Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 22 – Part 3 – Grievances*

Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

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Lounging in my seat, a faint smile adorns my face. Only one person remained in this unfolding drama, approaching its end. I strategically put in place numerous protections throughout the city, shielding it from imminent destruction. The only exception was the underground base I carefully arranged for the rebels, allowing them to unleash their chaos without worry.

The underground stronghold, despite bearing the brunt of their rebellion, did not affect my composure. It was a mere temporary inconvenience, easily fixable. Yasevi watched me with an intrigued expression, to which I replied with a sly wink, prompting a curious raise of her eyebrow. Meanwhile, Barakyu, in silent amusement, chuckled at the scene unfolding before him.

In the middle of the chaos, the other leaders constantly babbled on about their visions for the planet, a cacophony that I casually tolerated. The two instigators of the coup displayed particular enthusiasm, under the belief that their scheming was succeeding. Little did they know, I had subtly manipulated their perception of reality, cutting their ties to the rebellious faction, making communication with their comrades impossible.

"What are your thoughts on the matter, Lord Aaron?" asked one of the insurgent leaders, easily recognizable by their long black hair, pink eyes, and intricate black and white military attire.

Echoing the sentiment, the second rebel leader, with short blue hair and unique star-shaped pupils within green eyes, and adorned in a flowing green and blue robe, sought my agreement.

Nodding in apparent approval, I nonchalantly endorsed their proposals, my attention only halfway engaged. "Why not?" I pondered, allowing for the addition of new structures and expanses without delving into the intricacies of their suggestions.

Pleased by my casual approval, the rebel leaders delved into a more detailed discussion of their plans. Yasevi and Barakyu, perceptive to the anomaly in my usually calculated responses, began to sense a shift in the dynamics. Yasevi, in particular, raised her eyebrow further, signaling a growing suspicion about the unfolding situation.

With a subtle smile, I conveyed reassurance to Yasevi, silently assuring her that everything was going as planned. Her implicit trust in me led her to release her suspicions, settling back with a watchful eye on the proceedings as they continued to unfold.

Another soft sigh left my lips as I leaned back in my chair, patiently waiting for the right moment to begin discussions with the two leaders who were blabbering on about their plans.

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Third Person Point of View

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Before Ravel, there stood a man shrouded in mysterious aura, exuding an icy demeanor that enveloped him like an impenetrable cloak. His blond hair added to the air of mystery, while his ruby-red eyes held an intensity that hinted at concealed power. Clad in a formal white military uniform adorned with gold accents, he emanated an undeniable presence, further heightened by a crimson cape trimmed with black fur—a practical garment, Ravel deduced, with magical properties providing both waterproofing and heat insulation.

Dihame, fixating his gaze on the young blonde woman before him, conducted a discreet appraisal. Despite his imposing stature at 6'1", a realization crept into his consciousness—she surpassed him in strength, making any potential confrontation a precarious endeavor for him. Yet, the remnants of pride from his past as a noble and warrior compelled him to maintain his stoic composure.

Confronting her with a question that carried the weight of acknowledgment, he inquired, "So, it is your handiwork that ruined our attempted coup?" The words lingered in the air, his demeanor unyielding even in the face of potential defeat.

Ravel responded with a measured tone, "Yes, we are the ones responsible for this disruption. But what motivates you to partake in this coup?"

Dihame maintained his gaze on her, pondering the question before delving into the intricacies of his reasons. "I come from a distant planet and a noble lineage, witnessing the efficient and effective rule of my parents. While I may not fully support Lady Yasevi's governance, it is far from inadequate, despite the narrative perpetuated by many of my peers."

Perplexed by this discrepancy, Ravel sought clarity, "If you see no flaws in her rule, why join the rebels?"

With a hint of conflict in his expression, Dihame explained, "They were aware of my background and intentions before I arrived, seeking a peaceful existence. I may have agreed with certain aspects, but not all. However, they deluded themselves into thinking I was completely loyal to their cause. Despite my reservations, one of the leaders aided me significantly upon my arrival, creating a sense of obligation and prompting me to repay the debt."

"To settle a debt, I understand. However, are you unwilling to relinquish your allegiance to the rebellion? If you disapprove of the coup, would you consider laying down your sword and accompanying us to Lady Yasevi's castle for a discussion? You stand as the last remaining member of this faction," Ravel inquired, her tone tinged with a sense of diplomacy.

With a burdened sigh, Dihame drew his blade with a reluctant acknowledgment. "I am in agreement, but the terms of my pact demand that I engage in combat against you, futile though it may be." The resolute glare he fixed upon Ravel betrayed a conflict within, a clash between loyalty and an impending acknowledgment of futility.

A frown etched itself onto Ravel's features as she responded, "There's no need for that. We can simply leave this place together and align ourselves with Lady Yasevi and Lord Aaron." Her appeal held a note of genuine concern, urging a reconsideration of the impending fight.

"Allow me this indulgence, fair lady of noble bearing. Though in accord with your proposition, my contract compels me to engage in combat. Additionally, my pride as a warrior yearns for this confrontation, especially against one as formidable as the Eradicator I once beheld," Dihame retorted with a sense of resolve, his demeanor tinged with a hint of anticipation.

His golden sword ablaze with fiery tendrils of red electricity, Dihame poised himself for the impending clash. Sensing the inevitability of the confrontation, Ravel emitted a resigned sigh as flames enveloped her form. "Very well," she agreed, "I shall entertain your request for a brief battle before ending."

"Your willingness is appreciated," Dihame acknowledged with a smile, his body vanishing momentarily before reappearing above Ravel in a quick motion. With a resounding crackle of energy, he brought his flaming sword down towards her, the combined aura of flames and electricity heralding the commencement of their duel.

Ravel gracefully dodged Dihame's initial strike with fluidity, keeping her steady gaze on him. In response, Dihame pivoted swiftly, unleashing a combination of flames and electricity. To Ravel's amusement, she countered with her own [Hell Fire], extinguishing the incoming attack with practiced precision.

A smile played on Dihame's lips as he descended gracefully to the ground, summoning fiery avian entities that surged towards Ravel. Observing the unexpected spectacle with a hint of amusement, Ravel countered with her own fiery manifestations, resulting in a small explosion that pushed them both back.

Suddenly, electric serpents surged forth, darting menacingly towards Ravel with an eerie slither. Evading with agile leaps, she found herself pursued relentlessly as the serpents twisted and turned, closing in on her with persistent fervor. Summoning her fiery wings, Ravel took to the skies, attempting to outmaneuver her electric creatures. Yet, despite her efforts, the serpents persisted in their ruthless pursuit.

At the peak of the chase, Ravel suddenly turned, releasing a flood of blue flames that engulfed the electric serpents, turning them into smoldering embers. Landing on the ground with calculated precision, she instantly appeared beneath Dihame, catching him off guard. With a quick motion, she extended her hand and unleashed a powerful stream of flames that surged upwards, consuming everything in its path.

Dihame, with his finely honed reflexes, managed to evade most of the attack, but the intense heat left him visibly perspiring. Leaping away to create distance, he expelled electric eels from his mouth in a surprising display of sorcery. Taken aback by the unexpected attack, Ravel quickly countered with her [Hell Fire], reducing the eels to nothing but wisps of smoke.

Seeing the disgust evident on Ravel's face, Dihame seized the opportunity to retaliate. He deftly dodged her fiery projectiles and, in the flurry of movements, his cherished cape bore the brunt of the attacks, its fabric singed and smoldering. This prompted a grimace of dismay from Dihame, as the cherished memento from his parents was now marred by the intensity of battle.

Reassurance dripped from Ravel's words as she approached him in flight, "We can have that fixed, please don't worry."

Dihame responded with a calm acknowledgment, a smile gracing his lips. In an instant, a golden shield materialized before him, a testament to his family's powers. However, the shield's durability proved short-lived, shattering unexpectedly, leaving him momentarily stunned. "That's unexp—"

His sentence abruptly ended as Ravel's flaming fist connected with his chest, propelling him backward to collide with the unforgiving wall. The flames enveloped him, creating a spectacle of fiery intensity. As the flames dissipated, Dihame, now severely burned, coughed up blood and emitted a pained grunt, the aftermath of the impactful strike.

Ravel, standing before the defeated Dihame, noticed a fatigue in his eyes that contradicted his earlier combat fervor. With genuine concern, she suggested, "You don't seem fully committed to this battle. Shall we put an end to it now?"

Exhausted chuckles escaped Dihame as he wearily sat up, choosing to sheathe his sword. "I have met the terms of 'fighting' my opponent—I have been defeated, and now you have captured me," he admitted with a weary sigh.

A bittersweet smile appeared on Ravel's lips as she proceeded to restrain him, offering a Slime Pill to hasten his healing. Dihame accepted the remedy, and the pill worked its swift magic, restoring him to full strength. As he stood, prepared to accompany Ravel out of the room, his attention was caught by two additional women standing near the entrance.

"He's quite compliant, isn't he?" remarked Raynare, her gaze fixed on Dihame.

"Dihame-sama had his reasons, but he's willing to comply with us. In reality, he didn't do much except wait for it to end and 'fight' me to fulfill his contract with the leaders. Shall we head to Aaron-sama then?" Ravel proposed, seeking agreement from her companions. They nodded in agreement, quickly departing the underground base as it began its process of repair.

Emerging back into the open air, they were greeted by the sight of the trio and their assorted followers engaged in conversation. Upon noticing Raynare's group, their interest piqued, particularly upon seeing Dihame in restraints.

"Damn, he got beat too? Who did it?" Yazoho inquired eagerly, his curiosity piqued by the defeat of their enigmatic leader.

"I defeated Dihame-sama, if you're interested to know," Ravel responded, her tone tinged with a hint of amusement as she regarded Yazoho with a raised brow.

"Little midget flaming chick? Damn, I didn't know you were that strong," Yazoho remarked, earning a reprimand from Guhaji with a stern glare.

"Behave," Guhaji admonished firmly, silencing Yazoho's insolence with a reproachful gaze.

"Xenovia and I will handle them. Ravel, go with Dihame to Aaron and conclude matters. On our way up here, he informed me about the location of the prison; we'll confine them there for now," Raynare commanded with authority.

"Understood. Dihame-sama, please come with me," Ravel responded promptly, and the two swiftly departed, leaving Raynare to manage the remaining rebels.

"Prison?! We didn't exactly kill anyone though!?" Yazoho exclaimed in horror, his apprehension palpable.

"You initiated a coup. If you think there won't be consequences, you're dead wrong," Raynare retorted, her stern gaze fixed on Yazoho, who instinctively recoiled. "But, as I mentioned earlier, I will address what you said. I've informed Ravel during our return, and she will convey it to Aaron, as well as Lady Yasevi," Raynare explained, establishing a framework for the repercussions of their actions.

"Damn everything," Yazoho muttered with evident disdain, expressing his dissatisfaction but wisely refraining from resistance. "Let's go already. If there's a bed there, I'm fine with it."

Raynare, in a straightforward manner, elucidated Aaron's approach to the new prisons. "Aaron, in these new prisons, believes in rehabilitation. The fact that you're not dead indicates he sees potential for redemption in you. So yes, he's going to work on rehabilitating your sorry ass to become a better and productive member of society."

"I had a normal job before all of this, you know!?" Yazoho retorted, attempting to justify his actions. "It was just beca—"

Guhaji swiftly intervened, placing a firm hand over Yazoho's mouth to silence him. "Shut up. You want to go back to your parents, right? So don't say anything that will jeopardize that chance." The stern warning reflected the gravity of the situation, urging Yazoho to tread cautiously in the face of potential redemption.

Raynare's smirk lingered as she gestured for them to rise. Reylin, maintaining a composed silence, followed instructions, as did the rest of the now-awake followers. They chose compliance, collectively deciding to avoid prolonged imprisonment.

As they left the scene, their eyes landed on the fading figures of Ravel and Dihame, vanishing into the distance.

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Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

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Seated in that moment of contemplation, I found myself engulfed in sheer boredom. The incessant prattle of these individuals, fixated on topics that failed to capture my interest, left me disinterested. The two I deemed unworthy continued their ceaseless chatter, while the others, proposing ideas with a more pragmatic yet resource-intensive approach, held my attention. Their focus was on suggestions beneficial to the citizens rather than self-serving interests, a perspective I found praiseworthy.

As the monotony persisted, the arrival of Ravel at the door behind me, accompanied by Dihame, brought a welcome change. An impromptu surge of enthusiasm prompted me to rise abruptly, seizing the attention of the assembly. With a nonchalant flick of my wrist, I deftly restrained the incessant prattlers, eliciting astonishment from the subdued duo.

"What is the meaning of this, Lord Aaron!? I can't use my powers...!?" exclaimed Henmen, his long black hair betraying his disconcertion. Beside him, Sienshen, with short blue hair, mirrored the sentiment, a palpable panic in his voice.

Yasevi, Barakyu, and the gathered advisers fixed their gaze on me, waiting for my signal. With a decisive motion of my raised arm, I granted permission, saying, "You may enter now." In response, Ravel entered, escorting the apprehended Dihame, who remained remarkably calm and composed.

The revelation prompted an immediate reaction from Henmen, who exclaimed, "Wha—Dihame?!" His widened eyes revealed a deep shock at the unexpected turn of events.

Maintaining a respectful posture, Ravel conveyed, "The coup d'état has been foiled, Aaron-sama. We have apprehended all the key conspirators, leaving only Henmen-sama and Sienshen-sama."

A collective astonishment swept through Yasevi, Barakyu, and the others upon hearing the term "coup d'état" from Ravel's lips. All eyes then turned to Henmen and Sienshen, seeking an explanation.

Demanding answers, Yasevi addressed the two implicated individuals, their apprehension palpable. "What is the meaning of this, Henmen, Sienshen? Explain yourselves," she demanded, casting an air of urgency and expectation over the nervously fidgeting men.

To my left stood Ravel, with Dihame on her other side. A quick glance in Ravel's direction prompted me to repair Dihame's disheveled attire. Despite his surprise, he showed his gratitude with a brief bow.

Shifting my focus back to the subdued figures before me, I stated, "If they're not going to explain, I'll provide a brief overview. During the recent city tremor, a coup took place. Using a barrier, I shielded us from detecting it, to trick these two. Ravel, Xenovia, and Raynare were tasked with putting down the uprising, and they fulfilled their duties successfully."

Addressing the intrigued yet silent assembly, I added, "The surviving conspirators have been moved to the new planetary prisons. Yasevi, I will take you to see them later. For now, let us deal with the aftermath of this turmoil," I concluded with a light-hearted chuckle, directing a smile at both Henmen and Sienshen, who found themselves caught in the consequences of their ill-fated actions.

Henmen's anger erupted, and he turned it towards Yasevi, sending a piercing glare her way. His booming voice filled the room, leaving everyone in stunned silence. "It's all because of you!!!!!!!!!!!!" he roared, the power of his words reverberating off the walls. "If you hadn't been so incompetent and unwilling to strengthen our military, we wouldn't be in this mess! Our planet, our people would be thriving!!!"

His eyes, now bloodshot, revealed the depth of his fury as he breathed heavily. The intensity of his anger towards Yasevi caught her off guard, causing a sudden shift in his demeanor.

"When the King passed away, you took the throne, and everything has been spiraling out of control! You're unfit to rule! You should have let us take the reins, serving as a queen in name only, allowing us to make the decisions!!" Henmen's accusing words hung heavily in the tense atmosphere, casting a shadow over Yasevi, who appeared shocked by the vehement condemnation.

Henmen's outburst grew more intense, each accusing word slicing through the tense atmosphere. "Even if we couldn't completely stop it, we could have at least fought them on more equal terms!!! We pleaded with you, but your stubbornness prevented us from taking any action!!"

His passionate reprimand reverberated in the room, filled with frustration. "We had to resort to secret operations because of your refusal to listen to our pleas, and even then, our efforts were hindered by limited resources! We are now trapped in this situation because of your lack of action!!"

His complaints continued, emphasizing Yasevi's supposed shortcomings. "And not only that, you failed to fulfill so many of your promises!!! I—WE had to remove several corrupt leaders until we were the only ones left!!" Henmen's voice reached a peak, every accusation fueled by tangible frustration.

"We did all this for the benefit of our people!! So they could prosper!! There are so many corrupt businesses as well! Do you realize how many of your people are in debt because of those scoundrels?!?! One of my subordinates only joined because of that!!!" His pointed accusations painted a bleak picture of discontent, leaving Yasevi to confront the weight of perceived failures.

Upon reflection, I found myself unable to ignore the legitimacy of Henmen's grievances against Yasevi's leadership. Although it was tempting to criticize her decisions from a distance, I refrained from voicing such thoughts, mindful of my own failures and shortcomings.

From my current perspective, removed from the immediate pressures, I could better understand the complexities Yasevi encountered in dealing with the challenges of governance. Leading the kingdom after her husband's recent passing, with no one to turn to, undoubtedly presented a difficult task. It was understandable that she would prioritize decisions based on what seemed feasible at the time, accompanied by the chaos and sorrow.

Given the weight of her responsibilities, it was clear that Yasevi struggled with the delicate balance between her personal emotions and her duty to her people. While some may argue that she should have set aside her personal struggles to focus on governance, the reality was far more nuanced. Words and actions are indeed separate, and navigating such complexities in real-time is riddled with challenges and uncertainties.

Truly, deep down, we are all undeniably "human," susceptible to the highs and lows of emotion, each with our own individual challenges and viewpoints. The search for the perfect choice in any given moment escapes us all, acknowledging the complex nature of the human experience.

Yasevi, confronting the loss of her partner without a way to express her grief, wrestled with the gravity of her decisions, carefully navigating the balance between personal strife and the responsibilities of leadership.

As I look back on the corrupt figures from my past life, it becomes clear that some actions appeared to lack empathy, humanity, or even a soul. Their pursuit of personal gain, while disregarding the well-being of others, painted a disturbing picture of moral decline.

The stark difference between genuine human connection and the heartless pursuits of the corrupt serves as a testament to the various aspects of our shared humanity, prompting one to contemplate the essence of empathy and the true nature of a soul.

Refocusing on the meeting, I saw Henmen still deeply entrenched in his passionate rant against Yasevi. Her stern expression betrayed a mix of acknowledging her own faults and the toll taken by the fervent accusations. It was clear that Henmen's words had struck a nerve, visibly impacting her.

As his anger reached a boiling point, I stepped in to intervene. With a quick gesture, I halted his advance and issued a firm warning. "Stop right there. This is a conversation, not a physical confrontation," I stated firmly, fixing a stern gaze on him. He flinched, a visible shiver running through him, before reluctantly agreeing.

Turning my attention to Sienshen, I asked, "What about you? Do you have something to add?" I wanted to give him the opportunity to express his perspective in a more composed manner, so I waited for his response.

After a moment of contemplation, Sienshen met my gaze and then lowered his eyes to the ground, signifying his agreement with Henmen's perspectives. "I align with Henmen's points and views, believing in everything he expressed. Admittedly, being in your position is undoubtedly challenging, but it often felt like our advice was disregarded, with preference given to Barakyu and others when crucial decisions were made."

He continued, elaborating on the perceived favoritism, "Barakyu's words, decisions, and insights held more weight in your considerations, and we were amenable to that. However, the blatant dismissal of other counsel didn't yield favorable outcomes for the rest of us. Do you recall Curvon?" he inquired, prompting Yasevi's nod in acknowledgment.

"Curvon, one of my previous advisors, who mysteriously disappeared. What about him?" Yasevi responded, her tone tinged with curiosity and concern.

Sienshen unraveled a shocking truth, revealing the deep-rooted corruption of Curvon. Portrayed as one of the most deceitful figures in their land, Curvon had manipulated and exploited everyone around him, including Yasevi. His malevolent actions had reached a critical point, leading to the need for drastic measures.

Sienshen revealed the grim reality, stating, "Ultimately, we were forced to eliminate him to prevent further harm. We have gathered documents and evidence proving his corruption, having tracked him for two years. However, the extent of his sinister influence remains uncertain."

Taken by surprise, Yasevi stared at Sienshen in profound astonishment. "H-how—" she began, her voice reflecting a mix of shock and disbelief at the enormity of the deception that had unfolded right under her nose.

After dropping the bombshell about Curvon's corruption, Sienshen revealed a preparedness for his revelation. His gaze met mine, and with a simple click of my fingers, documents appeared in front of him. Methodically, he began presenting the damning evidence—a comprehensive account of Curvon's evil deeds, supported by incriminating pictures and recordings.

Yasevi, left in a state of profound shock, absorbed the revelations with disbelief etched on her face. As Sienshen continued, she cast a questioning look in my direction. Confirming the authenticity of the evidence, I nodded reassuringly.

"These aren't fake; they're quite genuine," I affirmed, providing a confirmation that added weight to the gravity of Curvon's deceit. Sienshen nodded appreciatively, underscoring the authenticity of the evidence presented.

Sienshen, after expressing his main concerns in line with Henmen's, acknowledged the presence of minor issues. Despite being part of the faction that initiated the coup, he nuanced his position, stating, "Even though I joined this faction and initiated the coup, I didn't see your ruling as the worst. However, it could have been significantly improved if you had taken our opinions and thoughts more seriously, Lady Yasevi."

Yasevi, deep in thought with her arms crossed, absorbed the feedback. Henmen's silent seething persisted, underscoring the depth of his dissatisfaction. Eventually, Dihame sought permission to contribute to the discussion. Both Yasevi and I nodded in agreement, prompting Dihame to share his perspective.

"If I may?" he inquired, gaining the attention of the room. Proceeding to speak, Dihame provided a more tempered viewpoint. "I hail from a noble lineage, and my kingdom prospered before it fell to Phumera. Having observed your ruling, while there is room for improvement, it wasn't as dire as portrayed. Admittedly, my exposure is limited, but it's important to acknowledge the nuances." His contribution added a measured perspective to the multifaceted discussion.

Henmen's retort to Dihame's perspective reverberated through their tense exchange with a sharp and cutting edge. "You were barely part of this planet's history; you only saw around a quarter of the things she's managed to mess up during her time of ruling. What we're saying right now is just a small portion of it! And we're keeping some of the details away since they were that horrific! Just because you came from a noble background means nothing, you never ruled, only your parents," he snapped, his frustration palpable.

In response, Dihame exhibited a calm assertiveness that stood in stark contrast to Henmen's impassioned tirade. "I may have never ruled, but I was heavily involved in the process and contributed significantly. While I didn't wield direct influence over decisions, I offered suggestions alongside my parents' advisors and aides. It was a collective effort, as my father used to say," he explained, emphasizing the collaborative nature of his involvement in governance despite not holding an official title.

As tensions rose and Henmen's annoyance grew, I stepped in decisively. "Regardless of your feelings, you instigated a coup and it didn't end well for you. For now, we'll detain you, and Yasevi will determine your punishment later. That concludes our discussion for now," I stated firmly, affirming my resolution.

Shifting my focus to Sienshen, I acknowledged his comparatively composed demeanor. "You seem to be the more calm and collected of the two. We will bring you back for further discussions in the future, but for now, you will be placed in prison, understood?" I suggested. Sienshen nodded solemnly, accepting his impending confinement.

However, Henmen, unwilling to concede without a fight, erupted in defiance. "No! I refuse to accept this, damn it!" he exclaimed, directing his anger towards Yasevi. In a surge of anger, he charged towards her. As chaos erupted and others moved to intervene, Yasevi deftly sidestepped his attack, taking the opportunity to grab his head and elegantly slam it to the ground. The swift finesse of her countermove left the room in stunned silence.

With Henmen incapacitated by Yasevi's adept response, she stood up, brushed herself off, and turned to address the assembled group, particularly her advisors. "I am the Queen, and I am far stronger than many of you gathered here. I am not a damsel in distress; please do not view me as such. I will devise fitting punishments for all involved. For now, we will bring this meeting to a close," she declared with a calm yet determined demeanor.

Acknowledging her authority, everyone complied, and the meeting came to an end. The aftermath was handled smoothly, and the short-lived coup was stifled without significant damage or loss of life. While a few individuals needed revival, the situation was brought under control, allowing for a resolution to the turbulent events that had transpired.

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Two hours later, I led Yasevi and the girls to the underground prisons. Since I designed them, the cells were well-equipped with beds, tables, bookshelves, and a television. The majority of the shows broadcasted were educational and aimed at rehabilitation, creating a sense of ease among the inmates.

Out of consideration for the recent events, we chose not to make a public announcement, in order to prevent unnecessary panic among Yasevi's people. As we walked through the cells, we eventually reached Yazoho's cell. He was sitting on his bed, completely absorbed in a book about yo-yo tricks.

When he noticed us, Yazoho's face lit up with excitement. "Yo, Ray-Ray, did you tell them?!" he eagerly exclaimed, moving closer to the glass panel that separated us.

"Yazoho, was it?" Yasevi asked, and he nodded solemnly, keeping his eyes fixed on her with a serious expression. Yasevi then addressed his situation with a tone of sincerity. "During the past two hours, I have carefully reviewed various matters, and Raynare specifically requested that I look into your case."

Yazoho remained silent, prompting Yasevi to continue. "With Aaron's assistance, debts, including your parents and many others, have been forgiven. Those who committed crimes will face consequences, and compensation has been given to your parents and others affected by my neglectful actions. I take full responsibility for them, and I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me in the future," Yasevi said, offering a slight bow as a gesture of humility.

Raynare chimed in, echoing Yasevi's words. "You heard her, we have witnessed the changes too. Aaron even made improvements to your parents' house and made adjustments to suit their needs. It's time to let go of any lingering concerns, alright?" Raynare urged, appealing to Yazoho's understanding.

The room seemed to exhale along with Yazoho as his tense shoulders sagged, and he sank to the floor, releasing a long and dramatic sigh of relief. "Finally!!! I don't care if I have to stay here for the rest of my life, as long as they're living well, that's all I ask," he expressed, a chuckle escaping him.

"It's commendable that you prioritize your family, Yazoho. Given your circumstances, rehabilitation might not be necessary at the moment. You can stay here for now. And I'll make sure to provide you with more books about yo-yos," I assured him, understanding the depth of his devotion and the solace he derived from his simple joys.

"I'll take you up on that deal, outer god-man! You're the man!" Yazoho exclaimed, his eyes brightening as he picked up a yo-yo I left in his cell. With a simple flick of my fingers, countless yo-yo books materialized on his previously barren shelves. He flashed me a grateful thumbs-up before immersing himself in a book and happily engaging with his yo-yo, creating a moment of light-heartedness in the recent turmoil.

As we walked away from Yazoho's cell, Xenovia mused, "Some people really have no choice but to adapt to their circumstances, don't they? It makes me wonder how many opponents I faced and killed in the past without knowing their full stories."

Ravel joined in, stating, "While some individuals may have valid reasons for their actions, others do not. Even if you were to hear their justification, more often than not, it's not justifiable. Understanding their circumstances doesn't excuse their choices; ultimately, it's up to them, unless they were coerced."

Raynare added, sharing a personal story, "Furthermore, some people pretend to feel remorse and guilt to manipulate situations. I have been guilty of that in the past, using deceit to avoid trouble. However, meeting Aaron brought about real change within our group." She blushed slightly, acknowledging her past actions and the transformative impact of encountering me.

I chuckled at Raynare's confession and asked the question that had been on my mind, "Flattery won't get you anywhere... by the way, I've been meaning to ask, why didn't you attack me back then? Even after I smacked Darcel, you had the chance to strike in the park."

Raynare's face turned crimson as she stuttered, "I... I... I thought you were cute and really liked you... but I felt conflicted after I supposedly 'killed' you."

Xenovia couldn't help but snort at the revelation. "Love, the strongest plot armor in history," she remarked, earning a blushing glare from Raynare. Xenovia continued to chuckle, asserting, "It's true though?" This prompted Raynare to grab my arm, burying her face in it without uttering another word, eliciting more laughter from Xenovia.

We finally reached Reylin's cell, where she sat quietly, completely absorbed in a book. Similar to Yazoho's confinement, the cell contained the usual fixtures, but this time, Reylin's collection included an array of books from various genres. Noticeably absent was her armor, and she was dressed in regular clothes without her mask.

"Reylin-sama," Ravel's voice shattered the silence, capturing Reylin's attention. She set her book aside and approached us.

Taking the lead, I addressed Reylin, "I've been presented with an intriguing proposition from Ravel regarding you. Honestly, I didn't object, but I sought Yasevi's opinion first, given your previous attack on her planet." Reylin acknowledged my words with a nod, turning her gaze to Yasevi.

A silent exchange unfolded between Yasevi and Reylin, each observing the other's movements. Although Reylin mirrored the examination, an undercurrent of nervousness was evident. While I hadn't delved into Reylin's past, my curiosity about it lingered.

Ravel had given me a brief rundown of the limited information she had on Reylin's past and the proposed arrangement. While the details were not new to me, it was clear that they stirred up strong emotions in Ravel. Seeing Reylin in such a vulnerable state for the first time, it became apparent that she was not naturally inclined towards combat, but rather forced into it by her circumstances for survival.

Yasevi took control of the situation, speaking to Reylin, "Regarding your confinement to labor on the Resistance's planet farms instead of staying here, there will be additional rules to follow. Let me outline them for you, is that okay?" Reylin responded with a silent nod, indicating her agreement.

"First, your abilities will be suppressed, followed by the confiscation of your armor and weaponry, and lastly, you'll be fitted with an ankle bracelet restricting your movement to a designated area of the planet unless authorized. If you require items not within that zone, a request system will be available for essentials, including books and clothing. Do you understand?" Yasevi articulated the terms.

After contemplating the conditions, Reylin nodded in acquiescence. "Very well, these terms seem just considering my actions. I agree to this arrangement, Lady Yasevi, Lord Aaron," she responded, inclining her head in a deep bow, a trace of anticipation coloring her tone. "And Ravel, I extend my gratitude to you as well," she added, expressing her appreciation.

Yasevi and Ravel spoke to Reylin for a bit more before we walked away to a different cell, we had two more to go to before we stopped for the night. I could see from the corner of my eyes that Xenovia was getting a bit fidgety but I knew why and also looked forward to it.

In the adjacent chamber, an individual by the name of Tuhila stood out, her red skin giving her a distinctive and striking appearance. As my gaze settled on her, a strange and uncertain feeling washed over me, accompanied by subtle pinches from all four women. Perplexed, I voiced my confusion, seeking an explanation, but none of them offered any response.

"Huh? Why the pinching?" I inquired, only to be met with silence.

[Jealousy... I mean, she's curvy in all the right places...] quipped Ddraig.

{Vermara would kill you if she heard you speak about other women like that...} added Albion.

'Those two did seem to be getting along more than usual lately, fufu,' teased Rudra.

[S-s-shut up!!] Ddraig erupted, abruptly falling silent, evidently embarrassed.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it, Aaron," reassured Raynare, releasing her hold on me, mirroring the actions of the others. Although I sensed the undertones, I chose to feign ignorance, allowing the moment to pass without further acknowledgment.

"So... Tuhila, ri—"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!" Her sudden scream pierced the air as she flung herself towards the glass window, catching us off guard. "It's your fault!!! Damn you!! Die!! Give me the throne!! I was set up, I should have been Queen!!!!!"

Tuhila relentlessly pounded her face and head into the unforgiving glass, causing blood to flow. Reacting quickly, I utilized my abilities to stop her self-inflicted harm and initiated a healing process, though it did little to quell her incessant screams. Despite my efforts, she continued to vent her frustrations, unleashing a torrent of shouts, curses, and rants, primarily directed at Yasevi, who observed the spectacle with a hint of surprise.

"I would have transformed this subpar kingdom into a thriving one if I were at the helm—ruling!! When that shitty old fart kicked the bucket, it was my destiny to ascend the throne, not you! Me!! I possess greater allure! I am more astute! And I would have governed with a different approach!!" Tuhila roared, directing her vehement tirade at Yasevi.

"If this kingdom is not mine, then it will be no one's!" she screeched, a wicked grin stretching across her face. "Now, watch it all go up in flames!!!" she declared, but to everyone's astonishment, nothing happened.

A tense silence loomed as we anticipated the imminent explosion, only to be met with bewilderment when it failed to occur. In the middle of the uncertainty, I offered Tuhila a comforting smile. "You may have planted those devices throughout the old planet and its structures, but I have disarmed them. I must admit, it was a shrewd move on your part, but... you know my capabilities. I took care of them," I informed her.

A look of pure fury twisted Tuhila's features as all of her eyes bore into me. Like a cliché movie scene, she had set up various explosives across the old city and planet, intending to detonate them simultaneously to cause chaos and assert her dominance. However, her plans were foiled by my proactive measures.

"Curse you, outer god!!!" Tuhila's fervent cry rang out once more as she fruitlessly struggled against the unseen force that held her captive. "I'll just end it myself then!! You'll never possess me!!!" she defiantly declared, making an attempt to harm herself by trying to break her own neck or bite off her own tongue. Once again, I intervened to prevent her from causing herself harm.

Her mental instability appeared in a disturbing manner, prompting me to delve into her history and species for a deeper understanding. As my eyes momentarily glowed, I sought information about her background and anything else that might be relevant. Upon completing my investigation, I found the findings to be nothing short of fascinating.

I was astonished by what I discovered. It seemed that Aurelia had encountered an individual from Tuhila's species during our mission to Ardvoria Deferilds. If my memory served me correctly, his name was Nosmic—a distinctive figure with a massive arm. The connection added an unexpected layer of complexity to the situation.

In simple terms, members of Tuhila's species seemed to be divided into two distinct groups: those with exceptional intelligence but also plagued by suicidal tendencies and delusions, and those inclined towards extreme stupidity, aggression, a narrow focus, and violence.

Tuhila clearly fell into the former category, displaying remarkable intelligence overshadowed by delusions and mental instability. However, her cognitive abilities did not measure up to individuals like Latia or Ravel, limited by the constraints of her mental illness.

In a hypothetical scenario where she was free from this mental affliction—a rarity among her species—Tuhila would have been a formidable threat. Yet, this potential remained untapped, as her delusions led her to see herself as the perfect queen, convinced of her superiority to Yasevi.

I even explored a future where Tuhila was the queen of the previous planet. The outcome revealed a more quick and brutal downfall for those around her compared to the events involving Yasevi in this timeline. It became clear that she would have relied more on her beauty than her intelligence, underscoring her unsuitability for a leadership role.

"Fuuu... unfortunately, entrusting you with the kingdom would lead to its ruin," I commented, snapping my fingers to reveal one of many potential futures where Tuhila did ascend to the throne. What unfolded before us was a depiction of sheer chaos and destruction.

Tuhila stood transfixed, her mouth agape in disbelief as the alternate reality unfolded. From the outset, she remained delusional, convinced that her actions were for the greater good. However, as chaos ensued and problems escalated, she resorted to blaming others for her failures, refusing to acknowledge her own shortcomings.

In the end, she witnessed firsthand the consequences of her misguided leadership, realizing that her tendency to deflect blame onto others only perpetuated the cycle of chaos and despair.

"Accountability? Ha! I should have known better. After witnessing the catastrophic outcome of your rule, worse than what Yasevi's endured, what say you now? Will you own up to it, or will you—" I started to ask, only to be met with a sudden burst of rage from Tuhila. Veins popped on her body as she vehemently rejected the harsh reality before her.

"Lies! Lies! Lies!! I am flawless!!! I am the perfect being—the perfect woman!! That could never happen! It's all lieeeeeeeeeessssssss!!!" she screamed, trying to break free, but her movements were firmly restrained. Her fervent denial reverberated through the cell, showing her deep resistance to acknowledging the undeniable truth.

"What are we going to do with her? She's incredibly violent and delusional. Even if she stays here, she'll still try to escape, or worse, harm herself," I asked Yasevi, who looked at Tuhila with a mixture of disbelief and concern.

"Are they still in existence? I mean, their species?" Raynare asked, her eyes fixed on the turbulent Tuhila.

"Yes, they are. However, like the other planets and species, they're under Phumera's control. She's been slowly altering some of them, trying to extract the best traits without the drawbacks. She has succeeded with only one so far, while the rest have been failures," I explained.

"Are they... an Eradicator or Ueboros or something?" Xenovia inquired, tilting her head in curiosity.

"No, they don't currently hold any of those titles. They are undergoing training in specific environments, but the possibility of such titles in the future isn't ruled out, especially with many vacant spots now," I replied, and Xenovia acknowledged the information.

"So, it's not out of the realm of possibility. Well, we just need to deal with these things as they come. With that said, what is your plan, Yasevi?" Xenovia redirected the question to Yasevi, who entered a contemplative state.

"I'd like... to make her better, but I won't ask you to do it, Aaron. You could say... I want to experiment on her," Yasevi revealed. She then turned her gaze to me, seeking my opinion, and asked, "Does that make me a bad person?"

"If it's for her benefit, I would personally say no. The approach also plays a role, I suppose. But I'll leave the decision to you. She will need to be restrained, though. Even without her powers, she still has the ability to bring about her own end, you know," I replied, and Yasevi nodded in understanding.

"I'll entrust them to a new group of scientists and researchers then. Perhaps I can seek help from Azazel and the researchers of the Resistance?" she suggested.

"Why not? I highly doubt that crow has much to keep him occupied. Although, considering this is a whole new universe, he may be preoccupied. Nevertheless, he will likely take an interest in Tuhila once you explain what you intend to do with her," I added.

Yasevi nodded in agreement, and we dove into a discussion about potential approaches. Among the suggestions, one stood out when Yasevi expressed a desire to open Tuhila's head to examine it—a notion that bordered on the disturbing and slightly amusing, given its almost cartoonish quality.

"May I make a suggestion?" Ravel interjected, catching our attention. We nodded, curious to hear her proposal. "How about removing the mental illness and delusions now, Aaron-sama, then do what you did with Avezza and Satanael. Surely she'll become an asset for Yasevi-sama?" Ravel suggested.

A brief exchange of glances occurred between Yasevi and me before redirecting our attention to Ravel. Even Xenovia and Raynare displayed surprise at her bold suggestion. Performing "that" was a step I only took when I deemed it absolutely necessary. However, considering the profound impact it could have on Tuhila's mental state, and potentially her usefulness to Yasevi, I found myself intrigued by the proposition.

"What does she mean, Aaron?" Yasevi asked, her eyes fixed on me with anticipation. I hesitated briefly before explaining Ravel's suggestion in detail. As Yasevi processed the information, her eyes widened with a mix of horror and fascination.

"To think... you could change someone to that extent... and they wouldn't ever revert back or remember those memories... outer gods are truly terrifying," she said in a shaky voice. "But... I am interested in seeing how she will act... If I do agree to it, may you change her to my specifications?" she requested.

Her openness to the idea caught me off guard. I had not expected such willingness from Yasevi, considering her initial hesitance. However, her curiosity and desire to experiment on Tuhila seemed to override any reservations she may have had. I let out a sigh and pondered her request, swaying my head from side to side as Tuhila's screams echoed in the background.

"Very well. Let me know your specifications. I haven't done this in front of an audience before, but it won't be anything extravagant," I informed them, to which they nodded in agreement. Yasevi leaned in close to whisper her specifications in my ear, and after considering them, I agreed.

Turning my attention to Tuhila, who continued to scream and glare at us, I began the process. Yasevi's specifications included enhancing Tuhila's intelligence and wisdom threefold, making her fiercely loyal to Yasevi as a right-hand woman and the chief researcher of their new group, eliminating any mental illnesses and delusions, and nurturing a generally positive and helpful demeanor.

Raising my right arm, I pointed my palm at Tuhila, initiating the transformation. A momentary silvery-white glow surrounded her body and the room.

"What are you doing?! Stop it! I demand that you cease this at once!! This is emotionally and mentally violating me!!!!!" she shouted, vehemently protesting against the change.

A fleeting burst of silvery-white light flooded the room, causing everyone to shield their eyes or look away, except for me. I observed the transformation without blinking, as the brilliance lingered momentarily before fading, leaving Tuhila motionless, no longer struggling against the invisible restraints.

[Did you make her—] Ddraig began, but his words were swiftly halted by Albion's warning.

{Red one... do you want me to tell Vermara...?} Albion threatened, prompting Ddraig to fall silent.

As everyone cautiously looked back at Tuhila, she gradually regained consciousness. I gently released her from the invisible restraints, and as she looked around, she bowed to us, as if emerging from a trance.

"I... forgive me for my actions, Lady Yasevi. It seems like I got way into my role as a double agent," she expressed, seemingly unaware of the drastic alterations to her being.

Yasevi was visibly surprised by the sudden change in Tuhila's demeanor, observing in amazement as Tuhila humbly knelt before her, seeking further forgiveness. Still trying to process the situation, Yasevi finally cleared her throat awkwardly before speaking to Tuhila.

"It's alright. You put on a very convincing performance for them. I will release you soon, but for now, remain here to make it seem authentic. We will begin an experiment shortly, understood?" Yasevi instructed.

Tuhila bowed even lower, conveying her understanding. "Yes, of course, Lady Yasevi. I will stay here until I am contacted," she confirmed, retreating to her bed and closing her eyes.

As we walked away, Yasevi wore a look of disbelief. "That... wasn't just an act, was it?" she asked, turning to me as we approached the final cell.

"No. She genuinely believes that reality now. Even if someone were to show her memories of her past self or reality, she would not believe them at all," I explained, deepening Yasevi's fascination with the extent of the transformation.

"The final name on the list is Anrelee-sama, the one defeated by Raynare-sama. According to her report, he had connections to Phumera-sama, so hopefully he'll be cooperative, but we mustn't set our expectations too high," Ravel remarked.

"Right, many who align with her, especially willingly, are only looking out for their own interests. Let's hear what he has to say," I responded. I had placed him at the very end of the prison, isolated. Given his nature and connections, I didn't want him influencing the minds of the other inmates.

We reached the end of the prison facility, and in that solitary cell was Anrelee. The cell still had the same basic amenities, but he was just... standing there, facing away from us and staring at the wall. I could sense his heightened emotions, and he was clearly disturbed and furious.

"I have been eagerly anticipating your arrival, outer god," he spoke in a menacing whisper, slowly turning to face us. The sight that greeted the women in my company was both horrifying and astonishing.

The man had intentionally gouged out his own eyes, crimson streams running down his face, accompanied by a chillingly wide grin. His descent into this state of madness caught me off guard. Was it the isolation that had driven him to such extremes, or did he do this deliberately to shock and spite us? I pondered his ultimate objective—was it all just for the sake of causing shock and disbelief?

"Haha, I can feel the surprise emanating from all of you," he gloated. "Lady Yasevi, I hold a deep hatred for you. I long for your death. Because of your actions, our kind has suffered unnecessarily, leading to our current predicament. Once I die, an alert will be initiated, and a spacecraft will be on its way to this location," he declared with a wicked grin.

A snicker escaped my lips in response to his ominous proclamation, leaving those around me bewildered. "What's amusing, outer god?" he questioned, venom lacing his words.

The smirk on my face persisted as I retorted, "Do you genuinely believe I'd allow such a thing to happen? This corner of the cosmos remains concealed from the prying eyes of Phumera and others. I've already manipulated reality to my advantage; altering the fabric of existence is a trifling matter for me. So, whatever schemes you create, even beyond your death, they hold no significance within this place, unfortunately," I clarified, rendering Anrelee momentarily silent.

"Surely, this is a jest...?" he queried, uncertainty tainting his tone.

"Why lie about such matters? It's an irrefutable reality. No matter how frequently they navigate this space or approach this sector, even with Elanor duly informed, they'll notice nothing but emptiness. Exploration would be in vain—they won't encounter any obstacles. It's futile, whatever course you choose," I elaborated, destroying any hope that lingered in his wavering skepticism.

Anrelee fell into a reflective silence, taking in the weight of my revelations. Before he could express his thoughts, I asked, anticipating his answer, "Why did you reach out to them, and what drove your actions? Remember, I have the ability to detect lies."

A wry smile appeared on his face as he let out a sigh. "Isn't it clear from what I said earlier? I despise the direction our people have taken. The sensible choice was to thrive on our own, not yield to Morwenna's control. I would have preferred a different outcome—even destruction after putting up a fight—but unfortunately, events unfolded this way," he admitted, another sigh emphasizing his confession.

"That's a rather self-centered point of view. You know very well that our people reject violence, which is why I didn't push for a more militarized approach, despite the many requests," Yasevi countered, her response resonating with a deep understanding of the community's principles.

"It matters not. Our choices were driven by the necessity of securing the well-being and prosperity of our people as a whole. Fondness for combat or aversion to it holds little influence when survival is at stake in the harsh reality of our universe. Weakness invites destruction, and only the strong endure and thrive. Your path, Yasevi, was misguided," he asserted. "And because of that, you failed our people, leading to reliance on an external god for salvation."

Yasevi, unwavering in her convictions, replied, "Nevertheless, I do not regret the decisions I made. We were saved by Aaron, and the outcome was favorable."

Anrelee scoffed dismissively. "If it were not for him, we would all be dead. His intervention was merely a coincidence that brought us here. Luck played a part, and now you seek to absolve yourself from the consequences of your mistakes? Unacceptable. You must face the repercussions," he stated, his words filled with a vindictive resolve.

"What's done is done, and the past cannot be changed," I told him, even though I had the power to do so, I chose not to use it at this time. "No one is perfect; it's unreasonable to expect flawless behavior just because of someone's royal status."

He scoffed at my statement. "And what about you? Your track record shows flawless decision-making, so your words don't matter—a seemingly perfect being like you has no right to judge us mortals," he said with obvious disdain.

I couldn't help but smile at his words. It amused me that he saw me as flawless, which was far from the truth. But I decided not to correct his mistaken belief. Turning to Yasevi, I asked, "How do you want to handle this situation? We know his intentions and the potential consequences if he were to die, but they don't have much influence on the current situation."

Yasevi pondered my question for a few moments, a pensive look adorning her face, before pronouncing her final judgement.

— ○ ● ○ —

Xenovia Quarta's Soliloquy

— ○ ● ○ —

As darkness fell, the new city was enveloped in a deep sense of peace. A collective euphoria swept through the streets, as if the city itself was celebrating its rebirth.

In the middle of the lively atmosphere, Raynare, Ravel, and I wandered through the streets, immersing ourselves in the flourishing nightlife of Kritānukūla. An hour had passed since Yasevi's final decision, and she was deeply engaged in conversation with Aaron, leaving us free to enjoy the unfolding festivities.

"Xenovia, you seem unusually restless. It will happen soon; just keep your composure," Raynare remarked, breaking my introspective thoughts.

I looked at her with a hint of anxiety. "Was I really showing signs of restlessness?" I asked, puzzled by her observation.

"You tend to fiddle with your fingers when you're feeling anxious. Even when you try to keep them still, they move in an unusual manner, often rubbing together. I understand that you're experiencing a mix of excitement and nervousness, but taking a moment to relax before the anticipated event will prove beneficial," she explained.

"Ah, I see. You're probably right," I responded with a nervous laugh. I hadn't realized she had noticed my odd habits; maybe Aaron had mentioned them to her before... No, it was more likely that Raynare, in her earnest pursuit of self-improvement, had keenly observed these things.

"Hmm, despite being on a new planet, we haven't had the opportunity to explore much of the city or other regions yet. Let's inquire further with Aaron-sama; maybe we can contribute to shaping this world. Personally, I'm inclined to establish a town or city focused on hot springs. My visit to Izu last year left a lasting impression," proposed Ravel.

"Izu, huh? That was a rather unusual trip..." I murmured, thinking back on the journey that Azazel had proposed, and we all went on. The journey itself was quite thrilling, although not everyone in our group felt the same way.

Most of my memories from that time centered around the constant competition for Aaron's attention, a fair share of daring incidents, indulging in delicious food, and the enjoyment of the beach. There were also a few friendly competitions with Irina, but overall, it served as a well-deserved break from the chaos that unfolded, especially during the simultaneous attacks by the Khaos Order on three different pantheons.

"Wait, isn't that...?" Ravel interrupted, pointing ahead.

"Hahahaha!! Yes, I am the Fire Dragon God! Praise me!!" a lively voice echoed, capturing our attention.

"Ignia-sama!?" Ravel exclaimed, immediately drawing Ignia's attention. He smirked and saluted us with a casual two-finger gesture.

Ignia, one of Aaron's "offspring" with Nyarlathotep, akin to Meruem, was notorious for his love of engaging in battles across various locations. His unexpected presence here intrigued me, and I couldn't help but wonder about the reason for his visit.

"Oh? Yo, it's you three, huh? Is father here? I can't really sense him," he asked, scanning the city for any sign of Aaron.

Ravel nodded and replied, "Aaron-sama is currently at Yasevi-sama's castle, deeply immersed in discussions with the other advisors. If you wish to speak with him, you'll find him there. However, I would advise waiting..."

"Over there, huh? Alright, see ya~!" Ignia said before vanishing in a burst of fiery brilliance.

"He remains quite the free spirit, doesn't he? I wonder what brought him here. Hopefully, he isn't causing any trouble. If Aaron didn't teleport him, then Ignia must have traversed the multiverse to get here... I wonder how much time that took," pondered Raynare.

"Well, considering Ignia's previous interdimensional travels to find Lapis, locating us probably wasn't too challenging for him, but..." I began, only to be interrupted by Ravel.

"I will go join them. I'm uncertain of Ignia-sama's intentions, but I want to be present in case matters take a serious turn," declared Ravel, and we concurred. After she obtained some food and indulged in a quick meal, she departed.

"Now what?" I asked Raynare, who responded with a nonchalant shrug.

"Most of the shops are closed by now. Waiting until tomorrow seems more logical. So, I suppose you should go and get ready unless you're keen on enjoying the festival a bit more," she suggested.

"...I'll take a moment to unwind and then make my way to his room. He did give us the location beforehand," I replied, and Raynare agreed. We strolled through the city, soaking up the lively atmosphere created by the locals.

— ○ ● ○ —

Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

— ○ ● ○ —

His sudden appearance caught me off guard. Though I had sensed his energy nearby, I hadn't expected him to actually show up in this universe. Ignia stood on the table with folded arms, exuding authority as he looked down at me.

"Please come down from there; it's not polite," I scolded him. Ignia snorted but obediently hopped down from the table and took a seat.

"So, what brings you here, Ignia?" I asked, aware of the curious glances directed at him.

"Pretty cool place, dad. Anyway, I've got some interesting news from our universe for you," he said, lounging in his chair with a grin.

"And what would that be?" I inquired, keeping my focus on him. While the others seemed captivated by his presence, I remained fixated on the matter at hand.

"I'm pregnant!" he declared proudly, shattering the room's tranquility. A deep silence engulfed the space, only to be interrupted by Ravel's entrance, her expression mirroring the collective astonishment.

"Well, I was joking. I was waiting for Ravel-chan to get here," he clarified, punctuating his statement with laughter. Ignia settled back into his chair and let out a sigh.

"So, the Abyssal Constellations are in the process of creating some sort of Artificial God in our universe. Not just one, but more, and they're utilizing something akin to Samael, the Dragon Eater. I have no clue about the intricacies, but that's the message Elyscia and Antares instructed me to convey. They're quite fascinating, just a tad more cunning than the Khaos Order," he explained, revealing the gravity of the situation.

A frown furrowed my brow as I contemplated the gravity of Ignia's revelation. The Abyssal Constellations, an organization I had only vaguely acknowledged, were emerging as a genuine threat in our home universe. I had placed trust in the capabilities of my comrades, particularly in Daniel and the collective strength of [Electa] and the smaller [DxD]. Nevertheless, the notion of an artificial god being created raised concerns.

"An artificial god? Similar to Esina-sama?" Ravel asked, her gaze shifting between Ignia and me.

"Most likely, yes. However, their methods are rather unconventional. It's worth noting that Elanor is also an Artificial God," I responded, addressing Ravel before turning my attention back to Ignia. "So, why bring this information to me? I'm aware that you're affiliated with [DxD], and our allies back home are powerful and reliable, with Daniel among them. What brings your presence here?"

A mischievous grin spread across Ignia's face as he revealed more information. "They haven't quite succeeded yet, but they're attempting to access those pillars that were initially intended for summoning Desghidorah. You're aware of their locations, right?" he asked, to which I nodded in affirmation. "According to my sources, they might be able to craft something akin to an artificial primordial god or dragon god with those pillars. Quite intriguing, huh? It's hilarious how Mother's items are being used like this."

A sigh escaped my lips as I placed a hand on my face. The unexpected persistence of Nyarlathotep's influence, even after her death, was proving to be a source of ongoing annoyance. I glanced back at Ignia, removing my hand. "They won't be able to reach those pillars. I'll simply instruct more Shadow Soldiers to guard those locations, and the issue will be resolved," I declared with a sense of assurance.

"Oh, I know~ I'm just keeping you in the loop. Also... something odd occurred regarding 'that' connection to Velgrynd's universe," Ignia revealed, accompanied by yet another grin.

'What?' Rudra interjected, his tone carrying a hint of concern.

"Let me know the details," I urged Ignia, adopting a more serious demeanor.

"No need to be so serious. The WN and LN merged. So, the universe you're heading to is going to be a bizarre combination of both. A complete reset is currently underway, and by the time you arrive, it'll essentially be the second-to-last arc of the WN, blended with a few other odd elements. This is what you refer to as those anomalies, right?" Ignia explained, prompting my eyes to widen in surprise.

It wasn't supposed to change. What could have caused this deviation? Was it merely an unforeseen anomaly? Utilizing my powers, I delved into the situation, my expression growing more serious as I absorbed the unfolding changes.

As Ignia had mentioned, an unexpected and significant anomaly had taken place. In an instant, the world of the web novel underwent a complete transformation, merging with the light novel and resetting the timeline. I could envision Chloe, in the middle of this sudden shift, feeling bewildered and likely experiencing a sense of panic.

When I opened my eyes, I focused on Ignia, who wore an even wider grin. "I'll be joining you there. I'm looking forward to fighting some people there. Of course, only when you eventually make the journey there," he declared.

"Very well, you have informed me of this, so I will allow your presence. Just remember, don't force them—ask them," I stated, to which he chuckled and agreed.

"Well, that's all from me. I'll be on my way. The Abyssal Constellations seem quite entertaining, so they'll keep me amused for a while," he remarked, rising from his seat. "Oh, and by the way, Vivi-chan is doing well. Bye~!" With that, he vanished in a burst of flames, leaving behind the echoes of his departure.

"I... I will inform Raynare-sama and Xenovia-sama... Pardon me," Ravel murmured before bowing and quickly exiting the room.

"What was that about?" Yasevi inquired, her curiosity sparked.

"Don't concern yourselves with it; it's a matter pertaining to other universes. Let's direct our attention back to the affairs of your planet. I won't involve you in this, so there's no need to worry," I reassured them, prompting hesitant nods of agreement. However, I noticed the lingering curiosity in Yasevi's gaze, indicating her desire to delve deeper into the matter. With a subtle nod, I silently conveyed my consent for her to inquire further, should she wish to do so.

— ○ ● ○ —

After the meeting ended, Yasevi and I made our way to a balcony with an expansive view of the bustling city below. We stood there in comfortable silence for a few moments, taking in the vibrant atmosphere of the festival, the gentle breeze, and the illuminating moonlight.

"So, what did that entire conversation mean? I'm familiar with the concept of the multiverse, but what was he talking about with Velgrynd, and what's this WN and LN?" Yasevi asked, her voice tinged with confusion.

"Don't trouble yourself too much with the WN and LN details. Think of it as two parallel worlds, different timelines, merging together to form a peculiar new one where everything is entwined. Velgrynd belonged to the WN timeline, and then this anomaly occurred. I intend to visit that universe at some point, but..." I trailed off, sighing as I contemplated the complexities. "This won't be a straightforward thing, will it?"

Yasevi let out a chuckle and shook her head. "Most likely not. However, the idea that Velgrynd, one of your lovers, is from a different universe... it seems quite complicated."

"Yeah. She wasn't this calm, sweet, or caring when we first met. Honestly, she was a bit of a... well, let's just say she had a challenging personality," I shared with a chuckle.

Yasevi seemed surprised by my choice of words and stared at me, prompting me to offer a nonchalant shrug. We lingered in silence for a few moments until she inquired, "What will you do now?"

"Are you asking about immediate plans or for tomorrow?" I sought clarification.

"Both," she replied.

"Tonight, I'll be spending some time with Xenovia, and tomorrow, I plan to tour the planet. I have a few ideas that might be well-received. For instance, I'm thinking of transforming one of the towns, perhaps in the south, into a dedicated hot springs destination. After that, I'll attend to other matters and ensure everything is in order," I detailed my upcoming agenda.

"I've heard about hot springs before. Many people in [DxD] seem to really enjoy them, so I hope to experience them someday," Yasevi said, her eyes fixed on the ongoing festivities.

"Yeah, they're quite enjoyable. We visited a place called Izu last year, known for its hot springs. When I build them in that town, I'll aim to capture the same atmosphere. I think you'll like the design I have in mind," I replied with a grin.

"Will they be for both men and women, or will they be separate?" she asked with a hint of shyness.

"Well, there will be the main hot springs with separate areas for males and females. And there will also be a few mixed ones. As part of the complex, there will be a hotel area and in the rooms, there will be private and smaller hot springs. I can see couples getting a little playful in those," I explained with a laugh.

Her cheeks were flushed as she nodded in response to me. I couldn't help but notice her bashfulness and found it intriguing that even the queen could be so coy. Despite this, I respected her demeanor, knowing that she likely had her reasons for being so shy.

Glancing at the time, I realized it was time for me to leave. Sensing Xenovia's departure, I commented, "I should head off as well. I felt Xenovia leaving just now. I'll see you tomorrow, Yasevi."

"Yes... good night, Aaron," she replied, her gaze lingering on me. "Thank you again for saving my people and giving us another opportunity."

I waved Yasevi off. "Don't worry about it. Use the opportunity well, and when you're ready, go find yourself a new king," I counseled her, shifting my focus back to the ground. When I saw Raynare waving at me, I waved back, but my attention was diverted when I felt something lightly touch my cheek.

Turning back to Yasevi, I saw her smirking at me. "I think I found mine, so brace yourself, Toole," she proclaimed.

"...Well shit, lady, you got me there," I replied, and we shared a laugh. After a few more words, I bid her farewell and made my way over to join Xenovia.

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Lemon Start

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The moment I stepped into our hotel bedroom, the familiar yet slightly larger space welcomed us. Without hesitation, I began to strip down, leaving Xenovia sitting on the bed in a stunning blue lingerie, visibly taken aback by my boldness.

"I'm ready for action!" I declared, feeling a surge of excitement as my member pointed towards the heavens. Xenovia remained silent, her cheeks flushed as she gazed at me.

"Is that so? Then, please take care of me…" she murmured shyly, her voice barely above a whisper.

I couldn't help but tease her, remarking, "Oh? Why the sudden shyness, Xenovia? It's rather endearing. After all, this isn't the first time we've engaged in such intimate activities."

"I-I-I am just nervous about my first time, t-t-that's all," she said, averting her gaze from me.

Approaching her, I positioned myself in front of her, and she turned her attention back to me, then fixated her gaze on my member. Her face reddened, but she cautiously moved closer to it, almost as if in a trance. When her lips were mere inches away, her tongue extended to lick it, her eyes clouded, and she continued licking before planting a kiss at the tip.

She maintained eye contact with me as she took the entirety of it, swallowing my entire length into her mouth and down her throat. I hadn't anticipated such a sudden deepthroat from her. A satisfied groan escaped me as I felt Xenovia's tongue exploring the underside, particularly focusing on my frenulum.

Xenovia's movements along my length were deliberate and calculated, as if she was trying to understand every part of my shaft and my intentions. Using her hand, I could feel her gentle caress on my balls, a familiar sensation that only heightened the overwhelming sense of eroticism that filled the room. It was clear that Xenovia's expertise was not to be underestimated.

Taking control, I guided her head as I pushed my member into her mouth, relishing the sensation of her eager exploration. Her tongue danced along every inch of my penis, showing a desperate desire to bring me to the edge. But just as my member reached the back of her throat, I withdrew, allowing her to release a sigh of relief. In that moment, a lingering strand of saliva connected the tip of my member to her tongue, creating a silent but tantalizing link between us.

"Why did you stop?" she asked, still a bit dazed by the interruption. This question is always her response when I put a halt to our activities.

"I just wanted to change the setting—we had planned to go all the way tonight," I replied, smiling at her. My words bring her back to reality, and she looks at me with wide eyes, her face turning red.

"O-oh, right!" she almost screamed as she flung off her lingerie, which made me laugh.

"So much for keeping that sexy lingerie, jeez," I teased her, and she blushed again.

"I-I still have the stockings! It's fine, now come and make love to me~!" she declared before jumping onto the bed and spreading her legs wide open.

Her playful and impulsive nature always catches me off guard, but I love it. I couldn't help but chuckle at her sudden change in demeanor, the way she can go from shy and flustered to bold and confident in a matter of seconds. It's one of the many things I adore about her.

Xenovia lay on the bed, anticipation and desire evident in her eyes as I positioned myself between her legs. I trailed the tip of my member along her most delicate parts, feeling a rush of heat at the sight of her already wet and ready for me. "Have you been expecting this all day? Normally someone wouldn't be this wet, Nova…"

Her cheeks flushed a deep crimson as she stammered in response, "Y-you'd be like this if you knew your first time would be coming! If you say otherwise, you'd be lying!"

I couldn't help but chuckle at her words, teasing her even further and reveling in the sweet sound of her moans. Although she shot me a glare, I continued to tease her, relishing in the way her entire body shivered under my touch.

"S-stop teasing me…Aaron…put it in already…" she pleaded, tears welling up in her eyes.

Her desperation only fueled my own desire, and I felt myself grow even more eager to fulfill her wishes, to give her everything she desired. With a tender yet fervent movement, I finally eased into her, making Xenovia gasp.

As my member entered her vagina, Xenovia let out a long and drawn-out moan. The sensation was intense, as if there was no barrier between us. The tip of my member hit the entrance to her womb, causing her to gasp again. Xenovia's vaginal walls clung to me tightly, enveloping my entire length as if they were reluctant to let go.

"Move, you can move, damn it! My—my hymen broke when I was training!" she exclaimed, her hands covering her face as she spoke. Despite her embarrassment, I couldn't help but chuckle.

"With how much you train, it's not surprising. Are you embarrassed about that, Xenovia?" I asked, my movements slow and deliberate, causing her body to jolt in response.

Her cheeks flushed and she cast a shy glance to the side. "S-some guys care about that, right...?" she asked with a cute, almost pouting expression.

I couldn't help but smile at her and replied, "Some do, but it really doesn't matter to me after all this time. It never bothered me before, so please don't stress about it too much." Leaning in closer, I initiated a deep kiss, our tongues swirling and intertwining in a passionate embrace.

With each movement, Xenovia let out soft, sensual moans, her pleasure evident as I slowly rocked my hips back and forth. Each slide in and out of her elicited a breathless response from her, adding to the intoxicating rhythm that we were creating together.

"Mmn...mheh...haaa..." she moaned into our kiss, her body responding to mine in perfect harmony. I could feel her desire building, matching my own as we moved together in a sensual dance.

The connection between us grew stronger with each movement, our bodies and hearts entwined in a powerful, intimate moment that left us both breathless and completely lost in each other.

My movements intensified as Xenovia's legs wrapped around my waist, her arms encircling my neck as she deliberately moaned into my ear, encouraging me to go further. My hands gripped the underside of her thighs as I continued thrusting into her, feeling her walls tighten around me in an effort to slow me down.

"Harder...don't hold back on me like Akeno...!" she pleaded, surprising me with her request. Akeno had never been shy about discussing our intimate moments with the other girls in my harem, so Xenovia's bold request didn't catch me off guard.

What did catch me off guard, however, was her desire for me to replicate that experience for her first time. I slowed my movements and looked at her, seeking reassurance. "Are you sure?" I asked, searching for confirmation.

She met my gaze with determination, her eyes filled with a mix of longing and desire. "Yes, please," she said, her voice wavering slightly but her intent clear. In that moment, I knew that I needed to fulfill her request, to show her the same level of passion and intensity that she had heard Akeno describe.

As I looked into Xenovia's eyes, I couldn't help but grin mischievously. "You better not regret it…!" I warned her before pulling my hips back and thrusting my entire length into her, causing her to make an unusual facial expression as I penetrated deep within her.

Her reaction only fueled my desire, and I withdrew before turning her around and plunging back in, eliciting the same breathy sound from her. Using her arms as leverage, I relentlessly pounded into Xenovia, increasing my speed and intensity with each thrust

As her moans grew louder and her composure faltered, I felt a surge of satisfaction, knowing that I was taking her to new heights of pleasure. We moved together with an animalistic passion, lost in the heat of the moment.

Xenovia's incoherent moans and gasps only encouraged me to push further, to explore the depths of her pleasure. As we surrendered to the raw, primal connection between us, I knew that this was just the beginning of an unforgettable experience.

My hips pulled back, then thrust forward, burying into Xenovia once more, eliciting a silent scream from her as she reached the peak of her pleasure. Her body arched towards me, every muscle quivering with the intensity of her release.

A mischievous grin spread across my face as I continued to move, wanting to drive her to the brink of madness as I pushed her to new heights of ecstasy. Xenovia glanced back at me with a hint of fear in her eyes, pleading for rest in the middle of her ongoing climax. But I couldn't bring myself to halt the forceful rhythm of my hips.

Even as Xenovia's body trembled in short, intense bursts, I could feel the heat building within me. Adjusting my movements, I shifted my hips from side to side, amplifying her shudders. I marveled at the fact that I wasn't even using any of my powers to heighten her sensitivity, sparking curiosity about the depths of Xenovia's pleasure.

The thought crossed my mind—was she secretly someone who embraced pain and pleasure in equal measure? The intensity of our connection seemed to suggest that possibility.

As the tension in my own body kept rising, I was left to ponder if, perhaps, Xenovia held within her a dormant inclination towards masochism.

I continued to move with a rhythmic intensity, feeling the heat and passion building between us as I pushed deeper into Xenovia. Her cries of pleasure filled the air, a sonata of desire that echoed off the walls around us. Her body responded eagerly to my touch, her innocence waning with each passing moment.

A small droplet of saliva trickled from the corner of her mouth as I continued to move within her vagina. I reached out, grasping her supple breasts, using them as leverage as I guided her body closer to mine. Our lips met in a fervent kiss, a dance of passion and desire that ignited an unquenchable fire within us both.

This wasn't the first time I had experienced this kind of connection, this level of intimacy. The other girls in my harem had succumbed to my touch before, and Xenovia was no exception. Her flexibility matched their own, her eagerness matching their fervor. As she returned my kiss with equal intensity, I could feel her surrendering to the pleasure that consumed her as I continued to move within her.

As my own passion intensified, I could feel the familiar sensation of my impending climax. Xenovia trembled in response, her voice filled with urgency as she gasped, "It's happening...right?! They said it would feel like this!" Her moans filled the room, mingling with mine.

I was taken aback by her awareness of my nearing release, but I couldn't help but smile at her. "Yes, Nova, it's coming. I'm going to cum soon," I assured her. Pausing our passionate embrace, I held her tightly, trailing kisses along her neck.

"Please...inside me...release it in me like you want to make me pregnant with your child," she implored, her words catching me off guard.

Although she had rarely voiced her desire to have a child as fervently, I understood that she still wanted to bear my children—perhaps even more so than ever, driven not solely by the prospect of powerful heirs but by a profound love.

Leaning close to her ear, I murmured, "Alright, get ready..." With one final movement, I thrust into her, letting go of the built-up tension as I released my seed into her womb and within her.

"Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!" Xenovia's cry of pleasure echoed through the room, her body trembling with ecstasy as I released inside her. After the initial wave of pleasure, she lay there in silence, her face a mix of bliss and fatigue.

As she collapsed forward, globs on my semen came out of her vagina, and she caught her breath on the bed. Despite her exhaustion, I continued to climax, the warmth of my release spreading over her ass and back, causing her to shiver.

"Earlier today," I started, trying to initiate a conversation.

"Maye another time... I didn't expect to be this drained after just one round," she interjected, her voice betraying her tiredness.

With a chuckle, I replied, "Asia managed to go for several more rounds after her first time—"

Xenovia suddenly lifted her hips and playfully swatted her own ass. "Keep going! I refuse to be outdone, not even by Asia!" she declared, eagerness shining through her weariness. I couldn't help but laugh in agreement, and we continued our passionate exchange for several more hours.

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Lemon End

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The next day broke, and I awoke before Xenovia. Clad in a pristine white robe, I stepped out onto the balcony adjoining my room. The crisp morning air greeted me, and I observed the stirring city below. The residents were already busy, some making their way to the upgraded buildings and shops I had influenced, while others set off to explore the city.

Ddraig asked about our plans for the day, specifically mentioning the Hot Spring town. "If all goes according to plan, then yes, the Hot Spring town is on the agenda. However, you know as well as I do that trouble tends to follow me wherever I go," I replied to him with a hint of anticipation in my voice.

Ddraig probed further, seeking clarification on my cryptic statement. [So, did you use your future seeing powers or just assume that some challenges await us down there?] he inquired, intrigued by the mysterious nature of my words.

"Ah, a bit of both," I murmured, letting out a soft exhale. It didn't appear to be too serious from the quick glance I had taken, but past experiences had taught me to always expect the unexpected.

"Both?" Xenovia's voice broke through my thoughts, causing me to turn and see her sitting up in bed, still naked, rubbing her eyes. "What are you talking about, Aaron?"

"Just discussing our plans for the day with Ddraig," I replied nonchalantly, glancing back at her. "How are you feeling? We kept going for an extra four hours last night until you finally passed out in the middle of it."

She looked at me, then down at her own body before nodding to herself. "You're quite the brute. I also noticed you went easier on me. I know since Akeno has told many of us with vivid descriptions of your usual activities. I was expecting more... um, ass slapping and hair pulling, although I admit I have short hair," she murmured, her cheeks flushing slightly.

I let out a light chuckle. "Patience, Xenovia. We'll have plenty of time for more exciting adventures as we go along. Your first experience was just a taste." Shifting my attention, I continued, "But for now, let's get ready for the day. The hotel offers complimentary breakfast, lunch, and dinner," I suggested, to which she nodded and got up from the bed.

As she started to rise, the door to my room swung open, revealing Raynare and Ravel entering. To my surprise, they were dressed in daring lingerie, adding an unexpected twist to the morning. Raynare positioned herself behind Ravel, playfully nudging her in my direction.

Ravel appeared startled, her usual poised composure shattered by the unexpected situation. The revealing lingerie had clearly taken her by surprise, and she nervously stammered, visibly uncomfortable. The daring outfits left little to the imagination as their nipples were clearly visible, prompting me to wonder if they had used some form of invisibility magic to reach my room, despite its close proximity to theirs.

"I-I can't do this! It's too much!" Ravel exclaimed, hastily covering her face with her hands.

Raynare, on the other hand, wasn't having it. "You've literally bathed with him before, how is this any different!?" she retorted in disbelief. It was a valid point; Ravel had engaged in riskier activities in the past, making her sudden embarrassment perplexing.

Raynare continued to guide Ravel closer, with Xenovia joining the unusual scene. Out of respect for their modesty, I left the balcony and closed the door behind me upon reentering the room. Just as I was about to address the strange situation unfolding, two distinct magical circles appeared simultaneously.

Pausing their approach, I answered the call from the red-hued circle, hearing Savina's voice. "Aaron? I'm sorry for contacting you so early, but something has happened on the planet concerning Ecilon and his small group. The situation is more complicated than we thought. I have Valerie, Gasper, and Fandren here, along with Morwenna and Eliara. Please come back as soon as you can." The urgency in her tone indicated a matter of great concern, leading me to prioritize this unexpected development over the current peculiar encounter.

"Very well, let's head back and investigate. Please provide us with more details when we get there," I replied to Savina, and she agreed before the magic circle vanished. Following that, I connected to the second magic circle and found Elyscia on the other end.

"Aaron-sama, I'll be sending some packages to you from Vivi-sama, Cindy-sama, Áine-sama, and Róisín-sama. May I confirm if that's acceptable?" she asked.

The shift to a more mundane matter was a welcomed change. "Of course, go ahead. Teleport them to my room, and I'll take care of it shortly. I'll send you the coordinates," I assured her.

"Thank you," she replied, and the magical circle disappeared. With the immediate matters addressed, I refocused on the peculiar situation in my room.

Exhaling wearily, I took in the room and, with a tired smile, commented, "More trouble. Just when I thought the Hot Springs were the only thing on the agenda."

The others returned a weary smile, indicating the suspension of the strange and unexpected situation. They quickly abandoned their unconventional plan and began to get dressed, aligning themselves with the seriousness of the current situation. It was time to return to the Resistance's planet and unravel the mysteries surrounding this universe's vampire species.

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