Within the Darkness

Chapter Eight: Clarity

Pitch and Kat met back up at his place, with Kat holding a tablet. “This tablet has everything that Black Eagle and NexGen know about Cryptids. Turns out Black Eagle has been taking their captured specimens to our lab dead or alive and that's what is in the basement. There is also a second sub basement with some sort of special generator. This means whoever cut the power was one of six people including the head researcher himself.”

Pitch grabbed the tablet and scrolled through it clicking on multiple files. “These things don't even seem to follow any of the same rules as normal organic life. What one would consider their DNA is completely different and some of them have extremely different anatomy from anything that evolved here with many of these things looking human. Just look at all these classifications. Cascadian? A type of Cryptid that can feed off of or has gained a tie to fear of the Cryptid itself in addition to its original source fear in order to propagate.”

Kat nodded. “There are also a small handful of Cryptids that can reproduce using something closer to normal organic processes. For example the two different Wendigo Cryptids can reproduce using something similar to viral by hacking where they convert hosts into more members of its own species. Then there are Doppelgangers and Sasquatch that can reproduce sexually the same way humans can. It's believed that the Sasquatch is one of the few examples of a Cryptid that isn't spawned from a powerful negative emotion. Instead it's thought that Sasquatch were once a naturally existing species near extinction and our desire to find them resulted in a sort of hybrid Cryptid saving but changing the species.”

Pitch out his hand on his chin while looking through more files. “Do they… have files on others like myself?” Kat nodded. “Check under Nyctophobian. The species designation is Umbran. Apparently it's the only known Nyctophobian Cryptid and there are so few of them that Black Eagle believed that they were dealing with the last remaining member.” Pitch looked through the files and his eyes widened. “I knew it. That attack when I was in the first grade, my nightmare, was real. Somehow that creature is tied to what's happening now.”

Kat moved over to Pitch and pointed at the tablet. “There are also pictures of cave paintings. I'm not exactly good at interpreting pictures.” Pitch finds and opens the files. The first images depict early humans imagining monsters in the shadows. As they do so a sort of black smoke comes out of them and forms real monsters that attack the early humans. One of the monsters depicted looks like an Umbran. “So it seems the ancients believed that their fear created these monsters much like some of our scientists theorize. There are several depictions of them running, hiding, and fighting off the monsters.”

Pitch moves to another drawing that seems to show several Unbrans all ripping apart and grading on humans. The ones with more humans fed on have more skills drawn inside them and are drawn bigger to accommodate the skulls. “This one shows a crap ton of Unbrans feeding on humans, and the more they feed the more powerful they get.” The next painting shows humans seeing lightning hit wood and light it on fire causing a few Unbrans to back away. Then another painting shows humans lighting torches and using them to keep Unbrans at bay.

Pitch hummed. “So it seems these early Unbrans either had zero resistance to fire or were big babies about even the smallest amount of pain. Early humans realized they would back away from fire and quickly weaponized it. This next one has ones with a high number of skulls getting past the torches while ones with less skulls stay back indicating the ones with higher body counts and thus more power could push through the defenses.”

Pitch looked at the next image that shows humans creating bigger fires and hanging primitive lanterns to increase their defense, adapting faster then the Unbrans could adjust as now only the most powerful of them could make it through their defenses. “Humans created better defenses, faster than Unbrans could overcome them leaving only the most powerful able to continue to feed. The image after this seems to depict them turning to cannibalism to gain enough power to overcome us. Choosing quality over quantity they reduced their own numbers from many to just a few.”

The next image shows the small number of Unbrans who were now able to hunt again and were killing humans, but one is different, being drawn with a single highly detailed and large skull. This one member is shown continuing to cannibalize other Umbrans. The last panel shows just that Umbran. “It seems to depict that despite being able to overcome our defenses one Umbran realized it was far more lucrative to continue to cannibalize other members of its kind until only it remained. Though it would be the last in the area that doesn't mean last in the world. Though this likely happened all over the world as early mankind developed and adapted. You'd be lucky to have a few on every continent.”

Kat put her hand on her chin. “So Umbrans are rare due to excessive cannibalism and for some reason new members are not propagating. Either there isn't enough concentrated Nyctophobia, or new entities are being killed off by either humans or the older and more powerful Umbran of the region. It is likely they developed some way of detecting other members of their own kind, seeing them as competition or prey.” Pitch nodded. “Explains why there was only just the one around here but does nothing to explain my current existence.”

Kat puts her hand on her chin. “I think I know why you are drawn to the lab now though. It's likely Umbrans feed on other Cryptids as well as humans. Acting more like a normal predator in a normal ecosystem. From what I've seen Cryptids normally don't compete against others even of different kinds. There also is little to no evidence of any positive social structure among any Cryptid species besides Doppelgangers, Sasquatch, and oddly enough the Succubus. Because apparently those are a real thing. Of course there would be a lust based Cryptid, it's one of the stronger base emotions we have.”

Pitch swipes through the tablet again. “There have been signs of both the Wendigo variants and the Ghoul tend to travel in small packs and it's possible since Wendigo convert humans that they can reproduce sexually. Although pack hunting does not necessarily mean they have a social structure. Just that they realized group hunting is a broken and overpowered tactic used by many predators. It's allowed smaller predators like weasels to roll up on much bigger threats. So imagine how effective it would be for a creature in the same weight class as a bear.”

Kat goes a bit pale. “Bears hunting like wolves is an absolutely terrifying thought. Especially knowing there used to be a canine relative closer in size to a bear that likely hunted in packs. Though if I remember right those were closer to a coyote than a wolf.” Pitch nodded. “It's a good thing I'm immune to anything most Cryptids can do. I only have a small number of weaknesses, meaning the only significant threat to me are humans.”

Kat shifts around. “And technically Doppelgangers. Analytics estimates that one in eight people living in the world are Doppelgangers with a total population of around a billion. Meaning that in any crowded area you have ever been in there was definitely at least one Doppelganger there. They live completely normal lives and have secret communities where only other Doppelgangers and maybe Black Eagle knows who and what they are. Most of them create unique identities and just live normal lives.”

Pitch tilted his head. “So they don't kill and replace people?” Kat shook her head. “Only a small minority still do that. The majority of them integrated into human society. They became so much like us that killing or eating us started to feel wrong among most of them. Since they can self propagate they don't need to drive up their origin fear to continue existing. Just like humans they basically self domesticated.” Pitch chuckled. “That's actually really interesting. I'd bet other kids of Cryptids can't even tell the difference and prey on Dopples just the same.”

Kat nodded. “Black Eagle actually treats Doppelgangers the same as other civilians. Same with the Sasquatch, though they exist in small nomadic tribes that stick to the wilderness as far away from civilization as possible. Sasquatch have intelligence comparable to our own and are even capable of language. They are basically an advanced type of Amish as far as Black Eagle is concerned since they rarely encounter and thus rarely harm humans. They just want to be left alone. There are an estimated ten thousand Sasquatch across the Americas. Mostly found in the US and Canada. The Yeti is considered a branch of the Sasquatch that lives in the mountainous areas of the US, Canada, and in the himalayas. It's believed the root species existed around the world alongside early homosapiens and neanderthals.”

Pitch nodded. “So a lost relative of humanity that sort of went extinct but was revived or saved from that fate by becoming a Cryptid hybrid thanks to us. Makes me wonder what other kinds of hybrids can exist. Sasquatch, Doppelgangers, and Succubi are similar enough to humans that they should be capable of intermingling.” Kat nodded. “No record exists of a human and a Sasquatch or Yeti mating but there are reports of human and dopple as well as human and succubi relations. The result of the former is normally a human that takes after almost entirely after the human parent. Sometimes they'll have anomalies like double jointed parts or really bendy bones.”

Pitch lets out a small grunt of disgust. “I don't know why but the phrase “bendy bones” bothers me.” Kat giggled before continuing. “When a human and succubus produces offspring it is also mostly indistinguishable from a normal human. They'll have a naturally high charisma and sometimes stronger pheromones than average humans but not nearly on the level of the succubus. Because the majority of succubi avoid being overly hostile they too are treated like regular civilians by Black Eagle. The minority that still kill humans are treated similar to regular criminals but held by Black Eagle.”

Pitch nods. “I imagine most succubi work in adult entertainment like gentlemen's clubs. Feeding a little bit off a large group or sometimes a bit more from a single person. Leaving them tired but alive. Also are we simply not going to distinguish the male incubus as a separate entity or…” Kat laughed. “Yeah, the males are a thing. It's just easier to use one word like with humans.” Pitch hummed. “I guess, it still feels a bit odd to lump them together and call the males succubus as well. I guess I'll have to get used to it.”

Together the two read up on all the information on Cryptids in the tablet. The result of the secret collaboration between Black Eagle and NexGen. Although they now had a lot of information and many questions were answered, Pitch didn't feel much closer to discovering his own answer to his more personal question. How and why was he now a Cryptid? How and why was he now an Umbran? What connection did the attack twenty one years ago have to what happened and was happening to Pitch?

The two spent so long reading files that Kat passed out on the couch with the tablet in her hand. Pitch put it on a charger and laid her down before putting a blanket on her. Since he had just had a big meal not long ago, Pitch didn't exactly need to eat. So Pitch went to his bed and laid in it like a human for the first time in years and closed his eyes. Eventually he reached his sleep mode while in his human facade.

Pitch slowly woke up to a dimly lit room in his own bed like a normal human. Sitting under the covers he felt a warmth unlike anything he had felt since his transformation. He felt comfortable and didn't want to get up. He simply shifted a bit in the bed when he realized the warmth wasn't coming from him. After all, he only produced body heat when he thought someone might notice the absence of it. As such he wouldn't have been doing so in his sleep. If he still had a heart, it would definitely race as he noticed the second body in his bed.

Kat, in the middle of the night, had crawled into his bed for some reason. She was cuddled up to his side with her leg over his. Both of them were fully clothed but Pitch still felt a bit embarrassed. Kat shifted a bit in her sleep and Pitch tensed up. “(If I were still human, I'd definitely be erect right now. If not from morning wood then the stimulation.)” Pitch slowly tried to wiggle out of Kat's grip without waking her, however she woke up as soon as he started moving.

Kat's face got red the moment she saw James' face next to her's. “H-hello.” Pitch refused to look at her. “Hi? Why are you in my bed?” Kat looked away. “I had a nightmare. I was going to just get a drink of water and go back to sleep, but when I looked up I saw a man looking into your living room window. He ran off when I screamed but I couldn't get back to sleep in that room, even with the window covered. So I…” Pitch finished “You came to what you considered the most secure room in the house?” Kat shook her head. “That would likely have been the bathroom or in the basement. There is a difference between the most secure room and the room I felt the safest in.”

Pitch knitted his brow. “So you felt safer cuddled up with a literal monster than in the basement or bathroom?” Kat slowly nodded. “Y-yeah. I guess.” Pitch sighed. “Kat, I eat people.” Kat turned her head looking farther away from Pitch. “Yeah but you saved me. You're not a bad person… monster… whatever. You're just trying your best in a bad situation. If I was in your place I'd be doing the same thing. So I can't blame you. Besides, when I look at you, even in your new form I don't…” Kat paused for a moment. “I don't see a monster.” Pitch looked at Kat, or rather the back of her head, turning over to do so. “Then what do you see?”

Kat shifted a bit, the realization that Pitch was now at her back hitting her. Her face reddened. “I still see the man I once knew. Lonely, scared, lost. Someone who's just trying to find their way, desperate for connection but too afraid of losing someone to reach out. I see… a kindred spirit. In a way, both of us wear a facade. I'm still… I'm still that shy little girl you once knew but I… force myself to smile and be friendly. To be forward and forthright. Because I've become more afraid of remaining alone than of losing the few people I already have.”

Pitch reached his arms around Kat and hugged her. “We're a team now Kat, I need you. Not just that but I want you around. I had forgotten just how lonely I was having slowly gotten used to my self imposed then externally imposed isolation. Humans are social creatures and mentally I'm still mostly human. As much as I denied it for years, I need friends. I need companionship. And I don't want some facade of a friendship. I want someone who knows me and accepts me. You know what I am, what I do, what I am capable of doing. Yet you… are willing to share a room and even a bed with me. You feel safe with me and trust me despite knowing.”

Kat shifted in the bed a bit. “I… think I should get out of the bed now. This uhh… feels more intimate then a friendship right now.” Pitch let her go. “You are the one that crawled into bed with me. Besides, this appearance is basically a costume remember. Physical intimacy is probably beyond me regardless of what I want.” Kat sat up in the bed. “What… do you want?” Pitch looked at her back as she continued to avoid eye contact. “What do you mean?” Kat turned her head a bit. “If things were different, if we had normal lives and reconnected… what would you have wanted? A simple friendship? To just push me away like everyone else?”

Pitch thought about it for a moment. If he was never turned into a monster and took this job and met Kat in a world where Cryptids didn't exist, what would he have done? “I think if you reached out to me upon recognizing me like you did, I would have at least wanted to try and be friends… despite myself.” Kat sighed. “I just… I don't know. When I first saw you at work I got so excited when I realized it was you. I've been so focused on work I neglected everything else so when you showed up I… remembered the last time I desired human connection. Realized how much I'd been missing out on. In a way, I forgot what it meant to be human as everything but my work faded away.”

Pitch put a hand on her shoulder. “I guess we both lost our way and forgot a little bit. Sure, we may never be the same again. We may never feel normal or human again. But we are still people. Two people who need one another. Not just as partners with a shared goal but as friends. Any developments from here can be dealt with as they come. The future is uncertain so there is little point in planning too much ahead. We'll figure stuff out as we go.” Kat puts her hand on Pitch's and turns to look at him. “O-okay. We'll sort things out as we go.” Pitch nodded. “First things first is figuring out if our peeping Tom is one of our lovely friends at Black Eagle or someone else.”

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