Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 19 – Part 5 – Time and Time Again

Third Person Point of View

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"Why does it always go like this? She's not the first one to go crazy!" Zhang Mei grumbled with irritation, navigating her team through the relentless onslaught unleashed by Specion. A bizarre menagerie of creatures surrounded them, each one a twisted amalgamation of different animals.

A centipede, sporting pterodactyl wings, seal eyes, and human limbs, spat acidic attacks their way. A flaming worm, its mouth uttering human-like curses, added an extra layer of surreal danger. And then there was a giraffe, its teeth resembling those of a hippo, joining the bizarre parade of hybrids.

Tiamat chimed in, offering her perspective, "I wouldn't say she's gone crazy, more like thoroughly annoyed by us."

In the distance, Specion wore a frown, observing her peculiar creations engaging Zhang Mei's group. Her vexation stemmed from receiving unwelcome news—word had gotten out that the levers were pulled, and the seal on the crystal containing the previous body of the goddess had been broken.

'Abysnar explicitly instructed me to keep this under wraps and safeguard it diligently. The fact that it's now uncovered... I'm facing certain doom if we don't emerge victorious today,' Specion mused, anxiety etched across her features. Her gaze shifted downward, contemplating the ground below.

'If they manage to breach the core, where we're painstakingly extracting the goddess's most potent healing abilities from her soul, it'll be a devastating setback, akin to the loss of Ferrothos Prime. Should we survive, Lady Phumera is sure to exact a punishment so severe it might rival the pain of our defeat.'

"I need a way out of this mess, a way to survive," Specion muttered under her breath. The notion of aligning herself with the Resistance briefly flitted through her mind, but uncertainty clouded her decision. Would they even accept her?

Then, a more audacious idea emerged—joining the outer god directly, becoming his personal subordinate. In Specion's calculations, this path offered a chance at not just survival but a life free from perpetual fear.

It was undoubtedly a selfish move, and she acknowledged the slim likelihood of success. 'They'll likely demand proof that I'm not just playing both sides to report back to Lady Phumera. But if we do falter today, the Resistance's base won't matter. Becoming a double agent might be my only shot at survival. Once I disclose their location, Phumera will have no use for me; she'll simply dispose of me,' Specion contemplated, grappling with the high-stakes gamble she was considering.

"In the meantime, let's see if I can reclaim my crystal and turn the tables. If not... joining them might be the only way," Specion muttered to herself, a hint of desperation in her voice. She conjured small tubes filled with a vivid green liquid in her hands and tossed them towards the center of the room.

The tubes burst open, giving birth to a trio of gooey green monsters that swiftly coated themselves in hardened scales, shells, and armor. One resembled a green mecha bristling with guns, another a ghastly figure with green liquid oozing ominously, and the last a massive dinosaur-like monster boasting impenetrable scales.

"Get them!" Specion commanded, stepping back. However, her retreat was abruptly halted as Quan Xinyue, with an emotionless demeanor, held her spear to Specion's neck, freezing her in place.

"Don't move, or your head goes flying," Quan Xinyue declared with chilling resolve.

'…Game over, huh? Retaliating now would mean I die, and I don't want that,' thought Specion.

Her creations charged toward Zhang Mei's group, but Specion wasn't taken aback by the swift resolution. Zhang Mei efficiently dispatched the armored monster, Tiamat reduced the gooey creature to ashes, and Liang Meiying, assisted by Quan Xiuying, took down the dinosaur-like creature.

"I didn't find anything, guys," reported Elsha as she rejoined the group in her [Boosted Gear] Balance Breaker armor. She removed her helmet, revealing a thoughtful expression on her face. "I doubt she kept any of her actual equipment here; most of these seem unused. So, her real 'base' must be somewhere else."

"Checkmate! Now spill the beans! Where are you hiding the good stuff?" Zhang Mei demanded, pointing her sword at Specion, who looked bewildered.

"T-the good stuff...? What are you talking about?" Specion stammered in confusion.

"…Pretending to be clueless won't save you," Quan Xinyue asserted, gradually advancing her spear's blade toward Specion's neck. "Answer our questions, or I end you right now."

"Fine! But I need a guarantee!" Specion retorted, her desperation apparent.

"Hah, no way we—"

"Wait, Zhang Mei, let's hear her out," interrupted Tiamat.

"H-huh? Seriously, Tiamat!?" Zhang Mei exclaimed, taken aback. Tiamat nodded firmly.

"Speak. What do you want?" Tiamat inquired.

"Let me join the Resistance—no, I want to be a direct subordinate to the outer god! He can slap on any ability or spell to ensure I can't lie or betray him! Let me meet him! I'd rather take that chance than face death today! If you promise me that, I'll spill everything!" Specion pleaded, her proposal hanging in the tense air.

[Fine,] Aaron's voice echoed through their transceiver, catching some of them off guard. As they glanced around, they noticed Elsha had removed her transceiver and activated the speaker.

An insignia materialized on Specion's shoulder, accompanied by a faint burning sensation. [If you betray them in any way, you will immediately meet your end. This insignia ensures that. Should any disloyal thoughts cross your mind in the future, the outcome will be the same. Keep that in mind moving forward,] Aaron's stern voice declared.

A wry smile played on Specion's lips as she responded, "Fine, I hear you loud and clear." Elsha then returned her transceiver to her ear, and Specion continued, "Follow me. The place I'm leading you to is heavily fortified, guarded by members of the Abstion Purgers, mercenaries, and my own creations. It won't be an easy or quick journey, but that's where you'll find what you seek."

They departed from their current location, heading toward a short staircase that led them to another room. Elsha reported, "Nothing's here except for an elevator over there. I couldn't get it to activate, though."

"Because only I and the Abstion Purgers can interact with it. Also, Abysnar, but that's beside the point. All of you go in first; the room you'll be teleported into is spacious but currently unoccupied, at least the last time I checked. I'll go in last," Specion instructed.

However, Quan Xinyue's hand landed on Specion's shoulder, prompting a correction. "I-I'll go last, together with this person. You can go in pairs to expedite this process," Specion suggested, and everyone complied. The final pair to enter was Specion and Quan Xinyue, the latter maintaining a cold stare. 'Aren't I on their side now? Why won't she relax?' Specion wondered, feeling a tinge of unease.

The two entered the teleporter, whisked away to a deeper underground level of the planet. The rest of the team joined them, exploring the room.

"How far?" Tiamat inquired.

"This is as deep as we can go using that teleporter. It was specifically designed to deter intruders from reaching the core... where, well, let me clarify. You all are familiar with the goddess, right?" Specion queried, and the team nodded in acknowledgment. "Her body and soul were separated. While the body... is with that woman who stayed behind—it's encased in a crystal. There's not much you can do with it, but it still retains its potent healing properties."

"The soul… is at the heart of the planet. It radiates the most potent healing abilities, granting everything on this planet its unique healing powers. Yet, due to our lack of control, the healing types and abilities bestowed upon any item around the world are entirely arbitrary," Specion elucidated.

"You're utilizing her soul, aren't you? Much like Ferrothos Prime, the 'soul' or core of the planet acts as the primary mechanism, shaping everything—crafting items directly from it harnesses the strongest and most potent healing abilities, correct?" Tiamat questioned, piecing together the puzzle.

"That's correct. That's how most Eradicators, Ueboros, and Umbra acquired their healing abilities. While some were born with a certain type of healing power, others had it implanted in them. That's why they all possess the ability to heal themselves to some extent," Specion elaborated.

"Aaron didn't brief us on that, but he probably knows... So, is it feasible for us to create our own?" Liang Meiying inquired.

"Yes. Although... considering your mission to liberate this place, there's a risk that the outer god aligned with the Resistance might decide to obliterate this facility. If that happens, everyone will lose their healing abilities," Specion explained.

"...What if Aaron revives the goddess? What happens then?" Zhang Mei interjected, bringing the focus back to herself.

"…I have no idea. He's an outer god, so anything is possible. This is just my speculation, but if he revives the goddess, things could get complicated unless he directly intervenes," Specion admitted.

"The healing abilities' powers might increase exponentially, causing you to constantly heal yourself. While it may sound beneficial, it's quite perilous. Continuous healing could lead to severe damage to your body, and at worst, your soul. It would overtax your body because, as I mentioned, not all healing abilities function the same way; most, if not all, are unique to the individual receiving them," Specion added.

"Similar to how my 'slash' is different from Zhang Mei's? If we were to learn the same ability or skill, could I grow and evolve it differently from hers?" Liang Meiying questioned.

"Yes, precisely. Once the item is implanted into a person, it adapts and molds itself to cater to the specific needs of its new host," Specion confirmed.

After noting that Zhang Mei's group had completed their exploration, Specion urged, "Let's move; lingering here won't get us to the core on time."

"On time?" Tiamat inquired.

"After a certain time of the day, the area housing the core will be sealed off. Only a specific individual can unlock it, and it's not me. Otherwise, you'd need the power output comparable to Abysnar himself or Lady Phumera to access it; otherwise, it won't budge," Specion explained.

"That's not a problem then!" Zhang Mei declared, turning around with an air of superiority enveloping her, causing Specion to shiver. "Aside from Phumera's abilities, she pales in comparison to the rest of us in raw power."

'W-what the... they're on par—no, even stronger than all the Eradicators, maybe even Yve and... Phumera!? Why couldn't I sense this earlier...!? W-what kind of monsters entered our universe...!?' Specion thought, involuntarily taking a step back.

Zhang Mei's demeanor shifted, the air of superiority giving way to her usual cheerful smile. "Now, let's go!! Oh, wait, I don't know the way, so lead the way, Specion."

With a hint of reluctance, Specion agreed and took the lead, accompanied by Quan Xinyue. The hallway they traversed was desolate yet remarkably spacious. The only audible sounds were the echoes of their footsteps. After about half an hour of walking, they reached a substantial door.

"Is this it?" Zhang Mei questioned, her gaze fixed on the door. "I sense other people inside."

"No, we're on a level much higher than the core, at least six levels above it. Each level is big, filled with different equipment, and guarded. To get through, we have to navigate it all. Once we reach the next room, everyone down here will know we're making our way down," Specion clarified.

"Can't we just act like we're part of your group and go down without causing a scene?" Quan Xiuying inquired.

"That's not possible anymore. I raised the alarm earlier before switching sides. Once we enter, they'll be alert because they'll assume I got taken out. Any defenses I had set up above ground would also be wiped out," Specion explained.

All eyes were on Specion, but she responded with a casual shrug. "It's already done, so let's move on from it," she said.

Zhang Mei, showing her a bit of annoyance, exclaimed, "Alright, let's go for it!" She forcefully kicked open the massive door and swiftly advanced toward the guards stationed there.

Simultaneously, Specion began weaving magic circles around herself, directing her focus toward the surveillance cameras in the vicinity, destroying them. Zhang Mei skillfully dealt with the guards, despite Specion's warning about their formidable strength. To the group and Zhang Mei, however, these guards were not much of a challenge, merely considered as guards at the level of Satan-class enemies.

"The guards stationed here are nothing to write home about. You think they toughen up the farther down we go?" Tiamat questioned, her flames reducing the enemies' remains to ashes.

"Absolutely. These were just the warm-up act. As we descend, the guards get fiercer. I personally know two Abstion Purgers stationed deeper, and trust me, they're not easy to defeat like those you just faced. Powers like mine, centered around poison, venom, and diseases, among others. So, tread carefully," Specion warned.

With his words hanging in the air, the group exited the room through a solitary door. On the other side awaited a barrage of enemies armed to the teeth. This time, Tiamat took charge, unleashing a breath attack that swiftly dispatched the threat.

"These ones aren't much of an upgrade, and the stuff they carry might be useless to us but could hold value for folks back on the planet, especially those still in training," Tiamat observed, directing her ring at the discarded weapons and absorbing them.

"We could ask Azazel and the others to tweak these. It might be worth grabbing them," suggested Quan Xiuying. "Everyone, gather as much as you can." She turned to Specion, inquiring, "You'll lend a hand, won't you?"

"Obviously. I've switched sides and made promises. Survival is a strong motivator," Specion affirmed, joining the effort to collect the weapons.

Once the group finished, they moved to another section, but the tranquility was shattered by a blaring alarm.

"It's begun. Brace yourselves; it's only going to get tougher from here," Specion warned.

Zhang Mei clenched her fist. "Bring it on! I want to see the soul of a goddess from another universe!"

— ○ ● ○ —

Gabriel, Layla, Grayfia, and Scathach found themselves on the western expanse of the planet, methodically dismantling groups of enemies and their respective leaders. Despite the foes being relatively feeble, the team salvaged valuable items for the Resistance, storing them in their rings.

"We've been wandering for a good while, but oddly, no one's outright claimed allegiance to Abysnar's group, like a subordinate or something," Scathach remarked, twirling her spear in a bout of boredom.

Gabriel, previously entwined with Layla, hopped over to Scathach, embracing her from behind. "Isn't that a positive sign? It could mean they're scurrying back to their leader, or—"

"—Or they're conspiring against us. All the remaining leaders and their groups might have united into a larger force. I sense a large aura massing and heading our way," Scathach interrupted with a grave tone.

Grayfia and Layla took a step forward, their auras intensifying. A vast assemblage of dark clouds congregated in the sky just beyond the mountains, while Layla raised her sword, heralding a barrage of thunder and lightning bolts. The powerful onslaught struck the enemy forces beyond the peaks.

Simultaneously, Grayfia became enveloped in a gray aura, obliterating the mountain in her path. From her foot, a surge of ice shot forth, freezing the landscape and the multitude of enemies before them.

Yet, despite the overwhelming display of power, four enemies whose powers were different from the rest managed to evade their combined assault. Layla and Grayfia halted their attacks, acknowledging the remaining quartet who now stood defiantly before their group.

"I—" one of them started, but before he could finish, Grayfia swiftly appeared in front of him. She gripped his face, encasing his entire body with ice before forcefully slamming his frozen form to the ground, shattering it.

"What the—this maid is fucking insane! Take her down!" another yelled in panic.

The remaining trio leaped away, activating their unique abilities. One conjured makeshift projectiles from the surrounding rocks, hurling them with a dense energy shroud. Grayfia summoned her gray aura, thwarting the incoming onslaught.

Turning her attention to the assailant, she closed the gap between them instantly. Yet, as she thrust her hand, akin to a spear, covered in the gray aura, it unexpectedly struck and rebounded off something soft and fluffy, catching her off guard.

A sly grin lit up the woman's face, the sole female member of the group, as she locked eyes with Grayfia. Suddenly, a strange, vibrant purple liquid materialized right before Grayfia, aiming to ensnare her. However, with a swift and nimble leap, Grayfia skillfully evaded the impending threat.

Undeterred, the woman endeavored to unleash her mystical prowess once more. Yet, in a breathtaking maneuver, Layla soared towards her enemy, swiftly beheading her. The lifeless body crumpled, and with it, the strange manifestation dissipated into oblivion.

"Damn it! Zavia's out! We've got to fall back!" the remaining member exclaimed in a frantic outburst. However, before he could make his escape, Scathach appeared before him, a wicked grin etched across her face.

"Leaving so soon?" she taunted, thrusting her spear toward him. Yet, the quick-witted man brandished two gleaming daggers, skillfully deflecting the attack. "I quite enjoy toying with my prey. Entertain me a little longer."

The assailant, who had hurled the rocks in Grayfia's direction earlier, attempted a hasty retreat. However, as he pivoted to escape, he found himself ensnared within a cage of light energy. Gabriel approached with an air of confidence, wagging her finger disapprovingly.

"Looks like someone's in need of a lesson," she chided, her voice carrying a mix of sternness and amusement. The trapped man, bewildered and undoubtedly regretful, dared to touch the radiant barrier. In an instant, his fingertip was mercilessly severed, prompting a gut-wrenching scream as he crumpled to the ground.

"Playing with light can be hazardous," Gabriel warned, her tone deceptively cheerful. "I suggest you resist the urge to touch it; we wouldn't want any unfortunate accidents, now would we?" The seemingly playful remark took on a menacing undertone, casting a shadow over the man's terror-stricken face.

Despite Gabriel maintaining her usual demeanor, the intimidating presence of Layla, Scathach, and Grayfia, who had effortlessly dispatched his comrades, cast an eerie shadow over her typically friendly expressions. The warm smile she wore seemed unnerving to the disconcerted man, triggering an irrational fear that transformed her cheerfulness into a malevolent force.

Overwhelmed by terror, the man succumbed to unconsciousness, much to Gabriel's bewilderment. "H-huh? W-why did he faint!?" she questioned, approaching the cage of light she had conjured. In an attempt to rouse him, she resorted to light slaps on his face.

Each time he awoke, the sight of Gabriel's countenance, intended to be amiable, struck him as sinister, prompting repeated fainting episodes. A bizarre loop ensued, with Gabriel growing increasingly perplexed. "What's going on here?" she muttered, halting her efforts as the man lay unconscious once again, trapped in a cycle of fear-induced fainting.

"Let him be, Gabriel. He's too terrified to engage in any coherent communication," Layla interjected, guiding her angelic companion away from the disconcerted man.

"But..." Gabriel hesitated, attempting to voice her concern, only to be gently pulled along by Layla. As they distanced themselves, Layla, with a subtle flick of her hand, created a colossal sword of light energy. The ethereal weapon descended upon the incapacitated man, delivering a swift and decisive end to his existence.

Gabriel observed the act in silence, a conflicted expression crossing her features. While the loss weighed on her, she understood the grim necessity of preventing any potential escape, a harsh reality emphasized by Aaron earlier. It was a bitter pill to swallow, yet one deemed essential for the greater cause.

Upon reaching the fallen enemy defeated by Scathach, the trio surveyed the aftermath. Scathach, with a stern expression, inquired, "Any stragglers left? If not, we might as well wipe this chunk of the planet clean."

"T-there's no one else," stammered the man, his voice tinged with fear.

However, Scathach, wearing an inscrutable expression, thrust her weapon into his thigh without hesitation, eliciting a pained scream. "Lie to me again, and you'll find a blade in a much more sensitive area," she warned, her threat hanging heavily in the air and spear hanging above the man's nether regions.

"V-Virantha! Lady Virantha is the lone survivor, along with her right-hand Isanyo!" the man exclaimed in terror. His gaze darted between the trio as he divulged the crucial information. "There's a grand fortress to the west, but you'll have to cross a small ocean. Beware, they've fortified it heavily!" he pleaded, the urgency evident in his voice.

"Fantastic! Thanks for the intel!" Scathach chirped with an unsettling enthusiasm before swiftly ending the man's life with a decisive stab to the head. She then turned to her comrades, a renewed determination in her eyes.

"We're heading westward! We'll come across a castle where one of Abysnar's lackeys, Virantha, hangs out. Keep an eye out for her right-hand, Isanyo," Scathach declared, rallying the group for the next leg of their mission.

As they moved forward, Gabriel couldn't help but cast a sorrowful gaze back at the fallen man, offering a quiet prayer for his departed soul. Once her ritual concluded, she rejoined her companions, a somber expression lingering.

"Is there any chance we can sway them to our side?" Gabriel inquired, her hopeful tone contrasting with the grim atmosphere.

Layla, however, shook her head with a sense of doubt. "Not likely. Virantha is a direct subordinate of Abysnar, and if Aaron-sama's word holds true, there's no redemption for those aligned with him. It wouldn't be wise to hope they'll change their minds after we defeat them, Gabriel-sama."

As the group hastened their steps, they reached a cliffside that revealed a sprawling stretch of water before them.

"So this is the ocean the man spoke of. Let's not dawdle; we need to confront Virantha and Isanyo quickly and regroup with the others at Abysnar's stronghold. I sense we're nearing the culmination of our mission here," Grayfia declared, her tone laced with a mix of determination and anticipation.

Unified in purpose, the team consented to the plan, taking to the air and soaring over the ocean's expanse.

— ○ ● ○ —

Crossing the ocean transpired in a mere two minutes, their moderate speed enabling a swift journey. Along the way, the group encountered waterborne monsters, dispatching them with ease and even collecting a few for potential sustenance, stowing them away in magical rings.

Scathach, her gaze fixed on the horizon, posed a question as a sprawling city came into view, its architecture reminiscent of the Greek pantheon. "Is this our destination?" she inquired.

"It appears so. I sense two formidable energies emanating from that distant structure. Yet, the entire city is teeming with power; its residents are, at the very least, of Ultimate and Satan class. What's our approach?" Layla queried, turning to Grayfia for guidance. The decision on how to navigate this city of powerful foes rested on her shoulders.

"...We only need Virantha and Isanyo; the rest are unneeded," Grayfia declared with an icy resolve. Raising her hand, she conjured an immense, gray demonic energy sphere above them, dwarfing the current continent in size.

"Planning to obliterate this entire place, are you? Efficient, just as expected from Toole-sama's meticulous maid," Scathach remarked in a playful tone, attempting to inject humor into the grave situation. However, Grayfia remained stoic, unaffected by the banter.

In an instant, she unleashed the colossal attack. The group sensed powerful auras approaching, but the force of Grayfia's attack was unstoppable. The immense blast engulfed not only their foes but also the very beings who had launched it. The once-thriving city now lay in ruins, erased from the planet's surface, with only the lingering presence of the two powerful auras.

A woman with gray hair, golden eyes, and bat-like wings tinted in a shade of green approached with an air of fury. Accompanying her was a mysterious entity crafted from gray shadows, adorned with luminous white eyes and an elusive tail.

"That's them," Gabriel remarked, her voice laden with a deeper sense of melancholy.

"You psychotic bitch!!!" the gray-haired woman bellowed, a torrent of rage propelling her toward Grayfia with unrestrained fury.

Effortlessly dodging the oncoming attack, Grayfia extended her right palm, unleashing an unseen surge of demonic energy that sent the woman hurtling away. Addressing her comrades, Grayfia issued a decisive command, "I'll handle her and extract answers. The rest of you, deal with the shadowy figure." And with that, she vanished from view, leaving her allies to confront the mysterious being made of gray shadows and piercing white eyes.

"Haha, well, looks like we're diving into some excitement, Isanyo!" Scathach's tone resonated with a mischievous charm as she shot a menacing glance at the hovering Isanyo, who couldn't help but flinch in response to the Queen of the Land of Shadows.

"I am Isanyo, defender of Lady Virantha's honor!" Isanyo declared, his tail morphing into a shadowy weapon that materialized in his grasp—a sword crafted from the very essence of darkness. His gaze darted nervously between Layla, Gabriel, and Scathach.

With a hint of concern, Gabriel voiced his apprehension, "He doesn't seem eager for a fight. Are we sure we need to fight him?"

An unspoken understanding passed between Scathach and Layla, leading Layla to drift toward Gabriel, her words carrying a gentle yet firm persuasion, "If you want to converse with him and sway his intentions, by all means, go ahead. But do keep your ring on, just to be safe."

Puzzled by the mention of the ring, Gabriel floated over to Isanyo, a soft curiosity in her eyes. "Do you really want to fight it out? Isn't there a chance we can settle this without resorting to violence, sparing any unnecessary loss of lives?" she inquired, her words wrapped in a gentle tone.

Isanyo's response carried a weight of remorse, "I detest violence. I've suffered the loss of my family because of it. If there's a way to avoid it, I'd choose that path." His voice echoed with the burden of his past. "Perhaps, if we approach Lady Virantha together, we can persuade her to cease hostilities."

A smile graced Gabriel's face as she positioned herself in front of Isanyo. "Then let's go on that journey now! A peaceful resolution is always the better choice, don't you think?"

Isanyo mirrored her smile, expressing agreement. "Absolutely. Our universe may not be overflowing with it, but I want to usher in change. Convincing Lady Virantha should be within reach. Let's go and join her!"

With joy in her heart, Gabriel nodded and turned around. However, the concerned expressions on Scathach and Layla's faces caught her attention, prompting her to ask with unease, "What's the matter, you two? I just asked—"

Gabriel found herself on the defensive as her ring's protective mechanisms snapped into action, creating a shield around her. When she turned to face Isanyo, the once kind smile had twisted into a malevolent grin. Isanyo, clearly irked by the unexpected defense, spat out his frustration, "What the fuck is this? Some automatic defense system? This is fucking bullshit!"

The sudden shift left Gabriel in shock, her voice trembling as she questioned, "W-why?" Despair etched across her face, she struggled to comprehend the abrupt betrayal.

Isanyo's laughter echoed, devoid of any kindness, as he mocked her, "Why? You'd have to be unbelievably naive to think anything can be resolved peacefully in our universe. You're a moronic idiot if you believe that crap. Go die, you dumb fuck." With venomous intent, he unleashed blades of darkness from his tail, aimed directly at the stunned Gabriel.

Layla swiftly soared to Gabriel's side, her sword slashing through Isanyo's dark attacks, earning an irritated click of his tongue. In a rapid sequence, she impaled her sword through Isanyo's shoulder and propelled him away with an invisible force.

"Gabriel-sama, Aaron-sama has warned you about this," Layla uttered with a strained voice, her eyes reflecting the harsh reality of this universe. "I understand your compassionate nature, but in this universe, such kindness won't be easily reciprocated."

As Layla positioned herself protectively in front of Gabriel, ready to face Isanyo, Gabriel, with closed eyes, pulled her back. A newfound seriousness etched across her features, she asserted, "Let me handle this."


"No, it's fine. I'll take care of him, Layla," Gabriel declared with unwavering determination.

"Very well, good luck," Layla replied, resuming her position alongside Scathach, who observed the unfolding events with a hint of amusement.

In an instant, Gabriel disappeared, reappearing beside Isanyo, who was busy inspecting his wounded shoulder with irritation. As Isanyo's gaze shifted toward Gabriel, his lips twisted into a mocking grin, ready to voice his taunts. "Are you back here to convi—"

Before he could finish his sentence, a radiant yellow light enveloped Isanyo's tail, momentarily blinding him. When the light subsided, his once shadow-formed tail had vanished. Isanyo attempted to summon it back, frustration etched across his face, but no matter how hard he tried, the darkness refused to reappear.

A cold sweat broke out on Isanyo's back as he looked up to find Gabriel, her expression now eerily blank, staring back at him. Despite having known Gabriel for only a short while, he had quickly recognized her as the kind, caring, and thoughtful type—someone who sought to befriend everyone and saw the good in people.

However, the sudden transformation of her expression into this emotionless state sent a shiver down Isanyo's spine. It was an unfamiliar and unsettling sight. Floating slightly backward, uncertainty clouded his next moves as he grappled with the unnerving change in Gabriel's demeanor.

With the sword in hand, Isanyo propelled himself towards Gabriel, executing a swift swing. However, his aim faltered, missing its mark. Undeterred, he swiftly transitioned into a breath attack, unleashing a torrent of darkness from his mouth. Yet, Gabriel remained unfazed, merely pointing her finger at the oncoming attack and releasing a concentrated laser of light energy, obliterating the dark attack.

The pinpoint light attack found its mark on Isanyo's thigh, inflicting further injury. A glance back at Gabriel revealed an even more powerful stream of light energy hurtling towards him. Hindered by his recent injury, Isanyo struggled to evade, managing a narrow escape but not without consequence.

"Khh… dammit!" he muttered in frustration, realizing that his right leg, previously struck by Gabriel, had been completely obliterated in the process.

"Why?" Gabriel inquired, her eyes searching for a shred of understanding.

Isanyo scoffed, a venomous edge to his tone. "There's no god damn reason why you stupid bitch. That's the harsh reality of our universe—a cold, unforgiving place that cares not for 'kindness' or 'love.' Grow a brain, you delusional slut! This place thrives on harsh truths, not fanciful illusions. Anyone peddling notions of warmth and compassion is feeding you lies!"

In a swift motion, Isanyo conjured yet another weapon, this time a dagger. His words dripped with conviction as he continued, "As long as Magnum Tenebrosum and Lady Phumera linger in existence, the all-encompassing darkness will hold at every corner of the cosmos. Accept it; nothing can alter this inevitable truth!"

With resolve etched on his face, Isanyo lunged at Gabriel, who met his aggression with a mixture of sorrow. In her outstretched hand, small orbs of light energy materialized, dancing like divine fireflies. Despite Isanyo's prior injuries, his assault was relentless, yet his movements betrayed the toll on his body. Gabriel, nimble and fueled with life, gracefully sidestepped his sluggish attacks.

Gabriel's attempt to voice her convictions faltered as a knot tightened in her throat. Doubt, like a shadow, crept into her heart, stifling her words mid-sentence. Confronted with Isanyo's relentless onslaught, she grappled with the realization that persuasion was an elusive endeavor in this unforgiving universe, casting a somber veil over her intentions.

As Isanyo persistently sought an opening to strike, Gabriel reluctantly acknowledged the futility of convincing him, and many others, of love and kindness. A sense of melancholy settled within her.

With a heart heavy with resignation, Gabriel managed a gentle but sorrowful smile directed at Isanyo. "Good night. May the currents of reincarnation find favor in your journey," she uttered, a parting wish laden with an agonizing sincerity.

Swift as stardust, the orbs of light departed from Gabriel's hand, each finding its mark with surgical precision. One hit Isanyo's other thigh, others hit him across his abdomen, chest, and heart. If the barrage wasn't enough, a final, ball of light pierced his head with unforgiving accuracy.

As Isanyo's lifeless body crumpled to the ground, a surge of potent wine-red energy erupted, obliterating any remnants of his existence. Gabriel turned, her gaze drawn to the source of this force, only to find Scathach floating amidst the aftermath. A mix of weariness and defeat shadowed Gabriel's expression as she approached Scathach.

"That's the reality of this universe, Gabriel. I'm sure Aaron and others have drilled it into you, but sometimes, experiencing it firsthand is the only way to truly grasp it," Scathach explained, a hint of regret in her voice.

Gabriel, absorbing the harsh lesson, couldn't help but question, "Is that why you allowed me to attempt convincing him earlier?" Both Layla and Scathach nodded, their agreement hanging in the air. Gabriel sighed, a blend of understanding and acceptance coloring her features. "It was a learning experience, then. Thank you," she murmured, her thoughts settling into a reflective quiet as they continued their journey toward Grayfia's location.

— ○ ● ○ —

Green and gray spheres of energy danced through the air, wreaking havoc as they collided with the ocean below, carving out a substantial hole in the Earth's surface.

Virantha, her frustration boiling over like a tempest, directed her ire at Grayfia. "Do you have any idea how much effort went into creating that town!? I was making the ultimate army! What the fuck is wrong with you!?" she bellowed, her anger echoing in the tumultuous aftermath.

Unfazed by Virantha's tirade, Grayfia maintained her composure, countering the chaotic outburst with calm resolve. Ignoring the accusations, she posed a question that only fueled Virantha's fury, each response a cascade of more enraged rants.

"I'll give you one final opportunity: surrender now and find redemption with the Resistance, or face your demise today," Grayfia declared with an icy demeanor.

Virantha, unyielding and defiant, scoffed at the offer. "And be stuck in that shitty place!? I'd rather die, you shitty maid. I can't sense any power from you—did you ask for help from your dumb allies for that attack earlier? Pathetic," she sneered, disdain dripping from her words like venom.

"So be it," Grayfia responded stoically. With a blink, her eyes reopened, ablaze with an intensity that seemed to pierce through the very fabric of life itself. The air quivered as she unleashed her aura, a force that reverberated through the cosmic expanse.

[W-what's happening? I-is Grayfia the one doing this!?] Rias' panicked voice echoed in the transceiver.

[Don't worry about reinforcements. Cúntóir has that covered,] reassured Aaron. [As for the universe itself, I've got it under control, preventing any undue destruction.]

Virantha, caught in the crossfire of Grayfia's unleashed might, stared in horror and disbelief. 'The same strength as Lady Phumera!? What in the fuck is this maid?'

In the blink of an eye, a devastating force struck Virantha's chest, directly above her heart. The impact sent her hurtling backward, consciousness slipping away as darkness claimed her. Yet, even in the realm of unconsciousness, Virantha was painfully aware that something dreadful had transpired internally.

After Grayfia's fist connected with precision, a delicate yet eerie cage of ice materialized around Virantha's heart, adorned with icicles poised menacingly towards its core. The rules etched into the very essence of the ice were as follows:

— ○ ● ○ —

1. Virantha was forbidden from having thoughts of aggression towards Grayfia or any member of the Resistance.

2. The use of her powers was wholly dependent upon Grayfia's explicit permission.

3. Virantha found herself compelled to obediently adhere to every command issued by Grayfia.

4. The use of her powers for any purpose other than what Grayfia deemed "good" required express approval.

— ○ ● ○ —

Breaking any of these rules triggered the mechanism within the icy cage. An intricate fusion of anti-healing and anti-regeneration properties ensured that any attempt to mend or defy the imposed rules would result in instant and irreversible demise.

As Virantha collided with the ground, Grayfia gracefully touched down beside her, the power and glow of her aura diminishing. Within moments, Virantha defied the inertia of her fall, surging back to her feet. Yet, before she could utter a word or make a move, the rules governing the icy cage around her heart were conveyed to her consciousness, a binding script that froze her in place.

Shock painted Virantha's expression as she stood paralyzed, words escaping her incoherent thoughts. Grayfia, undeterred by the spectacle, calmly spoke, "If you break those rules…you will die instantly. Choose—"

Virantha's response, sharp and unyielding, pierced through the tense air. "Go to hell, you fucking whore. I won't bow down to the Resistance. I would rather fucking die," she declared defiantly, attempting to muster her powers. Yet, as the first flicker of her abilities surfaced, the mechanism Grayfia had woven around her heart activated, enforcing the imposed rules with a merciless efficiency.

The frigid daggers of ice bore into her heart, as the frosty prison constricted around it, mercilessly pulverizing the organ before erupting into a myriad of frozen shards. Virantha's entire body succumbed to an instant coating of ice, only to shatter into oblivion, swiftly bringing an end to Abysnar's subordinate.

"That was pretty fast. You didn't even try to have fun," remarked Scathach, joining Grayfia with the rest of their group.

"I'm not one for dragging out battles unnecessarily, unless it's for training or within the confines of the Rating Games. Quite unlike someone I know," retorted Grayfia, shooting a glance at Scathach, who sported a smirk.

"True, true. But there's a certain thrill in savoring the moment. Of course, I don't advocate coercion, but sometimes, drawing out a fight has its merits—extracting information, for instance. Yet, I prefer delivering a sound beating before going into any torture play," Scathach explained, her smirk widening as she spoke, much to Grayfia's bemusement.

"But... what about the wreckage Grayfia-sama left behind? Should we sift through it to uncover anything valuable? Given Virantha's direct allegiance, there might be something significant in it," inquired Layla.

"I possess an ability tailored for such searches. Aaron has bestowed various skills upon me over time," responded Grayfia.

"Doing what? Sucking his dick and being a loving wife?" Scathach interjected with a cheeky grin, followed by laughter.

Grayfia fixed Scathach with a serious gaze and delivered her response in a deadpan tone, "Yes," stunning the goddess into silence. The group fell hushed too, even the currently depressed Gabriel stared at Grayfia in disbelief. "...That was a joke, to some extent," she corrected herself, turning away and conjuring a petite green sphere.

The verdant orb conducted a thorough scan of the surroundings, revealing three objects on the ground that miraculously withstood Grayfia's earlier attack, emitting a luminous green glow.

"It seems we've stumbled upon three potential items. According to the display before me, two are cubes, and the third... hmm, this is intriguing," murmured Grayfia, her brow furrowing in contemplation.

"Is something wrong, Grayfia?" inquired Scathach, as she, Gabriel, and Layla leaned in, their curiosity piqued by the strange discovery. "Skill Stealer?" Scathach questioned while looking at the name on the screen.

Grayfia activated the sphere once more, transporting the items closer. Securing the two cubes, she then scrutinized the [Skill Stealer] with her ring. After perusing the results, Grayfia elucidated, "As the name suggests, it has the power to steal the abilities and techniques of others. Additionally, it prevents the original possessors from ever utilizing that stolen skill again, even if they were to reclaim it."

"That does sound powerful, but it wasn't crafted by Aaron, Cúntóir, or Azathoth, correct? There must be some catch to it," queried Scathach.

Grayfia affirmed with a nod. "Indeed, there is. It comes with limitations. The [Skill Stealer] can only be used twice a year, and the energy and stamina consumption of the ability is permanently doubled and cannot be mitigated."

Scathach weighed the information, expressing her reservations. "The drawbacks seem quite steep. If one were to steal a skill or ability more powerful than their own, the toll it takes wouldn't justify the gain. Take Aaron's [Ultra Instinct], for instance. Utilizing this on such an ability would impose a substantial drain, regardless of the amount of training. Even Rossweisse and Sona struggle to maintain their partial mastery of it."

Grayfia's eyes briefly shut before reopening with a thoughtful look. Swiftly, she stowed the item into her ring and declared, "We'll have Aaron tweak this. Perhaps, with some modifications, it could become more beneficial. But for the time being, let's rendezvous with everyone at Abysnar's base."

"Fufu, I might get a chance to engage in a meaningful battle then~" Scathach exclaimed with anticipation, the group departing the location.

— ○ ● ○ —

Haru and Yoru skillfully evaded the ceaseless onslaught unleashed by Sheha, now under the influence of Ahnha, who had seized control of the man's body. The room echoed with the chaotic dance of multiple golden and white dragon heads, careening off walls and relentlessly targeting the siblings. Each attempt to destroy the heads only resulted in their multiplication. Moreover, every rebounded attack from the any surface gained momentum with each ricochet.

'We've managed to avoid getting hit so far, but who knows how long our luck will hold. I haven't unleashed [Amaterasu] yet, and Yoru hasn't tapped into her other abilities, aside from occasionally phasing through the attacks,' Haru pondered, her focus on dodging and annihilating yet another dragon head.

Yoru's eyes suddenly widened with a revelation. Although uncertain if it would work, she felt compelled to try. Abruptly halting her movements, she stood motionless, leaving Haru bewildered.

"What are you doing!?" Haru exclaimed in confusion, attempting to rush towards her sister. However, Ahnha intervened with an intensified barrage of attacks, further frustrating Haru's efforts.

As the dragon heads hurtled toward her, Yoru swiftly raised her hand adorned with the ring, activating its storage function. To her astonishment, the dragon heads were engulfed and vanished into the ring's depths, leaving both Haru and Ahnha bewildered by the unexpected turn. A subtle smile graced Yoru's face as she bridged the gap between herself and Ahnha, summoning blades on her arms and slashing towards her enemy.

"We can do that!? I had no idea!?" Haru exclaimed in amazement, witnessing Ahnha being propelled away by Yoru's attack, a conspicuous gash etched across her chest.

Yoru leaped backward, rejoining her sister, and admitted, "I didn't know either... it was a gamble."

"Are you out of your mind!? What if it didn't work!?" Haru shouted, a mixture of anger and concern coloring her words.

"Wasn't I the reckless one!? Are we switching roles right now!?" Haru retorted, a mix of worry and anger still evident in her tone.

"...It worked, so let's focus on this for now and worry about that later. What do you want to do with him? Save him? Kill him? It seems like some kind of spirit or other soul is inside of him and is in control of him currently," Yoru inquired.

"I-I don't know, but let's just defeat him for now!" Haru declared, enveloping her arms in the black flames.

"Okay..." Yoru turned her attention back to Ahnha, who had risen once more, fixating the dragon siblings with wild eyes.

"Do you know how I got these dragon-based abilities!? Because I ate them! I can gain anyone's powers by simply eating them!! I also have this!!" Ahnha bellowed, leaping into the air and unleashing a breath attack towards Haru and Yoru.

Sensing an imminent danger within the fiery vortex, the siblings swiftly leaped away, narrowly avoiding its destructive grasp. Ahnha's attack not only obliterated the ground beneath but also melted through the very floor they stood upon. As the siblings regained their footing, Haru pondered the nature of the attack.

"Dragon slaying?" she inquired, only to hear Ahnha's laughter echo in the background.

"Spot on, you oblivious lizard! I devoured enemies versed in dragon slaying, incorporating their essence into my techniques. And that's not all! Feast your eyes on this!" Ahnha declared triumphantly, conjuring a frigid tempest within the confines of their battleground. The chilling winds slowed the siblings' movements, leaving them vulnerable to the impending attacks.

Launching herself towards them, Ahnha cloaked her form in an eerie red aura, flames dancing ominously around her. "Diiiiiiiiieeee!" she bellowed, closing in for the kill.

However, Yoru countered with a barrage of crescent moon slashes in every direction, compelling Ahnha to evade in haste. Haru, seizing the opportunity, unleashed a surprise onslaught of jet-black flames toward their assailant, catching her off guard.

Ahnha found herself enveloped in additional auras, effectively shielding her from Haru's unexpected barrage of black flames. The resilience of these newfound defenses surprised Haru, prompting Ahnha to cautiously step back, now wary of the potent threat posed by Haru's dark fire.

Seizing the opportune moment, Yoru reappeared behind Ahnha, catching her off guard once again. A swift slash at her back by Yoru's blade was followed by her unleashing a point-blank breathe attack. However, Ahnha swiftly countered by crafting a sword from her golden and white energy, effortlessly dispersing the oncoming fiery attack.

Thinking she had gained the upper hand, Ahnha swung her energy-infused sword at Yoru. Yet, just as victory seemed within grasp, Haru intervened with a powerful fist slamming into Ahnha's back. Yoru, seizing the chance, leaped away, leaving Ahnha vulnerable to the consuming darkness of Haru's [Amaterasu]'s jet-black flames, which erupted seconds later, engulfing her entire form in a blaze of inescapable destruction.

Retreating to Haru's side, Yoru and Haru observed the aftermath of their combined attack. The once formidable Ahnha now stood, her body charred and swaying, a testament to the considerable damage inflicted by the sisters' combined attack. Despite the visible toll on Ahnha's form, a stubborn consciousness still lingered within her.

Noticing the diminished energy emanating from Ahnha, evidence of the effectiveness of their collaborative strike, Haru proposed a quick conclusion to the battle. "Yoru, let's wrap it up with that," she suggested, to which Yoru promptly nodded in agreement. The two sisters, now in sync, prepared for the final act that would bring an end to this battle.

Haru retracted her right arm, and simultaneously, Yoru pulled back her left, conjuring a colossal sphere of intertwining blue and red draconic energy. The pulsating orb expanded with each passing moment, accumulating power and intensity. Ahnha, still reeling from the effects of their earlier attack, struggled to stabilize and regain control of her body.

Within the shared consciousness, a tumultuous exchange unfolded. Ahnha's urgent plea echoed, "Let me control it, you fool! If you don't, we'll die!"

Yet, Sheha's response was an unexpected calmness, "Then let us die. I never wanted any part of this life." Having regained partial control after the near defeat by the dragon sisters, Sheha exhibited a newfound resolve to have their joined life end together.

"Let's just hope there's no one else in the vicinity!" exclaimed Haru, a sense of urgency underlying her words. With synchronized precision, both she and Yoru thrust their arms forward, causing the colossal ball of draconic energy to shift from behind them to the forefront. The colors melded, and the radiance intensified.

As the dragon sisters released the torrent of red and blue draconic energy, destruction ensued in its wake, obliterating everything in its path. Sheha, now fully in control and wearing a confident smile, welcomed the oncoming attack.

The ferocious attack slammed into him, its impact resonating with destructive force. The room they occupied, as well as those above, below, and around them, succumbed to annihilation. A substantial portion of Abysnar's base met its demise, the dragon sisters' attack leaving a trail of devastation in its wake.

"Well, well! Look who decided to drop by—Haru and Yoru! Heeeey!!" Inaie's energetic shout rang out, accompanied by frantic arm-waving. However, behind her stood Raynare, her expression less than pleased with the unfolding situation.

Without wasting a moment, Raynare reappeared behind the dragon sisters and swiftly seized their ears. "Wasn't that a bit too much!?" she scolded, a touch of sternness in her voice.

"Ow...I'm sorry, Raynare-chan-sama," Haru mumbled, averting her gaze.

While Yoru, softly replied, "…It hurts, Raynare." Touched by Yoru's apparent discomfort, Raynare released her ear but maintained her grip on Haru's.

"Why did you let go of Yoru's and not mine!?" Haru protested, only to receive a firmer pinch. "Ow?! I'm sorry!!!" she exclaimed, prompting Raynare to finally relent.

To their surprise, a cough interrupted their exchange, and they turned to find Sheha lying on the ground, the majority of his body blown apart, leaving only his head and half torso intact. Inaie hurriedly approached him, concern etched on her face. "Are you okay?" she inquired.

Raynare smacked her head and retorted, "Does it look like he's okay!?" The aftermath of the dragon sisters' powerful assault had left Sheha in a less-than-ideal state, and the repercussions were apparent to all present.

Sheha managed a chuckle, his voice carrying a note of resilience. "I'm feeling... great!"

Raynare contemplated the situation and suggested, "We can probably have you resurrected. What do you want to do?"

Perplexed by the proposition, Sheha questioned, "Why?"

Raynare, piecing together the information she had received, mentioned, "I can more or less understand what happened. Also, those two gave me a briefing just now. I'm guessing someone else's soul is stuck with you?" Sheha nodded in confirmation. "Then we can ask Aaron—the outer god—to get rid of it and also bring you back."

However, Sheha's response was swift and resolute. "I will pass. I need to repent for my—our actions. I have done too much damage to this universe. If the afterlife, or if reincarnation is real, I may be able to do it there."

Inaie, not easily swayed, chimed in, "You can repent after you're brought back to life. A few people have done it; why not you?"

"...Please let me have this wish. I have been alive for too long and wish to pass on. Once this body does... so will Ahnha," Sheha earnestly pleaded, his desire for closure palpable.

Raynare, moved by his plea, inquired further, "Who is this other soul?" She extended a portion of her energy to Sheha, subtly prolonging his life.

After a contemplative pause, Sheha revealed, "She was my sister. We come from the planet of Fengyun Fudi, and we were part of a powerful family. However, I believe it's already fallen to ruin as they tried to fight Lady Phumera before our planet was completely taken over."

"My sister was one of the people who tried to fight and was killed. However, the one that came to subjugate our planet found it amusing to fuse her soul with mine while corrupting it. So... anytime I'm losing my battles, she takes over and completely slaughters our opponent," Sheha explained, the gravity of his words hinting at the twisted fate that bound him and his sister.

"...It's not limited to that. She sometimes takes over when she feels like it, but usually, I'm allowed to take the reins. Since I'm weak-hearted, I succumb to pressure and do as I am usually told. That's why it's easy for my sister to take over," he admitted, a sense of guilt evident in his expression.

"Who was the one who took over Fengyun Fudi?" Haru inquired, crouching down to get a closer look at Sheha.

"It was two Eradicators... Rank 4 Virion Deamonne and Rank 16 Elanor. Elanor was the one who did this to us, and while Rank 4 also took part during the takeover, he seemed a lot more reasonable than Elanor. Out of all the rulers of the planets in our universe, I have heard rumors that his are prospering because of his way of ruling," Sheha explained, shedding light on the figures that had shaped the tragic fate of Fengyun Fudi.

"While the strongest do run the planet, they are not arrogant and even help the people there. But, as I said... all I heard were rumors, as our planet was already like that before we were overrun and taken over," Sheha added, providing a glimpse into the contrasting leadership styles of the Eradicators involved in the subjugation of his home planet.

"Rank 4, huh? Then there's a chance that we can sway him to our side," mumbled Raynare, considering the potential of a new ally.

Sheha, however, injected a note of realism into the conversation. "...It will be hard to do that as he will stay with his convictions until the end. Even if you defeat him, I doubt he will switch sides; that's how the rumors go. The rumor also gave him nicknames like the 'King of Men' and 'God of Destruction,' among many others that I'm not aware of," he added, emphasizing the formidable nature of the Eradicator in question.

"King of Men? I can kind of imagine him like Sairaorg then," Inaie remarked with amusement. "Sairaorg is always about getting stronger and is like the men of men, haha. But he's also kind to the people around him and wants to better the Underworld for future generations."

A faint smile graced Sheha's face as he responded, "Well... that sounds like Rank 4. If the Resistance has someone like that, then maybe you could ask him to fight him..." Closing his eyes, he concluded, "I'm tired; I will rest now..."

As Sheha closed his eyes, a serene stillness enveloped him, and he passed away, joining his sister Ahnha in the afterlife. In a somber gesture, Haru conjured a small flame, setting his clothes ablaze and allowing the remnants of his existence to slowly dissipate. The partially regrouped members, now solemn, exited the room and moved to another.

"Roygun and Akeno are the only ones left. The closest is Roygun, and it seems like she's fighting two people. I'm willing to bet Akeno is at their 'leaders' chambers. I'll go to her; you guys go to Roygun and rendezvous with us. Then we'll head back up," ordered Raynare, her authoritative tone cutting through the lingering sadness.

"Roger that," responded Inaie, taking the lead with Haru and Yoru in tow. The departure surprised Raynare momentarily, but she quickly shook off the distraction and soared away.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Don't take this personally. I simply wish to avenge my sister that you killed," spoke a woman.

She had white hair, styled in a peculiar circular fashion with a white ball at the center. Ghostly black and white arms adorned her figure, featuring sharp protrusions. Her body seemed comprised mostly of the same black and white ghostly mist, resembling a dress, while several orbs of black and white color hovered around her.

"If you do not remember, she was called Lyaina, a man with black and purple armor killed her," the woman continued, her voice carrying a haunting resonance.

Roygun's thoughts swiftly connected the dots. '…That person Genshirou Saji killed back during the Ferrothos Prime operation? I believe he killed her on an enemy ship,' she contemplated, recognizing the name Lyaina and recalling the events surrounding her death.

Roygun skillfully navigated the onslaught of relentless attacks, orchestrated by a man who seemed to be the woman's subordinate. His long ponytail, white hair, and pale blue eyes complemented the black and white haori he wore. In each hand, he wielded two formidable black and blue daggers.

He wasn't alone in this assault. Mounted on a silvery-blue scorpion, the duo synchronized their attacks, attempting to overwhelm Roygun. Yet, her seasoned combat experience and newfound power allowed her to evade each strike. Despite her successful dodges, an underlying instinct warned her that a direct hit from the scorpion's stinger or the daggers could result in paralysis.

'Nearly there, a few more minutes and I can activate it,' Roygun thought, determination coursing through her as she continued to dance through the intricate choreography of their synchronized assault.

After enduring a few more minutes of relentless attacks, Roygun executed a strategic retreat, leaping backward to create a significant distance between herself and her assailants.

"Finish her, Jie. I wish to speak with Helona soon," ordered the woman.

"At once, Lady Zeaina," replied the man named Jie. With Lady Zeaina's command, Jie and the silvery-blue scorpion surged forward, closing in on Roygun. As Jie prepared for the final attack, he hesitated for a moment, uttering, "Please don't hate me for this." However, confusion clouded his expression as he observed Roygun's unexpected response.

"Me too, no hard feelings," Roygun calmly replied, closing her fist. A sudden, powerful cracking sound resonated through the room, followed by the explosive demise of both Jie and the scorpion monster. Jie's chest and limbs erupted, and the scorpion's entire body detonated, propelling Jie off its back.

As Jie lay dying and confused, Roygun stood over him, a ball of demonic energy pulsating in her hands. "You shouldn't have been so lax with me," she declared, delivering the final blow by unleashing her demonic attack upon them, sealing their fate.

Facing the remaining enemy, Zeaina, Roygun met the woman's amused gaze. A sneer crossed Zeaina's face as she regarded her subordinate with disdain, muttering, "Useless weakling."

With a swift motion, Zeaina raised her arm, and the orbiting balls of black and white shot toward Roygun. Reacting quickly, Roygun extended her hand, firing demonic attacks toward the approaching spheres. The onslaught destroyed a few, but they immediately regenerated. Undeterred, Roygun employed her [Crack] ability, shattering a portion of the orbs and surprising Zeaina.

Despite her efforts, a few orbs persisted, maneuvering around Roygun. Anticipating their movement, Roygun leaped away, only for one of the balls to morph into an arm, grabbing her foot. Swiftly responding, she unleashed another demonic attack, obliterating the grasping appendage and maintaining her vigilance against Zeaina's strange abilities.

Swiftly adapting to the changing dynamics of the battle, another orb appeared behind Roygun, and from it emerged Zeaina herself. With her palm aimed squarely at Roygun, Zeaina unleashed a powerful shot of energy. Reacting in time, Roygun created a defensive circle to block the attack, although the force still pushed her back slightly.

Seizing the opportunity, another ball formed behind Roygun, morphing into a menacing mouth with sharp teeth, lunging toward her back. In a display of agility, Roygun conjured small balls of demonic energies, utilizing them as platforms to gracefully maneuver through the air and evade the threatening attack.

Once safely back on the ground, she swiftly crafted a condensed and potent ball of demonic ball with her right index and middle finger. Flicking the sphere toward Zeaina, Roygun caught her off guard.

Underestimating the attack, Zeaina attempted to shield herself with a wall of white and black darkness. However, Roygun's powerful attack shattered the barrier, compelling Zeaina to dodge. As she leaped away, Roygun reappeared just in front of her, taking advantage of the surprise factor and turning the tide in their confrontation.

With a surge of demonic aura surrounding her fist, Roygun delivered a powerful punch directly into Zeaina's face before she could react. The room resonated with a distinct cracking sound—both the sound of Zeaina's facial skull breaking and Roygun activating her [Crack] ability.

The force of the impact propelled Zeaina backward, and Roygun wasted no time. Following up, she unleashed several balls of demonic energy at Zeaina. Some found their mark, exploding upon impact. However, Zeaina swiftly regained her composure, landing on the ground and utilizing the white and black orbs to block the remaining attacks launched by Roygun.

Surveying her injuries, Zeaina frowned. 'I sustained too much, and I haven't even touched her yet. She's a seasoned fighter; I can't underestimate her any longer,' she thought, gathering the remaining orbs around her.

The spheres before Zeaina began a mesmerizing dance, seamlessly fusing into a grandiose monochrome sphere. Fixing her gaze on Roygun, Zeaina uttered the word, "Amplifica." In an instant, the room expanded, teeming with a multitude of black and white orbs of various sizes, bewildering Roygun. However, an unsettling feeling crept over her, prompting her to make a move.

Just as she was about to react, a mysterious orb instantly appeared before her, forcing her to conjure a protective magic circle just in the nick of time. Roygun, flung away by the impact, couldn't help but ponder, 'I didn't sense or feel that! Could this be what Genshirou Saji warned us about?'

The attacks persisted, with a flurry of orbs appearing in rapid succession, aiming to injure Roygun. Employing a blend of instinct and superior strength, she skillfully evaded, blocked, and sidestepped the majority of the incoming orbs. Yet, a few managed to find their mark, only to be blocked by the protective enchantments woven into her clothing.

As she gracefully leaped away from the relentless attacks, Roygun found herself reflecting, 'Who would have imagined relying on Aaron's enchanted clothing in the middle of battle? I have to evolve my skills and get new abilities. How can I approach him for help, though? We've grown closer, but asking him for a favor like I'm his lover doesn't exactly sound right...'

Unexpectedly, tendrils sprouted from the orbs, reaching out in a rapid attempt to ensnare Roygun. Swiftly crossing her arms, she triggered her [Crack] ability, ripping the appendages apart and forcing them to revert to their original forms.

Undeterred, Roygun closed the gap between herself and Zeaina in a blink. However, to her surprise, Zeaina remained unperturbed by the imminent attack. Just as Roygun prepared to unleash a point-blank attack, a disconcerting realization hit her—she found herself back in her initial position, forced into a defensive stance once more as more appendages emerged.

Perplexed, Roygun pondered, 'What just happened? I was ready to attack her... and then, I was forced back to my original position? Is it because of this dimension or a different ability Zeaina has, like using her mind? These strange dimensions are a mystery, and I'm fighting with the unknown right now.'

A determined spark gleamed in Roygun's eyes as she evaded the persistent appendages, her mind focused on the upcoming opportunity. 'Just a few more minutes,' she mused, anticipating the chance to inflict more substantial damage on Zeaina.

Taking flight, Roygun conjured a dazzling array of hundreds of magic circles, releasing elemental attacks at Zeaina. To her surprise, Zeaina effortlessly absorbed the attacks with her orbs, seemingly impervious. Unfazed, Roygun shifted tactics, launching demonic elemental attacks instead. A twist in the scenario unfolded as Zeaina skillfully dodged these attacks, prompting a flicker of realization in Roygun's mind.

'Is she vulnerable to demonic attacks? If so, I can exploit that weakness.' Intrigued by this possibility, Roygun decided to test her theory. Unleashing a series of barrages, she began with conventional magic, transitioned to demonic attacks fueled by her demonic power, and concluded with a combination of both. Adding a touch of newly acquired light magic to the mix.

In a repeat of the previous pattern, Zeaina absorbed the conventional magic attacks, skillfully dodged the demonic attacks, but for the mixed barrage, she hesitated, opting to evade the attacks entirely. Seizing the moment, Roygun, in a flash, closed the distance and enshrouded her arm with a demonic aura, striking Zeaina squarely in the face before she could react.

The impact sent Zeaina sprawling backward, and Roygun, analyzing the aftermath, drew a couple of insightful conclusions. 'That teleportation effect from earlier isn't automatic; Zeaina activates it manually. And two, my recent attack left a mark—she took significant damage, unlike the previous encounters. Although she managed to mitigate some of it, the impact was undeniable.'

With a scowl etched on her face, Zeaina unleashed a multitude of orbs, orchestrating a relentless attack that forced Roygun into a nimble dance of evasion. Despite blocking and enduring some damage, Roygun's resilient enchanted attire shielded her from the worst of it. As the intense skirmish stretched on for minutes, Roygun sensed the opportune moment had arrived.

Seizing a break in the onslaught, Roygun, arm outstretched, clenched her fist, initiating a deafening and powerful shattering effect that reverberated through the dimension. Zeaina, however, coughed up blood but displayed a triumphant grin. The unexpected twist unfolded as invisible clones of Zeaina appeared around them, mirroring the shattering motion.

"You thought the same move would work twice? Don't delude yourself, my dear. I created these invisible clones to absorb and mitigate the damage. With this, victory is mine," declared Zeaina with an air of calm assurance.

A shift in the tide unfolded as Zeaina, confident in her previous move, found herself befuddled by Roygun's grin. "Underestimating me was your mistake. I've honed my abilities further since we arrived, and there's much more up my sleeve," Roygun declared.

The very fabric of the space around them, the very dimension Zeaina had created, began to fracture. Lines and cracks spiderwebbed across the once-stable environment, leaving Zeaina visibly startled.

Roygun, having heeded the warning of Genshirou Saji about these odd dimension, had utilized her [Crack] ability on it. Just as she did with Jie, the scorpion monster, and Zeaina herself, Roygun had meticulously accumulated power over time, turning the tables in a calculated move that now revealed its full impact.

The cracks deepened, weaving fractures across the dimension as Zeaina, caught off guard, uttered a furious exclamation. "Y-you...!" she seethed, her anger palpable.

Roygun's strategy unfolded with meticulous precision. Aware that a direct display of raw power would have alerted Zeaina to her intentions, she opted for a subtler approach. The careful targeting of both Zeaina and the dimension allowed Roygun to conceal her true objective, avoiding the risk of immediate retaliation.

It took longer to do, while testing Roygun's patience, ultimately proved crucial in achieving a successful and impactful outcome. As the cracks widened, Roygun maintained her poised demeanor, confident in the strategic victory she had obtained, and had now set the stage for a decisive turn in the battle.

Undeterred by the unfolding chaos, Zeaina pressed forward, a trickle of blood marking her injury. A renewed stream of orbs fired from her, complemented by the activation of the orb nestled in the midst of her hair, channeling a large stream of black and white energy.

However, as Zeaina unleashed her might, the very dimension she had meticulously crafted using Amplifica shattered into fragments. In a swift response, three figures—Inaie, Haru, and Yoru—charged towards the scene. Haru swiftly harnessed her jet-black flames, directing them quickly toward the surging energy beam launched by Zeaina.

The jet-black flames, under Haru's command, voraciously devoured Zeaina's energy beam, surprising her with the quick annihilation. Yoru then appeared at her side, wielding arm-blades that swiftly inflicted additional wounds. Meanwhile, Inaie stepped into the fray, unleashing azure flames through her youjutsu and sending forth a barrage of light energy arrows.

Zeaina, now beset by multiple fronts, sustained cuts from Yoru's relentless slashes, creating a window of vulnerability. Inaie capitalized on this opening, her flames and light arrows finding their mark in a synchronized barrage.

With Roygun now firmly on her feet, she invoked her [Crack] ability with precision, directing it towards Zeaina. The onslaught culminated in the targeted shattering, attacking Zeaina internally and delivering a decisive blow that echoed through the destroyed room.

The aftermath of the relentless barrage of attacks left Zeaina battered and on all fours, a testament to the cumulative damage she had endured. Desperation tinged her attempts to heal, only to discover the futility in the face of her grievous injuries. Staring at the ground, unblinking, a sense of dread gripped her.

'I can't fall here... I have to return to my people,' Zeaina resolved internally, summoning a reserve of strength to push herself back up.

Her movements were shaky, every effort to rise accompanied by a visible wobble. Blood dripped from her mouth, and the cuts inflicted by Yoru, coupled with charred flesh from Haru's flames, adorned her body. Despite the dire circumstances, Zeaina fixed a defiant glare upon her enemies.

In a sudden twist, Yoru vanished, only to reappear behind Zeaina. A chilling realization struck as Zeaina turned to face Yoru, spotting blood staining her blades. The horror intensified as she glanced down at her own arms, now severed and rendered powerless.

In the final act, Inaie, drawing upon her abilities, aimed a precision light arrow at Zeaina's chest. The arrow found its mark, forcing Zeaina to collapse. The once-scattered orbs, remnants of her shattered creations, crumbled to dust around the room. As Zeaina gazed up at the ceiling, a torrent of frustration and regret overwhelmed her, the weight of defeat settling in.

Yoru rejoined them and appeared before Roygun, extending a Slime Pill in offering. "Here," she stated.

"Thank you, Yoru," Roygun acknowledged with gratitude, her hand gently patting the dragon's head. Despite not sustaining severe injuries, Roygun accepted the pill, consuming it to mend any wear and tear on her body and replenish her stamina.

The group approached the battered Zeaina, whose life force clung to her fading body. Roygun, seeking answers, queried, "You mentioned being related to Lyaina, the one Genshirou Saji killed. Is your species still active? Are they aligned with Lady Phumera's organization?"

With a weariness in her voice, Zeaina revealed, "...She was my sister. Our species faced near annihilation at the hands of Lady Phumera, compelling us to join her cause for survival. Ours is a prideful species; we don't submit easily. However, after losing three-quarters of our kind, we surrendered and have been under her rule since."

As Zeaina's life force waned, she delivered a solemn warning, fixating her gaze on Roygun. "My family, the rulers of our species, might bow to Ueboros, but their pride persists. They know my sister met her end at the hands of the Resistance, and when news of my demise reaches them, they will seek revenge." With those parting words, Zeaina closed her eyes, dissolving into the ether, departing the realm of the living.

In the aftermath, Inaie reflected on the burdens of their chosen path. "Any group in this universe we encounter will end up despising us, craving revenge. This hero business isn't a walk in the park, huh?" Inaie mumbled, gazing at the remnants of Zeaina's existence. "Being the 'good guys' isn't always filled with sunshine and rainbows."

Roygun, her frame stretching in a casual yet thoughtful manner, responded to Inaie's contemplation. "You're spot on. I know you've been busy training with Grayfia, but Aaron often encounters hostile groups in our universe. Even if you're doing what's 'good' by many standards, not everyone will appreciate it."

Yoru chimed in with a poignant observation, "Here, everyone is essentially brainwashed, unable to envision salvation beyond Phumera's organization. It's akin to humans in their own societies. From birth, they're conditioned to think in a certain way, and introducing something superior might be met with acceptance by some, but the majority will resist. It's a frustrating reality."

Haru, delving into the complexities of resistance to change, remarked, "It often boils down to their fragile egos, particularly among males with fragile masculinity. Sadly, some women fall into the same trap. The stories I've read and heard can be quite messed up."

Roygun, recognizing the need to press forward, redirected the conversation. "Regardless of the reasons, we have to keep moving forward. Where are Raynare and Akeno?" she inquired.

Inaie provided the update on the whereabouts of Raynare and Akeno, explaining, "Raynare believes Akeno is currently engaged in a battle with the leader of this sub-group under Abysnar. She's gone to offer her support. Raynare instructed us to fetch you so we can join them before heading to Abysnar. Rias and Liember are likely battling the right-hand as we speak."

Roygun, sensing the urgency, nodded with acknowledgement. "Let's not waste any time, then. If we can aid Akeno in wrapping this up swiftly, we can then ascend to confront Abysnar. I can faintly sense Aaron's aura within this structure, along with Lavinia's group."

Agreement resonating through the group, they hastened toward the location where Akeno, Raynare, and Helona were entwined in their respective struggles, ready to bring the mission to its conclusion.

— ○ ● ○ —

Liember knelt on one knee, gasping for breath as traces of blood streamed down her battered body. The toll of numerous injuries weighed heavily on her; each wound was evidence to the fierce battle she had endured. Her gaze, filled with a mix of defiance and pain, locked onto Nocethra, a figure who was once a friend but now stood as an enemy.

"...Is this the extent of your strength, Liember? Back when we were allies, you much more powerful than me, but now look at you, you're so weak," Nocethra remarked, her eyes devoid of any discernible emotion.

"No, Nocethra. It's not that simple. The strength we perceived in each other during our shared past was a facade. I may have appeared stronger, but it was your lack of self-confidence that skewed the perception. In reality, you were always the stronger one. Since our paths diverged, you've only continued to grow more stronger," Liember retorted, her words punctuated by another painful cough, blood staining the ground beneath her.

In the distance, Rias observed the unfolding confrontation with a furrowed brow, a mix of concern and uncertainty etched across her face. She had reluctantly allowed Liember the chance to sway Nocethra, but as the confrontation intensified, she pondered the idea of intervening. Yet, a nagging doubt lingered—would her [Power of Destruction] prove effective against Nocethra's seemingly infinity energy?

Then, unexpectedly, Nocethra broke the tension by extending an invitation, her words hanging in the air like a sudden storm. "As a courtesy to a former comrade, I offer you a chance. Lord Abysnar may welcome your presence. Join us," she declared, leaving both Rias and Liember dumbfounded.

A mischievous grin played across Liember's face as she responded, "Seriously? Out of everyone, you're asking me?"

"I don't jest, Liember. When I, Lord Abysnar's right-hand, extend an invitation, it's serious business. Will you accept? If so, I'll take you to a special location on this planet for some... upgrades. Decline, and I'll bring an end to you right here and now," Nocethra declared, her tone unwavering.

Summoning the last reserves of her strength, Liember flashed a defiant grin at Nocethra and thundered, "I refuse!"

"Then die," Nocethra retorted with an icy tone, preparing to unleash a fatal strike. However, in a swift turn of events, a sphere of [Power of Destruction] hurtled toward Liember, prompting Nocethra to redirect her attack. To her astonishment, the ball she unleashed met its demise, forcing her to evade the ensuing explosion.

Rias swiftly descended beside Liember, concern etching her face as she administered a Slime Pill, casting a disapproving glance at her friend. "I warned you, Liember. This wasn't a wise move," she scolded.

Acknowledging her mistake, Liember patted Rias' back, offering a sheepish response. "Okay, okay. I messed up. Spare me the lecture. Let's just deal with her now. Maybe we can enlist Aaron to, you know, 'persuade' her." Liember accompanied her words with a suggestive gesture.

Aghast, Rias exclaimed, "I won't ask my fiancé to fuck her for a change of heart! Are you out of your mind!?"

Before Liember could counter, a barrage of millions of purple energy spheres hurtled toward them. Rias, quick on her feet, expanded her [Power of Destruction] aura into a large barrier, creating a protective cocoon that obliterated the incoming attacks. Nocethra, taken aback by the sudden defense, registered a visible shock.

"...Our choices are limited. It's either incapacitate her or end her, and we both understand that resurrection is an option," Rias declared, her tone carrying a weight of seriousness.

Liember sighed, her expression conflicted. "I know, but I can't bear the thought of subjecting her to resurrection. Call it selfish, but there has to be another way," she admitted, grappling with the moral dilemma before them.

Narrowing her eyes at Nocethra, Rias contemplated a potential solution. "I could attempt to 'cut' or 'destroy' the source of her powers, leaving her powerless. However, it comes with a catch—she won't be able to use them ever again. The alternative would be for Aaron to bestow upon her a new set of powers," Rias suggested, outlining the potential avenues.

Drawing from her conversation with Cúntóir, Rias continued, "Cúntóir mentioned that powers typically originate from either the body or the soul. If it's rooted in the body, it's within my capabilities to cut or destroy. If it's tied to the soul, it becomes a bit more challenging. Are you okay with that?" she asked, her gaze shifting to Liember, gauging her reactions to the proposed plan.

Without hesitation, Liember quickly voiced her agreement. "Go with that plan. I'll either back you up or keep her occupied," she affirmed, ready for the impending battle.

Rias handed Liember four Slime Pills, a tangible symbol of preparation. "Take these; you might need them. I'll remain here to initiate the process. You have to engage her in a prolonged battle until I give you the signal through telepathy, okay?" Rias instructed.

"Got it," Liember replied, securing the Slime Pills in her ring. She summoned a robotic board, soaring toward Nocethra with a barrage of cannon and laser attacks.

Meanwhile, Rias sighed as she delved into the task of discerning the origin of Nocethra's powers. Her focus, however, was interrupted by a voice resonating through her transceiver.

[Would you like some assistance, Rias?] inquired Cúntóir, offering support in the crucial moment.

[That would indeed be helpful, thank you,] Rias responded gratefully to Cúntóir's offer of assistance.

[It's fine; I'm glad to lend a hand. Thanks to Phumera's intervention, Nocethra's powers were shifted from being linked to her soul to being anchored in her body, specifically her heart and entire body,] Cúntóir explained.

Curious, Rias questioned, [Hmm? I thought the energy they wielded came from the soul?]

[It's a bit more intricate than that, but trust me, with Phumera's alteration, dealing with Nocethra became more manageable, given that her powers are now tied to her body rather than her soul,] Cúntóir clarified.

[Alright, so where should I target? You said her heart and body, right?] Rias inquired.

[Certainly. Nocethra is a hybrid, unbeknownst to her, as her parents were tragically killed shortly after her birth. Her species possesses the ability to convert the energy around them into what they term as "infinite" energy—do you understand what that entails?] Cúntóir questioned in return.

After contemplating for a moment, Rias responded with widened eyes, [Darkness and shadows. The innate ability that every being in this universe is born with.]

[Precisely. Whether visible or not, the perpetual darkness and shadows in this universe serve as the wellspring for Nocethra's powers. She then converts that energy into whatever form she wants,] elucidated Cúntóir.

[But... how do I sever that connection without harming her body and heart?] Rias inquired, grappling with the intricacies of the task.

[I'll take charge of that aspect. Just direct your [Power of Destruction] toward Nocethra, and leave the rest to me. After the encounter, I'll guide you through the process and train you on how to accomplish it, alright?] Cúntóir assured, offering a plan for the delicate operation.

[Thank you. Alright, let's start this,] Rias affirmed.

In the distance, the battle between Liember and Nocethra unfolded, each move calculated and fierce. However, to Rias' discerning eye, it was evident that Nocethra still held the upper hand in terms of strength, even after Liember was healed earlier.

Liember, in a sudden burst of agility, leaped from her board, summoning crimson futuristic gauntlets that enveloped her arms and hands. A lightning-charged punch surged toward Nocethra, bolts of electricity crackling from Liember's gauntlets.

Unmoved by this, Nocethra faced the attack with an emotionless gaze, retaliating with a blast of purple energy that obliterated Liember's electrical attack. Shifting her focus, Nocethra directed her hand toward Liember, manipulating gravity to force her enemy to the ground.

To Nocethra's astonishment, Liember swiftly disappeared, reemerging in a blink behind her. With a forceful strike of her gauntlets, Liember unleashed a surge of electricity upon Nocethra's back.

"Not bad, but that's not enough," remarked Nocethra. A shimmering purple energy shield appearing behind her back, intercepting Liember's attack.

"You god damn shitty prodigy," grumbled Liember, propelled backward by the impact against Nocethra's shield. As she hit the ground, she sprang back up, holding her chest. Surveying a sizable dent, she quipped, "You flattened my chest, a key part of my charm, you bitch," letting out a self-amused chuckle. "Well, I've still got my thighs, I guess."

Closing the distance between them instantly, Nocethra remarked, "Even in moments like these, you maintain your sense of humor, Liember. Some things never change." Nocethra aimed her hand at Liember once more, poised to conclude the confrontation. "With this, my past is entirely—"

In the midst of her declaration, Nocethra swiftly pivoted, narrowly blocking a power and large sphere charged with the [Power of Destruction]. The sheer force propelled her backward, and with a casual flick of Rias' wrist, Liember found herself teleported to Rias' side.

"Don't overlook me; I'm still in the game and ready to bring this to a close," asserted Rias. Her onslaught eventually overwhelmed Nocethra, leaving her visibly stunned. However, as Nocethra was seemingly engulfed by the sphere of [Power of Destruction], an eerie stillness settled.

Nocethra unleashed a barrage of attacks on the enclosing sphere, each attack met with annihilation. Millions upon millions of strikes were futile against the impenetrable barrier. Recognizing the futility, she refrained from making contact, apprehensive that her very touch might lead to the disappearance of her own hand.

[I'll entrust this to you, Cúntóir,] declared Rias.

[Yes, count on me.] Cúntóir initiated her intervention, meticulously severing Nocethra's link to her boundless energy. Yet, an unexpected twist unfolded.

Rias' [Power of Destruction] abruptly vanished, and Nocethra's power surged to unforeseen heights, catching even Rias off guard. [Cúntóir, what's going on?] Rias inquired, bewildered by the unexpected turn of events.

[Seems like this is... the 'miracle' ability she possesses. It's an innate trait, not as potent as Aaron's, but it's kicking in now. Usually, it's subtler, but... please, kill her quickly!] Cúntóir urgently conveyed.

Following Cúntóir's directive, Rias unleashed a relentless barrage of [Power of Destruction] orbs towards Nocethra, complemented by three [Extinguished Star] attacks. The attacks hit its mark, creating an immense crimson dome of destruction that obliterated not only the tree they occupied but also wreaked havoc on a significant portion of the planet, taking down additional enemies in its wake.

"Rias?!" Roygun's alarmed voice echoed below.

"Pff—haha, didn't expect you to go that far, Rias," chuckled Aaron's voice from above. The Fated Ones stood beside him, casting curious glances at both Rias and the apparent leader of Abysnar, who observed the scene with keen interest.

<<Keep an eye on things,>> Aaron commanded before both he and Abysnar vanished from the scene.

[It stopped my attempt to seal her powers. All that's left is to end her, I'm sorry, Liember,] expressed Cúntóir. [I could attempt it again, but her unpredictable ability of miracles might foil the effort once more.]

[Can't you just put an end to it?] Liember inquired, a hint of frustration in her voice.

[I can, do you want me to? This miracle ability is unpredictable, as Nocethra has no control over it. Anything could happen when I attempt to disable it. It might even result in her demise. After all, a 'miracle' can be anything, depending on the force or entity overseeing that ability,] clarified Cúntóir.

Liember's body chilled as she grasped the grim task ahead. With a somber demeanor, she reluctantly agreed, "...Alright, let's eliminate her."

A colossal ice pillar suddenly enveloped everyone, with Lavinia cheerfully waving to them and holding Shin in her arms. "Good luck~!" she cheered, lending her support.

Rias offered a wry smile before turning her focus to the now empowered Nocethra. Without hesitation, she resumed her assault, unleashing her [Power of Destruction] once more. The relentless barrage tore through Nocethra's defenses, but the woman appeared unfazed.

"Is she in some kind of berserker state?" Rias pondered aloud, addressing no one in particular.

[She's in a state similar to that, and it should make your tasks easier,] Cúntóir disclosed.

Liember consumed a Slime Pill and swiftly approached Nocethra on her metallic hoverboard, with Rias flying alongside her. "Let's just get it done fast," Liember declared grimly.

"Alright..." Rias responded somberly.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Hehe, I've been yearning for a showdown with you, outer god. Let's determine who holds the greater strength!" Abysnar exclaimed.

Aaron had transported them just above the planet, lingering at the Karman Line—a unique location on the verge of space. The Karman Line, recognized by the international record-keeping body FAI, designates the conventional boundary between a planet's atmosphere and outer space. It's set at an altitude of 100 kilometers (54 nautical miles; 62 miles; 330,000 feet) above mean sea level. However, it's worth noting that this definition of the space boundary isn't universally accepted by humans.

"Oh, is that a deal? If I indulge you, will you entertain a few questions?" Aaron inquired with a raised eyebrow, his tone a mix of curiosity and amusement.

"Like hell I will!" retorted Abysnar defiantly, his impatience evident as he lunged towards Aaron, arm raised, and delivered a forceful punch.

Aaron's grin widened, mirroring Abysnar's movements with uncanny precision. Abysnar, believing he had successfully baited his opponent, channeled cosmic energy to empower his punch further.

Confidence radiated from him. However, the moment their fists clashed, an unexpected twist unfolded. Abysnar's empowered punch crumbled like fragile glass against the unyielding defense of Aaron, leaving the cosmic entity momentarily dumbfounded.

It took Abysnar a few moments to comprehend the unexpected turn of events. Reacting swiftly, he teleported backward, putting some distance between them. Examining his arm, he rapidly initiated repairs, all while Aaron maintained his composed demeanor.

<<Are you willing to play along with me, Eradicator?>> Aaron queried, a chilling smile playing on his lips.

Unsettled, Abysnar's body involuntarily trembled as he retorted, "Fucking psychopath, I knew that justice and peace of yours was fake."

Aaron offered no response, merely fixing his chilling gaze on Abysnar, a silent intensity radiating from his eyes.

— ○ ● ○ —

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