Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 17 – Part 1 – The Universe of Crepuscule Phantasma

Róisín Toole's Soliloquy

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As we witnessed my son's group depart from our universe, he cast a glance our way, wearing a melancholic smile. Simultaneously, Vivi extended her hand towards him, her face bearing a sorrowful expression. Despite her earlier encouragement for her father to embrace heroism and save lives, it was evident that she had grasped the reality that a considerable amount of time would pass before she saw him again.

"They're gone, huh?" mumbled Azazel. "It feels a bit lonely now," he added with a chuckle before turning away. "Anyway, we have things to do. Let's not fail and appear inept in front of them."

"Yes, let's go," replied Sirzechs, and the other leaders commenced their departure. I, too, followed suit, and eventually, we all found ourselves back in the entrance hallway of Aaron's home.

After bidding farewell to our guests, the once bustling household now echoed with a profound emptiness. The familiar chaos of people moving about, generating noise, and adding life to the space had vanished, leaving behind a void that rendered the house strangely alien and devoid of its usual warmth.

"Róisín-sama, Vivi-hime, would you care for some lunch?" inquired Risette, now tasked with overseeing the household in the absence of Grayfia, the usual head maid. Alongside her, Yuri stepped up to assist in managing the remaining staff.

"Yes, and thank you," I responded. As Risette and Yuri departed to arrange lunch, I sensed an unusual tremor in Vivi's frame. It became apparent that she was quietly shedding tears. Instinctively, I reached out to gently stroke her head, offering a source of solace. "What's wrong, Vivi?"

"I miss Papa," she murmured with a touch of sadness lingering in her voice. Though their departure was recent, the absence of her father weighed heavily on her. It was evident; she was gradually transforming into a devoted daddy's girl.

Attempting to uplift her spirits, I chimed in with a more optimistic tone, "They'll be back before you know it. Besides, there are still many of your Mama's here, right?" A melancholic nod was her only response. "How about this? Let's go into learning more magic and mastering it before Papa returns. We can showcase our newfound skills to him," I suggested, hoping to divert her thoughts.

Her eyes sparkled with curiosity as she questioned, "I want to learn... is Mama Lilith still around?"

"Absolutely," I affirmed. "She and Frida are here. Both are skilled devils, and Frida has been under Lilith's tutelage for a few months now. We can seek their guidance; after all, you're part of the Buer household. Lilith might have insights into it," I explained, and without further ado, we set out to find them.

Vivi seemed a bit confused by my wording but she agreed nonetheless. We arrived in the entertainment room and found them conversing there. They noticed our presence and we made our way to them.

"Róisín and Vivi-chan, how can we assist you?" Lilith inquired, her gaze focused on us as she gestured towards the empty chairs beside them.

I nodded appreciatively, taking a seat before delving into an explanation of our intentions. Lilith's expression held a hint of amusement, particularly as she directed her attention towards Vivi.

"The Buer clan is renowned for their healing abilities among devils—think of it akin to the Sacred Gear, [Holy Resuscitation], wielded by Diethelm Waldseemüller. Initially designed for devils, I believe that with Vivi's involvement, the capability might evolve to encompass universal healing, similar to Asia's [Twilight Healing]. Of course, this is mere speculation on my part," Lilith elucidated, her words carrying a thoughtful undertone.

I shifted my gaze toward Vivi, and in turn, she cast her eyes down to her own hands. A subtle, verdant glow emanated from her palms, prompting a widened expression of surprise from Lilith.

"Ah, I understand now. It seems she's already has a grasp on her abilities," Lilith remarked with a hint of sorrow in her voice. "Possibly during her time of capture and imprisonment, she managed to awaken and comprehend this power. Most likely, she used it to mend her own wounds or aid those around her."

"I couldn't heal them," Vivi muttered, a tinge of sadness in her voice.

Lilith rose from her seat and gently placed a hand on Vivi's head. "Don't be disheartened; it's not your fault," she comforted Vivi. Then, turning to me, she said, "Alright, I'll assist in honing her abilities. It seems she's inheriting traits from Aaron, and given her current state, her powers will likely evolve in an unforeseen manner."

Vivi, puzzled, tilted her head, but Lilith pressed on, saying, "Let's begin the training now. If you aim to impress your father, it's best to start immediately, don't you think?"

Vivi nodded and glanced back at me. "Okay, let's go and train!" I exclaimed enthusiastically, and Vivi responded by raising her hand, as if in an eager gesture.

Frida eagerly joined our group, driven by a sincere desire to assist Vivi in her journey toward strength—a journey reminiscent of Frida's own recent experiences. As we navigated our way back to the [Training Facility], anticipation brewed within me for their swift return. Despite their recent departure, perhaps my optimism was simply eager to embrace their presence again.

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Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

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Upon entering the universe of the Phantasma, our teleportation led us to the Resistance stronghold. Laeronia, a prominent figure, stood among a group of individuals that greeted us at the entrance. Beyond them lay the concealed depths of their underground headquarters.

The lower domain served as the epicenter of their operations, seamlessly integrated into the cave's walls. In stark contrast, the upper portion was veiled in illusionary enchantments, strategically deployed to deceive Phumera and her organization.

The subterranean architecture featured structures crafted from a combination of wood, metal, and rock, ingeniously blending with the natural cave surroundings. Lamps and magical illuminations adorned the space, creating a subdued ambiance that revealed the hushed activity below. The presence of people was limited; a quiet acknowledgment that night had descended upon the clandestine operations of the Resistance.

"Aaron-sama," Laeronia greeted, approaching our group with a confident demeanor that drew the attention of everyone present. The members of my group, eager to explore this new and intriguing environment, let their eyes dart around, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings as if transported to a different universe.

"Laeronia, your efforts have been commendable so far," I acknowledged. "How about we find a more secluded spot to delve into further discussions? Additionally, could you arrange for someone to guide the members of [DxD] to their designated accommodations?" I suggested, and Laeronia promptly agreed to the proposal, showing his efficiency in handling the situation.

Summoning his grimoire, Laeronia skillfully created multiple clones of himself, each tasked with escorting our companions to their respective rooms. "I've taken the liberty of considering your schedule, Aaron-sama," he mentioned, a hint of careful planning evident in his words. "This way, any of your lovers may choose to stay with you at their convenience." His thoughtful consideration brought a subtle blush to the faces of a few of the girls.

"So, he really does have a harem, huh?" remarked a woman in a sleek black dress. "Oh, pardon my lack of introduction. I'm Savina, one of the leaders of the Resistance. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Aaron." She extended her hand for a handshake, and I reciprocated with a firm shake.

"Likewise, feel free to call me Aaron or Jin, whichever suits you. Anyway, shall we?" I inquired, gesturing forward. As the others were led away, those accompanying me were the familiar faces of my usual companions, forming the typical group.

As we strolled through the expansive underground base of the Resistance, we encountered a fascinating array of establishments—rudimentary yet surprisingly advanced shops dotted the area. In addition to these, there were recreational spots such as bars, salons, barber shops, and even a discreet venue for certain services.

As our group traversed the passageways, we couldn't help but notice the curious glances from the inhabitants. Some of the older men couldn't resist the urge to catcall my companions, but, for the most part, we brushed off the attention. The platforms beneath our feet were predominantly crafted from wood, giving the whole place a rustic yet functional vibe.

Eventually, we reached a central-like area adorned with a stone fountain, its water flowing in an enchanting shade of green.

"This fountain serves as a power source for many things here, including the illuminating lights that brighten up the entire space," Savina explained, shedding light on the unique energy infrastructure of the Resistance's underground enclave.

"Do you not use your powers to illuminate it?" Suzaku asked.

"We prefer to reserve our powers for combat rather than mundane tasks like this. We used to rely on our abilities for such purposes, but ever since we discovered this liquid, courtesy of Laeronia, it has become our preferred choice," explained Savina, shedding light on their change in approach.

Laeronia chimed in, offering further clarification, "I stumbled upon it during a mission on a planet occupied by Phumera's organization. The substance was highly toxic, causing harm to numerous planets, species, and races they distributed it to. However, after a solo mission where I eradicated them and purified the substance, it became a versatile resource for us, including its use as an energy source."

"Interesting," Latia mused, her gaze fixed on the intriguing sight before us. "I wonder if we can apply a similar approach to our own universe."

"Don't forget about the plans I had in mind, Latia. We might not even need it," I reminded her, and she turned to me, acknowledging my words with a nod.

The rock, a thoughtful gift from Kei and Yanuyo, was still undergoing my careful attention. It was on the verge of completion, yet I hadn't disclosed its nature to the other leaders.

Instead, I entrusted this significant task to Claudira, one of my [Electa], who would unveil it to Azazel and the rest of the leaders in approximately three weeks. I provided her with explicit instructions and encouraged them to engage in thorough discussions about the matter.

Our short journey led us to a substantial structure crafted from a combination of stone and metal. As Savina raised her hand, the vigilant guards allowed our entry, their watchful eyes tracking our every move. Stepping inside, we found ourselves in a spacious lobby teeming with various individuals and what appeared to be reception areas.

Savina, however, guided us away from the bustling common areas towards a small compartment resembling an elevator. As she and Laeronia entered, the space enveloped them, transporting them to an unknown destination.

"It's reminiscent of the teleportation pad in Tír na nÓg and the Greek realm," I spontaneously remarked. Though met with curious glances, I nonchalantly shrugged before stepping into the compartment, followed closely by Lavinia and Aoife. In the blink of an eye, we found ourselves at the pinnacle, greeted by a lengthy corridor flanked by countless rooms.

At the corridor's terminus, a substantial door awaited us, with Savina and Laeronia patiently standing by. We hastened toward them, the rest of our group materializing behind us. Upon reaching the entrance, the doors swung open, revealing a chamber occupied by a few more individuals.

Among the group, I recognized Sekudia, our double agent and the current Rank 7 of the Eradicators. A friendly acknowledgment passed between us as I raised my hand in greeting, and he responded with a nod.

The assembly comprised six leaders in total, one seat was supposed to be left vacant by the recent demise of Ramlar, if I remembered the name correctly. Yet, it appeared he had been swiftly replaced, evident as all six seats were now occupied, with Savina confidently making her way to hers and taking a seat.

Noticing the shortage of chairs, I casually clicked my fingers, conjuring more seats into existence. I gestured for everyone to take a seat, and they complied without hesitation. Aldrake's group also joined our gathering, with Aldrake himself displaying eagerness for the impending meeting.

Finally settling into my own seat, I released a sigh before initiating the proceedings. "Shall we begin?" I inquired. Sekudia, Laeronia, and Aldrake signaled their agreement with nods of their heads. The anticipation in the air hinted at the gravity of the impending discussion.

"Hold it!" interrupted one of the other leaders, a weathered old man with black and graying hair, white eyes, a scar etched across his face, and a beard. His presence was enhanced by the thick and intimidating black and purple armor he wore, complete with a large black blade strapped to his back.

"Is this really necessary, Branthar?" Laeronia questioned wearily, his tone reflecting fatigue.

"He's got a point, you know. Is it?" chimed in another man, sporting black hair and an eyepatch.

"Shut up! It's a rite of passage! I subjected Laeronia and Cao Cao, along with his team, to it. Now it's time for Laeronia's supposed boss to go through the same," Branthar exclaimed, justifying the unconventional initiation ritual.

"What exactly is this rite?" I inquired, curiosity lacing my words.

"Fight me!" he declared, and I couldn't help but facepalm. It seemed like that was his typical approach.

[Battle maniac!!] Ddraig exclaimed with unabashed enthusiasm.

Albion groaned, {Another Vali…}

'You've encountered quite a variety of peculiar allies, Aaron,' Rudra observed with an amused tone.

I sighed, acknowledging the truth in Rudra's statement. "But can we—"

"No! We are doing it now. I will not accept doing it after the meeting!" Branthar shouted, cutting off my attempt to negotiate. Glancing at the others in the room, I noticed their unanimous agreement, prompting another resigned sigh from me.

"Fine," I responded, a hint of irritation in my tone. And so, we departed the room, heading for a brief sparring session, even though I personally deemed it unnecessary.

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We found ourselves in a small arena nestled near the base's lower reaches. The structure appeared weathered, constructed mainly from rocks and wooden planks arranged in a circular fashion, reminiscent of a gladiator's arena. Branthar stood before me, a confident smirk playing on his lips, his gaze fixed on my every move.

"I'll take on the role of referee," declared Laeronia. "The rules are simple: the first to be forced out of the ring or the one who manages to defeat their opponent is the winner. No lethal strikes, moves, or techniques, understand? Are both of you prepared?" His announcement echoed through the makeshift arena, setting the stage for the impending clash.

Surrounding us, a diverse audience of spectators had gathered. The "initiation ritual" seemed to be a well-known event, drawing a crowd even in the late hours of the night. Some members of [DxD] had been brought to witness the spectacle, their curiosity piqued. Those accompanying me displayed a mix of confusion and excitement, both perplexed by the unusual event and cheering me on in support.

"I apologize for this, boss," Laeronia expressed, a tinge of annoyance in his tone.

"No need to apologize; it's part of the deal," I responded, acknowledging the unpredictability of the situation.

He nodded, glancing at us once more before signaling the beginning with a swing of his arm. "Begin!" The match was set to unfold in the rustic arena, surrounded by onlookers eager to witness the outcome.

Branthar unsheathed his blade, its metallic surface dancing with shimmering purple flames. "Kill 'em dead!" he roared, charging towards me with surprising speed.

Swinging the blade downward, he aimed for me, but I agilely leaped aside, evading the attack. To my surprise, he swiftly reappeared above me, attempting the same move. Deciding to face it head-on, I countered by executing a daring headbutt, catching him off guard.

"Bahahaha! You're insane!" he boomed, attempting to overpower me as my head and his blade clashed, but the tables turned as he found himself forcefully blown away.

Catching up with Branthar, I threw a punch his way. Though he managed to block it, the sheer force behind the blow resulted in a crack in his blade and sent him flying. However, with a determined slam of his fist onto the ground, he halted his momentum, preventing himself from being knocked out of the ring.

He paused briefly before directing his gaze at me. "Cao Cao and Laeronia did more to me when they faced me during their own ritual; frankly, I'm a bit disappointed," Branthar said, smirking in my direction.

Although he seemed intent on provoking a reaction, I remained unfazed. However, with a desire to expedite the situation, I decided to play along and feigned being provoked. Raising my left arm, I pointed at him assertively.

"Let's bring this to an end now; I want to proceed with the meeting," I declared, eliciting laughter from Branthar.

"Oh no, here we go," Latia exclaimed, anticipating the unfolding spectacle. She quickly covered the arena with a barrier, causing confusion among the residents of this base.

Viewing Branthar as somewhat of a barbarian, I chose to confront him in a similar fashion. Swiftly closing the distance between us, I surprised him by grabbing his head with one hand.

"Don't worry; I have the power to bring back the dead and heal any injuries," I assured him before forcefully slamming his face onto the arena's ground, causing it to shatter into pieces. The unexpected display of strength added a dramatic flair to the unfolding confrontation.

Swiftly restoring the arena that lay in ruins, I proceeded to repeat the process by forcefully slamming Branthar's head into it repeatedly. Each impact left the ground beneath us in shambles, but I promptly repaired it before delivering another blow to his face.

This sequence persisted for a full minute, rendering the arena and the previously lively crowd utterly silent. Even Laeronia, usually composed, stared at me in astonishment.

Finally, sensing that Branthar was thoroughly unconscious, I once again repaired the damaged arena and gently laid him down. After swiftly healing his injuries, Branthar abruptly jolted awake, disoriented.

"What happened!? Did I win!?" he exclaimed, directing his attention toward me. I shook my head, conjured a magic circle, and displayed the entire sequence of events, from the intense bout to his awakening and inquiry.

In response, Branthar erupted into laughter, reminiscent of a hyena, as he clutched his stomach. "You're fucking amazing! I love it! What an amazing beatdown! Alright, let's get back to the meeting! Consider me impressed! Laeronia, you've got quite the intriguing boss!" His approval echoed in the air, bringing a lighthearted atmosphere back to the previously tense scene.

The once-silent crowd burst into cheers, predominantly from this universe, the Phantasma. My allies, friends, and lovers regarded me with concern amid the jubilation. It occurred to me that my approach might have been a bit too harsh, and I resolved to clarify my intentions to them shortly—perhaps after the meeting.

"T-the winner is Jin," Laeronia mumbled, marking the end of the event. We swiftly wrapped up and returned to the meeting room. I couldn't help but wonder if Branthar, at the very least, approved of the outcome. He certainly acted like it.

— ○ ● ○ —

"I've laid out our current plan; what are your thoughts?" I inquired, casting a quick glance around our surroundings. An hour had elapsed since our return, during which we engaged in weighty discussions about our future actions and strategies. Aldrake and his group took the opportunity to introduce themselves to the leaders of the Resistance, outlining their objectives and aspirations.

Their mission centered on rescuing Aldrake's sister. The plan involved Aldrake temporarily returning to our universe while the rest of his group remained behind to assist us in the liberation effort.

Aldrake expressed a desire to afford his sister a well-deserved respite once our mission was accomplished, recognizing the hardships she had endured. It became evident that a break would be essential for her given the challenges she had faced.

"Hmm... I don't see any issues with your plans. However, may I offer a suggestion?" Lysanvar inquired, his chin gently stroked in contemplation.

He stood out among the group, with short black hair and an eyepatch, clad in a black military uniform. The air around him hinted at strategic prowess, and I sensed a unique power emanating from him. To dispel any doubts, I discreetly looked into his background, confirming that he wasn't a double agent. Assured of his trustworthiness, I welcomed his input.

"Go ahead," I encouraged, and he nodded, taking a few more moments to organize his thoughts before speaking.

"For your inaugural task, I propose the liberation of Ferrothos Prime. This planet serves as the primary hub for Phantasma's weapon, armor, and military contraption production. It stands as their most advanced stronghold, boasting challenging defenses. If we manage to dismantle their operations there, it would significantly tip the scales in our favor," Lysanvar explained, outlining a strategic move that carried the weight of considerable advantage for our cause.

"F-Ferrothos Prime? Are you insane, Lysanvar? Yes, we've heard many good things from Laeronia about them, but asking them to liberate that planet first is a bit much, don't you think?" Astrid inquired, her voice tinged with skepticism.

Astrid, distinguished by her long blonde hair, yellow eyes, and the black skintight suit and coat she wore, seemed to be the most approachable among the leaders present. A pair of sunglasses perched on her head, and she gave off an aura of friendliness, often relying on a bow in combat.

"I understand your concerns, Astrid, but considering the capabilities Laeronia highlighted, it should be a manageable task for them. Moreover, as I mentioned earlier, the benefits for all of us would be significant. By dismantling their primary weapons manufacturing hub, we could cripple their production by at least 70%. While there are other planets contributing to their weaponry, Ferrothos Prime stands as the principal manufacturer, the birthplace of it all," Lysanvar explained, delving into the strategic importance of targeting Ferrothos Prime.

Lysanvar turned his gaze towards me, a questioning look in his eyes. "What do you say, Aaron?"

As the leader, I found myself at a crossroads with several options. While our overarching goal was clear, the specific steps to address it remained uncertain. However, we had previously navigated through a similar scenario, which involved targeting their primary weapon production facility. The alignment of Lysanvar's intentions with ours proved convenient, I must admit.

"Why not?" I responded, recalling our discussions in our collective universe. "However, not everyone will embark on this mission. Aldrake's group, along with Cao Cao's and Rias' teams, will focus on rescuing his sister. I won't dispatch our entire force to the planet. Some will remain here, others will liberate additional planets, and a select group, chosen by me, will head to Ferrothos Prime."

"I see no problems with that. I believe everyone else is in agreement, yes?" Lysanvar inquired of his fellow leaders, receiving nods of approval from each of them. "However, we can't proceed immediately. As I mentioned, they boast the best defenses in our universe, a crucial aspect of Phumera's organization. We will take a week to discuss the best course of action and prepare in the meantime. Will that be acceptable for all of you?"

I concurred with the plan but added, "We'll also undertake smaller missions during that time. Being stuck here without any activity could be overwhelming for some members. Is that acceptable?"

Savina chimed in this time, stating, "Yes, we were considering something similar. You noticed Bran's reluctance toward you, right? Many of our members share the same sentiment. While some have gained respect for you, the rest of your team is yet to experience that. I suggest they go on missions with the others. Would that be agreeable?"

"I don't mind. I think the rest are eager to go explore the universe, so that should be fine," I replied, considering the excitement buzzing within our group. "But it's currently night, right? You guys should get some rest; I'll keep an eye on the planet with Laeronia since I need to talk to him."

In response, the leaders chuckled, leaving me perplexed. Savina, with a quizzical expression, turned to Laeronia, who wore a slightly awkward smile.

"He really is like that, isn't he?" Savina remarked, seeking confirmation from Laeronia.

"Yes, that's just how the boss is. He'll try to shoulder any burden off you and take it on himself, though I do agree with him," Laeronia explained. "After I informed all of you that he was coming, most of you have been up quite early today, so going to sleep would be beneficial." Laeronia's words carried a touch of understanding, emphasizing the consideration for their well-being.

Branthar was the first to rise from his seat, raising his hands as he spoke. "Yeah, I need sleep. That beating made me tired, so I'm off to bed," he declared before making his way out.

The next eager participant was Liember, another leader among us. "I'd like to spar with you next, Aaron!" she exclaimed with enthusiasm.

Liember possessed long, light pink hair, matching eyes, and was adorned in a black and golden qipao. Her arms sported peculiar attachments, and she wore a unique combination of pantyhose and distinctive red shoes. Among the leaders, she stood out as the most eccentric, second only to Branthar.

"If we have the time, then it's a sure thing," I responded. Liember, content with my answer, blew me a kiss, winked, and gracefully exited the scene. Her departure, marked by playful gestures, left Lavinia slightly irritated. Squinting her eyes at Liember, who chuckled in response, Lavinia couldn't help but show her disapproval.

The room emptied gradually, each person making their way out. Savina briefly cast a glance back at me before departing. Following suit, the rest of our group and Laeronia exited the room. Once we were back outside, I made a suggestion, "It might be a good idea for you all to get some rest. In a few hours, we'll start exploring this place more, and it would be beneficial to establish some connections with the locals for a smoother stay."

Turning to Laeronia, I inquired, "How long did it take for you to earn their trust?"

"About four weeks," he replied. "Knowing Cao Cao beforehand helped, and providing them with defenses," he gestured towards a direction where a Power Ranger look-alike served as a guard, "also played a role."

Lavinia chimed in, "No, we'll stick with you. We've decided to spend the night with you, so..."

I shrugged in response, acknowledging their decision. Laeronia took the lead, guiding us away as we prepared for the upcoming exploration.

— ○ ● ○ —

Guiding us along the most direct path to his chosen destination, we found ourselves at the planet's surface. It boasted a medium size, striking a balance between expansiveness and intimacy. This meant we had a considerable area awaiting exploration, both beneath the surface and above.

Ascending a hill that provided a vantage point over the base, a sweeping view unfolded before us. Behind, a vast rocky plain sprawled out, adorned with larger hills dotting the landscape.

Laeronia, leading the way, shared some insight about the area. "This place used to be a sprawling forest. I had contemplated restoring it, but I hesitated, uncertain if it was the right decision. Though you veiled this planet with a technique to keep it hidden, I wished for your approval first. I believe everyone here would appreciate it," he explained, his gaze fixed on the mostly lifeless rocky expanse.

The remnants of old tree trunks lay scattered about, the once-thriving source of life now absent. Whatever transpired here had left a significant impact, evident not only on the surface but also permeating the underground, rendering it similarly lifeless.

"I don't see a problem, though I'll do it now…let's restore it to its former glory while removing anything problematic," I told him and stomped my foot to the ground.

A substantial ripple traversed the planet, initiating a transformative process. The once barren landscape witnessed a remarkable metamorphosis. Grass unfurled, breathing life into the previously desolate ground. Trees, once skeletal, stirred with renewed vitality. Hills underwent a dynamic alteration, with some expanding, others contracting, and a few vanishing altogether.

The once-muted palette of the planet shifted into a vibrant spectrum. Absent clouds made a return, hovering in the sky. Bodies of water—lakes, ponds, and rivers—resumed their natural formations. The silhouette of buildings reemerged, adding structure to the evolving canvas. With a single resounding stomp of my foot, the entire planet was resurrected to its former splendor.

Observing the revitalized world, I turned to Laeronia with a sense of curiosity. "It looks like we'll have even more to explore now, especially for the returning citizens, don't you think?" I inquired, meeting his contemplative gaze.

"Yes, I believe everyone will appreciate these changes," he replied with a thoughtful smile, foreseeing the joy that awaited the inhabitants in this restored realm.

Savina's voice abruptly broke the silence from behind us, questioning, "W-what is this?" We turned to find her and Echilys standing there, their expressions reflecting surprise and astonishment.

"I restored the planet to its former state. Don't worry, though. A few months ago, I harnessed my powers to conceal this planet, preventing Phumera or any other Outer God from discovering it. It's even more picturesque than I anticipated. Having said that, the residents here should inhabit those buildings—tomorrow, we can repurpose them for your needs," I explained. Savina walked past me, gazing into the distance, joined by Echilys. The landscape unfolded before them, a canvas of possibilities for the future.

Continuing, I said, "The underground has undergone a transformation as well. Everything down there should've experienced some kind of change or upgrade. In fact, I can hear a bit of commotion at the moment."

Savina and Echilys pivoted to face me, their gazes lingering for a few seconds before hastening away. I let out a sigh, taking the opportunity to stretch my body. "So, let's have a conversation, Laeronia."

"Yes... I'd like to begin with the recruitment of the other Eradicators," he responded, nodding in agreement.

"Go ahead," I encouraged him, intrigued by the topic. I had planned to inquire about their progress eventually, but I hadn't anticipated him diving into it right away.

"Out of the current 16 individuals in the Eradicators rankings, excluding Caeda, who holds the 8th position, and Sekudia, who holds the 7th position, five have shown the potential to join our side. Radelia Vaqirelle, ranked 10th, recently joined us, and you'll get to meet her tomorrow as she's currently on a mission. As for the others who might switch allegiances, they include those holding ranks 1, 2, 3, and 15. There's speculation regarding individuals ranked 4 and 13 possibly making the switch, but that remains uncertain for now," Laeronia explained.

I had some awareness of a few individuals among them. It hadn't crossed my mind that Radelia, the one I encountered in our universe, had already switched allegiances. Surprisingly, this turn of events seemed to be in our favor. Yet, it caught me off guard that those occupying the first three, maybe even four, ranks were inclined towards a more tranquil world.

"However, there are those vehemently opposed to it," disclosed Laeronia. "Both Sekudia and Radelia brought this to my attention. The remaining rankings lean towards a more aggressive stance, aligning with the ambition of conquering the multiverse under Magnum Tenebrosum and Phumera. Yve, Phumera's right hand, is an ardent follower of the Outer God Magnum Tenebrosum. Discussions about peace are typically met with disdain from her," he added.

"I see," I began, contemplating our next moves. "Let's make an effort to recruit them. Caeda will resume her duties on their side, providing additional support. It's crucial to have another that's familiar with their operations. Moving on, what about other significant planets, groups, and locations? Are there specific targets we should aim to liberate or eliminate after dealing with Ferrothos Prime?" I inquired, seeking a strategic perspective.

"...There are a few," he responded, his expression thoughtful. "However, Lysanvar failed to mention that one of the Ueboros oversees Ferrothos Prime. Zenosius is his name—a male, a wolf monster adorned with numerous mechanical parts. He wields a combination of an augmented body, technology, and magic, earning him the moniker [The Impenetrable One] among the inhabitants of that planet, and perhaps throughout the entire universe," he informed us, shedding light on a powerful opponent we would soon face.

Latia interjected, her curiosity evident as she inquired, "Can we assume that he has control over almost everything on that planet? Like, in terms of technology and such?"

Laeronia appeared surprised but affirmed with a nod. "Yes, that's why it's considered nearly impenetrable. Anyone attempting an invasion would have to contend with its standard defenses. However, once Zenosius takes control, most invaders either meet their demise or end up captured due to the planet's capabilities. Of course, even without that, he's a formidable force, but it's this aspect that thwarts most endeavors. You could say—"

"The entire planet is Zenosius himself, isn't it?" Suzaku concluded, and Laeronia nodded in agreement.

"Exactly. It's like facing a colossal enemy in the form of a planet. To give you an idea, the planet is twice the size of the Draconic Deus' sun, and Zenosius has numerous defenses that can stop, nullify, and obliterate attacks, making him a significant challenge for many," Laeronia explained, shedding light on the sheer magnitude of the threat posed by Zenosius.

"Have you set foot on the planet yet? And if you have, what insights can you share? Are there specific items, weapons, tools, or resources we should prioritize? And, of course, any information on potential enemies, including subordinates and other enemies?" I inquired, seeking valuable knowledge from Laeronia.

Taking a moment to ponder my questions, Laeronia finally responded, "I haven't personally visited the planet, but the other leaders likely have insights into essential elements. However, I do know that Zenosius commands six subordinates on that planet. They play a crucial role in supporting him. Additionally, there are robotic entities, akin to those found in games and movies, under his control. These constructs are interconnected with the planet itself and, in a way, an extension of Zenosius."

His gaze shifted from me back to the landscape in front of us. "The next destination on your journey should be Hanazora Eien," he revealed. "It's essentially an Asian/Japanese planet, currently under the oppressive rule of one of the Eradicators, Asisvud, holding the rank of 14. He's a tyrant, enslaving the entire population and commanding at least 12 subordinates who also subject the residents to various forms of abuse."

"Asisvud has a close association with rank 16, Elanor. The intricacies of their relationship elude me, but it's undoubtedly complicated," he continued. "I suspect Rias and anyone with ties to Japan or Asia will feel compelled to liberate it. Following that, your path should lead you to one of Elanor's planets. It's an experience better witnessed than described," he added, his gaze shifting away, perhaps harboring unspoken emotions about that particular planet.

Laeronia avoided meeting my gaze as he spoke, a clear indication that something was amiss with that particular planet. It raised concerns. Elanor, in our universe, had dispatched her subordinates towards us, revealing herself as a distant and reserved individual with her own set of objectives, though their nature remained elusive to me.

"There are other groups akin to ours attempting to spark rebellions, but their efforts usually fail. None of them compare to the scale of Phumera's group. Some attempt to establish themselves but inevitably get absorbed into Phumera's ranks, unable to resist her or her subordinates. This universe is firmly under the grip of a tyrant, and most of its inhabitants are ensnared by fear and years of oppression. Even if we were to liberate their planet, a significant number would stand against us," Laeronia explained, his expression reflecting the complexity of the situation.

I nodded in agreement with him. Similar situations unfolded back in our home universe, where not everyone embraced the idea of the new status quo and the peace I sought to establish. As I pursued smaller requests, encountering opposition and resentment was not uncommon. However, I refrained from imposing my views on how others should live their lives and let them hate me as they desired.

This resistance wasn't confined to a specific group; it permeated various factions and pantheons. Even the East Youkai Faction in Kyoto exhibited skepticism. While attempting to gain their support, I underwent a small trial, mostly involving a confrontation with some members of [DxD]. Although it didn't completely resolve all the issues, it did contribute to easing tensions between them and us.

"...We can resume tomorrow, Aaron-sama. It's advisable to rest for now. Your actions are likely to draw attention, especially since both Savina and Echilys will inform everyone about what transpired," he advised, and I concurred, recognizing the need for a moment of reprieve amidst the unfolding events.

"Sure thing, Laeronia. Take care," I responded, and he bid me farewell, disappearing from sight.

Lavinia inquired, "Do you know the way to our room?"

"Yep," I affirmed, and we promptly navigated our way there. Anticipation filled me as I contemplated the likelihood of tomorrow presenting a host of challenges and heightened attention compared to tonight. I couldn't help but look forward to what lay ahead.

— ○ ● ○ —

Laeronia's Soliloquy

— ○ ● ○ —

As I departed from Master Aaron, he appeared to be heading toward his room. The location I teleported to happened to be in proximity to where Savina and Echilys were situated. The entire underground area had undergone a remarkable transformation.

It now bore a striking resemblance to the futuristic cities depicted in Aaron's world. The once simple underground base had evolved into a bustling cityscape, adorned with towering structures at every turn. Massive futuristic trains hung upside-down in the distance, and the space was filled with numerous neon signs and billboards.

"This... is nothing like what they originally created," I murmured, utterly taken aback by the surreal scene unfolding before me. The underground had morphed into a vibrant city, a stark departure from its previous state.

Glancing to my left, I observed Master and his lovers riding a peculiar floating platform that smoothly transported them to their new hotel and room. The scene felt almost surreal. Master turned in my direction, waving, and his entire harem followed suit as soon as they noticed his gesture.

Raising my hand, I offered a light wave in return, still grappling with the astonishment of it all.

"This isn't how it used to be," murmured Savina just below me, her words accompanied by the agreement of Echilys, who stood by her side.

"Indeed. Who would have imagined he could transform it into something like this?" Echilys marveled, expressing a sense of awe at the unexpected changes.

Leaping down from my perch, I joined the two and inquired, "Will you share this news with the other residents? If you need assistance locating the place where we usually make announcements, I can guide you there." A sudden burst of light enveloped in front of us, transforming into a simple drawing of a house. "...I suppose that's the location. I wonder if the boss foresaw this conversation," I mused, glancing at my companions.

Savina chuckled and remarked, "It seems your Master and Creator is quite the amusing individual, Laeronia. I'm eager to engage with him."

"He does tend to elicit that response... probably," I replied with a smirk, acknowledging the likelihood of such reactions being a common occurrence for my Master.

For the remainder of the night, we strolled through the recently transformed streets of our subterranean abode. Along the way, we took note of significant locations, engaging in conversations with the residents who were still awake and visibly astonished by the sudden changes. It became evident that this impromptu activity significantly elevated his popularity among the people here.

— ○ ● ○ —

Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

— ○ ● ○ —

The day had dawned, and for some peculiar reason, I found myself engaged in a passionate kiss with Rias. I was currently ensconced in the expansive bathroom of my room, where she had stealthily joined me while the other girls who had shared the night with me were still sound asleep.

"What's gotten into you all of a sudden?" I inquired, breaking away from our kiss.

"Is there a rule against doing this without a reason?" she countered, tilting her head in a cute manner.

"Not really, but it caught me off guard. I was expecting Akeno to initiate something like this," I responded, prompting a smirk from Rias. Suddenly, a pair of arms enveloped me from behind.

"Never mind, she's here too, isn't she?" I remarked.

"Fufufu, ara, ara~ I couldn't just let Rias have all the fun with my husband," Akeno purred, planting a peck on the back of my neck before lightly licking it.

"We can't indulge in this right now, you know? Perhaps later tonight, but we have a lot of work ahead of us starting now," I informed them, noting the slight downturn of their expressions.

"We can't?" Akeno questioned, moving to the front, still embracing me.

"We can't," I reiterated, my voice carrying a lingering fatigue.

They both began to crouch down, and Akeno, with a touch of curiosity, asked, "We can't do this?" as she reached towards my crotch.

"No. You can't," Latia interjected firmly from behind them. Rias and Akeno both straightened up, turning to find Latia, arms crossed, and glaring at them. Behind Latia, Lavinia giggled to herself, playfully mouthing, "You got caught~!" The others stood behind, thoroughly entertained by the unfolding scene.

"W-wait, Latia, we were—" Rias attempted to explain herself, but Latia cut her off.

"No excuses, Rias. We have work to do. As Aaron said, if you want to have sex, save it for the end of the day. Now, let's all prepare and head back outside, alright?" Latia declared with no room for objection, and we all concurred, getting ready for the day ahead.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Wha—what happened here!?" Rias exclaimed, her surprise mirrored by the rest of [DxD] as they scanned their transformed surroundings.

"Hey! The outside changed too! It's like a fantasy game out here!" shouted another member, a representative from the Greek pantheon. Without hesitation, a sizable group headed towards a teleportation pad, eager to explore the altered surface.

A few curious glances were directed my way, and Yumi inquired, "Did you do this, Aaron?"

"Yeah, it happened after everyone turned in for the night," I replied. "But we should—"

"We're going to have meetings with the leaders, strategize, and assist the locals in adapting to this new reality. Additionally, we aim to prepare the buildings on the surface while exploring as much as possible. Get yourselves ready," Latia ordered, abruptly cutting off my sentence. The impending tasks added a layer of urgency to our already charged atmosphere.

"I second that, good luck," I chimed in, earning a few laughs from the dispersing crowd. Shifting my attention to Cao Cao's team, I asked, "Since you guys are familiar with this place, would you mind showing us around, pointing out the spots you recognize?"

Cao Cao began to respond, but Jeanne cut in enthusiastically, "I will! These guys are busy, and Cao Cao's meeting up with Isatha! His future wife!" Her proclamation caused Cao Cao's face to flush crimson.

"I-she-wha—what are you talking about!?" Cao Cao stammered in embarrassment, but Jeanne simply ignored him, laughing.

"Good luck, Cao Cao," I said, strolling over to him. Once beside him, I gave his shoulder a friendly pat. "Just try not to make her pregnant yet. We need you, especially since Tobio didn't join us."

Cao Cao's eyes twitched in disbelief and annoyance. He raised his arms in frustration and walked away. As he departed, Georg couldn't resist adding, "It's no secret though, Cao Cao."

"You're not helping!" Cao Cao screamed, his face reddening once again as he continued to distance himself from the teasing banter.

I turned to Lavinia, addressing her, "Could you take Azathoth, Velgrynd, and Rose with you to the surface? Explore the area, make notes on potential improvements we could make, and report back to me around lunch. The rest of you can stick with me."

Initially, Lavinia appeared a bit disappointed at the prospect of parting ways with me, but her mood quickly shifted as she embraced the opportunity to assist. Eagerly, she produced a notepad and ushered the trio I assigned to her towards the surface. Those remaining with me included Aoife, Grayfia, Suzaku, Danu, Raiko and a few others from different teams.

Addressing Rias, I conveyed, "You know the drill. Best of luck with it. Ask about the planet from the others here, and above all, stay safe." She nodded in acknowledgment.

Realizing the separation ahead, Rias asserted, "We'll be apart for a while, so I intend to make the most of our time together before we part." Her determination was clear, and everyone understood. I concurred with a nod, appreciating the sentiment.

"That even includes some wild sex before we head out! Asia-chan and the others are on board with this plan, right Yumi?" Akeno playfully teased, causing Yumi's face to flush bright red.

"Easy there, don't tease her too much. Anyway, let's regroup with everyone else during lunch, and we can discuss things in more detail," I suggested, and the group dispersed, each going their separate ways.

Sona and her team lingered behind, and she stated, "Latia, we'll proceed with that plan, alright? My team and I will be away for a while."

"Yes, I appreciate it. As Aaron mentioned, stay safe," replied Latia, and Sona concurred. I walked over to Sona, embraced her, and planted a kiss on her lips. Uncertain of Latia's intentions, I trusted her judgment, and with a lingering sense of connection, we eventually went our separate paths.

— ○ ● ○ —

Sona Sitri's Soliloquy

— ○ ● ○ —

"I value your judgment, President, as well as Latia-san's and Aaron-senpai's, but... is this really okay?" Saji inquired, seeking assurance.

"Yes, it's perfectly fine. We discussed this during our brief meeting last night with the leaders, didn't we? Dulio-san's team, the Slash Dog Team, Sairaorg's team, and several others will be following a similar course of action," I explained as we reached a new section of the underground base.

Standing atop a circular platform, it began to levitate, swiftly moving without tossing us off.

<<This is pretty cool,>> Bennia remarked, taking in the surroundings. <<Jin-san can turn these futuristic cities into reality with just a snap of his fingers. I kind of wish he could do it in our universe.>>

The platform smoothly transported us to a new structure, and as we disembarked, we hastened our entry into the building. Inside, we encountered one of the leaders, none other than Branthar, the individual Aaron had sparred with the previous night.

"Hmm? Ah, Sona Sitri, welcome. We'll initiate your trials shortly, alright? Just make yourselves comfortable over there," he declared, gesturing with his sword toward a compact waiting area equipped with chairs, a table, and an array of snacks and drinks.

"Thank you very much," I expressed my gratitude, and we proceeded to the designated spot. The prospect of upcoming trials lingered in the air, and we readied ourselves for what lay ahead.

Our teams, just like the others, are set to embark on missions to different planets with the goal of liberation. In these ventures, we'll be joined by various members of the Resistance. Currently, each team is assigned distinct tasks, with many focusing on enhancing our relationships not only with the locals on the respective planets but also with new members of the Resistance joining our ranks.

A figure approached us, catching our attention. This individual possessed a gentle and feminine appearance. Short, light gray hair framed her face, and her eyes, large and sparkling blue, held a certain allure. The softness of her features complemented her light skin tone. A distinctive aspect was her attire—a gym green uniform of sorts, an unusual choice that piqued our curiosity.

"Wow, she's cute," Saji mumbled, earning him a swift smack from both Ruruko and Asbeel, who clearly weren't thrilled about his comment.

"Hey, nice to meet you. I'm Selkia, and before you ask, I'm a guy. I've been mistaken for a woman quite a lot," Selkia confessed, a touch of embarrassment evident in his tone.

"You're a what!?" Saji exclaimed, pointing at Selkia in horror, while his two partners burst into uncontrollable laughter.

"L-like I said, I'm a man. Anyway, I'll be joining your group starting today. I hope we get along," Selkia stated, punctuating his words with a respectful bow.

"We're glad to have you with us, Selkia," Tsubaki greeted. "If you don't mind, could you share some information about your abilities? We'll do the same in return. If you're up for it, I can start," she offered, initiating an exchange of knowledge within the group.

"It's alright; my power is a bit peculiar, to say the least," he explained, raising his right arm. "I can manipulate the trajectory of my enemy's attacks, but there's a catch—I have to make them say my name at least once. Before that, I can't influence it in any way."

"That sounds stupid," Saji blurted out, finding it hard to fathom, a sentiment shared by Selkia.

With a sigh, Selkia added, "I didn't acquire this ability; I was born with it, as far as I know. Unfortunately, I have no information about my parents or my race since they all perished before I gained enough awareness, you know?"

Saji looked guilty after his insensitive comment, but Selkia quickly reassured him that it didn't bother him. Before we could delve further into our conversation, Branthar approached our group and declared, "It's your turn now; come over here and get ready."

"Let's see how well we can collaborate," Selkia remarked, rising from her seat and trailing after Branthar. We followed suit, eager to observe how our teamwork would unfold.

"Stick to our usual plan and take it from there. Use your powers wisely and refrain from going all out. Got it?" I instructed, and they nodded in agreement.

Our journey led us to a vast, dome-like area, displaying signs of numerous past and recent trials and tests. The worn surroundings hinted at the challenges faced by those who came before us. We were swiftly transported down, and Branthar began his explanations from above.

[In simple terms for our universe visitors, you'll be confronted with several waves of increasingly powerful monsters. If you're struggling, we'll intervene and halt the test. Clear?] Branthar inquired, outlining the nature of the upcoming challenges.

The unanimous agreement echoed among us, followed by a brief countdown. A sudden cacophony reverberated through the surroundings as portals sprang open, unleashing a horde of unfamiliar monsters.

These creatures appeared to be a bizarre amalgamation of various Earth animals. The adversaries confronting us possessed spider-like bodies with eight legs and bat heads, relentlessly launching circular attacks our way from their mouths.

"Watch out! Don't let those attacks touch you; it'll render you completely deaf for ten minutes and blur your vision!" Selkia urgently warned before skillfully evading the impending threat.

His words spurred all of us into action as we leaped away, narrowly avoiding the potentially debilitating attack. However, upon impact with a certain section of the arena, the attacks not only caused immediate damage but also exhibited the ability to dissolve rocks and metal.

"Uh-oh, this one's a different type! Its attacks can dissolve almost anything; the list is too long to mention. Stay vigilant, or you'll regret it!" Selkia added, deftly dodging more incoming attacks. "I might not be much help here since that thing can't comprehend names. I apologize in advance!"

"Early bird catches the worm!" Saji's enthusiastic shout filled the air before he summoned a series of lines from his body, refraining from entering his Balance Breaker. These lines shot toward the creatures, and despite their attempts to counterattack, their efforts proved futile. The lines attached themselves to the creatures, and Saji commanded, "Drain 'em!"

As his lines glowed, the power and energy within the creatures steadily diminished. Rugal (Loup Garou), in his normal human form, enveloped his body in touki, and fortified it with enhancement magic. With a powerful leap, he descended upon the monsters, slashing through several of them with his razor-sharp claws in a swift, lethal motion.

Following Rugal's lead, the rest of the team joined the fray. We unleashed a barrage of magic and demonic attacks, swiftly dispersing the creatures and bringing an end to the first wave of the encounter.

[They wrapped it up fast! Seems like the newcomers won't face much trouble in the initial rounds!] Branthar exclaimed jubilantly, the cheer resonating in our surroundings.

"You guys are quite skilled and coordinated. What's the secret to your teamwork?" Selkia inquired, clearly impressed by our performance.

"We can break it down for you later; it's a bit intricate," I responded, and he nodded in agreement.

"I'll be looking forward to that," Selkia expressed.

— ○ ● ○ —

After several waves, we successfully navigated through to wave 20 without encountering any significant issues. However, Selkia had sustained some damage during wave 17, as he failed to dodge a few attacks. His innate ability remained untapped, primarily because the enemies we faced thus far lacked the ability to communicate in a "human" language.

[It's time for wave 20! This is where many teams or groups tend to falter. Will these newcomers manage to succeed?] exclaimed Branthar, announcing the challenge as a solitary portal opened. Emerging from it was a massive creature, standing at approximately 15 meters in height.

The creature sported a peculiar combination of features—a fish head, the robust body of a bear, and several elemental tentacles protruding from its back. As it began screeching "Tahya," confusion swept over most of us.

"Oh, it's a Tahya! That creature has the ability to nullify and absorb elemental attacks, and also enhancing its own strength with those elemental attacks it absorbs. Tahyas are not that uncommon; they hail from a specific planet in the west. On the bright side, they can mimic languages they hear, which might prove useful here. Apart from that, it relies on its formidable physical strength and innate ability," Selkia explained, shedding light on the foe before us.

Following his explanation, the Tahya wasted no time and initiated an attack, unleashing its elemental tentacles upon us. Each tentacle exhibited a distinct elemental force—flames erupted from one, electricity crackled from another, and winds swirled around yet another. In total, seven elemental tentacles propelled toward us.

Swiftly, we leaped out of harm's way, evading the onslaught. However, the relentless tentacles pursued us persistently. Saji attempted to counter with his lines, anticipating a complete drain of the tentacles' powers. To his surprise, the lines only weakened them, and the tentacles, undeterred, began to glow brightly with renewed elemental vigor.

"It doesn't draw upon its own power for the elemental effects; instead, it harnesses the world around it. Tahyas are frequently utilized by the Phantasma for crafting elemental resistances, weapons, or armor due to their remarkable utility," Selkia elaborated, shedding further light on the creature's unique abilities.

"That's way too broken! What the hell!?" Saji exclaimed, and many members of my peerage nodded in agreement.

Bennia, in a sudden burst of action, leaped in front of us, wielding her scythe with determination. With a swift swing, she sent out shadowy aura slashes toward the elemental tentacles. Simultaneously, Reya extended her hand, employing duplication magic to replicate the aura slashes.

The aura slashes cut through the tentacles with precision, causing the Tahya to express its surprise with a screech, seemingly startled by the unexpected attacks. Taking advantage of the moment, Selkia dashed toward the creature, repeatedly shouting his name. It became apparent that he aimed to coerce the Tahya into uttering his name, activating Selkia's unique ability.

In a satisfying turn of events, the Tahya screeched Selkia's name, prompting a grin from our ally. "Alright! Time to go for it. I can manipulate the trajectory of its attacks now!" Selkia announced triumphantly. However, as he spoke, the Tahya opened its mouth once more, unleashing an enormous stream of green toxic sludge aimed directly at us. Swiftly, we dodged the impending threat, but the corrosive substance left in its wake melted through the floor upon impact, leaving an unsettling aftermath.

"Oh, yeah, avoid that too! Depending on the age, wisdom, and creativity of a Tahya, it can do more things with its abilities, so be careful!" Selkia's shout resonated through the air, emphasizing the importance of caution.

"Say that beforehand!" roared Saji, prompting a few giggles from the surrounding crowd. "I'll—"

"I'll do it!" shouted Ruruko, swiftly summoning her [Procellarum Phantom]. In an instant, she appeared behind the Tahya. "Ew! Why does its back look like that!?" she exclaimed, her expression displaying a mix of surprise and disgust. Without wasting another second, she delivered a spinning kick to the Tahya's head, using more of her power.

The impact of Ruruko's kick appeared to cause the Tahya's head to cave in, and it immediately crumpled to the floor. The sudden efficiency of the attack left most of us in surprise, and we stood there, staring at the creature's now lifeless body.

"Phew, good job, guys. Tahyas have a few areas of weaknesses. The top of their head, the center of their back where they control their tentacles, and the middle of their chest, although that's the hardest part to get to," explained Selkia, shedding light on the vulnerabilities of these strange creatures.

Saji, exhausted from repeatedly conveying the same message, raised his arms in exasperation and let out a deep sigh. His audible frustration elicited laughter from Selkia, who promptly apologized once again.

In this peculiar universe, we encountered a multitude of strange creatures. Some resembled a fusion of familiar beings from our home, while others exhibited bizarre and unfamiliar appearances.

Earlier, we confronted a humanoid creature lacking eyes and a mouth, yet surprisingly agile. It somehow managed to "speak" to us, leading me to speculate that it used telepathy as a means of communication.

[And they took down the Tahya! It seems like these newcomers aren't half bad at all! That's all from them for now!] announced Branthar, concluding our stint in the arena as we were swiftly teleported out.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Good work, Sona Sitri and her...uh...poorayge?" Branthar expressed, stumbling over the term.

"It's peerage, but thank you very much. Are there more trials ahead?" I inquired, but he shook his head in response.

"No, that's all. Other teams are currently undergoing their trials, and it seems they're doing well too. The beings from your universe are quite powerful, aren't they?" Branthar remarked.

I shook my head. "No, we're a different species. Some humans are simply born with powers, but the vast majority are relatively weak."

Branthar and the surrounding onlookers were surprised by this revelation. To provide a better understanding, I delved into a bit of our world's history, using a magic circle to showcase certain aspects.

"Hmm... Sacred Gears... I believe Phumera was experimenting with something similar. If the rumors are true, then the destruction of Ferrothos Prime will be crucial if their 'Sacred Gears' function similarly to yours," Branthar pondered, intrigued by the potential connection.

"Are you saying it's located on that planet?" I inquired, and he affirmed with a nod. Swiftly creating a magic circle, I relayed this information to Aaron. Once that was done, I turned my attention back to Branthar, conveying, "We've confiscated one of the Phumera's Sacred Gears. Currently in possession of Fusae, he goes by Liadonn. Based on our observations, he's proven to be quite powerful. Therefore, prioritizing the neutralization of that planet has become imperative."

The previous night, Aaron had omitted details about our powers and Sacred Gears, deeming it unnecessary for discussion at the time. There were more pressing topics on the agenda. However, it became evident now that their curiosity had been piqued, prompting the need for an exploration into these aspects.

"We can discuss that later. Is there anything else on our agenda? If not, we're eager to go on a mission right away," I informed him, catching him off guard.

"I recall being informed about this, but I assumed it would start tomorrow instead. Aren't you exhausted after that?" Branthar inquired, his surprise evident. I shook my head in response.

"No, we've faced more prolonged battles against more powerful enemies before. This level of activity won't tire us out. Regardless of the mission's scale, we're ready to contribute now," I reiterated.

Branthar gazed at me, then at my team members who echoed my sentiments. A grin formed on his face as he said, "Alright, give me a second to find one." With that, he swiftly left to secure a mission for us.

Turning my attention to Selkia, I remarked, "I hope you can keep up. If not, please take this." I offered him a Slime Pill, and he examined it with curiosity. I proceeded to explain its mechanics and the identity of its creator, capturing their attention with a sense of wonder and amazement.

Selkia accepted the offered item, and as he did, his previous injuries miraculously healed, and a renewed surge of energy coursed through him. "Haha, that guy can do anything, can't he?" he remarked, giving a nod toward Aaron.

"He sure can!" added Saji with an endearing grin. Saji, at times, seemed like a loyal companion, akin to a puppy following Aaron around.

Engrossed in conversation, Branthar eventually rejoined our group, bearing a mission on a slightly worn brown piece of paper. "How about this? If you can secure this planet, we can likely establish a link with ours through a teleportation pad. Aaron can then use his powers to conceal it, providing us with more space and resources," Branthar suggested.

Taking the paper from him, I scrutinized the mission details. It appeared straightforward—eliminate the Phantasma from that location and take control of the planet. Subsequently, other members of the Resistance would arrive to set up a teleportation pad, linking it with this planet. The final touch would involve Aaron restoring the planet and concealing it from the rest of Phumera's organization.

"This should be a manageable task, thank you. Can you guide us to the most straightforward route?" I inquired. Branthar responded with a nod, indicating a specific direction for us to follow, so we trailed behind him.

After a while, we reached a compact room adorned with intricate magic circle-like drawings on the floor. The walls, floor, and ceiling displayed a futuristic design, reminiscent of Aaron's modifications throughout the underground base.

"These are recent additions, and we were pretty surprised by how efficiently Aaron made them. We conducted tests earlier, and rest assured, these circles will teleport you directly to the planet, just beyond the reach of any active detection equipment they might have. Although your primary objective is their complete annihilation, I have to add that none of them will change to your side. Another group attempted that previously, resulting in the death of two members," Branthar elucidated, providing essential details for our mission.

I gave a nod, pivoted on my heels, and casually remarked, "Ready to go?"

"Yes, President!" they chimed in unison, catching Selkia off guard.

"Y-yeah!" Selkia joined in, attempting to replicate their synchronized response, inadvertently eliciting laughter from the group.

— ○ ● ○ —

Fusae Hirawa's Soliloquy

— ○ ● ○ —

Our journey led us to a distinct area, a path trodden by numerous teams before us. As members of the Slash Dog Team, it became apparent that the trial we faced resonated with our usual line of work—espionage and infiltration.

Such tasks were second nature to us, navigating the shadows and unraveling secrets. However, this particular trial had an added twist; our newly recruited member observed our every move in a different area. Earlier, she appeared less than impressed, a sentiment I couldn't fault her for since we didn't know each other well.

A subtle murmur emanated from Liadonn on my shoulder in his smaller form. [Guuah,] he expressed quietly.

"It's alright. Ahead of us, we're about to confront two more enemies. Stick to our routine," I gently instructed him.

[Gaaah…!] Liadonn responded, a playful nudge of his nose against my cheek accompanying his energetic reply.

[This is Kanami with Natsume. I believe we've located what we're searching for. Rendezvous at our location. Sending coordinates now,] Kanami communicated through our shared transceivers.

[Roger!] echoed the responses from the rest of the group.

Liadonn and I hastened our pace, encountering two enemies along the way. Swiftly, Liadonn unleashed his petrifying roar, rendering the enemies motionless. An ability he had perfected over our additional 100 years in Aaron's [Training Facility], executing the move without making a sound, creating a silent yet effective technique.

Harnessing my magical abilities, I unleashed a barrage of regular magic bullets, obliterating the immobilized foes. We swiftly navigated past the now defeated enemies, taking several turns as I maintained focus on Kanami's life signature. Our path led us through a scene of more lifeless bodies until we reached the room where she was located.

The rest of our team stood alongside me, their gaze fixated on an unusual, giant crystal-like rock situated before us. Within its depths appeared to be a figure, but upon closer inspection, it became apparent that it was a mere facsimile—a dummy. This revelation marked the true nature of the trial we were undergoing.

[Well done. It seems your team is well-suited for missions of this nature. You can return now, and we'll provide you with an evaluation of your performance,] a voice resonated through speakers. Moments later, we found ourselves teleported from our previous location.

Upon our return, we found ourselves back in the room where we had been instructed to wait. Soon, additional individuals entered the room, and overseeing our trials was a man named Leevans. Aged and adorned with graying hair, he possessed kind blue eyes and moved with the support of a walking stick.

"Well done, everyone," Leevans commended, turning to the wolf youkai, Kurotsume, at his side. "What do you think, Kurotsume?"

Kurotsume snickered before responding, "They weren't bad, but there's room for improvement. For now, it's acceptable. However, we need to move on. I've been assigned a mission today, and I'll take these guys with me for a test run. Just remember, if any of them don't make it, don't come crying to me." With that, she exited the room, her voice echoing the command, "Meet me at the lobby!"

Caught off guard, Kouki started to voice his protest, but Kalawarna silenced him by placing a hand over his mouth. "Let it go, Kou. You need to understand that most inhabitants of this universe will be like this, considering what we already know about them."

"Tch, I get it, but her attitude isn't earning her any points with me," Kouki retorted. He shifted his gaze towards Kalawarna and expressed, "I know it's early, but I want you to work from here, supporting us. I don't want you on the front lines," he confessed with a hint of concern, his eyes briefly avoiding hers in embarrassment.

Kalawarna responded with a reassuring smile, stating, "Perhaps in a month or two, but for now, I'm doing fine."

"B-but what if something happens to you here? I'm just worried about you and the kid," Kouki expressed, his eyes focused on the ground, genuine concern etched across his face.

"I never thought I'd see the cat act like this. I guess love really does change people," observed Natsume, shaking her head at the unexpected display of vulnerability.

Leevans greeted us with a warm smile and shared, "We do have a sort of daycare set up by Heracles before their departure, and many volunteers are involved."

Kouki's attention immediately fixated on Kalawarna, prompting her to take a step back. "O-okay, okay, I'll take it easy, but I'll insist on helping you guys in other ways, okay? I came here with the intention to contribute," she declared.

Mittelt couldn't resist a snigger as she remarked, "You couldn't keep your legs in check before we were finished dealing with the Khaos Order fully."

Kalawarna countered with a deadpan delivery, "At least I'm not into anal," causing Mittelt's face to turn red.

"Wha—!? Sh-shut up!" Mittelt stammered.

The playful banter between the two escalated into a flurry of insults, a regular occurrence. Kouki had mentioned before that they used to be more brazen and foul-mouthed before undergoing a transformative change.

After a brief interval, we returned to the lobby to reunite with Kurotsume.

Earlier, we had discovered that she hailed from a planet named Hanazora Eien. Kurotsume narrowly escaped the clutches of one of the Eradicators, Asisvud, who sought to subjugate her entire planet. Her mission involved rallying individuals to stand by her side in liberating Hanazora Eien. However, her efforts faced a challenge as only a handful had joined her cause.

The Minagawa sisters, along with me, Kouki, and numerous others affiliated with [DxD] from Japan, expressed a shared desire to assist her. Regrettably, trust remained a significant hurdle. Kurotsume, wary and cautious, had yet to place her faith in any of us. It seemed that gaining her trust and convincing her to accept our assistance would be a process requiring time and patience.

"Finally, let's get going. This mission should be a breeze. We've got a simple task at hand—taking down the pieces of shit from Phumera's organization and freeing a small camp of people who might want to join our cause," Kurotsume explained before leading us to a different area.

"I still don't like her," Kouki muttered under his breath.

"It's okay. We'll find a way to gain her trust. For now, let's focus on our first mission!" Kanami exclaimed with enthusiasm, following Kurotsume's lead.

Although our plan was to execute the mission smoothly, Kurotsume's hesitance hinted that it might not be as straightforward as I'd hoped. Nevertheless, we pressed on, embarking on our inaugural mission. The air was charged with a mix of anticipation and uncertainty as we ventured into the unknown.

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Lavinia Reni's Soliloquy

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The Resistance planet's surface appeared even more captivating in the daytime. However, akin to the nighttime scenery, an abundance of trees and vegetation dotted the landscape, presenting a need for extensive clearing.

We recognized the potential of this newfound space but acknowledged the necessity for thoughtful planning to optimize its use. Despite some repaired buildings, a significant portion remained hollow and vacant, prompting the exploration of diverse possibilities for their purpose.

The ongoing debate centered around whether to convert these structures into housing or repurpose them as shops. Aaron entrusted me with the task of meticulously cataloging every detail, a responsibility I eagerly shouldered, anticipating his acknowledgment and praise.

Accompanying me in this endeavor were Velgrynd, Rossweisse, and Azathoth. Rose diligently took notes alongside me, while Velgrynd and Azathoth silently observed our surroundings. Engaging in such labor wasn't their preferred activity, particularly for Velgrynd. Nevertheless, she displayed remarkable prowess when she applied herself to the task, a quality that didn't go unnoticed.

Rose gestured ahead of us, indicating a colossal tree. She questioned, "What if we transform that tree into a structure resembling Yggdrasil?"

Curious, I inquired, "What do you mean?" Having not explored that particular part of the realm, I was unfamiliar with her suggestion. After a brief explanation, coupled with a twinge of envy, I found myself in agreement with her proposal. We turned to seek the opinions of Velgrynd and Azathoth, but they remained fixated on the tree. "Is something wrong you two?" I asked.

"That tree... it used to be the center of this planet. While its powers weren't as potent as Yggdrasil's, it functioned as its own 'world tree.' Even after Aaron's restoration efforts, it still exudes some residual power. Although it's not enough to attract Phumera's attention, Aaron's abilities also play a role in concealing this place, ensuring it goes unnoticed," Velgrynd explained.

Azathoth chimed in, saying, "Indeed, within the middle of its trunk, there should be a core. If infused with power, perhaps by Aaron, it could become quite potent—potentially rivaling the raw energy of the [Inreaos]."

Rose and I exchanged shocked glances as the sudden revelation hung in the air. Turning our attention back to the tree, I hesitated before voicing the question that lingered in my mind. "Should we inform Aaron, then?"

Velgrynd, with a calm assurance, responded, "He's probably aware of it, but he might be preoccupied right now. This place is secure and well-hidden, so a tree emanating power won't attract any unnecessary attention. Still, checking it out wouldn't be a bad idea."

Excitement surged through me. "Then let's go! I want to see what it's all about!" I exclaimed, starting to jog towards the mysterious tree. Rose, however, halted me with a gentle touch, and I gazed at her in confusion.

"It's not going anywhere, Nia. Let's take our time. We won't be leaving anytime soon, so we should focus on our tasks, okay?" Rose advised, and though reluctantly, I nodded in agreement.

"You're right. Let's stick to our job. Velgrynd, Azathoth, can you lend us a hand? I'd like to get this done quickly," I asked, and they readily agreed, bringing a sense of relief to me that they agreed.

— ○ ● ○ —

An hour passed as we roamed, meticulously jotting down observations about our surroundings and structures. Eventually, we stumbled upon a somewhat concealed location—a modest well exuding an unusual energy, encircled by pillars of white stone.

Using the [Appraisal] function of my ring, I discovered a connection between the well and the giant tree. Sharing this revelation with my group, we all peered into the well. As usual, Velgrynd and Azathoth fixed their gaze on it for a longer duration compared to Rose and me, prompting us to patiently await their conclusions.

"It's linked to the tree; it appears to serve the purpose of disseminating the tree's powers throughout the entire planet. I suspect there might be around eight of these distributed across the planet, possibly even up to twelve, though that's a rough estimate," Velgrynd explained, shedding light on the well's significance.

"We should inform the other groups exploring the surface," suggested Azathoth. Rose and I found merit in the idea, and without hesitation, we set out to share the information. It didn't take long for both our teammates and the locals of the planet to acknowledge the importance of vigilance, willingly noting down their respective locations. This collaborative effort aimed to create a comprehensive map, enhancing our understanding of the expansive terrain.

"Let's press on. If we can't find any more in our vicinity, it's reasonable to assume that these wells are scattered across great distances," proposed Velgrynd, prompting us to resume our journey. Despite the current time pointing to noon with the "sun" at its apex, signaling the peak of the day, our mission remained as crucial as ever.

"Hmm, let's pick up the pace," I concurred, urging the group to quicken our strides as we continued our exploration.

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Hirokazu Miller's Soliloquy

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Following our initial trial, we found ourselves thrust into an immediate mission. Caeda took charge, leading us in the absence of the member scheduled to join us, currently on a separate mission. Despite the absence, Caeda adeptly guided us through our tasks.

Our team, recognized primarily for our combat skills, faced a different challenge this time—we were assigned the duty of collecting supplies from a designated drop-off point. Engaged in this unexpected venture, Caeda continued to lead the way, ensuring we navigated through the vibrant, yellow-hued vegetation that covered the planet. Despite its radiant appearance, Caeda reassured us that the flora posed no threat.

The planet teemed with various creatures, most of which, thanks to Jin-san's empowerment back in our universe, were manageable. Among them were monkey-like beings with luminescent ass cheeks capable of emitting beams. Elephantine monsters, snakes, and crocodiles also populated the landscape, their attacks adorned with a radiant yellow glow. The array of vibrant wildlife provided a stark contrast to our typical battles, showcasing the diverse challenges this mission presented.

"Why can't we be assigned to something normal, dammit?" Kenji voiced his frustration, clearly displeased with the current situation. His discomfort in traversing the wilderness was evident, and his annoyance was understandable.

"It's not that bad, Ken-Ken. You'll get used to it," Daiki responded, attempting to provide a more optimistic perspective. Daiki, being accustomed to exploring such environments, found solace in the untamed wilderness, unlike Kenji.

"The supply location isn't far from where we are now, but can you sense it? Multiple enemies. They might have an inkling of what we're planning today," Caeda warned, addressing the potential threat looming in the vicinity.

Signaling my team to lower their voices, I raised my hand, and they complied, understanding the need for stealth. We masked our presence and began the careful journey toward the designated spot. As we neared a clearing, a small house came into view, its wooden walls surrounded by scattered rocks, indicating a site that had clearly endured destruction.

Surrounding the house lurked peculiar shadowy creatures, a phenomenon Jin-san had warned us about. Their presence harkened back to their encounter in Romania while dealing with the two vampire factions at the time.

The other two entities exhibited a more humanoid appearance, adorned in uniforms of black and white, and black and purple. Completing their ensemble were military hats perched atop their heads. A glance at Caeda revealed a furrowed brow, indicating her recognition of the entities.

Curious, I whispered to her, "What's the matter? Do you know them?"

With a frown, Caeda responded, "They're part of Phumera's army. Most grunts are assigned those uniforms. However, unlike your universe, the grunts here range from Ultimate-class to Satan-class and beyond. As I mentioned earlier, power levels in my universe are exceptionally high. Jin's decision to enhance everyone's strength before our arrival was a wise choice." Her explanation shed light on the elevated challenges we faced in this alternate universe.

Jin-san emphasized multiple times during our training sessions that he had no desire for any of us to meet our demise. It was a driving force behind his insistence on strengthening us. The other motivation, of course, was our well-being. He wished for us to be self-sufficient, eliminating the need for him to be a constant presence by our sides.

Minato, crouching beside us, voiced a question, "Can we take them down? I could use my teleportation for a quick assassination kill."

Caeda, providing insights into the nature of our adversaries, responded, "They're akin to any other individuals in your world. Sever their heads, pierce their hearts, or inflict fatal injuries, and you'll eliminate them. I'll keep you informed about any other species or races with distinct vulnerabilities, but dealing with these is relatively straightforward." Caeda's calm explanation eased our concerns, reassuring us that dispatching these foes wasn't an overly complex task.

Minato nodded in understanding, retrieving a kunai and infusing it with touki, amplifying its power. Caeda placed a reassuring touch on his shoulder, further empowering him with her unique abilities.

"Aim for the throat, eyes, or heart, but make it quick. You need to eliminate both grunts first, and we'll assist in dealing with the shadows. If executed rapidly, we can postpone alerting Phumera to our presence. Those shadow creatures possess the ability to warn her almost instantly," Caeda instructed. "To maintain the facade, I won't reveal myself just yet, okay?"

Each of us nodded in agreement, acknowledging Caeda's strategic advice. Minato prepared himself, and we followed suit, ready for the impending confrontation.

Minato affirmed with a nod, swiftly disappearing from his location. In a seamless motion, he efficiently severed the heads of the humanoid entities, ensuring their demise by puncturing their hearts. Meanwhile, the shadowy figures started to pivot in response to the commotion.

With the threat momentarily neutralized, the rest of our group emerged from our concealment, moving quickly to eliminate the remaining shadow creatures. Once the foes lay defeated, our attention shifted to Caeda, who had also joined the fray and signaled our success with a thumbs up.

"Great job, everyone. Those things didn't stand a chance," she complimented us. Despite the victory, a question lingered in my mind, prompting me to seek clarification.

"Caeda, you mentioned that these things are linked to Phumera, and she's aware of everything happening in this universe, right?" I inquired, and she affirmed with a nod. "So, would she be alerted by their disappearance?"

She responded with a smile and explained, "It's a common event for those entities to be destroyed and eliminated. Phumera doesn't pay much attention to it because it's a routine occurrence. She regularly engages in battles against the Resistance, and there are instances where creatures from our world also play a role in destroying them. As a result, she's somewhat lenient in monitoring every instance of their demise."

I hadn't taken that into consideration, but she's right. Considering she and her organization engage in daily battles within this universe, it's inevitable that those creatures would be casualties.

The same logic applies to having them scout areas beforehand. If the native creatures and beasts of this world are stronger, then the shadow creatures will undoubtedly become collateral damage in their encounters.

"I see, that makes sense. Anyway, let's go retrieve the supplies. Wait, what about the soldiers?" I inquired.

"It's the same with them. She either cares even less about them since they don't meet the standards of the Eradicators, Ueboros, or Umbra. Everyone else, with maybe a few exceptions, is dispensable to her," came the response, shedding light on the stark hierarchy and priorities within her organization.

The information sounded grim, but I found myself helpless in the face of it. With a resigned shrug, I walked toward the home. "They mentioned that the supplies are inside the home, in the southeastern corner," I relayed to my companions, then proceeded to enter.

The interior was a sorry sight, mostly in shambles and showing signs of neglect. Some of my teammates couldn't help but comment on the unpleasant state, deeming it gross. However, I chose to overlook the obvious discomfort and focused on the task at hand.

Navigating through the wreckage, I reached the designated location, where I sifted through a combination of mold, wood, and other strange substances until I uncovered what we sought.

"It's more akin to a capsule than anything else. It's intriguing to see the advancements in this universe compared to our own," I remarked, examining the discovered item. Carrying it carefully, I stepped back outside, where the rest of the group gathered around to inspect the peculiar find.

After I opened the container, Daiki expressed his concern, stating, "That's not nearly enough—food and a few other things. It's negligible considering the vast population on that planet. They can't survive on this." His face wore a grim expression as he voiced his worries.

"Don't worry," I reassured him. "Jin-san will inevitably increase the amount, or he might just create food for them. He could have even prepared some beforehand and stored it somewhere else."

Daiki chuckled and remarked, "Yeah, that makes sense. We ate like kings during our stay in his [Training Facility]. If he can do that there, replicating the same here will be a piece of cake." The memory of their luxurious meals at Jin's Training Facility brought a lightheartedness to the conversation, dispelling some of the initial concerns.

"That concludes our mission. However," Caeda declared, scanning the surroundings, "I've visited this planet in my off-duty time before, and some of the animals here are edible. Let's hunt a few down and take them back. We can rely on Jin to turn them into something edible."

Caeda's culinary suggestion prompted a few of us to take a cautious step back. "Y-you have that much faith in his cooking skills, huh? W-well, I do too, but I never knew the creatures here were edible," I stammered.

"They are, trust me. I've cooked and eaten them before. Just steer clear of the monkeys; they taste mostly of... unpleasant things. I don't want to experience that flavor again," Caeda advised, punctuating her statement with a fake gag as she mimicked the act of vomiting.

Inhaling deeply, I raised my voice, rallying the group with determination. "Okay, everyone! Let's get this done!" Their expressions held a mix of curiosity and reluctance, indicating their hesitancy to proceed. "Consider this an order. Let's just tackle it head-on and get it over with," I added wearily, emphasizing the importance of the task at hand. Despite initial reservations, they reluctantly consented, acknowledging the necessity of the directive.

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Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

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As our meeting unfolded, the door swung open, revealing a figure that struck a chord of familiarity within me. Despite our brief encounter, her image had etched itself into my memory.

"Yo, I'm back. The mission was..." she began, her words trailing off as her gaze fixed on me.

"Yo. It's been a while, Radelia Vaqirelle. I hope you're doing well?" I inquired, meeting her stare head-on.

She maintained her gaze for a few moments before nodding. The only available spot was to my right since everyone else had claimed their places. It appeared that Savina and Laeronia had orchestrated this seating arrangement, leaving Radelia looking visibly uneasy.

"Why the nerves? Did our last meeting leave you wary of me?" I questioned, leaning in a bit too close for comfort. Her face flushed, rendering her speechless.

Yet, before the awkwardness could linger, a hand gripped my cheeks and gently pulled me back. It wasn't Radelia's doing; these hands belonged to different individuals, and I allowed them to guide me away.

"Behave," commanded both Suzaku and Latia, their authoritative tones punctuating the moment. I chuckled before giving my acquiescence.

I eagerly anticipated the continuation of our meeting, especially now that Radelia had joined us. The anticipation grew as Lavinia shared her recent findings, indicating that they intended to head towards the tree.

While the idea of joining them stirred a desire within me, I recognized the necessity of staying put for the time being. In this moment, my reliance on their gathered information became paramount, a temporary substitute for my direct involvement.

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