Wisher Beware

Chapter 35: A Feedback Loop

Despite the discomfort of my loins, Anaise's visit had been extremely useful in helping me unravel the convoluted craft of runes. While I was still nowhere close to creating custom effects, the confirmation of my theories was blatantly obvious. Said ‘confirmation’ also lowered the cosy temperature in the lab and blew the chill air on my legs.

Too bad Wrena was now forbidden from coming over. I guess I will just have to borrow some planks and cover the hole as a temporary measure.

Right now I was busy. As my halted chemical reactions had started once again, I picked up the chisels and went back to work. Initially, I planned to simply copy the designs over and give it to Irje as a ‘training tool’ but now I could do much more. With the help of topology, I could analyze the deformed runes on the spherical surfaces and label and identify them based on the examples of the standard runes I’ve seen in the codex.

Unfortunately, the identification was all that I could do. The runes weren’t simply wrapped around as if they were on a flat surface. There was some set of rules they followed that I still couldn’t easily follow, not without rigorous trial and error. And I definitely had no desire to experiment. At least not with the pieces I was working with.

Fortunately, since I could recognize the effects, I didn't need to blindly transcribe all of the runes from the children’s toy. While glow-in-the-dark dildo would be very kinky, that was not what I was trying to create. Besides, it is not like I was working with a very complex example. The toy had very few distinct patterns, mostly comprising of basic move runes and funky light shows.

It was a child’s toy after all. Not an artefact of immense power like the Orb of Truth. I tried to remember the runes I’ve seen on it, but the curves on that piece were even more obscure. And definitely didn’t have any familiar examples in the rune codex.

But my musings had come to an end. Concoctions were concocted, acids were acidified, and whatever runes I wanted to carve - carved. I quickly cleaned up the lab and closed the now-useless entrance door. A curious trip behind the building revealed the leftovers of Anaise's homework. And what was left of two or three trees.

I shook my head. Any beaver would feel intimidated and cowed by the work of Anaise. Trunks were ripped out of the ground, chewed up and turned into sawdust with dreadful implications of what would’ve happened if I was in its path. I wouldn't be surprised if the fine red colour of the pile was caused by the finely ground up chunk of the wall my lab was now missing.

I should probably save that for later. Wood mulch had many uses. And If I ran out, I could always try to encourage Anaise to practise in a nearby forest. Growing girls need good practice with their magical “solid to dust” spells. And I would never say no to readily available cellulose.


A sigh escaped me as I’ve met the commotion upon my arrival home. Viter was back, and Irje was busy voicing her complaints. And by the sound of it, there was something more.

“What is going on?” I asked as I walked up to the trio.

“Don’t worry about it, I am just having a talk with your guard.” Irje replied after sparing me a quick glance, “Well? He is here, say your piece and begone.”

I sighed again, wasn’t he my guard? Technically it was my responsibility. Especially after the whole overture I’ve done earlier today with the help of Aikerim.

“He has been very resolute in talking to you tonight,” Yeva quietly murmured as she walked to my side, quickly bringing me up to speed with what was going on.

He went down on a knee, hands clasped. A gesture of loyalty, I remembered myself offering one to Domina. While I’ve done mine in jest, his was more serious. Well, it looks like he appreciated my intervention.

“Allow me to guard you once again, I swear I will not take another step away from you and I shall guard you day and night!” He proclaimed.

“Are you daft?” Irje immediately intervened before I could even open my mouth, “He needs a guard that would pay attention! How useful you would be if sleep is all you would think during the day?”

Well, that was a valid concern. His statement was noble but, listening to Irje, it was obvious that it was foolish too.

“I will sleep at the entrance, my sleep is light enough.” He pressed on.

Irje groaned, “Males and the empty heads of theirs. Can’t even think a day ahead.”

Hey now. I wasn’t that bad.

I got a placating pat from Yeva.

Irje noticed my wry face, “Don’t tell me you actually condone such foolish behaviour?”

“My wife is right,” I shrugged, shifting my stance to hide the slight vibration in my pouch, “Your main task is my safety outside of the manor first and foremost. Especially since I have no plans in staying inside. I will not have your attention falter during that time only to have additional security when I am already protected by Irje. If I feel like our safety is at risk even inside my house, I will get another guard or two.”

Irje coughed, agreeing.

I continued, “Everyone can offer grand gestures. What I need is effort, which is only shown with time. Do remember, I have shown myself as a reasonable master, and if you serve me well, I will continue to treat you in kind.”

Both girls frowned as Viter bowed deeply.

“That is it? No punishment? You are acting too kind,” Irje sniffed.

“I am,” I nodded, “But only once. For everyone deserves a second chance. That would not mean that there are no consequences, however. His stipend will take a hit. I am not one for corporal punishments, but I could always ask Domina for a different guard, if I grow dissatisfied with your service, or by the advice of my wives. Is that clear? Then you are dismissed, I will see you in the morning.”

Cowed by the mention of Domina, Viter quickly bowed and left. Leaving me alone with the girls by my side and a bitter taste in my mouth.

“It never gets easier,” I murmured watching him go.

“What do you mean? From what I could see, you have it easy. He is eager to work and doesn't question your authority. I would have called it impossible if I didn’t know that he is cowed by Domina and not by you.” Irje replied.

“I know, I made it so. But I would have preferred to have the willing under my command, rather than the forced.”

“He is willing,” Yeva quietly whispered, “For he knows that you are the best alternative he can get. He doesn’t need to fight in wars or do hard labour. And he earns more in food, shelter, and money than many of the free wer that live in the city.”


“Yes. Slaves talk. You just don’t hear as much anymore as you are busy working on your projects.” She scrunched her nose, “And entertaining wermages.”

Now it was my turn to awkwardly cough.

Yeva continued, “You don’t need to worry. With the amount of money that Domina is giving you, you can easily afford to encourage them with wealth rather than with pain. While Irje and I can make sure you would not be burdened with freeloaders. And don’t try to say that you need to do this alone. Not inside our sadaq you won’t.”

“Thank you. But I prefer not to force others to begin with.”

“Yes, we know.” Irje said, gently pushing me inside the house, “But everyone is forced, one way or another. Do you think free wer are truly free? They are beholden to their stomachs, for there is no master to feed and shelter them. They have to work every day to earn enough for a roof over their head and bread on their table. Traders and craftsmen answer to the Manors - the source of their ingredients and often their best consumers. Even our Domina answers to her mother, the Manor Matriarch. Who, in turn, has to follow the rules set by the Gods. What is the difference if you have to work because of the whip or because you are starving?”

“You are right,” I sighed, “All of this is a hopeless dream unless one can feed and shelter all.”

“Uh-huh, might as well ask Gods for that. And then no one would bother working anyway.”

“Well, they haven’t done so already, which means that they are unlikely to do so in the future,” I smirked, “And you will be surprised how many would still choose to work. Some would seek to acquire luxuries while others would strive for even more. Take yourself and Yeva for example. You know perfectly well that you will be provided for. And yet you both still trying to improve, still seeking something more than you have right now.”

I took my outer tunic off and stretched, “In fact, boredom is one of the most important aspects of our minds. No matter how much you have of something with every passing second your mind grows bored and indifferent to it. Forcing us to seek more. Who knows, perhaps without it we would still be hanging on the trees and eating fruits.”

Irje frowned, “Trees? Fruits? What are you talking about?”

I shrugged it off, “I will tell you some other time, I don’t think a single evening would be enough for this topic.”

Honestly, I surprised myself that I had spent so much time talking already, I guess I talk too much when I am stressed or frustrated, and the Viter situation would probably count for that too.

A hug from Yeva interrupted my thoughts. She managed to set the bed and found me in the room by voice alone.

“Boredom?” She huffed, “Is that is why you smell like a certain fox so much? Are you growing bored with us?”

I looked down on her. She said it without obvious ire but these things should never be left alone to fester.

“Irje,” I murmured, gently patting the tiny grump, “If you get Yeva naked and in our bed in a matter of moments, I promise you would walk funny tomorrow.”

Yeva tried to scuttle away with a squeal, but Irje’s reaction was almost instant. The tall amazon descended on the laughing girl like an owl, only to easily pick her up and start yanking my own shirt from her body.

Our room was instantly filled with grunts, peals of laughter, and occasional squeals. I absentmindedly pulled my own clothes off, putting the wriggling bag aside, as my eyes never left the sexy battle unravelling in front of my eyes. Arms shot out to pull on the fabric, only to retreat due to tactical tickles of the opposing side. Legs, that started to shine with occasional sweat, coiled over the bodies while these would twist and turn in order to free themselves.

Yeva was losing.

She was smaller and weaker but, most importantly, she also didn’t spend all her efforts on escaping. Instead, she chose to die in battle, causing as much damage in return. My dick and I watched the vigorous striptease, cheering for both sides at once.

But as all beautiful things were this too didn’t last long.

With a final scream, naked Yeva flew across the room straight onto the bed. Only to be pinned down once again by a victorious Irje. My tanned warrior managed to keep her own shift on, mostly due to the second sash she always wore right under her breasts. Yeva did succeed in pulling her collar down, however, enough to free Irje’s arms and her bountiful breasts. The very same that now were squishing her down in return.

“How could I get bored from you if you are so full of surprises,” I started as I slowly approached the pair on my bed, “in fact I-”

“Erf,” Yeva giggled, “Shut up and come over here.”

I gasped in fake outrage as my hand caressed Irje’s butt in silent gratitude. “It looks like we have an actress over here! Acting outraged to get a rise out of a poor Erf. Well, since you started acting, you might as well continue and show us your entire act.”

Another silent pat on Irje and she moved, easily picking up on my intent. Yeva’s noises quickly turned from occasional giggles into gasps of outrage. And for a good reason too. Like an experienced judoka, Irje quickly switched their positions sliding under her lithe quarry. She pulled Yeva's head between her breasts, binding her arms in the process. While the long muscular legs wrapped around the more delicate ones.

And spread them apart.

Right in front of me.

Like a beautiful pale butterfly, held tightly by a lustful spider in order to seduce her mate.

The contrast and similarities between both made the view even more exotic. Her tiny chest was overcast by the large breasts of Irje, all four nipples aroused and full. Delicate arms, trying to shield, were gently pried away by strong hands trying to keep her exposed.

My eyes glanced lower to witness Yeva’s defeat. Unwilling to miss anything. The achingly familiar and delicate flower of her core. Her petals pulled slightly apart by her spread legs, trembling from excitement and struggle. Another carnal flower was just below it. The mound of my cougar: crowned in blonde hair and equally moist. As if daring me to choose either of the two. Satisfy my thirst without limit, drinking from both fountains at once.

“Beautiful,” I murmured through a grin while Yeva squealed, finally comprehending the extremely shameful position she was forced into.

“Erf! Stop stalling,” She whined half-heartedly.

My hand gently brushed across the skin of her leg, soft and flushed from the previous exertions. She tried to arch her body, fighting against Irje’s hold, as my fingers slowly slid on the inside of her thigh, closer and closer to her mound. Only to gently brush around it and continue upward onto her stomach.

The only thing she could do is groan in return.

“I can’t do that Yeva,” I crooned as my fingers arrived at the tiny mounds of her breasts, “I promised Irje that I would fuck her long and hard afterwards, and I need to make sure you are a pliant mess by that time. Or you might feel neglected and forgotten.”

“Then hurry up and do it!” Her loud rebuke drowned the rattle on the floor. My fingers finally reacher her aroused nipples making her shudder.

My other palm went past Yeva’s face and basked in the softness of another breast.

“Irje, honey, You both got me trembling with excitement so much that I need your help.” I smiled at the grinning amazon, who shared my enjoyment in teasing Yeva, “Would you please guide me into her.”

Her grin got wider, as one of her hands moved between Yeva’s legs. Her fingers easily finding what she sought out.

“What? Irje! Don’t!” The lithe girl cried out, but it was too late. Two dexterous fingers slid into her folds and spread wide open. Pushing her outer folds wide apart and pulling the inner ones with them. Stretching the delicate skin away from her nub and the moist entrance underneath. Both promising me pleasure and demanding it in turn. Both of them right in front of my raging boner.

Irje’s other hand travelled down to her own folds. With practised ease, she wet her fingers with her own juices and presented her palm to me.

“Good girls,” I muttered as placed my shaft into her fingers, leaving her in full control when and how I would fill out Yeva.

The bag rattled on the floor. Runes were working as intended.

Irje nibbled on Yeva’s ear while panting herself. Her gaze locked on my rod, her hard breath pushing Yeva’s locks around.

I let her hands pull me in. All three of us groaning in pleasure as my tip touched the delicate flesh. This felt absolutely vivid. I had Irje and even Yeva guide me in like that, but they expected my touch as they did so. And expectation dulled their response. I bit my lip feeling Yeva shake slightly with every touch, her aroused flesh rubbing gently on my tip. I didn't have to look to be enthralled as I felt the firmer part of her nub twitching on my sensitive skin.

I felt Irje’s hand trembling too, most likely excited by our responses. And extremely aroused, based on her rugged breaths and constant clutter on the floor. Her quivering grip made me willing to submit while feeling like the most powerful being in the world. Irje’s fingers pulled me down, dragging my tip away for Yeva’s clit. Rubbing our sensitive flesh together, until we reached our destination. Bent from being pushed against her core, my rod quickly straightened out once it reached her entrance.

Sliding just the tip inside, yet promising so much more for all of us.

A tiny gasp from Yeva.

A loss of breath from Erf.

And a wicked grin of Irje.

Her grip pulled me in, inserting me into the moist heaven. Yeva moaned our names only to gasp harder as Irje’s hand grabbed my ass and slammed me in, all the way to the hilt. Unable to keep myself steady on my shaking legs, I collapsed on top of my girls overwhelmed by sensations. Using all of my willpower not to explode at this very moment, like it was my first time.

Two gentle arms embraced me while two others kept manhandling my ass, making me grind into the tiny girl in the middle.

“Feel it Yeva, Irje,” I rasped, unable to control my breathing, “And know that you have no need to resort to tricks. For we are together. You can do it if you want to, but all you would ever need is just ask. And we will find time for it.”

“I am asking now,” Yeva almost growled, “Do it.”

I smashed my lips into hers without bothering to answer. My hands roaming their bodies, especially Irje. Making sure that none would feel neglected as I slowly picked up my pace in and out of Yeva. I knew her tells by know as well as her preferences and most sensitive spots. That knowledge allowed me to slowly push her higher and higher, while I would occasionally slip out from her. To maintain that steady climb of a need, and to sheath myself into Irje. Who was just as welcoming to my ministrations.

I let her scream her first release as my hand had done the same to Irje. But I kept my pace, quickly stoking up her fire yet again. Over and over until I could feel her fingers grasp at me in need again.

And then I stopped.

“Erf?” Yeva asked trying to get up, her hands seeking my body in the air. Irje just kept lying flat, already used to my shenanigans and sudden stops at the worst possible times. Waiting for my eventual return and trying to maintain her edge in the meantime.

“I have something for you,” I murmured, coming back with the bag that managed to vibrate all the way to the door. That was some decent area of effect and consistent response. Irje would be pleased.

“A dildo?” She frowned as she recognized the object I put in her hand, “Why? I am not horny all the time like Irje. And when I am I want yours instead.”


“Just try it once, for me,” I asked, “If you won’t like it then I won't bring it up again.”

She sighed and gave it back to me.

“I am tired,” She smirked, “Why don’t you do it yourself. Just be gentle - I am still sensitive.”

“Of course,” I gave her a peck on her nose, And then another one. On her chest. Stomach. Navel.


I could feel the heat of her core. The smell of her arousal. I took my time gently covering the toy with her juices as my gentle kisses kept her distracted. When I was shopping I made sure to buy them around my size so the toy slid easily between her folds since were waiting for something similar.

“Not bad,” Yeva hummed, “But not great either.”

I chuckled as I pulled back up to her face, “There is a little bit more to it than you realize,”

“Really? But I feel nothing special.”

“Feel this,” I murmured as my hand went past Yeva’s face, up to the Irje’s breast. My fingers easily catching the nipple.

And then I pinched. Hard. Just the way she liked me to.

Irje squealed, woken up from her quiet bliss, while Yeva gasped in surprise, “Erf! What did you do!”

“I carved the runes on this dildo. The very same that are present on that children’s toy. The ones that make it vibrate and move around. This time it won’t get lost either.”

With every word I said, Irje’s eyes were getting bigger and bigger. A maniacal grin plastered on her face.

“Heh heh heh,” A lustful mating call of a horny cougar.

“That sounds like a gift for Irje, not for me,” Yeva murmured.

“Really? What if I do this?” My hands grabbed her legs and I pulled her off the amazon pillow and onto the bed. Leaving just her head on Irje’s stomach.

“Be sure to listen well,” I murmured as I buried my shaft into the cougar. Twin moans answered my hypothesis.

The lithe voyeur giggled, “It feels almost like you are in me, I can hear and feel you twitch at the same time! Ah!”

Irje’s hands grasped my ass and slammed me back again, interrupting our conversation.

“Talk later,” She growled, “Fuck me now.”

We set another pace between ourselves. But Irje demanded it faster and harder. I obliged and we quickly turned Yeva into a puddle by trying to fuck each other in the process. Irje eventually pulled the lithe girl off her stomach without stopping our activities and we merged into one bundle. Once again with me and Irje on each side, rutting with abandon, and Yeva, sandwiched between us, feeling the heat of our bodies and probably feeling everything our cougar felt.

“It almost feels like I am fucking you,” Irje grinned as Yeva tried to cling to her falling into another set of convulsions. Getting some choice of curse words in return.

“Ah Irje, I have almost forgotten about my promise earlier on.” I pulled the bag back to me again.

“Hm? Ah yes, this was quite nice indeed.”

“Oh no, this was just me getting you ready, your present starts now.”

Irje’s eyes almost popped out as I pulled out the second dildo. “Is that…”

“Yes, this one is yours.”

“What?” Yeva yelped, “Okay that is it! I’ve had enough!”

We watched silently as she pulled out her still-vibrating toy. Only to sigh in relief and plop on the bed.

“She might like it but I am not ready to be sore all day tomorrow!” She grumbled with a smile, “Thank you Erf, but I don’t want to be broken, finish her off and come cuddle me after. In the meantime, I need to recover.”

“Don’t worry,” I chuckled as I scuttled over to give her a peck, “We will finish quickly.”

“I am not even close,” Irje huffed at my proclamation.

I grabbed her hair and pulled her up into a sitting position. “Don’t worry,” I whispered from behind into her ear, as my other hand kept pawing at her breasts, “I will be everything but gentle.”

“So you promise,” She purred, turning her head to kiss me, “Now hurry up and do it,”

I captured her still-talking lips, pushing my tongue inside. We let our mouths battle as I slid my arm down her stomach. My fingers teasing her folds and quickly seeking entrance to her burning core. Irje moaned into my mouth as they curved in inside of her, both putting pressure on her clit from inside out and slightly lifting her body in the process of doing so.

Just enough for me to position a dildo right underneath and slam her back down onto it.

“Mmmmh, so much better than that stupid ball and it moves almost twice as much,” She murmured in pleasure.

“Really?” I smiled back and pushed her down and away from me, “Show me.”

She fell onto her face beside our relaxing and tapped out partner, leaving her ass up in the air. The wiggling toy clenched tightly with her nether lips and her entire body trembling from sensations it gave. It wasn’t all the way in, however, so I pushed it deeper with my hand. And then more, forcing her ass down into the bed and her head into Yeva’s arms.

“Yeva, sorry love, but could you cuddle with our not so little minx over here. I need you to hold her down for a bit,” I asked as my hands worked on Irje’s ass cheeks. Making sure that the toy was deep inside and vibrating all the time from the sensations she received. Her own Flow getting her stuck in a never-ending flow of pleasure. An orgasmic feedback loop, “And the reason why you feel it so much stronger is because I carved two sets of runes on each end. That way you can eventually control not only its position but direction as well.”

And maybe more. My mind had eagerly provided me with images of Irje wielding flying swords, aglow with menacing light. An unbeatable foe for anyone who dares to stand in her way. A warrior of great renown.

Well, currently, the said warrior chose to keep panting wordlessly, caressed by the delicate arms of our lithe lover. Their ruffled hair thrown around in a mess of satisfaction. One exhausted and relaxed gently playing with the locks of the one being kept on edge with the magical toy.

The pressure between my legs reminded me that there was one more thing to do.

“Now on to the promise,” I said as my hands retrieved the final item.

“Uh Erf,” Irje twitched as the cork popped open. “Are you actually planning-”

“Shhh,” I murmured as my hand spread her ass apart, pouring a little bit of oil in. “I made you a promise, didn’t I? Quite a long time ago. I am sorry that it took so long.”

She shuddered as the oil touched her skin, her breathing growing harsher with every second. A hiss as my thumb spread the oil around, a small whine as I pushed it gently in.

She clenched around me with a force of a magical girl.

“Relax my love,” I murmured as my fingers kept teasing her hole, making her grow accustomed to my intrusion, “Know that you are in good hands.”

In an unusual show of weakness, Irje grasped at Yeva, burying her head into her chest in a similar way Yeva had done to her before.

“Don’t break her, okay?” Yeva lightly chided me while gently stroking the cougar’s hair. “She is the only family I have now, beside you.”

“I promise, love,” I said as I massaged Irje worries away, “She is our family.”

It didn’t take that long for her to relax. My kisses and Yeva’s caresses, compounded with a vibration of the toy inside, quickly turned Irje into a purring puddle.

A puddle that I slowly pushed my raging and well-oiled boner into.

“Oooh,” She groaned as her feet shook and curled from my intrusion. “Gods save me.”

I gently rocked myself on top of her, slowly sliding in with every thrust, but giving her plenty of time to adjust and relax once more. Mostly for her own sake but partially for myself as well. Irje was tight. Very tight. Magically tight. And I had no desire to lose anything in the process if she would clench her ass just a little bit too hard.

Usually, the physical feeling would be a bit lacklustre. The tight feeling of the entrance would be followed by the lack of pressure deeper inside, leaving the tip devoid of sensations. But not this time around. Not only Irje had both her holes packed full, but the vibrations spread across her body into mine. Making me aware of just how much excitement she had felt with every thrust I made.

“That is it, you are doing great,” I panted as I started to pick up the pace, unable to hold still both from the pressure on my shaft and the ravaged look in front of me. The greatest pleasure of anal was always of a mental kind. The feeling of submission and the feeling of possession. Her athletic ass, red from my fingers, taking me in fully. The muscles of her back flexing with every thrust. Her desperate hands grasping for purchase.

The look on her face every time she felt filled to the brim. Excitement. Bliss.


With a loud groan I exploded into her. Pushed over my peak from her own convulsions. The shuddering feeling of release as her ass greedily took in the entire load I had been building up throughout the night. Her face glowing red with the realization of what had just happened. Waves of emotion with every jet of semen I unloaded into her depths.

“You came,” I gently teased her, “From me fucking your ass.”

With an embarrassed mewl Irje buried herself into Yeva’s arms.

“Good girl,” I murmured slowly stroking her hair “You made me feel so good. And I am happy that you felt the same. It wouldn’t be as great otherwise.”

I showered her in kisses as she came down from the roller-coaster of emotions, making sure to temper any shameful feelings with words of praise. We lingered for a bit basking in each other presence as our bodies cooled down, taking a necessary break to clean up after. Both ourselves and the mess that was our bed.

“That was nice,” Yeva murmured cuddling in afterwards, “I should keep you around more often.”

I chuckled, “I aim to please, despite our hectic schedule. Perhaps, when this is all over with, we can have days when we can just do nothing but relax and recover from everyday life. Especially once our estate is built and the family and snake matters have been dealt with. Just imagine a quiet inner garden, full of flowers and birds. Or a cosy room, filled with soft carpets and pillows, allowing you to lay down and relax in any part of it.”

Irje snuggled in from the other side, “I just wish that fate would stop throwing rocks into the pool of life. We could have had that already by now.”

“We will come out stronger out of this,” I promised, “And we will be ready for anything else. Anaise had shared with me a few more details about Flow and was quite insistent that I should not skip her future lessons. In fact, that nausea and hunger you have complained about in the last few days were most likely caused by your excessive use of magic. It is like exhaustion after work but in reverse.”

“Huh. How weird.”

“You’re telling me,” I laughed, “But we will crack that nut eventually. And these toys are just the beginning of it. Make sure to check the runes, From what I can tell their shapes are similar to what wermages perceive when they are casting spells.”

“I see nothing,” Irje huffed, “Does that mean I am not actually a wermage?”

“I don’t know yet. Perhaps it is another skill that needs training, or perhaps there is more to the difference between wer and wermages, if there is any at all.”

“What do you meant there is no difference?”

I scratched my chin in thought, “I think that wer and wermages are simply different forms of the same race. Just with varying ability to use magic. Almost like the colour of hair or skin.”

I sighed and pulled girls close, “But my theories aren’t important right now. What matters is that you can use it, and we will help you master it. Whether as a wermage or as Irje.”

The silent hugs were my answer.

We talked a bit on lighter topics afterwards, until they fell into a restful slumber. But I stayed awake.

Still thinking as my fingers idly combed their hair.

Wer, wermages… what were you really?

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