Wisher Beware

Chapter 28: Consequences


She felt an uncomfortable pull in her stomach when the dining crowd prattled with oohs and aahs to her mother's entrance. Especially praising the shine of her hair and the blue in her braids. Anaise was met with something similar yesterday, but today it felt off.

She listened with rapt attention to the tale of her father, as he was speaking to the entire audience about his exploits. But her thoughts wandered off when others came upfront. All of them spoke of profits, politics and money, They also spoke about it in front of the invited guests as well as the envoy. Making their already dry reports even blander. Even her father, but she missed his voice so much.

She sighed and rubbed her empty fingers absentmindedly. Somehow that made her even more frustrated.

Trying to stop herself from fidgeting she glanced once again at her mother. Domina was listening to the reports with a genial smile of a benevolent patron. Aikerim looked happy to see one of her husbands and listened much more eagerly to the reports of others than Anaise did. And yet something was missing. Her now usual giddiness was muted. Especially now, right after meeting with Erf. After getting her hair just as luscious as her own.

A stray foolish thought flew into her mind, but she smothered it instantly. Mother wouldn’t do it.

“I expected you to be happier,” Anaise mused quietly to her mother when the next delegate had finished her tale.

“Yes, but the sweet is marred by the bitter,” Aikerim just as quietly replied.

“The envoy, is she really that bad?” She kept her face devoid of frowns as if they were speaking about the weather.

“By herself, not at all. But she came here for a reason and I can clearly see the cause.”

She followed her mother's gaze. “Brother…”

“Indeed,” She sighed, “His infatuation is obvious. Most likely aided by Tarhunna. I would have gladly pushed for it myself five days ago. She would have been a good candidate to give him away to. Now, she is a nuisance.”

Anaise smiled amicably at the approaching lamura, fuelled by the pride for her Manor. Yes, they belonged to a Pillar Manor, but they were still a branch House. A marriage to the prominent House of Esca would have not only boosted their status among the Emanai elite, but significantly raised their ability to trade and, through that, their rank within the Houses of Kiymetl.

That was less than a tenday ago.

And now her mother considered them beneath her notice.

“My heart is full with your sight, Domina, young Lady of the House. Please accept these gifts of our House.”

She kept her smile, despite the slight jab at her age, most likely unintentional. She would kill her brother later.

Domina nodded, sparing an appropriate glance at the intricate glassware being brought up by slaves, “And your name is on my lips, Shahin Esca Yusuf-ja. As a Domina of Kiymetl, I welcome you to my Manor…”

Anaise’s attention wandered off from the polite but usual greetings and gestures of goodwill. But she wasn’t slacking off. While her mother was occupied by talking with the guest, it was her duty as a daughter to observe and read the person. They would share their observations at a later time, so one could gain additional insight and the other - experience.

The envoy’s Spark was bright and steady. Natural talent and years of practise. The yellow pattern on her dark tail and the tears of gold hanging from her ears spoke volumes about her position as well. She wasn’t a Domina nor a Lady of the House, but her position in the House of Esca was high enough to expect a proper welcome even here.

Most likely a third or a second daughter. Of high status herself, but without the inheritance given to first daughters. Well educated, strong, and eager to show her mettle.

Just like her mother once was.

Flowing robes covered her body, but Anaise could easily guess how much these silks were hiding underneath. Lamuras were already blessed with fertility. And their larger bodies made their curves comparable to her father’s siblings. And some of the more endowed members of the Samat Manor. It was a good thing that Emanai was too cold for them, or the envoy would attract more than just her brother’s eyes.

Their customary veil brought all of the attention to her eyes, the part they have deemed as most beautiful. It also made reading her facial expressions much harder, but she had lots of practice by now.

“…Our House had always acknowledged the prowess of your Manor. Just as we are blessed by the Gods themselves with our craft, you too were granted the power to fulfil your duty.” Her tone was humble, just like the posture of her body. Her eyes were not.

Domina nodded in agreement, “Indeed. It is the Will of Gods to see us prosper. Just as they guide our gold so do they guide the hands of your artisans.”

“But just as you are seeking new things to purchase and sell, we do not lay idle either. Our House is always on the lookout to expand our craft.”

Even a deaf person could hear what she was aiming for.

Aikerim leaned forward, smiling, “And, as a Domina of Kiymetl Manor, I might be able to… procure certain materials. For a reasonable trade of course.” The twin braids shifted from her movement, dangling the tori for all to see.

She noticed her brother preen from her mother's words.

Shahin Esca sniffed. “Gods did not just give us the ability to make beautiful things. Many had attempted to mimic our art. Most of them will never come close. Only the minuscule few would be able to produce forgeries. Simple in shape and lacking in beauty.”

The envoy’s eyes darted to the presented jewellery as she spoke. Making the implication known.

Anaise kept her brows straight even as she felt the annoyance within. Yes, their shape was simple, but they weren’t rough to touch or ugly to the eye. And that was just a shape alone. The colour was impeccable and mesmerizing! She fell asleep last night clutching them in her hands.

The Lamura continued, her voice soft but full of certainty, “What many do not know, that these fakes are extremely fragile. Without Gods’ blessings, they are prone to shatter and would break at any point. If they have not already, as soon as they were made. I would not wish for the esteemed Domina to embarrass herself. If such an accident occurs in front of many people.”

Domina kept smiling. Without moving. “Then, I guess, I should be wary of such fakes in the future.”

It was oh so satisfying to watch the seeds of confusion and doubt take root inside the otherwise impenetrable eyes.


I rinsed my body once again, my work clothes already in the wash bucket. I was fairly sure that I won’t annoy Yeva with my odour but the shirt would need to be washed a few times at least.

Might have to ask Sulla if I could just hand in my laundry somewhere. Especially since the washers in the city used the exact same ingredients, the smell of which I was trying to get rid of. Specifically fermented urine. Soap was great for washing, but if you wanted your clothes to be extra white, you needed the good ole ammonia. And the easiest way to obtain it was to wait for bacteria to break down urea.

That is if you needed it for bleaching or tanning. If you were Erf and needed ammonia for nearly everything, you needed a lot of it. And concentrated too. Unfortunately, nitric acid didn’t grow on trees, nor did the silver nitrate. But, once all this is over with, I will have real mirrors.

The girls will definitely appreciate it. And so will the foxy ladies. Hopefully, it will even be enough to scare the snake away somehow. I would leave the details to Aikerim.

It was quite unsurprising that I was ambushed as soon as I walked into my house. What was surprising, however, was the identity of the ambusher.

“Yeva?” I smiled as the tiny hands pushed me inside and onto the bed.

“Shh.” She smiled at my compliance, already tugging on my clothes. “Irje and I have discussed some of the new revelations and we came up with a good punishment for you.”

I lifted up my arms so she could pull the shirt off of me.

“This doesn’t look like a punishment,” I murmured, as her fingers traced my stomach, avoiding all important bits. “Or, maybe, it is.”

Satisfied with my overall nakedness and location on our bed, Yeva took no time to straddle my chest. I felt the moisture as she sat on me: Yeva was already more than ready.

“Yes, a punishment.” She hummed, slowly rocking on my chest. Her shift easily covered the place where our bodies met. “For someone, who paid a Matriarch’s ransom for both of us. For someone, who set us free by taking us. Who made us strong by teaching us.”

Her fingers slowly gathered her shift, revealing her folds. Glistening and gently pressed against my chest, yet so far away from my mouth or my, now rock-hard, shaft. The source of moisture, my arousal and my frustration.

She giggled quietly as she felt my breathing hitch. Correctly determining what caused it and enjoying my reaction to her body. Her fingers stopped as her body moved once more. Sliding up and down on my skin.

Almost deaf from a loud heartbeat, I watched as her petals shifted from the little friction my well-lubricated skin provided. Giving me glimpses of the shimmering pink inside and hiding it anew.

“Yeva-” I managed to breathe out.

And the show was over.

Her shift fell down as her finger pressed on my lips. “Shh,” She murmured once again, “Not a word.”

Yeva thought for a second and then smirked, “You have done a lot of good deeds recently and, as you would say sometimes, no good deed should go unpunished. I will tell you all you need to know, soon.”

Her other hand lifted up the shift again. Giving me yet another glimpse. “Did you enjoy the view?”

With my lips still on her finger, I nodded frantically, making her giggle.

“Maybe I should show you more?” Came another teasing question.

There was more nodding as well as heavy breathing tickling her hand. Somewhere behind her and away from my sight, my dick stood proud. Painfully hard, cold, and forgotten.

“Good boy,” she murmured as her hands begun the striptease once again.

Despite her not seeing what she was doing, her movements had me enchanted nevertheless. She knew exactly where her body was, and her sense of touch was almost absurd. My eyes crossed when she managed to locate my nipple with her folds. Another quiet chuckle told me that she did it intentionally.

Another twist of her hips, and her petals gently brushed over it. Forcing the groan out of me.

Despite the cold and the turgid pain between my legs, I welcomed her movements. As her hands revealed her body, curved away to highlight the profile of her petite chest, her pelvis slid closer and closer to my head, her thighs blocking more and more of my vision.

Soon all that I could see was the flesh of her inner thighs, framing the rest of her body.

A wet and hot sensation around my forsaken shaft. Lips sliding down on its length as the hot tongue followed behind.

I sucked my breath and buckled, trying to insert it deeper into the blissful warmth. Craving the touch of flesh after aeons of cold unfeeling breeze.

I moaned loudly as the mouth welcomed my intrusion with ease. Purring.

The shift was dropped somewhere, and the two tiny hands caressed my face.

“You can be too much for one of us.” Yeva purred, as the suction on my groin kept me arched in pleasure. “So we threw dice. Irje got the bottom half, while I had won the top. And I expect to get the most from my win.”

The lips around my shaft smiled as I started to twitch. And, with a wet pop, I was thrown back into the cold embrace of air.

I groaned. These two minxes would be the death of me! My fault really, I taught them all these tricks myself.

Yeva grabbed my hands and dragged them across her body.

“Your hands are mine,” She murmured as my fingers brushed across her tiny mounds.

“Your lips are mine,” She continued as her groin slid forward and wetted my lips with her juices. Whetting my appetite for more.

The smell of her arousal was all around me, and Yeva noticed it too, “Your nose is mine.”

The lips returned to my shaft, now gentle and slow. Expertly keeping me hard and needy.

Yeva let my hands massage her breasts, my fingers circling her aroused nipples, as her hands slid back down again. Across her stomach and down between her legs. Stopping just a bit short from her glistening slit.

“And I want that tongue of yours.” She murmured, as I tried to keep my sanity in check from the abundance of sensations.

My fingers gently rolled her nipples while another set of voluptuous breasts dragged across my thighs. My hands massaged Yeva’s chest as Irje’s pawed at my butt, pushing me deeper into her. Yeva thighs, pressing on my ears, made me deaf to everything, but the loud heartbeat inside my chest and the stimulating purr in my groin.

And the near-whisper. “Would you want to see as well?”

She smiled as I nodded, my cheeks rubbing on the inside of her legs. Her fingers pressed and pulled apart her outer lips. Opening her gentle flower right in front of my face. Rivulets of arousal dripping slowly on my chest. Her inner folds, once tiny, now pink and full from the excitement.

My tongue slid outward, reaching far. The tip gently brushing on her aroused nub. Making her squeak for the first time tonight.

That tiny squeak of pleasure, the shiver of her legs around me. Yeva’s taste on my tongue and Irje’s purr on my dick. All these things, already great by themselves, crashed on me and pushed me over the peak of pleasure and into the unstoppable slide.

My leg, gently but decisively, hooked over and behind Irje’s head and slammed her deep onto my shaft. My palms pressed into the petite breasts eliciting a small hum. My tongue, shaking from my own release, danced on her folds. Quickly turning that hum into a moan.

I groaned as my balls emptied into the greedy mouth of a cougar. I felt her swallow easily, with just enough suction to make sure nothing would spill out.

I wouldn’t leave Yeva alone either. She claimed the top of my body and the top she would receive. My tongue, long and prehensile, was more like a tentacle by now. I roamed her folds and crevices. I mixed our juices together only to spread them liberally over her opening. My hands slid down and wrapped over her thighs. They kept them wide open and added just a little bit of pressure.

Just enough for her to feel as if she was pinned. Just enough to appreciate her new position. And just enough time to get her ready.

Yeva keened as I pulled on her legs. Her outer lips met mine once more. The coiled snake of my tongue diving deep inside. Her own hands were quick to take the spot, which mine had left behind. Tiny fingers tirelessly working on her nipples. Her mound fighting the pressure of my arms to grind harder into my face.

Irje purred in pleasure as my legs relaxed around her, but didn’t leave her spot or stopped her ministrations. Aware that I could go for more. Expecting yet another treat. Something wet dripped down on my leg. Lifting it higher I felt the heat and wetness of arousal. Irje whined into my shaft as my leg rubbed on her mound, picking up the speed herself.

Soon she could hold on no more. While Yeva ground herself into bliss, I felt Irje move behind. A new type of wetness slid on my shaft, familiar fuzz tickling the bottom of my stomach. A moan of the cougar’s content interrupted by a squeak of surprise. Two strong arms of a wermage enveloped the lithe body and pulled her into an embrace.

They fell into a kiss themselves, riding me non-stop. Irje’s hands on Yeva’s breasts. Yeva’s hands inside my scalp, pulling me into a carnal embrace.

We danced our tantric dance, full of peaks and blissful downs.

Eventually, the girls came crashing down. I drank from one’s release while pumping the other one full with my seed. Their own cries of bliss smothered by each other’s lips.

They collapsed into our bed, panting. Lying naked and insensate. Without a word. Each one of them taking time to come back slowly.

I lied among them, a semi-broken husk of a man. My nanites working had to put me back in shape.

I would need a double breakfast for tomorrow.

One after the other they both stirred and cuddled together into me.

“That was quite a punishment.” I croaked. My mouth was giving me trouble as my tongue was still shrinking in size and spasming from exertion.

Yeva chuckled “This is what happens if you throw mountains of gold to keep us happy. We simply couldn’t let that slide.”

“I wouldn’t be opposed to multiple smaller sessions over few weeks you know.” I meekly suggested.

Irje scoffed, “And you will get these too. Remember that, when Domina or her daughter will try to put their claws in you.”

Her finger gently traced my skin, “They might be powerful, but most do not know how to please a single man. Content with letting others do the work for them. And to them. But we know what you like. With your help, I will grow strong as a wermage. And, with Yeva’s help, I will make sure that you won’t fall asleep frustrated. No other wermage would offer this to you. Their pride won’t let them.”

“Weren’t you completely unconcerned about wermages before?” I asked, hugging Yeva close.

Irje harrumphed, “I was. Then I talked to Domina and then to Yeva. Someone is apparently more than he appears to be. So all my expectations are now useless.”

I stayed quiet, contrite that it was partially my fault.

She continued. “I was paranoid that other slaves might steal you. Apparently, I should have been afraid of other wer and, especially, wermages too.”

“If they try to steal me away from you using sex, they would fail.” I mused to her, absentmindedly scratching the head full of wavy blond hair on my chest. “Because I didn’t fall in love with sexy Irje. I fell in love with inquisitive and determined Irje, who knew what she wanted and was willing to fight for it.”

I pulled the cuddle-bug closer, “Just like I didn’t fall in love with lithe and pretty Yeva, but the intelligent and curious one, with a sharp mind and tireless memory. And these qualities could never simply be replaced.”

The blushing but happy cougar was also pulled into the embrace. “What matters now isn’t who is trying to sneak into our bed. But those who would actually try to sneak behind our backs. Otherwise, I am planning to enjoy some peaceful time with you and my family. Once the meeting of tomorrow will be over and the snake is dealt with. For now, let’s sleep, tomorrow will be a busy day again.”


She lied quietly in bed, listening to the slow breathing around her. Irje spent some time faking her sleep until she was the only one still awake among her sadaq. Luckily she didn’t have to wait that long. Tonight’s activities were extremely vigorous and left all of them drained. Yeva was the first to fall asleep and Erf followed her soon after.

Irje really wanted to keep them cuddled into her and fall asleep herself, but she made a promise. And the promise she would keep. Even though she felt sick to the stomach for no apparent reason.

It would be beautiful if she was with his child, but it wasn’t time for it, yet.

Slowly, carefully, she pulled her breast from his mouth, which was still trying to lick it in his slumber. His fascination with breasts was atrocious, but she relished that simpleminded aspect of his. Caveman Erf he called it. She wasn’t exactly sure what caves had to do with them but it was always funny to see him go lopsided when she would casually press them into him. Or straight-up push one in his mouth.

Yeva was harder. Her sleep was much more fleeting compared to the slobbering log. But Irje was creative. The log was easily dragged over into the lithe girl’s embrace. The said girl sniffed out the new body almost immediately, her hands promptly let go of her arm and clutched Erf instead. Yeva buried her face into his chest and grinned in her sleep, her previous pillow long forgotten.


In total darkness, she rose from their bed. Her eyes could see a little bit from the starlight out in the window and she didn’t need much anyway. Putting on her shift, she quietly snuck to one of their chests. The one where Erf held what little there was of his possessions.

A quick but quiet search inside, and Irje pulled out her target. The toy. Apparently given to Erf by one of the most influential people of Emanai. Whom Erf treated like a murk. Honestly, the way he talks is almost as if he was one of their kind all along, just unfortunate enough to wake up one day with his Spark gone.

No wonder they would accept him with such ease inside their circles.

His dalliances with etiquette could wait. The snakes and others couldn’t. Besides nausea, she also felt ill at ease. That feeling of uncertainty started with the talk with Domina. Erf was moving faster and faster. Making bigger waves as he went. And bigger predators were starting to notice them.

She placed the orb on the floor. Right in the middle of the runic circle carved by her lover.

She needed to move quicker too. She couldn’t sit and wait for Erf to solve the problems by himself, or give her yet another skill. Irje didn't have what Yeva apparently had. Something that allowed him to confide in her yet kept her safe from prying eyes. The little girl was vague but she could guess what she was hinting at. Irje could sense the Sparks of every wer and wermage if they were close. Perhaps some could sense more.

She had her own path, however. A path of power. And all that she needed was effort.

She could barely see the wooden sphere in the darkness, nor could she see her arms. But it didn’t matter. Erf tried to describe the shapes and forms of Flow, but they made little sense to him and even less to her. She couldn't sense any of them either.

Irje had no plans to get randy. At least not right now. The morning discussion didn’t just saddle her with the feeling of unease. It also gave her a tiny glimpse at something extremely significant. The hand movements of the Domina, as she moved the plate of grapes across the table. And the cup of wine right after.

What really mattered was that it was an off-hand gesture. The wermage didn’t even look like she was exerting any will or thought toward the cup, at least not in the way Erf described it. Perhaps she, as well, wouldn’t need to.

With abated breath, she formed the gesture.

The toy didn’t move.

Irje made it again. And again. And again.

She tried to make gestures as close as she remembered them, and she tried to vary them a bit here and there. Some were done quickly, one right after the other, while others were done slowly and deliberately.

Moments turned into paces and these made periods of the night.

She wouldn’t give up that easily, but she wouldn’t stay awake the whole night either. Irje already spent an entire period sitting on the floor and all she got from it was sore legs and loud gurgling in her stomach. At least the nausea was getting better.

She would spend two more at most. Leaving her with the other half of the night to sleep. In that case, she would simply do it again the next night. If Erf could spend the night to conjure gold for her dowry, so she shall too - to be strong enough and keep her sadaq safe.

Another gurgle.

And she would bring a snack too.

She put her mind back to the task. With lips pressed thin, her arm slowly reached out and stroked her slit. It felt awkward trying to pleasure herself with one hand while the other was fruitlessly gesticulating at the sphere in the darkness. Irje couldn’t get in the mood either. The suckling pit inside her worrisome stomach killed any faint pleasures that her body could feel. Especially after the things Erf had done to her tonight.

Irje clenched her jaw in frustration, her fury roused by the toy’s continuous inaction. How does it dare to lay still when it wouldn't stop moving yesterday! She was dying of shame back then, seeing him shake his head while she couldn’t stop her body from responding to this cursed ball.

Her fingers clenched, highlighted by a dim blue light. Irje silently snarled at the moving orb, demanding it to fall into a pit of shame, as deep as the one she’d found herself yesterday. Wordlessly cursing the glowing curves across the sphere, which were mocking her in their simplicity.


Irje blinked and tried again. The pain in her legs and nausea long forgotten.

The night was dark and silent no more.

A new sound pierced the silence.

The rolling sound of the orb.

A new sight illuminated the darkness.

The grinning face of the wermage.

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