World of Experts

Chapter 168: New Weapons (1)

“Cough! Cough!” Soaring Through the Highest Heaven coughed a few times: “Everyone, Heavenly Kong Village has created a batch of standard-grade ‘dragon spirit…”

“Oh… dragon spirit?”

Obviously, many people present here didn’t know what dragon spirit was.

Therefore, Soaring Through the Highest Heaven had a chance again.

“Cough! Cough!” Soaring Through the Highest Heaven continued: “This dragon spirit is… (see in chapter 122 for details), in short, it is similar to a summoning weapon. After the beast is summoned, it can fight for the summoner, and it will resurrect in 12 hours after its death. It’s amazing.”

Fa Zheng was quite proud. He had agreed to let Soaring Through the Highest Heaven’s Heavenly Kong Village to join Twin Dragons Faction because of the Taming Field. As for Pei Yuanqing and others, they were studying the might of the dragon spirit.

There was just one person who looked a little strange. He was Passionate Archer.

“Uh…” Passionate Archer had some objections: “This dragon spirit, which profession do you want to give it? It can summon only one flying dragon and the summoned flying dragon can only launch melee attacks. Even if it inherits the archer’s skills, it can’t use them. As for commanders, it is even more useless. The summoned beast cannot inherit the group buff skills. For a knight, it’s also of little significance. The summoned beast will fight automatically under the control of the system AI, but the system cannot give high combat intelligence to the summoned beast. Therefore, it is better for the knights to hold weapons to hack people. In the end, it seemed to be only useful for strategists. They can use dragon spirits to use skills on the battlefield for them. However, in terms of increasing combat power, there’s no meaningful effect…”

Upon hearing this, Fa Zheng suddenly smiled, calmly stood up and explained: “You are right, this summoned beast is truly not too useful for other professions. But for the strategists, it’s absolutely a life-saving divine artifact, still, the summoned beast is just limited to saving life. However, you have missed fighters. When the fighters used the summoned beasts, it’s akin to having an extra life. For other professions, just having an extra life might not be counted as something amazing, but for fighters, who are the flesh shield, having an extra life, wouldn’t that mean that it would be even harder to break through them…”

Passionate Archer thought about it again and understood. It seemed that this dragon spirit was mainly suitable for the fighter-classed soldiers. At that time, on the battlefield, when a group of dragon spirits that inherited the stats of fighters stopped the enemy’s attack, that scene would be very shocking.

In addition, after the summoned beasts died, there would still be a defense line of the fighters. Without double layers of defense, it would be impeccable.

At this point, everyone understood the usage of the dragon spirits.

Therefore, someone suggested: “Okay! It’s boring to just talk, let’s go to test it…”

He was none other than Soaring Through the Highest Heaven himself. When he arrived at the Twin Dragons Village, he had already given a batch of dragon spirits to Wang Fu. And Wang Fu naturally gave this batch of equipment to carefully selected 100 elite soldiers of the Twin Dragons Village.

At this moment, those 100 soldiers were neatly waiting at the gate of the Twin Dragons Village.

No one had an objection to Soaring Through the Highest Heaven’s proposal.

Soon, Shi Hao and others arrived at a monster spawning point outside Twin Dragons Village.

Speaking about it, this place was also within the range of Twin Dragons Village.

After all, Twin Dragons Village had already become a town. Its territory already covered 200 square kilometers. This area was not too small in the <<Kingdom>>.

In fact, there were many big and small monsters respawning points within the territory of Twin Dragons Village. With so many respawning points, regardless of small monsters, elite monsters or field BOSSes, it was impossible for just Twin Dragon Village’s over 2,000 soldiers to eat them all.

Therefore, within the territory of Twin Dragons Village, many loose players came here to level up.

However, many loose players liked to level up within the territory of Twin Dragons village not because the monsters here gave more experience or the monsters here were comparatively special, but mainly because it was free to farm monsters here.

If you go to Wu Batian’s Heavenly Dragon Village, then you would be charged roughly 1,000 copper coins per day to level up here. If you want to poach here, then you would have to see if Pan Feng’s broadsword would agree or not first. Pan Feng would often patrol around the territory of Heavenly Dragon Village with a team. It was to level up his squad while also monitoring whether these fellows would pay the fees on time or not.

Besides, if you dare to go to farm monsters in the territory of Qin Zheng’s Xianyang Village, then it would be a death penalty. Within the territory of Qin Zheng’s Xianyang Village, only those people permitted by Qin Zheng were allowed to hunt. As for everyone else, they would be massacred. There was absolutely no room for negotiation. You don’t need to think about it.

At this moment, Shi Hao looked around and saw some monsters with low defense such as tigers, cheetahs and bandits. Naturally, the level of these monsters had also increased. They were not weak like in the past. If these monsters didn’t level up along with the upgrade of the village, then wouldn’t there be no monsters to hunt in the later stage? The system would naturally not set it up like this.

Shi Hao looked at the expression of Feng Tianhao and others. Everyone also thought that this was the right place.

Shi Hao then said: “Summon the dragon spirits…”

After his command, a total of 100 lights flashed in unison. It might not be too conspicuous alone, but with so many of them here together, it was like a flash bomb. The surroundings suddenly became three times brighter.

Only allowed on

Immediately afterward, beast roars resounded. These roars were the roars of dragon spirits after they appeared. Merely, it was not the Fire Dragon King’s roar. It sounded scary, but it didn’t have any destructive power. No! If it was a sneak attack at night, then coupled with the flash bomb effect, it might have some destructive power. At least, it might be able to scare a coward to death.

Unfortunately, it was broad daylight now. It was hard to scare anything to death.

However, the shocking scene of these 100 flying dragons still surprised those loose players who were focused on monsters in front of them.

Soon, some lost their lives as a result and had to spend a few days in the system death prison.

Eh? Would someone be scared to death in this broad daylight?

Alas! Those people died not because of being scared to death.

A part of them was too focused on watching the battle of the flying dragons, accidentally forgetting the monsters with high attack and low defense in front of them.

Those people who died like this could only blame themselves.

The death of the remaining part was too miserable.

They died because their teammates, who were responsible to resist the monsters and attract the agro, just watched the show and forgot their responsibilities, which eventually led to the complete wipeout of the teammates on the back…

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