Shameless Professor

"That will be all for today, class dismissed. You can go, Terry."

The dark-haired boy smiled and bowed before putting away his training sword and rushing down the platform to join his group. It welcomed him with smiles and a few insults after noticing his sloppiness during the sparring session with their professor.

Well, with Luna as your instructor, your training will always be sloppy. The gap between her and everyone here was the size of the Grand Canyon, whatever that was. To be sincere, she almost felt bad for the kid.

While the rest of the students left the classroom, Diana and Regan stood and walked to the platform where Luna was waiting for them. It was time for them to do their jobs as assistants. While Diana seemed rather lively for most of the time, Regan was the complete opposite. The young prodigy of house Atlas rarely said a word to anyone. His face was ever calm and unreadable, turning him into someone hard to approach or talk to. He was only sixteen and his demeanor already belonged to a miserable old man like in those webtoons she always read about. Luna had recently learned that he was turning seventeen in early June. And since May was coming up, Luna wished to throw the grumpy quiet kid a birthday party.

'You're only seventeen once, after all. I can barely remember my birthdays for the past two years.'

"Professor Lunaris," Diana spoke as she put the swords in order.

Luna shifted her eyes to the brown-haired girl. "Yes? Also, what did I say about calling me 'Professor' in private? We're the same age…"

The girl's face suddenly turned red from embarrassment. "Oh, I forgot, sorry…." She scratched the back of her neck and continued. "Would you mind telling me how you and Ascender Lenadria are so strong at a young age?"

As soon as she asked that, Regan—who was carrying some equipment to the office—stopped to listen. He seemed rather interested in combat.

Seeing that she had his attention, Luna nodded and began. "I don't know if the other Great Houses or Clans. But as you know, The Feng Clan has always been a family that worked hard to preserve the old ways…especially in martial arts. My ancestors found beauty in martial arts and they endeavored to pass down each style they learned as they traveled the world. We have scrolls about those techniques in every Sect aside from the special techniques only meant for direct descendants of the bloodline such as myself and my sister. Since the fall, those techniques have been engraved into us from the moment we learn how to fight. Also…I started learning to fight from the time I started to walk, making us the strongest fighters in the world."

"That's a joke, right?" Regan's cut in, his face stuck in shock.

"How can it be? I defeated the updated training dummy without Zenshi because I was trained how to use the sword till it felt like an extension of my own body. My kicks and punches are powerful because I trained under increased gravity to increase my body density."

That was a lie. The reason why Luna was so good at the sword was simply because she inherited generations' worth of techniques due to her special blood. Of course she wasn't the best swordsman in the world, yet. But she wasn't someone to take so lightly in a sword fight. It was her favorite weapon and easier to use than a spear, mince, bow, and so much more.

And yes, she could wield more weapons if she wanted to.

Regan hissed. "But…mastery is supposed to take years. Lady Lenadria isn't even as good as you when it comes to hand-to-hand combat," he argued with a doubtful look in his red eyes. "I studied all her fights when she was in Sector 31 for the army recruitment tournament. Ascender Lena's sword techniques are dilute compared to the techniques you've demonstrated for the past two weeks. And before you ask, I know that because I've been trying to replicate your movements. I just got curious and tried to compare."

Luna was surprised Regan could catch on that quickly. He was right. Most styles will always appear dilute when compared to Luna's. Luna's styles were the peak of perfection and mastery. While most marital artists had to train for years to attain perfection for a specific technique while referring to books and scrolls, Luna could memorize, adapt fast, and let the technique sync with her body.

Similar to how the Dancing Maiden technique was now familiar to her after two weeks of consecutive training.

"I am also not sure. Now let's get back to the assistant duties. I pay the both of you too much to be slacking around with conversation."

Diana rolled her eyes and shook her head. "You only pay us ten credits per week, professor. The other assistants earn thirty."

Luna looked at Diana and chortled. "But House Atlas owns Atlas Technologies which has a revenue of about thirty billion credits in a year. House Artemis runs a whole settlement! Which means it earns as much as my own family…." she crossed her arms and forced a cough. "Thirty credits is less than pocket change compared to what you're given as allowance. So, since my allowance is going to pay for the damages I caused, you're lucky I'm giving you ten."

Diana gasped dramatically and pouted. While Regan shook his head out of disappointment and awe. Their professor was one hell of a cheapskate despite coming from House Feng, the strongest family in the Eastern Settlement and one of the five great houses of the New World.

Sighing, he interrupted the two girls with a cough to get their attention. He suddenly had an idea. "I'm fine with the low pay if Professor Luna offers me extra private classes and…"

"Ha! I have no problem with sharing my great knowledge with you. Though I will cut your pay to five credits." Luna cut in with a victorious grin. She desperately needed money after using what remained of her allowance to pay for the damages. And to make it worse, it was even enough to cover 30% of the repairs.

Luna was independent now, asking for money would destroy the small pride she had developed recently.

"Do we have a deal, Regan?"

"Yes, we do!" Regan nodded, his face unchanged. Yet, his eyes were burning with newfound excitement.

Diana on the other hand, her jaw almost dropped. Just how low was Professor Luna willing to go? How shameless were these terms?

Noticing the look on her assistant's face thoughts Luna thought to herself. 'Well…the academy's rules only state that the assistants must be paid. They were never specific with how much.'

"Sigh." Diana couldn't sideline the fact that Luna was indeed right. Thirty credits were pocket change to people like them. So, she took the same deal Regan offered. Learning from a daughter of House Feng was a privilege of its caliber.

"Alright. Nice doing business with you two, now let's get everything done. I have somewhere to be. So I won't be back until Monday."

"Is it about the Crimson Tower?" Diana's question was sudden and no one expected it. "I heard it's now a level 5 threat."

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