Wisher Beware

Chapter 40: Melancholy Interrupted

I glanced around at my guard detachment. Aside from Viter, I was encircled by four Kiymetl foxes. Wer, most likely. Hard to figure out since they hadn’t uttered a word so far. Wouldn’t even say their names.

Perhaps Aikerim found four mutes for my entourage.

I sighed and turned back to the bustling activity in front of me. A crowd of slaves with occasional reds and whites. Foxes and sheep. All of this was organized for my own sake, yet all I could feel in my heart was melancholy.

I had a very generous mistress. Both through the eyes of my past experiences as well as the judgement based on the deeper understanding of society. She could have been worse, much worse. She could have tortured me for information or took everything I’ve made for herself without worrying about my well-being. I wasn’t sure how well she would have fared then as I would have definitely retaliated, but that was irrelevant.

What spoilt my mood in the current situation is the difference in Aikerim’s response. When my family was nominated as the sacrifices, she had been sympathetic to my plight and even tried to ameliorate the situation somewhat. Which I was still grateful for.

But all that simply paled in comparison to this. It wasn’t my family that was in danger, I was threatened directly.

And Domina moved with all her might.

My entire contingent of workers had been sent away for a few days. The kilns and furnaces went cold and dark for the first time in days. All glass manufacture was obviously on hold too. I still had few finished pieces as well as few sheets of glass, but that would be all I would have for a week or so. Even soap was affected, but there was a lot of finished product already so that wasn’t an issue.

Irje and Yeva had gotten themselves a few restful days too. Which was great news, especially for Yeva since my music had stirred up memories on the dark part of her past. While she handled it rather well, a nice lounge and some gossip between the girls would definitely do her good. I tried to be there for her but there was a time and place for everything. I also didn’t want her to depend on me for everything either. Irje was still the only ‘friend’ she had so far, if one can even bother to call a fellow member of the sadaq as mere ‘friends’.

But the social activities of my wives can wait for later.

Right now I had the front seats to the first major usage of Flow. And despite the lack of any visual effects, the event still was eye-opening and jaw-dropping to my provincial murk self.

A dozen or so of grumpy and sickly-looking wermages literally stared walls into obedience. They didn’t chant in obscure tongues, there was very little smoke, mostly from fires and rock dust, and all mirrors were safely stored in my lab. They simply glared at the stone as if they were constipated, and walls moved. The outer walls of the manor, the height of which, while dwarfed by the walls of the city itself, still loomed two stories high above the ground.

Emanai knew of masonry, they knew concrete and had the magic to shape and form rocks. They were well-versed in architecture and knew their way on grand structures like that. They knew how to distribute the load with arches but with the magical abilities at their disposal they simply opted out for a 'solid mass of stone' design.

A definite favourite of guards and wealthy people alike, no doubt.

And now this tall and thick rock snake was slowly opening up. The manor, like a hungry cell, consuming yet another neighbourhood into itself. I had no idea who lived in it before, but when Domina demands a price it is in one's interest to accept the purchase. This was an affluent part of the city anyway, whoever it was they probably had other residences.

And now they had to move because a single murk needed space for his experiments.

Go Erf…

Actually scratch that. Go Irje. I would have been okay with a single warehouse or two and a private residence with few rooms. Irje went in and haggled something obscene from Aikerim instead. I saw the plans for the expansion and most of the new areas would be technically under my dominion. Despite being called something general like Domina’s Grounds.

The rest of their magic was quite utilitarian as well. Yet very limited in the breadth of use. Most of the general labour was still done with tools, hands, and backs of the slaves and workers alike, while wermages operated as a magical equivalent of heavy machinery. A single wersheep could turn a pile of rocks and a carefully obscured parchment with runes into a hulking golem. Yet these rocks were brought into that initial pile by murks.

Mages lifted and placed enormous cornerstones that would establish the perimeters of new walls, yet none of them had moved even a single handful of sand or dirt.

One could always argue that they saw themselves above the most mundane tasks, but it was definitely more than that. Magic was taxing and it didn’t scale well apparently. Scale down that is. With normal activities, there was always a lower limit where one’s ability to perform it is no longer limited by exhaustion from it. They were limited by hunger, sleep, or time available. Boredom, even.

Like a difference between running and walking.

Looking at the frustrated wermages I understood that Flow had a very low bar to be effortless. Or it recovered much slower which was really the same thing but from a different perspective. And not only the exhaustion showed itself more vividly, but it also presented itself in advance.

I idly wondered if people would have never used alcohol if one would have a headache and vomiting before or during a pub crawl. Or feel the ungodly burn between the asscheeks while ordering the spicy meal.

No wonder magic was used so infrequently by the very same people who worshipped it. They chose to use their status itself to keep themselves above the rest and use magic only when strictly necessary.

How efficient of them.

Not that I could blame them for it. Emanai needed them. Both in terms of power and to stratify the society, no matter how uncomfortable that thought was.

I knew enough of the childhood slave stories and the books I had read at Aikerim’s insistence. This world did not belong to us. It didn’t belong to wer or wermages either.

It belonged to the Things. The magical animals of this planet.

A wolf or even a bear were deadly, but they weren’t as deadly to a wer. But they were mere ‘murk’ animals. They roamed the forests within the Emanai without significant retaliation and yet every border was well-manned and with walls as big as the one being created in front of my eyes.

Or so I’ve read.

Not to defend against incoming armies, which they weren’t really good for. Not to contain the restless peasants within, as very few would dare to venture past, and never to settle outside. They kept the Flow Beasts out of Emanai. Allowing farmers to farm and live in relative security.

The presence of a magically enhanced population was crucial for such an enormous defensive effort. Walls could be built and maintained with greater ease. Manned with fewer defenders that required food but produced little themselves. And probably had a lesser casualty rate than hordes of murks.

At the same time, it created a society where the higher class not only had the obvious reason for their status but had enough individual power not to be afraid by the lower rungs of the society. A commoner, villager, or slave might grumble but their current conditions were definitely better than being gored to death by an invulnerable creature. While wermages were unlikely to be excessively brutal with their punishments in order to maintain suppression levels.

Both of which created a very organized society, banded together against a common foe. With less bloodshed and social tension among the classes. It wasn’t without flaws obviously but it did make them into one of the biggest players in the region. There were no obvious holes I could easily point at and fix to everyone’s benefit. Even my own ideas of ‘improving’ it were all about throwing knowledge and technology at it. Which would likely hurt at least some layers of the current society.

Improving such a complex system is never easy or safe. And going at it with a naive approach would result in revolts and civil wars that could easily result in Emanai being snuffed out entirely.

“Impressive isn’t it. The power of my wife.” A strong voice interrupted my thoughts on family, magic, and society.

“Master,” I bowed to the looming figure above me, “Indeed, Domina’s words carry an immense weight.”

“Quite so. But they are hers alone, be mindful when you use her words against others.”

“I thank you for your words of wisdom,” I offered back diplomatically, no point getting yet another one after my neck, “Domina had told me the same when she saw me for the first time.”

“And yet she had done so much,” He slowly murmured as sounds all around us disappeared, “And I don’t believe that your knowledge of alchemy is the reason. I wonder what the Ladies of the Kiymetl had found in you to offer this.”

Hmm. A concerned parent? Or a jealous husband?

“Math,” I spoke laconically.

“Math? So the Gestr was not given for you to lead my daughter to her lectures with Virnan?” Tarhunna asked curiously.

I shook my head. “My alchemy caught the eyes of Domina. But my skills in Mathematics made her interested enough to send me to the Wise Fox of Kiymetl himself. After a day and night of heated discussions, I came back to the Manor with this on my neck.”

And I have tried my best to stay away from that accursed place as much as possible. Luckily Virnan had plenty of things to work on for a long time.

“Seeing it, Domina has tasked me to teach her daughter.” I finished my tale.

He rubbed his chin in thought, “And then he accepts her as a student too. I can see why Aikerim would build it, despite how far-fetched your tale might sound like.”

His head swivelled toward me once again, the horns highlighting every movement, “I have seen the folly of many, however. Blinded by the generosity of their betters. I wonder if you would do the same.”

Words of Anaise came to my mind, the ones describing her father. And I smiled gently, my course set.

“There is another thing to wonder about,” I offered back. Seeing his raised eyebrow I continued, “The estate was the reward for my deeds so far. If I would desire something greater than estate - what would I come up with, then?”

I saw the glint of understanding in his eyes almost instantly. An ambitious man will recognize ambition.

“You don’t force the bird to sing. You give it fruits and a home out of the golden filigree. Although you are definitely the first one to get that far,” His hand brushed my hair, “And good-looking too. My wife has the most discerning eye. Enjoy your new home and know that there are others who would be curious enough to hear you sing.”

Ah. How could I forget. I might have been ‘sold’ for free as a package deal, but it was Sulla who sent me to Irje. As a companion candidate. And he definitely knew the preferences of our masters. And there wasn’t that much difference between my original height and Yeva’s when we first crossed the entrance of the manor. And both of us were almost as tall as Aikerim.

I watched silently as he left just as suddenly as he appeared. His task, complete. The intricate leather coverings muffling his hooves. I grew since then, leaving my wife behind and even passing my Domina but, apparently, Tarhunna still found me attractive. Yet he didn’t issue any demands or strongly implied suggestions, merely informing me of the potential opportunity.

And Aikerim was likely the answer for that. Looks like my original gambit had shown its fruits.

Still, after the encounter with his son, I expected something else from him. And yet he didn’t. It was almost as if…

If I was but a bird to them. Or at least to some of them. You won't get jealous if your wealthy wife that runs the entire household has a new bird in her menagerie. Nor would you get worried if your daughter likes it too. And if the praises get too loud you simply get curious yourself. He most likely didn’t make the offer so politely because he cared about my feelings specifically, but because I belonged to Aikerim.

They were married but it definitely wasn’t a marriage of equals. And trying to take something of hers for himself could easily turn ugly for everyone involved.

Yet I was fine with them thinking that. Whether this was caused by my status or my race, the disregard for my potential was definitely a boon for me personally. Because, unlike the hordes of other murks and slaves, I had plenty of said potential that desperately needed time to bear fruit.

Nor did I really care what a bull-legged wermage thought about me. Or maybe I did, just a tiny bit. No one is perfect.

I cast a quick glance at the construction zone and quickly left, my feet taking a well-familiar path. I had spent enough time ogling mages from afar, and I had no desire to get closer. I haven’t seen anything new for a while now and the words of Anaise, cautioning me not to ask others about Flow, were still fresh inside my ears. That and the fact that one of their servants tried to kidnap me.

The kilns were cold but I still could ‘sing’ within my lab. And if I lose my family, they will hear the real songs of a Host navigator.


I made a detour to my house first but hearing the shrieks of outrage and peals of laughter from inside I decided not to intrude right now. My mood was too sombre and I didn’t want to ruin theirs. And my hands were itching to work.

Shedding most of my guard contingent, me and Viter arrived at my lab. This area was still off-limits for most of the household and the werfoxes were clearly not assigned to shadow me for an entire day. Most likely they were just to show the extra muscle around Samat. Based on how quickly we were left alone - I didn’t think they liked guarding me very much either.

Better if they were gone, then. Nothing worse than a reluctant guard.

I paused for a second before I put down the last mirror I had made. The ‘silver’ eyes gazing at me from the other side.


Not mine.

The space was a harsh place for the unprotected flesh. We emerged in a once beautiful creche called Earth, protected from the harsh radiation by the magnetic field of the planet. And our bodies were not accustomed to the Greater Outside.

There were ways to protect one’s flesh. Most ships grew ablative layers to absorb and shed impacts and powerful rays allowing the passengers inside to skip on the protective clothing.

Unless you needed unobstructed sight to navigate.

I probably had a well developed sub-dermal layer by now, allowing me to shrug off radiation with near impunity. Everywhere except for the eyes. Or I would be blinder than Yeva. Instead, the surface of my irises was now reflective, even more so than the mirrors I’ve just made. Granted it wasn’t perfectly flat so it simply looked grey. But it protected me as much as possible without inhibiting my sight.

Yet another step. I idly wondered as I scratched my forehead if they would call me murk by the time my body would stop adjusting.

With a tired sigh, I covered the reflection and started to clean up the tables. Until I will get a new batch of float glass this project was done. And lab safety was paramount. I tried to think of anything else to work on or prepare for but nothing came to my mind. Albin promised a reply soon and I had found myself unable to predict what he would actually come up with if he does.

Samat group was guarded. According to Aikerim, the project I’ve completed would be enough to make Shahin a non-issue. Amalric was probably on a house arrest or worse, definitely not coming to see me anytime soon. Tarhunna was…attracted… but definitely not a time-critical issue for now. Perhaps I should plan that Albin would be unable to find anything. Maybe ask Anaise for a trip outside of Samat? Word it as a lecture too if all her attempts at geodesic Flow have been quite destructive so far. Less chance of destroying a building this way.

Or just forget myself inside the arms of my sadaq? I really wanted to, but my heart was ill at ease.

My ruminations were interrupted by an unusual shuffle behind me.

Yet not from the entrance.

Turning rapidly to intercept my assailant I’d come face to face with the familiar red of hair and eyes of green.

“What are you doing?” I asked with the feeling of slight amusement.

After covering the hole with a plank once again, Anaise pulled her kaftan tighter together and dusted off the dirt. Her tail swinging back and forth with some frustration and…excitement?

“I have found that you gifted my mother with yet another present,” She puffed her cheeks at me, her arms crossed in front.

I turned my head trying to think, “Present?”

Anaise rolled her eyes and thrust her hand to me, “The mirror, you dunce. Now, are you saying that your future teacher does not deserve the same?”

I looked down on her open palm for a second and smiled, “I think you might not know the whole truth, my eager student. That was no present, or I would have framed it nicely and used the cleanest glass. That was a mere prototype.”

A small gasp left her lips and her body went stiff. Before I could comment on her quite exaggerated behaviour, another noise barged in on us.

“Master!” The voice was accompanied by a frantic Viter barging through my door, “I’ve felt a spark inside…oh!”

He gulped, seeing my visitor, making me turn my head back. Anaise stood ramrod straight and stiff, her arm frozen mid-reach. Completely ignoring my guard. Her face, as red as her hair, and her tail was the fluffiest I’ve ever seen it so far. The look on her face was to die for and I was thankful that she faced my way and away from Viter. But why did she?


My eyes slid down the neck of her kaftan, seeing the red of her skin. Looks like someone came in without a shift. No wonder she chose to crawl into my lab through the hole she had made before, instead of simply walking through the main entrance. My, my, someone was feeling very frisky today.

“Thank you, Viter, for your diligence,” I nodded as this was an ordinary occurrence, and stepped closer to Anaise. Unseen to him, my hand slid between the sides of her kaftan.

In a most praiseworthy fashion, Anaise didn’t make a peep as my palm cupped her core, already wet and hot to my touch. The recently shaved folds clinging to my skin like the softest of kisses.

“I have forgotten to inform you, that the Lady of the House was inside, but I appreciate your dedication.” I kept talking while my middle finger started to curve into her.

With the corner of my eye, I saw her bite down on her lip as I pushed myself deeper and deeper. I was playing with the deadly fire here but I could feel her arousal spiking with my every action. I could also feel the tiny shakes of her body, her muscles spasming as they tried to keep her standing still despite my ministrations.

“I, uh, I will be outside then.” He stammered, pushing himself out. Apparently, surprising the wermage was clearly not on his agenda for tonight. He didn’t even notice the byplay either.

Anaise slumped onto me as soon as the door was shut. Her legs shaking around my hand.

“Erf,” She growled, her face more flushed than angry, “Don’t you dare do that again.”

“Really?” I teased as my finger slid in and out once again, testing for wetness and finding plenty of it, “But I think you have enjoyed it greatly.”

She growled at me but said nothing, her mound grinding into my palm.

“Just imagine,” Keeping my hand in place, I walked behind her. Gently pushing her toward one of my tables, “That my guard can barge in again at any moment. Perhaps hearing a sound from you, or a call from me. Only to see you in my arms like this.”

Her ears dipped with every word I whispered, but the last statement brought forth another wave of trembles from her body.

“Oh, you liked that?”

A soft whine was my answer.

“Have you ever wondered how you look right now?” I pressed on as I reached for the cloth in front of us. And pulled it down.

My previous words were true. What I had made before was a simple trial piece, just to see if all parts worked together. This was a proper mirror and not a palm-sized one.

Anaise made a muffled wail of arousal and shame as she quickly covered her eyes, unwilling to see the full-body reflection of herself.

“Now, don’t be like that,” I gently spoke, “Look how beautiful you are.”

I let her peek through her fingers as my own slowly slid in and out of her body. Catching her eyes in the mirror every time I’ve placed another kiss on her neck.



“Stop stalling. Give it to me.” she groaned.

“This?” I pulled my clothes up and slid my shaft between her legs from behind.

I got another growl from her as I simply used it to tease her even more. Sliding it across her folds, without pushing in.

“I am waiting for you, Anaise. I miss your beautiful face,” I murmured in response.

With a sharp breath, her hands came down from her face. And I pulled her into a passionate kiss before she would get uncomfortable again.

“Look, how stunning you are,” I murmured into her lips, “See for yourself why I made a mirror with your height in mind.”

“You are still stalling.” She feverishly accused me instead. “Shut up with your poetry and make me feel good.”

I smiled, “as you wish, my lady.” And yanked down her sash.

Before she could even gasp I pushed her down on the table and pulled the skirt of her kaftan up. All of that right in front of the mirror.

“Er-mh.” Her squeak was silenced by my palm.

“Shhh,” I spoke as I massaged her tight ass, slightly pulling it apart with every movement, basking at the sight of the glistening lips hidden within, “There is a guard outside. Ready to barge in if you make a loud noise.”

My thumb slid in and spread her entrance apart as I carefully positioned myself for a thrust.

A wermage with her skirt hiked up and bent over the table, her quivering opening, craving to be filled. A sight that a very few murks had ever seen, and even fewer that lived to tell the tale. The mane of her tail, still huge from the recent scare, standing straight up giving me the unobstructed view, the ease of access, and the convenient handle to pull on.

She hissed as I gripped her tight at the root of her tail, subconsciously rising up on her tiptoes and bending her back. Allowing me to simply slide inside of her.

I didn’t.

I pulled her tail, impaling her on me instead.

“Look at me, then,” I grunted as I slammed her on my length again and again, “Watch how I penetrate you with my every thrust. And how eagerly you take me in.”

She said nothing as she panted rapidly from the fast pace I set for her, but her tail wrapped around my arm in a silent demand for more.

I pulled at her kaftan that was still on her shoulders, repositioning her body just a little bit. So she could see her face, me, and us joined together.

And her now exposed, bouncy breast, her nipple swaying back and forth with every thrust.

“This is the look of sex,” I murmured as I gently held her face, making sure she did see all of that.

“This is the pleasure that it gives,” I said as I captured her naked breast into my palm and squeezed it lightly, watching her half-lidded eyes pop open once again.

She was close, very close. Anaise had been riding the edge probably even before she entered my lab and I didn’t let her cool for a second after. But that was fine. I was close as well. This wasn’t just a beautiful girl in front of me, wantonly spreading herself on my shaft. This was the Lady of the House. A princess of a sort. And I was ploughing her doggy-style, in front of a mirror no less. All that was missing was a small crown pushed askew.

“And this,” I said instead, turning her face to the mirror once again, “is the face of a good orgasm.”

She gasped as if she was about to sneeze and finally crashed down. I watched her eyes roll up as she opened her mouth in a silent scream. I sheathed myself for the final time, pushing myself as deep as her buttcheeks would let me, allowing her convulsing inner walls to coax me to my finish only to milk me with renewed vigour.

I couldn’t help but groan myself as I felt my balls emptying into the satisfied girl in front of me. My shaft pulsing with every spurt.

“This was…more intense than in the bath,” Anaise murmured, choosing to remain prone on the table.

“Because we didn’t rush as much as we did last time.”

“You mean it is better if you stretch it?”

“To a certain degree, but yes,” I said as I gently raked my fingers on her back, making her shiver in pleasure. “But quickies like that are also nice. Especially if you have very little time as we did back then.”

“Both are nice,” She concluded. “Also, my mother sent me, she said Shahin has left the Manor and is unlikely to come back for a tenday at least.”

“Wait, so you didn’t come for the mirror?”

“Nuh huh. I am taking it. It is mine now.”

I scratched my head, “You know, you should have probably told me about the envoy leaving from the beginning.”

“Uh-huh, and miss out on the rest?” Anaise huffed, “Now stop talking and hug me, I am getting cold. And I am not putting the kaftan back on, while I am leaking you all over the place.”

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