Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 24 – Part 3 – In this Withering Wintry World

Third Person Point of View

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Every day, without exception, she turned to that familiar place, finding comfort and peace. Despite her high position as their ruler, she sought refuge there, a sanctuary where she could release the weight of her responsibilities and embrace the simplicity of just existing. With a gentle gaze and tender manner, she observed her domain, connecting with a part of herself untouched by the burdens of leadership.

In those moments, she rediscovered fragments of herself, finding the person she once was. It felt as though time stood still, allowing her to exist outside the confines of her role. Lost in thought, she would linger for hours, lost in quiet contemplation or engaged in one-sided conversations with imagined companions, reminiscing about days gone by or sharing the mundane details of her life.

These stolen moments of authenticity were precious to her, treasured like rare gems in the middle of the chaos of her life. Here, accompanied by the whispers of the wind and the rustle of leaves, she found solace, allowing herself to laugh, to cry, to reminisce, free from the expectations of others. In this sacred space, she was simply herself, unburdened and liberated.

During those fleeting moments, she experienced a transient connection to her family, a brief glimpse of happiness that momentarily alleviated the weight of her responsibilities and the absence of her loved ones. In those solitary interludes, the gravity of her duties and the stark reality of a world without them seemed to diminish.

It was only in these cherished respites that she caught glimpses of her former self, unencumbered by the demands of her position. As snow gently covered the ground, a silent observer to her solitude, she stood alone, lost in her thoughts, shielded from the intrusion of others. In this sacred space, she was untouchable, her vulnerability concealed beneath a veneer of strength and composure.

However, as she turned away from this sanctuary, she once again assumed the mask of leadership, the facade she wore for her people. The stoic demeanor, the unwavering resolve—it was all a performance, a carefully orchestrated charade enacted for the sake of her family and herself. In the harsh light of day, she played her part with steady dedication, proof of her love and sacrifice.

Once again, she found herself gazing into those eyes—so deep they seemed to reflect the vast expanse of the universe itself. Within their stare, she felt a mysterious power awakening unfamiliar emotions within her. It was as if she had been thrust into the role of the universe's greatest performer, acting on a stage of cosmic proportions.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Should we go to them or leave right now?" Helmwige asked, breaking the silence that surrounded them.

"They're unlikely to fall into a trap, but it wouldn't hurt to investigate," Grimgerde suggested.

"I don't think so. I suggest we retreat. This could be a trap. We do not fully understand the queen's capabilities," Ortlinde countered, her voice tinged with caution.

The opinions were split, one advocating for engagement while the other urged prudence. Helmwige found herself stuck in the middle, burdened with the responsibility of deciding their next move. Under the expectant gazes of Ortlinde and Grimgerde, she hesitated, struggling with indecision.

"M-maybe it's a trap. Maybe we should—" Helmwige's voice faltered as uncertainty clouded her thoughts.

"It is not a trap. I am here to retrieve you, along with the rest of your team," Callorahine's authoritative voice broke through the tension, dispelling their doubts with its certainty.

All three turned towards the unexpected voice, wearing expressions of astonishment. Before them stood the rest of their team, wearing strained smiles, alongside Callorahine and two unfamiliar figures—a man and a woman—whose presence added an air of mystery to the encounter.

Silent communication passed between them, conveyed through meaningful glances and unspoken gestures, culminating in a unanimous decision to acquiesce to the unexpected reunion. Despite their skepticism, they approached the group, their steps tentative yet resolute.

"Smart choice. Let's proceed, now that we're all assembled," Callorahine remarked, her words tinged with satisfaction, though her cryptic statement left them perplexed.

As Aoife moved to voice a question, Azathoth intervened, restraining her with a gentle grip and a subtle shake of the head. A shared understanding passed among them, signaling that Aaron had likely used his powers, prompting Callorahine's sudden oversight.

As they began to leave the facility, Callorahine started a conversation with them. "You may wonder why we conduct experiments on certain Volgendurs—they are individuals who have been labeled as criminals, stripped of their rights. Their transgressions are severe, so we use them to further our research in various fields."

"Is it because they found out the truth?" Natasha interrupted, her tone firm, causing Callorahine to chuckle and shake her head in response.

"Not this time. Their crimes are elsewhere. They have committed acts against fellow Volgendurs or tried to assassinate high-ranking officials. Therefore, our focus this time does not concern that issue. Specifically, the pair in question were responsible for the death of a child and the destruction of a significant portion of Jotundvik a few months ago, resulting in the loss of many Volgendur lives. Therefore, they have been subjected to our measures," Callorahine explained.

Callorahine led them down a corridor, veering into a different section of the facility, her demeanor tinged with a sense of purpose. "Follow me, I have something to show you," she beckoned, guiding them into a particular room adorned with large tubes filled with a mesmerizing blue-purple liquid.

Approaching one of the tubes, she pressed her hand against its surface, prompting the group to gather around and observe. Slowly, the outline of a person appeared within the liquid, a sight that elicited astonishment from the onlookers.

"A person? Are you birthing life or increasing their strength with enchantments?" Odin questioned, his gaze fixed intently on the tube and its contents.

With a serene smile, Callorahine kept her eyes closed momentarily before responding, "While some planets have their own deities worshipped by the inhabitants, such as Lady Phumera or the Old Era Gods, we explore a different path…"

Within the tube, the figure stirred faintly, a slight movement betraying its dormant state. "There are those who seek to create artificial god," Callorahine revealed, her words heavy with meaning.

Wide-eyed, Rossweisse dared to ask, her gaze fixed on the mysterious being suspended within the tube. "Is that... an artificial god, then?" she asked, disbelief coloring her voice.

With a serene expression, Callorahine confirmed their suspicions, her smile widening. "Modeled after the appearance of my late daughter, she will rise as the Artificial Goddess of the Volgendurs. In time, she will awaken and join us in our efforts to elevate this planet."

Shock and horror etched the faces of all those present, their collective agreement laced with an undercurrent of uncertainty. Callorahine's revelation bordered on the brink of madness, leaving them grappling with a myriad of emotions and unanswered questions. The revelation of Callorahine's familial ties sparked further questions, prompting speculation about the fate of the father and the circumstances surrounding her daughter's passing. It was a revelation that shed new light on her motivations, casting a shadow of doubt on her sanity.

All those present, whether members of the Resistance or [DxD], were well aware that there were two artificial gods in their universe so far: Esina and Elanor. But with the emergence of this new being, it marked the arrival of a third. Understanding the distinctive personalities of the former two was of utmost importance.

Esina was known for her compassionate nature, sometimes resorting to physical force, and was particularly adept at knocking people out with her fists. Meanwhile, Elanor, ranking sixteenth among the Eradicators, was infamous for her cruelty and cunning intelligence, reigning as the leader of her faction.

Natasha, still trying to process the revelation, finally found her voice. "What's her name?" she asked, emerging from her state of shock. "And you were married? You had a child?"

Callorahine offered a serene smile before responding, her eyes flickering open. "It was a well-kept secret shared among only a handful of Volgendurs. I entered into matrimony with him many eons ago, during your youth, perhaps when you were just fourteen. However, our happiness was short-lived. The cause of their demise remains a mystery to me, but I now possess the ability to resurrect my daughter. She departed from this world at the tender age of twelve."

"That's not... she won't have the same personality though, would she even actually resemble your daughter?" questioned Natasha, attempting to rationalize with Callorahine.

"Don't you think I already knew that? That's why I programmed her to be like my daughter and how I would want her to develop as a person. In the end, she will be the daughter I lost," Callorahine explained, her gaze affectionately fixed on the tube containing the artificial being.

Interrupting her reverie, Callorahine shifted her focus to the group. "We will continue our discussions in my throne. What happens after that will depend on what you do and say. Once everything is settled, the fate of this planet and the universe will rest in either my hands or yours."

With a simple motion, Callorahine raised her hand and snapped her fingers, instantly teleporting them back to her home and throne room.

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Upon returning to the grand throne room, Callorahine gracefully took her seat, casting a contemplative gaze upon the gathered group. With her arm resting on the armrest and her cheek supported by her hand, she awaited their responses in silence.

"Now then... for what purpose have you come here?" she inquired, her tone measured yet expectant. "Was it simply to take me down? To halt my progress in the war? To align yourselves with 'Daybreak' and oppose my rule? Or perhaps you've arrived with the intent to persuade me to join the Resistance?" Her eyes scanned each member of the group, lingering momentarily on their faces.

Azathoth took a step back, content to let the others handle the situation, while Odin, driven by curiosity, stood back, observing the proceedings. Iviken, though defeated and seething with suppressed rage, remained silent, his emotions simmering beneath the surface, waiting for the right moment to resurface.

Natasha, her expression hardened, took a firm step forward. "Ideally, finding a peaceful resolution to this conflict would be the best course of action. The main goal of the Resistance was to save Iviken, but in the process, they were swayed by Daybreak's influence to join their mission to overthrow your leadership."

Pausing to make eye contact with Callorahine, Natasha continued, "However, it seems to me that you are a rational leader. Why don't we negotiate terms that can satisfy all parties involved?"

Callorahine listened attentively before responding, her demeanor calm yet confident. "While I understand that not everyone may agree with my rule, I believe it has been effective so far. However, the terms you are proposing seem unreasonable to me. If I were to step down, what assurances would I have? Would I be subjected to imprisonment? Throughout our history, our species has prospered under various types of leadership, and I believe that my rule has been just." Her words exuded a sense of assurance in her leadership.

Iviken's voice thundered with outrage, his accusations piercing through the charged atmosphere in the room. "Is it just to capture men and use them as breeding slaves? Is it just to confine your people within these walls, preventing them from exploring the world beyond? Is it just to throw those who seek the truth, or are close to it, into a pit? How can you utter such words while committing such despicable acts!?" His anger was palpable, demanding answers and explanations.

The sudden outburst startled those around him, but Callorahine remained composed, acknowledging Iviken's questions with a nod while maintaining her absolute confidence in her actions.

"We did not capture them," she responded calmly, her voice measured yet firm. "Before the last one arrived, we presented them with our circumstances and explained their role. We offered them considerable freedom, as we usually do. However, given the ongoing war and the current state of affairs, we chose to secure him in a protected location for his safety." Her explanation was delivered with a sense of rationale, though it may not have entirely assuaged Iviken's grievances.

"In addition, I am aware of their infiltration into the building and their role in ensuring your escape, Iviken," Callorahine continued, her tone resolute and unyielding. "As for Gerald, he is handled with care and dignity. He has the freedom to roam the building independently or with an attendant to aid him as necessary."

She stressed, "I prohibit our people from venturing into the wilds of our world due to its inherent hazards. I have already informed you of the dangers that exist beyond these walls, and Natasha may have reiterated this information to you as well. Only a select few Volgendurs, myself included, possess the ability to confront and combat the creatures that inhabit our world's wilderness." Her words exuded authority, reaffirming her commitment to safeguarding her people from external threats.

"We've consciously chosen to keep our distance from them, ensuring our safety within our own territories," Callorahine explained, her gaze piercing as she spoke directly to Iviken. "By refraining from constant expeditions into their domains, we minimize the risk of attracting their attention, thus reducing the likelihood of our annihilation. These creatures possess a cunning intellect; given time, they would undoubtedly locate our walls again and launch further attacks. Understand that my actions have ensured peace for over a century by deterring their attacks."

Iviken's confusion was evident, prompting Callorahine to elaborate, "I am constantly utilizing my powers. My army of ice-created minions engages in daily battles with them, while I have also erected a vast, near-invisible wall encircling an extended perimeter around our cities, safeguarding us from external threats. Know that I am engaged in an ongoing war with them, using all available means to protect our people." Her words conveyed both the magnitude of the threat and her unwavering dedication to defending her realm.

Raising her hand for emphasis, Callorahine asserted her role as the queen of their species and the weighty responsibility it entailed. "As a ruler, it is my solemn duty to shield our people from threats to the best of my ability. Yet, I also recognize the importance of adhering to our ancient customs and traditions, particularly in seeking retribution for unjust killings. Our actions are motivated by Suzaku Himejima's unjust slaying of Eyhylde."

Addressing Iviken's concerns directly, Callorahine remained resolute. "Regarding your final point, I stand by my decision. Given the opportunity, I would choose the same course of action. I understand the nature of those I have banished; many would inevitably divulge the truth to others, hence why exile was deemed necessary. As I mentioned previously, I provided them with a path back to the surface, but with strict limitations on their movements. Failure to comply would result in their execution," she concluded, her gaze unwavering as she met Iviken's eyes with conviction.

Iviken's frustration filled the air as he confronted Callorahine about the value of sticking to tradition and rules. "Following rules and traditions is senseless. Many of them are counterproductive, especially when it leads to starting a war over the death of one person," he stated with contempt in his voice.

Pointing directly at Callorahine with intense annoyance, Iviken pressed on, "Eyhylde, and others who serve Phumera, put their lives on the line every day. The Resistance is working towards positive change in the universe. Eyhylde's death was likely the outcome of a fair fight on their part. From what I've witnessed and heard today, the members of the Resistance are honorable individuals who are striving to make a difference. Your assumption, influenced by the narratives of Phumera and others, has created a hostile environment for everyone else based on that misguided belief."

His challenging gaze remained fixed on Callorahine, carrying the weight of his words and the challenge to her convictions.

A subtle smile graced Callorahine's lips as she responded, acknowledging Iviken's perspective. "Indeed, there is merit to what you say. Certain traditional views, rules, and values should evolve with the changing times. However, as the sole ruler, I cannot unilaterally enact such changes, as it would undoubtedly provoke resistance from high-ranking officials who hold sway over public opinion."

She continued, her tone measured yet confident. "I rely on these officials to navigate the complexities of governance and garner support for any proposed reforms. Without their cooperation, governing this planet would become significantly more challenging. While I possess the power to remove them, I refrain from such drastic measures unless presented with compelling reasons to do so," she explained, maintaining her smile as she met Iviken's gaze.

"And yes," she added, anticipating his next question, "I find the deaths I have caused to be justifiable within the context of my rule." Her words carried a sense of conviction, reaffirming her commitment to maintaining order and stability within her realm.

Iviken let out a weary sigh, fully aware of the futility of trying to change Callorahine's perspective. Despite his disagreements, he respected her point of view, especially after his numerous discussions with Natasha during his time in captivity. He had gained a deep understanding of the complexities of the world, and knew the difficulties of enacting meaningful change.

Turning her attention to the rest of the group, Callorahine asked for their input. Helmwige raised her hand, voicing her concern. "Don't you think it's... unhealthy to dwell on your past family?" she asked. "While grieving is natural, it seems like you are fixated on preserving their memory through your creations. You've shown us that you are creating an artificial body for your deceased daughter in a place where agriculture and climate control should be the main focus."

Helmwige's question conveyed genuine concern, hinting at the potential consequences of Callorahine's actions for both herself and her kingdom.

Callorahine's expression darkened slightly, though she tried to maintain her composure. "I understand your concerns," she began, her voice tinged with emotion. "But to me, family is everything. My late husband and daughter are my entire world, and if it's within my power, I—"

Her words were abruptly cut off by a sharp pang of pain that reverberated through her head and body, causing her to grimace in agony and instinctively clutch her face with her right hand. A voice echoed within her mind, sending shivers down her spine.

[Enough... rid of them... rid of them... it is not time... but soon... rid of them...]

'I urge you to calm down, everything—' Callorahine tried to reassure the entity, but her efforts were swiftly interrupted once more.

[Kill them! They will obstruct our peace—your peace!] The voice urged, its sinister tone intensifying.

For a brief moment, Callorahine fell silent, grappling with the conflicting voices in her mind. Then, with a sudden shift in demeanor, she looked up at the group before her and declared, "Our opinions do not align. Therefore, I will have all of you arrested and imprisoned for questioning the queen's decisions."

The abrupt change in her personality left them all bewildered, unsure of what had transpired. Callorahine conjured a spear made of ice and tapped it on the ground beside her, causing the room to instantly freeze. Intent on ensnaring the group in the ice, she prepared to carry out her command. However, before her plan could be executed, Azathoth intervened, stepping forward and raising his arm to shield them from the encroaching ice, halting Callorahine's attack in its tracks.

Silently, Azathoth quickly teleported them away, leaving Callorahine to grapple with her thoughts alone. Placing a hand on her head, she let out a heavy sigh and conjured a blue screen beside her, expeditiously issuing commands. Finally, she initiated contact with Hladrifa.

"Yes, my queen?" Hladrifa's voice responded promptly from the other end.

"Capture those I brought with me. They have fled and are now wanted criminals," Callorahine instructed firmly.

"At once," Hladrifa replied before the line went silent.

As Callorahine settled back onto her throne, her hand still pressed against her face, a deep frown creased her brow. She sat in contemplative silence as the voice within her mind began to outline their grand plan—a plan that promised to revolutionize the entire planet and bring peace to the galaxy.

"...yes, all of it is for them, us, and my family..." Callorahine muttered softly, her frown deepening as she reflected on the motivations driving her actions.

— ○ ● ○ —

Azathoth hastily transported the group back to the prisons where Iviken had been held captive. Gerald was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the group, but before he could voice his confusion, Azathoth dissolved the glass barrier, seized Gerald, and teleported them away once more.

This time, they found themselves in a vastly different location: atop an imposing mountain, situated southward of the planet's cities. A flat expanse stretched before them, with towering peaks piercing the sky. Below, massive bear-like creatures roamed freely, oblivious to the presence of the group above.

"I've made us invisible for the time being. Currently, none of you will be able to reach Aaron, but he is aware of the situation and has entrusted you with the task until he concludes his own affairs," Azathoth explained, his voice carrying a sense of urgency.

"We're situated south of the cities, deep within the territory inhabited by the creatures that Callorahine faces in battle every day," Azathoth replied, motioning towards the expansive scene before them.

Following his gesture, the group beheld the awe-inspiring sight of ongoing skirmishes. Explosions reverberated in the distance as Callorahine's ice soldiers clashed with the enormous bear-like creatures. Despite causing significant harm, the ice soldiers refrained from delivering fatal blows, allowing the wounded creatures to retreat without pursuit.

"Why isn't her army finishing off the injured?" Natasha inquired, her eyes fixed on the unfolding spectacle.

Azathoth nodded, comprehending her question. "It's a strategic choice. Callorahine's army doesn't aim to completely eradicate these creatures. Instead, they engage in battle to maintain control and protect the territories surrounding the cities. By allowing the injured creatures to retreat, it prevents unnecessary bloodshed and preserves a delicate balance in the ecosystem," he explained, offering insight into Callorahine's unconventional approach to resolving conflicts.

"Furthermore," Azathoth interjected, "these creatures are revered as a delicacy within the cities' markets and restaurants. Callorahine presents them as originating from a different planet altogether."

Listening to Azathoth's explanation, Odin couldn't help but express his admiration. "She's also affording them the chance to thrive and multiply, isn't she? By sparing their lives, she perpetuates this cycle... It's truly remarkable, given the immense power and stamina required to sustain this effort continuously," he remarked, marveling at Callorahine's resilience.

Iviken, however, directed his question to Azathoth. "Why did you bring us here?" he inquired.

Azathoth met his gaze with a contemplative expression. "There are countless possible futures," she replied cryptically. "Perhaps fortune smiled upon us today, as in many other scenarios, you may have lost your composure and attacked Callorahine once more. In those instances, the discussions we just had might never have taken place." Her words hinted at the unpredictable nature of fate and the pivotal role their actions played in shaping future outcomes.

Iviken gazed at Azathoth, trying to grasp the meaning of her enigmatic words, but words failed him. Sensing the unease in the air, Gerald spoke up, breaking the heavy silence. "I'm not entirely sure what just happened, but it seems we're now on the wrong side of the law, right?"

Azathoth nodded in confirmation, prompting Gerald to propose a plan of action. "Shouldn't we... go find Daybreak? Callorahine knows where they are, and they're probably her next target," he suggested.

Before Natasha could express her worries, Azathoth shook her head and motioned behind them. "When I teleported us here, I also teleported them out of that place. They're behind us," she disclosed.

Natasha's eyes widened with relief as she saw her granddaughter among the group. Without hesitation, she rushed towards her, embracing her tightly, overcome with emotion. For a moment, the tension of the situation faded as Natasha cherished the reunion with her beloved family member.

"Grandmother...?" Shanata whispered, her voice a mix of confusion and shock, though she still returned Natasha's embrace.

As the group looked on at the heartwarming reunion, Rossweisse spoke up, breaking the momentary silence. "Shall we finally make plans? Aaron and Schwertleite are the only ones who have communicated with Daybreak thus far."

"That seems like the logical course of action. However, perhaps a few of us should venture out to observe the bears. We may be able to devise a plan with them in mind," Aoife suggested.

"I'll go!" Helmwige volunteered eagerly.

"Mmm. Count me in as well. I'll entrust the battle plans to the younger ones," Odin agreed before turning to Azathoth. "Will you accompany us?"

Azathoth paused for a moment before nodding in agreement.

"I'm curious about them too. I'll join as well. The rest can stay behind," Aoife proposed, receiving unanimous agreement from the group.

With their roles determined, the group set out to execute their respective tasks, eager to contribute to their mission's success.

— ○ ● ○ —

Arriving at a vantage point that provided a clearer view of the ongoing battle, Aoife's group was taken aback by the sight of injured creatures being tended to by others of their kind. Each bear-like creature displayed unique abilities, showcasing a level of intelligence and complexity that surpassed their initial expectations.

Taking in the scene before them, Helmwige couldn't contain her astonishment. "They're much more intelligent than I had imagined," she remarked, marveling at the creatures' capabilities.

Aoife nodded in agreement, pondering the implications of their discoveries. "If this holds for the others, there might be a leader or an 'Alpha' among them," she speculated. "And if they have the ability to communicate, we might be able to engage with them and seek their help." Her words conveyed optimism, suggesting a potential opportunity for cooperation and collaboration with the observed creatures.

"That does sound quite exhilarating, doesn't it? Going into battle alongside giant speaking bears," Odin chuckled. "It brings to mind a certain conflict from Greek mythology," he added, reminiscing with amusement.

"Are you referring to the Titans' war?" Aoife inquired, seeking clarification.

"Exactly," confirmed Odin. "But let's stay focused on the task at hand," he said, turning to Azathoth. "Can you assist us with this? Is there a leader among them who is capable of communication, or are we just speculating?"

Azathoth nodded in response. "There is an alpha among them who can communicate with us," she confirmed. "I won't reveal any further details, as it's best for you to discover for yourselves. When you're ready, I'll teleport you to them. But first, it would be wise to inform the others of your plans," she advised.

They came to an agreement, and Helmwige went back to inform the group of their plan, which was met with unanimous approval. After everyone was ready, Azathoth teleported them away. To their surprise, Natasha had also joined them, eager to represent Daybreak.

Upon their arrival, they were confronted by three massive bear-like creatures. The creatures turned their heads towards the group, observing them with a mix of curiosity and caution. The leader, marked by a scar over one eye and multiple scars across its furry body, stepped forward and addressed them.

"It has been a long time since I last encountered humans. What brings you to our territory?" the leader inquired, its voice deep and resonant.

Natasha stepped forward confidently, her demeanor resolute. "We seek your help and wish to bring about change on this planet. Will you hear us out?" she declared, her words carrying a sense of determination as she took the lead while the rest of the group stood behind her, ready to support her plea.

"Speak," ordered the bear leader, its deep voice resonating through the air as all three creatures fixed their gaze on Natasha.

Natasha took a moment to gather her thoughts before recounting the events that had unfolded thus far. She relayed Callorahine's actions and the proposed plan for change, speaking with conviction and clarity. The bear-like creatures listened intently, their expressions inscrutable as they absorbed her words without interruption.

It took Natasha approximately five minutes to convey the entirety of their situation. As her words faded into silence, a tense anticipation settled over the group, awaiting the bears' response.

After a pause, the scarred bear stepped forward once more, its voice resonating with authority. "...the woman with blonde hair spoke to us long ago, perhaps around a hundred years ago. My memory is not as sharp as it once was. She asked us to partake in an eternal 'battle,'" it revealed, shedding light on a piece of history previously unknown to the group.

Natasha's bewilderment only grew when she heard about the eternal battle, and she couldn't help but ask for more details. "An eternal battle?" she inquired, her brow furrowing in confusion.

The bear leader nodded gravely. "Yes. Callorahine, the woman with blonde hair, once fought against me and my companions many years ago. She nearly wiped us out. Instead of completely eradicating our species, she proposed the idea of an eternal battle. We were to continue these simulated battles here in case more of her kind or other species visited our domain," he explained.

"We had no choice but to agree to her terms. Many other species in this world were also given similar choices. Some refused and were subsequently annihilated. That's why there are so few species left roaming these lands," the bear leader continued, revealing a shocking piece of history to the group.

While the revelation was not entirely surprising, it shed new light on Callorahine's motivations. The group struggled to understand how she could orchestrate such a scheme for the supposed benefit of her people, leaving them perplexed and cautious of her intentions.

The bear leader heaved a deep sigh. "It seems that Callorahine had hidden motives all this time... Very well, we will align ourselves with your cause," it declared with a touch of resignation. "We have always loathed this endless battle. Many of our healers have perished from the constant strain on their powers. We have even been compelled to bring new life into existence for the sole purpose of training new healers among the youth."

"Even the youngest cubs are aiding the elders in their efforts to heal the wounded. Recently, we noticed that her army intensified their attacks against us, particularly when her emotions surged for some reason," the bear leader added, shedding light on the ongoing conflict and its toll on their kind.

Before Natasha could reply, a sudden rumble reverberated through the surroundings, followed by a barrage of blood, guts, and bones that crashed into the ice columns around them, startling the group.

"W-what the heck!?" Aoife gasped in shock and disbelief as she sprang to her feet. Perched on top of the column, she watched as new variations of ice soldiers emerged, towering over the ice bears and wielding weapons. It was evident that they were now under attack with deadly intent.

"They're massacring them! Callorahine probably knows we're here right now!" Aoife cried out in frustration and horror. With determination blazing in her eyes, she leaped down from the column and addressed the bear leader and its companions. "Please, join forces with us! We will help you fight them back right now!"

The bear leader could only manage a weak nod before Aoife vanished and reappeared above the retreating bears. Summoning her blade, she drew it back, conjuring a colossal ghostly blue blade that dwarfed even the ice soldiers created by Callorahine. With a fierce battle cry, she prepared to unleash her devastating strike against their assailants.

"Damn it!" Aoife exclaimed in frustration as she unleashed her colossal sword upon the ice soldiers, shattering them into oblivion. However, her victory was short-lived as the soldiers swiftly reconstructed themselves from the surrounding ice, emerging unscathed.

With a heavy sigh, Aoife landed on the ground and lowered her blade, her expression grim with anger. She encased her weapon in ice and began advancing towards the relentless ice army. Through their transceiver, she communicated with Cúntóir, seeking guidance.

[Cúntóir, will the anti-healing and anti-regeneration techniques work on these creatures?] she asked urgently.

[They will. I'm considering merging both techniques soon, as having to use separate ones seems rather cumbersome. Aaron devised them approximately a year ago. I'll likely dub it something like 'anti-regen' for brevity,] Cúntóir responded.

[Thanks,] Aoife replied with a slight grin. "Let's do this then," she muttered to herself, activating both techniques and charging headlong into battle against the sturdy ice soldiers.

As Aoife leaped into battle, a powerful surge of blue energy burst forth from the ground, obliterating scores of ice soldiers. To her astonishment, she observed that many of the fallen foes remained motionless, suggesting that a member of her team had utilized similar tactics.

Before she could fully comprehend this revelation, a figure descended from above, trailing a cascade of blue-hued aura slashes that sliced through the air. It was Helmwige, her battle axe slamming into the earth with a tremendous impact, further thinning the enemy ranks.

"Helmwige!" Aoife cried out, sprinting past her comrade and unleashing a barrage of ghostly blue and ice slashes that ripped through the enemy formations.

Helmwige grinned in response. "Odin-sama has promised to provide rear support with Gungnir," she informed Aoife, her eyes shining with resolve.

As they fought side by side, a flurry of nearly imperceptible strikes pierced through the ranks of the ice soldiers, targeting the larger foes. Countless holes marred their bodies, causing them to crumble to the ground in defeat. Without another moment's hesitation, Aoife and Helmwige pressed on, fueled by the residual energy from earlier.

Together, they hacked, slashed, and tore their way through the enemy ranks until none remained standing. However, their triumph was short-lived as an imposing wall suddenly appeared before them, blocking their path. Before they could voice their confusion, they found themselves whisked away, returning to the presence of Odin and Azathoth, who were accompanied by the rest of their group, as well as Daybreak and the three bear leaders.

"Is that the invisible wall that Callorahine mentioned?" Ortlinde inquired, her gaze fixed on the formidable barrier. Azathoth nodded in confirmation, her expression grave with the weight of their predicament.

"Listen carefully," Azathoth's voice was urgent, "our enemy knows we're here and will do everything to keep us out. Time is running out if we want to reclaim your planet and make it your home again, then hurry up and start." Her words hung heavily in the air, filled with the impending struggle.

"I will keep watch here," Azathoth continued, her gaze piercing the tense atmosphere. "I'll offer help as needed."

The group focused on Azathoth, their expressions a mix of worry and anticipation. Aoife, embodying the spirit of action, stepped forward, her right arm extended with resolve. "Then let's not waste any time! Tell us strategies you thought of, and we'll act on them immediately!"

A warm smile touched Azathoth's lips as she revealed their plans, met with eager acceptance from the group. With her approval, Aoife and Rossweisse leapt onto the bear leader's head, their steed carrying them toward the imposing ice barrier. Meanwhile, under Azathoth's guidance, the rest of the party dispersed, teleported to various strategic positions in readiness for the impending assault. Each member, fueled by purpose, prepared themselves for the imminent clash ahead.

"Azathoth-sama will shatter the ice barrier ahead, allowing us to re-enter. But be prepared for a confrontation with numerous Volgendurs. It's likely that Callorahine has spread news of our actions and intentions within the city walls," Rossweisse explained, her tone tinged with concern.

"But what about the Galper Cices? Will she destroy them, exposing her people to the bitter cold? Among them, we saw the elderly, sick, and injured, not to mention the young ones. Do you think she'll take that risk?" Aoife asked, her worry palpable.

"We'll deal with the Galper Cices on the way. If necessary, we'll fix them as we go. Or we could seek Cúntóir's help; after all, she created the tool for their repair," Rossweisse suggested, her voice filled with a practical tone.

"We've arrived. Get ready, Aoife," Rossweisse commanded, her voice firm as Aoife encased her blade in ice once again. After a short countdown relayed through their earpieces, the formidable ice barrier protecting the five major cities was destroyed by Azathoth with a single click of her fingers, allowing them passage.

Their group, accompanied by numerous colossal bear-like creatures, surged towards the cities. However, they were met with a formidable array of Volgendurs, each displaying various levels of power. A flurry of attacks ensued, numbering in the hundreds of thousands.

The towering bear-like beasts took their positions as the first line of defense, using their abilities and strong bodies to shield Aoife's group from harm at strategic points. Despite the onslaught, they pushed forward, the healers among them working tirelessly to mend the damage sustained with Azathoth's aid.

In the distance, the silhouette of Callorahine emerged, her weapon poised for battle. As they approached, an icy chill pervaded the air, growing stronger the closer they got to her.

[Callorahine has withdrawn her ice army from the bears' territory and the surrounding areas on the planet. She's now focusing her attention on you and your team. Prepare yourselves,] Azathoth's voice echoed in their minds, warning of the upcoming confrontation.

"I will move towards her; she will definitely send a Volgendur my way. Good luck, Aoife," Rossweisse declared firmly, dismounting from the bear she rode on. With resolute determination, she adorned her valkyrie armor and took flight towards Callorahine.

Rossweisse darted towards Callorahine with apparent ease, seemingly unaffected by the biting cold or the encroaching ice that encased her armor, melting away in her wake. As she drew closer, Callorahine turned to face her, a sly smirk playing upon her lips.

As Rossweisse surged towards Callorahine, a new figure appeared in front of her, taking her by surprise. It was a woman wielding a massive double-bladed sword, her long black hair flowing around her pale eyes.

Frowning, Rossweisse prepared herself for the upcoming confrontation, but before she could react, the mysterious woman sped up, enveloping them both in a blur and vanishing from sight. Meanwhile, Aoife and the bear continued on, undeterred.

"I sense four enemies, not including the one Rossweisse faced and excluding Callorahine... I guess the bears are handling the rest," Aoife murmured to herself, her eyes fixed ahead.

"Our kind will not harm them, but we will certainly suffer considerable injury. Nevertheless, our healers are strengthened by the influence of that outer god woman," assured the leader bear beneath Aoife, its voice steady accompanied by the chaos of battle.

Explosions echoed and towering ice structures burst forth in every direction, turning the battlefield into a scene of chaos and destruction. As the skirmish continued, their proximity to the city brought them closer and closer to Callorahine's ominous presence.

At last, the bear came to a stop. "This is as far as I can go. Any further and I risk being completely frozen. May fortune be on your side," he bid farewell before darting off towards another sector of the five cities' locale.

Aoife remained suspended in the air, her eyes locked on Callorahine, who regarded her with a chilling smile. A palpable tension hung between them as both began to be enveloped by a shimmering blue aura, their surroundings succumbing to the encroaching frost.

"It would have been better under different circumstances. However, duty and fate have intertwined our paths," Callorahine remarked solemnly as massive icicles materialized around her, a testament to her formidable power.

Aoife's expression hardened as she summoned [Fragarach], enveloping it in a mesmerizing blend of crimson and azure auras. With a burning resolve, she raised the blade to the level of her head, drawing it back in preparation for the impending clash.

"Fate? Maybe. But I refuse to accept a future where your destruction is the only outcome, Callorahine," Aoife declared defiantly, her gaze steady as she locked eyes with her enemy.

Callorahine's response was laced with a mixture of amusement and condescension. "Naïve, foolhardy, and utterly foolish. Yet, there's a certain charm to your optimism. Nevertheless, you have much yet to learn about the workings of the universe," she retorted, a subtle gesture sending a barrage of icicles hurtling towards Aoife.

As the icy projectiles drew nearer, the air itself seemed to crystallize around them, creating an eerie streak towards Aoife. With calculated precision, she bided her time, waiting until the very last moment before swiftly parrying the onslaught with her sword.

With lethal precision, Aoife skillfully sliced through the oncoming icicles, halving them before they could even touch her, much to Callorahine's surprise. Time and time again, she repeated this process until every icy threat had been vanquished, leaving only puddles in their wake.

Without any hesitation, Aoife reappeared above Callorahine, her blade ready for a decisive strike. However, as she swung it down in an arc, her attack met unexpected resistance as a transparent circle of ice formed in front of her, absorbing the force of her blow. Despite her initial frustration, Aoife persisted, channeling even more strength into her strike until the barrier shattered, catching Callorahine off guard once more.

Just as Aoife's blade closed in on the queen, she suddenly shattered into icy fragments, leaving Aoife momentarily confused as her strike missed its mark. With a quick glance upwards and behind her, Aoife spotted Callorahine floating once again, her elusive maneuvers a demonstration to her intellect and speed.

"Why not put your freezing abilities to use? Won't that make this fight easier for you?" Aoife asked, her eyes fixed on the seasoned warrior in front of her.

Callorahine chuckled softly. "Sure, it would, but where's the fun in that? I have the heart of a warrior, and I enjoy the challenge of a fair fight. Besides, it's not every day that someone dares to challenge my rule, especially when it involves the Resistance and an outer god," she explained, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she looked at Aoife.

"Is that so?" Aoife replied, determination shining in her eyes as she charged at Callorahine once more. This time, the queen didn't dodge; instead, she met Aoife head-on, her spear ready for combat. Their weapons clashed with a resounding impact, sending shockwaves rippling through the air.

As they engaged in a fierce struggle, the battle of strength and willpower intensified. Sparks flew as they exerted themselves, each refusing to give ground. However, it was Aoife who, with a surge of determination, managed to summon a bit more strength and forcefully pushed Callorahine away, the resulting shockwave echoing across the battlefield.

"You are not the only one holding back," Aoife declared defiantly. "As I've said, I will save you, even if it means forcibly enlisting you as an ally to the Resistance." She pointed her sword at Callorahine, her resolve burning like the sun.

A flicker of sadness crossed Callorahine's face, momentarily confusing Aoife. The queen remained silent, her expression inscrutable, almost as if she pitied either Aoife or herself. Despite the uncertainty, Aoife wasted no more time and launched herself back into the fray, determined to continue their battle.

As the clash of ice and wills persisted, Aoife couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Callorahine than met the eye. Her actions and demeanor seemed contradictory and puzzling at times. However, for now, Aoife pushed aside her doubts and focused solely on the intense struggle unfolding between them.

— ○ ● ○ —

Rossweisse and her unlikely companion found themselves on the outskirts of Finhöll, only to be surprised by the sudden appearance of another figure.

"I'm joining the fun!" declared a small girl wielding a scythe with green and golden accents, her infectious grin lighting up the scene.

To their amazement, it was Leslie from Daybreak. With a swift swing of her scythe, she lunged towards the woman with the double-bladed sword, leading to a brief exchange of blows before the woman skillfully disengaged from the confrontation.

"Leslie, is it? What are you doing here?" Rossweisse inquired, narrowing her eyes in suspicion.

"I've already taken out ten of these idiots! Shanata said that was my quota, so I'm good to go! Plus, fighting alongside a big-titty valkyrie sounds like a blast!" Leslie declared boldly, causing Rossweisse to blush furiously at the unexpected lewd words.

Leslie redirected her focus to the woman, speaking with a mocking tone. "You're Thyra, right? Known as the medium-breasted-blade by many. Not the most flattering moniker, huh?"

Thyra's expression grew somber at the insult, her body and weapon enveloped in a pulsating light purple energy as she aimed her weapon at them. "Enough with the petty insults. My physical attributes have no relevance here. You were supposed to be dead, yet here you stand, aligning yourself with the Resistance to bring destruction to our planet? Shame on you, Leslie. I expected better."

Leslie tilted her head, a look of amusement crossing her features. "What bullshit has Callorahine filled your head with? You know what? I don't care. Let's settle this once and for all, you mediocre-sized cow!" With a determined cry, Leslie charged at Thyra, ready to engage in combat.

Rossweisse observed the unfolding duel from a distance, her confusion growing at the seemingly irrelevant focus on breast size. Nevertheless, she pushed aside her bewilderment and focused on the battle before her.

Leslie unleashed a flurry of rapid scythe strikes, each accompanied by vibrant green and golden energy slashes aimed at Thyra. With practiced precision, Thyra deflected the onslaught, though she noted an unexpected increase in the attacks' intensity, requiring a greater exertion of power to counter them effectively. Once the barrage ceased, Leslie fixed Thyra with a defiant gaze, a smirk playing upon her lips.

"My strikes are a bit more powerful, aren't they?" Leslie taunted her opponent.

"Don't get cocky, Leslie. Just because your strength has grown since your alleged death, you're not the only one who's been honing their skills during that time!" Thyra retorted, her determination fueling a swift and fierce counterattack as she charged back at Leslie with increased speed and resolve.

Thyra's blade descended upon Leslie, who tried to block the attack but found herself ensnared by the light purple energy emanating from Thyra's sword. The energy pierced Leslie's body, leaving slashes and gashes in its wake. Despite the pain, Leslie managed to push herself away from Thyra, retreating momentarily as she sought to regain her bearings.

Floating a short distance away, Leslie grimaced as she coughed up blood, the wounds inflicted upon her body evident. However, the healing energy of the bears soon reached her, rapidly healing her injuries but leaving behind scarred reminders of the fierce encounter.

"Damn it," Leslie muttered, wiping the blood from her mouth as she glared at Thyra. "Got too cocky."

Thyra met Leslie's glare with a stern gaze. "Complacency only leads to defeat. Didn't they teach you that at the academy?"

"Academy my ass!" Leslie retorted, her voice filled with defiance as she charged back at Thyra with renewed vigor, refusing to let her enemy's words deter her resolve.

As Rossweisse watched the intense clash between Thyra and Leslie, it was apparent that Thyra held the upper hand. However, Leslie, donned in her nun's attire, managed to catch Thyra off guard with unexpected maneuvers, landing occasional hits that caused minor injuries.

Despite Leslie's tenacity and cleverness, it was evident that Thyra maintained a superior advantage. Although Leslie's injuries were quickly healed by the bears' restorative energy, Thyra remained relatively unscathed, easily shrugging off her minimal injuries. In a typical scenario, Leslie would have likely been defeated long ago. However, she cleverly utilized her constant healing to her advantage, prolonging the battle and seeking opportunities to shift the tides in her favor.

Suddenly, Leslie disappeared from view, reappearing as illusions or afterimages surrounding Thyra. In a strange and surprising move, the illusions transformed into large beetles that exploded in a dazzling display of green and gold, creating a small but potent explosion that engulfed Thyra and the surrounding area. The shockwave rippled through the battlefield, leaving a cloud of debris and chaos in its wake.

After the explosion, Thyra hung in the air, bearing visible wounds but refusing to give in. Meanwhile, Leslie, panting heavily, felt the weight of her injuries pressing down on her. Though her wounds were healed, her stamina decreased rapidly, drained by the prolonged battle.

Leslie typically aimed to quickly finish her battles. Yet, facing Thyra, victory seemed elusive, perhaps even improbable. However, Rossweisse approached, drifting beside her and offering solace with a gentle touch upon Leslie's shoulder.

"I'll handle this now. You've performed well, Leslie," Rossweisse murmured, her tone soothing.

Leslie attempted to voice her objection, but as she struggled to move, she realized her efforts were unconvincing, her vision blurring slightly. "Damn it... I can keep going...!" she asserted defiantly.

Rossweisse quickly initiated communication through their earpiece. [Azathoth, can you take her back to your location?] she asked. Before Leslie could interject, she found herself whisked away, swept back to their base of operations.

Rossweisse let out a heavy sigh, her resolve firm as she summoned her Mistilteinn Wand, cradling it protectively against her chest. "Let's get started, shall we?" she questioned, her tone firm. With a rapid movement, she conjured numerous Norse-style magic circles, a captivating display that took Thyra by surprise.

Before Thyra could mount any defense, the onslaught began. Waves of magical energy surged forward, each strike hitting its target. But instead of exploding on impact, they lingered, a silent forewarning of the impending explosion.

In Thyra's eyes, there was only Rossweisse, her composure untouched in the chaos, her expression only marred by a faint hint of concern. Uncertainty gripped Thyra as she prepared for the unknown, unsure if this assault would be her downfall.

Then, as if time itself had paused, reality snapped back, and Thyra was engulfed once more by a blinding explosion, its force consuming everything in its path.

In the blink of an eye, the explosion under Rossweisse's command dissipated. Thyra hovered briefly, her gaze fixed on Rossweisse with a mix of exhaustion and resignation before gravity pulled her back to earth. The valkyrie acted quickly, intercepting Thyra's descent and tending to her injuries with a sigh. With practiced hands, she administered healing magic and cast a spell to induce slumber, ensuring Thyra's unconsciousness.

In silence, Rossweisse summoned anti-power cuffs and secured them around Thyra's wrists. In an instant, Thyra vanished, seemingly whisked away by Azathoth. With Thyra taken care of, Rossweisse redirected her focus to the chaos unfolding around her. However, her attention was abruptly diverted as she detected a presence hurtling toward her with alarming speed.

A colossal figure of ice, brandishing a massive club, charged towards Rossweisse with a look of anger. As the icy behemoth swung its weapon, Rossweisse effortlessly dodged the attack, disappearing from its line of sight in an instant.

With remarkable agility, Rossweisse reappeared atop the giant's club, her presence a defiant challenge. Without another word, she brought her foot down upon the icy weapon, shattering it into fragments. A powerful shockwave reverberated from the impact, incapacitating the giant as its legs crumbled beneath it, rendering it powerless.

Desperation flashed in the giant's eyes as it tried to reform its shattered limbs using the surrounding ice. However, Rossweisse had foreseen such a maneuver, utilizing a technique to counter its efforts. Despite its futile struggles, the giant remained immobilized, defeated by the valkyrie's overwhelming strength.

With a decisive strike, Rossweisse dealt the finishing blow, obliterating the giant's head and ensuring its defeat. Though her task was far from over, duty beckoned, urging her onward as part of the cohesive unit she served alongside.

Surveying the battlefield, she noticed a multitude of these colossal monstrosities emerging in the distance, a grim reminder of the ongoing struggle. Despite the temptation to assist Aoife, Rossweisse hesitated momentarily before dismissing the notion.

'Let us prioritize helping our comrades,' she decided, her decision firm. With a quick nod, Rossweisse set forth, determined to lend her strength where it was needed most, trusting in the capability of her fellow warriors, including Aoife, to hold their own in the face of Callorahine.

— ○ ● ○ —

Hladrifa was filled with a fierce rage as she faced Natasha and Shanata, the powerful matriarchs, alongside Shadow Soldiers fighting the ice soldiers on top of the hospital in Jotundvik.

"Why?!" Hladrifa's voice boomed with fury. "Why did you betray us, Natasha?!" she demanded, her presence crackling with volatile energy, escalating with each passing moment.

Natasha met Hladrifa's anger with a steely gaze, her expression somber. "Deep down, you know that Callorahine's actions are unjust, just as Phumera's are. Why do you continue to blindly follow their orders, like a mere sheep?" she challenged, her words slicing through the tension like a knife.

Those words ignited a fire within Hladrifa, fueling her outburst as she shouted back at them. "It is my duty! I made a pact with Lady Yve, passed down through Lady Elanor and Madame Phumera! Our world, our species, was to remain untouched!" she declared, her voice ringing with conviction.

Hladrifa raised her bow, pulling the string back as she took aim at Natasha and Shanata. "As long as I stand and fulfill my duty, Lady Yve's protection will shield us from harm," she declared, her anger rising. "I suspect there may be more to it than meets the eye, but I care not. I act for the preservation of our kind!"

Without delay, Hladrifa released a torrent of arrows, a relentless barrage numbering in the hundreds of thousands, hurtling towards her two enemies with deadly intent. Yet, before the projectiles could hit their target, both Shanata and Natasha reacted with astounding agility.

Summoning green liquid from their palms, they flung it into the path of the oncoming arrows, creating a protective barrier just in time. The arrows collided with the viscous substance, dissolving upon impact, their deadly force stopped by the quick thinking and coordination of the grandmother and granddaughter duo.

As the dark green and light green liquids melded together, creating a powerful barrier that dissolved Hladrifa's arrows, Natasha gazed proudly at her granddaughter. "It seems you've inherited more than just my blood," she remarked, a hint of satisfaction in her voice.

Shanata's cheeks flushed with embarrassment at the praise. "Mother left behind many notes for me to study when I was young. I learned a lot from her, including your techniques. I always aspired to follow in your footsteps," she admitted, her voice tinged with reverence.

However, Hladrifa's relentless assault interrupted their moment of familial bonding. "Do not ignore me and indulge in nostalgia!" she shouted, her demand cutting through the air. "I ask you two once more, abandon this futile path and stand with us! There may still be a chance for forgiveness if you act now!" she pleaded, her tone tinged with desperation.

With steely determination etched upon her face, Natasha stood tall and conjured a grenade launcher into her hands with practiced skill. Taking careful aim at Hladrifa, she unleashed a stream of explosive rounds, each grenade fragmenting into smaller projectiles that exploded into glowing green liquid, transforming into sharp needles aimed directly at the Volgendur.

Hladrifa grunted in frustration as she fought back, releasing bullets of darkness from her hand to counter Natasha's attack. To her surprise, the green liquid dissolved her darkness and Natasha's attacks struck her at vulnerable points on her body.

"I was offered your position before it was given to you, Hladrifa," Natasha declared, her voice oozing with confidence. "I have navigated this battlefield for far longer than you, predating even the creation of Ueboros. Do not underestimate the experience of an old woman," she admonished, her words carrying the weight of years spent in combat.

Hladrifa's response resonated with a fierce defiance, her intentions clear. "It doesn't matter who was offered the position first. What matters is that I accepted it and must remain loyal and to my beliefs," she declared, her voice carrying a hint of frustration and confusion in the middle of the chaos unfolding around her.

With growing anger and turmoil churning inside her, Hladrifa released another barrage of arrows, the sheer quantity a reflection of her inner turmoil. As the projectiles surged forward, fueled by her anger and uncertainty, she grappled with the unsettling reality of the changing times.

In the depths of her soul, Hladrifa held onto the hope that the recent triumphs of the Resistance were just flukes, chance events that would not disrupt the status quo she desperately clung to. But as the weight of recent events bore down on her, especially the loss of Eyhylde and the revelation of impending war, the truth became crystal clear.

Today marked a pivotal moment, the culmination of her realization that the world she once knew was shifting inexorably before her eyes. With each arrow unleashed, Hladrifa confronted the harsh reality that change was not only imminent but inevitable, thrusting her into an uncertain future filled with upheaval and uncertainty.

Natasha fired her grenade launcher downward, unleashing a grenade that exploded into a lush green fluid, forming a sentient being. Rapidly taking shape, it surged forward, intercepting a barrage of arrows aimed their way. Growing larger, it absorbed the attack, swiftly eliminating the imminent danger before elegantly moving toward Hladrifa, exuding an aura of menacing resolve.

"Change isn't always a bad thing, Hladrifa. Deep down, you know—in your core—that the Resistance fights for what's right," Natasha proclaimed with firm belief, her voice resonating with absolute certainty.

In response, Shanata sprang into action, her movements fluid and deliberate. She quickly transformed her own liquid substance into sharp, spinning discs, hurling them at the figure above. With a graceful motion, she drew a sword resembling a katana, leaping toward Hladrifa, who countered with a flurry of arrows. Undaunted by the attack, Shanata skillfully sliced through the projectiles, steadily advancing toward Hladrifa with each passing second.

Hladrifa summoned forth the same entity as before, materializing it behind her with practiced ease. As it took form, it crafted its own bow, conjuring numerous portals behind it. With a resounding release, the colossal entity unleashed its arrow, triggering a cascade of similarly sized projectiles from the portals, each imbued with distinct effects.

The group of arrows surged toward Shanata, who remained steadfast, making no attempt to evade them. However, before the deadly barrage could reach her, Natasha's green liquid creation soared to her defense once more, intercepting and absorbing the projectiles with no problem.

Unbothered by the attacks, Shanata pressed on, advancing steadily. In a blink, she vanished from Hladrifa's line of sight, reappearing behind the entity summoned by her enemy. In a stunning display of skill, Shanata easily destroyed the summoned entity, shattering it into irreparable fragments, leaving Hladrifa visibly stunned by the sudden turn of events.

"You weren't this powerful all those years ago...! How did you—!?" Hladrifa's voice quivered with a mixture of disbelief and amazement, her words fading as Shanata's knee struck her face, sending her tumbling to the rugged grounds of Jotundvik.

Shanata landed gracefully, positioned in front of her grandmother. They exchanged a silent glance, observing Hladrifa as she struggled to her feet, a potent blend of fury and confusion etched across her visage.

"How can you possess such strength? I believe I am much more powerful than both of you, so why...!?" Hladrifa's voice faltered, her eyes narrowing with intensity as she grappled with the unexpected turn of events.

Natasha raised her arm, revealing a newly created tattoo of a dragon, its intricate design freshly etched onto her skin mere moments ago.

"It seems like the outer god decided to bless us with this. It's definitely giving us a significant boost in strength, which is why we're able to overpower you so easily. Unless you have a way to counter it, Hladrifa, it might be a good idea to surrender. Just let us deal with Callorahine without any interference," Natasha stated, the confidence in her voice tinged with a hint of warning.

'The outer god's help...!? He's here on this planet!? B-but... Callorahine never mentioned his presence... did he somehow conceal himself...!?' Hladrifa's mind raced with disbelief, her widened eyes betraying her shock at the revelation.

"We're not sticking to the old ways anymore, Hladrifa. It's never worked out for us. When things change, you need to adapt, or you'll end up being left behind. You have to embrace the change," Natasha declared, her gaze fixed on the injured Volgendur in front of them.

 Hladrifa gritted her teeth and pushed herself even further—this was her final stand against the two of them, and she was determined to either take them out or perish in the attempt. She fixed them with a firm gaze and declared, "I will continue to carry out my duty. I have a responsibility to fulfill my job for myself, my people, for Lady Yve, Madame Phumera and Callorahine."

It was a resolute refusal to surrender. She was committed to her beliefs, her convictions, and she was prepared to battle them to the bitter end. Though she never outright declined their offer, she made it clear that she would persist in fulfilling her duties to her people, giving both Shanata and Natasha hope that she might be open to change. All that remained was to defeat Hladrifa in this standoff so they could move forward.

Natasha closed her eyes, understanding that Hladrifa was simply carrying out her duty, just as she was. She shared a brief, silent exchange of understanding with Shanata. Without speaking, Shanata charged towards Hladrifa, drawing her sword and thrusting it forward.

A crimson streak of lightning burst from her blade, hurtling towards Hladrifa, who quickly countered by tapping into the power of the entity behind her. The entity unleashed a barrage of arrows at Shanata's attack. However, due to Hladrifa's weakened state, Shanata's strikes easily shattered the arrows, forcing Hladrifa to leap away. Yet, despite her evasion, a pained grimace crossed her face as the intensity of the battle surged through her body.

Upon landing, she felt a subtle shift in the air and looked down to find her surroundings transformed into the same green liquid that Natasha used.

"Shit—!" she exclaimed, trying to pull away. But to her surprise, the liquid didn't dissolve her, it ensnared her, holding her in place.

Hladrifa struggled against her restraints for a moment before stopping. As she looked at the two women in front of her, then down at her trapped ankles, and finally at her bow and the figure looming behind her, a decision began to take shape in her mind.

Both Natasha and Shanata watched her contemplation, but it was the elder of the two who understood the potential consequences. With urgency, Natasha sprinted toward Hladrifa, but before she could intervene, the young woman made her fateful choice.

A surge of powerful energy engulfed Hladrifa's bow as she swung it towards her ankles, severing them from her body. Utilizing her powers, she ascended into the sky and quickly cauterized her wounds, stifling her screams of agony.

With ragged breaths, Hladrifa took a moment to collect herself before leveling her bow at her enemies, mirrored by the entity looming behind her. She unleashed a barrage of arrows towards them, accompanied by a simultaneous attack from the entity. Though discomfort gnawed at her, she remained steadfast, knowing that technological advancements could restore her lost feet, whether by reattaching them to her body or creating new ones.

Her attacks targeted Natasha, yet the seasoned warrior retaliated by unleashing her grenade launcher. A lone grenade ejected from her weapon, splitting into smaller fragments that transformed into various colored liquids before hurtling towards the incoming arrows.

The collision of liquids and arrows put on a captivating show in the sky. As the arrows were submerged in the liquids, they underwent a strange transformation, being converted into energy that further empowered the fluids. Taking on the shape of arrows themselves, the energized liquids surged towards Hladrifa with renewed strength.

Undeterred by the attack, Hladrifa countered by imbuing her arrows with darkness, causing them to spiral around their shafts and generate sinister blades of shadow. At the same time, the entity behind her mirrored her actions, releasing its own volley of arrows shrouded in darkness.

Joining the battle, Shanata unleashed a series of energy slashes and crimson lightning from her blade, followed by a torrent of dark green liquid from her hands. The liquid amplified the speed of her attacks, adding another layer of ferocity to the battle.

Hladrifa made an attempt to retaliate, but her efforts fell short, unable to match the speed of Shanata's insanely fast strikes. The strikes from Shanata's attacks sliced through Hladrifa's defenses, severing her left arm and eliciting a pained grimace. Yet, before she could recover, Natasha's attacks found their mark, piercing her body before erupting into explosive devastation.

With the entity's disappearance, the area quaked, and several buildings lay in ruins. As the smoke cleared, Hladrifa lay motionless on the ground, her gaze fixed upon the sky.

Natasha hurried to her side, checking for any signs of life. To her relief, Hladrifa still clung to life. "I'll administer treatment and restrain you. For now, you're under our care, Hladrifa," Natasha informed her, but the young woman remained silent, her gaze unyielding as it remained fixed on the sky above.

"I'm calling it cheating because you had the outer god's help," muttered Hladrifa, her gaze still fixed on the distant sky, refusing to meet their eyes.

"Call it what you like, but victory is still ours," declared Shanata firmly as she approached from the other side.

Hladrifa remained silent for a moment before speaking again, determination etched into her voice. "I'll get my revenge eventually. I demand a rematch in the future."

"Suit yourself," responded Shanata dismissively before darting off to confront the towering ice soldiers wreaking havoc upon the city.

Natasha turned her attention back to Hladrifa, her tone softening with concern. "You two need to reconcile. You were the one who helped imprisoned her, weren't you?" she asked as she tended to Hladrifa's injuries. "And please, don't simply brush it off as your duty," she added with a sigh, acknowledging the quiet stubbornness of Hladrifa's resolve.

Once more, Hladrifa stayed quiet, her eyes shut as she absorbed the chaos of battle surrounding her.

"...why did you hold back on us too?" Natasha's question pierced through the tension as she approached the end of Hladrifa's healing process, securing her with restraints to neutralize her powers.

"...It is my duty to serve Madame Phumera and Callorahine. But I also swore to protect our people. If I unleashed my full strength, I risked endangering our cities, our planet, and our people. I couldn't allow that," responded Hladrifa with a tired tone.

"And you'd hurt your best friend, right?" Natasha interjected softly, her smile aimed at Hladrifa. The young woman looked away, unwilling to admit that her hesitation to fully engage Shanata stemmed from their shared history.

"Goodness, you're just as stubborn as your mother, and she's taken her retirement," Natasha teased with a touch of fondness as she finished healing Hladrifa and helped her up. "Alright, let's keep moving. You'll stick close to me as we support my granddaughter. Once we defeat Callorahine, we'll regain control of our planet."

"And you're certain our people will agree to it?" Hladrifa asked skeptically as she hobbled alongside Natasha, her severed feet miraculously reattached during the healing process.

"It won't be immediate, but we believe many share our dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs. We'll also address the concerns of other leaders and elders to ensure a smoother transition," Natasha explained with confidence.

Hladrifa's eyes widened in surprise. "You don't mean...?" she trailed off, unable to finish her question.

"That's exactly what I mean. If it comes to that, then so be it," Natasha affirmed firmly, her tone leaving no room for undeniability.

Natasha had no reservations about taking out the current leaders and those in authority who opposed the vision for a world that many yearned for. Hladrifa understood this, realizing that while the outer god might not agree, he wouldn't interfere, acknowledging that it was their planet, and he remained unsure whether they would support the Resistance or not.

As they walked away, both women contemplated the uncertain future of their species, considering the challenges and sacrifices that lay ahead on the journey to reclaiming their world.

— ○ ● ○ —

On another part of the planet, Göndul, Schwertleite, accompanied by a young man from Daybreak named Lars, squared off against another Volgendur dispatched by Callorahine.

The young woman, with cascading long snow-white hair down to her hips and piercing brown eyes, wore a striking black military uniform embellished with vibrant red and golden accents, complemented by a billowing cape. In her hand, she wielded a rapier with practiced skill, engaging in fierce combat alongside Schwertleite and Lars.

Lars, towering at an impressive height of 6'5", boasted a vibrant mane of spiked red hair with a contrasting blue fringe. His attire consisted of a white shirt paired with a striking red vest, a crimson hoodie tied around his waist, and matching red pants and shoes. His muscular build was surpassed only by his exuberant and boisterous demeanor, which reverberated throughout the battle.

"Hahahaha! Take this! And this! And this!! Oraaaaaaaa!!" Lars's booming laughter filled the air as he unleashed a relentless barrage of fiery punches towards Lystra. However, the woman deftly dodged and parried his strikes with ease, her focus steady.

In the middle of the battle, Lystra regarded only Schwertleite and Göndul with genuine concern, occasionally glancing in their direction to observe them.

Undeterred by his opponent's skill, Lars continued his onslaught, each punch delivered with precision. Yet, despite his fervent efforts, Lystra regarded him with a mixture of amusement and patience, similar to a caregiver dealing with a tantruming child. Despite Lars's augmented strength from Aaron's tattoo, he remained no match for Lystra's overall strength, evident in his struggle to land a single blow.

Suddenly, with startling speed, Lystra vanished from Lars's sight, reappearing behind him in a flash. Before Lars could react, she delivered a punishing knee strike to his back, sending him hurtling through the air and crashing through several buildings as they soared above Finhöll.

Without another moment's notice, Lystra turned her attention towards Schwertleite and Göndul, instantly closing the distance between them in the blink of an eye. With unmatched agility, she unleashed a rapid series of rapier thrusts towards the two warriors, each strike leaving behind solid afterimages in the form of shadows and darkness.

Schwertleite adeptly parried every attack with a single fluid motion, taking Lystra by surprise. In an immediate retaliation, Schwertleite delivered a powerful strike with her sheathed sword, landing a solid blow to Lystra's stomach and sending her flying away, much like Lars had moments before.

Before Lystra could regain her composure, Lars had already recovered and charged back at her with renewed vigor. As he encased his right arm in flames, he unleashed a fierce strike against Lystra's back, eliciting a grunt of pain from the woman.

Promptly turning around, Lystra tried to pierce Lars's head with her weapon, only to find him vanished from sight. Before she could react, she felt a sharp impact at the back of her neck, sending her crashing to the ground. This time, it was Lystra who found herself knocked away by the unseen assailant.

"Hahaha! Take that, you stupid woman!" Lars declared with triumphant smile, relishing in his victory as he stood over Lystra, a self-satisfied grin etched on his face. "I, the great Lars, have defeated the wicked witch!"

Lystra couldn't help but roll her eyes at Lars' arrogance as she lay on the ground, assessing the situation. 'Is he delusional or something?' she pondered silently, observing Lars's behavior. 'The real threat lies with those other two, while this stupid man is weaker than me. Let's dispose of him now and focus on the real enemies.'

Without hesitation, Lystra vanished from her position, reappearing behind Lars with her rapier poised for a strike. However, Lars anticipated her move and skillfully dodged her thrust with a slight movement of his head, his smirk never widening. Seizing the opportunity, Lars retaliated with a swift punch aimed at Lystra, who managed to parry the blow but was still sent staggering backward from the force of the impact.

Lystra's bewilderment deepened as Lars not only matched her strength but also taunted her with his agile evasion—dancing. Frustrated and infuriated, she persisted, launching another rapid series of thrusts towards Lars, only for him to effortlessly dodge each one with mocking grace, further fueling Lystra's anger.

In a last-ditch effort, Lystra disappeared from sight, conjuring blinding lights all around Lars to disorient him. Seizing the opportunity, she reappeared beneath him, aiming her rapier directly at his chest. Yet, to her astonishment, Lars was swiftly pulled out of harm's way before her blade could find its mark.

As Lars rubbed his eyes, still reeling from the blinding lights, he muttered in confusion, "What the... ugh, thanks Lady Göndul." His gaze shifted to Lystra with a scowl. "That was dirty!"

"Anything goes in a real battle, Lars," Göndul remarked gently, her voice carrying a tone of seasoned wisdom.

"Ugh, you're right, but who cares, let's keep going!" Lars declared with intent, igniting his fists with flames once more. Simultaneously, his lower half became cloaked in darkness, amplifying his imposing presence on the battlefield.

Lystra carefully assessed all three opponents before her, her gaze darting between them as she narrowed her eyes, attempting to anticipate their next move. Despite her uncertainty, she acknowledged that Göndul, the elder woman, had been inexplicably assisting Lars throughout the confrontation. Without Göndul's intervention, Lars would surely have met his end by now.

With a resigned sigh, Lystra summoned several orbs of light around her body, her expression somber and concentrated. Without uttering a word, she aimed her rapier at Göndul's group and vanished from sight in a burst of speed. Simultaneously, from the point where Lystra disappeared, a massive explosion of blinding light erupted, engulfing the area and momentarily disorienting her enemies.

"What in the world!?" Lars exclaimed, shielding his eyes from the blinding light with his arms. He looked back and forth between Göndul and Schwertleite, bewildered by their apparent immunity to the glare. "How are you two not affected by this!?"

"Magic," they both replied in unison, their expressions unreadable as they subtly followed something with their gazes.

Suddenly, Lystra appeared behind them, her sword poised for a lethal strike. But before she could land her attack, a massive fluffy piece of wool appeared next to Schwertleite, absorbing the force of Lystra's blow and leaving her momentarily confused.

Before Lystra could recover, a series of slashes appeared on her body, followed by a powerful blast that sent her hurtling away. The piece of wool then surged toward her, attaching itself to her before detonating in a powerful explosion. Despite the force of the blast, Lystra managed to shield herself with darkness, absorbing the majority of the explosion's impact and minimizing the damage.

She floated in the air, clutching her stomach as she still felt the impact of the attack. However, she looked back up at them, Göndul's expression the same as ever while Schwertleite was silently glaring at her to which made Lystra confused as she was just doing her job and what she thought was right.

"Lars, support Schwertleite and learn from her," commanded Göndul and the young man readily agreed.

Schwertleite disappeared from her position and reappeared behind Lystra, unleashing a series of slashing attacks that left marks on the woman's body, one of them grazing her neck with a shallow cut. Panic surged through Lystra as she realized the dangerous closeness of her death.

Witnessing the intensity of the battle, Lars was both shocked and exhilarated by the ferocity displayed. "Hah! I knew she was holding back when fighting Leslie!" he exclaimed with fervor before darting towards Lystra. With flames engulfing his fist, Lars launched a fiery straight punch towards Lystra's face.

Lystra easily evaded the attack, but before she could fully react, she was struck by Lars's leg coated in darkness, sending her staggering backward. Lars pressed the advantage, launching a relentless barrage of flaming punches towards Lystra, forcing her to block each strike with growing difficulty. The heat and force of the blows pushed Lystra to her limits as she struggled to maintain her defense against Lars's onslaught.

Growing increasingly frustrated by the one-sided nature of the battle, Lystra shifted her focus towards eliminating Lars. With blinding speed, she thrust her rapier directly at his chest, causing him to momentarily stagger in pain and confusion. However, to Lystra's surprise, Lars responded with a wide grin, displaying a resilience and a disregard for his own well-being that left her bewildered.

Undeterred by the injury, Lars pressed forward, slamming his forehead against Lystra's, further disorienting her. He then spat blood into her face, momentarily stunning her with the unexpected move. Before Lystra could recover, Lars delivered another powerful punch to her face, sending her hurtling through several buildings.

Schwertleite appeared beside Lars, administering a Slime Pill into his mouth to rapidly heal his injuries. Lars acknowledged her assistance with a thumbs-up and a grateful expression. "Thanks!" he exclaimed, his grin widening as he prepared to rejoin the fray with renewed vigor.

As streaks of light darted towards them, Schwertleite skillfully deflected the attacks, momentarily stunning Lars with her unexpected maneuver. Before he could regain his composure, another onslaught came, but Schwertleite intercepted each strike with precision.

Lars felt his breath catch in his throat as he grappled with the sudden turn of events. However, his shock quickly turned into new energy as a furious Lystra reappeared before them, her nose broken and bleeding, and her attire in tatters.

Reacting swiftly, Lars aimed a punch at Lystra's face, but his strike was obstructed by a blinding light emanating from her body, causing him to miss his target. Lystra vanished and reappeared with lightning speed, launching a barrage of attacks primarily aimed at Lars. Yet, Schwertleite deftly parried each blow, preventing Lystra from inflicting harm on her companion.

Lystra's frustration mounted as her attacks continued to be stopped by Schwertleite's skillful defense. 'Why isn't she affected by my light? Most of my opponents need to shield themselves! Did that 'magic' from earlier literally help her!?' Lystra thought to herself, her confusion and irritation growing with each passing moment.

In a swift blur of movement, Schwertleite unsheathed and sheathed her blade, effortlessly severing Lystra's left arm from her body in a single fluid motion. It took Lystra a few moments to fully comprehend the loss, her mind struggling to process the sudden amputation. Before she could react, Lars lunged forward, delivering a powerful punch to her face with a fiery fist.

"This is Daybreak's time!" Lars triumphantly exclaimed as his blow sent Lystra hurtling into the distance, her form disappearing within the chaos of battle.

Observing Lars's declaration, Schwertleite raised an eyebrow inquisitively. "What's that supposed to mean?" she asked, her tone tinged with curiosity.

"Y-you know, it's Daybreak's time to shine! It's our time to… uh… beat them?" Lars attempted to explain, his uncertainty evident in his voice.

Schwertleite couldn't help but smirk at Lars's vague explanation. Without hesitation, she unsheathed her blade once more, channeling her energy into a massive aura slash directed towards the area where Lystra had been flung. The force of the attack cleaved through a small section of the city, causing destruction in its wake. Several towering ice soldiers in the distance were obliterated, and numerous enemy Volgendurs sustained injuries, rendering them unable to continue the fight, though not enough to claim their lives.

Another explosion of light burst forth from the point where Lystra had crashed, announcing her reentry into the battle. In an instant, a rapier appeared just inches from Schwertleite's face, its lethal tip ready to cause a lethal injury. Yet, Schwertleite reacted with lightning reflexes, effortlessly eluding the deadly strike.

Lars floated nearby, his movements appearing sluggish compared to Lystra's swift attacks. Despite his struggle to keep up with the scene unfolding in front of him, Schwertleite effortlessly dodged each of Lystra's strikes with grace. In the background, Göndul observed the unfolding battle, meticulously analyzing Lystra's abilities and drawing closer to a complete understanding of her opponent's strengths and weaknesses.

With precision and finesse, Schwertleite deflected and countered each of Lystra's attacks, the latter growing more desperate in her attempts to land a blow. Fueled by pride and a determination to redeem herself after enduring humiliation and the loss of her arm, Lystra was resolute in her pursuit of capturing her adversaries and fulfilling her duty, regardless of the cost.

Suddenly turning their attention towards the city of Havskulle, Schwertleite and Göndul felt a strange energy emanating from its depths, steadily growing in intensity. Exchanging knowing glances, the two valkyries silently agreed to put an end to their confrontation with Lystra.

Undeterred by their strange actions, Lystra charged once more at Schwertleite with renewed vigor. However, her efforts was abruptly stopped as her world suddenly went dark. The last sight she beheld was Schwertleite unsheathing and sheathing her blade before plummeting from the sky and crashing into a nearby building, leaving Lars bewildered by her sudden loss of consciousness.

"H-huh? W-what happened?" Lars stammered, his confusion mounting as he tried to make sense of Lystra's unexpected defeat. Sensing a surge of power emanating from Havskulle, Lars shivered involuntarily, his horror palpable. "W-what the... hell is that!?" he exclaimed, his voice trembling with fear and uncertainty.

The power surge reached its peak, leading to a violent eruption that covered the entire city of Havskulle and its surrounding areas in a thick layer of ice. As the icy grip tightened, all three of them received a transmission from Cúntóir through their transceivers, alerting them to the unfolding crisis.

[Callorahine's daughter has awakened, and the third artificial god is on the move,] Cúntóir's voice echoed through their communication devices, relaying critical information to the team. [Odin and Brynhildr are en route to her location. Please continue your efforts, as Aoife is currently engaged in a duel with Callorahine herself.]

Feeling the weight of the urgency, the trio prepared to take action. However, their path was blocked by a horde of towering ice soldiers, slowing their escape.

"Let's eliminate these little ones first and split our forces. I will go and assist Odin-sama," declared Göndul, her voice resolute as she formulated a plan of action.

"I'm coming with you, granny! I can't believe Callorahine actually has a daughter!" Lars exclaimed with eagerness, his fists clenched in anticipation.

"I'll go and join Aoife," declared Schwertleite before vanishing from sight, shattering a few ice soldiers in her wake. However, the soldiers quickly regenerated, forcing Göndul and Lars to confront them head-on.

Göndul sighed softly as she raised her hand, preparing to engage the enemy. "Lars, I will support you like I did with Lystra. Go ahead and go wild," she ordered, her tone firm yet reassuring. Lars nodded eagerly, fueled by her encouragement.

"Let's do this!" Lars bellowed, charging towards the encroaching ice soldiers with unbridled determination. With Göndul by his side, he unleashed a flurry of attacks, determined to overcome their enemies and press forward towards their objective.

— ○ ● ○ —

Odin and Brynhildr narrowly avoided being frozen by the newly awakened artificial god. They found themselves confronted by a young woman with long snow-white hair adorned with a delicate flower accessory, her piercing yellow eyes holding an otherworldly intensity. She floated gracefully before the duo, dressed in a silky-white ensemble of a dress, pants, and toeless shoes.

"Her name is Sonja, and according to what Azathoth told us earlier, she is undoubtedly an artificial god," Brynhildr solemnly informed Odin. "Her body is constructed from a unique material native to this universe, remarkably resilient and durable. It appears that we need to be peak of God-class in order to even make a dent in her defenses."

"The peak of God-class? So, we must reach a level similar to Shiva's power?" Odin considered, a hint of excitement flickering in his eyes. "That would indeed lead to an intriguing battle, especially among gods renowned for their prowess in combat." His smile widened at the prospect of such a formidable challenge, relishing the opportunity to test his mettle against enemies of unparalleled strength.

"But I'm even stronger now, thanks to Jin-boy's help!" Odin declared with unwavering confidence, tapping into his ultimate power and summoning Gungnir once again. With a powerful thrust, he unleashed a barrage of attacks towards Sonja, each strike accompanied by formidable shockwaves rippling through the air.

To their amazement, Sonja effortlessly neutralized the onslaught, freezing each thrust before it could reach her. Turning her attention towards Odin and Brynhildr, she conjured an enormous ice-shaped sword above her, ready to strike Odin down with deadly precision.

Before the impending blow could land, a portal appeared in front of Odin, whisking the attack away and causing it to detonate harmlessly in the distance. As the dust settled, Odin and Brynhildr were greeted by the unexpected arrival of Göndul and Lars.

"Hmmm? So that's Callorahine's daughter, huh? She looks pretty cute!" Lars exclaimed with a hint of admiration, earning himself a gentle reprimand from Göndul.

"Stop your silly jokes, Lars. Pay attention to the task at hand," Göndul scolded him firmly before addressing Odin and Brynhildr. "Let's work together and approach this with careful planning. We are uncertain of her abilities apart from her ice manipulation. She may possess similar traits to her mother."

"Then I will take the lead!" Lars declared boldly, charging towards Sonja with determination. However, his confidence was short-lived as he was instantly ensnared in ice, his body encased before he could react. In a chilling display of power, Sonja conjured a sword made of ice and hurled it towards Lars, shattering him into pieces before their very eyes.

Stunned by the sudden turn of events, Odin, Brynhildr, and Göndul could only watch in disbelief as Sonja addressed them, her words dripping with an eerie confidence. "Who's next? My mother's will is my will, as her daughter and goddess of the Volgendurs." Her proclamation hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the formidable enemy they now faced.

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