Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 15 – Part 1 – Team White Dragon Emperor of the Morning Star vs Team Journey to the West

Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

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A few days had gone by since my journey through the supernatural world, and the time for Vali and Sun Wukong's match was fast approaching. At the moment, we were getting ready to head to the event. I was all set, but many of the girls were busy helping Vivi get dressed for the occasion. She had started speaking not too long ago, and I was the first to hear her words, which filled my heart with warmth.

With that said, even though Vivi was still a bit hesitant about going anywhere other than my home, she had agreed to come with us and watch the match. There was one condition: she wanted to stay close to me, and I had no objection to that. However, this decision left some of the other girls a bit disappointed because they had hoped to spoil Vivi and shower her with attention.

It was quite evident that there would be a bit of a competition to see who would get to sit beside Vivi and me, which will be quite intriguing to see.

As I patiently waited in the entrance hallway of my home, the first person to descend the stairs was Áine. Cradled in her arms was Vivi, dressed in a charming frilly blue gown, her hair fashioned into twin tails, and a delicate necklace adorning her neck—a gift I had given her just the day before, which had brought her immense joy.

To be honest, I had expected Suzaku or Lavinia to be the first to attend to Vivi, so seeing Áine take up this role felt a little unusual, albeit in a heartwarming way. Perhaps, it was because Áine had experienced the loss of her own child in the past, and now she was channeling all that love and care toward Vivi. It was also possible that the other girls allowed Áine to do this as a way of supporting her.

As they made their way to the bottom of the staircase, both Áine and Vivi approached me briskly. No one else followed them, as it seemed they wanted to give Vivi some space. Perhaps, some of the others needed time to get dressed as well.

"You both look fantastic," I complimented them with a warm smile. Áine blushed in response to my compliment, playfully glaring at me, while Vivi beamed with happiness. I gently patted Vivi's head, eliciting a delightful giggle from her, and then I planted a tender kiss on Áine's cheek. "Where is everyone else?" I inquired.

Áine explained, "They're all getting ready at the moment. We've been with Vivi, selecting an array of outfits for her. Over the past few days, we went on a shopping spree, and now her closet and wardrobe are overflowing with clothes. To be honest, we were a bit overwhelmed with choices," she added with a tired sigh, reflecting the efforts put into Vivi's new wardrobe.

"Is that so? Well done then," I replied, my uncertainty evident in my response. When it came to fashion, I had to admit I wasn't the best judge. Sometimes, I relied on Rias, Akeno, and Grayfia for advice on what to wear. I couldn't forget the time when Lavinia, Akeno, and Suzaku helped me choose my attire for that hot springs trip with everyone...

Gradually, everyone began to gather in the entrance hallway, still fawning over Vivi's presence. However, Lavinia and I had put in some extra effort in our outfits that day. I had sought her and a few others for help in selecting the right clothes the previous night.

Vali was our younger brother, and if he emerged victorious today, we planned to celebrate by dining out together. His biological family would also join us, and we'd all have the privilege of watching the match directly from the VIP room in the Underworld.

We decided to indulge him, even if we were going to a restaurant, by allowing him to order a ramen dish. We also made a call in advance to check if the restaurant could accommodate this request, and fortunately, they agreed to it. Whether it was due to their flexibility or perhaps allowing it to happen because of my presence, I wasn't sure, but we were grateful nonetheless.

Once we confirmed that everyone had gathered, we set out for the stadium where the match was taking place. Earlier, I had asked Lianne to fetch Vali's family, and they would rendezvous with us at the stadium.

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As we arrived at [Lucifer Stadium] in Lucifaad, we made our way to our VIP room. Just outside, we spotted Lianne, along with Liina Metsik, Vali's mother, his half-siblings Rasmus and Helle, and Aivar, their stepfather. We exchanged friendly waves and entered the room.

Once we were all settled inside, Liina expressed her concerns, "I'm feeling quite nervous about this... Vaa is going to get hurt, right?"

Mom responded to Liina's worries by saying, "Rating Games are considered a sport, so while the players may get injured, there won't be any fatalities in this tournament."

Liina, still anxious, brought up another concern, "But I've read that normal Rating Games in the Underworld sometimes have accidents where a player ends up losing their life."

Rias, eager to reassure the worried mother, chimed in, "That's an extremely rare occurrence, Liina-san. If anything, there's a higher chance of a human getting into a car accident than dying in a Rating Game. The officials are very meticulous about safety in these games."

We were hopeful that our explanations would help alleviate Liina's concerns as we settled into the room. After addressing Liina's worries, she happened to spot Vivi in our company and inquired, "Who's that?"

"Well..." I began to provide an explanation about who Vivi was and why she was accompanying us. As I shared this information, Vivi reached out to me, seemingly wanting to be held. With some hesitation from Áine, she entrusted Vivi to my care, and the little one nestled into my chest. "And that's how Vivi ended up being with us."

Aivar chimed in with a question, sparking the curiosity of everyone present. He asked, "Will she go by the name Vivi Toole?" To be honest, I hadn't given it much thought, even though I had expressed my desire to formally welcome her into the family.

"Well, eventually, yes," I responded thoughtfully. "But I'd prefer to wait until Vivi is a bit older before I even bring up the topic of adoption. Some people might not want to be adopted, you know. For now, we'll stick with Vivi Buer, but if she decides to change it in the future, that's absolutely fine with me."

Looking back, I realized my words might have sounded a bit strange. Nevertheless, my intentions were genuinely pure. I had done some reading on the subject after bringing Vivi home. At the end of the day, she was my daughter through and through. It was heartwarming to see how she regarded many of the girls here as her "mothers" too.

My own mother and a few others had once been mothers themselves and possessed valuable experience in raising children. With their support, making this spontaneous decision to bring Vivi into our lives would be more manageable for all of us.

During the past few days, when I and the others were swamped with our commitments, Mom, Cindy, Venelana, Shuri, Baraqiel, Göndul, and Chysis came to our aid. They provided guidance, suggestions, and showed us what we needed to buy. Tiamat also chipped in with her expertise, although most of it was centered around taking care of dragon babies rather than human ones.

Right when we were on the brink of resuming our conversation, the game's announcer began to address the audience.

[Ladies and gentlemen! It's been quite some time since our last epic showdown! Today, we are in for another thrilling game featuring two beloved teams! Representing the west side is a renowned team hailing from the east, led by three illustrious first-generation buddhas. Let's give a warm welcome to the formidable [Team Journey to the West]!]

From the western corner of the stadium, Sun Wukong's team made their entrance. They were a rather small team with only six members, possibly the most compact squad in the entire tournament. Nevertheless, their popularity was undeniable, and the crowd in the stadium erupted with cheers in their favor.

[Now, turning our attention to the east! We have a team comprised of exceptionally powerful individuals. Once branded as terrorists, they underwent a transformation in the latter half of last year and joined the alliance. Leading the charge is the descendant of the Lucifer bloodline and the wielder of the formidable Longinus [Divine Dividing]. Please extend a warm welcome to [Team White Dragon Emperor of the Morning Star] and their esteemed leader, Vali Lucifer!]

Once again, Vali's team emerged from the eastern side of the arena, and the crowd, including those in our room, erupted in cheers and support.

"Go, Vaa-kun, good luck!" cheered Lavinia, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

Rasmus joined in, exclaiming, "Oh, big bro is there! With a team name that cool, he's bound to win!"

Helle, equally excited, added her voice to the chorus of support, saying, "Go, big bro and Alby!"

In the midst of the crowd's cheers, Liina watched with a mix of nervousness and excitement as her son took the lead of his team down there on the field. Her heart swelled with pride.

Aivar, seated beside her, wore an eager expression. He had been eagerly anticipating the chance to witness a live game. I had sent him a few matches on DVD discs, which he'd watched with great interest, but being present at the event was a whole different experience for him.

As the two teams converged in the middle, Vali declared, [We're going to win this, Sun Wukong.]

Sun Wukong responded with a hearty laugh, saying, [Hohoho! The young ones of today have certainly become bold, haven't they? Well then, young Lucifer, show me how much you've improved since the formation of Team [DxD].]

A soft, gentle blue light began to envelop both teams as they prepared to be transported to the game field.

[Without any further delay, both teams are about to be transported into the playing field! Who will emerge as the victor in this clash between these two formidable teams?] he inquired with anticipation.

— ○ ● ○ —

Team White Dragon Emperor of the Morning Star:

King – Vali Lucifer

Queen – Fenrir

Bishop – Calantha Vordenburg 

Bishop – Le Fay Pendragon

Rook – Gogmagog

Rook – Zhu Bajie (Current Generation)

Knight – Arthur Pendragon

Knight – Sha Wujing (Current Generation)

Pawn (5) – Bikou

Pawn (3) – Genbu Doumon

— ○ ● ○ —

Team Journey to the West:

King – Sung Wukong (First Generation)

Queen – Nezha

Bishop (2) – Sha Wujing (First Generation)

Rook (2) – Zhu Bajie (First Generation)

Knight (2) – Wang Tiancheng 

Pawn (8) – Yu Long

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Third Person Point of View

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The two teams found themselves in an unexpected field, transported to an aquatic battleground. It stretched before them, a vast expanse of water that shimmered under the sun's gaze. There were teeming coral reefs, dotted with small islands, and an abundance of lotus flowers and enormous lotus leaves scattered about. Unlike their past matches, there was no delay this time. The match started immediately, just moments after their abrupt teleportation.

Vali, the leader of the group, wasted no time. "You know the plan, go!" With remarkable swiftness, he transformed into his Balance Breaker and then shifted into his powerful [Empireo Juggernaut Overdrive]. He soared through the air, heading directly for a specific opponent, a determination burning in his eyes.

Bikou, one of Vali's comrades, couldn't help but voice his concern, shouting, "Ah! Wait, leader, are you seriously going to leave us behind like this!?" But Vali had already taken off, charging headlong into the midst of the conflict. "Dammit! Well, let's go face those outrageously powerful geezers over there! Genbu-chan, I'm counting on you! The rest of you, wrap up quickly and come help us if you don't lose!"

With resolve, Bikou and Genbu set off on their journey to confront the legendary First Generation Sun Wukong. Genbu Doumon had recently become a part of their team, thanks to her budding romance with Vali. What made the arrangement work smoothly was that Genbu had no prior affiliations with any other team, ensuring her full compliance with the tournament regulations. Consequently, she stepped in to fill the spot left by Salamander Tomita for this crucial match.

— ○ ● ○ —

Vali's sharp eyes swiftly locked onto Nezha, the imposing [Queen] of [Team Journey to the West.] Without a moment's delay, he unleashed a relentless volley of demonic aura attacks in Nezha's direction. Sensing this impending attack, Nezha calmly shifted his attention and conjured his Fire-Tipped Spear, one of the four divine weapons at his disposal. With a casual air, he deftly deflected the oncoming onslaught.

A subtle, knowing smile graced Nezha's lips as he stood his ground, even as his own teammates dispersed in different directions. "Vali Lucifer," he inquired, addressing his adversary by name, "you seem eager to engage me in combat."

Vali, meeting Nezha's gaze, responded with a hint of intrigue in his voice, "Yeah, the chance of facing a remarkable figure like you, a veritable buddha, holds a unique draw for me."

Nezha couldn't help but let out a hearty chuckle. "Is that so?" he replied, his voice carrying a playful undertone. "Then I'll do my best to leave you impressed." With those words, he unleashed a relentless barrage of divine aura attacks in Vali's direction.

Vali, the young descendant of Lucifer, displayed impressive agility as he attempted to dodge the incoming onslaught. Yet, he soon realized that evading every attack was an impossible feat. With a swift maneuver, he turned on his heel, raising his arm defensively, and uttered a single word, "Compress!"

{Compression Divider!}

The moment he spoke the incantation, the atmosphere crackled with energy, and his unique ability, the [Compression Divider], sprang into action. To everyone's amazement, it succeeded in compressing Nezha's formidable attacks, leaving the god momentarily taken aback. Vali couldn't help but wear a triumphant grin on his face.

Without wasting a moment, Vali's form blurred with increased speed as he materialized right in front of Nezha. His fists became a flurry of motion as he rained down a torrent of punches upon the divine being. Nezha was no pushover, though. He skillfully dodged and deflected many of the incoming strikes, his movements a testament to his exceptional combat prowess.

However, amid the intense exchange, a sense of excitement welled up within Nezha. Vali was one of the select few in the world who could push him to such limits, and this confrontation was a stark reminder of the thrill that combat brought him.

Nezha heightened the output of his divine aura, causing Vali to be pushed back by its force. This time, Nezha took the offensive approach, swiftly closing the gap between him and Vali. He unleashed a relentless barrage of thrusts in the direction of the young man.

Vali, determined not to be outmatched, exhibited his agility and skill by evading and deflecting every strike directed at him. He harnessed both his demonic aura and touki to neutralize the divine aura emanating from Nezha's spear. This strategic move ensured that he remained unharmed as he skillfully parried each of Nezha's attacks.

"Vali Lucifer, you are undeniably remarkable," Nezha acknowledged with a hint of appreciation in his tone. "It appears I can truly unleash my full power in this tournament, all thanks to you."

In an instant, Nezha's speed underwent another surge, leaving Vali struggling to fully grasp the extent of it. His body, unfortunately, failed to react promptly, resulting in a piercing blow to his shoulder as Nezha's spear found its mark. Simultaneously, scorching divine flames seared his skin, compelling him to hastily deliver a kick in Nezha's direction and retreat swiftly to avert any further harm.

"Why don't you consider using that formidable form, the one that can even pose a threat to gods? It might serve you well, especially because I've decided to take this quite seriously," Nezha suggested with a hint of seriousness in his tone.

Vali, wearing a confident grin, retorted, "Heh, I had already been planning on doing that!" As his words trailed off, he commenced his incantations, ready to enter his most powerful form yet.

"The Pure White Dragon dwelling within me, rise up from your supremacy—"

Gradually, the once-supreme silver armor underwent a transformation, gradually revealing intricate jet-black patterns that adorned its surface.

{The Silvery-white Morning Star I possess within me, claim the Throne of Dawn—}

In reaction to Albion's line, the light wings adorning his back took on a deep shade of obsidian. Subsequently, numerous sets of fresh wings unfurled from his back.

[The Jet-black God of Infinity—]

"The Mysterious and Unfathomable Father of Devils—"

Vali sprouted a dozen jet-black wings from his back, while the edges of his armor morphed into an organic shape, becoming more razor-sharp. In a symphony of voices, Vali's and Albion's words melded, overlapping seamlessly with each other.

"{We shall transcend the limits to accept the oath—}"

Lucifer's crest graced each of the gems embedded in his armor, setting them ablaze with a radiant brilliance that was nothing short of spectacular. Vali, Albion, and Ophis joined their voices to chant the final stanza.

"{[[Thou shalt kneel down before our bright and glorious existence!]]}"


{Dragon Lucifer Drive!!!!!!!!}

As his newfound transformation came to an end, the entirety of his armor radiated a brilliant and blinding light, while his aura experienced a substantial surge in power. Following the crescendo of his aura, Nezha found himself face to face with a completely reimagined White Dragon Emperor, boasting a dozen sleek and obsidian wings unfurled majestically.

Without uttering another word, Vali materialized in front of Nezha with an even greater speed than before, leaving the god visibly startled by his sudden appearance. With a lightning-quick motion, he thrust a punch at Nezha's cheek, and it connected with stunning force, sending the god hurtling through the air. Vali wasted no time and, tapping into his [Demonic Brilliance of Evil Light], unleashed a relentless barrage of white, demonic energy at Nezha.

Nezha, recovering swiftly in mid-air, instinctively opted to dodge rather than attempting to deflect the incoming onslaught. He had a nagging feeling that facing these attacks head-on wouldn't bode well for him. As Vali's demonic auras raced past Nezha, they struck one of the islands within the game field. In a matter of moments, the island erupted into a colossal, blinding white pillar of energy, obliterating it from existence.

Amidst this chaos, Nezha cast a quick glance back at the obliterated island and then returned his attention to Vali. A faint smile graced his lips as he remarked, "It appears I made the right choice of strategy. Let's press on, Vali Lucifer."

"Heh, bring it!" Vali shouted with unwavering determination as he launched himself back at Nezha, a fiery spirit burning in his eyes.

The two combatants engaged in a furious exchange of punches, kicks, spear thrusts, and slashes that left the audience in the stadium spellbound. As they observed this electrifying spectacle, the spectators were rendered speechless.

Vali Lucifer's reputation had preceded him in the supernatural world; his battle prowess and formidable power had earned him a place on the main stage of the tournament. Yet, none of the challengers they had faced thus far had boasted gods among their ranks.

True, there were teams that featured god-class members, with some even hailing from Team [DxD]. However, it was the first time the crowd had witnessed a devil going head-to-head with a god in a hand-to-hand combat showdown. Even Diehauser Belial, known for his strategic prowess, had relied on his clan's trait, [Worthless], to attempt such a feat.

But in this intense moment, Vali Lucifer required none of that. He relied solely on his fists, his Sacred Gear, his illustrious bloodline, and the wealth of experience he had accumulated throughout his life. Even though Nezha had been alive for a longer duration, Vali matched him blow for blow, much to the astonishment of the onlookers, especially the other gods and buddhas present.

[The whole battlefield is quivering as a result of their intense clash! This is truly astonishing! Even Player Diehauser, who has never before challenged a deity to a fair and square fistfight without relying on his clan's abilities in this tournament, has never attempted such a feat! Today, we are witnessing an absolutely magnificent spectacle!] the announcer exclaimed with palpable excitement.

[Vali Lucifer is undoubtedly a prodigy among prodigies. Few individuals can accomplish such a feat,] the other announcer chimed in, acknowledging the exceptional skill on display.

With a sudden and forceful surge of divine aura, Nezha propelled Vali backward. In the same breath, Nezha channeled his touki into the bracelets adorning his wrists, and they underwent a remarkable transformation, expanding in size until they resembled chakrams. These were none other than Nezha's prized Universal Rings, akin to his famed Fire-Tipped Spear in potency and reputation.

Targeting Vali, Nezha flung the chakrams in his direction. Vali, quick on his feet, attempted to evade their relentless pursuit, but to his dismay, the rings exhibited an uncanny ability to lock onto him and followed his every move as he zipped around, desperately trying to shake them off.

As a last-ditch effort, Vali extended his hand towards one of the rings, unleashing a continuous barrage of demonic aura attacks that resulted in a small explosion. However, when the dissipating smoke unveiled the battlefield, the rings remained unscathed, a revelation that took Vali aback.

Frustration and determination intermingled in his voice as Vali shouted, "Divide!" He endeavored to diminish the rings' powers by half, and then he roared, "Compress!" in an attempt to utilize his [Compression Divider]. Yet, his efforts yielded only a modest reduction in their speed.

Unyielding in the face of this formidable attack, Vali continued his aerial evasive maneuvers, determined to evade the unrelenting rings. However, Nezha proved to be a relentless opponent. Employing his Wind Fire Wheels, another of his divine arsenal, he manifested wheel-like contraptions at his feet.

These unique Wind Fire Wheels possessed the ability to emanate fire and wind, granting Nezha the power to fly at godlike speeds, effectively keeping pace with Vali, even in his formidable [Diabolos Dragon Lucifer] form.

In a sudden burst of action, Vali summoned his wyverns, commanding them to relentlessly assail Nezha while he skillfully evaded the relentless onslaught of the Universal Rings. With each nimble move, he distanced himself further from the relentless pursuer.

Seizing a strategic moment, he instructed his wyverns to employ his powerful ability, [Half Dimension], which exerted a formidable gravitational force on Nezha, causing a significant slowdown in his movements. In response to this, the Buddha-like figure grinned confidently, maintaining his pursuit of Vali as if unfazed.

Vali couldn't help but mumble with a measure of admiration, "What a persistent buddha. I can't say I dislike it, though."

Meanwhile, Nezha's grin revealed a cunning plan as he reeled his arm back, propelling the Fire-Tipped Spear with precision and power directly at Vali. Simultaneously, the Universal Rings emitted a dazzling light before unleashing potent energy attacks in Vali's direction.

Reacting swiftly, Vali grunted in response to the incoming attack, and with a powerful flap of the wings behind his back, he began to prepare himself for a counteroffensive against the multifaceted attacks aimed at him.


{[[Satan Compression Divider!!!!!!!!!!!!]]}

Vali's entire body radiated a dazzling aura, a mesmerizing blend of silver and black, creating a breathtaking spectacle. This aura, filled with an overwhelming force, had such intensity that it sent shivers down Nezha's spine as it swept across the entire playing field.

The divine armaments, specifically the Fire-tipped Spear and Universe Rings, which had been aimed at Vali, found themselves subject to the might of this compressed aura. While they weren't obliterated, their relentless advance was halted, and they were forced to succumb to the inescapable grip of this energy before descending gracefully into the water below.

Nezha's astonishment was palpable, so much so that he couldn't help but emit a soft chuckle and whispered, "What a truly astounding display of power, Val Lucifer." His aura surged once more, its raw intensity causing the wyverns to stagger backward. However, the wyverns quickly retaliated by unleashing a barrage of aura blasts at Nezha.

In that critical moment, Nezha swiftly reached for a scarlet cloth draped over his form. He unfurled it with a fluid motion, transforming it into a protective shield. The wyverns' attacks, like arrows loosed from a quiver, found their mark on the red cloth and were effortlessly deflected away in a graceful dance of energy.

But just as Nezha turned his attention back to Vali, he was met with a colossal, swirling sphere of silvery-white and black energy hurtling toward him. There was no time for Nezha to react; the orb struck with devastating force. Nezha was hurled away, his body careening through the air until it collided with a nearby island. The impact was so fierce that it caused the island to tremble before it erupted in a cataclysmic display, leaving nothing but destruction in its wake.

[Down! Vali Lucifer has just taken down none other than Prince Nezha, along with the entire island! Today is turning out to be full of surprises!] the announcer exclaimed with enthusiasm in his voice.

After the deafening explosion had finally subsided, Prince Nezha emerged, standing gracefully atop the water's surface. His head was marred by a trickle of blood, and his clothes lay in tatters, but he had miraculously escaped the loss of a limb.

Throughout the tournament, just like many other formidable teams, [Team Journey to the West] had been an unstoppable force. Their members had remained unscathed in the preliminary matches. However, today, in this Rating Game, Prince Nezha, the linchpin of that legendary team, had finally suffered an injury, marking an unexpected twist in their journey.

"It's been quite a while since someone pushed me to these limits," Nezha reflected, his voice tinged with a sense of wonderment. "Being able to fully unleash my powers in this tournament and, now, being injured to this extent... It's truly remarkable. I hope this tournament becomes a recurring event in the future," he mused aloud. A glint of excitement danced in his eyes. "I wonder if the same kind of challenge would await me if I were to face the Dual Dragon Emperor," he chuckled. "No, if anything, it would be even more daunting due to his almost miraculous abilities."

Vali, intrigued by Nezha's thoughts, inquired, "Aniki is in a league of his own. If you were to battle him, it would be like trying to scale an insurmountable mountain, even for the gods themselves. But tell me, do you not like fighting dragons?"

Nezha's laughter rippled through the air as he summoned his Fire-Tipped Spear into his grasp, twirling it skillfully before conjuring his Universal Rings with a flourish. "Let's just say... strong dragons, aside from Yu Long, are more than welcome," he declared with a grin. "With that in mind, shall we continue, Vali Lucifer?"

Vali's response was swift and resolute. "Bring it!" he thundered, the challenge hanging in the air as both combatants charged toward each other with unwavering determination.

— ○ ● ○ —

In a different section of the game field, a particular dragon who was part of Sun Wukong's team found himself in a frenzied dash for survival. He sprinted, or rather, soared for his life, skillfully evading a barrage of incoming missiles and menacing fangs, all of which were perilously close to making contact with him.

[Nuuwoooooooooooooooooohh!! Get away from me, you stupid wolf and mechanical idiot!!] Yu Long's voice quivered with terror as he cried out in desperation. [Stop it! I'm telling you to stoooop!!] he shouted once more, then executed a swift turn to face his enemies. With a determined resolve, he unleashed a fiery breath attack at the duo. However, both Fenrir and Gogmagog displayed remarkable agility and smoothly sidestepped his fiery attack, leaving Yu Long to confront the stark reality of his predicament.

Fenrir, the God Devouring Wolf, didn't mince words as he questioned Yu Long, one of the Dragon Kings. "You hold the esteemed title of a Dragon King, but you seem to lack courage. How did you even come to possess such an imposing title?"

Yu Long responded with a touch of defensive pride, [I engage in battles with those whom I can match in strength or who come close to my power! When it comes to enemies stronger than myself, I'd rather avoid it entirely!] He added, [And the two of you are clearly stronger than me! Well, maybe not that peculiar little robot fellow; he's a bit odd.]

Fenrir, clearly unimpressed, couldn't help but scoff before remarking, "Such a letdown as an opponent. Gogmagog, let's do that to end this!" The metallic giant, Gogmagog, responded by igniting its luminescent eyes and propelling itself into the air, leaving Yu Long baffled by the sudden turn of events.

In a remarkable display of transformation, Gogmagog began to alter its form, then gracefully touched down on Fenrir's back. A radiant glow emanated from the robot, enveloping Fenrir in a set of advanced armor. Mechanical wings sprouted from Fenrir's back, while rocket boosters emerged, signifying a profound shift in his capabilities.

[Eh!? What the hell is that!?] Yu Long exclaimed in sheer astonishment. However, he didn't linger to seek an explanation. Instead, he swiftly accelerated his own flight, leaving the scene behind in his wake, determined to distance himself from this unpredictable confrontation.

However, in the blink of an eye, Fenrir closed the gap between him and Yu Long, a sinister grin dancing on the wolf's lips. Horror etched itself across Yu Long's visage as the wolf drew near, leaving him little time to react. With a swift motion powered by the boosters on his back, Fenrir tackled Yu Long and sank his teeth into the dragon's body.

[Oooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!! That huuuuuuurtsss! Stooooooooop!!] Yu Long's pained cry echoed through the game field. He made a futile attempt to scratch at Fenrir, but it proved ineffectual in halting the relentless wolf's assault.

Fenrir, sensing an opportunity to secure victory over the Dragon King, shrouded his form with pulsating energy. He bit deeper into Yu Long's body, tearing away a substantial chunk of flesh before swiftly leaping back. The radiant light of retirement started to envelop Yu Long, its glow intensifying.

[Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh!! I want that Slime Pill! Get it ready! Ow, ow, ow, owwwwwwwwww! I didn't want to participate in this tournament, but that insufferable monkey coerced me into itttttt!!] Yu Long's cries grew even more fervent as he was forced out of the game field, the agony of his defeat and the regret of his participation resonating in his screams.

[1 [Pawn] of [Team Journey to the West] retires!]

Fenrir and Gogmagog, having reversed their transformation, paused briefly. Fenrir extended his massive paw towards the machine, and they shared a light, congratulatory high-five. "We've successfully completed our task," Fenrir remarked. "Now, it's time to reunite with the stupid monkey of our era," he added.

— ○ ● ○ —

As Arthur Pendragon clashed swords with Wang Tiancheng of [Team Journey to the West], he couldn't help but admire Wang's remarkable blade skills. Between the strikes and parries, he decided to strike up a conversation.

"Wang Tiancheng-san," Arthur said between breaths, "your mastery of the blade is truly impressive. I'm curious, where did you acquire such exceptional skills?" His genuine curiosity mirrored his respect for his opponent's abilities.

Wang Tiancheng stood at a modest height of 5 feet and 7 inches, his physique speaking of athleticism. His long, obsidian hair cascaded down his back, meticulously tied into a sleek ponytail. His eyes, a striking shade of yellow, held a certain mysterious allure.

The weapon at his side, a sword of mysterious origins, had been bestowed upon him by none other than Ningguang herself. The reason for this act remained veiled in secrecy, adding an intriguing layer to his enigmatic character.

Tiancheng's attire was as distinctive as his presence. Draped in a qipao that blended shades of black and blue, he emanated an air of both elegance and mystery.

"I'm entirely self-taught. Even though there's a trace of dragon blood running through my veins, I depend solely on my own power," Tiancheng replied with a sense of independence and determination in his voice.

Arthur found himself profoundly impressed by this newfound information. In response, he offered a silent nod of acknowledgement before they seamlessly resumed their fierce duel. As their battle unfolded, Arthur, determined to gain the upper hand, accelerated his movements, unleashing a relentless barrage of thrusting attacks upon Tiancheng.

To Arthur's astonishment, the [Knight] from Sun Wukong's team displayed remarkable precision in parrying each of his thrusts. In a swift and calculated response, Tiancheng countered with a flurry of slashing strikes, aiming directly at Arthur. Astonishingly, Arthur exhibited a skillful defense, perfectly repelling the incoming slashes.

For the onlookers in the crowd, it appeared that these two combatants had chosen to place their utmost reliance on their swordsmanship. Yes, their assessment was accurate. Although both Arthur and Tiancheng possessed formidable magical skill, their shared unspoken agreement as [Knights] dictated that this contest be decided solely through their exceptional sword skills.

In the midst of their battle, both of them exhibited a phantom-like swiftness, their forms appearing and vanishing at various points within their immediate surroundings. Their blades clashed with such intensity that the very air around them vibrated, sending shockwaves rippling through the ocean waters below. These shockwaves possessed such power that some of them extended all the way to the lotuses and islands, causing them to quiver and tremble.

Then, in a sudden, unexpected move, Tiancheng leaped away, his landing graceful as he touched down upon the water's surface. There, he swiftly coated his sword with a shimmering, pale blue energy, imbuing it with a mysterious aura. With a fluid motion, he swung his sword multiple times in the direction of Arthur, conjuring enormous crescent moon-shaped slashes aimed at the Pendragon heir.

But Arthur, never one to shy away from a challenge, enveloped his own sword with a combination of touki and a radiant, holy aura. Determinedly, he surged toward the formidable onslaught of attacks. With precise, single motion strikes, he expertly dismantled the aura-infused strikes that Tiancheng had unleashed, leaving the man visibly astonished by his skill and power.

After completing his previous move, Arthur swiftly closed the distance between himself and Tiancheng. With remarkable speed, he directed his swords in a sweeping downward motion aimed at his opponent. Tiancheng managed to barely parry this initial strike.

However, to his astonishment, the scene took an unexpected turn as multiple replicas of Arthur manifested around him. Each of these clones mirrored the original Arthur, wielding their swords confidently, and closing in on Tiancheng from all directions.

Inwardly, Tiancheng couldn't help but wonder, 'Clones? I hadn't anticipated Arthur having mastered such a technique.' In response to the looming threat, he used his blade to push Arthur away while simultaneously swiping at the phantasmal figures. To his bewilderment, every Arthur he had just swung at, including the one he had forcefully moved aside, turned out to be mere illusions, vanishing like a mirage.

A sudden realization struck Tiancheng, and he cast his gaze upward, only to see Arthur hovering above him. The young swordsman descended with a powerful, calculated swing of his blade, catching Tiancheng off guard with the attack from an unexpected angle.

Tiancheng skillfully thwarted another of Arthur's attacks, yet in the very moment their blades made contact, Arthur executed a rapid vanishing act. His sudden disappearance left Tiancheng taken aback, and before he could react, a devastating blow struck the side of his stomach, catching him off guard and sending him hurtling through the air.

Arthur, however, was far from finished. With a swift summoning of his trusty [Caliburn], he propelled himself toward Tiancheng with remarkable speed, materializing above his opponent and launching a powerful sword swing. The [Knight] from Sun Wukong's team valiantly attempted to deflect the attack, but his efforts proved insufficient as Arthur's blade managed to slice a portion of his shoulder, causing him to cry out in pain.

In a display of remarkable swiftness and decisiveness, Arthur wasted no time as he executed a deft spin, followed by a powerful kick directed squarely at Tiancheng's side. The impact of the kick was powerful, sending Tiancheng hurtling through the air and ultimately causing him to crash forcefully onto one of the nearby islands, a significant distance away from their initial position.

Arthur made a graceful landing on the island, his trusty sword sheathed at his side, while he patiently awaited Tiancheng's resurgence. When Tiancheng finally clambered to his feet, he regarded Arthur with a perplexed expression, his gaze brimming with incredulity. In a moment of curiosity, he couldn't help but voice his question, "You're a swordsman, yet in a knight's duel, you chose to rely on hand-to-hand combat?"

A gentle, knowing smile graced Arthur's face as he adjusted his glasses, ready to shed light on his unorthodox approach.

"I might have echoed your sentiments had we crossed blades before I confronted His Eminence Strada once more. Nevertheless, let me clarify: at my core, I'm a warrior, and being a swordsman is secondary. Over time, an exclusive reliance on my swordsmanship had merely acted as a hindrance, impeding my journey toward mastery. So, I decided to broaden my horizons. Of course, I must credit Jin and his subordinates for imparting this invaluable advice to me," Arthur explained, his words laced with a sense of wisdom gleaned from experience.

Tiancheng's brow furrowed in response to those words. He held a strong belief that prioritized his swordsmanship above all else. Using his fists and legs was an option he would only consider when he found himself separated from his cherished sword. Otherwise, the very idea of resorting to such tactics held little appeal for him.

Tiancheng's life journey had a rather unusual beginning. As an orphan at the tender age of six, he received his name from an elderly beggar he had encountered. This name became a precious part of his identity, something he clung to as if his very existence depended on it. It was during these early years that he stumbled into the supernatural realm, facing a Chinese youkai's malicious attack. In a twist of fate, that same beggar, who had gifted him his name, came to his rescue once again. Tragically, the beggar's heroic act to save Tiancheng cost him his life.

In a curious twist, one of the beggar's most treasured possessions, a peculiar cane that he had always kept close, was revealed to be no ordinary staff. It was, in fact, a sword shrouded in potent magic. This magical blade proved instrumental in defending Tiancheng from the menacing youkai, ultimately defeating the threat.

Before the beggar's passing, he bestowed this invaluable item upon Tiancheng, setting in motion a profound transformation in the young boy's life. Driven by the memory of the beggar's selfless act, Tiancheng delved headlong into the realm of the supernatural. He embarked on a rigorous journey, developing and refining his own unique sword techniques and style.

The path was marked by countless defeats, a testament to the unforgiving nature of his training. However, with unwavering dedication, he gradually ascended to mastery. It was only in a recent confrontation, a duel with Longwang, the Dragon King, that his hard-earned skill and his sword reached their zenith, breaking new boundaries.

This remarkable transformation came at a significant price—the shattering of his beloved sword, a symbol of his prowess. Nevertheless, fortune smiled upon him when Ningguang, who was well-acquainted with his exploits and had been duly impressed by his reputation across China, presented him with a brand-new sword.

This gracious gift not only symbolized her awareness of his existence but also testified to her deep admiration for his abilities. In a touching tribute to the sword that had served him well, Tiancheng chose to inaugurate it with the name "Lonchen," a fusion of the names "Longwei" and "Chen," in honor of the old beggar who had once owned it.

Tiancheng's touki erupted from within him, and he assumed a formidable stance, clutching Lonchen with unwavering determination. His words carried the weight of unyielding resolve as he declared, "I shall forever place my trust in my sword and the skills it has bestowed upon me. Unless you manage to render my swords useless, I shall refrain from employing hand-to-hand combat. So, Arthur Pendragon, let the battle between us continue!"

A soft smile graced Arthur's lips upon hearing those words from Tiancheng. In that moment, he found himself recognizing a reflection of his own character in the man standing before him. Therefore, he held back any criticism, understanding that such judgment would be hypocritical. With deliberate precision, Arthur unsheathed his sword once more, poised and ready to strike.

A hushed stillness blanketed the area, a palpable tension that signaled the impending climax of their battle. Tiancheng, weakened and gradually losing blood, knew that his time was running short.

The culmination of their duel was marked by a resolute charge from both combatants. Their collision at the epicenter of the battleground unleashed a shockwave that sent everything nearby into chaos. The island and the delicate lotus flower surrounding them were swept away, and even the ocean beneath them was displaced—a testament to the sheer might they possessed. However, despite this tremendous display of power, a subtle but significant shift occurred.

A pained groan escaped Tiancheng's lips as he found himself steadily pushed back by Arthur's relentless attack. His injury was undoubtedly a pivotal factor in his struggle, but he refused to yield, pushing himself to the very limit, determined not to succumb at this critical juncture.

Arthur, his voice carrying an air of calm assurance, spoke amidst the tumultuous clash, "It may have been a brief encounter, but I have thoroughly enjoyed our duel, Wang Tiancheng."

In an instant, the world around Tiancheng seemed to flip upside down. He caught a glimpse of Arthur's figure, the young Pendragon wearing a serene smile. In the brief moment before everything went dark, the words, "It's over," echoed in his ears.

With astonishing speed, Arthur materialized behind the now-airborne Tiancheng. Countless slashes materialized around the fallen warrior's body, culminating in a small but explosive finale to their intense battle.

[1 [Knight] of [Team Journey to the West], retires!!]

The announcer's voice rang out with exhilaration, shouting, [Doooooooooown!! Player Sun Wukong's sole [Knight] has been retired! The victor of their duel is none other than Player Arthur Pendragon!!]

In the wake of the duel, the triumphant figure who emerged victorious was none other than Arthur Pendragon. This pivotal win marked an important milestone in his journey, one that had also witnessed his personal evolution and growth.

With a sense of anticipation burning within him, Arthur eagerly looked forward to his impending rematch with Yumi Kira in the months to come, a duel that destiny seemed to hold in store for them.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Quit running around the place you stupid geezer!" Bikou's frustration had reached its boiling point. He and Genbu Doumon had been engaged in a heated battle against the First Generation Sun Wukong. However, the elderly monkey king seemed to treat the encounter as a mere jest.

With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Sun Wukong effortlessly evaded all their attacks. He delighted in drenching them with water and playfully prodded them with his own Ruyi Jingu Bang, a staff considerably weightier than the ones wielded by Bikou.

"Hoho~ Come now, my descendant, you'll have to be much quicker than that," Sun Wukong taunted, his tone dripping with amusement. He couldn't resist adding, "Genbu-chan seems to be putting up a better fight than you, you know?" These words only served to further stoke Bikou's irritation.

Genbu summoned her Sacred Beast, the Black Tortoise, which stood at her side and unleashed watery attacks in tandem with her. In addition to this, Genbu herself utilized her Water Manipulation powers to complement her beast's attacks. Surprisingly, despite their combined efforts, none of their attacks had managed to land on Sun Wukong thus far, leaving her feeling a touch frustrated. The need for caution weighed on her as well, for Bikou was recklessly chasing the elusive Sun Wukong, making it crucial to avoid accidentally harming him.

Sun Wukong, agile and evasive as ever, dodged another attack from Bikou. Amidst the chaos of their confrontation, he couldn't help but voice his thoughts, his tone tinged with disappointment, "I had hoped that perhaps you'd have matured a bit after your departure from the ranks of terrorists and your entry into Team [DxD], but it seems that's not the case."

In a swift and unexpected twist, Sun Wukong pivoted and delivered a swift kick to Bikou's ass, sending him crashing into the surrounding water. Witnessing this turn of events, Genbu hurriedly made her way over to the fallen Bikou, her concern evident in her voice as she anxiously inquired, "A-are you alright, Bikou-san?"

Bikou swiftly rose to his feet, fixing an intense glare upon Sun Wukong. His gaze then shifted to Genbu, and he remarked, "I'm perfectly fine, Genbu. It's just that old geezer is being really annoying. Regardless, I can't afford to let Vali down, nor can I stand by and see you get hurt. I'll take the full force of that old monkey's attack, so please continue to support me, okay?"

Genbu responded with a warm smile, wholeheartedly endorsing Bikou's decision. She extended her hand, conjuring a set of water bracelets around Bikou's wrists. She proceeded to provide an explanation, saying, "These bracelets will automatically generate water-based shields to block certain attacks. However, if the incoming power exceeds their capacity, they'll shatter, and you'll sustain injuries. It's obvious that I'm not as powerful as Sun Wukong-san, so please be careful."

"Roger!" Bikou exclaimed with enthusiasm as he executed a graceful twirl, wielding his Ruyi Jingu Bang with finesse. He squared up once more to face Sun Wukong.

As Bikou and Genbu engaged in conversation, Sun Wukong's keen ears caught the essence of Bikou's words. A faint, but unmistakable smile graced the legendary monkey king's lips. He recognized this as a subtle sign of growth and maturity in his young descendant, for Bikou had long held a reputation for his self-centered nature. Hearing these words from Bikou, Sun Wukong couldn't help but swell with a hint of pride.

"Hoho? Are you ready to take me on again?" Sun Wukong inquired, his tone carrying a playful undertone.

Bikou's countenance displayed an air of confidence as he replied, "Oh, I've had a plan brewing all along. It just needed the right moment to activate." Without allowing his words to fully register with Sun Wukong, Bikou swiftly closed the distance between them, his staff swinging toward Sun Wukong with impressive speed.

Sun Wukong, though distracted by Bikou's words, managed to evade the incoming attack. Yet, it was a close call, and his momentary distraction didn't go unnoticed. Undeterred, he continued to sidestep Bikou's attacks with an air of playfulness. However, the subtle shifts in the young monkey youkai's movements seemed to perplex the older monkey youkai, leaving Sun Wukong in a state of mild confusion.

A sudden creation of Bikou's clones manifested, each wielding a staff of their own. They converged on Sun Wukong, mounting a simultaneous attack. However, the old monkey king merely scoffed at Bikou's antics. With a swift Youjutsu technique, he conjured swirling wheels of wind, which he then unleashed upon the clones. In an instant, all of Bikou's duplicates were vanquished.

As Sun Wukong turned his attention back to Bikou, ready to deliver a reprimand, he was met with an unexpected sight. His descendant had vanished from sight, and before he could react, Bikou reappeared, wielding an even larger staff. He swung it with tremendous force in Sun Wukong's direction.

"Fufu, Bikou, you certainly making this match a lot more fun for me!" Sun Wukong exclaimed, a glint of amusement in his eyes. With a flourish, he pointed his staff toward Bikou and bellowed, "Grow, Ruyi Jingu Bang!" In response to his command, the staff elongated and hurtled toward Bikou with remarkable speed.

When the two colossal staffs collided, a seismic shockwave reverberated throughout the entire battlefield. Sun Wukong's surprise was palpable as he realized that Bikou had matched his power, and neither of their weapons yielded an inch.

Sporting an enormous grin, Bikou taunted, "What's the matter, old geezer? Are you surprised by this?!"

Sun Wukong couldn't help but flash a mischievous smirk in Bikou's direction. With a quick gesture with his hand, a multitude of fiery serpentine figures manifested beside Bikou, and then they surged toward him. This quick usage of his youjutsu served as a clever ploy to divert Bikou's attention. In the midst of the chaos, Bikou's concentration wavered, causing him to momentarily lose control of his strength.

Seizing the opportunity, Sun Wukong skillfully manipulated his trusty Ruyi Jingu Bang. It danced gracefully around Bikou's own Ruyi Jingu Bang, ultimately landing a solid blow on his side. The impact sent Bikou hurtling through the air, accompanied by a pained grunt.

Witnessing her ally's plight, Genbu directed her focus and unleashed a relentless onslaught of water-based attacks on Sun Wukong. Yet, despite her determined efforts to harm the old monkey king, her attacks proved futile. Sun Wukong adeptly countered her attacks by creating a defensive magic circle, rendering her attempts to harm him ultimately in vain.

Genbu's brow furrowed in contemplation. She mused, 'I need to use more of my powers. It's fine since it's the tournament; even the gods are freely using theirs…! Xuanwu-san, please lend me your strength!' Her gaze shifted towards the small tortoise companion resting by her side, which responded with a nod of understanding.

With a graceful leap, the tortoise positioned itself in front of Genbu. In an instant, it emitted a brilliant radiance that bathed its surroundings. In a mesmerizing transformation, the modest tortoise expanded into a colossal, imposing Black Tortoise.

A wave of astonishment washed over the announcer, who couldn't contain his excitement. In a voice filled with anticipation, he exclaimed, [There it is! One of the legendary Sacred Beasts, the Black Tortoise! Is Player Genbu finally taking this match seriously!?] The audience, too, buzzed with curiosity and intrigue at this unexpected turn of events.

As Sun Wukong pivoted on his heels, his gaze fell upon the immense tortoise that loomed before him. An involuntary whistle of astonishment escaped his lips as he marveled at the creature's sheer size and majesty. He couldn't contain his amazement. "I never imagined that today I'd find myself in a serious confrontation with one of the Sacred Beasts. This era truly holds remarkable surprises," he chuckled, a sense of anticipation tinging his words.

The enormous tortoise, with its vast elemental power, conjured a multitude of water-based attacks, an impressive display of its prowess. These watery attacks encompassed a wide spectrum, targeting not only inanimate objects but also living beings, demonstrating its versatility. Then, with remarkable precision, it propelled this torrent of attacks in the direction of the old monkey king, Sun Wukong.

In response to this daunting challenge, Sun Wukong demonstrated his quick thinking and battle-hardened skills. He swiftly modified the size of his legendary weapon, the Ruyi Jingu Bang, making it more manageable for the impending clash. With an air of determination, he poised himself to intercept the incoming onslaught.

As the attacks surged towards him, Sun Wukong's movements were a ballet of grace and power. With a single, fluid swing of his staff, he dismantled multiple attacks in one sweep, leaving no room for error. His mastery of the situation was evident as he seamlessly blended in elemental techniques, employing his youjutsu to counter the relentless torrent of water-based attacks directed at him.

Yet, what perplexed Sun Wukong most was the mysterious smile gracing Genbu's face. The young girl remained rooted in her position, manipulating water to conjure attacks that supported Xuanwu, the Black Tortoise, in their assault.

As Sun Wukong persistently destroyed the relentless torrent of water-based attacks, a peculiar sensation coursed through his body. He noted a subtle sluggishness creeping into his movements. However, he merely brushed it off, attributing it to the passage of time, a testament to the challenges of aging. Without further ado, he continued to skillfully parry and shatter each incoming attack.

Suddenly, Bikou reentered the fray, swinging his staff with renewed vigor, compelling Sun Wukong to deftly sidestep the impending strike. Bikou's grin remained firmly in place as he launched his audacious attacks, mirroring his earlier ferocity.

But this time, something was amiss for Sun Wukong. He found himself wrestling with newfound difficulty, a development that left him profoundly bewildered. The once-clear advantage now seemed to be slipping from his grasp, and the old monkey king couldn't help but contemplate this perplexing turn of events.

"Brat, what have you done?" Sun Wukong inquired with a mixture of curiosity and incredulity, his tone filled with a hint of suspicion. Bikou's response was an impish grin, which only deepened the mystery.

"I've been telling you, haven't I? I had a plan all along! I've dedicated myself to training in youjutsu precisely for this moment!" Bikou's voice boomed with enthusiasm as he thrust his staff toward Sun Wukong, landing a perfectly precise hit on the old monkey king's shoulder, leaving him taken aback.

Sun Wukong, momentarily stunned by the blow, managed to regain his footing, but his body began to sway unsteadily. He glanced at his trembling hand in surprise and uttered a perplexed question, "What is this? Poison?

Bikou descended in front of Sun Wukong, motioning for Genbu and the Black Tortoise to cease their attacks. A mischievous grin played on his face as he explained, "Yes, it is indeed poison! I've dubbed it 'Anti-Sun Wukong Invisible Poison Mist.' As the name suggests, it weakens its victims considerably through the manipulation of youjutsu."

He went on to recount a tale of his encounter with Kuroka, who had used a similar poison on him in the past. The experience had been remarkably effective, and it had sown the seeds of an idea in Bikou's mind. "I thought, if we're related and I'm your descendant, then I should ask Kuroka to devise a poison that would work on you as well. I willingly became a guinea pig, enduring her torturous experiments until we discovered a poison that could affect you. It cost me a pretty penny, but it was worth every bit of it, damn it!" Bikou exclaimed with a mix of determination and pride.

Without warning, Bikou charged at Sun Wukong once more, catching the old monkey king by surprise. He executed a body slam that sent Sun Wukong hurtling through the air. To Sun Wukong's astonishment, as he turned around, he was met not by one, but by two other formidable figures—the First Generation Sha Wujing and Zhu Bajie, adding an unexpected twist to the unfolding battle.

A perplexed expression crossed Sun Wukong's face as he inquired, "What are the two of you doing here?"

Sha Wujing responded with a hint of wry amusement, "Well, it's pretty straightforward, really. Our descendants are out there, taking care of the business we've left behind, you know, like kicking our old butts."

Zhu Bajie chimed in with a reluctant admission, "As much as it pains me to say it, he's right. It's our own progeny who've got us backed into a corner." And then, in a surprising turn of events, something entirely unexpected unfolded, leaving everyone in attendance utterly astounded.

[1 [Queen] of [Team Journey to the West] retires!!]

"The Lucifer brat beat Prince Nezha!?" Sha Wujing exclaimed, his surprise evident in his voice. The astonishment hung in the air, a question mark etched on the faces of the others. Before anyone could formulate a response, a sudden shift in the environment disrupted their movements. The gravity, a once-familiar constant, now weighed them down with a noticeable increase.

All eyes were drawn upward, revealing Calantha Vordenburg and Le Fay Pendragon, the wielders of gravity magic, who stood alongside a battered and bruised Vali Lucifer. Despite his injuries, Vali appeared determined and ready to engage in further combat. His outstretched hand beckoned a squadron of wyverns, which, under his command, initiated their [Half Dimension], amplifying the gravitational force around them.

The situation grew increasingly precarious, and the First Generation Sha Wujing voiced his concern, his urgency evident in his shout. "We might be in real trouble here...!"

In that crucial moment, the three descendants, charged with determination, closed in on their elder counterparts. Bikou, with a fiery spirit, shouted, "The older generation just needs to shut up and take a back seat! Leave this era and the future to us, you stupid older geezers!!" The rebuke in his words carried a mix of youthful exuberance and defiance, underscoring the generational dynamics at play.

The current Sha Wujing exhibited her extraordinary powers by conjuring a colossal water spear, suspending it menacingly above her. She held it at the ready, exuding an aura of impending might. Simultaneously, the current Zhu Bajie harnessed his abilities to craft a massive, blazing wheel that began to whirl with incredible speed just above him.

Not to be outdone, Bikou pointed his Ruyi Jingu Bang toward the impending fray and unleashed a commanding cry, "Grow, Ruyi Jingu Bang! Get them!" His weapon obeyed, expanding to attack his elders.

As Vali's team effectively corralled the remaining members of [Team Journey to the West], unity took center stage. Vali himself orchestrated a powerful silvery-white and jet-black sphere, an imposing force of its own. Le Fay and Calantha, likewise, contributed their powers, launching substantial elemental attacks towards the beleaguered opponents.

Arthur, bearing his sword with sheer determination, swung it in a sweeping arc, birthing an immense holy slash that surged forth with a divine fervor. In the final flourish of aggression, Gogmagog released a volley of missiles, further adding to the overwhelming assault.

However, Fenrir, their [Queen], opted to remain on the sidelines, observing the relentless fusillade of attacks aimed at the remaining members of Sun Wukong's team. In his sagacious assessment, he deemed the combined onslaught sufficient to secure their victory.

As the relentless barrage of attacks drew nearer to Sun Wukong and the few comrades who stood by his side, a recent memory suddenly flashed vividly in his mind.

— ○ ● ○ —

Just a couple of days before the upcoming match between Vali and Sun Wukong, Aaron gathered with several other leaders from the alliance for a crucial meeting. What he unveiled in that moment took them all by surprise.

"Are you serious?" Azazel inquired, his tone rife with incredulity.

"Yeah," Aaron confirmed with resolve. "Team [DxD] and I intend to confront the Phantasma and Evie head-on. So, once we wrap things up with the Khaos Order here, we'll venture into their universes. I'll be entrusting the protection of our world to the [EXE], my Shadow Soldiers, and a multitude of [Electa] while we're away."

Amidst the discussion, Sun Wukong, who had been quietly enjoying his pipe, interjected with a playful smirk. "Hey, hey, youngin', don't forget the older generation still has some fight left in us. I am a part of [DxD], after all."

Aaron chuckled and gave a nod of acknowledgment. "Certainly, old man. But why don't you consider retiring now, let the newer generation shoulder the responsibilities that come with age? Anyway, I wanted to keep everyone in the loop about my future plans." With that, Aaron exited the room, followed closely by Velgrynd, Latia, and Rossweisse.

Sun Wukong, however, couldn't let the retirement suggestion slide without a response. "Retire? I'll have you know, I've still got plenty of youth left in me!"

Azazel, sighing thoughtfully, scratched the back of his head. "You know, it's not such a bad idea. We're not as active as we once were. Jin and [DxD] have taken center stage, inspiring the newer generation. Maybe it's time we took a step back."

"Step back, hmm?" Sirzechs mused, his words echoing a shared sentiment among the venerable gods and leaders present. It seemed like they were all entering a phase of contemplation about their roles in the ever-evolving world around them.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Looks like it's time to pass the torch to the younger generation," Sun Wukong mused, a hint of nostalgia in his voice, as he closed his eyes, seemingly accepting the inevitable turn of events.

As the onslaught of attacks launched by Vali's team closed in on them, a cataclysmic explosion erupted, its shockwave rippling through the entire realm. The remnants of lotuses, leaves, islands, and a substantial portion of the water beneath them were utterly obliterated.

And then, in a momentous declaration, the outcome was decided:

[1 [Bishop], 1 [Rook], and 1 [King] of [Team Journey to the West] retires!!!]

[The winner of the game is... [Team White Dragon Emperor of the Morning Star]!!!! They've done it, they've defeated the legendary trio!!!]

The arena's announcer's voice resonated with ecstatic jubilation, while the stadium resounded with deafening cheers from the enthusiastic crowd. It was a historic victory that marked the changing of the guard and celebrated the triumph of the new generation over the legends of old.

— ○ ● ○ —

Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

— ○ ● ○ —

The room I found myself in was suddenly engulfed in exuberant cheers, and the loudest of them all came from Lavinia and Vali's family. It was a heartwarming sight to witness their unrestrained joy, and I couldn't help but share in their pride. After all, they had just secured a resounding victory, which was reason enough to celebrate.

Adding to the excitement was the fact that Vali had triumphed over Prince Nezha in a brawl that mirrored my own with Sairaorg. As the prince's powers waned toward the end of their battle, it became evident that Vali had emerged as the superior combatant.

"Big bro did it!" Rasmus exclaimed, as he jumped around, joined by Helle in their joyful celebration.

"Vaa-kun is in for a real ramen feast today," Lavinia chimed in, her laughter bubbling with anticipation of the treat that awaited.

Kouki couldn't resist adding his own playful comment, remarking, "Looks like Ramen Dragon-sama just took down a buddha, didn't he? He's going to be bragging about his for a long time."

Amid the chatter and excitement, my gaze settled on Vivi. At the start of the event, she had been apprehensive, burying her face against my chest in an attempt to shield herself from the action. However, as time passed, her curiosity began to outweigh her initial fear. Slowly but surely, she turned her attention to the unfolding game, her grip on my hand and shirt remaining firm as she observed the unfolding spectacle.

Among those who had found their place beside me were Lavinia and Áine. Initially, both had made earnest attempts to encourage Vivi, but they had quickly come to realize that it was best to let the girl navigate this on her own.

However, at this very moment, Lavinia was wholly engrossed in celebrating Vali's triumphant victory, her excitement radiating as she tightly clutched my free hand. Meanwhile, Áine took on a gentler role, her hand tenderly caressing Vivi's head in a comforting manner.

"What do you think, Vivi? Rating Games aren't scary, right?" the goddess inquired warmly, leaning in close beside me. Her gaze fixed kindly upon Vivi, who returned her gaze with a silent, little nod of agreement. It was clear that the experience of the Rating Games had left a positive impression on the young girl.

In a spontaneous burst of enthusiasm, Aoife sprang to her feet and proclaimed, "Alright, let's head out for a hearty lunch! We should invite the Ramen Dragon and his team too, since they were the ones that won!"

My gaze shifted from Lavinia to Liina and then settled on Vali's siblings and Aivar, all of whom readily agreed to this unexpected change of plans. It seemed that the entire assembly was onboard with the idea. I couldn't help but imagine the restaurant's delight at the prospect of serving such a large group, and my wallet was bound to feel the pinch...

As I pondered the logistics, Vivi tugged at my shirt, prompting me to look down at her. Her head tilted slightly, curiosity gleaming in her eyes.

I leaned down to her level and reassured her, saying, "We're going to have lunch with Vali and his team. We'll enjoy delicious food, okay?" Vivi responded with an eager nod.

Turning to address the group, I suggested that they head to the entrance first. I wanted to escort Vivi there quietly, avoiding the commotion caused by the departing crowd after the conclusion of the game.

Much to my astonishment, Lavinia, though clearly reluctant, decided to depart. The one who remained by my side, alongside little Vivi, was Áine. A sudden bout of restlessness overtook Vivi in my arms, prompting her to squirm and extend her tiny hand toward Áine. Without hesitation, I gently handed Vivi over to the goddess, who embraced her with the tenderness of a doting mother.

This twist of events caught me off guard. Initially, Vivi had shown a strong attachment to the Fated Ones, Tiamat, Velgrynd, and myself. Yet now, her affections had unmistakably shifted, centering on Áine. I couldn't help but wonder if Áine's powers held some sway over Vivi, or perhaps, even as a child, Vivi possessed a perceptive nature that guided her preferences.

In any case, Áine radiated joy, her face illuminated by a warm smile, and this simple fact filled me with a profound sense of contentment.

Áine skillfully used her magic to capture Vivi's attention, directing it away from her surroundings. With her free hand, she approached me, and I attempted to meet her gaze. However, she halted just before reaching me and bestowed a gentle kiss on my cheek. In a soft murmur, she expressed her gratitude with a simple, "Thank you," before turning her focus to Vivi.

She drew the young one into a playful interaction, inquiring, "Shall we make our way with Papa, dear?" Vivi, her eyes shifting between me and Áine, displayed a faint hint of melancholy in her eyes. Eventually, though, she nodded in agreement, a gesture that evoked a quiet squeal of delight from Áine.

This was a surprising moment for me. Vivi referred to me as "Papa," a title I had not expected. I had assumed that both Vivi and Áine might still be resistant to the idea. Nevertheless, I recognized that this might be their way of healing from the scars of their past, even if Vivi remained unaware of it for the time being.

As we made our gradual exit from the room, I gently encircled my arm around Áine's waist, drawing her and Vivi nearer to me. Not only did Áine not resist, but she also willingly pressed closer to me. It was one of those moments that filled me with a deep sense of warmth and belonging. In that instance, it was as if we had transformed into a bona fide family, and this stirred a multitude of emotions in my heart.

— ○ ● ○ —

Amidst the bustling scene unfolding around me, the term "chaos" seemed rather fitting. While it didn't quite reach the same level of pandemonium as my home usually did, it was undeniably close. We had just arrived at the restaurant we had reserved in Lucifaad, and the atmosphere had shifted into a state of controlled tumult.

Following a conversation between Lavinia and myself and the restaurant staff about the unusual circumstances, we collectively made the decision to secure the entire establishment exclusively for our use. Of course, this choice came with a small additional cost, but that was of no concern to me. After all, I possessed the ability to generate wealth seemingly out of thin air, although I exercised caution in using this power to avoid disrupting either the human or supernatural economy.

That being said, it quickly became apparent that the restaurant's staff was somewhat overwhelmed by the sudden change in plans. In response to their overwhelmed expressions, I offered a helping hand, which they graciously accepted. Yet, their gratitude was tinged with a touch of consternation, as the guest who had come simply to dine had now unexpectedly shifted into a role of assisting the very staff whose service they had sought.

"Um... a-are you absolutely certain about sticking to ramen, Vaa? Maybe you should consider trying something different," Liina inquired, her maternal concern evident in her voice. Vali's biological mother was visibly troubled, witnessing her son indulging in his fifth serving of ramen.

The last two bowls had been crafted by me, considering my recent involvement in the culinary process. Given my heightened hearing abilities, I overheard Liina's heartfelt concerns while I was in the kitchen.

Vali shifted slightly in his seat, his voice carrying a hint of shyness as he replied, "W-well, I suppose I could give other dishes a try, but you see, Aniki made this ramen, and I've grown accustomed to its taste. It happens to be one of my absolute favorites." His admission bore a touch of nostalgia, revealing the sentimental attachment he held for the dish prepared by a familiar hand.

"Vaa-kun, you do love your big brother's ramen, don't you~?" Lavinia playfully prodded Vali, a hint of mischief in her tone. "It seems like your husband, Rasmus, and Helle-chan enjoy it too."

"Mmm, tasty!" Rasmus mumbled, and Helle nodded in enthusiastic agreement.

Aivar briefly paused his meal, nodding in sync with his children. "I can see why Vali has a fondness for this. It's delicious, though I've always had a hankering for authentic, traditional ramen, not just the store-bought kind," he admitted, a wistful note in his voice.

Liina heaved a resigned sigh, acknowledging the possibility that her family might become quite enamored with ramen in the future. Once I had finished preparing another platter of food, I brought it to their lively table, ensuring there was enough for the boisterous family, especially Vali.

"Here you go, and I've added a variety of dishes for you to try, Vali, just as your mom suggested," I informed him, a light chuckle escaping me. Vali offered a mumbled response, then hesitantly sampled one of the new dishes. His expression underwent a swift transformation, and he nearly devoured it all in one go.

"See, I tried telling you that the other dishes are equally delightful, come on," Liina chimed in, her hand affectionately patting Vali's head, causing the young Lucifer to blush modestly at the attention.

Shifting my focus to a different table, I made my way over and distributed the remaining plates. This assembly was, to put it mildly, a peculiar gathering. Among the occupants, I recognized Mom, Vivi, Aoife, Cindy, Arthur Pendragon, Le Fay, Áine, and Azathoth.

With a genial smile, I placed the plates before them and said, "Here you go, enjoy your meal." My gaze drifted to Vivi, who rested contentedly in Mom's embrace. Beside her, Aoife and Áine doted on the little girl. I inquired, "Is she enjoying the food so far? I'll finish my tasks shortly and rejoin you all."

Aoife responded cheerfully, "Yes, little Vivi is savoring the tasty dishes you and the kitchen staff have made. I think she has developed a particular fondness for the varenyky, as she's been mostly enjoying them." She extended another varenyky to Vivi, who accepted it with evident delight.

Varenyky, I noted, were boiled dumplings filled with a variety of delectable fillings, such as potato, cheese, and others. Despite the peculiar nature of our ingredients, these delicacies essentially resembled the traditional varenyky known in the human world, thus preserving the essence of this beloved dish.

While everyone else around the table reveled in the meal and shared mirth, Arthur's demeanor stood in stark contrast, a deep frown etched upon his face as he took each bite. This did not go unnoticed by Le Fay, who felt a ripple of unease herself.

Curiosity and concern tugged at my thoughts, and I couldn't help but address Arthur, my question laden with care. "Is there something the matter, Arthur?" The inquiry slipped from my lips, and his surprised gaze turned toward me, drawing the attention of those seated around us.

His response was a thoughtful one, a mixture of gratitude and reservation. "Oh... no, it's nothing, Jin. The meal is truly delightful, and I appreciate your generosity. I just have some matters to attend to once this is over." His words, while seemingly reassuring, carried an undertone of complexity, leaving an air of intrigue hanging over the table.

I chose not to push the matter any further, and the rest of us followed suit, our collective attention fixed on the present moment. Nevertheless, even from that brief interaction, a collective realization began to take shape among us, a subtle awareness that something significant loomed on the horizon.

Over the course of the following few hours, we thoroughly enjoyed our time at the restaurant. It was a lively atmosphere, and though a few individuals got a bit unruly, I made sure to promptly repair any unintended damages caused during the occasional chaotic outbursts.

Thankfully, the owners didn't seem particularly distressed by these minor disruptions. In fact, one of them expressed contentment, sharing that he was genuinely pleased that his establishment was receiving increased attention, given the presence of numerous notable figures.

— ○ ● ○ —

As our time there drew to a close, a sudden and potent tremor rocked the surroundings, accompanied by a cacophony of terrified voices in the distance. Responding swiftly, I dashed outside, driven by an instinct to protect Lucifaad and the community of devils under our care.

In a matter of moments, I had raised a protective barrier, shielding them from whatever peril loomed outside. It was in this intense moment of uncertainty that Ddraig, the Dragon residing within me, voiced his astonishment, a note of surprise permeating his thoughts.

[What the hell!? Is that me!?] Others had gathered alongside us, their expressions mirroring our shared sense of astonishment. Ddraig's voice reverberated with a hint of ferocity as he continued, [Mother fucker! Let me out; I'll put an end to that asshole!]

Ddraig had previously shared his apprehensions concerning the future events that were going to unfold. Given the significant alterations I had made to the course of events, there was uncertainty regarding the appearance of "Fake Ddraig" and "Fake Albion."

However, it was undeniably the former that had manifested before us. Yet, Ddraig detected a distinct and unsettling difference in this fake.

Beside me, Rias chimed in with her assessment, her voice steady despite the situation. "Is that a clone of Ddraig? The Khaos Order must be behind this," she mused, her words tinged with a sense of foreboding.

I gazed upward at the imposing figure of the Fake Ddraig and began to elucidate the origins of its construction. "You see, the body and its various components are actually crafted from the leftover remains of those Evil Dragons that they were mass-producing. It's rather intriguing because the level of power it possesses carries a certain resonance with the original power of Ddraig and Albion. However, what sets them apart is the absence of their distinctive abilities like [Boost], [Transfer], and [Penetrate]," I explained, striving to offer some clarity on the matter.

I paused for a moment, allowing the weight of this revelation to sink in before continuing. "Moreover, it's crucial to note that what we're facing here is not the real deal; it's a clone's clone, essentially a sort of experimental trial based on a previous experiment. They're dipping their toes into uncharted waters with this creation," I added, my gaze still fixed on the enigmatic Fake Ddraig. This insight shed light on the intricate nature of the adversary before us and the motivations driving its creation.

"So, you're suggesting that we can take it down?" Vali inquired, his face lighting up with a mischievous grin, looking in my direction for a response.

Understanding his intent all too well, I heaved a resigned sigh and gently shook my head. "Save back your energy, Vali. Engaging in a battle with that thing would likely amount to little more than a futile endeavor, a waste of our precious time," I cautioned Vali, my words carrying a tone of practicality.

Just as I extended my hand toward the Fake Ddraig, a sudden, unexpected occurrence unfolded. Large, corroded nails abruptly shot forth, hurtling towards my friends and me with alarming speed.

Without hesitation, I expanded my [Infinity] to envelop our entire group, acting as a protective barrier. The rusty projectiles met their match as they struck the invisible shield, instantly disintegrating upon contact.

Then, a mysterious voice resounded in our ears, its presence disembodied. [Oh well, it would have been quite entertaining to toy with the Middleman or perhaps even a descendant of Lucifer. But I suppose I didn't quite succeed this time. Farewell~]

It dawned upon me that this presence was not physically present here but had executed a distant maneuver. They had created a magical portal or circle from their remote location, launching an attack that had materialized in our vicinity. A quick glance toward Le Fay revealed a glimmer of recognition in her expression. It was unmistakably "her." The puzzle was beginning to come together.

A heavy sigh escaped my lips, and I couldn't help but murmur, "So it's beginning, isn't it?" I shifted my gaze back to the expansive sky above, my fingers finally curling into a determined fist. In that decisive moment, I shattered the illusory form of the Fake Ddraig, extinguishing it in a dazzling display of power. As the last remnants of that spectral dragon vanished, I directed my attention to the surroundings.

Noticing the minor damage that had been inflicted upon the nearby structures during the brief encounter, I felt compelled to repair them. With a touch of my magic, I mended the damaged buildings, restoring them to their former glory.

Following this impromptu attack, we came to a unanimous decision. It was time to convene a small meeting with the Satans in the Underworld. A critical discussion lay ahead, and it was essential to ensure that we were all on the same page.

— ○ ● ○ —

"So, we're dealing with a Fake Ddraig, huh? And the one responsible for the attack on Lucifaad was a copy of a copy, which is pretty odd. Now, the pressing question is: who's the strongest among the three? The real Ddraig, the clone, or the clone's clone?" Azazel inquired, having promptly joined us in the Underworld upon Raynare's summons.

Our gathering took place in the Four Great Satans' conference chamber, a space meticulously prepared for such discussions. To facilitate our conversation with the other leaders of the alliance, we had established several magic circles, linking us to them. This arrangement was a necessity, given the abrupt nature of this meeting.

With a thoughtful tone, I responded, "Without a doubt, it's my partner. The clone and its clone are both lacking in comparison...though, it does sound somewhat strange to label a dragon equivalent to the original Heavenly Dragon as 'weak.' However, it's crucial to note that they possess solely raw power and are durable; they lack the unique abilities that Ddraig and Albion possess." I offered this explanation to clarify the distinction and emphasize Ddraig's superiority.

"Le Fay-kun," Sirzechs asked with a thoughtful expression, "it appears you might have some knowledge about the individual responsible for that nail attack on your group. Would you be willing to share what you know?"

Le Fay responded with a nod of agreement, her gaze focused on Sirzechs. "Certainly," she began, "Meredith Ordinton is a Magician, born from the union of a member of the British Royal Family and his commoner lover. Our paths crossed during my time as part of the magician's organization known as the Golden Dawn. While we didn't visually identify the assailant, her distinctive voice is etched in my memory. We spent time together, engaged in the study of magic after all."

Serafall turned her attention toward me, her demeanor exuding a sense of professionalism as she addressed me with a question. Dressed in her customary attire, she had Yuvlunea by her side, who was assigned to accompany Serafall during this important phase.

I began to explain the details as best as I could. Of course, there was a degree of uncertainty, as plans could shift at the last minute, but I did my best to outline what we could anticipate. The challenges we were preparing to face were numerous and formidable.

We were bracing ourselves to confront not only Hades himself but also his remaining army, Angra Mainyu, Aka Manah (who was currently possessing Meredith), Zurvān, Vayu (wind), Thvarshtar (space), and Ātar (fire), Ahura Mazdā, the remaining Wizards of Oz, Malsumis, the Spirit God of Chaos, as well as impostors like Fake Ddraig, Fake Albion, Aži Dahāka 2, Verrine, and Balberith, among a few others.

The scope of this impending conflict was vast, spanning the entire Earth. Nevertheless, I, along with a select group, were designated to travel to the United Kingdom for a direct confrontation with Hades. The remaining team members were entrusted with the task of tackling the other enemies.

It promised to be an arduous and protracted endeavor, but our goal was to put an end to the Khaos Order within our universe once and for all. Following this, we would turn our attention to the Phantasm and Evie Etoulde universes, along with Fadir Ferdora. Eventually, I had to address Mitsuya and Shizuka's alternate timeline, seeking resolution and closure, and finally, I will go to the Central World with Velgrynd and a few others.

After I finished explaining, a heavy silence settled over the room. The magnitude of our task weighed on everyone's minds. We were faced with the formidable challenge of taking down numerous enemies, each linked to the Khaos Order. Surprisingly, among those present, a sense of relief was discernible in many faces. They realized that our collective efforts aimed to bring an end to the Khaos Order's reign in our universe.

However, I emphasized that this wouldn't mark their ultimate demise. We couldn't forget that the Evie and Phantasm factions were still intertwined with the Khaos Order, which meant that Team [DxD] had the responsibility of defeating them as well. It was a complex and multifaceted battle we were entering, with the fate of our universe hanging in the balance.

Nevertheless, there were certain details I chose to omit during our discussion. Topics like the Central World and the matter involving Mitsuya and Shizuka, which I suspected Ajuka might have his own insights about.

Our conversation continued for a few additional minutes as we delved into the logistics of the plan. We considered issues such as the placement of the human population, addressing the damage to our world, and many other aspects.

Ultimately, we arrived at a resolution that involved crafting a complete duplicate of Earth. I would take on the responsibility of transporting everyone to this replica, which included not only our group but also the various factions affiliated with the Khaos Order.

The rationale behind this decision was that the leaders believed that my previous practice of continuously forcing humans to sleep and relocating them to different dimensions wouldn't serve their long-term benefit. I found no objections to this approach and readily consented to it.

— ○ ● ○ —

The impromptu meeting had finally drawn to a close, and most folks began to disperse. Many of them made their way back to the comfort of their homes. My mother, accompanied by a few others, including Vivi, headed homeward as well. For my part, I chose to linger behind, for experience had taught me that there were often people seeking my counsel or companionship.

As I wandered through the peaceful surroundings of the garden just outside the building, a faint inkling tugged at the edges of my awareness. I hadn't anticipated anyone following me after the meeting, so I turned around, intrigued by the presence of the visitor. "Is there something on your mind, Momo?" I inquired.

Momo, Sona's trusted [Bishop] and one of my cherished lovers, had indeed trailed me out into the garden. She had maintained a respectable distance, choosing not to approach me directly. A sense of surprise overtook me, but I welcomed her with a warm smile as she eventually joined me.

Her gaze darted around us as if checking for any unwanted eavesdroppers, and she hesitated for a moment before responding. "Um... no, it's nothing," she stammered. "I just wanted to spend time with you. We've been apart quite a bit lately, and with this upcoming mission..."

I nodded understandingly, recognizing the concern that weighed on her. "You're worried about your parents, aren't you? Rest assured, I've learned from past mistakes. We'll ensure their well-being during the mission and as we journey to the Phantasma and Evie Etoulde," I assured her, my tone reassuring and filled with genuine care.

Momo hesitated for a moment, her gratitude evident as she began to voice her thoughts. "Thank you, but, um... I wanted to discuss something with you, given that I've spoken to my parents recently," she expressed. I nodded in understanding, signaling her to continue. However, her cheeks took on a noticeable shade of crimson as she stammered, "...W-would you consider meeting them before we go to the Phantasma?"

Meeting her parents? It was an unexpected proposition, but I reflected on the fact that I had already met Kanami, Natsume, and Shigune's families. So, I saw no reason to decline.

"Of course, Momo. But just to clarify, your mom is aware of the supernatural, right? I recall you mentioning that your dad was in the know due to his association with a Sitri-affiliated business in the human world," I inquired, seeking assurance. Momo affirmed with a nod.

While we continued to traverse our surroundings, our hands were intertwined. Momo's grip on my hand conveyed a sense of security and affection. "Mmm. Well, I only discovered the truth earlier this year. Before the tournament began gaining momentum, I decided to confide in her, but as of now, only my parents are privy to this knowledge; the rest remain in the dark," she disclosed.

Just as I was about to voice my thoughts, a distinct sensation brushed against my senses, alerting me to the presence of two people standing behind us. I pivoted to face them, addressing them with an inquiry. "Ajuka, Mealeanis, how can I help you?" Momo, recognizing them, offered a respectful bow to the two devils.

Ajuka, wearing a composed demeanor, expressed his intent. "I would like to have a conversation with you, Jin-kun. Momo Hanakai, your presence is also welcome. Please accompany us." Without hesitation, Momo and I readily accepted the invitation, recognizing that this discussion held significance.

I had a sense of what lay ahead, and without any hesitation, I willingly joined Ajuka and Mealeanis. The anticipation of our meeting with Ajuka left me intrigued, as I had an inkling that his words would be more than just your typical conversation.

— ○ ● ○ —

Chapter 15 consists of 7 parts, and considering the extensive length, it would require nearly a month to upload the entire chapter in one go. Therefore, I made the choice to release each part individually as I finish writing them.Chapter 15 is 7 parts long and that would take nearly a month to upload all together, so I decided to upload each part after I finish writing it.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.