Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 21 – Part 5 – War & Qurastale Nexus

Aoife Murphy's Soliloquy

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After my intense battle with Nelaja, I found myself deep in thought in the solitude of my room, eagerly awaiting the next challenge. I realized that letting the actions and words of my enemies distract me was not wise, especially after witnessing the impact it had on Rossweisse during the Rating Game in the World Tournament.

Lost in thought, I looked down at my clenched fist, thinking about various things that may happen in the future. My attention then shifted to the monitor, which displayed ongoing battles. A conviction grew within me as I considered the possibility of Eyhylde sending more subordinates to the arena, given Nelaja's involvement.

Suddenly, a knock interrupted my thoughts, and I gave permission for the visitor to enter with a simple, "Come in." To my surprise, it was Aaron who walked in and smiled at me.

"Excellent performance," he acknowledged, approaching me with a drink in hand. I reciprocated with a smile and expressed my gratitude, prompting me to inquire about the purpose of his unexpected visit. In a departure from my expectations, he settled into a chair opposite me, casually crossing one leg over the other, fixing his gaze upon me.

Anticipating a warmer gesture from Aaron, I found myself slightly uneasy as he maintained a rather detached demeanor. It was a moment when he seemed to embody a different persona, looking at me with an almost indifferent gaze, distinct from his usual self.

Attempting to dispel the discomfort that lingered, I ventured to ask, "Um... How may I be of assistance to you?" The unease manifested in my subtle squirming within the confines of my seat.

"That was a bit too formal, Aoife," he said with a chuckle. The room seemed to lighten as some of the tension dissipated. Speaking in a more relaxed tone, he added, "Three more of Eyhylde's subordinates are on their way to you. They're driven by curiosity about you and fueled by a desire to stop you, tinged with vengeance for Nelaja. Be on guard. Additionally, there's a possibility of a fourth opponent joining the fray, so brace yourself, okay?"

Perplexed by the idea of an unauthorized fourth opponent, I sought clarification, asking, "A fourth opponent? Is that even allowed?"

Aaron explained, "It's against the rules, but they seem undeterred. Just be prepared; he's expected to be a powerful opponent." Concerned, I nodded in acknowledgment. As he rose to leave, he turned back, stating, "That's all I needed to inform you."

Feeling a hint of disappointment that he hadn't addressed my emotional state, I began to mumble, but before I could complete my sentence, I found myself enveloped in a sudden, unexpected hug. This unexpected gesture left me feeling a bit flustered, a subtle shift in the atmosphere.

"Leaving without doing this? You didn't really think that was a possibility, did you?" he playfully teased, his voice carrying a light tone. I responded with a subtle pout, to which he chuckled and offered an apology amid laughter.

Interrupting my thoughts, he shared words of encouragement, "You'll overcome this, Aoife. I have faith in your strength. Don't let the challenges you encounter weigh you down. While you've always been resilient, remember, if you ever need help, don't hesitate to reach out to us, alright?"

Affirming with a quiet "Yeah," I received a tender kiss on the top of my head before he departed. Left alone, I muttered to myself, "Growing up sucks." Reflecting on my premature departure from our previous universe and contrasting it with Aaron's stunted progression, I acknowledged the inevitability of change.

It felt like Aaron had undergone two evolutions while I remained stagnant, but the realization dawned that embracing this growth was necessary. As I navigated this unfamiliar journey, I resolved to embrace the uncertainties and discover where this evolution would ultimately lead me.

Brandishing [Fragarach], I delivered a precise swing, creating a subtle yet noticeable shockwave nearby. Determined to face the upcoming obstacles directly, I committed to concentrating solely on the task at hand, acknowledging and learning from my weaknesses. With unwavering determination, I declared, "I will fight them without hesitation and dismiss unnecessary worries. Let's do this…!"

Yet, a lingering worry persisted: the mysterious final opponent. The mystery shrouding their identity weighed heavily on me, leading to introspection. Who could this unfamiliar opponent be, and what trials would they bring to the ultimate battle of the tournament?

Time would only tell…

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Third Person Point of View

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Following the conclusion of three previous matches, Aoife Murphy made her grand entrance onto the stage. Positioned at one end, she patiently awaited her upcoming opponent. After a brief moment, her adversary finally emerged—a man standing at approximately 5'5" tall.

His neatly parted short black hair accentuated his piercing blue eyes, which were enhanced by a dramatic red eyeshadow. He was dressed in a unique ensemble, consisting of a flowing hanfu paired with a blue shirt and sleek black boots. In his right hand, he confidently wielded an imposing guandao, its substantial frame emphasized by a light-blue tip.

'Tiny... he's really small,' Aoife murmured, her thoughts inadvertently reverberating in her mind. To her surprise, the young man shot her a piercing glare, as if reading her inner musings. Caught off guard, Aoife couldn't help but flinch in surprise.

The announcer's voice echoed, breaking the momentary tension. [Warrior Null is now facing off against warrior Ragnar Qiang, one of Lady Eyhylde's subordinates! Let the match begin!] The declaration signaled the start of the battle between these two monsters.

Ragnar Qiang wasted no time, swiftly closing the distance between them. With a determined dash, he swung his guandao towards Aoife. Reacting quickly, she raised her sword to block the attack. However, she noticed the presence of light blue feathers, seemingly functioning as boosters, intensifying the force behind Ragnar's swing.

Unfazed, Aoife tried to sweep Ragnar's legs, but the nimble young man effortlessly leaped away, responding with a quick kick aimed at her. In a surprising twist, Aoife countered with a kick of her own, their legs colliding and sending a small shockwave through the air. A silent understanding passed between them, an unspoken agreement forged in that moment.

From that point on, it was clear that a mutual understanding had been established—they would engage in a fair fight. Rejecting any temptation to resort to underhanded tactics, both opponents vowed to rely solely on their skills, weapons, and unique abilities. This unspoken agreement, almost akin to a warrior's code, appeared in the exchanged gaze between them.

Aoife sensed a hint of pride emanating from Ragnar Qing, suspecting a potential connection to Fengyun Fudi based on his name.

Unwavering, Aoife closed the gap with even more speed, unleashing a diagonal swing with her blade that sent an aura slash hurtling toward Ragnar. In a mirrored response, Ragnar countered with a similar maneuver, his guandao slicing through the air. The collision of these powerful attacks resulted in a small explosion, and as the dust settled, they resumed their clash in the center, an intense standoff unfolding.

Sensing an unfamiliar quality in Ragnar's weapon, Aoife understood the need to unravel its mysteries as their battle raged on. Evading a subsequent slash from Ragnar, she retaliated with a vertical swing. To her surprise, Ragnar's body became enveloped in a light blue aura, transforming his kick into a powerful strike against her sword.

The clash between his leg and her sword showcased Aoife's superior strength, catching Ragnar off guard. Reacting quickly, he leaped backward, but Aoife, anticipating his move, shrouded herself in touki and appeared behind him. Seizing the opportunity, she unleashed a powerful kick, striking Ragnar in the back and sending him sprawling.

Ragnar brought his momentum to a sudden stop with the guandao, directing a swift thrust towards Aoife. A distinct blue aura accompanied each thrust, taking on the shape of the guandao's tip. With practiced ease, Aoife countered, effortlessly dispelling the azure manifestations with a single sweep of her sword. Undeterred, they closed the distance once more, their weapons colliding in a clash that birthed another shockwave, dispersing the surrounding crowd.

Silence prevailed between them, rendering words unnecessary in conveying the intensity of their duel. Ragnar's challenge and frustration manifested through the calculated use of his weapon. Meanwhile, Aoife remained resolute and determined, refusing to yield and fueled by her aspiration to advance to the finals, despite their differing ideologies.

Their weapons clashed again, and this time, both combatants withdrew, their weapons crackling with electricity. They lunged at each other once more, unleashing a clash of light blue and silvery-blue electricity. Remarkably, their physical weapons didn't make contact; instead, it was the manifestation of their auras that collided, creating a spectacular display of power and skill.

The intense clash reached its peak, erupting into a towering pillar of crackling electricity that sent both combatants reeling backwards. The arena fell silent as they locked eyes, the air charged with anticipation. Without a word, they surrounded themselves with auras, signaling the continuation of their relentless battle.

Ragnar was engulfed in a faint blue aura, shaping into a mysterious creature that materialized in front of Aoife. With fervor, he charged at her, dragging his guandao on the ground to leave etched lines before raising it, conjuring a formidable blue creature. Towering and adorned with sharp horns, razor-sharp teeth, and wing-like appendages formed from the surrounding aura, the creature exuded a daunting presence.

Unfazed, Aoife stood her ground as Ragnar and the aura creature lunged at her. In response, she took a deep breath, her hand caressing the surface of her sword. As she did, crimson ice began to form around it, swiftly intensifying in aura until it radiated a vibrant glow beside her.

Ragnar's fierce charge brought his guandao dangerously close to Aoife's face, but just before the impending strike, she vanished. Time seemed to stand still as the crowd held their breath. In a surreal moment, Aoife reappeared behind Ragnar, the arena engulfed in silence. It was a breathtaking display of her exceptional speed.

As if following the laws of frozen time, Ragnar stood suspended, his figure encased in crimson ice, taking the form of a star. The subsequent explosion shattered the ice, resulting in the loss of his left arm. A pained grunt escaped him, yet he quickly shook off the pain, unwavering and resolute.

Without hesitation, Ragnar pivoted, summoning the same creature he had manifested moments earlier. His guandao thrust towards Aoife, who skillfully dodged the attack while simultaneously deflecting the creature's horns with her own weapon.

The toll of his injuries became evident—the missing arm, bleeding, and a paleness creeping over his face. However, Ragnar pressed on, undeterred. His relentless assault on Aoife continued, showcasing an impressive resilience and unwavering determination. As Aoife gazed at him, she couldn't help but be impressed by the unyielding light in Ragnar's eyes, a testament to his unshakeable resolve in the face of adversity.

A tranquil smile graced Aoife's face as she vanished and reappeared beside Ragnar. At the same time, the aura creature he had conjured shattered into pieces, leaving him completely stunned. Without hesitation, Aoife swiftly executed a precise kick to Ragnar's neck, sending him sprawling once again.

Upon landing, Aoife wasted no time and dashed toward Ragnar. Her sword, [Fragarach], emitted a mesmerizing combination of pale-green, silvery-white, and crimson aura as she swung it. In an instant, she appeared behind Ragnar. This resulted in the complete destruction of Ragnar's guandao and remaining arm, leaving a sizable gash across his chest.

To Aoife's astonishment, Ragnar didn't succumb to the injuries. Instead, he quickly turned, leaped toward her, and transformed his body and legs into a spear-like aura. This unexpected display momentarily caught Aoife off guard, but she quickly regained her composure. Drawing her sword back, she unleashed a single, devastating aura slash infused with crimson ice and ethereal energy. The attack took the form of a rapidly spinning cross, aiming to conclude this duel.

Ragnar, unable to dodge Aoife's overwhelming attack, accepted the inevitability of his defeat, and perhaps, his imminent death. His stern expression softened, morphing into a sorrowful smile as he braced for the impending attack. Aoife's powerful blow cut through him, molding his crumbling form into the shape of a cross. Limbs tumbled to the ground, and the force of the impact dissipated upon meeting the protective barrier that Aaron had erected.

Once again, the stage bore witness to the grim spectacle of blood, and Aoife, standing amidst the aftermath, grappled with the emotions stirred by the intense battle. As with her past matches, an eerie silence enveloped the arena.

[W-w-winner, warrior Null! Lord Ragnar Qiang has been defeated!!] the announcer proclaimed, shattering the silence. However, the usual cheers that followed such declarations were noticeably absent. Aoife, her expression inscrutable, gracefully departed the stage, retreating to the solitude of her waiting room.

Seated, Aaron casually clicked his fingers, initiating the cleanup process and effortlessly storing the aftermath into his [Inventory]. "Two down, two to go," he remarked, gazing pensively at the sky. The impending arrival of the Artemis group, laden with inquiries for him, lingered in his thoughts.

Unagor and Igris observed Aaron's actions but remained silent, refraining from questioning him. As the ongoing tournament resumed with the remaining matches, it became evident that the crowd eagerly anticipated Aoife's confrontations with the remaining subordinates of Eyhylde.

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Artemis and her team, pressing forward together, finally arrived at the second-to-last tower. Despite their thorough efforts to explore every corner, they found no significant discoveries. Undeterred, they made their way up to the final floor, only to be met with a remarkable sight—a mammoth goose, towering at a staggering 30 feet, stood before them, momentarily rendering the entire group speechless.

This unexpected encounter was truly extraordinary. Unlike a humanoid form, the being that stood in front of them was undeniably a gigantic goose, its penetrating gaze fixed on Artemis and her team.

In response to their bewildered expressions, the colossal goose spoke, tilting its head curiously. "What?" it inquired. "I am Gooslinga, a covert member of our secret organization. The explosions and my intuition brought me up to speed on the unfolding events. Let's engage in a conversation, and I express my gratitude for sparing our subordinates—well, most of them."

"I am Ravel Phenex, a member of [DxD] and the Resistance. If your intentions are genuine, we shall—"

"Gooslinga, shut the fuck up! Why are you siding with them? Why even entertain the idea of talking to them?" questioned the humanoid deer in frustration.

Unlike the others, Gooslinga held a more complex perspective. "I never held a strong animosity towards the Resistance. They faced challenges beyond their abilities, and now it seems they have significant support. I am willing to understand their plans and, perhaps, find common ground," Gooslinga explained.

"Common ground? What possible common ground could there be? The Phoshetoms are nothing but power-hungry psychopaths! If not for Phumera's control, they would continue their evil deeds without restraint!" exclaimed the humanoid deer, his frustration evident.

"The innate nature within oneself cannot be denied. I understand this well, as my species is bound by certain dietary preferences that unfortunately result in illness. It's simply beyond our control. I see it in a similar light, albeit with a more destructive impact on others. When it's in your DNA, resistance is indeed futile," Gooslinga explained.

The humanoid deer attempted to protest fervently, but Artemis swiftly intervened, delivering a resounding kick to his head that silenced him, rendering him unconscious.

"Sit down. Let's have a discussion. Share all that you know," Artemis directed, gesturing towards a table and chairs positioned near the expansive glass window.

Gooslinga nodded before seamlessly transforming into a humanoid form. Her appearance shifted to reveal long, silky white hair, captivating yellow eyes, and elegantly curved horns adorning the sides of her head. Clad in a flowing white dress with feathers trailing behind, she assumed a form that was both mesmerizing and otherworldly.

Observing the transformation, Geharon couldn't conceal his nervousness. "I was wondering how she would... you know, join us at the table," he admitted. "I guess it makes sense she can do that."

Once everyone settled into their seats, Geharon curiously inquired, "So, why the horns? As far as I can recall, your species doesn't possess such distinctive features."

"I am of the royal bloodline, my lineage marked by the horns that my parents also bore. We took great care to conceal our true nature, but our species, unfortunately, fell victim to extinction at the hands of your kind, the Phoshetoms. I am now the last of my kind, without siblings and only surviving because my parents sent me away during the attack. It was purely by luck that I managed to survive," Gooslinga revealed, recounting the painful history of her lineage.

Geharon, overwhelmed with shame upon hearing her account, hung his head and whispered an apology. "I'm sorry," he muttered.

"Why apologize? Your demeanor sets you apart from the majority of your species, although I do experience a slight headache when looking at you. Anyway, what information do you seek?" Gooslinga inquired, a mix of curiosity and openness in her tone.

Artemis straightened her posture, her gaze sharp. "What is the name of your organization? Where are they located? How many of you are left, and what are your next moves?" she asked, searching for vital details.

Ravel added, "If you're comfortable sharing, tell us about your journey in joining them," prompting a nod from Artemis.

After a moment of thought, Gooslinga nodded. "We are Apinine Coletil. Our leader is quite unconventional, and the planet we're based on doesn't have a name, as far as I know. However, here are the coordinates," she said, entering the information into the table with her fingernails. "Currently, we count around two thousand members. Our main goal was to destroy the Phoshetoms, Phumera's organization, and the Resistance."

Artemis delved deeper, asking, "Do all members share the same beliefs, or are they as open-minded as you?" Wanting to understand the diversity of perspectives within the organization.

"Some people are for it, some aren't, and others haven't really shared their thoughts. However—" Gooslinga started, but her words were suddenly cut off by the appearance of a communication portal beside her.

"Gooslinga!! Bad news! The planet—our planet has been completely annihilated! Everyone else there... has been killed, including our boss!" exclaimed a voice from beyond the portal. "They apparently left a message too!"

Another portal appeared, displaying the ominous voice message, [Greetings, group of misfits. I have been aware of your activity here for quite some time and have been slowly gathering information about you. Today, during the Resistance's attack on us, I decided to retaliate this way, fufu. Your planet and the rest of your group are now dead, bye~!]

Silence filled the room as everyone processed the shocking turn of events. After a minute of contemplation, Artemis broke the silence, her voice carrying a somber tone, "That sounded like Morwenna. A woman of her intelligence was bound to find out, but I didn't think she'd retaliate like this."

"I knew it! It was the Resistance's fault for this happening! We should strike back at them now, or just obliterate the buildings here on Zenoiria!" the man shouted from beyond the portal, his anger evident.

"It wasn't their fault. You heard Morwenna; she had been monitoring our activity here, slowly preparing for this... it was inevitable. Morwenna launched her attack today because of the Resistance showing up here and, from the looks of things, after she was defeated and driven back," Gooslinga calmly replied, trying to provide context to the chaotic situation.

"Actually," interrupted Raiko. She proceeded to inform Gooslinga and the man beyond the portal that the adversaries they faced were nothing but clones, including Morwenna herself, and that their real selves were likely on their original planet.

"What?! What kind of nonsense is this!?" the man exclaimed in frustration. "So does that mean we've been doing this for nothing!?"

"Murkrow, let's think this through. With only a few of us left—and I'm assuming some others weren't present on that planet—we still have more survivors. This means we still have a chance to fight Phumera. But... we need to let go of the idea of destroying the Phoshetoms and align ourselves with the Resistance," suggested Gooslinga, offering a practical solution in the face of adversity.

"Are you crazy?! I refuse, and so will the others!! We wouldn't be caught dead with those useless scumbags! If that's your position, then consider yourself out of our remaining organization! I'm leaving with the others, forget this!" exclaimed Murkrow before the communication portal vanished.

"Geharon, go with Raiko to stop them. Ravel, go with them and try to find any more important documents or papers," ordered Artemis, and the trio quickly departed, leaving Artemis and Gooslinga alone. "May I suggest you join us? You have been abandoned by them and now have nowhere to go," Artemis proposed, extending an offer of alliance in the face of uncertain circumstances.

"Well, I don't have a problem with that, especially since I just offered to join you. But I have to emphasize—Murkrow is a bird-like creature and is quite strong. All the others with him in the last building of this city are also bird-like creatures who used to be part of his group before the Phoshetoms destroyed their planet," explained Gooslinga, shedding light on the formidable enemies Artemis' team was about to face.

"Hmm? How did their numbers grow... wait, they didn't—?" Artemis inquired, her gaze fixed on Gooslinga, who nodded in response.

"They did. He, considered their 'leader' and 'alpha,' bred with the females there. The other two avians with him were also given this permission. Oh, please inform your team that they aren't all evil, especially the woman there; they should have offspring too, so..." Gooslinga suggested, hinting at a more nuanced view of their potential adversaries.

"I understand. I will let Raiko and the others know," replied Artemis as she summoned a magic circle and relayed this information to her team. "Anyway, let's discuss a few more things."

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[Warrior Null steps onto the stage, and on the opposing side, we have Lord Faylen, one of Lady Eyhylde's subordinates!] declared the booming voice of the announcer. [Let the match commence!]

Faylen, a man with tousled black hair, piercing black eyes, and dressed in a voluminous black trench coat, a crisp white shirt, black pants, and polished shoes, stood confidently before Aoife. With a gun in his right hand and a katana secured at his waist, Faylen cut an imposing figure.

In a disinterested and nonchalant manner, he addressed Aoife, "By Lady's orders... you know the drill. Either you die, or I do; let's not waste time."

Without hesitation, Faylen unleashed a flurry of bullets in Aoife's direction. However, with effortless skill, she deflected the projectiles with her sword. Undeterred, Faylen maintained a stern gaze as Aoife swiftly closed the distance, attempting to strike him with her sword. To her surprise, he appeared to vanish, leaving behind elusive afterimages that bewildered her.

Undeterred by Aoife's resilience, Faylen resumed firing bullets from behind her. This time, there was a noticeable difference—the projectiles seemed to possess an enhanced force. As Aoife attempted to deflect them, she sensed their increased power compared to the previous volley. Upon heightening her senses, the revelation became clear—the bullets were not only propelled with greater speed due to some modification in the gun but also influenced by wind manipulation.

Undaunted, Aoife, bolstered by her increased strength, adeptly deflected the powerful bullets once again. Faylen displayed a hint of surprise, but without dwelling on it, he continued his relentless assault, firing bullets at her. In a dynamic display of agility, Aoife skillfully ran around, deflecting the projectiles before leaping into the air and lunging at Faylen, escalating the intensity of the confrontation.

Faylen quickly adjusted, seizing his sword with his free hand and effectively parrying Aoife's attack. Yet, the power behind her strike forced him backward. In retaliation, Faylen unleashed a flurry of bullets, but to his astonishment, Aoife effortlessly evaded them at such a close range, momentarily impressing him with her agility.

Mirroring their earlier confrontation, Faylen vanished mysteriously, leaving a trail of afterimages. However, Aoife was caught off guard as some of the afterimages unexpectedly turned and fired bullets at her. Compelled to deflect the sudden onslaught, Aoife mused, 'His afterimages can also attack me? That's unexpected.'

Unconcerned, she raced toward Faylen once more, his figure now shrouded in darkness. Increasing her speed, Aoife swung her blade at Faylen, only to see him disappear into the shadows and reappear above her.

Swiftly maneuvering, Faylen spun around, skillfully pulling the trigger and slicing his bullets in half, effectively increasing the volume of his shots. To Aoife's surprise, the bullet speeds heightened, hurtling towards her. Reacting swiftly, she stomped her foot, conjuring a barrier of ice that not only stopped the bullets but also froze them in their tracks.

Watching Faylen's tactics, Aoife deduced, 'No doubt about it. He's probably more of an assassin than anything. He won't last too long in prolonged fights. It was pretty bold of him to come and fight me, though—was he close to Ragnar?' These thoughts occupied her mind as she adeptly deflected more bullets from Faylen.

Testing her theory, Aoife dashed towards him. In an instant, she tapped into more speed, vanishing and leaving swirling shockwaves in her wake. Reappearing before Faylen in the blink of an eye, she quickly stabbed him on the shoulder. The relentless assault continued as she repeated the same movements, deliberately targeting the same spot until Faylen, unable to follow her rapid movements, disappeared into the shadows once again.

Faylen emerged at the far end of the stage, accompanied by shadow clones. Together, they unleashed a storm of bullets at Aoife. The shadow clones fired bullets made of darkness, while Faylen's own bullets were infused with the essence of wind, each bearing a clock on the side.

"...Clocks... I see. Does that gun have some kind of time-altering ability? That's why its speed seemed to increase," murmured Aoife as she skillfully dodged the bullets. Undeterred, she swiftly moved towards Faylen, who looked visibly irritated as his injured shoulder became enveloped in darkness with blood dripping from it.

Aoife infused her sword with crimson ice before using her extraordinary skill to freeze the bullets in mid-flight. Realizing his attacks were having little impact, Faylen gestured with his gun, summoning several shadowy hands that emerged from the ground, trying to grab Aoife. But she effortlessly froze them in an instant, leaving Faylen even more frustrated by his inability to gain the upper hand.

With a swift and calculated motion, Aoife brought down the hilt of her sword onto Faylen's hand, dislodging the gun and causing his grasp to go numb. Faylen grunted in pain as he reached for his sword, only to be caught off guard when Aoife seized the opportunity to snatch his gun without launching another attack.

Examining the weapon she had just acquired, Aoife nodded in approval. "This might come in handy. I'll be taking this," she declared, effortlessly storing the gun in her ring.

Unfazed by the loss, Faylen sighed and conjured a new weapon—a gun crafted from obsidian wind and darkness. "I don't need it," he declared before unleashing his aura. A powerful entity materialized behind him, revealing only its upper half. The muscular being with clock-like eyes displayed various "clocks" embedded around its body, notably on its wrists, arms, shoulders, and stomach.

The entity's mouth parted, unleashing swirling winds and drooling ominously. Faylen tapped his new gun against his forehead, a gesture that conveyed both urgency and resignation. Gazing at Aoife, he sighed, "Time is running out, please prepare yourself," and promptly vanished from sight.

With heightened senses, Aoife pinpointed Faylen's location and, anticipating his attack, swung her sword in a wide arc, shattering his sword upon impact. Faylen, taken aback by the unexpected turn, found himself disarmed.

"You'll have to be quicker than that," Aoife remarked with a sly grin. She swiftly dashed towards Faylen, who responded by unleashing a rapid barrage of bullets made of darkness. These new projectiles surpassed the speed of his previous ones, reaching Mach 12, twice the speed of the fastest recorded aircraft. Undeterred, Aoife effortlessly deflected the bullets.

Observing Faylen's desperation to increase the speed further, Aoife noticed blood seeping from his eyes and mouth. It became evident that the power he wielded was taking a toll on him, gradually consuming him from within.

"Why do you fight for her?" Aoife asked, genuinely curious about Faylen's motivations.

"I owe her one," Faylen replied simply. "There's nothing more to it."

"I see," Aoife replied before suddenly appearing behind Faylen in the blink of an eye. In one fluid motion, she severed his arms and obliterated the entity that had appeared behind him.

Unfazed by the sudden defeat, Faylen knew that Aoife had held back during their confrontation. He was aware that the remaining members he considered "allies" shared this knowledge but were bound by their duty to "protect" Eyhylde. Fleeing from Aoife would brand them as cowards and likely lead to their demise.

Among Eyhylde's direct subordinates, Faylen held a unique position, sharing a history with her. Their paths crossed when Faylen was on the brink of death, and by sheer coincidence, Eyhylde intervened, drastically altering his fate for the better. Though he didn't condone Phumera's actions, Faylen felt an indebtedness to Eyhylde, a debt he sought to repay no matter the circumstances.

Faylen gazed solemnly at the sky, his expression heavy with emotion. Whispering a farewell to Eyhylde, he added, "Until we meet again." In a matter of moments, Faylen's form began to fracture like shards of ice, ultimately bursting into tiny, crimson fragments.

[T-the victor is, Warrior Null!] the announcer proclaimed. With precision, Aoife exited the stage, her mind swirling with contemplations of the intricacies of the battles she had faced and the motivations driving those she had encountered.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Apologize to everything and everyone!" Geharon's voice reverberated in the room. Murkrow, once filled with pride and arrogance, found himself kneeling, tears cascading down his cheeks. Geharon's foot firmly pressed against his head as he extended his apologies to Raiko's group. Their encounter was swiftly resolved, and the building revealed no significant discoveries.

Artemis' valuable intel led them to uncover several avian-like females in hiding, each accompanied by young offspring. Choosing mercy, they spared them and followed Ravel as they ascended to the final floor, where the culmination of their mission awaited. The balance of power had shifted, and Murkrow, now humbled, offered his apologies in a moment of surrender.

Raiko and Ravel exchanged looks of surprise at Geharon's sudden change in attitude. His actions caught them off guard, and they struggled to comprehend this side of him at first. But Geharon soon revealed that he had a soft spot for children and dreamt of having his own someday.

The sight of the mothers and their children in a battered state fueled Geharon's anger. When Murkrow and his "leaders" confessed to being responsible for the beatings, the emotions in the room intensified even further. Raiko and Ravel took their own steps to address the situation, with Raiko initially dealing with the offenders and Geharon ultimately retaliating.

"You're all coming with us, whether you like it or not! I'm dragging you back with us and I'm definitely going to report everything to your leader. I doubt he'll be pleased with what you've done!" Geharon's voice reverberated with anger at the bird-like creature.

"Geharon, that's enough," Artemis' voice suddenly interjected. The attention of Raiko's group shifted to find Artemis and Gooslinga present, accompanied by the still-sleeping humanoid deer.

"G-Gooslinga..." Murkrow muttered, glancing nervously at Gooslinga.

"I've reminded you before to treat your concubines with care, but you have continued to act in this manner. Why? You have the power to break generational trauma on your own, you know?" Gooslinga chided, addressing Murkrow.

"What do you mean by that?" Geharon questioned, maintaining his firm stance with his foot on the weakened Murkrow, who hung his head in defeat and shame.

"Concubines or harems are very commonplace in Murkrow's species, which is why he was born into one. However, his father and mothers mostly ignored him. In the end, he ended up harboring resentment towards women for some reason, and any women he has been with, he has regularly beaten for anything," explained Gooslinga.

"As for his siblings, they were killed by Geharon's species. From what he told me, they were killed by two very powerful women from his species, fueling his hatred further towards this species and women in general," Gooslinga added, shedding light on the complex background that contributed to Murkrow's animosity.

Geharon's own mood darkened, but he restrained himself, letting out a sigh. However, he subtly increased the pressure on Murkrow's head with his foot, a silent expression of his disapproval and frustration.

Turning to Raiko and Ravel, Artemis asked, "Did you find anything?" Both shook their heads in response. Artemis let out a sigh, acknowledging the lack of significant discoveries. "I see. Let's get going then. We have everything, and all that's left is..."

Suddenly, an explosion of flames illuminated the sky of Zenoiria, taking the shape of a bird before vanishing. The unexpected display surprised them, but Artemis shook her head, remarking, "That must be Suzaku. Let's leave that to her and rendezvous with Aaron in the colosseum he's in."

Her team quickly agreed, gathering everyone as they made their way out of the building, heading towards the colosseum. Despite the awareness of the planet's inhabitants regarding their activities, no one dared to attack Artemis' group. Instead, they maintained a cautious distance, observing the group as they proceeded on their mission.

— ○ ● ○ —

In the grand colosseum, Aoife stood poised on the stage, awaiting her "final" opponent—the last of Eyhylde's subordinates. To her surprise, the figure that emerged was a female wolf youkai. With black and dark blue hair, piercing orange eyes, and an elegant black and golden dress, she exuded an air of grace, and four tails trailed behind her.

"Are you from the planet Hanazora Eien?" Aoife asked.

The wolf youkai chuckled before replying, "I once was. But now, I serve Lady Eyhylde for my own reasons. I am Ayoksa. Let's have a fair fight." With those words, she assumed a combat stance and ethereal blue flames, resembling wolf heads, appeared behind her.

Aoife nodded silently at Ayoksa, and the announcer declared, [Let the... um... second final battle of the tournament between Warrior Null and Lady Ayoksa begin!] The audience, surprised by the mention of a "second final," eagerly awaited to learn the significance of this announcement after the clash between Aoife and Ayoksa.

In a swift and graceful movement, Ayoksa disappeared from her original position and reappeared above Aoife, spinning rapidly with a trail of fiery flames. Descending with great force, she delivered a powerful kick towards Aoife, who skillfully blocked the attack with her sword. Unexpectedly, the blue flames surrounding Ayoksa dispersed towards Aoife after the blocked kick.

Reacting quickly, Aoife stomped her foot, conjuring crimson ice that surged from the ground, effectively countering Ayoksa's encroaching blue flames. The clash between the two elemental forces resulted in a series of small explosions, causing both fighters to stagger.

Undaunted by the exchange, Aoife charged back at Ayoksa without hesitation. In response, Ayoksa encased her arms in the same ethereal blue flames, swirling them around her to form a protective shield adorned with the visage of a wolf. With a swift motion, she unleashed the shield towards Aoife, aiming to test the warrior's mettle once more.

In a bold move, Aoife surged forward, cutting through the encircling flames with a single, decisive swing. Emerging on the other side, Ayoksa aimed a swift kick at her, only to be surprised as Aoife released her sword, using it into an impromptu platform. Using this unconventional maneuver, Aoife skillfully propelled herself out of harm's way, narrowly avoiding the oncoming kick.

Gracefully landing on the ground, Aoife swiftly rebounded towards Ayoksa. With a sudden burst of momentum, she thrust her head into the wolf youkai's back, sending her sprawling. Seizing the moment, Aoife reclaimed her sword and unleashed a barrage of rapid aura slashes towards Ayoksa.

Undeterred, Ayoksa executed a mid-air spin, landing gracefully on the ground. In response to Aoife's sword onslaught, she thrust her hands forward, conjuring a vortex of blue flames that countered the incoming slashes. The clash of sword and flames resulted in yet another explosion between the two formidable warriors.

During a brief pause in the battle, the warriors exchanged knowing smiles, recognizing each other's skill and strength. With a shared understanding, they dove back into the fight, the intensity undiminished.

Meanwhile, as Aoife and Ayoksa continued their dynamic duel, Artemis' group entered the colosseum and quickly found Aaron's group. Eager to share their discoveries, Aaron asked about their experiences.

"Great job out there. How did it go?" Aaron inquired as the group approached.

Mindful of the urgency, Artemis replied, "We've uncovered some important details, and I'd like to discuss them. Can we save the conversation for when we're back on the spaceship?" Aaron agreed to the request.

However, Ravel couldn't resist asking, "Aaron-sama, did you bring us here knowing about Rias-sama and her team's mission?"

Sporting a smile, Aaron nodded. "I have confidence in the Gremory team to carry out the mission effectively. While I will join them later, Cúntóir's presence ensures that the operation will proceed smoothly even in my absence," he explained with unwavering assurance in the team's abilities.

As the clash between Aoife and Ayoksa unfolded in the arena, Aaron's gaze turned skyward, a thoughtful expression shaping his features. 'I trust Suzaku, but convincing Eyhylde to join is looking more unlikely,' he mused silently. His companions noticed the shift in his mood, but out of respect, they chose to remain quietly present, refraining from probing further.

Turning his focus back to the ongoing battle, Aoife surged forward with a swift sword strike, engaging Ayoksa in a close-quarter duel. Adapting to the situation, Ayoksa molded her blue flames into a sword, successfully blocking Aoife's attacks. However, her proficiency with the sword did not match her long-ranged skills.

In response, Ayoksa conjured a barrage of blue fireballs, launching them at Aoife in quick succession. Undeterred, Aoife skillfully blocked the projectiles with her crimson ice. The spectacle created the illusion of a standstill, with both warriors appearing evenly matched.

While the spectators perceived a tense equilibrium, Aaron's thoughts were consumed by the challenges ahead. The day's prolonged battles had not significantly drained Aoife's stamina, in stark contrast to Ayoksa, whose energy was gradually waning due to her preference for swift resolutions.

"This match will come to an end soon, I'll go get ready," Aaron asserted before vanishing, leaving the newcomers in a state of bewilderment.

Artemis, wearing a puzzled expression, sought clarification. "What did he mean by that?" she asked, expecting an answer from her companions. However, Unagor and Igris remained silent, their focus fixed on the unfolding battle below.

In the middle of the clash, Aoife, her movements precise and steady, extended an invitation. "Join us," she offered to Ayoksa, who, despite the intensity of the battle, managed a polite refusal.

"I'll have to decline, sorry," Ayoksa replied, beads of sweat marking the toll of the continuous exchange with Aoife.

"Why?" Aoife asked, channeling her strength into the point of impact, causing Ayoksa's blue flaming sword to shatter.

Ayoksa, unwavering in her resolve, replied with casually, "Because I must protect my family in Hanazora Eien. Nothing you say will change that. So stop trying to make me change sides and let's continue this fight!" With a fierce proclamation, blue flames erupted from Ayoksa's form, gradually coalescing into a colossal wolf that surrounded her.

Taking on a quadrupedal stance, Ayoksa began a transformative process, her new form mirroring the immense blue flaming wolf that had manifested around her. The arena witnessed the evolution as Ayoksa seamlessly merged her size and essence with the formidable entity she had become.

Within the chaos of battle, Aoife struggled to understand why some individuals were unwilling to join the Resistance. In her eyes, coming together to oppose an oppressive tyrant should have been a simple decision. Confronted with Ayoksa's firm refusal, Aoife couldn't contain her frustration.

"I find it hard to accept... a world of clear-cut choices is much easier than a nuanced one," Aoife muttered, grappling with the complexities of the situation. The towering wolf before her gazed at her with sympathy, but remained silent. Undeterred, Aoife charged towards the colossal wolf, prompting it to let out a resounding howl that spawned multiple copies of itself across the arena.

Glowing blue rings appeared around the necks of all the wolves, including Ayoksa, as they unleashed fiery breath attacks at Aoife. With skill and precision, she quickly sliced through the attacks, freezing some of them in their tracks. Unfazed, Aoife closed the distance, encasing her blade once more in crimson ice before leaping into the air.

A somber moment unfolded as Aoife locked eyes with Ayoksa one last time. The radiant rings around the wolves intensified, and Aoife silently pleaded for a change of heart. But Ayoksa, resolute in her wolf form, shook her head, signaling her staunch decision.

The wolves unleashed a torrent of blue flames with heightened intensity, fueled by the radiant glow of the rings. Accepting Ayoksa's choice, Aoife closed her eyes. The crimson ice-infused blade in her hands hummed with increased power. With sad look on her face, Aoife unleashed a cross-shaped aura slash at an accelerated speed, surpassing the breath attacks.

The attack found its mark, slicing through Ayoksa's body and etching a distinct cross-shape. Upon impact with the ground, the attack erupted into a colossal crimson ice cross, releasing a barrage of razor-sharp ice blades that swiftly obliterated the other wolves.

With Ayoksa and her wolves defeated, Aoife landed gracefully on the ground. The shattered remnants of her crimson ice seemed to transform the surroundings into a strange yet enchanting world. The hushed crowd observed the captivating spectacle unfolding around Aoife, an atmosphere of awe and admiration permeating the arena.

In the middle of this silence, the announcer's voice broke through, declaring, [T-the winner is Warrior Null! But…the next challenger and final opponent is coming out! There will be no time for Warrior Null to rest! T-the next and final challenger is…known as Warrior…Zero!] The revelation of the impending final opponent injected a renewed sense of anticipation into the arena, signaling the climax of this intense tournament.

The next contender, Warrior Zero, confidently made his way to the stage, his striking appearance drawing all eyes towards him. His wide black eyes with thin double eyelids and thick eyebrows exuded an intense aura, framed by short, slightly wavy black hair. His tan skin, sharp nose ridge, and strong jawline only added to his overall impression of strength.

Muscular and well-toned, especially in his biceps and thighs, Warrior Zero presented a formidable physical presence. His martial prowess was further emphasized by his attire, dressed in a black coat and combat boots, with fingerless gloves, a black shirt with a silver collar and buckle, and close-fitting black pants. A single belt adorned his chest, accompanied by a sword scabbard attached to his waist, secured by straps extending around his thigh.

[L-let the final match in the tournament begin!!] The announcer's cry echoed through the arena as the aftermath of the previous battle dissolved, setting the stage for the ultimate showdown.

Aoife, sensing unease, locked eyes with Warrior Zero. In an instant, Zero unsheathed a tachi sword and vanished from Aoife's sight. Reacting swiftly to the looming threat, Aoife raised her sword, successfully deflecting Zero's initial attack. However, to her astonishment, various gashes appeared across her body.

"W-what!? How can that man harm Aoife? She's at least Universal-class now, so how...!?" Artemis exclaimed in disbelief, her shock reflected by the onlookers in the crowd.

Unraveling the mystery, Igris calmly stated, "Because that person is my king. The final opponent for Lady Aoife."

"Wha...!?" Artemis was caught off guard, her gaze darting between Igris and the ongoing battle between Aaron (Zero) and Aoife, who remained oblivious to the significant revelation unfolding during their intense clash.

In the middle of their intense confrontation, Aoife and Zero both disappeared, the impact of their swords sending powerful shockwaves reverberating across the stage. The crowd, with the exception of Artemis' group, was unable to witness the exchange directly, but the palpable force emanating from the battle left many feeling overwhelmed. The sheer intensity even caused a significant portion of the audience to lose consciousness again.

After a monumental struggle, Aoife and Zero reappeared at opposite ends of the stage. Aoife, now fully focused on the battle, raised her hand and summoned numerous ethereal and crimson ice swords that encircled her before launching them at Zero. However, to her astonishment, Zero calmly swung his sword upward and effortlessly shattered all of Aoife's attacks in an instant.

In the middle of the fierce battle, Aoife found herself grappling with internal turmoil. '…Who is this guy!? I'm still holding back, but he shouldn't be able to shatter my attacks so easily! Unless... he's stronger than me!? Didn't Aaron say that our enemies wouldn't be able to go up a certain rank in his ranking system...!?' Panic surged through Aoife's thoughts as she sought to comprehend the unexpected challenge posed by Zero.

Zero closed the distance, initiating another clash of their swords. However, this time, with each swing, Aoife sensed a growing numbness in her hand, an acknowledgment of the overwhelming strength she now confronted. Faced with this revelation, Aoife made a decisive decision.

"Fine, I'll take you seriously!" Aoife declared, unleashing her full might as her aura and ice began to envelop the stage. She charged towards Zero, leaving a powerful shockwave in her wake.

The force was so powerful that Artemis, Raiko, and Ravel had to combine their efforts, creating a protective barrier to withstand the impact and prevent themselves from being blown away by the sheer magnitude of Aoife's unleashed power.

In a twist of fate, as Aoife's sword, the [Fragarach], collided with Zero's tachi, an unexpected reaction took place. Zero's eyes glowed with a menacing yellow, and in an instant, Aoife's beloved weapon shattered into fragments, leaving her in a state of profound shock. The sudden loss of her sword, a symbol of great personal importance, heightened the impact of the moment.

Zero, displaying an eerie calm, swiftly followed up by delivering a powerful kick to Aoife's stomach. The force of the impact sent her crashing violently against the walls of the arena. Disoriented and unable to comprehend the unfolding reality, Aoife found herself on all fours, vulnerable and bewildered. The one-sided nature of the confrontation left her grappling with the harsh realization that her formidable power seemed ineffective against the mysterious strength possessed by Zero.

In the aftermath of the intense encounter, Aoife found herself overwhelmed by despair. Sweat and tears intermingled on her face as she whispered to herself, "…What should I do…?"

Unexpectedly, Zero, the mysterious warrior who had shattered both Aoife's sword and her confidence, posed a thought-provoking question. "What do you fight for?" he asked, his words piercing through the confusion. Bewildered, Aoife gazed up at him, searching for clarity.

"Is it for the benefit of the people of this universe? To elevate your own pride? Simply because you desire to?" Zero pressed on, delving into the motivations behind Aoife's actions. "If it's any of those reasons, then how do you perceive the world? In stark contrasts? Or with shades of gray and complexity?"

The unexpected interrogation compelled Aoife to confront the deeper significance of her battles, compelling her to reassess her purpose and viewpoint. The battleground, once resonating with the sounds of fierce clashes, now served as a platform for introspection and self-discovery in the presence of a formidable opponent.

As the weight of Zero's words settled in the arena, he continued to express a perspective that transcended the immediate clash of swords. "They may have fought for their own reasons, values, and for their species, and to their loved ones, they were the heroes, and the Resistance were the bad guys. You must have heard it before, have you not? Everyone is the main character of their own story. You are in yours, and I am in mine."

With a measured tone, Zero delved into the intricacies of individual perspectives and the complexities that defined each person's narrative. "However, someday, we have to choose to keep doing things a certain way or do it another. One of them is clearly going to be a lot more beneficial for everyone," he explained, prompting Aoife to consider the broader implications of their actions.

"I would rather make 99% happy than the 1%. Even if that 1% hates me for the rest of my existence, I would sleep well at night knowing that 99% of everyone I know is well and living happily. That's what a real king and ruler has to do," Zero declared, emphasizing a commitment to a greater good that transcended personal animosities.

The enigmatic facade of the warrior known as Zero faded away, revealing the true identity as Aaron to the astonished Aoife. Kneeling before her, Aaron shed the previous persona and spoke directly to her. "As I mentioned before, do not let your current experiences define you—continue to observe and by the end of this 'journey,' draw your own conclusions, just as I have."

In a heartfelt gesture, Aaron embraced Aoife tightly, feeling the warmth of her tears against his shoulder. When he released her, he offered a reassuring smile before standing upright. The revelation of Zero's true identity left Aoife in a state of profound realization.

Unbeknownst to the onlookers, Aaron had woven an illusion around the stage, creating a false battle that obscured his true interaction with Aoife. Resuming the appearance of "Zero," Aaron walked away, leaving the spectators bewildered.

Dispelling the illusion, Aaron declared, "I surrender," and disappeared from the stage. The unexpected turn of events left the entire arena in stunned silence, struggling to comprehend what just happened.

[The winner is Warrior Null!!] The announcer's voice shattered the silence, declaring the victory of Aoife. However, the spectators' attention remained fixed on the emotional aftermath of the staged confrontation.

Aoife, who had initially been in tears, unexpectedly rose with a genuine smile and left the stage. The strange turn of events left the onlookers bewildered.

"Did something happen?" Unagor asked, seeking clarity. "They were fighting one second before Aaron just left..."

Raiko offered an explanation, saying, "It was an illusion you were seeing. At some point, he had put that up, and he most likely spoke to Aoife about something, but he made sure that we couldn't hear, even if we did see him put the illusion up."

Realizing the need to depart, Ravel suggested, "We should leave now since…Suzaku-sama is the only one left." With unanimous agreement, Igris escorted them out of the colosseum, leaving the odd events of the tournament lingering in their minds.

— ○ ● ○ —

Eyhylde struggled in mid-air, desperately grasping for breath. Her body bore the marks of an unforgiving battle, battered and bruised, on the verge of losing consciousness. Facing her was Suzaku Himejima, Eyhylde's most formidable opponent yet.

To her dismay, Suzaku appeared nonchalant, not even breaking a sweat in their intense confrontation. Despite Eyhylde's earnest efforts, Suzaku seemed indifferent, as if the battle were of little consequence.

Suzaku floated gracefully before Eyhylde, wearing a solemn expression. By her side stood Zhuque, the Sacred Beast, taking on a human form and casting a fierce glare in Eyhylde's direction.

"Will you not reconsider?" Suzaku implored, the question echoing for what felt like the umpteenth time during their grueling duel.

Eyhylde, her resilience tested, responded with weary defiance. "I've lost my subordinates, and Morwenna has abandoned my cause, though she was never truly part of it. Your faction wreaked havoc upon the city, and yet, you believe I'll have a change of heart?"

Suzaku recognized the brutal truth in Eyhylde's words, having witnessed the day's events unfold below. Despite the chaos and devastation, Suzaku maintained her calm composure.

"Still, I believe there is hope for your survival in this trial. Please, reconsider," Suzaku implored, her voice filled with genuine concern.

Eyhylde, however, let out a heavy sigh in response, dismissing Suzaku's plea with a hint of scorn. "Haa... I never thought the Resistance members would be so delusional," she commented, casting a resentful glance at Suzaku. "Even if I were to be reborn and start afresh, my decisions would remain unchanged. I would walk the same path. Joining the Resistance is not an option for me, so abandon this fruitless effort. I am resigned to nothing but death, as returning to Lady Phumera or my species' rulers is a shame I cannot bear."

"I'd strongly advise you to give up on this futile endeavor, Suzaku. Trying to convince her is a lost cause. Even if we manage to capture her, it won't lead to anything fruitful. Let's put an end to her life," suggested Zhuque, his tone carrying a sense of practicality.

Suzaku, though reluctant, found herself considering the suggestion. Her aversion to taking lives had shifted over the years, shaped by the experiences she had endured. Change, she understood, was an inevitable part of growth, and clinging to unyielding principles hindered personal development.

With a resigned sigh, Suzaku acquiesced, "Yes, you're right. Thank you for hearing me out all this time, Eyhylde. I wish you tranquility in the afterlife."

Eyhylde, displaying a mixture of disdain and amusement, scoffed but smirked at Suzaku. She raised her sword, the blade whirling into a blur. "I, Eyhylde, shall now embark on my final charge," she declared, launching towards Suzaku, pain coursing through her entire being with each movement.

Suzaku remained still as Eyhylde's blade passed through her, imprinting the shape of the weapon on her body. Instead of a wound, the marks transformed into shimmering flames, swiftly healing themselves. Turning to Eyhylde, Suzaku's calm demeanor seemed to catch her off guard.

In their past encounters, Suzaku had skillfully evaded Eyhylde's attacks, using a blend of redirection, blocking, and counterattacks. However, this time, Suzaku made no effort to defend herself, leaving Eyhylde perplexed.

"Do you now see me as beneath you? Am I no longer worthy of your efforts to evade my strikes?" Eyhylde asked, a touch of irritation lacing her words at Suzaku's uncharacteristic passivity.

Suppressing the urge to speak, Suzaku refrained from words and focused her energy on action instead. She conjured several small orbs of flames and directed them towards Eyhylde. The valkyrie-type woman attempted to dodge the fiery assault, only to find that the flames persistently pursued her. Reacting swiftly, Eyhylde countered with multiple energy slashes from her blade.

To her astonishment, the fireballs not only absorbed the energy slashes but also grew in size, persistently tailing Eyhylde. Before she could retreat once more, Suzaku appeared behind her. A quick turn revealed Suzaku's foot dangerously close to her face, executing a swift kick that propelled Eyhylde towards the oncoming fireballs.

The collision between Eyhylde and the engulfing flames created a spectacular explosion, casting a colossal ball of fire into the sky.

The spectacle didn't end with the initial explosion. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Zhuque unleashed a formidable stream of flames towards Eyhylde, merging their fiery attack with Suzaku's. The combined efforts shaped the roaring flames into the majestic form of a phoenix, earning a satisfied smirk from Zhuque.

As the fiery display faded, the aftermath revealed Eyhylde, her sword aglow, relatively unscathed but marked by burns on various parts of her body due to the powerful output from both Suzaku and Zhuque.

Breathing heavily, Eyhylde managed to say, "You can't... use the same move twice and not expect me to counter it..."

Zhuque, however, calmly refuted, "You're right, we didn't." Magic circles materialized around Eyhylde, ensnaring her in a mystical bind.

In a panic, Eyhylde struggled against the magical constraints, but her efforts proved futile. As she continued to resist, her face turned red, and exhaustion took its toll, leaving her floating helplessly, slightly drooling, thoroughly drained from her exertions.

Approaching Eyhylde with her flaming sword in hand, Suzaku hesitated, unable to bring herself to end the valkyrie-like woman's life. Instead, she gracefully disarmed Eyhylde, taking the blade from her hand and floating away.

Turning to Zhuque, Suzaku asked, "Can you do it?"

Zhuque sighed and rubbed the back of her head before replying, "I suppose I can, but you need to stop doing this. Otherwise, you'll only regress."

The weight of Zhuque's words struck Suzaku, causing her to briefly look back at Zhuque again with wide eyes. Without a word, Suzaku swiftly returned to Eyhylde, startling Zhuque. Gazing at the valkyrie for a few more moments, Suzaku shook her head.

Placing her hand in the middle of Eyhylde's stomach, Suzaku initiated a fiery transformation. Eyhylde burst into flames, swiftly incinerated seconds later. The ashes were carried away by the wind, leaving behind a slightly lonely and eerie atmosphere.

Suzaku shut her eyes briefly, then opened them again with resolve. "Let's go join the others. I can feel Aaron and the rest near the castle, which is being rebuilt as we speak."

Looking down, they saw the castle-like structure, previously destroyed by Aaron, rapidly taking shape again. Aaron himself was leading the efforts. Nodding in agreement, Zhuque replied, "Alright, let's go."

— ○ ● ○ —

Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

— ○ ● ○ —

The aftermath was not as devastating as expected. Many buildings were destroyed, and parts of the city were obliterated. Surprisingly, the Phoshetoms mostly emerged unharmed from the chaos. While some were lost during the explosive destruction of Morwenna's structures and the resulting debris, most only suffered minor injuries or escaped unscathed.

Now, my attention turned to the rebuilding of the castle in front of me. Despite my efforts, the sense of futility hung over me, knowing that future events would make its restoration irrelevant. As I worked on the structure, Suzaku and Zhuque descended nearby. They both joined us as they approached.

With the whole team together again, including Geharon and the now-conscious Ailaozev, I snapped my fingers. In an instant, both the rulers of their species appeared before us, having been teleported back. I brought them back to consciousness upon their arrival.

"…Hmm? What the…ah…right," uttered Valagor, the King, with a touch of confusion. At the same time, Jelania, the Queen, quietly surveyed her surroundings as the castle began its self-repair.

Both royal gazes turned to me as I interrupted, "Let's postpone our discussion until after I finish this restoration, shall we?"

Without hesitation, both monarchs agreed, although their agreement was expressed through subdued murmurs. Elaborating on my instruction, I said, "Please explain to your subjects that my team and I have been working independently up to this point. Tensions have understandably arisen, but I have already communicated our reason for being here. I urge you to address them."

With that, Valagor and Jelania rose from their prone positions, passing by us to communicate with their people. As they addressed their constituents, I continued my repairs, listening attentively. Aoife, standing beside me, remained mostly silent, focusing her gaze on the ground. Yet, an unspoken sentiment hung in the air.

The shift from her red dress to her usual blue outfit signified Aoife's return to normalcy, although she was no longer wearing the blindfold. I could tell she was physically unharmed, but deep in thought about our earlier discussions. Despite our previous conversation, it was clear that her mind was exploring various complex realms.

I knew the timing had to be just right to approach her while her mind was absorbed in contemplating the future. Introducing her to Eyhylde's subordinates served a dual purpose, not only as a practical measure but also as a strategic move for my long-term goals. While some may argue that I manipulated them, they fulfilled their roles, making it a justifiable course of action from my standpoint.

Suddenly, Aoife grasped my left hand, abruptly bringing attention to our interaction. With a puzzled look, I gazed at her as she spoke, "You hit me earlier, didn't you?" I acknowledged the action with a nod. In response, she closed her eyes, a smile gracing her face before she launched playful slaps on my shoulder.

"You actually hit me! A kick to the stomach! I demand recompense for what you did…!" she declared, transitioning from playful banter to tearful sincerity. Resting her head against my shoulder, she continued, "It really hurt, you know? Being overpowered so effortlessly, it felt similar to the vulnerability of a child."

Expressing regret, I confessed, "I apologize. Similar to my encounter with Sairaorg, both words and physical confrontation proved instrumental in overcoming my challenges. I understand that this approach might require more understanding from you. However, I firmly believe what transpired was necessary. Feel free to admonish me if needed."

"No, it's fine, thank you," Aoife graciously acknowledged as the final touches of my repairs on the castle concluded.

"Now, let's proceed to converse with the King and Queen. By the way, did any of you come across their son?" I inquired.

A collective exchange of glances transpired within my team before unanimous head-shaking ensued. Both Valagor and Jelania approached me, and I relayed the disconcerting information, stating, "Apparently, your son has disappeared. None of my teammates encountered him during our infiltration."

Shock registered on their faces, and Valagor interjected, "But he was here when the alarms sounded...?" Amidst the ensuing confusion, I decided to use my abilities to uncover the truth.

Once discerned, I proposed, "Let's delve into this matter in more secluded confines." Swift agreement followed, prompting our departure from the current site.

— ○ ● ○ —

Sitting in the designated meeting room, I began the conversation with a solemn revelation, "To start, it seems your son fell victim to Morwenna's charm and made the choice to align himself with them. She has facilitated the transfer of his consciousness and abilities to a different physical form, driven by his yearning for a human body."

The revelation brought a deep shock from both Valagor and Jelania. After a moment of stunned silence, Valagor cried out, "What!? Our son held a profound love for our kind and revered our species bodies. He held his sisters in the highest esteem and sought vengeance on their behalf. I cannot comprehend this betrayal...!"

"I understand your confusion," I expressed with a subtle gesture. The story unfolds with a detailed account of the events that led to their son's departure to Morwenna's hidden base. The magic circle vividly depicts their son's journey, first to Morwenna's hideout, engaging in conversation, and then being teleported away by the clones.

The following scene shows their son intimately involved with Morwenna, disappearing into a laboratory and undergoing a transformative process resulting in a renewed physical form then they left together. It doesn't take deep insight to see the implications; it seems their son and Morwenna share a connection, whether it be affection or Morwenna using her influence to secure another ally.

In any case, both the King and Queen find themselves completely astonished by the revelations, fixating their gazes on the table, grappling with the reality they've just witnessed, unable to come to terms with it.

"This is... unbelievable. How could he betray us like this? How could Yinlaing do this to us...!?" Valagor exploded in anger. He turned to me and demanded, "Where is he?! Where is that planet!?"

"Their current abode is a celestial body known as Qurastale Nexus. Your son Yinlaing, along with Morwenna, her duplicates, subordinates, and their replicas, resides there. A team from the Resistance is on their way, and once they arrive, I will join them to take necessary actions," I explained.

"I want our son brought back alive; I have some strong words for him!" Jelania declared, giving me an intense look.

"...I will do everything in my power," I responded, echoing the sentiments of the worried parents. "That being said, let's discuss your strategic considerations at this point. I previously invited your race to join forces with us, but based on the intelligence gathered by my team and the information that will be shared with the rest of the Resistance and [DxD], it seems unlikely that an alliance can be formed."

The intense emotions of Valagor and Jelania gradually softened, giving way to a complex array of expressions that flickered across their faces as they focused their attention on me and the others in the room.

Valagor let out a brief sigh before speaking, "...Indeed, our people are known for their history of conquest, and there are still many who hold fast to those ideals even after enduring Phumera's rule. A significant faction is determined to continue our traditions once we regain our freedom. Personally, I have yet to find a definitive answer, but challenging these views while holding onto power presents its own challenges."

This was the very concern that weighed heavily on my mind. Their society, driven by a deep-rooted inclination towards dominance, may be beginning to engage in dialogue following the recent events. However, changing such deeply ingrained mindsets proves to be a daunting task, especially when dealing with an entire species. It raises the question of whether these beliefs are ingrained in their very essence, perhaps even embedded in their genetic makeup.

"Nonetheless, ultimately, we may find ourselves returning to those patterns. Our main goal, however, is to confront Phumera. If her location remains elusive, we will focus on the nearest planet under her organization's influence," Valagor declared, a fierce determination shining in his eyes.

"As the ruler of my people, I cannot ignore this offense. While our preference leans towards conquest, being conquered is a disrespect we cannot overlook. I am obligated to honor the will of my people. We are destined for conflict against Phumera. After you leave and our son is retrieved, the war will begin. I implore you not to hinder our path," he pleaded sincerely. "Once initiated, we will persist until victory or demise. If the Resistance intervenes, unfortunately, we will be forced to engage in conflict with you as well. I ask you, refrain from doing so."

"Is there no other option?" Ravel asked, her voice tinged with desperation.

Valagor, wearing a solemn expression, shook his head. "Unfortunately, there is not. Let me emphasize. Once our son is safely returned, we will launch an attack against Phumera's organization. However, for now, I will inform my people, ensuring their preparedness. If there are any other issues you would like to discuss, please do so now otherwise we can end this meeting here."

I recognized the seriousness of the situation, while the rest of the team raised various questions. Despite the sensitive nature of some inquiries, Valagor and Jelania remained composed, responding with politeness and patience, unfazed by the potential for offense.

Our discussion revolved mainly around their history of conquest, the reasons driving it, and the extent of damage inflicted on planets, races, and species. It was a discomforting exchange for both sides, ultimately leading to a resolution that left us all unsatisfied. However, it was the conclusion we were bound to, one that we reluctantly accepted.

Despite our best efforts, we could not deter them from their unwavering path of war against Phumera. As we left the meeting room, the thought to retrieve their son lingered in the air, with the rest wondering if they'll join me in the escapade.

"Are we going with you?" Artemis asked, breaking the silence that hung over us as we stepped outside the castle.

"I won't stop you, but it's not necessary, since it won't take long. I suggest the rest of you head back for now, and I'll meet up with the Gremory team in a few hours," I replied. "Actually, I'd prefer if you all could go back and inform the leaders of the situation while I deal with Morwenna and Yinlaing."

The group paused, Artemis locking eyes with me for a moment before nodding. "Alright, but I won't share certain details until you're there; we need you to answer a few more questions. Is that okay?" she asked.

"Yes, that's fine. Feel free to explore the area or go home; I just need to wait for Cúntóir's signal that they're near the Qurastale Nexus before teleporting to the spaceship," I told them.

"We shall now make our way back, but what about you, Unagor, Ailaozev, and Geharon? We didn't have the opportunity to meet your other acquaintances who may reconsider their alliances. Will you seek them out or join us?" Artemis asked, directing her attention to them.

"I will be accompanying you back to the Resistance's planet with Ailaozev. After discussing it, we have decided that we would like Aaron to reverse the transformation Aila underwent," Unagor replied, fixing a pointed gaze on me.

All eyes then turned to Geharon, who appeared lost in thought. After a brief pause, he said, "I would prefer to stay here for a few more hours. Aaron mentioned returning here, correct? If so, could you transport me to the Resistance's planet when you come back? I have some matters to attend to here before considering a more permanent relocation."

"I'm open to both options. When I return, I'll address the transformation issue. It's a reversible process with no lasting consequences, and it may even leave Ailaozev in a better state than before. Now, allow me to teleport all of you back," I reassured them. With a subtle click of my fingers, Artemis' group disappeared, leaving only Geharon and me.

"Aaron, I intend to try convincing my other friends. If I succeed, we will join you later. If not, it will be just me," Geharon conveyed.

"Of course, best of luck," I wished him, and he promptly departed. Now, with a few sets of eyes on me, I muttered, "Alright, time to stealthily board my own ship and see what they're all up to."

— ○ ● ○ —

In the room I teleported into, I found myself in the presence of Akeno. She lay on her bed, writhing and embracing a pillow. With her back towards me, she remained unaware of my sudden appearance until her body abruptly jolted.

In a mumbled revelation, she remarked, "My Aaron senses are tingling..." Her gaze swiftly turned, and she discovered my presence.

Attempting to convey my presence, I raised my hand, but before I could utter a word, Akeno sprang from her bed and propelled herself towards me. "Aarooooooooooooooooon!!" she exclaimed, emotions welling up in her eyes, on the verge of tears.

I held her securely, and she wrapped her arms around me tightly, burying her face into my chest like an emotional puppy. She pressed herself against me, bombarding me with questions, "Are you done there? Are you staying with us now? How did it go? Can you spoil me before we reach the planet? Please? Please?"

This somewhat unusual behavior from Akeno, so different from her usual "Onee-sama" facade, would surely cause a stir among anyone from Kuoh Academy who witnessed it. The stark contrast between her usual manner and this more genuine and spontaneous side both intrigued and worried me. It's as if she can effortlessly switch from her semi-"fake" persona to this more authentic version. While I'm captivated, I'll keep a close eye to see if this transformation proves troublesome. For now, the impact seems relatively harmless, but I'll remain watchful.

"I'll have to speak with Cúntóir and the others, but of course, I'd be happy to," I replied, as Akeno wrapped her legs around me, refusing to let go. I found myself carrying her along with me as a result. "So, is this how it's going to be until the mission starts?" I asked.

"Yes." Akeno gave me a deadpan look, confirming my assumption, before indulging in another sniff of my chest. Her gaze took on a certain cuteness, prompting me to lean down, leading to a delightful squeal as our lips met.

As we entered the cockpit, Cúntóir, Rias, and Vasco Strada were there to greet us, while Crom Cruach leaned casually against the nearby wall. All eyes turned towards the door as Akeno and I arrived.

"Hey, I'm here. We're not too far from Qurastale Nexus now," I announced, breaking the momentary silence in the cockpit.

"Ho-ho-ho! You've arrived, my lord. Indeed, we have," Strada replied. "According to Cúntóir's estimations, we should be there in ten minutes. How did your mission in Zenoiria go?"

"It went well, although a bit emotional for Aoife." Confirming the success of my mission, I proceeded further into the cockpit, with Akeno clinging to me steadfastly. To ease her, I began to stroke her hair, a gesture that seemed to heighten her joy while instilling a sense of tranquility.

"One of the Phoshetoms has switched allegiance and is now with Morwenna. As the King and Queen's son, we cannot dispose of him as they have requested his return. I will personally go on a mission to locate and apprehend him. The rest of the responsibilities I leave to all of you. Additionally, there is a matter on that planet that I wish to investigate," I revealed, with the others' attentive gaze fixed on me.

"Another matter?" Rias asked, her puzzled expression giving away her confusion.

"Yes, it's nothing urgent, but it will be the main focus on the planet. Cúntóir, can you gather everyone here? I want to brief them on what to expect," I requested, and she promptly obliged, calling everyone to the cockpit.

As the others arrived, Xenovia commented, "What's—oh, Aaron's here," while Asia jumped towards me, joining Akeno in embracing me. Surprisingly, Akeno graciously made room for her, resulting in the unexpected scenario of two people clinging to me.

Once everyone was settled, I began explaining what to expect on the planet. "Morwenna has additional subordinates there. I eliminated one in Zenoiria, and two more were taken care of by Artemis and Raiko. The remaining enemies belong to a different faction, and casualties have included members from Eyhylde's group, including Eyhylde herself."

"Regardless, there are eight additional subordinates on the planet, and they possess the ability to generate endless clones of themselves. Although these subordinates wield somewhat peculiar abilities, overcoming them should be relatively straightforward. However, Morwenna is nurturing some kind of monstrous entity at the planet's core. It's essential that someone swiftly deals with it, as its release would only prolong our stay," I explained.

Turning to Cúntóir and Rias, I suggested a division of tasks, "Cúntóir, can I request you and Rias to address that situation while the rest focus on eliminating the other enemies? I plan to bring Akeno with me to explore certain aspects of the planet."

Before any objections could be raised, Akeno interjected with enthusiasm, "Yes! Let's go with that plan!" Her excitement preemptively overruling any potential disagreements from Rias or Cúntóir. While initially contemplating going solo, I opted for this alternative approach to accommodate Akeno's preferences.

Asia expressed her dissatisfaction with a pout, but I reassured her, "We'll cross paths during it, so come with us when we do, but ensure you complete your tasks in your designated area." Satisfied with the compromise, Asia happily agreed.

Lint questioned, "Hmm? Then we don't need to recruit them, Aaron-paisen?" I shook my head in response.

"No. Similar to the ones we encountered in Zenoiria, they are reprehensible individuals who have forfeited any chance of redemption. They've not just crossed the line; they've performed acrobatics over it, disdainfully spurning any assistance or goodwill directed towards them," I explained, infusing a hint of disdain into my voice, catching them off guard.

As our conversation continued, we found ourselves on the outskirts of the detection zone of Qurastale Nexus. "Alright, let's begin," I announced, prompting everyone to form teams or go alone as I teleported them to their destinations.

Once the cockpit was empty, with only Akeno and I remaining, she asked, "Are we not leaving yet?"

"We will, I just need to take care of something first," I answered, tapping specific buttons on the control panel. After a brief pause, the interior lights of the ship changed to a striking red hue. "Okay, now we can leave."

Akeno took a look around the cockpit, curious, and asked, "What have you done?"

"It's a feature I added earlier but hadn't needed to activate until now. It's an upgrade I intend to incorporate into the other ships as well—basically, it's an auto-defense mode. The ship will retaliate against any hostile entities that come near or target it. While I'll be notified, I'll usually let the ship handle the defense, since its weaponry is designed with a nearly foolproof one-hit kill function," I clarified, revealing the ship's enhanced defensive capabilities.

"Anyway," I said, reaching out my hand to Akeno, "are you ready to go?" With a joyful expression, she eagerly took my hand, and in the blink of an eye, we teleported away to begin the upcoming mission.

— ○ ● ○ —

After teleporting, we found ourselves in the southern region of the planet, a considerable distance from the central city. The world bore a striking resemblance to Zenoiria, with a colossal city dominating its core. While the central area boasted advanced structures, the rest of the planet appeared desolate, with only a few scattered locations, including this one, showing any signs of life.

Releasing Akeno's hand, I extended my own and dispelled an illusion that had hidden a modest shack-like structure made of metal. Surrounding it was electrical fencing, which I promptly deactivated before we proceeded towards the intriguing building.

"Why is this all the way out here? Is this the 'other matter' you were talking about, Aaron?" Akeno asked, her eyes scanning the surroundings with intrigue.

"Yes, it is. Truth be told, 'it' doesn't belong to Morwenna. How she acquired it remains a mystery to the original owner, but I have the details. It was a rather careless, or one could say neglectful move on Elanor's part and a result of meticulous planning on Morwenna's behalf," I explained, causing Akeno to tilt her head in response.

"Don't worry; you'll soon understand what I mean," I assured her as I deactivated the alarms within the structure. With a tap on the metallic door, it slid open, revealing the mysterious contents concealed within.

Upon entering, we stepped onto a lone circular platform. "We can get around it; come here," I instructed Akeno, and she followed. As the scan began, I quickly deactivated it and activated the elevator myself, which started its descent.

"This is quite speedy," Akeno commented, gripping my arm for support.

"Yes, but we are descending deep underground, so the speed is necessary. The lack of walls around us is peculiar though. I assume Morwenna avoids teleportation to this location to avoid attracting attention to her secret project," I explained, shedding light on the interesting aspects of the descent.

As we continued to descend into the planet, the metallic surroundings expanded beyond the initial shack, revealing a vast underground complex. Numerous tubes adorned the ceiling, walls, and even the floor, each holding different colored liquids, adding an intriguing element to the mysterious project hidden beneath the planet's surface.

In the distance, rows of large monitors stood, surrounded by an array of defense systems, robots, and various obstacles meant to hinder intruders. Strangely, there were no signs of any living beings. After a two-minute descent, the elevator gently landed on the ground, and we disembarked as it swiftly ascended back to the surface.

As Akeno tried to take another step forward, I stepped in, snapping my fingers to deactivate all the defensive measures. Akeno blushed and stammered, "S-sorry, I saw all that but still—"

"Don't worry about it. Let's keep going," I reassured her, holding her hand as we made our way through the eerily silent underground facility. Disabled robots, frozen in mid-motion or scattered lifelessly on the ground, added to the surreal atmosphere of the hidden complex.

Leading Akeno into a particular room, she took in the surroundings, noticing the towering height of the space—yet, oddly, this room had no ceiling at all. The center of attention, however, was three large holographic screens displaying various data, charts, and what seemed to be a heartbeat monitor.

"What is this...?" Akeno asked, clearly confused. Eventually, her eyes focused on what had captured my interest, eliciting a gasp of shock from her.

In front of us stood a substantial cylindrical container filled with a mix of green and purple liquid. Suspended inside was the motionless figure of a woman, with an oxygen mask covering her mouth and nose. Despite the artificial aid, there were no visible signs of life, heightening the strange aura surrounding this strange discovery.

The figure inside the tube had long, blonde hair, and one eye that seemed to be "open," showing a light blue iris. Her body, partially unclothed, bore the marks of brutality, with parts of it carefully stitched with metallic components. It was clear that this woman had met a violent end, and Morwenna was deeply involved in the grim task of reconstructing her.

Using my heightened observational ability, now known as [Aosozth], formerly [Observe], I gathered more information. The woman was Alyssa, from the ancient era and a former member of the initial Resistance iteration. Shockingly, she was also revealed to be the former lover of Lucius Benevolentia.

Akeno, having used the powers of her ring, appeared even more surprised. Turning to me, she asked, "…Is this what you meant?" Her question reflected the seriousness of the revelation we had just uncovered.

"Yes, Morwenna managed to sneak away with the remains of Alyssa, Lucius Benevolentia's former lover and a crucial member of the Resistance's founding cohort. Originally in Elanor's possession, Morwenna somehow made off with the body, intending to revive Alyssa for her own purposes. Elanor, on the other hand, still holds the other corpses of the original Resistance members, though not all of them. Her plan involves 'reviving' them to use against us," I revealed.

Akeno, visibly distressed, asked, "Then won't Esina—?" She stopped herself, horror written across her face as she looked at me, seeking confirmation. I nodded solemnly.

"Yes, Elanor is likely targeting Esina with this scheme. Additionally, she hopes to undermine our morale by presenting the revived original members of the Resistance to us at some point," I explained with a hint of disdain. "She seriously operates on a different level, doesn't she?"

"What are our options here? Do you think her soul is still lingering around? Should we consider laying her body to rest?" Akeno asked, her expression filled with genuine worry.

"I suggest we bring her body back with us, so we can give her a proper farewell. We owe the same respect to the other members of the original Resistance group once we find their bodies. They deserve closure, even if their souls have already departed," I suggested.

Akeno agreed and prepared to dispose of the container, but I stopped her. Extending my arm, I teleported Alyssa's body to the ground. With a snap of my fingers, clothing materialized to cover her, and she was dried off. However, her body began to deteriorate rapidly. I halted the decay and proceeded to return her to her original state, removing the metallic components in the process.

"She looks so peaceful like this," Akeno murmured, gently caressing Alyssa's face. "Shall we lay them to rest at the giant mass graveyard?"

"No, let's place them by the tree. I have a sense that whatever it transforms into will be something extraordinary, and that would be a suitable resting place for them," I suggested. Akeno silently agreed once again. "Anyway, let's get going. This was all I desired from this part of the planet. Let's head to the other facilities. Morwenna has other crucial notes there, as well as copies of Elanor's."

As I lifted Alyssa's body, I initiated our departure. Stepping onto the elevator as it returned, I simultaneously reactivated the defenses in the facility and left a decoy body of Alyssa behind for good measure. Although it might not make a substantial difference, given our intention to destroy this planet once our mission concludes.

— ○ ● ○ —

Third Person Point of View

— ○ ● ○ —

Gasper and Shirone found themselves standing before an expansive shopping complex adorned with numerous replicas of a prominent member from Morwenna's group. Plushie representations of Morwenna and other individuals were conspicuously showcased, some fashioned as airborne balloons drifting throughout the entire area.

The moment Gasper and Shirone traversed the entrance, an intense focus descended upon them. Simultaneously, a cacophony of alarms resonated, not only within the confines of the mall but reverberating across the entire planet, serving as a clear alert to Morwenna regarding their unanticipated arrival.

"Oh? Oh? Oh? Who might these interlopers be?" exclaimed the woman, accompanied by her myriad duplicates, all exhibiting equal curiosity.

Before Gasper and Shirone stood a humanoid rabbit figure, with long braided white hair and distinctive white rabbit ears. She was draped in a flowing white gown, and her appearance gave off an air of strange instability, accentuated by her disproportionately large eyes. Clutched in her hands was an oversized hammer, a motif echoed by her numerous clones in the surrounding area.

An especially eerie smile appeared on her face, mirrored by her duplicates. "Welcome, welcome, my exceedingly adorable guests! Both of your physiques align with my particular preferences. Come closer, and allow me the pleasure of savoring you~!" she exclaimed with an unsettling enthusiasm.

"Gaspy, prepare yourself," Shirone warned her companion.

"Shirone-chan, I'd rather face her alone. Can you handle the clones?" Gasper asked, surprising Shirone. Despite the unexpected request, Gasper looked at her friend with unwavering determination and pleaded, "Please?"

Smiling, Shirone agreed. "Alright, Gaspy, I'll leave her to you. She's—"

"Werett. A fusion of a rabbit youkai and wolf, with formidable power, likely at least God-class. But I'll manage. Just be cautious of the hammer; it has the strange ability to induce momentary unconsciousness, leading to vivid dreams lasting two days, even though they happen in mere seconds," Gasper explained, giving a brief insight into the upcoming encounter.

Shirone cast a mildly astonished look at Gasper, but quickly returned to her smile. "Alright, Gaspy. I'll keep that in mind. Best of luck," she conveyed before transforming into her [Nekomata Level 2] and gracefully leaping into the midst of the numerous clones surrounding them.

Meanwhile, Gasper surrounded himself in an ominous darkness, his eyes emanating a luminous gleam. "Shall we get going, Balor?"

<<Hmph. I've been yearning for some action. I'm prepared whenever you are,>> Balor replied with a hint of eagerness, ready for the impending confrontation.

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