Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 15 – Part 3 – Final Battle with the Alliance of the Evil Gods

Third Person Point of View

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"Don't underestimate me, devil! I'm a god!" Aed's voice rang out in defiance.

Aed possessed a distinct appearance. His short, jet-black hair swept gracefully over the right side of his face, partially veiling it. His eyes were dark and intense, and his elvish ears gave him an otherworldly quality. Silver earrings adorned both of his ears, and a matching silver ring graced his right ring finger. He donned a sleek black polo shirt, paired with matching pants and shoes. A touch of rebellious style was evident as he had painted his fingers in a deep shade of black.

"Don't you understand?! What Orla and I shared was genuine divine love! A devil like you can't possibly fathom its depth! Today's events just seemed like the perfect moment to make my move," he declared, a wicked grin directed at Sona, Tsubaki, and Genshirou.

Sona, her arms folded, and her colossal [Leviathan] coiled around her, fixed an intimidating gaze upon Aed. She inquired, "Are you affiliated with the Khaos Order, then?"

Aed responded, a touch of defiance in his tone, "I only joined them in my pursuit of Orla. Once I have her, I'll depart. It's a simple arrangement. They provide me with information, and I reciprocate. It's not terrorism; it's love!" His words betrayed a clear sense of delusion as he tried to rationalize his actions.

Sona let out a sigh and retorted, "You're simply delusional. While I may not possess any divinity within me, my b-boyfriend certainly does, and he doesn't resort to such deranged tactics to win someone's heart."

Genshirou, who stood behind her, couldn't help but suppress a snicker at his [King]'s momentary stutter. His amusement, however, was short-lived as Sona swiftly pivoted to glare at him, prompting him to avert his gaze.

"The lizard, you say? Please, that philanderer knows nothing of true love, even if it were right before his eyes! His affections are fickle; he spreads them far and wide. Do you honestly believe he loves you? What a ludicrous notion! My love is the epitome of purity, the truest form! Once I reunite with Orla, we shall elope, marry, and raise a large family. It's a flawless life!" Aed exclaimed fervently, his fervor on full display.

Sona sighed once more, realizing that reasoning with the delusional god before her was futile. It was evident that her words would merely bounce off him, as he seemed hell-bent on fighting back and tarnishing Aaron's reputation in her eyes. With a resigned tone, she conceded.

"It's clear that my words won't penetrate your delusional mindset," she remarked. "So, I'll opt for a different approach. I'll defeat you and bring you to face justice through the alliance's judgment. Get ready for what's coming." Her declaration signaled a shift in her demeanor, and the [Leviathan] surrounding her sprang into action, creating a multitude of water-based attacks that swirled around her.

Aed, however, remained steadfast in his conviction, responding with defiance, "Nonsense, devil! Victory will be mine! Come forth, my children!" His words carried a resounding boom, and the dark purple and dark blue divine orbs surrounding him multiplied even further. Soon, the battlefield became teeming with the appearance of undead creatures.

"Saji, I'm retracting my previous statement. Please focus on handling the undead creatures. I'll take on the god," Sona announced decisively.

Genshirou, filled with concern, couldn't help but voice his worry. "A-are you sure you'll be alright?" he inquired.

Sona reassured him, her determination shining through. "If we secure victory in our next match, we'll be up against a team with gods—Indra-sama and his group. You could say this battle is like a warm-up against a god. Please, trust in me," she implored.

With a resolute nod, Genshirou exclaimed, "Roger! Good luck, President!" He promptly activated his Perfected Balance Breaker and took to the skies, dealing with the undead creatures in a whirlwind of action.

Aed's frustration boiled over as he attempted to launch an attack against Genshirou. However, his swift action was quickly thwarted by Sona, who commanded her [Leviathan] to unleash a barrage of watery attacks in his direction.

Aed clenched his teeth and retaliated by conjuring thousands of divine magic circles, which he hoped would shield him from the oncoming deluge. Much to his surprise, Sona's [Leviathan] effortlessly shattered his defensive barriers.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Aed swiftly leaped out of harm's way, narrowly avoiding the worst of the water attacks. Nevertheless, his escape didn't come without cost, as he suffered minor lacerations on his legs and thigh, stoking the flames of his anger.

Refusing to back down, Aed used his dark purple and blue divine orbs, which, in a dazzling transformation, took the shape of two powerful creatures. One bore a striking resemblance to a praying mantis, while the other manifested as a massive T-rex. Both divine beasts charged forth, aimed squarely at Sona and her [Leviathan].

In response, Sona raised her hand and conjured a compact ball of condensed demonic water. With precision, she directed it at the praying mantis while her [Leviathan] let out an ear-piercing screech, amplifying her attack as it took on the form of a serpentine creature and collided with the divine mantis.

The mantis had no chance to react, as Sona's attack surged at an astonishing speed, leaving it unable to comprehend or evade the impending impact. An eruption ensued, shaking both the atmosphere and the island beneath, and even causing significant damage to the towering tree that loomed behind them.

Sona reacted swiftly, leaping away from the T-rex just in the nick of time as its massive jaws snapped shut in an attempt to bite her. The prehistoric creature immediately turned its gaze toward her and unleashed a barrage of divine aura blasts from its maw. Sona, undaunted, summoned her elegant wings and gracefully evaded the oncoming attacks. To her surprise, these divine attacks persisted, relentlessly following her.

Quick-thinking, Sona directed her [Leviathan] to lock onto the divine projectiles, and in an instant, it discharged colossal water bullets, effectively intercepting and detonating the divine attacks. The resultant explosion sent billows of smoke swirling through the skies, creating a shroud of momentary obscurity.

Taking advantage of this chaotic cover, Sona harnessed the power of her [Leviathan] to fashion large water spears around her, imbuing them with energy. Silently and with a purposeful focus, she aimed the augmented water spears at Aed, launching them as a countermeasure against the imposing threat.

Sona's attack moved at a pace that outmatched Aed's reactions. However, his immortal nature kicked in, and his body responded even before his thoughts could keep pace. He contorted his form swiftly, narrowly avoiding a catastrophic fate, yet not entirely unscathed; his left arm was severed as Sona's blows made contact with the island below.

Grimacing with pain, Aed groaned at the loss of his limb but showed no signs of being deterred. Instead, he leaped away from the impending danger and retaliated by launching a relentless barrage of divine aura attacks towards Sona.

His frustration mounted when the [Leviathan], acting as a protective shield, shielded Sona from his attacks, effectively absorbing the force meant for her. In the blink of an eye, Sona vanished from sight, and Aed's consciousness lagged behind. Only when his senses caught up did he realize that his other arm had been severed from his body.

In a startled moment, he tried to muster a defense, but it was too late. Sona's leg struck his neck with incredible force, sending him hurtling away. The colossal tree on the island bore the brunt of his impact, quaking violently before he plummeted to the ground below.

Aed struggled to catch his breath, coughing violently as he endeavored to rise, even though he was now bereft of both arms. With determined resolve, he managed to get back on his feet, fixing a stern glare on Sona, his indomitable spirit refusing to yield.

"Wouldn't it be wiser to surrender, Aed-sama?" Sona inquired with an unflinching, stoic tone.

"Don't assume victory just yet! Cermait will arrive to assist me after dealing with your [Queen]!" Aed shouted defiantly.

"Cermait? Ah, your brother, I presume? He's notably less powerful than you, and I have full confidence that Tsubaki will emerge victorious," Sona calmly retorted as she swiftly materialized beside Aed. Her ability over demonic water allowed her to immobilize him. "It won't be much longer now."

— ○ ● ○ —

"I'll say it one more time, Cermait-sama. Surrender, or I'll have no choice but to use stronger measures to detain you," Tsubaki firmly addressed the wounded god standing before her.

Aoife, her frustration evident, added her voice to the conversation, pointing her sword at the god. "What she said! Why are some gods so relentless? Just accept that Orla doesn't like your brother's weird love!"

Cermait, his gaze filled with anger, glared at Aoife and shouted, "You've no room to talk about love when you're in the Middleman's harem! That's not love; it's a fantasy for the feeble-minded to chase after. My brother's love may be unconventional, but it's more genuine than what the Middleman has!" His retort carried a mix of resentment and defiance, revealing the complexity of their situation.

"Various forms of love exist, and your brothers love is just one among them. Not everyone may approve of how Aaron handles his relationships, but at least all of us involved are content with it. Queen Orla, I assure you, does not and will not love Aed in that way ever again!" Aoife vehemently retorted, her irritation evident at Cermait's criticism of Aaron's choices.

In Irish mythology, Cermait was one of the sons of the Dagda and a brother of Aed. For reasons stemming from a past incident involving Lugh, they had distanced themselves from the Tuatha Dé Danann, harboring strong aversion toward the group. Despite Danu's attempts at reconciliation on behalf of the Tuatha Dé Danann, the two brothers remained adamant in their disdain.

Cermait, fueled by anger, let out a bitter exclamation, "Only a whore would say such a thing!" His words dripped with venom as he continued, "Every woman connected to the Middleman is a whore, and he himself is no different! Nothing will sway my judgment, you damn whore!" His outburst was so intense that it caused a minor shockwave, underscoring the depth of his emotions.

Just as Tsubaki was on the verge of speaking, a small light materialized beside them, followed by the emergence of a magic circle. From it, Áine and Danu made their entrance.

"Hello, Cermait. It's been a while," Áine greeted him with a tinge of sadness in her gaze as she looked upon him.

Cermait's fury swelled like a tempest, and he let out a thunderous roar, "Áine!!!" Without a moment's hesitation, he lunged toward the goddess, and Áine offered no resistance to his charge. However, his attack was swiftly halted as Aoife intervened, delivering a powerful kick to his abdomen. Simultaneously, Danu employed her control over nature, restraining him with roots summoned from the earth.

Despite his physical restraint, Cermait's anger remained unbridled. He continued to unleash a barrage of bitter and demeaning words at Áine, most of which consisted of harsh insults and derogatory accusations.

Áine sighed, her gaze moving from Cermait to Tsubaki and Aoife, who were both puzzled by the unfolding situation. "Have you heard my story from Aaron?" she inquired, and both nodded in acknowledgment. "He was one of my victims, and he's held resentment toward me ever since. Perhaps, to some extent, he's harbored animosity toward women as a result?" She shed light on the source of Cermait's deep-seated resentment, a narrative that had left a lasting impact on the bonds between these individuals.

"I'll kill you!" he bellowed once more, his struggles to break free from his restraints proving futile.

Áine, weighed down by the gravity of his actions, spoke with a heavy heart, "I can't undo the harm I've caused to these men, and I don't expect them to forgive me. The least I can do is accept their insults without protest, for they have every right to express their anger." Cermait's rage continued unabated.

Tsubaki had much to say on the matter, yet she hesitated to provide her limited insights on "love" in this fraught situation. However, in the end, she sighed and employed a touch of sleep-inducing magic on Cermait, finally quelling his tirade. "Sona-sama is most likely engaged in a battle against the God Aed, so we should make our way there," she informed the others.

"Aed... so he truly came here to abduct Orla. We were just with her a few minutes ago, and she seemed fine, with Shadow Soldiers and her maid Vilja by her side," Danu explained, her expression etched with sadness as she cast a lingering gaze upon the now slumbering Cermait.

Just as they were preparing to shift from their current position, Genshirou appeared on the scene, having vanquished the final vestiges of the undead army. "Hello! The President has finished her battle, and it seems like you all are ready as well. Let's head to the rendezvous point with her!" he cheerfully announced. The group swiftly concurred with his suggestion, making haste to join Sona.

— ○ ● ○ —

"We've cleared them out, haven't we?" Roselia inquired. The Sitri peerage had regrouped back in the Thine Ifreann Réimse, joined by the others who had assisted them.

Sona concurred, but with a sense of caution, "Yes, but our work in this country isn't complete. There might be more foes lurking beyond, even in this replicated realm. We should press on."

Roselia nodded, patting the two unconscious gods they had subdued. "We'll deliver these unruly troublemakers first. Afterward, we'll rejoin you all, as there's little point in lingering here."

"Very well," Sona acknowledged with a respectful bow. She and her team then utilized teleportation to depart.

Vita, curious about the next steps for the four goddesses in their company, inquired, "What are your plans?"

Cana, Danu, Áine, and Scathach exchanged glances, contemplating their course of action.

"Fufu, I was tempted to stay with Orla, but it appears that Aífe has taken that role," the Queen of the Land of Shadows explained.

Danu interjected, "You did stay behind as we left earlier, though."

Scathach chimed in with a mischievous grin, "I had faith that you all could handle things without me. But now, I'm itching to get out there, stretch my legs, and deal with some terrorists. Aaron did mention they would pull out all the stops, and I anticipate facing the remaining Battle Gods, fufu~"

Celine, Emma's familiar, couldn't help but shake her head and mumbled, "These battle maniacs."

Scathach, however, took offense and grabbed Celine's tail, playfully raising her. "What did you say, cat!?"

Celine let out an indignant "Meeeeeeeow!? Let me go!!" as she protested the unexpected tail-lifting by the goddess.

— ○ ● ○ —

"I didn't expect us to be here of all places, ufufu~" Akeno chuckled softly, her amusement evident.

Rias, understanding the situation, responded, "Well, it's where Aaron and many of us live. It would make sense for the attackers to target this place."

The Gremory team found themselves in Japan, where they had forged alliances with various factions to defend the nation. The remaining Super Devils and other Khaos Order allies had launched an assault, and the defenders were fighting valiantly.

Akeno, while battling various devils with her holy lightning, expressed a hint of longing, saying, "I do wish I could have gone with Aaron, though~" She pouted slightly, her emotions a mix of sadness and determination as she continued to protect her homeland.

Vasco Strada, who was among the group, decided to chime in with a humorous remark. "Aaron casually mentioned to me that I should become the priest for all his future marriages, fufu."

This revelation caught Rias off guard, and she reacted with surprise. "Eh!? Really!?" she exclaimed, taken aback by this unexpected tidbit of information.

Before Vasco Strada could respond to her inquiry, an ominous sensation seemed to envelop all of Japan. The members of the alliance swiftly directed their attention to a specific location. A man with crimson hair and imposing black horns had materialized there, sporting a broad, enigmatic smile.

Crom Cruach conveyed his insights to the group, [Scarmiglione... his appearance matches what Jin previously described.]

With determined resolve, Crom Cruach announced his intentions, [I'll going to go fight him.] Without hesitation, he took to the skies and made a beeline for the Malebranche known as Scarmiglione.

Rias, concerned for Crom's well-being, called out to him, "Wait, Crom!" However, the resolute Evil Dragon pressed on and continued his advance.

He quickly closed the distance, confronting Scarmiglione head-on. Crom Cruach unleashed a powerful punch, but the Malebranche's agility allowed him to evade the attack with ease. In response, Scarmiglione playfully whistled.

[You're quite eager, aren't you? I prepared this dramatic entrance, and all I get is an irate dragon trying to attack me. Sheesh,] the crimson-haired man remarked with a sly grin.

Suddenly, a barrage of attacks materialized from all directions, taking Crom Cruach and Scarmiglione by surprise. Crom found himself swiftly teleported away, while the onslaught of attacks homed in on Scarmiglione's position, resulting in a colossal explosion that sent shockwaves through the skies of Japan.

Crom couldn't help but express his annoyance, stating, [I was doing fine.]

Rias, her brow furrowing with concern, adopted an authoritative tone as she reminded him, "Even so, you can't charge in recklessly. You know what Aaron told us about his abilities. He's a 'trickster,' and you can never predict his next move."

Crom Cruach and Rias Gremory locked eyes, their auras radiating with power and tension, causing unease among those nearby. However, after a tense standoff, Crom Cruach ultimately heaved a sigh and withdrew.

[…Tch, fine,] he grumbled, crossing his arms and directing a fierce glare at Scarmiglione.

[Wow~ Bravo! I didn't expect you to attack us like this. Are you sure you're the heroes here? Don't they usually fight fairly or something?] inquired the [Malebranche], his tone laced with skepticism.

Scarmiglione, in a sudden whirl, executed a courteous bow in their direction, signaling false respect before unleashing a flurry of magic circles. These mystical sigils produced small boxes that were expelled into the air. Scarmiglione gazed up at the group and flashed a confident smile.

[Here's a little gift for all of you,] he announced with a grin and nonchalantly snapped his fingers. Instantly, all the boxes erupted in a chaotic spectacle, releasing a motley crew of opponents.

Xenovia couldn't hide her astonishment and blurted out, "What the—!? Is that Kokabiel!?"

An eerie, malevolent laughter filled the air. "Uhyahyahyahyahyah~!" echoed one voice, and it was followed by another maniacal laugh, "Hyahahahaha!"

Yumi knit her brows, a sense of recognition crossing her features. "That laughter... it definitely sounds like Rizevim's, and the other one resembles... Kousuke, the man who supposedly took over for someone named 'Freed.'"

As more and more of their previously vanquished foes emerged from the boxes, the most conspicuous among them was an individual with distinctive pink hair.

"Yahoo~ Did you all miss me?" she chimed in cheerfully.

Akeno hissed softly, "Lapis..."

Rias, attempting to maintain her composure, advised, "Don't be deceived; it's one of his abilities, remember?"

Gasper, providing some clarity, explained, "Didn't Aaron-nii call it [Phantasmatic Pop Up]? It's like a form of illusion magic that gives them physical properties. Even in this state, they won't possess their unique powers and will only have the same strength as Scarmiglione." His words aimed to dispel any undue panic among the group.

Scarmiglione grinned, his smile displaying a hint of mischief, and he winked at them once more. [And now, go ahead and enjoy this little gift from me! Oh, and there's more! We can't forget about these folks, can we?] With another snap of his fingers, two clones of each of the Evil Dragons manifested before them.

Crom Cruach, Apophis, Ladon, Aži Dahāka, Niðhöggr, Grendel, Vritra, and Yamata no Orochi—every one of the former Evil Dragons stood before the alliance. The original Crom Cruach seethed with anger, his aura surging.

[You...!] he hissed, his voice laced with fury.

Scarmiglione couldn't resist a taunting chuckle. [Fufu~ Did that get under your scales, lizard-kun? Oh well, I don't really care. Enjoy my little treat~ I've got somewhere to be.] He made an attempt to depart, but to his surprise, he found himself unable to teleport away.

Scarmiglione found himself in an unusual predicament and mused, [Now that's strange, I can't leave. I wonder why?] He couldn't fathom the reason for his confinement.

Vasco Strada, a voice of authority in this chaotic moment, offered a directive through the transceivers. [Don't panic, group up, and engage opponents of equal or lesser strength. Leave the stronger ones to the rest!] His words provided a clear battle plan.

After a brief pause, a thunderous roar erupted from the assembled fighters, resonating through the Japanese skies. With unwavering determination, they charged into combat. Vasco Strada, a formidable presence, wasted no time. He swiftly closed the gap between him and Scarmiglione, infusing his fist with holy energy before delivering a resounding blow to the [Malebranche]'s side.

Scarmiglione, taken aback by the old man's incredible speed, managed to block the attack in the nick of time, using his demonic aura as a shield. Despite this defense, he was sent tumbling backward from the force of the strike.

Rias, assessing the situation, sought Crom Cruach's input. "Crom, you have the option to fight alongside His Eminence if you wish. Alternatively, you may choose to focus on eliminating those clones. What's your preference?" she inquired.

Crom Cruach, the Evil Dragon, answered with a resolute nod, indicating his choice. [Clones. They're an embarrassment.] He then took flight, heading toward his two clones who greeted him with wicked grins.

In the vast expanse of the skies, a fierce aerial battle was unfolding, and Yumi found herself under attack from none other than Kousuke. His laughter echoed through the air as he taunted her, "Hyahahaha! It's been a while! ...But I never imagined you'd turn into such a bitch!"

Yumi didn't dignify his words with a response. Instead, she summoned [Gram], a powerful sword, and poised herself for Kousuke's impending attack. To his surprise, the young man noticed the formidable weapon in Yumi's grasp.

"Oya? Isn't that [Gram]? Wow, wow, wow~ I didn't expect you to wield such a powerful sword. Time has certainly passed, hasn't it?" he mused, his tone tinged with a touch of nostalgia. "But I'm still the superior swordsman!"

In the blink of an eye, Yumi materialized right in front of him, catching Kousuke off guard. The deranged priest swung his blade towards her, and Yumi responded in kind with [Gram]. Yet, at the point of impact, she unleashed a surge of her strength, shattering Kousuke's arm and weapon upon collision.

"What...? What the hell did you just do!?" Kousuke demanded, his expression a mix of confusion and fury. He summoned another blade into his remaining hand and made another swing at Yumi. However, the same outcome repeated itself, as her enhanced strength obliterated his second arm and weapon.

Finally, Yumi spoke, her tone resolute, "What do you mean by being 'the better swordsman'? You already lost to us before, and that was a year ago. We've all grown even stronger since then, while you've remained stagnant as an illusion, dwelling in the realm of the deceased."

She poised her sword and declared, "Return to the abyss, Kousuke. Your presence isn't needed in our world." With that, Yumi darted past Kousuke, and within moments, a multitude of slashes appeared on his body, reducing him to countless fragments.

Yumi's battle wasn't over yet; one of her teammates, Lint, found herself under attack by a man who bore a striking resemblance to someone they all knew.

"Freed-aniki, snap out of it, dammit!" Lint shouted, fending off the sword strikes from the deranged man. Yumi swiftly swooped in to join them and made a decisive move, slicing off Freed's arm. "W-wait! Yumi-paisen, don't!"

"Lint, I understand you've told us some things about him, but... he's just an illusion, not real. I suspect these illusions might have predetermined responses—it's possible they're drawing from Scarmiglione's memories to create these new ones. So, what they 'know' is essentially 'false.' The Freed you're facing isn't the real deal," Yumi explained, her voice strained by the circumstances.

There was something Yumi refrained from sharing with Lint. She had crossed paths with Freed before, back when Sairaorg's fiancée had been kidnapped. Yumi had encountered a being claiming to be "Freed" in a chimera form, and she had swiftly dispatched him. The memory of his distinct aura from that encounter lingered, and the man battling Lint emitted the same aura.

"Hyahahaha! I managed to come back even after being killed twice! The Middleman just randomly appeared and blew a hole through my stomach when I reached Kuoh. What a ruthless kid!" Freed boasted, taking Lint by surprise.

"H-he did what...?" Lint inquired, her eyes filled with uncertainty.

"Well, I did go there to kill a few people, so I can understand why he would want to kill me. But that was when I had just entered the town! He didn't even give me a chance to interact with anyone! Tch, he's kind of boring, huh?" Freed mused, his tongue caressing the barrel of his firearm.

"You... You shouldn't do that, Freed-aniki. We were supposed to—"

"I don't care! I don't want to be some kind of guinea pig! So, I choose to do whatever I want! And, stop calling me 'Aniki,' it's weird. I barely know you," he rebuked her, his expression tainted with mild disgust.

"I'm Lint Sellzen. We both hail from the same institution, and for that reason, I took on your name to atone for your sins," she calmly explained.

To their surprise, Freed broke into laughter. "So you're just me with... tits!? You're even smaller than me, and, wow, you have really small tits, don't you? It's kinda disappointing. But, you know what? I don't care. Those crimes and sins I committed are like trophies to me. Don't try to tarnish that," he hissed back at her.

Freed's gaze settled on Lint, causing her to feel slightly uneasy. "Well, I wouldn't mind having some fun with you. But would it be considered incest? Or maybe selfcest?" he quipped, letting out a laugh.

Unfazed by his crude remark, Yumi intervened sternly, "That's not the issue. You need to be taken down." With resolute determination, she charged at Freed. Hindered by the loss of one arm, Freed was powerless to defend himself, and Yumi easily severed his remaining arm with the lethal [Gram]. After her swift attack, Yumi stepped back, offering Lint an opportunity to speak to the illusion.

"That's [Gram], right? I recall some pretty boy using it. His name was Siegfried, wasn't it? He had quite the collection of impressive swords," Freed remarked with a hint of disdain.

Yumi smiled and summoned [Balmung], [Nothung], [Tyrfing], and [Dáinsleif]. "You mean these?" she inquired, displaying the array of weapons. "I acquired them after Siegfried's passing." Her revelation prompted Freed to erupt into another fit of laughter.

Freed's smug words cut through the air, and he couldn't help but smirk. "So that idiot met his end as well? Ah, this is just perfect," he declared with a mix of satisfaction and disdain. His laughter ceased abruptly.

Lint, who had maintained a somber expression throughout, finally spoke up. "I'll remember your name, and I'll continue to do good deeds to make amends for your sins and transgressions. Even if you insist you don't want it, I still regard us as 'siblings,' Freed-aniki."

Freed, unimpressed by Lint's heartfelt words, rolled his eyes and casually cleaned out his ear with his pinkie finger. "Whatever, just get it over with and kill me already. I'm tired of waiting," he grumbled in irritation.

Yumi, with a sense of determination, retracted her summoned swords, save for [Gram]. She cast one last glance toward Lint, who gave a resolute nod. Without wasting a moment, Yumi shot toward Freed with blinding speed, slicing through him in a swift motion and dispelling the illusion.

"Are you certain about your decision?" Yumi inquired, casting a quick glance in Lint's direction.

Lint, resolute and unwavering, responded with conviction, "Absolutely. Even if he doesn't approve of my actions, I'll continue because we're bound by 'blood.'" Her commitment to her principles shone through her words.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Akeno-wakeno-chan-chan, why are you so angry with me~?" Lapis playfully inquired. "Is it because I 'killed' you~? It was just a little prank, sweetie pie~!"

Akeno's eye twitched as she endured Lapis' voice—or at least the illusion that resembled the woman many despised. Fortunately, these illusions lacked the replication of their original abilities, possessing only the same strength as Scarmiglione. Akeno found herself in a rather straightforward battle with her opponent.

"Shut your mouth. You have no right to speak to me after the harm you inflicted on so many people," Akeno hissed in response.

Lapis, with a cunning grin, retorted, "Wow~ so mean! Daddy won't love you if you keep up that attitude, you know~?" Her taunts persisted, but Akeno remained resolute in her determination.

Akeno remained silent, her response manifesting as a relentless onslaught of holy lightning dragons unleashed upon Lapis. The woman, ever the giggler, countered with her own attacks, conjuring pink aura dragons. Despite her best efforts, it became evident that Akeno possessed the advantage in raw power, swiftly dispelling Lapis' attacks.

"Seems like I won't be coming out on top here, will I?" Lapis mused aloud. "Oh well, I might as well push her buttons a bit more~," she contemplated with a playful smile.

Akeno, meanwhile, darted past Lapis with remarkable speed. Before the pink-haired woman could react, Akeno's knee connected with her face, the knee itself imbued with the power of holy lightning. The impact inflicted even more damage upon her opponent.

"Fufufu~ keep it up, Akeno-chan~! You can do it, Akeno-chan! You can kill me, Akeno-chan~!" Lapis cheered, artfully evading the attacks that Akeno launched. "You're just an onahole, Akeno-chan! You're not loved, Akeno-chan!" Lapis added with the intention of provoking the young woman further.

Akeno found herself deeply unsettled by Lapis' taunts. In fact, she had taken to tuning out Lapis' voice, fully aware that the pink-haired woman would likely continue to utter bizarre and disturbing statements. To counter, Akeno summoned holy lightning tornadoes that swirled around them and then directed them toward Lapis.

Caught off guard, Lapis was compelled to halt her stream of insults and retaliate with pink aura blasts aimed at the lightning tornadoes. However, her attacks proved ineffective, forcing her to retreat. Strangely, Lapis seemed unfazed, maintaining a steady stream of giggles throughout the encounter.

"Do you really hate me that much~?" Lapis inquired. To her astonishment, Akeno offered a gentle smile in response.

"I certainly do," declared another voice, and before Lapis could react, she was ruthlessly cleaved in two, a vertical gash running from her head to her feet.

The architect of this abrupt and brutal act was none other than Aurelia Le Guin. She had used her greatsword to execute the decisive strike. Aurelia regarded the severed illusion with a triumphant grin, relishing her act. "Even though you're nothing but a mirage, the satisfaction of ending your life brings me some joy."

"Ufufufu~ you're just so cute, Aury-chan~!" Lapis cooed before vanishing into thin air.

Akeno, somewhat taken aback, remarked, "Aurelia... I didn't expect to find you here." She pouted playfully. "I wanted to take her down too, you know? She's the one who killed me."

Aurelia couldn't help but chuckle at Akeno's reaction. "Hahaha! Well, perhaps you shouldn't have toyed with your prey for too long. Consider it a lesson," she quipped with a mischievous grin. "However, there are still other opponents to face. For instance, there's Kokabiel over there. Don't you want to confront him for what he did to Lavinia last year?"

Aurelia gestured beyond Akeno, prompting her to turn and see Kokabiel launching beams of light at the alliance. It was evident from his expression that he hadn't anticipated encountering so many formidable humans and other supernatural entities.

Akeno, determined, responded, "You're right. I'll deal with him myself before anyone else gets the chance." With that, she took flight and swiftly closed the distance to confront the fallen angel.

"Hmm? Oh!? If it isn't the daughter of Baraqiel! Would you like—" Kokabiel's words were abruptly cut short as Akeno clenched her hand, conjuring a colossal lightning strike that struck him, leaving him momentarily stunned.

Akeno then extended her left arm, pointing her palm directly at Kokabiel. She drew back her other hand, mimicking the motion of pulling a bowstring, and this action gave birth to a powerful demonic fire arrow.

With swift precision, Akeno released her attack, and the fiery arrow raced toward Kokabiel. In response, Kokabiel began to laugh at the incoming projectile.

"Bahahahaha! Is this all you've got? I've been dead for a year, and this is your best effort? How pitiful! 'Daughter of Lightning,' my ass!" he boomed, his laughter ringing through the air as he retaliated by launching spears of light.

To Kokabiel's astonishment, his light spears were rapidly consumed by the demonic flames. "What?! How can my light attacks be destroyed by demonic flames!?" he roared in frustration. He narrowly evaded the fiery onslaught, continuing to taunt Akeno. "Hah, it's so slow that it can't even touch me! You're still—"

Akeno maintained a calm smile as the blazing arrow altered its course, swiftly piercing Kokabiel in the stomach. Kokabiel's words abruptly ceased as he was engulfed in flames, his expression a mixture of shock and despair.

With a playful tune on her lips, she cheered, "That's for Nia~," clapping her hands in delight. Aware of the numerous enemies surrounding them, she swiftly took flight, heading toward her comrades to offer assistance.

— ○ ● ○ —

Aaron Toole and his companions teleported to the underground section of London, specifically the area where Hades and some of his underlings were located.

"I'm going ahead to confront Hades. Can I trust the rest to you guys?" Aaron inquired, addressing his group. Irina and the Fates Ones stood by his side, minus Lavinia, who had gone to join the Slash Dog Team.

"Go ahead, Aaron," Suzaku responded with a confident nod. Aaron offered them a warm smile before vanishing, leaving a faint rush of air in his wake.

"Straight ahead, a Super Devil is approaching! I'll take them on!" Irina declared, her wings unfurling as she soared to their left.

"There are enemies for each of us to handle. It appears there's a hybrid among them—a Super Devil with dragon blood. I'll make my way toward that one," Velgrynd announced before disappearing in a fiery blaze.

"Rossweisse, can I entrust you to deal with any opposition we encounter? Let's work on clearing out this underground base," Suzaku requested.

"Of course, you can count on me," Rossweisse replied before taking flight as well.

"Danu-sama departed earlier. Azathoth-san, what's your plan?" Suzaku asked as she and Azathoth paused momentarily. In the distance, the sounds of numerous battles commencing could be heard.

Azathoth considered for a moment. "I will traverse this underground fortress of theirs. If I encounter any enemies, I'll either capture or eliminate them. Ultimately, I'll make my way to Aaron's side. Is that acceptable?"

Suzaku nodded in agreement. "Yes, that works. All of us will converge at Aaron's location once we've completed cleared out this temporary base of theirs." She then turned and summoned [Zhuque], and the Sacred Beast swiftly transitioned into her humanoid form. "Come with me, Zhuque."

Zhuque sighed in response, her voice tinged with a hint of irritation. "Another operation. One would think we'd get some respite for a few days or weeks before these troublemakers threaten the world once more. What a troublesome bunch."

Suzaku shared some insight, saying, "Aaron mentioned that after this, we'll have dealt with the Khaos Order in our universe. All that remains are the Phantasma and Evie factions, along with any lingering members across the multiverse."

"Is that so? Well, it better be the case. I'm looking forward to some relaxation," the Sacred Beast replied before they set off, leaving Azathoth to navigate the underground on her own.

"Hey, isn't that the [Dreamer] everyone's been yammering about, the one the old fogeys and researchers wouldn't shut up about? Think we'd make a tidy sum by grabbing her?" a man's voice inquired.

"Oh, damn! It is her! Let's nab her!" another voice chimed in.

In an abrupt turn of events, about twenty enemies encircled Azathoth, many of them already airborne and poised to strike. These individuals were mercenaries in the service of the Khaos Order, drafted into this mission as numerous other factions under their banner had either been captured, annihilated, or disbanded.

Azathoth surveyed her surroundings, her expression betraying no emotion. She found herself pondering the motivations of these men, asking herself, 'They know I'm stronger than them, so why are they coming after me?' As she contemplated the situation, her thoughts turned to some words of wisdom Aaron had once shared with her.

'That's a curious thing to wonder about, Azathoth, but... in simple terms, greed can sometimes blind people and cloud their judgment. Plus, many folks are skeptics when it comes to rumors, even in the face of compelling evidence. It's a mystery to me, really. So, consider this: if your opponent starts underestimating you, seize the opportunity.'

With a soft sigh and a subtle nod, she came to a stark conclusion: they were utter fools. That was the thought that crossed her mind. Without further delay, Azathoth's eyes briefly shimmered, and the mercenaries found themselves inexplicably paralyzed.

"W-What the hell!? I can't move!" one of them exclaimed, his voice filled with panic.

"Me neither! What the fuck is happening!?" another shouted in sheer surprise.

She couldn't help but voice her disdain for their actions. "Humans, or rather, I shouldn't single out humans alone—creatures, regardless of their species or race, can be inherently foolish. Their greed often clouds their judgment. You attempted to harm me, and now you must face the consequences. I am not as forgiving as Aaron," she declared.

With a graceful motion of her arm, she conjured towering shadowy creatures, each sporting a singular eye in the center. These grotesque entities featured razor-sharp teeth and, as they laid eyes on the immobilized mercenaries suspended in the air and on the ground, they couldn't help but drool.

<<Eat them,>> she commanded, and the shadowy creatures responded with elated screeches. They descended upon the helpless mercenaries and began their gruesome feast. The echoes of the mercenaries' anguished cries reverberated throughout the underground fortress of Hades.

Azathoth concluded her task, looking around the area, and chose a direction to continue her journey. Yet, before she moved on, she cast a brief backward glance and included a directive, <<Make sure to eat the remaining hidden mercenaries as well.>>

In response to her command, a cacophony of distressing cries echoed throughout the underground base, indicating that more mercenaries had been discovered and killed.

— ○ ● ○ —

Hirokazu and his team, along with Shaula, soared high above the American skies. This day marked their participation in a critical operation, and their opponent was no ordinary foe. They were tasked with confronting Malsumis, the Spirit of God of Chaos, a deity they had a close connection to. Tabaldak, the Chief God of the Abenaki realm, had entrusted Aaron with the mission to capture Malsumis alive and bring him back.

Aaron had assigned Hirokazu and his team, with support from others and Shaula, to subdue Malsumis and ensure his return.

With a cheerful demeanor, Shaula expressed her readiness to assist. "Well, I'll leave it to you guys. If you need help, I'm here!"

Hirokazu responded with gratitude, saying, "Yes, thank you very much!" He then rallied his team, exclaiming, "Let's go, guys!" Their collective determination was evident as they prepared to confront Malsumis.

"...To think that fool would follow me even now. A fool to the very end. I'll entertain you, [Nascent Dragon], come. I'm not foolish enough to be ignorant of the current world's events," declared Malsumis.

Malsumis conjured millions of divine balls that materialized in the skies above America. A confident smirk graced his face as he continued, "Once I unleash this attack, everything beneath us will be obliterated, including your team. Surrender and join my side, or meet your demise today."

Before anyone could react, Minato Hayashi, one of Hirokazu's [Pawns], appeared behind Malsumis. In his right hand, he held a sizable blue touki ball. With determined resolve, he exclaimed, "Like hell we'd let that happen!" and forcefully thrust the ball into Malsumis' back.

To their collective astonishment, a colossal mouth materialized behind Malsumis, swiftly closing in on Minato's arm. Panic washed over Minato, but a well-aimed magic ball, discharged by Shaula, managed to push the god away in the nick of time, sparing Minato's hand from being devoured.

"Holy shit, my life just flashed before my damn eyes!" Minato gasped, his breaths coming in heavy, rapid bursts as he realized how narrowly he had escaped a dire fate.

"We're not finished yet!" Shaula's voice rang out with resolve. She summoned countless magic circles and unleashed a barrage of magical attacks just as Malsumis' divine orbs hurtled toward them. "Go!" Shaula commanded, and her magical attacks clashed with the God's attack, creating a spectacular display of explosions in the sky.

"Man, this is like a scene from a movie," Lance Katz, one of Hirokazu's [Knights] and a [Miracle Child] equipped with the Sacred Gear [Gun Birth], remarked with a hint of amazement. He swiftly conjured a firearm into his hand and declared, "I'm going to take a shot at one of his testicles!" With resolve, he aimed his weapon at the deity and unleashed a volley of light bullets.

Malsumis effortlessly regained his balance in midair and casually deflected the oncoming barrage of light bullets. He responded with a condescending tone, taunting Lance, "A hybrid, those abominations of this world. Do everyone a favor, and put an end to yourself to free up some space here. Especially because you possess a Sacred Gear. Our faction's goal, no, our organization's mission is to rid this world of Sacred Gears and their wielders, as well as hybrids."

With a gesture, Malsumis summoned an imposing divine construct, an embodiment of a figure riding a horse, armed with a shield and spear. He declared, "The gods from our world shall be the ones to safeguard it, not any of you. The traditional status quo has always been effective and will continue to be so. There's no need for change. Be gone." He then released his divine creation.

The figure on horseback charged relentlessly towards Hirokazu and his group. However, Caeda acted swiftly, unleashing multiple energy shots aimed at the divine construct. Malsumis initially scoffed at Caeda's efforts but was soon taken aback when her attacks not only neutralized his but also triggered a powerful explosion.

Malsumis muttered under his breath, contemplating the situation. "The subordinate of the Middleman and you... the others are too feeble to pose a threat to me. If I dispose of you two, victory will be assured," he reasoned, nodding with a sense of determination.

"Hmm?" Malsumis fixed his gaze on Yowanaku Shima, one of Hirokazu's [Bishops]. The god narrowed his eyes and inquired, "You... you're a hybrid too, aren't you? A half-spirit at that, how repulsive."

Yowanaku wasn't one to back down. He retorted fiercely, "So what?! To hell with you and any gods who discriminate!" With anger, he launched a barrage of icy attacks toward the god.

Malsumis, unfazed by the onslaught, mumbled, "And you're incredibly weak... pitiful." He promptly retaliated with his own divine attacks directed at Yowanaku. Despite Yowanaku's efforts to match the god's power, it was evident that he was outmatched as their attacks collided.

On the scene, Daiki Kimura, another [Pawn] from Hirokazu's team, and Minato suddenly materialized beside the god with the aid of Minato's teleportation technique. They stood ready to join the fray. Meanwhile, Hirokazu, in his X-side Balance Breaker form, emerged behind the god with his sword poised for a decisive strike.

"Don't underestimate humans and my teammates, Malsumis!" Hirokazu's voice echoed as they combined their attacks, launching a powerful attack against the god.

"Hmph!" Malsumis grunted with disdain, a radiant divine aura erupting from his body. The force of it sent all three of them hurtling backward, rendering their previous attacks utterly futile. He turned on his heel to confront Hirokazu and delivered a foreboding proclamation, "If this is the limit of your power, you're bound to suffer a pitiful defeat in the tournament—no, you may not even make it out of here alive today."

Malsumis covered the distance between him and Hirokazu in the blink of an eye. With a fist shrouded in divine aura, he aimed a punch directly at the young man. However, just as his fist was about to strike, a magic circle materialized out of thin air, intercepting his punch and taking him by surprise.

Shaula, a knowing smirk on her lips, wagged her finger playfully at the deity. "Oh, no, no, you can't do that," she chided him. "If you want to get to them, you'll have to get through me first, fufu."

"Then I'll take you down first!" he declared, materializing beside her in an instant and launching a punch. But just before his fist connected with Shaula, Malsumis vanished, replaced by an army of his clones, each brandishing a spear forged from divine energy.

Without hesitation, he directed this legion of spears at Shaula, who met the impending onslaught with a confident smile. Extending her arms, she conjured millions of miniature magic circles that soared toward the divine spears. As they neared their target, these circles deftly intercepted and dispersed the spears.

Shaula executed a graceful twirl and pointed at Malsumis, an act that momentarily confounded him. However, his instincts kicked in as Hirokazu successfully landed a blow with his sword, this time making contact. With a grin, Hirokazu addressed the god, "This is a team effort."

"None sen—"

Minato unleashed several large yellow touki balls that struck the god, interrupting his response. "He said it's a team effort!"

The god made another attempt to speak, but the rest of Hirokazu's team barraged him with magic attacks and touki bullets, further exacerbating his anger. Fed up with the relentless assault, the god surged his divine aura once more in an attempt to deter them. Yet this time, as he did so, he felt a sudden impact on his side. Malsumis turned to identify the perpetrator: Caeda. She had manifested a blade composed of her own energy.

"You wench!" he roared, attempting to seize Caeda. Swiftly, she evaded his strike and in a single fluid motion, sliced off his hand, eliciting a piercing scream of pain from the god. Before Malsumis could react, Caeda spun around and delivered a powerful kick to his stomach, sending him tumbling backward. Caeda's kick packed a formidable punch, shattering several of the god's ribs, with a few even breaking under the intense force.

Shaula playfully wagged her finger and remarked, "Fufu, you shouldn't let your temper flare up, God-sama. Otherwise, these up-and-coming fighters might just outmatch you."

Following her words of warning, she swiftly drew everyone behind her and employed her magic to create a protective barrier. From Malsumis position, an even more intense eruption of divine aura burst forth.

Nathan Lewis, one of the [Rooks] on Hirokazu's team, couldn't hide his anxiety as he remarked, "We definitely pissed him off, didn't we?"

Mason Waler, the other [Bishop] among Hirokazu's team, nodded in agreement, saying, "Indeed, it seems we have." The tension in the air was palpable as they prepared for what lay ahead.

The others struggled to keep pace with the unfolding events, but Shaula and Caeda were able to follow the action. A relentless storm of attacks and punches crashed against Shaula's protective barrier, a surprise for the rest of the group. The relentless assault continued as Shaula maintained her defensive stance, her expression creased with concentration.

"Caeda-chan, can you track his movements?" Shaula inquired.

Caeda nodded confidently. "Yes, I can. I'm still more powerful than him, so I'm confident in my ability to defeat him." She cast a brief glance at her teammates and added, "Unfortunately, they can't. This might be the first time I've seen a god of this universe unleash their full power in sheer fury."

Lance, not content to be written off, shouted at her, "Hey! Don't underestimate us like that!" However, Caeda paid his protests no mind.

Turning to Shaula, Caeda asked, "Shaula-sama, should I take him on, or do you want to handle it?"

Shaula considered her options. If she intervened, the confrontation would likely end quickly. On the other hand, if she allowed Caeda to engage, the battle wouldn't pose a significant challenge, as Caeda's power level was comparable to Ophis and Irene's before Aaron enhanced their abilities. After contemplating the situation for a few moments and witnessing the relentless onslaught against her barrier, Shaula made her choice.

"Aaron-sama instructed us to support you but not to coddle you. So, Caeda-chan, go and defeat him! As for the rest of you, I'm sorry, but releasing you would result in your demise. Aaron-sama might require every member of [DxD] to undergo training in his [Training Facility] before venturing into the Phantasma and Evie's universes. Staying as you are now would almost certainly lead to your deaths," Shaula conveyed somberly.

The majority of Hirokazu's team members wore expressions of disapproval. However, they refrained from challenging Shaula's decision, understanding that she wielded greater strength than them. Not only was she a direct subordinate of Aaron, but their leader, Hirokazu, though also a subordinate, was notably less powerful than the others.

Shaula, in a cheerful tone, addressed Caeda, "Okay, Caeda-chan, prepare yourself. Oh, and [DxD] can unleash their full power here since it's a different dimension created by Aaron-sama. You all were aware of that, right?" She grinned at the group.

Many of Hirokazu's team members didn't meet her gaze, as they hadn't been aware of this. However, Aaron had actually informed them the previous night via text and even reached out a few hours prior to the operation's commencement.

Shaula brushed off the lack of awareness, declaring, "Well, it doesn't matter now. Anyway, Caeda-chan, go! Just remember not to kill him!" With that, she created a small opening in the barrier, and Caeda shot out through it.

Caeda's lightning-quick foot struck Malsumis' arm with a fierce, crackling impact. He had hastily crossed his arms to shield himself from her attack. In this electrifying moment, words were superfluous. Their intentions were crystal clear—only one of them would emerge victorious, and with that victory came the power to command the beleaguered nation at stake.

Without the need for spoken communication, Caeda and the god, Malsumis, vanished from view. In the blink of an eye, they reappeared at opposite corners of the vast expanse of America. Here, in this sprawling battleground, their magic attack, auras, and fists clashed with a relentless fury, their cataclysmic impacts echoing across the land. With every collision, vast swaths of the country met a devastating end, vanishing from the map as if they had never existed.

Though the fierce clash endured for a mere sixty seconds, the once-proud mosaic of America, comprising fifty states, saw thirty of them reduced to ashes. Only a scant twenty remained standing by the battle's end. Following one final, explosive exchange, their fists propelled them away from each other, leaving an eerie silence in their wake.

The combatants, having pushed their abilities to the limit, locked eyes in a brief, tense standoff.

Simultaneously, both of them raised their arms and created their own attacks. Malsumis, tapping into his divine aura, conjured a vast multitude of divine creatures. Birds, deer, foxes, elk, dogs, rabbits, wolves, and other animals materialized, each brought to life with a scream.

Malsumis intermingled these with conventional divine elemental attacks, crafting giant butterflies from his divine flames, hurling divine water spears, and generating enormous tornadoes that swirled around them.

In contrast, Caeda embarked on her own powerful display. She created massive, radiant diamonds that encircled her, their size sufficient to cast shadows over entire states within the USA. Simultaneously, her body became enveloped in a shimmering aura of pink, purple, and blue, while a mysterious creature of unknown origin materialized behind her.

"Wha-what in the hell is that!? Caeda has never used that before! I mean, that monster thing behind her!" Kenji Sato, the other member of Hirokazu's team, exclaimed in astonishment.

Hirokazu remained fixated on Caeda, his team's realization of her extreme capabilities growing. While they recognized her as a powerful force, the extent of her strength had remained somewhat uncertain. They had never witnessed her fully unleash her might, even during their Rating Game against Dulio's team, where Caeda had purposefully held back.

Today, it seemed they might witness a glimpse of her true potential. Since their loss to Dulio's team in the preliminaries, they had yet to encounter another defeat, contending with even more formidable opponents, some of whom included [DxD] members or individuals possessing Sacred Gears, some having evolved them or reached their own Balance Breakers.

"Die!" Malsumis' cry reverberated as he finally unleashed the devastating attacks he had conjured. A multitude of his divine attacks surged toward Caeda, shaking not only the United States but also Canada and even reaching Mexico.

However, Caeda was not one to be outdone. With a subtle hand gesture, her colossal diamonds propelled themselves toward Malsumis' attacks. Her attacks divided into more diamonds, and some even seemed to come to life. Many of the diamonds soared toward specific attacks, intercepting them and generating even more powerful explosions that reverberated throughout the world.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh! It's the end of the wooooooooorld!!!" Yowanaku's panicked scream filled the air as he clung to their fellow [Rook], Ryo Fujita.

"Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" Daiki's voice joined in, screaming in disbelief. Such a spectacle hadn't been anticipated since the war.

Shaula, slightly annoyed by the hysteria, chided, "Jeez, can you guys stop screaming? We'll be fine. Where did that cool composure you all had during Dulio's match go? It's just a god; don't panic too much."

'Just a god!? Is she insane!?' they collectively screamed in their thoughts.

"Normal people would panic if a god unleashed their full might on them!" Yowanaku retorted.

Shaula remained unruffled. "True, but we're not exactly normal, are we?" Her calm response left the others stunned, with the exception of Hirokazu, whose gaze remained fixed on Caeda.

As the explosions rippled through the air, they were joined by multiple other blasts, painting the United States skies with billowing clouds of white and black smoke. Seizing the opportunity, Malsumis and Caeda swiftly closed the distance between them. To their mutual surprise, they met in the middle, and another aerial confrontation ensued.

Each punch they exchanged found itself deflected or diverted, sparing them from significant injury. However, it was apparent that Malsumis had thrown himself into this battle with a level of intensity he hadn't exhibited in years, and his divine stamina and powers were gradually waning. In contrast, Caeda appeared unfazed.

'I need to finish this swiftly, or I'll exhaust my power and stamina,' Malsumis panicked inwardly.

Caeda, recognizing her advantage, accelerated even further and landed a powerful punch on Malsumis' cheek, sending him hurtling through the air once more. The force of her blow had shattered his cheek and jaw, leaving the god dazed.

Caeda wasted no time and summoning the mysterious creature behind her once more. She whispered, "Assist me," and the creature responded with a subtle nod. Two magic circles materialized, adorned with symbols resembling blazing rocks, before crimson-purple, fiery diamonds emerged in her wake. The creature took hold of them and aimed the diamonds at the god. Caeda, mindful of her goal, cautioned, "Do not kill him; we need him alive."

The creature acknowledged her command and hurled one of the diamonds at Malsumis' leg, violently tearing it from his body. The other diamond followed, severing his left arm. As these colossal diamonds approached Earth's surface, they pierced through it, culminating in a cataclysmic explosion that obliterated America, Canada, and Mexico in a swift, devastating burst.

"Oh shit! The USA just got blown up!" Lance exclaimed, gesturing toward the spot where the nation had existed. "What about the guns!?"

Ryo's response was filled with frustration. "Are you kidding me!?" he shouted at their hybrid companion. "What about the tacos!?"

Hirokazu couldn't help but be taken aback by their priorities. 'Is that what you two are concerned about!?' he wondered in astonishment.

Just as Caeda was about to turn around, the monstrous figure behind her swiftly conjured a protective shield, intercepting an attack aimed at her. She stood there momentarily, her gaze fixed on the god she had seemingly just defeated.

Malsumis' body was enshrouded in ominous black and red energy, and new limbs manifested on the missing parts of his form. Laughter bubbled from him, growing louder and more eerie with each passing moment.

With the swiftness of a silent but deadly predator, Malsumis materialized beside Caeda and unleashed a point-blank divine aura blast. Caeda reacted just in time, shielding herself from the attack.

The impact still sent her tumbling backward, but she quickly regained her footing and turned to confront the god. To her astonishment, he had vanished. In a flash, Malsumis reappeared at her side, launching a relentless onslaught of strikes, each one seething with animosity and rage.

Legend spoke of Tabaldak, the creator of humanity, who, as the story goes, formed Gluskab from the dust of his hand. Some versions of the tale even suggested that Tabaldak also created Gluskab's twin brother, Malsumis. Tabaldak endowed Gluskab with the power to craft a benevolent world, while Malsumis, his twin, wielded power to sow discord and evil, perpetually seeking to spread malice.

Despite their shared capacity for both good and evil, Malsumis consistently channeled his abilities for malevolence and trickery, like adorning plants with thorns. Gluskab protected humanity, while Malsumis hatched schemes to bring about humanity's end.

Malsumis' disappearance served his own egotistical aims. His disdain for humans remained unabated, and he harbored an unrelenting desire to rid the world of their presence. While his alignment with the Khaos Order and his proclamation of wanting to dismantle the Sacred Gear system and eradicate hybrids may have seemed like a charade, his true objective was to facilitate his takeover of the world, working in concert with his organization.

"What's wrooooooooooong!? Why aren't you fighting baaaaaaaaaaaaack!" Malsumis screeched, his relentless onslaught showing no sign of abating. He left Caeda with little room to retaliate, fueling the god's growing confidence.

In a sudden gesture, he flicked his hand upward, conjuring a multitude of divine creatures resembling dragonflies. They swarmed toward Caeda with incredible speed. Positioned behind Caeda, the creature in her service created thousands of diamonds, using them to counter Malsumis' attacks. The god's assault was thwarted, but rather than giving up, it only stoked his fury, leading him to intensify his unrelenting onslaught.

"Die! Die! Die! Why won't you just die?" he roared, his anger boiling over. But it seemed that his rage was of no assistance, and the dwindling levels of his power and stamina threatened to be the very factors leading to his eventual downfall.

Shaula had opted not to intervene thus far, her hope hinging on the possibility that Malsumis would exhaust his reserves before he could inflict any significant harm on Caeda. Yet, to her great astonishment, she discovered an unexpected twist in the unfolding drama—a peculiar creature or avatar had emerged, seemingly in support of Caeda.

As Shaula observed this mysterious entity, she felt a certain hesitation about jumping into the fray. The presence of this mysterious being indicated that Caeda remained unscathed and might have a powerful ally by her side. Shaula couldn't shake the sense that this creature held an array of hidden talents, far beyond the mere capabilities it had displayed so far, such as creating diamonds and conjuring flames.

"You're increasingly sounding like a child," Caeda remarked, a tinge of amusement in her voice.

Malsumis' response was a vehement, "Huuuuuuuuh!?"

"It's as if you're having a temper tantrum because things aren't going your way," she continued, shaking her head in mild exasperation. "It seems that Master Jin's observation was right. Some gods are akin to spoiled children who have wielded immense power for far too long. When they finally encounter someone who can challenge them, they regress into petulant children. It's rather pitiable, isn't it?"

Annoyance flitted across Malsumis' lips and eyes, and he launched into another tirade against Caeda. "You little bi—"

Yet, before he could finish his sentence, the creature floating behind Caeda swiftly intervened, delivering a forceful punch that effectively silenced the god. As Malsumis turned his attention toward the mysterious creature, Caeda seized the opportunity to launch her attack. Her fist struck Malsumis' neck, followed by a rapid roundhouse kick to his groin. Finally, she and the creature unleashed a close-range, potent surge of purple energy directed straight at the god before them.

Their devastating attack shook the American skies, leaving behind a vast and admirable purple dust cloud in its wake. As the dust gradually settled, they observed Malsumis' body descending toward the Earth below. What had once been the land of the free was now an immense crater, a stark reminder of their earlier ferocious attacks.

The newly-formed gigantic hole, the result of their preceding clashes, was not yet completely filled by the surrounding waters. However, it was steadily being reclaimed by the rising tide. Malsumis' form plummeted into this watery abyss, producing a resounding splash and a powerful impact that sent waves rippling through the surrounding waters.

"Although..." Caeda mused, "not all of them are like that, but the vast majority are. I don't know how Master Jin can tolerate them, though..."

As Caeda turned around, she was immediately enveloped in a group hug. Her teammates squeezed her tightly, their enthusiasm overflowing.

"Caedaaaaaaaa!!" they cheered, hugging her with all their might.

"W-w-what's wrong with all of you!? Why are you hugging me!?" Caeda protested, attempting to wriggle free from their grasp but finding it impossible. She turned her gaze toward Hirokazu, silently pleading for his assistance, as she didn't want to exert more force and risk injuring them.

Shaula clapped her hands together and declared, "Well done, Caeda. But, my friends, we're not done yet. There are still numerous enemies scattered throughout what remains of America."

"Wait, are our teammates okay?! These two obliterated three countries earlier and unleashed a barrage of powerful attacks at each other!" Yowanaku fretted, his anxiety mirrored by the others as they surveyed their surroundings.

Shaula reassured them, "It's all right. I shielded them earlier, and Aaron-sama also lent his aid, as he's fully aware of the situation." She nodded, a confident expression on her face.

"There might be more powerful enemies around us, so let's give it our all and continue supporting the alliance. Come on, everyone," Hirokazu encouraged, setting off on his sword.

His teammates responded with cheers and swiftly joined him in the fight. Caeda lingered for a brief moment, her gaze fixed on their retreating figures. She then turned to Shaula, voicing her concern, "Something seems to be bothering him."

Shaula nodded in agreement. "Yes, Hirokazu has faced countless challenges throughout his life. Just when he thought he had reached the starting line with his X-side Balance Breaker, today's events reminded him that he still has a long way to go before he can match most of you."

"Does he...?" Caeda began to inquire but trailed off.

Shaula quickly clarified, "No, it's quite the opposite. This setback has only fueled his determination. As I mentioned earlier, there's a possibility that [DxD] might be trained under Aaron-sama's guidance at his [Training Facility] for several hundred years. Hirokazu may be looking forward to that. Anyway, let's rejoin your team," Shaula explained before taking flight and leaving Caeda behind.

Caeda observed Shaula signal towards the spot where Malsumis had made his impact. In response, his body swiftly ascended and joined Shaula. The sorceress efficiently mended the unconscious god's injuries with her swift healing magic. Following this, a gentle radiance emanated from Shaula's hand, indicating that she had employed a sleep-inducing spell to ensure the god remained in slumber.

Caeda experienced a sense of relief as she soared to catch up with the others. What brought her comfort was that they hadn't raised any inquiries about her other ability. She felt uncertain about explaining her powers in a manner they could grasp and hoped to reveal the details once they entered the Phantasma. Furthermore, she intended to wait until they had spent some time there so that the explanation would be more accessible and comprehensible for her companions.

— ○ ● ○ —

"We didn't expect you to arrive here alone, Ptah," Ra remarked.

In the Egyptian pantheon, particularly in the realm of Nembesouk, all the structures lay in ruins, leaving Ra's abode as the sole surviving edifice. Ptah, a god who once dwelled among these divine beings, had returned with the intent of retrieving certain items and, possibly, exacting vengeance on a few gods.

"Now, my dear Sekhmet, do accompany me," Ptah urged, gesturing with his staff toward the goddess.

Unlike their previous encounters, Sekhmet glared fiercely at Ptah and held her ground. "No," she declared with unwavering determination, "I refuse to be manipulated by you any longer, and I will not forsake my home."

Isis, her voice tinged with indifference, added, "It might be in your best interest to surrender, Ptah. You find yourself surrounded, and our subordinates, along with Jin's Shadow Soldiers, are dealing with your small army."

Ptah wore a sly grin, his laughter echoing through the divine realm. "Surrender? Do you truly believe I'd waltz into this situation without a plan, Isis? You underestimate me." His smile widened, and he raised his staff high.

As if summoned from the very ether, a multitude of colossal magic circles materialized across Nembesouk. From these magic circles emerged Ptah's own creations, a reimagined array of Battle Gods. Unbeknownst to the researchers of the Khaos Order, Ptah had spent months secretly tinkering and perfecting his versions of these powerful beings. He had infused them with his personal touch, enhancing their abilities in various ways.

Each of Ptah's Battle Gods donned brown armor and wielded distinctive weapons, all connected to Ptah's divine powers. The gods of Nembesouk stared in shock as this display unfolded before them.

With a triumphant smile, Ptah taunted, "Now, who's the one surrounded and powerless?" His confidence radiated as he reveled in the astonishment of the onlooking gods.

Following that, Ptah extended his mystical summons to include smaller creatures, each a unique blend of various animals. By his side stood a creature that bore the form of a lion, but it sported wings reminiscent of a griffon, fangs akin to a serpent, and a tail that bore a resemblance to a shark's. This amalgamation of animal traits emitted a distinct divine aura, a testament to its direct connection to Ptah's divine power.

"Advance!" Ptah commanded his creations, and they surged toward the gods surrounding him. Yet, in the midst of their charge, an unexpected event unfolded. One of the freshly minted Battle Gods was abruptly hurled aside as if it were a mere plaything, crashing behind Ptah. The sudden turn of events left him stunned. The shock was compounded when an enormous spear plummeted from the heavens, driving straight into the Battle God's head.

"What in the... Who dares!?" Ptah bellowed with righteous fury.

A woman's voice resonated through the chaos. High above the battlefield, Kurousagi, Vera, Latia, and Ophis floated gracefully, with the Dragon God giving a peaceful gesture. "We've arrived to halt your actions, Ptah-sama," the woman declared. "I hope you'll consider surrendering without further resistance." The tension in the air thickened as the goddesses confronted Ptah, poised to restore order to the tumultuous realm.

Ptah grumbled in frustration, naming the adversaries before him, "The impostor goddesses, a devil, and the Ouroboros Dragon." His irritation was palpable. "But it matters little. Press on!" Ptah commanded, and his fellow Battle Gods began to wield their weapons with deadly force, laying waste to the replicated Nembesouk.

In a surprising turn of events, Ophis spoke up, her voice carrying a determined tone that caught her companions off guard. "Let me... fight him."

Latia, intrigued by the dragon's request, inquired, "May I ask why, Ophis-san?"

Ophis, her eyes revealing a flat determination, responded, "Irene and I saw the same memories Aaron did, the ones where that god tormented the goddess known as Sekhmet and all the other atrocities he committed through his time here, and because of that, I want to hit him."

Vera and Kurousagi shared amused giggles in response to Ophis' explanations. Meanwhile, Latia let out a weary sigh. "Please refrain from ending his life, Ophis. Both Aaron and the alliance are insistent on keeping him alive," Latia implored the mighty Dragon God.

Ophis, wordlessly, expressed her approval with an enthusiastic fist pump.

"Alright, proceed as you wish. We'll handle the aftermath," Latia conceded to Ophis's intentions.

With a nod, Ophis appeared directly in front of Ptah, catching the god off guard. Ptah scrambled to mutter incantations, attempting to conjure a spell, but before he could complete his mystical words, a swift and decisive kick to his balls sent him hurtling through the sky, vanishing into the distance.

Turning back to the other gods, Ophis quipped, "...Give me some candy as a reward afterward." And with that, she vanished, pursuing Ptah.

Isis, the Goddess of Magic, raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "C-candy?" she stammered. "She wants candy as a reward?"

Latia, with a knowing smile, nodded. "Indeed, Ophis-san has her unique ways," she remarked. "But if you're willing to lend a hand, please do. However, if you'd prefer to take cover elsewhere, keep in mind that this replica lacks the reinforcement Aaron usually provides for our buildings. It might pose a challenge."

The Chief God Ra, a towering figure of authority, chimed in with determination, "No, we won't back down. These abominations were deployed during the war, right? Although Ptah has altered them with his own powers, we should be capable of holding our own against them." His resolute words echoed in the gathering.

— ○ ● ○ —

Ptah's agonizing scream pierced the air, a sensation he hadn't experienced in eons. He writhed in pain, his grip instinctively going to his nether regions. Desperation welled up within him as he attempted to harness his divine powers to mend the injury, but to his dismay, it failed. Frustration surged, evident in the fiery aura that erupted from his being. "Why?!" he bellowed, addressing the empty expanse around him. "Why won't it work?"

In response to his outcry, a figure materialized before him. It was Ophis, the enigmatic presence who had orchestrated this torment. She offered an explanation with an air of confidence, "Because I've used anti-healing and anti-regeneration measures on you. Any form of healing magic, technique, or item you attempt to use is rendered ineffective."

Ptah's fury erupted like a volcanic eruption, his staff raised high, and he summoned countless magic circles, unleashing the full force of his power upon the Dragon God. Each spell he cast possessed the potential to obliterate entire countries, ten times over. Despite the overwhelming display, Ophis gazed upon it with an unflinching demeanor.

With a wearied exhalation, she nonchalantly waved her hand, and in an instant, all the destructive magic dissipated into nothingness. Ptah stood there in stunned silence, grappling with the reality of what had just transpired. Finally, he found his voice and uttered, "What? What have you done?"

Ophis, appearing equally perplexed, tilted her head slightly. "What do you mean by 'what'? I simply dispelled your attacks," she explained, her expression one of genuine confusion.

Ptah's fury showed no signs of abating; if anything, it had intensified, stoked by Ophis's recent actions that threatened to derail his meticulously laid plans for the day. The very alliance he had reluctantly entered now stood as an impediment to his ambitions.

Though officially affiliated with the Khaos Order, in Ptah's mind, he was more of an opportunistic collaborator. He had extended his aid on several occasions, but he never truly considered himself an integral part of the group.

His involvement had a self-serving purpose, twofold: first, he sought to pilfer specific items, artifacts, and tools from within his own pantheon, and second, his desire to reclaim Sekhmet. To him, their connection still persisted; they were, after all, once husband and wife.

In a surge of renewed anger, Ptah raised his staff once more, conjuring an array of intricate magic circles. This time, he wove in a menagerie of animals he had previously summoned, each poised to attack Ophis.

However, the dragon god emitted an overwhelming and otherworldly aura that sent a shiver through the conjured creatures. Ophis, still aloft, crouched in the air and made a commanding gesture for the animals to approach her.

With a hint of hesitation, Ophis extended her hand toward the approaching animals, cautiously patting them on the head. "I enjoy it when Aaron does this to me... do you like it?" she softly inquired, her words directed at her newfound companions.

Among the animals, one managed to sneak behind Ophis, raising its scorpion-like tail high. This particular creature possessed a peculiar combination of features: a penguin's body, a blend of snake and scorpion for a tail, and wings reminiscent of a hawk.

The tail, concealed in a venomous shroud, crept closer to Ophis, poised for a sudden strike. Moments later, without Ophis even turning around, the creature erupted in a violent explosion, scattering its body parts, blood, and entrails in all directions. The other animals, witnessing this unexpected turn of events, stood momentarily stunned.

"...Do you like it?" Ophis repeated, her voice devoid of emotion, taking on an almost robotic tone that contrasted sharply with the surreal and grim scene that had just unfolded.

The creatures swiftly nodded in agreement, their fear of Ophis surpassing any loyalty they held for their creator, Ptah. They shifted to Ophis' side, ready to confront Ptah, leaving the Egyptian god utterly astonished.

"How dare you, you worthless creatures!" Ptah shouted, but his expression contorted with pain from a previous strike. "I'll kill all of you—" His threat remained unfinished as Ophis swiftly struck him in the stomach, sending him tumbling away.

"Mmm," Ophis uttered a wordless command, directing her gaze toward Ptah. Creatures with ranged abilities promptly launched their attacks, which converged into a unified attack on the god. The combined force of their attacks struck Ptah, resulting in an explosive outburst that sent shockwaves through their immediate surroundings.

Ophis and her new creatures swiftly reached the location where Ptah had crashed into. She scanned the surroundings and spotted the god, his form kneeling on the ground while using his staff for support. A quick assessment revealed that the injuries he had sustained were relatively minor, but due to his inability to self-heal, they had begun to accumulate.

Ptah, his eyes smoldering with anger, gazed up at Ophis. Without hesitation, Ophis landed a few feet from him on the ground and directed her attention toward him. "I will win by using this," she declared. Ophis then raised both of her hands, palms upturned, and began to rhythmically sway her hips, a perplexing dance that left everyone present bewildered.

Amidst this tense moment, Ptah fixed his gaze upon Ophis, a cocktail of curiosity and uncertainty swirling within him. He pondered the significance of her unconventional actions and the strange words she had uttered just moments before.

Out of nowhere, music filled the air, a harmonious melody with no visible source. A mischievous, little smile curled upon the lips of the Dragon God.

"For every move you can't mimic that I perform," she spoke, her tone laced with a playful challenge, "you'll say goodbye to a part of your being, whether it resides outside or within."

Ptah, his disbelief palpable, stammered, "Wh-what?"

The Dragon God wasted no time. "The game begins now," she declared, and her hips swayed to the rhythm of the invisible music. But Ptah hesitated, reluctant to follow suit. Then, ten seconds later, an abrupt and gruesome explosion claimed his pinkie finger on the left hand.

"Every ten seconds," Ophis reiterated, her hands on her hips as she continued her hypnotic dance, "if you fail to mimic my moves, another piece of you shall part ways with the rest." The stakes were high, the tempo unforgiving, and Ptah's choices had far-reaching consequences.

In a state of panic, Ptah found himself mirroring Ophis's every move, even though it filled him with a deep sense of shame. He reluctantly copied her graceful hip sways, aware that it was the only way to avoid dire consequences. Ten long seconds passed, and Ophis, with her unique sense of whimsy, started skipping toward Ptah. Unable to defy her commands, Ptah once more replicated her actions. But this time, a sharp, searing pain tore through his groin, and he collapsed, his hands urgently clutching the source of his agony.

However, he couldn't afford to forget the repercussions of failure. With sheer determination, he attempted to stand back up, but the pain surged back, forcing him to the ground once again.

"Ten seconds have passed," Ophis muttered, her words filled with an enigmatic air. Moments later, Ptah felt something within him vanish. Confused, he stared at Ophis, who had taken a peculiar pose, only to discover that his left eye had turned a deep, unsettling black.

His fingers touched the hollowness where his eye used to be. Ophis resumed her dance, her reminder echoing in his ears, "In the next ten seconds... if you deviate from my lead, another part of you will vanish."

With a swift, precise motion, she delivered a powerful kick to Ptah's head, sending him hurtling through the air. "Also, our battle... is far from over, so give it your all," she stated in an emotionless tone. She wasted no time and swiftly pursued Ptah, with the strange creatures trailing behind her.

Arriving at the spot where Ptah had crashed, she gracefully continued her dance from earlier. However, Ptah remained concealed, prompting her to announce, "Another ten seconds have passed." The air was filled with tension as the moments passed, and then a sharp cry of agony pierced the surroundings. Ptah emerged once more, his left leg now missing, and a seething anger burned fiercely within his remaining eye.

However, due to his injuries, Ptah found himself unable to replicate Ophis's agile movements. She leaped and twirled, but Ptah remained immobile. Ten more seconds ticked by, and then, a sudden terror gripped him. He clutched his throat in silence, a desperate plea in his eyes, as if he were trying to convey to Ophis that he couldn't breathe.

Ophis whispered to herself, "I can't let him die since Aaron needs him." She pointed at the god before her and uttered a spell, her eyes locking onto Ptah. "Now, you won't lose your breath, your sanity, or suffer any lethal injuries, unfortunately."

With renewed energy, Ophis resumed her intricate dance. But Ptah still struggled to mimic her fluid movements. Instead, he stood there, leaning on his staff, rage etched on his face. With his free hand, he conjured intricate magic circles. As he prepared to unleash their power upon the Dragon God, another ten seconds passed, and he felt his arm vanish into thin air. His magic circles, however, remained.

Desperation fueled his voice as he roared, "Kill her!" A barrage of elemental magics surged toward Ophis, but with a graceful spin, she created a potent invisible force that obliterated the incoming attacks.

"Kyun..." Ophis mumbled, her voice tinged with a playful tone. She placed a peace sign on her forehead and spoke, "Another ten seconds have elapsed."

And in that moment, Ptah's final leg disappeared. He couldn't contain his frustration any longer and screamed, "Curse you, Dragon God!"

Ophis approached Ptah, his immobility evident as he had lost all his limbs. She gazed down at him and remarked, "You were... pretty boring."

Though Ptah attempted to utter incantations, hoping to conjure some last-resort magic, Ophis, without a word, gestured to enact a spell that silenced him. Letting out a resigned sigh, she lifted her foot and brought it down upon Ptah's face, rendering him unconscious. Adding insult to injury, she delivered a second blow to his head and applied a touch of sleep-inducing magic.

Turning her attention away from Ptah, Ophis directed her gaze to the creatures he had summoned earlier. With a casual wave of her hand, she bid them farewell. "Goodbye, and thanks for the entertainment." She then playfully formed her fingers into the shape of a gun, and moments later, the creatures vanished.

In a moment of contemplation, Ophis muttered to herself, "Maybe I could request a pet from Aaron... or maybe spend time with Shin or Liadonn..." Her musings ceased as she used magic on Ptah to levitate him, carrying him with her as she soared back toward the rest of their company.

— ○ ● ○ —

Latia, who had been keeping a watchful eye on the ongoing battles, occasionally joining the fray herself, suddenly noticed a significant change. Ptah's divine signature had vanished, and a triumphant smile graced her features. [It appears that Ophis has emerged victorious, everyone. Let's quicken the pace and vanquish the remaining foes, for it seems they can continue to function without Ptah's constant supervision.]

[That was impressively fast,] Ra remarked.

[She is the Dragon God of Infinity, after all,] Osiris chimed in, acknowledging Ophis's extraordinary power.

In the distance, Kurousagi had assumed her formidable [End God Mode]. With grace and precision, she cleaved through the Battle Gods that stood in her path. These variants of the Battle Gods, like the creatures Ptah had created earlier, possessed enhanced capabilities.

They could extend venom-tipped tentacles, take to the skies with their wings, boasted reinforced armor for added defense, and their weapons could transform into two distinct forms. The battlefield buzzed with action as the gods and their allies rallied to confront this new challenge.

Vera, her wand wielded adeptly, continuously etched intricate magic circles into the air behind her, offering unceasing support to her fellow gods. In the midst of her conjurations, she skillfully imbued her companions with added strength using enhancement magic.

Meanwhile, Latia positioned herself atop Ra's dwelling, her vigilant gaze overseeing the unfolding chaos. With grace and precision, she wielded her [Shambles], a power that could manipulate space, to shift allies out of harm's way when they failed to react swiftly. Her mastery of time-based abilities allowed her to temporarily freeze adversaries, bolstering their defenses.

[Ten enemies remain. Stay vigilant,] Latia cautioned. However, her warning came as the last of the Battle Gods inexplicably halted in their tracks, hastily retreating to regroup. Latia relayed this unexpected development to her comrades, prompting them to gather around her.

Perplexed by this retreat, Horus, his battle axe resting on his shoulder, inquired, "Why did they suddenly do that?"

Aten, the ever-observant, responded, "It appears they are merging."

The ten remaining Battle Gods commenced a mesmerizing fusion, gradually increasing in stature and might. Upon the culmination of their swift transformation, they stood ten times taller than their previous forms. Bizarrely, their bodies now sprouted a medley of animal-like appendages and additional heads, an eerie display to all of them.

"I'm finished," Ophis declared, the unconscious god floating beside her.

Latia extended her appreciation, saying, "Welcome back, Ophis-san, and thank you for your hard work." She conjured a handful of candy, presenting it to Ophis. "This is your reward. More will be on the way, but first, we must address that," she remarked, gesturing towards the colossal monstrosity looming before them.

Ophis turned her attention to the menacing creature, her expression contemplative. She popped a piece of candy into her mouth, savored it for a moment, then swallowed before asking, "Do you want help?"

"We'd appreciate your assistance, especially since we have to return to Egypt to help with the situation there," Latia explained. "I just received a distressing message about some of Ptah's subordinates wreaking havoc in the country."

Ra nodded solemnly. "We've already dispatched our own forces there, including the Egyptian group from [DxD]. Bastet and Anubis are leading the charge on the ground."

Ophis turned her gaze toward Ra, her curiosity piqued. "Sweets?" she inquired with an air of innocence.

A faint smile tugged at the Chief God's lips as he responded, "W-we will prepare some Egyptian sweets for you to enjoy once this day ends, how does that sound, Ouroboros Dragon?"

Ophis's approval came in the form of a contented hum. She then turned her attention back to the mutated Battle God looming before them, ready to face it. Ophis, with an air of nonchalance, hovered just in front of the onlookers. The crowd brimmed with anticipation, eager to witness her unique approach to the gigantic monster.

Hathoth, the Goddess and wife of Ra, voiced her curiosity, her voice trembling with uncertainty. "H-how do you suppose she'll defeat it?"

Aten, always a voice of reason, replied with a thoughtful tone, "It's anyone's guess with the Dragon God of Infinity. Her methods are often as whimsical as they are effective."

As they gazed upon Ophis, her mysterious actions deepened their confusion. She raised her hands, an unconventional gesture that left them all puzzled. Placing both hands atop her heart, she crafted a heart shape, further mystifying her audience. With fluid grace, she extended her left leg behind her, completing her intricate sequence of movements.

"Baakyuuun..." Ophis uttered robotically, casting a momentary hush over the area. It was a silence pregnant with anticipation. Seconds later, an immense pink heart-shaped attack descended from the heavens, crashing with devastating force into the colossal Battle God. The impact was cataclysmic, reducing not only the formidable enemy but also a considerable portion of Nembesouk's structures to nothingness.

The gods and goddesses of Nembesouk watched in awe and bewilderment, for Ophis's unorthodox power had proven to be both confounding and overwhelmingly effective, leaving them to ponder her true nature and the extent of her abilities.

Ophis turned to face the group. "It's done," she declared, flashing a peace sign. With an inquisitive look, she asked Latia, "So, are we ready to go?"

Approaching Latia, Ophis was met with a gentle pat on her head. "Yes, it's time for us to depart," Latia replied, her voice warm and reassuring. She turned to Ra and extended an invitation. "Ra-sama, you're welcome to join us as well. Remember, this place is but a replica, and any damage won't be repaired."

Still somewhat taken aback by the unusual turn of events, Ra managed to stammer out his response. "Yes, let's go. And...thank you," he added, his gratitude evident in his voice as they prepared to leave.

— ○ ● ○ —

"I never expected to face a stupid and weak angel today," taunted the Super Devil with a wicked grin.

Irina's eyes blazed with defiance as she retorted, pointing her finger squarely at the man before her. Their confrontation hung in tense silence, unbroken by any other words. "We have many enemies ahead, so step aside! I refuse to let my parents worry about these terrorists in London of all places!"

The Super Devil's grin widened as he responded, his laughter dripping with malice. "Such a stupid reason, you stupid little girl. I'm looking forward to tearing you apart." The battle's tension hung heavy in the air as these two formidable foes prepared to clash in their pursuit of opposing goals.

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