Wreath of Lilies, Cauldron of Poison

Chapter 170: Liberation Through Suffering

Chapter 170

Liberation Through Suffering

With a wave of her hand, the Water of Purna Anitya trailed through the air and went into the giant cocoon. She then put the finished Pill to rest on top of her discarded robe.

After that, she assumed the Lotus position and placed a hand on the bones, slowly refining them; integrating it into her own. Golden, divine light surged into her body, fortifying her mortal bones. The divine power seeped into every pore in her bones and washed her marrow.

A few hours later, the Divine Bones were spent and reduced to white-chalky substance which crumbled at the merest touch.

Connie stood up, invigorated. She could feel the change inside her body. Merely standing up gave her the feeling of stability of an ancient tree.

“Ah, such a wonderful sensation. The Marrow Washing is truly magical,” she said with a brief sigh. “The next step would not be as enjoyable, unfortunately.”

She then took off her clothes, folding it neatly in front of her. She then took off the amulet that Sidonai gave her. She palmed it thoughtfully before dropping it onto the pile.

The two Contracted Beasts watched as she walked toward the Pill, fully bare as the day as she was birthed.

She took the Pill into her hand and gazed at it, heart thumping with excitement. But that excitement also came with nervousness.

Intent on delaying no more, she placed the Pill on her tongue. As soon as she did that, she swallowed in in one gulp. She felt it go down her throat and into her stomach. Then she felt a strange coldness seeping from within.

At first, there was no apparent effect. Then suddenly, Connie’s body jerked backwards and she released a guttural scream that hurt her throat.


Within an instant, her soft skin turned grey and dry; veins bulging red and black, crawling all over her body. Blood - black and rank - mixed with fresh crimson poured out of every orifice on her face. Her supple cheek sunk and she became so emaciated that she looked almost like a desiccated corpse.

The Pill sapped her vitality, so much that she could no longer stand and fell onto her knees, clutching at her chest.

She quickly took a stance she learned during her years having to suffer under her old Master. Connie bent her body backward with her head between her elbows until they were parallel with the floor. Her knees and forelegs were also touching the floor in that position, making it so that her stomach protruded naturally.

With this position, she could focus the power of the Pill to be contained in her Poison Core, instead of wreaking havoc inside her body.She gritted her teeth so hard that her gums bled as she focused on controlling the chaotic Energy.

Slowly, the pain began to subside and she could feel her Poison Core had begun to change to accommodate the power of the Pill of Nayuta Dukkha.

After hours of holding that position, Connie finally managed to fully contain the power and fell to her side, coughing out black blood that hissed when it touched the stone floor. I’ve succeeded…hah…hah…” she panted, groaning as she tried to stand up. The earlier feeling of strength upon washing her marrow was replaced with a feeling of weakness. She did not even have the strength to make a fist.

Yao-Er and Chen moved towards her, but they were stopped by a harsh admonishment.

“Don’t!” she yelled through a series of heavy coughs. Spatters of black dirtied her lips as she moved towards the Cocoon. “No matter what happens, don’t stop me. Otherwise, everything will be for naught!”

She climbed into the cocoon and submerged herself halfway into the potent poison. At that time, the poison did not do any harm on her as she used the last bits of her Energy to resist the Water of Purna Anitya.

“Do it,” Connie ordered. Yao-er jumped into position and began to spin the silk for the last stretch of the cocoon. She watched her loyal friend’s face as the last bit of light from the gap on top of the cocoon was finally gone.

Once it was finished, everything was silent and dark. She could not hear anything but the beating of her heart.

Slowly, Connie relaxed her body and began to prepare herself. She slowed down her breathing, opened all her Apertures and submerged herself fully into the liquid.

Then she released her Energy and took a lungful of the Water of Purna Anitya.

Immediately, as if alive, the Water of Purna Anitya swelled until it filled the gaps inside the cocoon, rendering escape impossible.

The final and most dangerous step of her plan for rebirth had begun.

Connie clutched at her throat, as the powerful poison burned her insides. She wanted to scream but her lung was already filled with the deadly liquid. She was about to pass out, but the pain from having her skin melted, flesh and sinew liquefying was greater than she ever imagined.

Like fire. Hellfire. Burning inside her and outside her. The pain came in waves. Giving her temporary relief only to assault her with more pains seconds after.

The Poison Core, strengthened by the Pill of Nayuta Dukkha, reacted violently at the intrusion of the new poison. It tried to refine the Water of Purna Anitya. However, the poison was too potent, too complex, and too powerful for the Poison Core to simply refine. So, it drew on Connie’s life force to compensate.

This caused Connie’s body to start breaking down. Floating between conscious and unconsciousness, Connie’s vision began to dim.

She could feel it. In her heart of hearts. The time is near.

It was then that she saw a burst of light.

She heard the laughter of a child. Along with the aroma of freshly cut flowers.

She then felt the touch of warm skin on her cheek, and saw a face of love long lost.

Her Dao Symbol shone.

Her Poison Core swelled.

Outside the Soul Binding Cocoon, the Poison Slime and the Golden Silkworm could only watch on, as the greenish light radiating from within the cocoon faded into darkness.

Outside the Dungeon, a few days had passed.

The day had grown dark and the Dark Elves had gathered in the middle of their circle of tents. They were eating slowly as their bodies were hurting all over. At least it was better than the first day when they were beaten so badly that the non-fighters had to feed them by hand.

Akula, who had finished eating, saw that the regular seat of her silver-haired friend was empty.

“Did you see where she went?” Akula asked Arryn, who was sharpening her short sword. She gestured towards her left and handed her a bowl of thick gruel.

“She hasn’t eaten yet?”

Arryn nodded and expressed her worry. The Centaur gave her a short thanks before heading towards the direction of the Dungeon’s Entrance.

She found Illumca sitting on a large boulder, her eyes staring at the dark maw of the Dungeon as if it was her nemesis.

“You’ve gotta eat something, Illumca,” Akula offered the bowl with still steaming gruel inside.

“I’m not hungry.”

“Don’t lie. Cultivators don’t need to eat as often, but they still go hungry,” she said.

Illumca eyed her curiously. Akula laughed softly. “I’ve learned a lot about Cultivators from the Madame,” she once again offered the bowl. “Eat. Something warm in your stomach will help.”

Illumca looked at the well-meaning Centaur and silently took the bowl and took two spoonfuls before putting it aside. Although she treated most people harshly, she could not do the same for the Centaur. Not after she had helped her so many times.

Akula sat next to the boulder. The two of them looked on without saying anything. This went on for an hour before Illumca broke the silence. “Aren’t you going to ask?”

“No,” she shook her head. “My mother once did the same when my father had to fight a great battle. You had the same face as she did.”

“Did he return safely?”

“Yes. But that did not make it any easier for the one waiting,” she replied. “I’ll just say this though. Connie will return. I’m sure of it. She’s too tough to die just because of something like this.”

“…” Illumca returned her attention towards the Dungeon.

“It’s getting dark. We should go rest.”

“You go ahead. I’ll stay here,” Despite Akula’s assurance, Illumca could not disperse of her worry yet.

“Then I’ll keep you company.”

“Suit yourself.”

Akula smiled as she turned towards the Dungeon. Though she had said as much, she too, could not help but feel her heart pained from this worry.

Don’t die, you Yurtug. You haven’t shown me what a Hero is yet.

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