Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 23 – Part 4 – Insanity of Furuke

Third Person Point of View

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Life unfurled with an unusual blend of calm and peril for him, a young lad whose existence was once cloaked in relative comfort until the harsh realities of life began to seep into his awareness.

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In a planet where peace reigned until the foreboding shadow of Phumera cast its oppressive shroud, the very essence of life underwent an extreme transformation. This world and its inhabitants, known for their latent ability to manipulate time, was seen as a stronghold of power and advantage by its inhabitants.

Many of them held the daring belief that they were close to the divine beings of ancient legend, their arrogance thriving in the fertile ground of time manipulation. However, this grand delusion was shattered when Phumera, accompanied by one of her Eradicators, descended upon their peaceful home with the intention to dominate.

Despite valiant attempts to resist, using their limited control over time as a feeble defense, they found themselves mercilessly crushed beneath the unequivocal rule of Phumera.

In the aftermath of Phumera's conquest, the young man's life took a decisive turn. Determined to transcend his natural limitations, he devoted himself to rigorous study and training, aspiring to unleash his innate talents to their fullest potential. His ultimate goal? To spark rebellion and break free from the oppressive shackles that held their world captive.

However, despite his tireless efforts and unwavering dedication, his dreams of liberation ultimately crumbled under the weight of harsh reality. He was repeatedly reminded that his endeavors were futile, mere whispers in the wind destined to be drowned out by the racket of tyranny. Confronted with the sobering truth of his predecessors' failures, he found himself disillusioned. Countless souls had dared to dream the same dream, only to meet their death, their aspirations extinguished like weak flames in the rain.

These warnings shook the very foundation of his resolve. In the wake of this revelation, he delved into the annals of history, searching for truth within the uncertainty. With each revelation uncovered, the stark reality of their plight bore down upon him, casting a blanket of disillusionment over his once- passionate spirit.

Resolute in the face of impending disaster, he remained steadfast in his relentless pursuit of mastery, holding on to the faint glimmer of hope that threaded through the chaotic pattern of his planet. Despite the ominous certainty of his eventual demise, he found comfort in the belief that his courageous endeavors, though seemingly futile, granted a semblance of purpose and significance upon his life.

At the young age of sixteen, his skill had already brought him considerable praise, earning admiration from both supporters and family, including his ever-watchful parents. It was on a fateful day, in the middle of the regular rhythms of life on his besieged planet, that an unassuming event occurred—a recruitment drive organized by the organization of Phumera.

Empowered by his growing abilities, he made the decision to test his strength against fellow candidates contending for entry into Phumera's regime. While he had no intention of joining their sinister cause, he viewed it as an opportunity to measure his own power and, perhaps, secure a different reward if fortune favored him.

Stepping into the arena with confidence, honed through years of training, the initial rounds of the tournament unfolded with a deceptive ease. Confronted by powerful opponents, he found himself truly tested only when he reached the semi-finals and finals.

In these pivotal matches, he faced enemies of a different caliber altogether—veteran operatives deeply entrenched within Phumera's inner organization. Despite his valiant efforts, their ferocity proved overwhelming, leaving him battered and bloodied after the semi-final bout.

Summoning every ounce of strength within him, he pressed onward into the finals, determined to emerge victorious despite the odds stacked against him. In a grueling contest of wills and strength, he ultimately triumphed, though the victory came at a staggering cost—nearly claiming his very life in the process.

The harrowing ordeal captured the attention of onlookers, yet their regard for him remained tinged with skepticism, dismissing his valorous struggle as mere folly for succumbing to what they deemed as inferior followers within Phumera's hierarchy. Despite the difficulty he faced and the valor he displayed, he remained relegated to the margins of their perception, viewed through a lens of disdainful indifference.

Having emerged victorious from the tournament, the young man found himself at the crossroads of destiny, facing a pivotal choice that would shape his future. Presented with the opportunity to claim any wish as his prize, he deliberated with caution, fully aware of the limitations that bound the realm of possibility.

The allure of freedom beckoned tantalizingly, but he recognized the futility of such a request, resigned to the stark reality of his circumstances. Instead, he pragmatically opted to request for money, a tangible advantage that held the promise of easing the burdens weighing upon his family.

As life settled back into its familiar rhythm following the culmination of the tournament, he found himself thrust into the spotlight, his deeds garnering newfound attention from admirers and haters alike. Among the crowds of onlookers, an opposition emerged—admirers drawn to the brilliance of his powers, and haters who looked on in envy and resentment, their gaze filled with simmering disdain for his perceived success.

Along with the challenges and doubt that filled his days, the young man continued to strive for excellence, dedicating himself to honing his skills in the hope of reaching greatness one day.

Then, like a ray of hope cutting through the darkness, destiny intervened in the form of a mysterious visitor—a woman with striking azure locks, whose presence commanded the attention of all who saw her.

Initially skeptical of her intentions, the young man prepared himself for another round of scrutiny and doubt, only to be faced with a revelation that shattered his assumptions. In a display of power and skill, he found himself effortlessly outmatched, his every move countered with frustrating precision.

As he lay defeated on the ground, grappling with the bitter taste of failure, the mysterious woman introduced herself as Raerea, the newly appointed Second Rank of the formidable Eradicators. Her stern demeanor offered no comfort, only a firm handshake in acknowledgment of their meeting—an encounter that would permanently change the course of his destiny.

Shocked by the sudden turn of events, the young man grappled with the harsh reality of his own vulnerability. His once formidable abilities now rendered useless in the face of Raerea's overwhelming power, leaving him a mere shadow of his former self, with his confidence shattered like fragile glass.

"Call me Raerea, I am in need of subordinates," Raerea's commanding voice cut through the young man's shock, her words carrying a hint of a proposition, "and you will become one of them."

Unable to form a coherent response, he remained silent, trying to process the weight of her offer.

Raerea, unwavering in her demeanor yet not lacking in empathy, continued, "I want to be a 'good' one, like the fourth ranked."

Skepticism glinted in his eyes, a result of past bitter experiences. He cautiously asked, "Can I... have some time to consider your offer?"

With a nod, Raerea agreed, her unwavering gaze conveying patience. "You have until I depart from this planet in a week," she stated firmly, with a hint of patience in her tone.

With Raerea's departure, the young man was left to grapple with the weight of his decision, his mind swirling with doubt and apprehension. Despite his hesitations, a glimmer of hope sparked within him, fueled by the promising prospect of a brighter future under Raerea's mentorship.

As he pondered the implications of her offer, his thoughts drifted to the remarkable accomplishments of the fourth ranked Eradicator, whose compassionate guidance had changed the destinies of entire worlds. Despite the lack of concrete evidence regarding Raerea's intentions, he found himself strangely drawn to the potential for change that she represented.

Seeking advice from trusted friends and loved ones, he carefully considered their advice in the middle of his own turbulent emotions. With only two days left of Raerea's visit to their planet, and in the middle of a cacophony of conflicting feelings, he finally made his decision.

Embracing the uncertainty of the road ahead, the young man resolved to align himself with Raerea, driven by a blend of apprehension and firm optimism. As he stepped forward to accept her offer, he dared to believe that, just maybe, this pivotal choice would pave the way for a future defined not by the shadows of the past, but by the boundless potential of what could be.

Approaching Raerea with a new sense of determination, the young man found her in the lively atmosphere of a local restaurant, her presence commanding attention even in the middle of the crowd.

"Have you made a decision?" she asked, her gaze piercing yet warm as she took a sip of her drink.

"Yes. I want to join your cause. I'm Furuke by the way," he declared, extending his hand in friendship.

"Raerea, second rank of the Eradicators. You'll be my third, Furuke. Welcome aboard," she replied, a smile gracing her features as she accepted his handshake.

Surprised to learn that she already had two subordinates, Furuke decided to set aside his questions for now and embrace the opportunity before him. With a nod of acknowledgment, he silently vowed to fully devote himself to their cause.

In the following days, as their bond deepened through shared experiences and growing camaraderie, Furuke found himself drawn into Raerea's world, captivated by her resolve and vision for the future. Together, they navigated the familiar streets, forging a bond that surpassed the boundaries of their roles. And as they set off on their journey to unknown destinations, Furuke dared to believe that perhaps, in the company of Raerea, he had found his purpose.

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Boarding Raerea's spaceship, Furuke felt a heavy unease settle over him like a cloak. Sirozo and Acissa, Raerea's subordinates, stood before him with a mix of deference and scrutiny.

"I have a new recruit, Furuke," Raerea announced with authority.

Sirozo and Acissa bowed to Raerea and then turned their gaze to Furuke, their scrutiny hanging palpably in the air. Acissa broke the tense silence with a blunt assessment.

"He's weak," she declared, sending a jolt of indignation through Furuke.

Caught off guard, Furuke uncomfortably coughed, his bewilderment evident in the furrow of his brow. Being labeled as weak by someone he had just met irked his pride and stirred a latent fear within him. After all, he had no frame of reference for their standards of power, leaving him vulnerable to their judgment.

Sirozo, perhaps sensing Furuke's discomfort, interjected with a more measured assessment. "He's not weak, but he falls below the threshold of most mid-range fighters in Lady Phumera's arsenal," he explained, with a hint of encouragement. Turning his gaze toward Furuke once more, he continued, "However, if he can truly master the feeble time manipulation unique to his species, he will undoubtedly prove to be a valuable asset."

Furuke felt a strange mix of emotions inside him, caught between doubt and a spark of resolve in response to Sirozo's evaluation. With a wary inclination of his head, he acknowledged the older man's words, though their meaning remained elusive.

Watching Furuke's reaction, Raerea's smirk widened, a glimmer of amusement dancing in her eyes. "Well, he's staying, so get used to him. Anyway, we're off. I need at least six of you before we start with the various projects in the planets I oversee. Let's go," she declared, her tone brooking no dissent as she swiftly led the way toward the cockpit.

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Many years had passed since Raerea had gathered her subordinates and embarked on the monumental task of rejuvenating her planet. Together, they implemented extensive reforms, dismantling the deep-rooted structures of corruption that had long afflicted their society. Day by day, Furuke grew more skilled under Raerea's guidance, learning from the wisdom of Sirozo and Acissa to become an invaluable asset to their cause.

However, their routine was disrupted one fateful day when the sixteenth ranked Eradicator, Elanor, descended upon their planet at Raerea's request. Entrusting the development of her world to both Elanor and Furuke, Raerea set the stage for a new chapter in their journey.

"Hmm... so you were the one who won that tournament, weren't you?" Elanor's gaze bore into Furuke, her scrutiny unsettling.

Nervousness gripped Furuke as he stood before the esteemed Eradicator, his words tumbling forth with a stutter. "Y-yes, I was. Did Madame Raerea tell you?" he inquired, his voice betraying his apprehension.

"No, you may not have known, but I was the one overseeing that planet. And I was there when Lady Phumera took over," Elanor said casually. "But that is all in the past now. Your planet is thriving under our rule. With that being said..."

Elanor's voice trailed off, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Do you truly understand the reality of this planet?" she asked, leaving Furuke feeling confused.

"Reality...?" he echoed nervously, a sense of unease creeping over him.

She studied him for a moment before letting out a light chuckle. "It appears that you do not. Come with me. I will bestow upon you a certain power and reveal something truly remarkable," she declared, leading him to a specific location at the heart of the planet.

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Furuke stood in stunned silence, his mind reeling at the sight before him. What he beheld was beyond his understanding—a mere fragment of something infinitely larger, its nature shrouded in mystery.

"This is just a small part of this creature, I believe a small section of its tail. Long ago, a certain entity accidentally threw this creature here and let it be. Slowly, it merged with the planet and powered it while also protecting it," Elanor elucidated cryptically, her words adding to the mystery surrounding the creature.

"Creature... What is it called? And who was the being...? And what are they called...?" Furuke's voice trembled with curiosity, his gaze transfixed by the pulsating energy emanating from the creature. It felt as though it was reaching out to him, beckoning him closer, and he found himself instinctively drawn to it. His hand moved toward it, only to be halted by Elanor's firm grasp.

"Keep your distance. The mere touch of it could drain the very essence of your life. Unless, of course, you have been marked as its chosen wielder," Elanor cautioned, her tone icy, causing Furuke to quickly pull back his hand.

"As for the name of this artifact, according to Yve, it is known as Gatoros, The Astrodroid Sentinel," she continued, her words carrying a weight of solemnity.

"Gatoros..." Furuke whispered in awe, the name igniting a strange sense of recognition within him.

"And the beings akin to it are referred to as Saerstials. The one specifically responsible for creating Gatoros—even if it was an accidental creation—is known as Gearfather, Sovereign of Steel and Circuitry. They were mightier than the Old Era Gods, but weaker than Lady Phumera and Master Magnum Tenebrosum," Elanor explained, a trace of yearning evident in her voice.

"Saerstials... Gearfather..." Furuke echoed, his mind buzzing with the newfound knowledge and intrigue. "W-why are you divulging these details to me?" he inquired, his curiosity sparked by Elanor's unexpected revelation.

"You are about to become its first wielder. No one has ever successfully wielded it before, but after learning how to control it from Yve, I have decided to pass it on to you. I have too many projects and responsibilities to handle on my own, so I am entrusting it to you along with an additional power to assist you," Elanor declared firmly as she grasped Furuke's face.

Although taken aback by the sudden intensity of her touch, Furuke remained composed, his senses overwhelmed as a strange green glowing energy surrounded him entirely. Along with it came a flood of information, facts, and insights about the vast multiverse, broadening his understanding beyond the limits of his previous knowledge.

As the energy faded and Elanor released her hold, a sense of empowerment surged through Furuke, mingling with a newfound sense of purpose. "Now touch it and become its new master," Elanor ordered, her voice conveying the weight of anticipation.

Furuke stood there for a few moments, his mind racing with the implications of what had just occurred. After a brief moment of contemplation, he nodded in silent determination, reaching out to make contact with the crystal-like protrusion emerging from Gatoros' tail.

The moment Furuke's hand connected with Gatoros, a surge of energy pulsed through him, intertwining with the newfound power bestowed upon him by Elanor. In that instant, Gatoros sensed his potential as a master and accepted him without hesitation.

As Furuke's mind was flooded with even more information, his eyes widened in awe. Despite the overwhelming flood of knowledge, a smile crept across his face—a smile that exuded a newfound sense of confidence and determination, one that Elanor had hoped to evoke.

"I am grateful, Madame Elanor. With this new power, I feel like I can achieve so much more," Furuke expressed, his voice tinged with a hint of excitement.

A radiant green glow enveloped Furuke's hand, suffused with the pulsating energy of his newfound abilities. With a subtle flicker, the glow dissipated, leaving no trace behind. "Thank you again. I will make use of this and come here more often. May I know the coordinates?" he inquired, his gaze fixed expectantly upon Elanor.

Elanor gave a nod, gently tapping Furuke's forehead once more as she shared the coordinates with him. With a strong sense of purpose, she turned away, her words filled with amusement.

"We will be leaving now. I plan to stay on this planet for a few years, supporting all of you and helping you gain complete mastery of this creature. Now, come with me. We have work to do," she declared, her gaze steady as she set off on her journey.

"Yes," Furuke replied, his smirk widening with newfound resolve. This marked a significant turning point in Furuke's journey. With renewed power and purpose flowing through him, he began a path of transformation.

Before long, Furuke started to gather his own covert group, naming them the "Silorex Mages." United by a common vision and empowered by their individual strengths, they would carve their own destiny amidst the ever-changing tides of fate.

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Cao Cao and Isatha made their way to the final stronghold of the Silorex Mages. As they delved deeper into the building, they encountered a lone figure standing in their path. Upon seeing them, he greeted them with a friendly wave.

"Ah, it appears you have been quite active in destroying our bases today," he said, his tone tinged with amusement.

This unknown man had short brown hair and matching eyes. He was clad in a flowing gray robe adorned with gilded trimmings. Underneath, he wore a lighter-hued robe, along with gray trousers and knee-high brown boots.

"And who might you be?" asked Cao Cao, pointing his spear at the newcomer.

"I am Hamel, a lieutenant in the service of Lord Furuke and one of the esteemed leaders of the Silorex Mages," he replied, summoning a grimoire in shades of brown and gold, its pages fluttering feverishly beside him.

"Why partake in such actions?" Isatha inquired, her grimoire in hand, energies swirling around her.

Hamel's smile faltered, replaced by a hint of sorrow. "I did not willingly choose this path. My allegiance belongs to Lord Furuke, and I owe him my life. Thus, I am compelled to be involved in this conflict. As for his motivations, they are borne from a multitude of reasons..."

"And what are those reasons?" pressed Isatha, as ethereal creatures of pink energy materialized behind her.

"Over the years, his mental state has steadily deteriorated," Hamel confessed, his voice heavy with remorse. "As one of his closest confidants, I have witnessed this decline firsthand. The cause remains a mystery to me, but I suspect that his association with Madame Elanor exacerbated his descent into madness. She must have wielded some influence over him," he concluded with a somber tone.

"Always that troublesome woman," Isatha spat, her frustration evident. "Why not abandon this futile endeavor and stand with us?" she implored.

Hamel pulled back a portion of his robe, revealing a prominent tattoo adorning his neck—a depiction of a serpent dragon consuming its own tail.

"Lord Furuke bound me to his cause through a pact, leaving me no choice but to fight," he disclosed grimly, the weight of his predicament evident. "Else, I face the dire consequences," he added, conjuring magic circles behind him.

"An Ouroboros Dragon," Isatha murmured, her gaze fixed on the tattoo.

"The symbol of infinity, much like Ophis," Cao Cao remarked thoughtfully.

"Ah, so you're familiar with it as well?" Hamel replied, a hint of amusement in his tone. "Lord Furuke acquired this knowledge from another world, referencing the endless cycle of life," he elaborated, his demeanor tinged with intrigue.

The Ouroboros symbolizes a serpent or dragon devouring its own tail. It is commonly seen as representing cyclical renewal and infinity in various cultures and belief systems. It is believed to signify the never-ending cycle of life, death, and rebirth, and in alchemy, it is a symbol of the merging of opposites and the continual cycle of change. The Ouroboros has also been linked to ideas such as eternity, eternal recurrence, and the interconnectedness of all things. Its meaning has been understood in diverse ways across different contexts, but it generally conveys the concept of endless cycles and the interconnectedness of existence.

"Alright, let's not waste any time. No hard feelings, but if you spare me, I might reconsider my allegiance, especially since this tattoo won't last forever," Hamel quipped before launching a relentless barrage of magic attacks at them.

Isatha quickly commanded two of her energy animal constructs into action. One transformed into a crocodile, intercepting a significant portion of the onslaught by swallowing it whole. The other took the form of a frog, skillfully using its tongue to snatch the attacks mid-air, reminiscent of the lasso techniques used by cowboys.

Undeterred by Isatha's defensive maneuvers, Hamel summoned a cannon from the depths of darkness behind him, relentlessly bombarding both Cao Cao and Isatha. Finally, Cao Cao sprang into action, slicing apart the cannonballs forged from darkness with his [Arredoval], all while wielding the [True Longinus] Balance Breaker [Polar Night Longinus Chakravartin].

His spear aimed straight at Hamel, swiftly extending towards him. However, Hamel, using wind magic to enhance his speed, narrowly evaded it, though not without consequence, as a trickle of blood escaped from a small wound on his arm.

Undeterred, Hamel conjured several blades of light around him, enshrouding them in darkness before launching them towards Cao Cao, imbuing them with additional speed using wind magic. Attempting to ensnare Cao Cao with shadowy hands, Hamel found his efforts impeded by the radiant light emitted from Cao Cao's spear, which swiftly obliterated the shadows.

With ease, Cao Cao effortlessly sliced apart the blades of light, displaying remarkable composure in the face of danger. He then lunged towards Hamel, closing the distance between them in a single swift motion, and swung his spear with precision.

Anticipating the attack, Hamel countered by unleashing a burst of scorching steam towards Cao Cao through a meticulously drawn magic circle. This maneuver not only propelled him away from Cao Cao's reach but also served as an offensive tactic against his assailant.

A faint aura surrounded Cao Cao's body, creating a protective barrier that lessened the force of the attack, preventing it from causing significant harm. Undeterred, Cao Cao quickly propelled himself towards Hamel once again, disappearing from sight in the blink of an eye. Anticipating Cao Cao's move, Hamel braced himself, preparing to counter the imminent attack. However, as he turned to face where Cao Cao was expected to reappear, he found nothing but empty space.

Panic began to grip Hamel as he frantically scanned his surroundings, unable to locate his elusive opponent. Caught off guard by his distraction, a rhino formed from Isatha's pink energy charged at him, crashing into his abdomen with formidable force. Although the impact caused Hamel to cough up blood, his multilayered defensive magic circle held strong, preventing any significant breach of his defenses.

Despite being forcefully thrown back, Hamel quickly regained his composure, floating in the air while casting his gaze downward at Isatha. Despite his defensive measures, he still felt lingering pain in his stomach, a reminder of the shockwave unleashed by the rhino's impact.

Without warning, a powerful kick slammed into Hamel's cheek, sending him tumbling through the air once more. Before he could fully comprehend what had happened, he felt sharp, stabbing pains attacking multiple areas of his body. With a dazed realization, he saw the figure responsible for his predicament—Cao Cao, standing with a look of indifference on his face.

As he surveyed his own injured body, Hamel saw the unsettling sight of his defenses being breached by Cao Cao's spear and attacks. A mix of pain and disappointment filled him as he grunted audibly.

'Clearly, my supposed defenses were no match for such attacks!' Hamel lamented internally, his thoughts reflecting his physical discomfort as he landed heavily on the ground, burdened by the weight of his injuries. Examining the numerous puncture wounds across his body, he realized that they had been strategically placed, meant not to deliver a deadly blow but to hinder and incapacitate him.

"If you continue, you'll only exhaust yourself further. It would be wise to surrender now," Cao Cao remarked stoically as he touched down in front of Hamel.

Determined to press on, Hamel defiantly enveloped himself in shadows and darkness, staunchly halting the flow of blood from his wounds. "This is not enough; I must continue to fight," Hamel declared resolutely, his voice laced with determination. "Even if it means losing a limb or two before this tattoo fades."

With a sudden backward fall, Hamel vanished into the shadows, only to reappear above Cao Cao, launching himself downwards with arms cloaked in darkness. However, Cao Cao remained unfazed by the tactic, effortlessly sidestepping the attack with practiced ease.

Undeterred, Hamel retreated once more into the shadows, repeating the cycle of attacks several times. Intermingling various elemental magic attacks with his shadowy strikes, he sought to catch Cao Cao off guard. Yet, Cao Cao remained stoic, effortlessly evading each attack with minimal effort, showcasing his unparalleled agility and skill.

What Cao Cao was trying to replicate was the elusive [Ultra Instinct] technique he had witnessed Aaron, Rossweisse, and Sona Sitri master, Cao Cao dedicated himself to emulating its mysterious powers. Despite his persistent endeavors, success remained just out of reach. Nevertheless, he remained resolute in his persistence, prepared to devote the rest of his life to the pursuit.

While he had not yet achieved the use of [Ultra Instinct], Cao Cao had managed to develop a semblance of the technique, albeit a less potent version. Using this partial replication, he continued to evade Hamel's relentless attacks with remarkable agility, striving to match the fluidity and intuition of the elusive technique.

Growing tired of the relentless assault, Cao Cao finally reached his limit. As Hamel emerged from yet another shadowy portal in the air, Cao Cao seized the opportunity, swiftly evading the attack and seizing Hamel's arm in a firm grip. With a decisive motion, he forcefully slammed Hamel to the ground, eliciting a strained sound from Hamel's lips as they made contact.

Staggering to his feet, Hamel emitted a strange sound, a mixture of surprise and discomfort, before hastily retreating, his movements visibly shaken by the impact of Cao Cao's counterattack.

Cao Cao raised his spear, tapping it purposefully against the ground, momentarily bewildering Hamel. However, his bewilderment quickly turned into a sharp, searing pain as he felt a sensation coursing through his right arm. Looking down, his eyes widened in shock as he saw his severed limb lying beside him.

Despite the sudden loss, Hamel's reaction was unexpectedly lighthearted. "Well, I suppose I did ask for it, didn't I?" he remarked casually, a hint of amusement in his tone, despite the seriousness of the situation.

With a calm demeanor, he proceeded to use fire magic to cauterize the wound, his expression contorting in discomfort as he endured the intense pain of the process. Although he flinched and squinted throughout, he remained resolute, determined to address the injury swiftly and effectively.

"As you suggested, I merely followed through," Cao Cao retorted, his tone indifferent as he acknowledged Hamel's remark. "Rest assured, I can heal your wounds once this ordeal is over."

Hamel nodded in acknowledgment before the two enemies resumed their fierce combat.

Meanwhile, Isatha observed from the sidelines, witnessing the intense exchange between the two combatants. Over the course of several minutes, Cao Cao gradually wore down Hamel's defenses, relentlessly pressing the attack until finally, he severed Hamel's remaining arm. Exhausted and wounded, Hamel collapsed onto the ground, his breaths labored as he sat, panting and bleeding profusely.

Suddenly, Hamel's tattoo began to emit a haunting glow, signaling the start of a horrifying event. Before he could utter a word, an explosion tore through his upper body, sending blood, guts, brain matter, and bones in every direction.

Both Cao Cao and Isatha stood frozen in shock, utterly bewildered by the gruesome scene playing out before them. They had never envisioned such a merciless end for Hamel, especially at the hands of their own leader. Furuke's betrayal cut deeper than they could have ever imagined, leaving them reeling in disbelief as Hamel's lower body lay on the ground, a stark reminder of the treachery that had unfolded before their eyes.

"Did... that really just happen...?" Isatha's voice quivered with disbelief as she struggled to come to terms with the gruesome scene before her.

Cao Cao's expression darkened with a frown as he confirmed Isatha's question with a solemn nod. "I have to confront this Furuke person and give him a good punch," he declared, his eyes flashing with resolve and a hint of anger.

Standing in solidarity beside Cao Cao, Isatha voiced her agreement. "Indeed, Furuke likely anticipated such a turn of events, especially considering Hamel's wavering commitment to their cause and mission."

Acknowledging Isatha's observation with a silent nod, Cao Cao offered a silent prayer for Hamel before they both turned away from the grim scene and departed. With resolve in their hearts, they embarked on their journey to confront Furuke and hold him accountable for his betrayal.

— ○ ● ○ —

Zorya and Azathoth came across Unzaifai and Anran Wu accompanied by the ruins in the southern part of the city. Upon their arrival, Anran Wu promptly shifted into a defensive stance, her face contorted with fury.

"Why have you brought such devastation to our city?" Anran Wu demanded, her voice sharp with accusation.

"We had no part in this destruction," Zorya responded, her tone tinged with confusion.

"Lies!" Anran Wu retorted vehemently, her anger escalating. "Unzaifai has exposed your treachery, claiming you planted the bombs and that the Resistance intends to annihilate our planet!"

Unzaifai stood nearby, a smug grin playing across his face as he observed the confrontation. He knew well of Anran Wu's unwavering loyalty and stubborn nature, confident that she would unquestioningly side with him over the "fake" recruits before her.

Anran Wu wasted no time in launching herself towards Zorya and Azathoth with a look of fury, her movements swift and fueled by a potent combination of light blue and green energy. With a powerful leap, she soared towards them, executing a spinning maneuver before delivering a devastating leg strike that shattered the ground upon impact.

Reacting instantly, both Azathoth and Zorya evaded the attack, leaping away to safety. Yet, Anran Wu remained relentless, her pursuit driven by an unseen compulsion that propelled her forward without hesitation.

As Azathoth and Zorya exchanged a knowing glance, Zorya understood the unspoken message conveyed by her companion. With a speedy motion, Zorya landed gracefully on the ground, immediately launching herself towards Unzaifai, who awaited her arrival with a sinister grin.

Meanwhile, Anran Wu continued her onslaught against Azathoth, her strikes relentless and unyielding. Despite her best efforts, she found herself bewildered by Azathoth's seemingly effortless evasion. In a surreal and almost cinematic manner, Azathoth gracefully sidestepped each attack with minimal movement, leaving Anran Wu puzzled and off-balance in the middle of the flurry of blows.

Anran Wu's power surged as she leapt away, channeling her energies to a heightened intensity. A fusion of blue and green energies swirled around her, culminating in a powerful explosion that engulfed her surroundings. Undeterred by the destruction, she charged back towards Azathoth with renewed vigor, her presence causing further devastation to the already battered environment.

With remarkable speed, Anran Wu appeared directly in front of Azathoth, poised to strike. Yet, despite her ferocious attack, Azathoth remained unmoved, her demeanor calm and composed.

Once again, Azathoth effortlessly evaded Anran Wu's attack, sidestepping her powerful blow with apparent ease. The force of the missed strike unleashed a fearsome shockwave that tore through the surrounding structures, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. Despite Anran Wu's relentless onslaught, Azathoth continued to evade her attacks with an air of indifference, leaving her enemy frustrated and perplexed by her seemingly unbothered expression, along with her agility and reflexes.

As Anran Wu relentlessly pursued her opponent, her mounting frustration and confusion mirrored each unsuccessful strike. Despite utilizing all her techniques and fighting at her utmost capacity, her attacks continued to miss their mark, ruined by Azathoth's uncanny evasion.

Reflecting on her past training under the tutelage of the fourth-ranked Eradicator, Anran Wu recalled the techniques she had learned and the moments when she had successfully landed blows on her former mentor. Although she acknowledged that he may have held back his strength during their training sessions, she had gained valuable experience and honed her combat skills.

Now facing an opponent whom she perceived to be of equal or greater strength than her former mentor, Anran Wu unleashed her full power without reservation. Yet, despite her efforts, she found herself unable to connect with her opponent, leaving her bewildered and questioning the efficacy of her attacks against Azathoth. The sense of futility she experienced in the face of Azathoth's seemingly insurmountable defenses left her grappling with uncertainty and frustration, unsure of how to overcome the formidable obstacle before her.

"Do you truly believe his words?" Azathoth's voice sliced through the chaos of their battle, causing Anran Wu to briefly hesitate in her attack.

Unperturbed by the interruption, Anran Wu pressed on with her assault, her resolve unyielding. "Yes! Why should I trust any of you when you've deceived us from the very beginning!? Including Lady Raerea!" she declared vehemently, her fury and frustration propelling her forward.

Azathoth regarded her with a serene expression, her gaze piercing. In a moment that defied comprehension, Anran Wu suddenly found herself collapsing to the ground, her senses reeling as her vision swam and dimmed.

Stunned and disoriented, Anran Wu looked up at Azathoth, struggling to make sense of the sudden turn of events. Before she could regain her bearings, Azathoth spoke with steady authority.

"I am Azathoth—the original ruler of the omniverse. You will never touch me," she declared, her voice resonating with power.

With a decisive motion, Azathoth reached out and touched Anran Wu's head, flooding her consciousness with a deluge of information. In an instant, Anran Wu's mind was inundated with the truth of what had transpired, exposing the hidden scheming and deception that had brought them to this pivotal moment.

As Anran Wu's mind overflowed with the information, Azathoth carefully withheld certain details, mindful of not overwhelming her fragile state of mind. Choosing to follow Aaron's directive to spare Anran Wu's life, Azathoth decided to share knowledge instead of delivering swift retribution.

Anran Wu's shock was evident as she processed the revelations, her mind struggling with the weight of the truth. Learning about the real Sirozo's death only added to her turmoil, leaving her overwhelmed with despair.

"Why...? I don't understand... It's... it's Madame Elanor's fault...? It's all for her sick entertainment...?" Anran Wu's voice trembled with despair, her words capturing the devastating realization of the extent of the deception and manipulation that had ensnared them all.

In the face of Anran Wu's despair, Azathoth remained composed, silently acknowledging the pain and confusion that now consumed her. Despite the option to end Anran Wu's life, Azathoth chose instead to provide her with a glimpse of the truth, leaving the burden of understanding and acceptance in Anran Wu's hands.

The look of despair on Anran Wu's face turned into seething anger as she struggled to stand, her rage overpowering her physical weakness. But before she could confront Unzaifai, Azathoth swiftly intervened, catching her before she could move forward.

With a strong hold on Anran Wu, Azathoth asked a pointed question, her demeanor composed yet expectant. "What will you do now?"

Gritting her teeth with anger, Anran Wu's voice trembled with fury as she spoke. "I need answers...! That revelation was too detailed to be fabricated! Depending on the truth behind it, I may be willing to form a temporary alliance with your group."

Recognizing the sincerity in Anran Wu's words, Azathoth nodded silently before extending her healing powers to restore Anran Wu's strength. With her body now healed, Anran Wu wasted no time in dashing towards Zorya and Unzaifai, her pursuit of answers driving her forward with renewed purpose.

— ○ ● ○ —

Unzaifai's demeanor underwent a dramatic shift, his once charming facade replaced by a disturbingly psychotic grin that sent made Zorya feel a bit uncomfortable.

With manic enthusiasm, Unzaifai unleashed a relentless barrage of magic attacks towards Zorya, his expression twisted with a mix of malice and desperation. However, to his surprise, Zorya effortlessly countered each magic attack with her own divine magic, her movements minimal yet precise.

Accompanied by the chaos unfolding around them, Unzaifai's focus remained fixed on Zorya, his erratic behavior betraying his inner turmoil. "Come now, don't be so silent! This is a momentous occasion, don't you think?" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with frustration as he continued his relentless assault.

Zorya remained silent, her focus steady as she sensed the approaching presence of two familiar auras. With calm resolve, she chose not to engage in verbal banter with Unzaifai, recognizing the urgency of the situation unfolding before them. Instead, she prepared herself for the imminent arrival of their unexpected guests.

Unzaifai seethed with frustration as Zorya remained unaffected by his mockery. Turning to his avian companion, Hatty, he issued a command with a touch of irritation.

"Mr. Hatty, why don't you give her a bit of a performance?" Unzaifai instructed, his voice tinged with impatience.

With a sharp chirp, Hatty complied, flying off Unzaifai's shoulder and positioning himself in front of Zorya. Letting out another piercing cry, Hatty summoned enormous white lightning beside him, directing it towards Zorya with a fierce intensity.

In response, Zorya calmly conjured a futuristic gun in her hands, her expression unchanging as she took aim and fired precise shots at the incoming lightning attacks. With impeccable accuracy, she obliterated each lightning bolt the moment it drew near, effortlessly neutralizing the threat posed by Hatty's attacks.

Having repelled the attacks with ease, Zorya ceased firing and turned her gaze towards Unzaifai and Hatty, her demeanor composed yet resolute. With a silent challenge in her eyes, she awaited their next move, prepared to face whatever attacks they threw her way.

Unzaifai's frustration reached its boiling point as Zorya continued to maintain her stoic demeanor, her lack of response only serving to further aggravate him.

"I detest those who remain emotionless and stoic," Unzaifai muttered, his irritation evident as he glared at Zorya. "How could a mere conventional weapon repel my attacks? It defies all logic," he grumbled, his frustration mounting.

Suddenly, both Unzaifai and Hatty vanished from sight, only to reappear behind and above Zorya respectively. Without hesitation, they unleashed a barrage of close-range attacks, catching Zorya "off guard." The resulting explosion sent them both flying backward, a satisfied grin spreading across Unzaifai's face as he observed the aftermath of their attacks.

However, his triumphant expression quickly faltered as he realized that Zorya remained unscathed by the explosion. Confusion mingled with panic as Hatty chirped in alarm, prompting Unzaifai to turn around and witness Zorya's godly resilience. Despite his efforts, it became clear that Zorya was not so easily defeated, leaving Unzaifai to reassess his approach with a newfound sense of uncertainty.

Stepping forward with annoyance, the figure of "Zorya" in front of him suddenly flickered, like a glitch in a digital display, before vanishing in a small explosion reminiscent of a technical malfunction. Caught off guard by her sudden disappearance, Unzaifai felt a searing pain shoot through his leg, causing him to grimace in agony. Looking down, he was greeted with the alarming sight of a gaping hole in his calf.

"Damn it!" he swore vehemently, instinctively leaping back and clutching his injured limb. Trying to tap into his inner power to start the healing process, he encountered an unexpected barrier, stopping his efforts. "What in the world?!" he exclaimed, frustration and confusion mingling in his voice. "How could she have used such a technique to stop my healing abilities? And this healing ability is from a different world, so how does that work!?"

Frantically scanning his surroundings, Unzaifai's eyes darted around while Hatty quickly erected a protective barrier of swirling wind around them. Although the barrier offered some semblance of safety, it did little to ease Unzaifai's growing apprehension. Despite the clear view provided by the barrier, Zorya remained elusive, her presence seemingly cloaked from his sight.

Another invisible attack struck the barrier with unyielding force, shattering it into a flurry of wind fragments, leaving Unzaifai reeling in disbelief. "Hatty, maintain the barrier!" he commanded urgently, his voice tinged with a hint of desperation. "I have to find her!"

Frantically, he scanned his surroundings, his mind racing as he simultaneously summoned intricate magic circles in a desperate attempt to unveil Zorya's hidden position. Yet, despite his efforts, the relentless barrage of attacks continued without pause. Each new barrier erected by Hatty crumbled under the unrelenting assault, sapping their combined strength and stamina with every passing moment.

As exhaustion gripped his muscles and fatigue threatened to overpower him, Unzaifai's panic surged to new heights. 'Where is that damn bitch?!' he seethed inwardly, his frustration boiling over as he persisted in searching for Zorya through the intricate patterns of his magic circles.

Then, without warning, Zorya appeared before them, her presence fleeting yet unmistakable. With a mocking gesture, she flashed a peace sign before vanishing once more into the ether. The sight ignited a primal fury within Unzaifai, his control slipping as he bellowed into the void, "Quit screwing with me, you piece of shit!"

In the overwhelming silence, only the unyielding barrage of divine bullets reverberated through the hectic battlefield, shattering every barrier erected by Hatty with unrelenting precision. With each relentless attack, Hatty's endurance faltered, his fatigued form collapsing to the ground in exhaustion, drained by the constant demand to summon protection.

Unzaifai's patience finally snapped, a surge of vibrant energy engulfing his being as he leaped to Hatty's side, enveloping him in a protective embrace. " We'll just wipe out everything from this place, we'll—" he declared fervently, his voice brimming with anger, only to be abruptly interrupted by a vicious blow to his face, sending him hurtling backward alongside Hatty.

Crashing through the crumbling facade of a nearby building, Unzaifai quickly rose to his feet, ensuring Hatty's safety before his gaze shot upwards, ablaze with fury. Yet, his righteous anger faltered upon beholding three women standing before him: Azathoth, Zorya, and Anran Wu, her countenance twisted with unmistakable rage as she advanced menacingly towards him.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Unzaifai's manner changed abruptly, the mask of charm and composure giving way to a raw intensity.

"How about you tell me? You killed Sirozo, didn't you?" Anran Wu retorted, her voice echoing with a simmering anger that matched the seismic impact of her every step, fracturing the earth beneath her. Unzaifai frowned at the display, his smile turning into a grimace before blooming into a mocking smirk.

"Oh, so you've heard about it, have you?" he teased, the glint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "Indeed, I was the one who killed him just last night. A necessary removal of an aging relic," he scoffed callously. "It was about time that decaying old geezer finally died!"

Anran Wu's eyes blazed with righteous indignation at his heartless confession. Sirozo held a special place in her heart, his efficiency tempered by kindness resonating deeply with her own values. His death, relayed to her by Azathoth, struck her to the core, evoking memories of another mentor, Virion. The combination of loss and betrayal fueled the flames of her fury, propelling her towards Unzaifai.

Caught off guard by Anran Wu's sudden attack, Unzaifai staggered backward as her knee struck his face, sending him reeling through the air. But, to his resilient nature, he quickly regained his balance and fought back with a series of magical attacks aimed at his assailant.

Anran Wu, driven by an unyielding fury, surrounded herself in a swirling aura of green and blue energy, effortlessly deflecting Unzaifai's attacks. Sensing an opportunity, she launched herself at him once more, showcasing her formidable strength as her foot collided with his chest, shattering his ribcage and sending him crashing through the surrounding structures with bone-shuddering force.

In the middle of the chaos, Unzaifai released his grip on Hatty, allowing Anran Wu to swiftly pick up the injured bird and pass him to Zorya, who tended to his wounds with her healing powers before gently lulling him into a peaceful slumber. Meanwhile, Unzaifai returned to the fight, his eyes burning with a newfound fury, prepared to face his adversaries with renewed purpose.

"Give Hatty back to me," Unzaifai's voice quivered with a hint of desperation, his plea tinged with a vulnerability rarely seen in him.

"Don't hold out hope, Unzaifai. Your betrayal runs deep, not only against us but against Madame Raerea and the promise you once swore," Anran Wu retorted, her words dripping with righteous anger as the telltale green and blue tattoos etched themselves across her skin, a visual manifestation of her burgeoning power.

Unzaifai's laughter cut through the tension like a jagged blade. "You're actually using that technique? You're playing with fire, Anran Wu! If you use it, then you'll meet your death in the end!"

As the final tattoo appeared above Anran Wu's heart, signaling the end of the technique, Azathoth observed with a solemn recognition. "It's similar to the Eight Gates..."

Perplexed, Zorya turned to Azathoth, her expression clouded with confusion. "What do you mean?" she inquired, seeking clarity amidst the chaos.

Azathoth's response was cryptic yet laden with significance. "It's of no consequence to you... Pay it no mind," she dismissed, a shadow of concern flickering across her features.

With an astonishing speed, Anran Wu disappeared from view, her presence only marked by the thunderous impact of her fist meeting Unzaifai's face, the sheer force of her blow crushing his features and launching him through the air. The tremendous power behind her strike left the city in ruins, a testament to her overwhelming force.

Unperturbed by the devastation, Anran Wu's eyes focused on the barren landscape beyond, where the desolate terrain quaked under the shockwave of her punch, molding the very earth with its ferocity. Certain that no innocent bystanders remained, she unleashed her power without restraint, knowing that the residents had been safely evacuated.

With her anger still swirling inside of her, Anran Wu pursued Unzaifai through the chaos, resolute as she watched his battered yet defiant form. "Do you really believe this is enough to defeat me? Think again!" he bellowed in defiance, summoning massive green constructs formed from his own energy, a proof to his unyielding spirit in the face of impending death.

At the peak of their tension, the swirling green energy around Unzaifai intensified, his eyes locked onto Anran Wu with a dead-eye stare. With a primal scream piercing through the area, he charged forward, unleashing a cascade of magic circles that filled the sky with a dazzling show of arcane power.

Anran Wu met his onslaught head-on, her own momentum propelling her as she deflected and destroyed the magical attacks raining down upon her. Despite her remarkable resilience, a few stray attacks found their mark, causing fleeting bursts of pain to pierce her body. Yet, with a burning rage within her, she pressed forward, the dull ache of her injuries a minor inconvenience in the face of her resolve.

Once again closing the distance between them, Anran Wu hurled herself at Unzaifai, aiming her fist for his cheek in a repeat of their previous clash. To her surprise, Unzaifai's grin remained firm as he met her blow with a brutal headbutt, the sickening crunch of bone meeting bone reverberating through the air. With a savage twist, he unleashed a point-blank blast of green energy, sending Anran Wu hurtling away with bone-shattering force.

As Anran Wu gathered her strength for another attack, the toll of her technique became increasingly apparent, her powers waning as exhaustion gnawed at her reserves. Despite her heavy breaths, her resolve remained unbroken, her gaze fixed firmly on Unzaifai, who was consumed by manic laughter, his desperate cries for Hatty echoing through the chaotic battlefield.

Undeterred by the looming threat of defeat, Anran Wu surged forward once more, engaging Unzaifai in a fierce duel. Recognizing his newfound advantage, she suppressed the rising panic within her, channeling her focus into enhancing the speed and precision of her strikes. With each calculated movement, she closed the distance between them, landing blows with increasing accuracy and ferocity.

A sharp strike to the cheek, a swift kick to the leg, and a resounding smack to his side—each blow landed with precision, forcing Unzaifai onto the defensive as he struggled to parry her relentless assault. Yet, despite her mounting success, Anran Wu could feel the strain of her technique weighing heavily upon her body and spirit.

Unzaifai, sensing her vulnerability, succumbed to a sinister snicker, his derision evident as he taunted her with mocking laughter. But in the middle of the chaos and uncertainty, Anran Wu remained steadfast, her willpower unyielding as she pressed forward, resolved to overcome both her enemy and the limitations of her own power.

Unzaifai's taunts went unheard as Anran Wu's strength of mind remained firm, fueled by a higher purpose. With conviction, she met his arrogance with a bold declaration, her words resonating with the depth of her loyalty to Raerea.

"Even if I were to die today, I will not go down without dragging you with me—that is the least I can do for Madame Raerea!" she declared, her resolve igniting a surge of power within her as she struck Unzaifai in the stomach, drawing a shocked gasp from him.

Before he could speak again, Anran Wu delivered a punishing headbutt, sending him crashing to the ground in a daze. With practiced precision, she formed a triangle with her hands, channeling her energy into a terrifyingly large beam of green and blue energy that surged towards Unzaifai with unstoppable force.

Caught off guard by her sudden attack, Unzaifai's attempts to react were futile as the beam collided with him, unleashing a cataclysmic explosion that engulfed the surrounding area in a maelstrom of destruction. The earth trembled beneath the onslaught of power, the landscape reshaped by the ferocity of her clash as Unzaifai's laughter was silenced by the overwhelming force of Anran Wu's final, decisive blow.

Anran Wu was astonished to see Unzaifai's lower half missing from his stomach, yet he remained remarkably alive. She hovered momentarily in disbelief before abruptly plummeting to the ground, clutching her heart as it raced with a fervor that signaled impending doom, a consequence of her technique's exertion.

Azathoth and Zorya loomed over her, their gazes fixed upon her prone form. Zorya's face betrayed concern, contrasting sharply with Azathoth's characteristic indifference, her face devoid of emotion.

"Do you want to keep living?" Azathoth inquired, her tone devoid of inflection, almost mechanical. This unexpected offer caught Zorya off guard, her surprise evident in her expression.

Anran Wu gazed up at Azathoth, extending her trembling hand. "I... I wish to... survive..." she murmured, her voice strained with desperation. "I am willing... to serve you, even as your subordinate, Outer God..."

Azathoth held her gaze for a fleeting moment before acknowledging Anran Wu's plea with a solemn nod. Bending down, she placed her hand on Anran Wu's chest, just above her heart, initiating a swirling of colors and intricate patterns around her body. Anran Wu convulsed violently for several seconds, startling Zorya, who refrained from intervening.

As the process concluded, Anran Wu briefly lapsed into unconsciousness, only to awaken moments later as her heart's rhythm stabilized to a more tranquil pace. With her eyes fluttering open, she fixed her gaze upon Azathoth.

"I—" she began, but her words were preemptively silenced by the former ruler of the omniverse.

"You are not bound to me," Azathoth interjected, her tone measured. "Aaron has instructed us to ensure your survival, hence I merely facilitated your healing. What path you choose from hereon is yours to determine." With that, Azathoth straightened up, directing her attention towards the still barely conscious Unzaifai, who mumbled incomprehensible gibberish nearby.

Anran Wu stared at Azathoth for a brief moment, acknowledging her with a nod before rising to her feet and advancing towards Unzaifai. Azathoth and Zorya followed suit, accompanying her. In a sudden burst of movement, Hatty leaped away from Zorya's side, bounding over to Unzaifai and showering him with affectionate licks.

"Hatty... Hatty's returned..." Unzaifai murmured, his attention consumed by the loyal bird-like creature, seemingly oblivious to the presence of the three women.

"Why did you take such action?" Anran Wu inquired, her gaze steady as she fixed it upon Unzaifai.

Unzaifai remained silent for a prolonged moment, engrossed in playful interaction with Hatty, who appeared increasingly weaker. Eventually, he lifted his gaze to meet theirs, Hatty nestled against his chest. His expression bore a sense of resignation as he regarded them.

"I had my own reasons, not just because of Furuke," Unzaifai began, his voice wavering as he faced his impending end. "I don't have much time, but... Madame Elanor led me to one of them... beings conspiring against Madame Phumera and Master Magnum Tenebrosum... she called them Xiaxu, The Lord of Endings, and... The Eternal Emptiness, Nullumargentum," he murmured before succumbing to death's embrace. Hatty, perched on his chest, withered away as well as Unzaifai passed, a sudden and unforeseen twist.

"Xiaxu, The Lord of Endings, and The Eternal Emptiness, Nullumargentum? What... Who are they?" Anran Wu questioned, her gaze fixed on the lifeless form of Unzaifai. Turning to Azathoth, she asked, "Do you have any knowledge of these beings?"

Azathoth met Anran Wu's gaze with a curt nod. "They are remnants of the Ancient Era within your universe. Phumera attempted to erase them from history, but their existence persists as long as reality persists. They are unchangeable, unless we, the Outer Gods, intervene. If you need more insight, Aaron would be the one to consult," she explained.

Although Anran Wu found the explanation somewhat lacking, she acknowledged Azathoth's words with a grateful nod before expressing her intention to confront her remaining colleagues. "Helapos, Acissa, the impostor Sirozo, and Furuke still remain... We must stop their plans—assuming Helapos and Acissa are indeed complicit in this rebellion," she declared.

Meanwhile, Zorya shifted her attention to a holographic display emanating from her wrist, providing valuable information. "From what I can see... Acissa is engaged in a dispute with Furuke and Sirozo, while Helapos is engaged in combat with Latia. Esina has ventured to aid the inhabitants of this city in their recovery at a different dimension," she reported.

Anran Wu fixed her gaze on Zorya and nodded decisively. "I want both of you to accompany me to confront Acissa, Sirozo and Furuke. Given our current alliance, your presence would be invaluable," she affirmed, to which both Zorya and Azathoth consented.

Preparing for potential conflict, Zorya inquired about their course of action in the event of a fight. Anran Wu pondered briefly before responding, her tone with no room for refusal. "Our response will depend upon the unfolding circumstances, but I will align myself with those who seek to preserve the well-being of this city and planet," she declared.

With a nod of understanding, Zorya dismissed the holographic display, readying herself for their next move. "Very well. Let us proceed," she affirmed, initiating their teleportation to the designated location without hesitation.

— ○ ● ○ —

Upon their arrival, Anran Wu wasted no time in confronting Acissa and the fake Sirozo, her urgency palpable. "Where's Furuke!?" she demanded, her voice edged with concern.

The fake Sirozo feigned innocence, attempting to deceive with a casual demeanor. "He departed moments ago. What's the matter?" he replied, but Anran Wu saw through the charade, her accusation cutting through the facade.

"Enough with the lies! The real Sirozo is dead, and you're nothing but a fake created by Furuke! Why is he doing this?" Anran Wu's accusation reverberated through the air, catching the imposter off guard. Yet, to her dismay, his reaction revealed a sinister satisfaction, his guise no longer necessary.

Acissa, taken aback by this revelation, regarded Anran Wu with a mix of shock and disbelief. "Are you... serious?" she queried, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"I am," Anran Wu affirmed, her expression not changing before she turned to Azathoth, silently appealing for assistance.

In response, Azathoth raised her hand, conjuring a magical circle that displayed the events of the previous night. The truth unfurled before them, exposing Furuke and Unzaifai's treacherous act of slaying the original Sirozo, revealing the figure before them to be nothing more than a fake.

Acissa, initially numb to the revelation, was overcome by a torrent of emotions. Anguish and fury surged within her, directed towards both the imposter Sirozo and those responsible for his creation. She unleashed her wrath upon the fake Sirozo, hurling curses at him while damning Unzaifai and Furuke for their deceit.

In response to Acissa's outburst, the fake Sirozo simply grinned, his laughter mocking her anguish and rage, further fueling the flames of her fury.

"Last night, it seems we had an unwelcome observer. Tell me, ma'am, how did you manage it?" the Fake Sirozo taunted, his grin fixed on Azathoth. However, Azathoth remained impassive, offering no response to his inquiry. This lack of reaction only seemed to fuel the imposter's amusement, prompting him to laugh even harder.

A massive, dark-purple sphere shrouded in shadows hurtled towards him, but he casually deflected it with a dismissive slap. Acissa, her breaths ragged and her eyes ablaze with fury, unleashed a barrage of attacks, her desperation evident as she sought to exact vengeance upon the imposter who had taken so much from her.

"Die, you despicable scumbag!" she bellowed, launching relentless attacks at the Fake Sirozo, who remained unfazed by her efforts to harm him.

His grin widened as he taunted Acissa further. "You've lost your secret lover and husband. I understand your rage, but it serves no purpose in the grand scheme of things," he jeered, his mocking tone exacerbating Acissa's fury.

The imposter Sirozo brandished a table tennis racket, accompanied by a small white ball, leaving Azathoth and Zorya utterly perplexed. With a swift motion, he threw the ball into the air, striking it with the racket. In a flash, the ball shattered into twenty smaller projectiles, each cloaked in darkness and flames, hurtling towards them with alarming speed.

Anran Wu reacted swiftly, swatting away the projectiles, although not without sustaining injuries in the process. Despite the temptation to utilize her formidable technique once more, she hesitated, mindful of the potential consequences.

"I've lifted the constraints on your technique. However, its use will now exact a toll on your stamina threefold," Azathoth announced, her revelation surprising Anran Wu.

After a brief moment of contemplation, Anran Wu acknowledged Azathoth's assistance with a nod of gratitude. "I understand. Thank you," she murmured before activating her technique once more, bracing herself for the exertion ahead.

Anran Wu's technique, known as the "Crane Ascent Method," consisted of four distinct stages, each progressively enhancing her physical attributes and improving the effectiveness of her techniques. At its peak, the technique utilized the power of her heart as the primary energy source, working in harmony with the functions of her entire body.

Azathoth, acknowledging the potential dangers of such a technique, chose to mitigate its negative effects by tripling the stamina drain for Anran Wu. Though she did not have a nuanced understanding of appropriate limitations for powers and abilities, Azathoth sought to find a balance, drawing upon knowledge from her readings to guide her decision-making process. Her goal was to reduce inconvenience while still imposing a significant restriction on the use of Anran Wu's powerful technique.

Anran Wu dashed at Sirozo, but he skillfully used a cue stick to block her attack. In response, a swarm of ping pong balls appeared above him, controlled by spectral hands and launched towards her.

Thinking on her feet, Anran Wu used a healing technique to mend her injuries and then deflected the incoming barrage, coming out unscathed. Taking advantage of the moment, she leapt back, putting some distance between herself and Sirozo.

While airborne, she performed a complex hand movement, channeling her energy into a powerful offensive move. With a flick of her middle finger, a majestic blue crane formed from her palm, charging towards the Sirozo with undeniable force.

Unperturbed, the imposter used his powers to create a cane, striking the ground and summoning a series of large purple and white rings that encircled him. The rings closed in on the crane-like creature, trapping it in a deadly embrace before exploding in a burst of raw energy. Despite Anran Wu's brave effort, her attack was foiled by Sirozo's cunning defense.

Acissa charged back into the fight, launching a relentless series of massive attacks in the form of cards, each infused with either pulsing purple energy, shadows, darkness, or scorching flames. Despite the intensity of her attacks, every strike was ensnared by Sirozo's intricate rings, swiftly neutralized and destroyed.

"Have you forgotten that the original body was celebrated as the most powerful among your group of outcasts?" Sirozo jeered, a malevolent grin spreading across his face. "That was no empty boast. And now, with my amplified power, courtesy of the original, I can wield his abilities with unmatched lethality."

With a sinister tap of his cane, crackling hounds of lightning were conjured at his side, their wild forms lunging towards Anran Wu, Acissa, and even Azathoth and Zorya, who observed the chaos from the rear with a mixture of indifference and apprehension.

Acissa leaped back, her face contorting into a frown as she faced the menacing lightning hounds. With impressive agility, she produced a card between her fingers and flung it at the creature, striking it squarely on the head. Although it seemed ineffective at first, the hound met its demise moments later as a colossal metallic hammer appeared above it, descending with crushing force and reducing the creature to nothingness.

Meanwhile, Anran Wu swiftly dealt with her own lightning-hound opponent with a powerful punch, creating a shockwave that reverberated towards the Sirozo. However, the doppelgänger of the elder man dodged the attack with a nimble leap, narrowly avoiding contact.

As the tension escalated, Azathoth maintained a stoic silence, her gaze fixed on the encroaching lightning hounds. With each step, their movements slowed until they came to a halt, cowering in terror before the former ruler. Observing their submission, Zorya engaged in a silent exchange with Azathoth, understanding passing between them without the need for words. Raising her weapon, Zorya unleashed a barrage of divine bullets, bringing a swift end to the four lightning hounds, their brief existence snuffed out by her abrupt attack.

The fake Sirozo landed gracefully on the ground, a sly smile playing upon his lips. "Ah, those two in the back may pose a threat, but you—" His words were abruptly cut off as Anran Wu's foot connected with his face, sending him reeling backward.

"Save your breath and prepare to die you scumbag, you killed the real Sirozo last night!" Anran Wu's voice rang out with righteous fury as she launched herself at the imposter once more.

Sirozo chuckled in response, swiftly regaining his composure. With a casual tap of his cane, a small, ominous dark purple circle materialized beneath him. As Anran Wu unwittingly stepped into its bounds, she felt her movements sluggish and labored, as if she were wading through molasses.

Undeterred by the sudden impediment, Anran Wu pressed on, though each stride felt like an eternity. To her astonishment, the imposter closed the distance effortlessly, moving beside her with an unnerving ease that defied the laws of physics.

An eerie grin spread across the imposter's face as he revealed the sinister nature of his dark purple circle. "Witness my domain," he declared with a hint of arrogance. "Within this confined space, the speed of all who step on it is halved, with the excess granted to me."

Anran Wu's shock turned to realization as the full extent of his power became clear. Before she could respond, a swift and brutal assault sent her crashing to the ground, the impact reverberating through her body as she fought against the oppressive force of the circle's influence.

Meanwhile, outside the confines of the circle, Acissa unleashed a barrage of attacks on the imposter, only to see her strikes slow to a crawl as they entered the boundary. Frowning in frustration, Acissa deduced the reach of the circle's effect. "So it extends beyond mere movement, affecting inanimate objects as well," she pondered aloud, her thoughts racing as she sought a way to counter the imposter's formidable abilities.

"Should we help them?" Zorya's question made Azathoth reconsider the ongoing battle, her eyes fixed on the intense struggle within the dark purple circle. After a moment of thought, she shook her head decisively.

"I will only intervene when they are truly in need," Azathoth declared firmly. "So far, they seem to be handling it well. However, the introduction of Sirozo's new technique has definitely raised the difficulty level they are facing."

Zorya observed Azathoth thoughtfully before turning her attention back to the ongoing conflict. "How do you define 'struggling'?" she asked, her voice filled with curiosity. "With your unmatched abilities, very few enemies can truly threaten you..."

Azathoth fell silent, her thoughts turning inward as she grappled with Zorya's remark. Her unparalleled power had indeed made her nearly unbeatable until Aaron and his transformative abilities emerged, bringing in a new era of uncertainty and entertaining challenges.

Zorya swiftly aimed her gun at Acissa and Anran Wu, pulling the trigger with precision. The modified divine bullets found their marks, unleashing a transformative power that surged through the bodies of the two warriors, altering them in ways yet unknown.

As Sirozo witnessed the unexpected turn of events, a smirk graced his lips, amused by the unfolding chaos. However, his amusement was short-lived as Anran Wu's quick retaliation caught him off guard, her foot connecting with his cheek and propelling him out of the confines of his own circle, leaving him momentarily disoriented.

The sudden disruption caused the dark purple circle to shatter into fragments, dispersing its malicious effects. Yet, Sirozo regained his footing with ease, his gaze fixing upon Anran Wu with a mixture of amusement and curiosity.

"Truly fascinating," he remarked with a knowing smile, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "I wonder what effects those bullets have given you both."

Acissa launched a flurry of cards at Sirozo, taking aim with deadly precision at his throat. In response, Sirozo swiftly retaliated, tapping his cane to unleash a series of elemental attacks in the form of billiard balls. However, much to his surprise, it was his own projectiles that shattered upon impact, forcing him to quickly raise a defensive shield and retreat.

While some of Acissa's cards were deflected by the shield, others managed to slice through Sirozo's defenses, causing wounds to his body. Yet, undeterred, the imposter swiftly healed the damage and landed back on the ground with a defiant smirk.

"It seems your newly acquired powers are lacking," he taunted with an air of arrogance.

Before he could speak another word, Anran Wu's fist crashed into his back with crushing force, resulting in a sickening crack as his spine buckled from the impact. Gasping in agony, Sirozo was sent hurtling through the air by the force of her blow, his words silenced by the ferocity of the battle raging around him.

"What did your bullets do?" Azathoth's gaze bore into Zorya as she asked about the effects of her modified divine bullets, her arms folded across her chest in a stance of authority.

Zorya hesitated briefly before replying, a hint of satisfaction evident in her expression. "...They've been augmented to match Sirozo's strength, then amplified sixfold. This encompasses their physical strength, abilities, and speed. It should give them a significant advantage against the imposter," she explained, a faint smile appearing on her lips.

Glancing back at Azathoth, Zorya couldn't help but ask further. "Shouldn't you have been able to discern this with your own powers?" she queried.

Azathoth's response was measured, her tone carrying a weight of wisdom. "...We do not rely solely on our powers, Zorya. You know well that constant use, even passively, of our abilities or auras by us, the outer gods, or even lesser gods, could lead to the destruction of entire civilizations," she stated firmly.

Zorya nodded in understanding, acknowledging the validity of Azathoth's words. "Fair point," she conceded, recognizing the delicate balance that must be maintained in wielding such immense power.

Anran Wu hurled a barrage of energy bullets resembling fists at Sirozo, who swiftly summoned dark purple hands from the ground to intercept them. Despite his efforts, a few of Anran Wu's attacks managed to breach his defenses, inflicting damage upon his body.

Frustration simmered within Sirozo as he began to resent Zorya's intervention, his gaze narrowing into a glare of contempt directed at her. Contemplating whether to eliminate her and thus nullifying the effects of her bullets, he weighed the potential consequences of such an action.

With a subtle gesture, Sirozo summoned dark purple hands behind him, each wielding tennis rackets. As small white glowing balls appeared in front of them, they split into numerous fragments after being hit by the rackets, hurtling towards Zorya with lethal intent.

Observing the incoming onslaught, Zorya remained steadfast, her annoyance palpable. "Seems we have no choice but to intervene now," she muttered resignedly, bracing herself for the inevitable confrontation.

Zorya's sigh carried her acceptance as she raised her gun, her expression unchanging with annoyance. With a single shot, the weapon released a flurry of smaller energy bullets, intercepting and neutralizing the attacks sent by Sirozo. The resulting collisions ignited tiny explosions, lighting up the battlefield with bursts of light.

Despite this, Sirozo's relentless assault continued as a gigantic dark purple hand appeared before Zorya, hurtling towards her with deadly intent. Reacting swiftly, Zorya tapped her foot, invoking divine magic circles that stopped the hand's descent before annihilating it with a display of divine power.

With the threat eliminated, Zorya shifted her attention back to Sirozo, her aim steady. She fired a single shot, the bullet racing towards its target with unmatched speed. Before Sirozo could respond, the bullet struck his thigh with precision, causing him to grunt in pain and collapse to one knee, his anger rising after being shot by her.

"Curse that woman...!" Sirozo grunted, his teeth clenched in pain as he attempted to heal his wound with no success. Clicking his tongue in frustration, he summoned dark purple hands from his legs to compensate for his impaired mobility, dulling the pain as he moved with renewed irritation.

His smirk faded as another onslaught of energy bullets, this time in the form of fists, came at him from Anran Wu. "Stop getting distracted, you old fool!" she bellowed, her words a fierce reminder of the intensity of their battle. Closing the distance with lightning speed, she delivered a devastating blow to Sirozo's stomach, causing him to cough up blood and spit as he was sent hurtling away.

Acissa joined the attack, unleashing a volley of purple balls that struck Sirozo's back as he flew past her, crashing to the ground with a resounding thud. Rising to his feet with a look of sheer hatred and fury etched upon his features, Sirozo's resolve remained unbroken, fueled by a burning desire for vengeance.

Struggling to rise, Sirozo's gaze widened in disbelief as he realized that his wounds refused to heal, and the pain intensified with each movement. Blood dripped from his injuries, staining his once immaculate form, while patches of his flesh slowly began to take on a ghastly purple hue.

Before he could fully comprehend the gravity of his situation, Anran Wu descended upon him once more, her fists raining down upon him with relentless fury. Caught off guard by her onslaught, Sirozo faltered, his consciousness beginning to wane as darkness crept at the edges of his vision.

Just as Sirozo teetered on the brink of unconsciousness, a sudden burst of green energy streaked towards Anran Wu, prompting her to leap aside to evade the attack. To the astonishment of all present, Furuke materialized once more, though now appearing markedly more feminine, a transformation that left the onlookers bewildered.

"Furuke's a woman?" Zorya voiced her surprise aloud, her confusion mirroring that of the others as they grappled with this unexpected revelation.

"...Took you long enough, clone," Sirozo uttered with a hint of defiance, his grip tightening on his cane as he fixed his glare upon Zorya and Anran Wu. "I'm going to use it. Don't stop me."

"Fufu, go ahead," the female version of Furuke responded, her tone laced with amusement.

In a mere instant, an inconceivable transformation unfolded before their eyes. Sirozo's form underwent a rapid crystallization, followed by a shattering that revealed a new, or perhaps his original, body. The truth remained shrouded in mystery, known only to the enigmatic figure standing before them.

Standing at a towering height of 10'11", his body was a fusion of the void and pulsating purple-blue crystals. At its center, a swirling and glowing universe emanated a mesmerizing light. His fingers, now claw-like appendages, were encased in the same crystalline substance that adorned his formidable form. Sharp protrusions adorned his shoulders and head, accentuating his imposing presence. Instead of a mouth, only two piercing red eyes gazed out from the depths of his strange face, silently conveying an aura of unfathomable power and ancient wisdom.

"Wasn't he supposed to be a clone?" Anran Wu asked, her confusion evident as the sudden transformation unfolded.

"Not exactly," the female Furuke clarified, shedding light on the intricate origins of Sirozo. "His creation was the result of combining various lost magics from a different universe with the use of two ancient species believed to be extinct in our universe. Madame Elanor had managed to replicate some of these species, providing a convenient foundation for our endeavors. With the addition of my newfound powers, we fashioned the entity you see before you."

A smirk played on her lips as she continued, "However, I'm afraid I won't be sharing the exact details of our methods. Where's the fun in revealing all the secrets? Consider it a playful tease, if you will." With a snap of her fingers, numerous large green magic circles materialized around them, casting an ominous aura over the battlefield.

"I'm not here to assist you, Sirozo," the female Furuke declared, a hint of malice in her tone. "My purpose is simply to delay them, allowing the original to proceed with his plans uninterrupted."

Acissa released a flurry of large energy-infused cards towards the female Furuke, only to witness them suddenly stop in mid-air, ensnared by an unseen force. The smirk on the female Furuke's face grew as she summoned a colossal entity of green energy, its spear impaling Acissa from behind and piercing through her back and stomach.

"It's just like how the real Sirozo died. Quite ironic, don't you think, Acissa?" she taunted, her words dripping with cruelty as she addressed the elder woman.

Anran Wu stood frozen in shock, unable to comprehend the sudden turn of events. Even more surprising was Acissa's lack of resistance; it seemed as though she had accepted her fate, closing her eyes in resignation.

"It was inevitable," Acissa murmured softly, her voice carrying a sense of finality. In a burst of green energy, the spear and Acissa alike disintegrated into small particles, vanishing into the wind.

Anran Wu could only watch helplessly as her ally succumbed to the devastating attack, her heart heavy with sorrow at the loss of a comrade.

"Damn it!" Anran Wu's frustration boiled over, her voice echoing with raw emotion as she grappled with the weight of betrayal and loss. The bonds she had forged with her allies now shattered, leaving her feeling alone and uncertain in the face of adversity.

Furuke and Unzaifai's betrayal cut deep, a painful knife in the back from those she had trusted and relied upon. The deaths of her mentors added to her anguish, leaving her with a sense of profound loss and grief. With only Helapos remaining, his allegiance uncertain and inscrutable, Anran Wu felt a creeping sense of dread at the thought of potential conflict with him in the future.

"Come now, don't keep us waiting, martial arts girl," the female Furuke taunted in a mocking tone, her words a cruel reminder of the perilous situation Anran Wu found herself in. With a wave of her hand, a new formidable entity materialized, its spear poised to strike as it charged towards Anran Wu.

Zorya's immediate intervention shattered the large entity with a single well-placed bullet before redirecting her aim towards Anran Wu. Another modified bullet found its mark, imbuing her with even greater speed, amplifying her abilities in the heat of battle.

Sensing the surge of newfound power coursing through her veins, Anran Wu channeled her rage, focusing it into a devastating attack. With unparalleled swiftness, she closed the distance between herself and the female Furuke, delivering a powerful kick to her adversary's stomach with unbridled force.

Caught off guard by the sudden surge in Anran Wu's strength, the female Furuke found herself launched backwards, her surprise evident as she struggled to regain her footing. Yet, Anran Wu pressed on relentlessly, her barrage of kicks and punches raining down upon her opponent with precision.

The female Furuke, taken aback by the intensity of Anran Wu's assault, retaliated with a burst of energy from her own body, forcing Anran Wu to stagger back under the sheer force of the counterattack. Despite the setback, Anran Wu remained undeterred, her resolve unyielding as she prepared to continue the battle.

"I—" began the female Furuke, her voice faltering as she fell to one knee, blood staining her lips. With confusion etched across her features, she wiped away the blood, her gaze fixated on the crimson droplets with bewilderment. "What... have you done...?" she inquired, her eyes seeking answers from Anran Wu.

"I didn't do anything. I simply beat you up," Anran Wu declared, her gaze locked on her kneeling opponent.

The female Furuke's gaze shifted to Zorya and Azathoth, her expression darkening with suspicion. "What have you done...!?" she hissed, her voice laced with accusation as she demanded an explanation.

Zorya merely shrugged in response, her tone nonchalant as she stated, "I only assisted Anran Wu. I didn't interfere with you." She cast a fleeting glance towards Azathoth, a subtle smirk playing upon her lips, but offered no further explanation.

Azathoth remained silent, her inscrutable expression betraying nothing as she observed the unfolding confrontation with a sense of detached amusement.

With a grunt of frustration, the female Furuke struggled to rise while the transformed Sirozo unleashed a barrage of large, dark purple orbs towards Anran Wu. Instinctively, she moved to deflect them, but was abruptly halted by Azathoth, who intervened to prevent her from engaging directly by pulling her back.

"It's dangerous," Azathoth cautioned, her expression grave as she shook her head in warning.

"Range attacks. Any direct touch with it will destroy parts of your soul," she explained solemnly, her words carrying a weight of urgency. Anran Wu absorbed the warning, nodding in acknowledgment of the perilous threat.

Turning her attention to Zorya, Zorya silently communicated her plan, and Zorya agreed to confront the female Furuke, ready to assist in the ensuing battle.

Meanwhile, Anran Wu unleashed a volley of blue and green energy attacks at the transformed Sirozo, only to watch in disbelief as they passed through him without causing any harm. Shocked by this revelation, she realized that direct physical contact with Sirozo posed a grave risk to her soul. With this newfound understanding, Anran Wu resolved to approach the battle with caution, refraining from any close-quarters combat with the formidable entity before her.

Sirozo manifested a massive swirling dark purple scythe, imbued with the essence of the cosmos, and swung it mercilessly towards Anran Wu. Despite her efforts to dodge the deadly strike, she found herself ensnared by the cosmic edge of the scythe, countless slashes appearing across her body in a gruesome display of carnage. Her head began to topple from her shoulders, her life hanging by a thread, until Azathoth intervened, swiftly healing her wounds and sparing her from certain death.

As Anran Wu landed, her shock palpable, she surveyed her miraculously restored form with disbelief, her gaze shifting to the silent figure of Sirozo before her. "Was... I just killed right now?" she questioned, her voice trembling with a mixture of confusion and fear.

"Yes, you were," Azathoth confirmed solemnly, her expression grave as she contemplated the gravity of the situation. "It would be best if I—"

But before Azathoth could finish her sentence, Anran Wu interjected, her determination shining through despite the dire circumstances. "No! I'll fight him. I have to! Please, grant me temporary power to stand against him. It feels like I'm powerless against him—that's what my soul is telling me," she pleaded, her resolve steady as she prepared to confront her enemy once more.

Anran Wu's gaze met Azathoth's for a brief moment before she granted her request. With a touch infused with divine power, she bestowed upon Anran Wu a temporary surge in strength, enveloping her in a deep darkness crackling with newfound energy. As she locked eyes with Sirozo, a palpable tension filled the air, each combatant poised for the impending clash.

Anran Wu stood as an anomaly among her people, a rare exception in a universe where the use of darkness and shadows manipulation was common. Unlike the rest of her kind, she was born devoid of the ability to wield darkness or shadows, a phenomenon unheard of in generations of the Wu family lineage. Her unique existence defied the norms of her society, marking her as an enigma within the endless expanse of the universe.

In spite of her inability to harness the darkness and shadows like her peers, Anran Wu possessed an extraordinary talent for martial arts and wielded a unique energy of her own—a blend of blue and green hues that she had never formally named. Referred to by many as her Qing Tong Guang Huan Bian Zhi technique, or the Cobalt Halo Weaving technique, it set her apart from the rest and garnered her a degree of fame within her community.

Anran Wu's distinctiveness did not go unnoticed, particularly by Virion Deamonne, a powerful figure whose keen eye recognized her potential. Intrigued by her abilities, he approached her and extended an offer to become one of his disciples. Eager to further hone her skills and unlock her full potential, Anran Wu accepted, embarking on a journey of growth and empowerment under Virion's tutelage.

Through rigorous training and dedication to honing her powers, Anran Wu flourished under Virion's guidance, ascending to become one of his most powerful subordinates. Her journey from anomaly to adept served as a testament to her resilience and inner strength, propelling her towards a destiny of greatness in the middle of the ever-shifting tides of this universe's uncertain fate.

Witnessing the potential synergy between her innate technique and the temporary grant of shadow and darkness manipulation, Anran Wu wasted no time in merging the two energies together. The combination resulted in a peculiar amalgamation that surrounded parts of her body, materializing as a light armor that enhanced her strength and offered protection against the powers that Sirozo used.

"Have no fear of touching him or being touched. You will be shielded by it. Now, go forth and demonstrate your resolve," Azathoth assured, her words filled with confidence and encouragement. Anran Wu nodded in acknowledgment, her resolve firm as she prepared to confront her opponent once more.

With unmatched speed, Anran Wu propelled herself towards Sirozo, closing the distance with lightning speed. She delivered a devastating knee strike to his face, shattering his strange visage and sending him reeling backwards.

As Sirozo staggered from the impact, Anran Wu landed gracefully on the ground, her focus steady as she conjured an enormous fist of darkness on her left arm. Without wasting another second, she hurled the darkened fist forward, unleashing its destructive force upon everything in its path, obliterating obstacles with accuracy.

As the dust settled and the echoes of destruction faded, Sirozo emerged from the aftermath, his body marked by the brutal attack. Despite the severity of his injuries, he remained resolute, his eyes locked on Anran Wu with an unmistakable fiery rage.

Undeterred by Sirozo's defiance, Anran Wu stood poised in an offensive stance, her resolve unmatched as she readied herself to face him once more.

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