Light District, is it? Should I come with?”

“I don’t think bringing kids to a brothel is appropriate,” Connie frowned.

“Mistress. I’m no stranger to the underbelly of the Capital,” Martell said, all smiles, without any indication of regret. It was time like these that made them remember the horrible life that the boy had led.

“It still won’t look good,” she said exasperatedly. “Look, just help me decide. Do I tell her or not?”

“Why should you think hard about it? Just tell her!”

“And risk her wrath? Have you seen how she looks at women who stole glances at me?”

Connie grimaced as her thoughts went toward the memory of her visits to the brothels, back when she was still courting her old love. As any hot-blooded man, she could not resist the urge to visit a brothel. Just for the sake of enjoying a drink or two, no physical gratification or anything. However, when Fei heard about it, she gave her the silent treatment that lasted for weeks.

While they were talking, a knock on the door gave them a start.

“Who is it?”

Illumca came in as soon as she heard her answer. “Connie, I just want to ask you if you need me for the day?”

“No, why do you ask?”

“I’m planning on heading to the Assassin’s Guild to handle some matters. It might take the whole day.”

“Oh? What’s your business?” Connie asked.

Illumca took out a pouch from her Item Ring and placed it on the table. It toppled from the weight of its contents and spilled out badges with splotches of red.

“What are these?” Nick asked as he took one that had landed near him and held it in front of him. “Wait, these are Assassin badges!”

“Correct. These are from Assassins that I’ve disposed of thus far.”

“These are…a lot,” Martell said. “How many are there?”

“Twenty something. They stopped coming after we put Bet-Zebek’s head in the square,” she explained. “Anyway. We don’t have an Assassin’s Guild in Greyvault so I haven’t got a chance to hand them in. While we’re here, I’d like to take care of them.”

“And it’d take a whole day?”

“The Assassin’s Guild love paperwork,” Illumca said with an evident pain in her voice. “So, if there’s nothing else, I’ll take off soon,” she then looked at Connie. “Connie. If you want to make trouble, at least wait until I’m around.”

“Trouble? Me? Please! I don’t find trouble, it finds me!”

“If you say so,” Illumca said, as she rolled her eyes and left the room.

Connie leaned back on her seat and sighed with relief. “What luck!”

Nick grinned. “Milady. With all due respect. You are whipped.”

“N-no, I’m not! I just…don’t want to deal with the talk, that’s all,” Connie harrumphed at the amused faces of the two men before her and spat out. “Just go to the store and buy me some male clothes, we’ll leave for the brothel early evening!”

As the sky began to darken and the children came home to their parents, the Lamplighters made their round, lighting the candles of the lamps along the streets of Courandhel with their long and thin sticks. The lights were dim and flickering.

It was different when talking about the lamps in the Noble District. The lamps were lit using magic, and the light they emitted were bright and still.

Nick had scrubbed himself raw and put on the finest clothes he bought in the boutique. A cream-colored ensemble with expensive cuff links that would hurt those with sensible eyes. He was waiting a few blocks from the Red-Light District, watching men with lecherous eyes walking past him.

“Waiting long, Nick?” A friendly voice called his name. When he turned around, he saw a rotund gentleman with double chin standing with arms behind his back.

“Sorry, do I know you?”

The man coughed and spoke with a feminine, confident voice. “It’s me.”

“Huh?” Nick came to a slow realization when he heard the voice. “Wait, that voice…no, no way! Milady? H-how did you -?”

Connie slapped her belly playfully. “It’s Chen, he’s wrapped around my body so that I look plumper. You see, my chest had gotten to the size that it’s impossible to realistically hide them properly, so this is to get around that. I’m also wearing a human-skin mask to look like regular guy. Tied my hair into a bun and covered it with this hat.”

“So that’s why you asked me to buy clothes that’s a few sizes bigger.”

“Impressive, isn’t it? Now before we go, what is it that I’ve been smelling?”

“It’s something I bought from an Alchemist! We’re going to the most expensive brothel in Courandhel. It’s an occasion! I need to smell the best. Do you like it?”

Connie cringed her nose with a visible distaste. “It smells like someone dunked a barrel of rotten fish in rosewater and left it for weeks under the sun!”

“Really? I thought it smelled good!”

“Ugh, you can give a man a fortune, but taste is not something you can give,” Connie shook her head and spoke. “Fine, let’s just go. And stay a bit farther away from me. I don’t want your smell on me.”

The obvious sign of one entering the vicinity of the Red-Light District was the faint sighs of pleasure coming from the alleyways and the invitations of women of varying degree of beauty from the side of the road. Most of them wearing clothes that accentuate their bosoms, cooing the men to come enjoy a night of sin.

Connie rebuffed the advances of the street prostitutes with a gentle wave while Nick ogled all that he could see.

“Hmm, it’s not as crowded as it used to be.”

“You’ve been here before? Oh, of course you have,” Connie commented.

“I mean, I’m a man. And a man has needs. Of course, back then all I can afford was one of the cheaper ones. It’s about the same these days.”

“Didn’t you get your share of the King’s reward? Where did all your money go to?”

“Haha, well. I have some debts, and some other stuff happening. Oh, here we are!”

Standing proudly in the middle of the district, was the Rose of Paradise Club. And true to its name, the building was like a rose planted in the middle of an otherwise bleak, and dark neighbourhood. Its bright light like a flame, inviting the moths into its deadly, but pleasurable, embrace.

If it was a simple brothel, Connie wouldn’t bother visiting. However, she was intrigued when she heard that it did not just offer fleshly pleasure, but also culture. And with such services, no wonder that those with very deep pockets would come there to wallow in debauchery.

Information abounds in such a place. And with Nobles frequenting the establishment, it would be remiss to dismiss it as a simple place to seek pleasure.

The world inside the club was starkly different to the one outside. Where outside was dark and gloomy; inside, everything was bright and cheery. Luxury oozed from every corner.

A scantily clad woman broke away from a conversation with her fellow Courtesans and approached them, her long eyelashes flitted invitingly.

“Good evening, gentlemen. Is this your first time here?” the woman asked.

“Y-yes,” Nick answered almost instantly. Unused to the luxurious brothel atmosphere.

“We have a range of services here that might tickle your fancy,” she spoke with a sing-song voice. “From the dinner show at our famous Red Rose Bar, to the private lounges where you might designate your favourite flower girls and enjoy a conversation over wine and delicacies.”

“Flower girls?”

“That’s what we call our girls, here in Rose of Paradise Club,” the woman said without missing a beat. “If you are unsure, how about enjoying our dinner show? Currently, Miss Lorena is singing, you will not be disappointed.”

“Sure. Please, lead on,” Connie said with a smile.

The two of them were led to a table with red tablecloth. Connie ordered a bottle of expensive wine before looking around. The only other two clients in the bar, who were wrapped in fine clothes that would bankrupt a layman, drank fine wines from the hands of beautiful women. On the stage, a singer with sensuous voice sang of a nightly rendezvous, accompanied by the hum of a solitary violin. To the side, flower girls sat around in small groups, waiting for prospective big spender.

It was apparent that although on the surface everything was business as usual, things had not been going great.

After two glasses of wine, two women in tasteful yet revealing dresses came over. Clearly, these ones were waiting for them to be more comfortable before making their move. One of them deliberately bent down enough to entice Connie with a peek of her mound.

“Good evening. May we join you for a drink?”

“Yes! Of course!” Nick said excitedly. “Join us!”

“This is the first time we’ve seen you. May we ask what are your names?”

“My name’s Mark, and he is Swinton,” Nick used fake names that they had agreed upon before. “We’re merchants from the west, this is our first time here.”

“Really? I hope you’re having a lot of fun here. The riverside of Courandhel is especially beautiful in Spring.”

The other girl noticed that the plump merchant named Swinton looked sour and asked. “Is something not to your taste, Mr. Swinton?”

“You bet something’s not right. Why are there just two of you here?” Connie mocked. “Are you kidding? I thought this is the best brothel in Courandhel! I want more girls!” She arrogantly demanded. “Bring us ten more!”

“Er, Mr. Swinton – “

Before the girl managed to speak, Connie had taken out a pouch full of gold from her pocket. One glance was enough for the Courtesans to know that this man was disgustingly loaded. “Get me more girls!”

The girl next to Nick quickly excused herself and almost stumbled as she ran out of the bar. Not long after, a middle-aged woman in dark red dress with fur collar came to them. “Good evening, gentlemen. My name is Madame Griselda. Owner of this establishment. It seems that our services were lacking. If you wish, how about I arrange for a private room for the two of you? I guarantee you that it will be a night to remember.”

“Very well!” Connie replied haughtily.

“Please, follow me,” The Madame said with a business-like smile. She thought of them as a couple of men trying to show off their wealth and was thinking about how to squeeze them for all their worth.

When they reached the private room that she had promised them, Connie turned to Griselda. Her haughty look quickly turned serious. “Madame, may we speak privately?” she pulled a letter stamped with Prince Elhart’s mark from her pocket, just enough for her to have a peek. At once, her expression changed.

“…of course,” she replied. She snapped her fingers and called out to the girl standing nearby. “Be a dear and call out some of the girls and entertain the gentleman. I must return to the office. This way, Mister Swinton.”

“Mark, enjoy yourself,” Connie gave a laugh. “But in moderation!”

Nick jokingly saluted her. “Of course, you don’t have to tell me that!”

Once they arrived in the Madame’s office, she locked the door behind her and opened her palm, asking for the letter.

After inspecting the stamp, she opened the letter and read it meticulously. She raised her eyes from behind the letter and inspected the plump middle-aged man before her with suspicion. “The Prince said that you are here to help us. But it doesn’t say who you are. I’m sorry, but I can’t trust someone I don’t know.”

Connie took off her hat and the skin mask that she was wearing, revealing herself.

“Forgive me for the roundabout way, I just want to see what the Rose of Paradise Club is all about. And this is the easiest way for me to experience the Red-Light District without drawing attention to myself.”

“Lady Steelheart…!” the woman was flabbergasted when she saw the change. She quickly curtsied.

“You know of me?” Connie asked curiously.

“How can I not recognize someone as famous as you? Your bravery to go against the Kingdom to fight the traitorous Hero of Vorzenny, and that last affair with the Trial were still being talked about by the girls. And I must say, you are also gifted in the art of disguise. For the life of me, I couldn’t recognize that the one behind the fat gentleman was a beautiful woman.”

“Thank you,” Connie said as she dragged a chair and sat on it cross-legged. “Anyway, on to business. As the letter said, I am here to do research on the current epidemic that’s been spreading in Courandhel, the Infidelity Disease. And the Prince said that you can help me.”

“Of course, I’d very much like to help you, but…” Griselda bit her lips uncomfortably. “…may I ask you something? Why…do you want to help us?”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ve heard about your deeds in Arlaine, Lady Steelheard. But still, this place isn’t somewhere a Lady of noble birth like you should be. And the disease, pardon my frankness, is sexual in nature. And yet, you speak of it like the way you speak of a common cold,” she paused, trying to form words that would not offend. “Also, I’m sorry for saying this, Lady Steelheart. I have invited Alchemists and Healers that I know to try and find a cure, but none of them have found a way yet.”

Connie chuckled at her reaction. “Understandable. But first let me be clear, what I am doing is not altruism. Prince Elhart had promised me a reward fitting for risk. And second, my way of doing things is different to normal Healers or Alchemists, at the very least, you will have nothing to lose if you help me. And most of all,” Connie paused. “Giving a chance for even Courtesans to have a chance to rise like The Woman did, is something I respect. Would be a shame if it all crumbled down because of a disease.”

The Woman, Madame Griselda was reminded of the confident, unmovable woman that had helped the Courtesans rise from the mud and how she strove to emulate her.

Hearing her words, Madame Griselda shook her head with a smile. “I never suspected that a Lady like you would be so realistic in her view,” even though she said that, it was actually more acceptable to her. As a woman of the underworld, she knew well that everything has a price. And to protect the place where women who had no other way to live stayed standing, she’d give anything. Altruism. Such an envious thing had no place in her book.

“To be honest, it’s been hard for the girls. Ever since the disease spread in the Red-Light District, we’ve lost many of our clients and it’s beginning to look bad for the industry.”

“I can see that, but I still saw many women outside. Some of them had visible sores. Most of them likely to be afflicted.”

“Yes. Those women are the more unfortunate ones. Too old or too ugly to be in a brothel, but desperate enough to sell their bodies regardless of the risk.”

“Hmm…” Connie sighed. “In any case, all we can do now is to start with what we can control. We can take care of the rest later. For starters, how many people are afflicted with this disease in this establishment?”

“Fifteen,” Madame Griselda answered. “Eleven of those are Carnation-Rank Courtesans. The other two are Camellias.”

“I’ve heard about your flower girls. Can you explain to me about the details?”

“Sure. We have four level of Courtesans here. Carnations are new hires, inexperienced and cheap. Camellias are those who are more experienced. We also have Daisies, who are near their retirement age, most of them are usually acting as teachers to the Carnations and Camellias. And then, we have Roses. The lead ladies of our establishment. At this time, only two women held this rank. Scarlet and Rosanna.”

“Hoh, even here, people have ranks. Sort of like a Guild, eh?” Connie rubbed her chin. “Ah, you said there are fifteen. Who - ”

A banging on the door stopped Connie's track of thought.

“Excuse me for a moment,” the woman briskly sped to the door and opened it. A young woman stood there with panic in her eyes. “Madame! We have people making trouble!!”

“Where are our bodyguards? Are they sleeping or something?”

“They were knocked out cold by the intruders!”

“Dammit," the woman spat out. "Get somewhere safe. I’ll head down myself.”

“Trouble in paradise?” Connie said. She was already disguised as she walked past her, clearly quite pleased with her joke. “Lead on, then. I’ll throw in my help as a bonus.”

The young lady of the Steelheart house was unlike the Ladies that she had met. And for some reason, she reminded her of The Woman. Especially the way she took charge so effortlessly.

They went down the stairs and saw Nick with one foot on top of a bearded man’s back.

“Fuck!” He cursed when he noticed that the stitching of his trousers was frayed. “Do you know how much I spent for this?!”

“Mark!” Connie growled. “What’s going on?”

Nick, who was not used to the fake name, turned around belatedly. “Mila - I mean, S-Swinton! This guy just burst into the room and scared the girls. So, I knocked some sense into him. He’s got no fight in him, though.”

Down below, a young dandy surrounded by thuggish looking men was shouting angrily. “Where’s she? Where’s Rosanna?!”

“Oh no,” Griselda frowned.

“You know him?” Connie asked.

The woman sighed as she pushed on her forehead with the tip of her folded fan. “Yes. I’ll take care of this.” She then opened her fan and walked down the stairs to the first floor. “Lord Karn. What is the meaning of this?! Why are you bringing violent men into my establishment?”

The young man, with well-built physique and immaculate brown coat and shiny boots, pointed at the woman angrily. “Madame Griselda! Though I respect you, this is the twelfth time you have rebuffed my desire to meet with the beautiful Rosanna.”

Madame Griselda took a deep breath, trying to hold her anger in. “For the last time, Lord Karn. Rosanna said that she doesn’t want to meet you.”

“You’re lying! Sweet Rosanna wouldn’t do that! I shudder to think how lonely she would be without me. And you! You just want to separate us!!”

“Is he…is he simple or something?” Connie whispered to Griselda.

“He’s just an idiot. A very rich one, but still an idiot,” the woman whispered back while covering her mouth with her fan.

“Look, kid. When a woman said no, that means no,” Nick said haughtily. “You’ve gotta learn these things if you wanna be a real man!”

“Enough of your lies! I want to meet Rosanna. And if you won’t let me meet her, then I’m gonna have to force my way in!”

“Lord Karn!!” Griselda tried to complain, but Connie had descended the stairs with a mischievous glint in her eyes. Nick followed suit, cracking his neck with a smile.

“Beating down arrogant little shits after a good buzz,” Nick said. “Are you sure this isn’t my birthday?”

“No killing, Mark. Just make sure they learn their lessons,” Connie said, as she scanned the room for opponents. “Even if that lessons might involve learning what cold hard floor tastes like.”

“Get them!!”

A man rushed towards Nick with a winded up punch, which was countered with a swift blow to the chin, taking him down instantly. Another one came from the side and tackled him, he intended to push him down, but Nick’s feet were planted firmly on the floor, not even moving an inch.

“Good try. Watch your stomach!” With a grin he kneed him so hard that the man threw up his dinner and passed out.

Two large thugs swung at Connie, who, though she looked slow from the fat, moved so swiftly it was like looking at a feather blown by the wind. As she ducked to dodge a hard kick, she moved past two flower girls and pilfered the scarf of the taller girl.

“May I borrow this, ladies?”

“Hah!” seeing a punch coming, Connie fell back, landing with her butt on a sofa and kicked the attacked in the groin. The next man ran at her intending to kick her stomach, but she turned the sofa onto its side, making him hit his shin on the hard wood.


As he was jumping in pain, an Energy-infused scarf wound around his other leg and he was sent flying with a powerful tug.

The girls watched in awe and cheered at the showy beatdown, enraging the biggest thug standing beside the dandy. When he was about to draw the sword on his waist, the dandy shouted.

“Stop! No swords! We’re not here to kill people!” he warned him.

“Dammit Karn! We’re getting slaughtered out there!”

“No swords!”

“HRRGH! Fuck this!” The man jumped into action, unleashing a flurry of fist that in the eyes of Connie, was as slow as a slug going down a leaf. She avoided them with ease before catching his wrist with the scarf and twisted it around his back and kicked him onto a table. Upon which time an overexcited girl hit the thug’s head with a wooden chair, knocking him out.

Nick, who saw this, clapped appreciatively. “Good work, girl!”

And now, alone, the young dandy still refused to back down. Standing defiantly against the fat man who just wiped out his men with a lady’s scarf.

“Gotta hand it to you. You’ve got guts at least,” Connie commented.

“Taste the power of my love!!”

The young dandy swung at Connie with a force one would call as powerful as a child’s punch. It was so weak Connie did not bother moving and let it land on her fake stomach, which happened to be Chen’s body.

With a deadpan face, Connie flicked the man on the forehead, controlling her power so that it only made him spun once in the air instead of outright killing him. Bored of this farce, she grabbed him by the collar and growled. “Just a spoiled highborn son, being too big for his big boy pants.”

“I won’t…back down,” the man said, as he flailed futilely trying to escape her hold. “I will see…Rosanna.”

Connie furrowed her brow. The man was so straightforward in his desire that it went from being foolish to almost admirable.

Then, a small voice called out to him “Lord Karn…!”

A young girl with floppy dog ears called out from the top of the steps.

“Lia, what are you doing here? Get back upstairs!” Madame Griselda scolded her.

“I…I,” the girl’s fists clenched up as she bit her lips. She rubbed her eyes that had begun to tear up briskly. She then said. “Miss Rosanna said to let him come up.”

The Fourth floor of the club was reserved for the women who had attained the title, Rose. Standing by a plain white door was a beautiful woman wearing long, flowing skirt decorated with expensive jewels. She had a gorgeous red hair, bound tightly, giving her the image of a neat lady of noble birth.

“Scarlet,” Griselda called gently.

“She’s up,” the woman took a glance at the disappointing dandy, but said nothing.

“Rosanna! My sweet! Finally, we meet again!” Karn did not wait until the door fully open before entering the room. Then, the enthusiastic call of love turned silent.

Griselda stood aside and bade Connie to come into the room with a respectful nod.

As she went in, Connie saw a dark room lit only by a few candles on the bedside. The smell of perfume was overwhelming, and she could taste the sour hint of vomit in the air. “Ah, I see…she’s one of the fifteen.”

“Ro-rosanna?” Karn said, , his mouth agape. “Your face…”

A beautiful woman with brown hair sat upright on a bed. She was wearing a pale white nightgown, which stood contrast to the red rash on her skin. And on the side of her lips, were large sores the size of a thumb.

“Karn…” the woman said his name sternly. “Now, you’ve seen what has become of me. So, I beg of you. Leave us in peace.”

As a Noble, Karn was familiar with the sign of the illness that has been spreading in the high society. Thus, as soon as he laid eyes on her, he knew what happened. “That is…the Infidelity Disease. How are you -?”

“Because it is her job,” Madame Griselda said, bringing down reality onto the head of the dandy.

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