Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic

Book 6: Chapter 60

Somewhere in the Capital of Earth

Five years later

Cameras flash at the large stage within the Grand Hall of the Capital’s City Hall as two people stand atop the stage in front of each other.

Of these two people, one of them stands wearing a set of black and white armor, with the black part being largely made up of a powerful Noble demon’s shell and the white being the silk of an Arachnae. Meanwhile the other is wearing a royal formal uniform made out of metallicized blood that looks like regular silk and fits well with his wolf ears. The uniform is red and black in design and gives off an intimidating air around the man whose very presence still stills the air around him.

“And with this, it has been established,” the White Knight of Humanity declares as she shakes her hand with the Demon King’s hand. Her father-in-law’s hand. “Earth is now in a permanent alliance with the demons of Tartarus, and to celebrate this occasion, we have created a new holiday. The Day of the Blood Moon, named after our savior and my daughter, the Wolf of the Blood Moon, Scarlet Art Asger de Archeron.”

The cameras flash even more with her words, the long-awaited day finally having arrived.

Over the course of the past two decades since the Wolf of the Blood Moon defeated the Voided Overlord, Amelia has been working together with the Demon King and the four Demon Lords in order to finally establish a sense of equality between the humans and demons. Something that’s been a long time coming.

At first she struggled with getting the demons and humans to treat each other equally, since the demons are still responsible for billions of human deaths over the years, and the humans are far weaker than the demons. Making it difficult for either side to look at the other the same.

But thanks to the help of the Demon King and Amelia’s grandfather-in-law, along with her mate, she has finally managed to succeed.

The Demon King grins at her, showing just how much closer the two have become over the years that Scarlet has been missing. Which is just one of the many changes that’ve occurred.

Amelia smiles back at him before the two of them turn around to face the cameras that are still flashing. Meanwhile TVs and large screens all across Earth and Tartarus – the technology having been implemented on Tartarus over the years as well – showing the two of them standing side by side.

And just like that, the rest of the ceremony passes in a flash.

After the ceremony, Amelia finds herself collapsing onto a couch in exhaustion, albeit with a smile on her face. Then she turns on the TV, finding it talking about the ceremony itself.

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But she quickly turns it back off again as she turns her head to stare upwards at the ceiling. As if she were staring through the building at space high above them, where Scarlet is still sleeping.

“She’ll be back,” she hears Leonidas say as he appears behind her, reforming from blood before putting his arms around her from behind the couch. “And it’ll be like she never even left.”

“Yeah…” Amelia mutters, still wishing her daughter would return sooner.

A few seconds pass in silence before Amelia feels the corners of her lips quirking upwards a little as she looks down at her belly.

“I hope she comes back in time,” Amelia says while rubbing her belly that hasn’t started showing any visible signs yet. And Leonidas nods his head without a word as he continues hugging her.

A knock on their door from someone Amelia and Leonidas had already been expecting thanks to their senses makes Amelia press a button on her terminal, opening the door from her couch. Then Cynthia and Allen both walk into their house before moving towards the room the two of them are in.

“Nice work with the broadcast,” Allen says after entering the room and moving over to grab a beer. Meanwhile Cynthia moves up to Amelia and kneels down while asking, “Any problems?”

“No, my null magic and the Demon King’s Blood Domain are handling the mixed species problems a lot better this time around,” Amelia says with a wide smile on her face, making both Allen and Cynthia let out a sigh of relief.

Over the years, the four have grown a lot closer to each other thanks to the connection that is Scarlet. And everyone’s been worried ever since they heard news of Amelia’s pregnancy about the child due to the problems with having hybrid children.

“And what about Belle?” Amelia asks, looking up at Cynthia. “How is little Ryan doing?”

Cynthia smiles as she thinks about her seven-year-old grandson before answering, “He’s as adorable as always.”

That response makes Amelia chuckle before she lightly taps Leonidas’s arms, prompting him to finally let go of her as she stands up.

“Are those two still waiting for Scarlet to return to have their official ceremony?” Amelia asks while walking over to the fridge to grab some ice cream.

“That’s the plan,” Allen answers while sipping a beer.

Amelia smiles at that. At the friendship between her daughter and theirs.

The fact that she would hold off her official wedding ceremony for twenty years just to let Scarlet be there. Even if they did have their marriage legalized just to make sure Ryan wasn’t considered a bastard by society.

After grabbing her ice cream, Amelia walks back over to the couch and sits down again. Only for her mate to immediately put his arms around her from behind again, making her roll her eyes in exasperation.

“And Aria?” Cynthia asks with a worried expression. “Has she… improved any?”

Amelia feels a slight pit form in her stomach at the reminder.

But before she can say anything, a strange surge of energy passes through the entire world, shocking them all. And after a brief pause, the ones who were sitting immediately stand up straight while the others stiffen up. Then they all rush towards the balcony and look towards the skies to find a blood red moon high in the sky.

Right as Leonidas begins to speak, he’s cut off by another surge of energy.

Then another.

And another.

Finally, one last surge races across the entire universe. A surge that doesn’t vanish like the others and just remains steady.

And the energy itself?

Not a single person amongst the group doesn’t recognize it.

Amelia feels tears begin to flow down her eyes as she mutters, “She’s back.”

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