Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 14 – Part 2 – Team [DxD] vs The God of Darknesses Party

Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

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Yeah, I had a sneaking suspicion that things might get a bit out of hand during dinner, but the level of chaos was far beyond what I anticipated.

"Aaron!" Several women chimed in, brandishing spoons, forks, and chopsticks laden with morsels of food, all aimed at my mouth.

At home, they usually exhibited a bit more decorum, but the moment we stepped outside, it was a different story. This behavior wasn't a constant, but it was definitely known to happen. Yasaka, having initiated some teasing before the meal arrived, was undoubtedly the culprit behind this delightful spectacle. Even the typically timid Fusae joined in, aiming her fork at me with a hint of mischievousness.

Yasaka, the mastermind of this chaos, watched with amusement, and Iztia considered participating but couldn't quite muster the courage.

"Alright, let's all calm down, shall we? I can't consume everything all at once," I tried to reason with them. Gradually, they consented, but then the dilemma of who would feed me first emerged.

The girls exchanged glances, and then Cao Cao, who was among us, came up with a solution. "Why don't you guys settle this with a rock-paper-scissors tournament? The winner gets to feed Jin first, and you can establish a pecking order from there."

The suggestion wasn't unusual—they often used rock-paper-scissors to resolve disagreements— yet, for some inexplicable reason, they all appeared quite serious about it.

Sharon assumed the role of judge and announced with enthusiasm, "I'll be the judge, everyone!" And with that, the "Who Gets to Feed Jin First Tournament" was officially underway.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Hell yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!" Jeanne screamed enthusiastically, wildly waving her arm in the air. She had emerged as the victor of the tournament, with Lavinia securing the second-place spot. Following closely was Rias. As for the remaining participants, they appeared somewhat disgruntled, with Suzaku landing in 9th place.

Jeanne crawled over to me, leaving me a little perplexed. "Where's the food?" I inquired, gazing at her with curiosity. However, what took me, and everyone else, by surprise was the shrimp in her mouth.

Swiftly, she settled on my lap and proceeded to feed me the shrimp using her mouth, her cheeks flushed with a deep blush. Her entire team was left dumbfounded, their mouths agape in shock. Her actions were quite bold, as it carried the risk of us accidentally kissing... unless that was her intention all along.

Unsure of her true motives, I accepted the shrimp quickly, and then went in for a kiss, assuming it was her unspoken desire. Jeanne appeared taken aback for a moment, but soon shrugged and kissed me back.

"W-w-w-what?! That wasn't part of the deal!" Natsume exclaimed.

"That's right! If it was the 'Kiss Jin Tournament,' then I would've tried harder!" Kanami chimed in.

"R-right~!" Lavinia added, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness and even more astonishment.

As Jeanne kissed me, she closed her eyes. Glancing back at everyone else, I noticed most of the guys had turned away, while the girls looked at us, their cheeks flushed with jealousy.

Yasaka couldn't help but comment, "Ara, ara~ I didn't think it would go this far."

However, Akeno was less thrilled. She shouted, "…Stop kissing already!!" and swiftly moved towards us. In a swift motion, she pulled Jeanne away. Jeanne began to struggle within Akeno's grasp.

Lavinia, not one to be left out, soon joined the commotion. With a determined look, she pushed me down and proceeded to engage in a passionate kiss. Her tongue invaded my mouth, leaving me with no room to even react. It was a bewildering turn of events. Is this even dinner at this point? I just wanted to eat some food, for the love of god!

However, a sense of danger washed over me as Lavinia's hand began to inch dangerously close to an inappropriate place. Fortunately, Suzaku was quick to notice this and seized the opportunity to intervene, promptly pulling Lavinia away.

"N-nooo! I want to—!" protested Lavinia.

"That's not appropriate!" Suzaku scolded her and continued to guide her away. Lavinia struggled in Suzaku's grasp, her actions reminiscent of a child's tantrum. Shin emerged from my shadows, his gaze filled with concern, as he silently inquired about what should be done.

I gave him an affectionate pat on the head and said, "Go and stay with her; she could use some company... and please take her plate of food along."

Shin nodded and then proceeded to head over to Lavinia's plate of food. With a wave of his paw, he made it levitate and trotted out of the room, following her voice. As for me, I wanted to do something nice for her, but I also needed some sustenance for myself. I figured I'd make it up to her before I went to sleep tonight. She'd probably be pouting until then.

After that somewhat awkward episode, the girls resumed their peculiar feeding hierarchy, and things began to settle down once more.

— ○ ● ○ —

Several hours had passed since that point, and the night was gradually drawing to an end. Earlier in the evening, everyone had taken an open-air bath. I had been invited to join but declined, as I had a brief meeting with the other leaders to discuss the impending confrontation with the Alliance of Evil Gods, the remaining [Malebranche], and the Wizards of Oz. It was shaping up to be quite a challenging ordeal.

With that in mind, I made my way to the mixed open bath, craving some relaxation for the night, as I knew that the following day was going to be incredibly hectic. Pondering the upcoming events made my head throb, although it also signaled that the Khaos Order in the Draconic Deus was gradually approaching its end.

After undressing and placing my clothes in a basket, I wrapped a towel around my waist and entered the open bath. However, I quickly realized that I wasn't the only one there. Yasaka, Sharon, Kunou, Lavinia, and Suzaku were already present.

"...I should have seen this coming," I admitted with a sigh, giving in to the situation. My comment elicited giggles from Yasaka and Sharon.

"We coordinated this, my dear," Yasaka explained. "Now, come here. I'd like to be pampered, as we haven't had much time together."

"Sure thing, Yasaka-sama," I responded, and then I joined them in the bath.

With the swiftness of lightning, Kunou materialized on my lap, while Lavinia snugly settled on my left side. Only one spot remained, my right side, and the three remaining women exchanged glances. Soon, they reached a consensus as Yasaka gracefully maneuvered over, nestling against me and hugging my arm.

Sharon and Suzaku, though slightly disappointed, gracefully accepted their fates and inched closer to our little group. Finally, Lavinia leaned in and inquired, "Can we stay in Kyoto after the mission is done?"

I responded, "There's going to be a lot of us since more of our group is coming tomorrow, but if Yasaka is fine with that, then I don't see why not." I glanced at the kyuubi leader, who was still hugging my arm and had placed her head on my shoulder.

Yasaka looked up at me and reassured, "As I said before, Urakyoto and this building are your home too, so anyone is welcome here, including Team [DxD]."

"I see, thank you," I responded with a smile, gently planting a kiss on top of her head. "With that said, tomorrow morning until noon, we'll have some respite from their attacks. I've asked King Enma to lead them on with the idea of possibly joining the Khaos Order, which should buy us some valuable time. It took a bit of convincing, especially with his wife, but eventually, they were swayed by the leaders' speeches."

Suzaku looked at me, a touch perplexed, and asked, "Why do you want to delay it?"

A playful chuckle escaped my lips as I scratched my cheek, "Well, I wanted to put on the Oppai Dragon live show, so the kids and adults who came can get their money's worth."

Suzaku sighed with a fond smile, "Jeez..."

Yasaka's sudden actions took everyone by surprise. She pulled Kunou off my lap, swiftly removed the towel wrapped around my waist, and then straddled me, leaving the others in a state of amazement.

Sharon, with playful curiosity, inquired, "Ara~? What might you be doing, Yasaka-sama~?" She held Kunou back from leaping toward her mother. While Lavinia and Suzaku were equally shocked, they didn't intervene.

Yasaka continued, "I've been asking you about this for a long time, Aaron." She playfully rubbed herself against me, adding, "I'd like to give Kunou a sibling."

"Yasaka!" Lavinia exclaimed, puffing her cheeks in surprise. "I'm getting pregnant first!"

"Ya-Yasaka-sama!?" Suzaku shouted, clearly taken aback by this sudden twist of events.

For a few moments, I stared at Yasaka, her teasing smile remaining constant throughout. Then, I reached out and gently hugged her, offering Lavinia an apologetic smile, which left her both horrified and baffled.

I then continued, "Well, I'm already in college, and truthfully, around 99% of the time my avatars are the ones attending it. With that said, I don't mind becoming a father now. So, if you're serious, Yasaka, I can get you pregnant—even tonight." My words instantly caused Yasaka's body to freeze in my arms.

After I pulled away from Yasaka and looked into her eyes, her entire face was flushed red, and she wore a rather strange smile. My expectation was for Lavinia to have some reaction, but when I glanced back at her, she had practically sunk down into the water, wearing a very depressed expression. I reached over and gently rubbed her head, but she didn't respond to my touch. Yasaka noticed Lavinia's state and let out a light giggle.

"I was just teasing you, Aaron... But thank you for taking it seriously," Yasaka said as she leaned her head on my chest.

I wasn't entirely sure if she was saying that to be considerate of Lavinia or if she was indeed teasing me. Nonetheless, the future I saw didn't seem to change much, so I decided to leave it at that. Of course, this development seemed to make Lavinia happier, and she pulled herself out of the water, quickly hugging my arm once more.

"Mother, you really shouldn't say such strange things so seriously! I don't need any more siblings—especially if they'll be trying to win Aaron's affections!" Kunou declared with a serious tone.

The way Kunou phrased it made it sound as if my own daughters might try to get too close to me, something I definitely want to avoid in the future. Breaking their hearts is the last thing I'd want to do. Just the thought of seeing them sad pains my own heart.

The rest of our bath was less chaotic. Kunou returned to my lap for a few minutes, and then Sharon and Suzaku took their turn. They both made the most of their time there, especially Sharon, who took advantage of my exposed area to tease me.

— ○ ● ○ —

The first show had ended just a few minutes ago. It had been set up in a different part of Kyoto, in another dimension where several youkai villages were located. As noon approached, our operation was about to begin, and my spell to transport and put the humans to sleep was going to activate automatically soon.

"Good work, everyone," I commended those who had participated in the live show with me. We were in the process of changing back into our regular clothes within the same room. I had initially requested that they separate us, but things hadn't turned out that way.

Observing that the rest of them were still in the process of dressing, I departed the changing room, eliciting a few protests from behind me. Stepping out, I strolled to the front of the building, where the area used for the play now stood empty, save for Vanaria, Mammon, Koharu Fujiwara, and Georg.

I initiated the conversation, directing my attention toward Georg. "Hey, is everything prepared?"

Georg, ever the meticulous one, responded with a confirming nod as he adjusted his glasses. "Yes, everything is in order. It appears that the Khaos Order is growing impatient with King Enma, as they've tried to cast curses on the shrines across Kyoto that are linked to him."

Vanaria quickly chimed in, eager to share the positive news. "But they were unsuccessful! Thanks to your Shadow Soldiers, those shrines remain protected!"

Koharu, serving as her pact magician, summoned several magic circles that functioned like CCTV cameras, displaying my Shadow Soldiers defending them from the shadows. The Soldiers effectively neutralized any Khaos Order members who ventured too close.

"As you can see, they can't get close to them," Koharu stated confidently.

Georg acknowledged her report, adding, "Everyone else is in position as well. However, I'll wait for my cue to act when two of those gods make their appearance, at which point I'll transfer them to my own dimension."

"Exactly," I replied, offering a reassuring pat on Georg's shoulder. "Now, let's move out. The others already inside will rendezvous with us." With that, we set off to our designated positions.

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A few minutes later, once everyone had taken their positions, a deep rumble shook the entire city of Kyoto.

[We're experiencing some rumbling over here too!] Kanami's voice came through the transceiver.

[Same over here!] Aoife added.

[Here too…] Zorya chimed in.

[Alright, let's begin!] I shouted.

Simultaneously, a radiant energy enveloped the entire Earth, causing all the humans to vanish, and a powerful protective barrier enveloped all the buildings across the world. My focus shifted towards a specific point in Kyoto, where a colossal figure emerged from a majestic Olympus-style magic circle. It bore a striking resemblance to a titan of darkness and carried the god Erebus on its shoulder.

Accompanying Erebus, several other deities affiliated with the night or darkness manifested around Kyoto, as well as in the other territories controlled by [DxD]. Two of the [Malebranche] also joined this grand operation. Chernobog had arrived in Kyoto, along with Hecate and Summanus, the ancient Roman deity of Nocturnal Thunder.

While Tartarus had not yet made its appearance, I was fully prepared to face it. But for now, my focus was on taking on the massive titan and confronting Erebus.

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Third Person Point of View

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In Greece, Zorya's team arrived to obstruct the planned attacks orchestrated by the Gods of Darkness. Alongside the Gods of Darkness, other smaller groups and individuals had joined forces to execute this assault, and the dhampir, Neculai, stood at the forefront of one such group.

With short gray hair and piercing red eyes, Neculai appeared youthful, although he exuded a distinctly vampiric aura. However, it was worth noting that he was not a pure vampire but rather a hybrid. Suzaku had encountered him previously when she was in the Hindu Pantheon, and he had chosen not to participate in Kecate's attack on that occasion.

"Hoho? So you did betray us, Valentina Vordenburg! No wonder you didn't appear during Kecate's attack on the new vampire faction," Neculai said, a triumphant smirk gracing his lips.

Among Zorya's group, one conspicuous figure stood out—Valentina Vordenburg. Her initial encounter with Rossweisse within the Shinto Pantheon sparked a series of events that led to her meeting Aaron. However, after that fortuitous meeting, she vanished without a trace.

Then, right before the attack by Nyx, the Monkai Association, and the Leviathans, Valentina reached out to Aaron once more. This time, she made it official, formally becoming a member of the DxD Alliance.

Her journey, though, had a few bumps along the way. Following her recruitment, she found herself in one of Grigori's prisons for an extensive round of questioning. Subsequently, she was placed under observation for an extended period before finally being granted the freedom to move about.

Today, she prepared to fight alongside the alliance, determined to prove her usefulness and loyalty. She was determined to demonstrate that she had genuinely switched sides. She had witnessed the fall of her faction within the Khaos Order and the ensuing chaos on both sides. Some of her bats still roamed around her former organization's base.

Valentina approached her, a curious expression on her face. "And you're still as unconventional as ever, Neculai. Are you still utilizing your Artificial Sacred Gear and going by the name 'Batman,' or have you come up with a new alias?" She inquired.

Neculai's face bore a sinister grin, ready to retort when a burst of potent divine energy was unleashed, directed at him and his entourage. With swift reflexes, Neculai narrowly evaded the attack, but the devastating force claimed the lives of many within his group.

The assailant behind this powerful assault was none other than Zorya. She held her futuristic firearm aimed at them, her visage stern and resolute, leaving no room for doubt.

"The rumors about you were that you didn't like conflict and chose to be neutral in most battles, yet you attacked me and my group quite heartlessly. Have you changed since the Middleman made his appearance in our world?" Neculai inquired.

Zorya, her expression unwavering, responded, "I am part of Team [DxD], and it's my role and job to defeat our enemies that threaten the peaceful world we aim to achieve. You and the gods of darkness are part of that group, and we won't show any mercy."

Neculai let out a scoff and softly muttered, "Balance Adjust." Neculai was clad in armor that possessed a striking combination of black and red hues. Bat-like wings adorned his ankles, legs, arms, and one even extended from the side of his head. The very heart of his armor bore a prominent symbol of a red bat, which emanated a mystical, eerie glow.

Neculai's voice echoed with determination as he declared, "I still have a few idiots left with me, so let's get started!" With that, millions of bats materialized behind him and surrounded him in a dramatic display.

Neculai extended his arm towards Zorya's group, and the air crackled with energy as the bats unleashed millions of red and black beams from their eerie eyes. Some of the bats beat their wings rapidly, creating wind blades and unleashing other powerful wind-based attacks aimed directly at Zorya's group.

However, just as Zorya and Valentina prepared to react, a figure with striking purple hair stepped forward to shield them. With unwavering resolve, she stated, "Allow me. I'm from this country's pantheon, and I wish to protect it, especially since I caused trouble here last year."

The woman was revealed to be Medusa. She removed her blindfold, revealing her captivating eyes. As she gazed upon the countless attacks directed at them, she harnessed her powers, instantly turning the incoming onslaught to stone. Her quick action petrified the deadly attacks, thwarting the enemy's offensive.

"Tch, that won't stop us! Go already, you idiots!" Neculai ordered, and the remaining members of his group charged toward Zorya's group.

A relentless barrage of magic attacks filled the air, creating widespread destruction below. Various towns and cities were blown apart by the fierce combat.

In his Counter Balance, Neculai was at least a low-tier God-class opponent, allowing him to hold his own to some extent against Zorya and the members of [DxD]. However, he knew he wasn't strong enough to defeat them.

He had maintained a facade of confidence since he encountered his opponents, but deep within his mind, he recognized that he stood no chance. In fact, he had felt this as soon as he encountered their formidable group. He had hoped for less competent adversaries, but his luck had run out.

The one who stood to confront him was none other than Zorya, accompanied by Valentina. The three of them hovered in a tense standoff, locking eyes. A self-assured grin played on Neculai's lips as he taunted, "Well? Are you going to attack, or should I make the first move—"

Suddenly, Zorya extended her hand, fingers forming a gun shape. With a silent, wordless gesture, she mimicked pulling the trigger, and Neculai was on the verge of laughter when he was struck with a searing pain in his shoulder. Wincing, he inspected the small hole in his clothing and grimaced.

"Argh!? What the hell!? What did you do!?" he demanded, but Zorya remained silent, aiming her fingers at him once more. In a swift move, Neculai flew away to evade her pointed digits.

As he retreated, he found himself bombarded by a barrage of vampire-style magical attacks from behind. His armor quickly reshaped itself into a protective cap and shielded him from the attacks.

"You know those attacks won't affect me! This armor was designed to withstand vampire-style magic circles attacks!" he yelled defiantly at Valentina.

Neculai extended his arms, causing his cape to transform into massive bat-like wings that began to vibrate intensely. The surrounding area quaked from the violent tremors. His cape-wings continued to shake until several tornadoes, composed of swirling black and red wind, materialized around him. He directed these tumultuous forces toward Zorya and Valentina.

Next, Neculai activated his earpiece and spoke into it, his voice filled with frustration, [This is Neculai, where is the backup you guys promised...!?]

The response came from the other end, [They will arrive in two minutes. You'll have to handle anything in your path by yourself. If you're that weak, you shouldn't have requested to participate in this operation.]

Neculai seethed with anger at the curt reply. Nonetheless, he managed to suppress his growing anger and turned his attention to the attacks he had launched at the goddess and vampire confronting him. Zorya, with a casual gesture, directed her finger toward the tornadoes he had summoned. Within moments, both tempests he'd conjured were effortlessly dispelled, causing him to audibly express his frustration by clicking his tongue.

Zorya pondered her next moves but promptly reached a conclusion. "I won't delay this any further; that's what Aaron would want," she whispered to herself. Her words caught Valentina's attention.

Suddenly, Zorya blinked from her original position to appear behind Neculai. She aimed her gun at his chest and pulled the trigger. A massive and potent burst of black and white divine energy shot from her weapon, piercing through his chest and beyond. It also claimed the lives of more members from Neculai's group in the process.

Neculai plummeted earthward, struggling to process the sudden turn of events. His gaze met Valentina's, who remained expressionless as she observed his fall. A faint smirk graced Neculai's lips as he contemplated his swift demise, something he hadn't anticipated.

Throughout his life, he had chosen to live on his terms, having distanced himself from the Tepes faction due to his hybrid nature. Much like Gasper, he hailed from the main Tepes vampire line, and to be precise, his father was Marius Tepes.

However, unlike Gasper, he lacked a Sacred Gear or special powers, rendering him even less useful in the eyes of others. Subjected to a lifetime of abuse, he eventually made the decision to depart in the middle of the night, vowing never to return unless it was for revenge.

Neculai's origins were steeped in a grim history. He was the result of a sexual assault, his father Marius having perpetrated the heinous act against his mother. Neither of his parents wanted him, leaving him to fend for himself. Over the years, the desire for revenge festered within him, driving him to strengthen himself. Nevertheless, witnessing Valerie and Gasper thrive within Aaron's group ignited jealousy and fury within him.

Maybe there had been moments when he yearned to devise a plan for vengeance, whether it was after Kecate's assault on the fledgling vampire faction or today. However, Neculai recognized that, regardless of the timing, his fate remained unchanged. Whether death or capture awaited him, the conclusion was inescapable. That's why he had chosen the path of escape—it was the only course of action he had known throughout his life.

Before Neculai hit the ground, a large figure shot through the air and swiftly caught him. The buildings and terrain in his path were mercilessly obliterated as he moved. The imposing figure that had intercepted Neculai's fall was none other than Ciriatto, the Wild Hog King.

[Pathetic, dhampir. Even after being blessed with that tool, you fail to achieve anything significant,] Ciriatto sneered. [A failure from birth to now.]

Ciriatto lifted Neculai's body, and in a single powerful motion, he crushed him with his enormous hands. His sudden presence and ruthless actions shocked the battlefield into silence. Ciriatto carelessly discarded Neculai's lifeless body, a sardonic grin stretching across his face as he observed the horrified onlookers.

In a swift motion, he conjured two colossal swords, each clutched firmly in his hands. Without uttering a word, he unleashed a devastating strike aimed directly at Zorya's group. The impending attack threatened to obliterate them, but Valentina, realizing the imminent danger, hastily erected a defensive magic circle.

This magical barrier held against the impending assault for a few precious seconds, providing the group with just enough time to act. Acting swiftly, Valentina and Zorya coordinated a teleportation, whisking their comrades away to safety.

The colossal, destructive slashes tore through the very heart of Greece, effectively cleaving the entire country in two. Regrettably, Neculai's group had been caught off guard, leaving them with no opportunity to evade Ciriatto's brutal attack. Tragically, every member of the group perished at the hands of the sadistic Ciriatto, who reveled in their pitiful demise.

[Pathetic! You couldn't even react to my slowest strike! If that's the extent of your capabilities, you have no place in our organization!] Ciriatto taunted with a venomous mix of malice and arrogance.

Zorya took charge of the situation, her voice unwavering. "All of you, leave. There are more enemies in a different country where you can have a more balanced fight. This creature—the [Malebranche], is beyond your league," she said, urgency lacing her words.

"But we want to—!" one of the members started to protest, but a stern glare from the goddess silenced any further objections.

"I don't want any of you to die needlessly. Please, just leave. We'll do our best to defeat this threat," Zorya implored, and gradually, the rest begrudgingly accepted, wearing bitter expressions. Assisted by Medusa's power, they were teleported out of the country to offer assistance elsewhere across the globe.

Ciriatto, the menacing foe they were about to confront, spoke confidently, his contemptuous tone echoing, [Hoooooh? So you're facing me with just three people? Quite bold, I must say. A goddess, a vampire, and a gorgon. This alone won't suffice.] He raised one of his swords menacingly, pointing it at the three ladies.

Medusa acted swiftly, focusing her petrifying gaze directly on Ciriatto. The enormous demon reacted by using a massive section of a building to shield himself from the petrification threat. However, just as the three women initiated their coordinated attack, the colossal creature managed to reposition himself right behind them, taking them by surprise.

[If you believe my size hampers my speed and agility, you're gravely mistaken—and this very misconception seals your fate!] he bellowed triumphantly. Ciriatto swung both of his colossal swords with incredible force, targeting the three ladies in one fell swoop.

Amidst the chaos, Zorya, their most formidable ally, acted swiftly. She gently pushed Valentina and Medusa aside, positioning herself between her comrades and the monstrous Ciriatto. Her trusty gun was in hand, and she activated it to unleash a searing laser from its nozzle.

With a deft motion, she managed to deflect both of Ciriatto's vicious attacks, an impressive feat. However, the colossal [Malebranche] still held the upper hand, overpowering her and sending Zorya hurtling through the air with his sheer brute force.

Undaunted by the setback, Medusa swiftly responded by summoning a multitude of intricate Olympus-style magic circles. From these circles, a relentless barrage of elemental attacks was unleashed upon the demon, a tempest of magic striking Ciriatto simultaneously.

Valentina, too, replicated this effort, employing her vampire-style magic circles to bombard their adversary. Yet, despite the formidable onslaught, the beastly [Malebranche] remained unscathed, his demeanor unperturbed.

[Is this it? I didn't think [DxD] was so weak,] Ciriatto sneered, disappointment lacing his tone. He blurred with superior speed, appearing beside Medusa, who swiftly shrouded her body in touki to form a protective barrier, crossing her arms in preparation for the impending strike.

With a powerful blow, Ciriatto unleashed a punch that dwarfed the gorgon's form. He harnessed his unmatched strength to fling her across a significant distance, sending her hurtling halfway across the expanse of Greece.

Before Valentina could react, Ciriatto materialized in front of her. His words dripped with malice as he taunted, [You watched coldly as Neculai met his end, didn't you? Now, you shall experience a similar fate...] A wicked smile twisted his lips.

In a swift, cruel motion, Ciriatto swung both his blades horizontally, cleaving Valentina in two. Confusion and disbelief clouded her mind as she felt the separation, unable to fully grasp the reality of the situation. She wasn't prepared to accept her untimely demise. There were still so many things she wanted to experience and accomplish in her new life.

But then, a powerful beam of black and white divine energy, emitted with great force, struck Ciriatto. The colossal creature raised his blade to block the attack, and although he managed to withstand the blow, he was sent hurtling backward.

With a smug grin, Ciriatto remarked, [Hoho? You can still stand and fight? Excellent. Let's make this engaging, Slavic Pantheon Goddess. Your little vampire companion was the weakest among you, unable to endure even a single slash of such magnitude.]

Zorya swiftly closed the distance to Ciriatto, launching a barrage of attacks at the [Malebranche]. He, however, skillfully parried each successive attack, his defensive prowess evident.

[Medusa, administer a Slime Pill to her as soon as you can!] Zorya urgently transmitted through her transceiver.

Although she bore her own injuries, Medusa managed to teleport near Valentina, who miraculously remained conscious despite having been grievously wounded. But before she could deliver aid in the form of a Slime Pill, Ciriatto swung his massive sword toward them, creating a barrier between the two wounded souls and any hope of receiving aid.

'Dammit…!' Zorya's thoughts raced as she fired a volley of shots at Ciriatto, whose agility allowed him to easily evade and block her attacks. 'This wasn't supposed to go down like this!'

In one seamless motion, Ciriatto materialized beside Zorya, his grin a menacing sight. [Perhaps you want to meet your comrade in the afterlife?] he taunted, raising both his swords menacingly.

As the blades neared her, Zorya realized she couldn't evade the impending strike. The world seemed to slow down around her as she surrendered to the impending fate, feeling regret seep in. 'Perhaps I became overconfident, thinking that joining [DxD] with Aaron's help was enough,' she thought, shaking her head. 'I wish I could have seen him one last time...'

Moments before the blades made contact, an unexpected force catapulted Ciriatto away, along with a considerable chunk of Greece's terrain. Zorya, breathless from the near-death encounter, was sent crashing into a nearby building. However, she quickly regained her composure and ascended to the rooftop.

"Hohoho, young lady, don't let negativity overcome you," spoke an elderly man who appeared beside her. His hair was a stark shade of gray, and he donned traditional Chinese attire. By his side stood a tall, muscular man with a matching hair color and attire.

"...You two are..." Zorya trailed off, still in disbelief.

"Hoho, leave this brute to us. Aaron-sama has sent us to assist you. Ah, Silva, can you lend a hand to the young vampire down there?" inquired the old man.

Silva, one of Aaron-sama's [Electa], nodded and promptly materialized beside Valentina, who was missing a significant portion of her lower body. Silva mended her injuries and administered a Slime Pill to aid in her recovery.

Valentina gazed up at the imposing figure and inquired, "W-who are you?"

"I am Silva, one of Aaron-sama's [Electa]," he replied before vanishing and reappearing beside the old man.

"Old man, we should secure our target as soon as possible. Every building in this country is already under protection, so we can afford to let loose," suggested Silva.

"Fufu, yes, yes, let's proceed. By the way, my name is Zeno," the old man introduced himself before he and Silva leaped away to confront the malevolent threat.

Following that, what Zorya, Medusa, and Valentina witnessed was a brutal, one-sided thrashing.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeh?! Why do you hate me!?" Ruruko's exclamation rang through the air, her voice piercingly loud. Ouryuu (Ryuuta) Nakiri had just uttered those very words, confessing his intense hatred for her.

The revelation sent shockwaves through the group accompanying them. It comprised the second years and other members of [DxD], and they stood there, their expressions filled with disbelief, staring at Ryuuta in astonishment.

"Tell me why!? Hello!? Why?! I haven't done anything to you, though!" Ruruko implored, her voice teeming with confusion and frustration as she made every effort to coax an answer from Ryuuta.

Ryuuta heaved a sigh and turned his gaze away, reluctant to deal with this matter at the moment. His footsteps carried him away, but an abrupt and violent tremor rattled the entirety of Kyoto. The intensity of the quake swiftly garnered the attention of all present.

Within moments, an array of intricate magic circles manifested throughout the area, releasing hordes of enemies. Among the enemies, Ryuuta and Millarca recognized one they had encountered before—a devil.

"I'm back!!" he screeched jubilantly, launching himself towards them with alarming speed. Yet, just as Nevus was about to reach them, a colossal fireball materialized and hurtled toward him, compelling him to evade with a nimble leap.

Millarca urgently shouted, a stark reminder of Nevus' formidable abilities. "Please exercise caution when dealing with him!"

Chaos erupted all around Kyoto as countless battles unfolded. Nevus, unfazed, soared back towards Ryuuta, unleashing a barrage of explosive magic attacks. Ryuuta had no choice but to leap away from the searing explosions, enveloping his body in a protective layer of touki. Faced with the relentless assault of the Super Devil, Ryuuta decided to resort to his [Dragon Man] transformation.

"Delay him for a bit!" Ryuuta's voice boomed over the battlefield, rallying those around him to action. They immediately began hurling a series of magical attacks at Nevus, but to their astonishment, their projectiles merely passed through him.

Amid the melee, a member of the Irish group from [DxD] materialized behind Nevus, brandishing a gleaming sword. He swung it toward Nevus with unwavering determination, but the devil intercepted the blade mid-air and twisted it before breaking into a sinister grin.

"That was an unfortunate choice," he sneered, igniting his hand with explosive magic. However, his imminent attack was halted by a radiant ring of light that darted toward him. An overwhelming sense of danger coursed through him, prompting a swift maneuver to evade the impending threat. Relinquishing the man he had seized, he narrowly avoided the oncoming attack.

"Are you okay?" inquired the woman, who was none other than Irina, the reincarnated angel who had come to the aid of the second years.

"Y-yes, thank you for helping me," he mumbled, still catching his breath, his heart racing from the near-death encounter.

Behind them, Ryuuta began his transformation, and his body was enveloped in a golden aura of touki. His transformation was swift, and he was now fully prepared to face Nevus once more.

"Ryuu, I'm here to back you up," Millarca assured him, taking a stand beside him.

"I'm helping out too!" Irina chimed in, her determination clear as she clenched her fist. "Ravel-chan, I'll entrust you with guiding the rest of the team here."

"Understood, Irina-sama," Ravel acknowledged. She activated her transceiver, then took cover behind a shield of their comrades. From her vantage point, she had a clear view of the entire battlefield and began issuing strategic orders to the entire team.

"Irina-senpai, you remember his abilities, right?" Ryuuta asked his senior.

"I do, I'll be careful. Let's do this!" Irina replied, her determination evident. The other two second-years nodded in agreement.

Irina seized the initiative, her supernatural speed allowing her to outmaneuver Nevus with a surprise attack. She appeared behind him, leaving Nevus momentarily shocked. Her hand extended toward him, and a smug grin spread across his face as he assumed she was unaware of his powers.

However, Irina had an unexpected move up her sleeve. Just as her hand was about to make contact, she accelerated her speed even further, retracting her arm before enshrouding her other one in a light aura. With precision, she struck beside his head, sending him tumbling.

As Nevus was sent hurtling through the air, he experienced an excruciating agony in his head due to the light-based powers of the angel. Irina, however, didn't let up in her assault. She conjured countless luminous rings, launching them at Nevus, who, despite his suffering, activated his demonic abilities to defend himself.

To everyone's astonishment, the rings of light that had passed him underwent a miraculous transformation, manifesting as light clones of Irina. These ethereal duplicates, each wielding their own sets of light rings, unleashed their own attacks upon Nevus. In response, he was compelled to unleash his demonic powers to counter the impending attack.

Nevus found himself blown away, disoriented and confused by the sudden attack. However, before he could fully grasp the situation, Ryuuta materialized above him, his foot launching a swift kick in Nevus' direction. A self-satisfied grin spread across Nevus' face as he taunted, "You fool! Can't you remember what happened last time!?"

Ryuuta responded with a curt, "Yes, I do," and continued with his attack. Ryuuta's foot seemed to pass right through Nevus, who attempted to retaliate with a swift upward attack. But before he could complete the maneuver, a sudden, powerful blow landed atop his head, stunning the devil temporarily.

With a triumphant shout, Millarca declared, "Let's call this the Vampire Princess Punch!" The assault, however, didn't conclude with a single strike. Irina promptly materialized beneath Nevus, thrusting her light sword toward his rear, piercing the Super Devil and causing him to cry out in agony.

Realizing that he was on the brink of using explosive magic on his own body, all three attackers propelled themselves away from Nevus, narrowly avoiding the impending explosion, which erupted only moments later.

When the explosive chaos subsided, Nevus had emerged unscathed, but the Super Devil bore visible signs of exhaustion, his body marred by the devastating effects of Irina's light attacks.

Despite his inherent might, he was at the mercy of the trio, and the frustration of being toyed with only served to stoke the fires of his anger. "Screw you! I don't care about the plan anymore!!" he bellowed, his voice resonating with rage, and with that declaration, a colossal sphere manifested in the sky above Kyoto.

The ominous orb bore unique markings and was emblazoned with the kanji for "boom." Nevus had conjured a massive, condensed attack, primed to detonate the moment it touched the ground or collided with any other attack. Whether it struck Kyoto or was met by the alliance's forces, the ensuing explosion would unleash devastation, potentially injuring or killing not only those within the city but also those beyond its borders.

"Diiiiiie!!!" he shouted as the destructive attack began its descent from the sky. However, as it plummeted toward the ground at an alarming speed, two figures leaped into action to intercept it. Those two were none other than Xenovia and Gasper.

"Hey, Gyasuke, let's stop that thing and then split up, okay?" Xenovia said calmly, her voice carrying a hint of determination.

<<Yeah!>> exclaimed Gasper from his pseudo-Balance Breaker form. With newfound resolve, he was ready to assist Xenovia in this daring feat.

With [Durandal] in her hands, Xenovia soared towards the colossal, looming ball of destruction. In one swift, precise motion, her blade cleaved the massive orb in two. Meanwhile, Gasper executed his own move by rapidly manifesting a substantial amount of darkness that hungrily enveloped the ominous sphere Nevus had created. Within seconds, the sphere exploded, but thanks to Gasper's darkness, the explosion was contained, sparing Kyoto from devastation.

The alliance on the ground burst into cheers as Xenovia and Gasper pulled off their heroic feat, but Irina raised her hands in protest, a hint of disappointment etched on her face.

"I wanted to do something cool too, you know! Dammit, Nova!" she yelled in frustration.

Xenovia couldn't hear Irina's words over the din of battle, so she simply waved in response before soaring away. Gasper joined their side, directing his arms towards a group of oncoming enemies and enveloping them in his shroud of darkness.

"Gaspy for the win," Shirone commented, her voice laden with sarcasm, but she still offered him a high-five.

"We're far from finished, so let's keep at it, everyone!" Gasper exclaimed enthusiastically. His words inspired those around him, filling them with renewed determination and a resolute spirit to press on and overcome their enemies.

— ○ ● ○ —

As Aaron Toole glided on a hoverboard, heading toward Erebus, the formidable God of Nocturnal Thunder, Summanus, suddenly swooped in, poised for an attack. The atmosphere crackled with tension.

Summanus presented an imposing figure, his head cloaked in an perplexing veil of darkness that concealed much from view. Only his piercing, glowing blue eyes broke through the obsidian shroud, giving an eerie yet captivating allure. Behind him, a series of pointed protrusions jutted forth from his back, creating an otherworldly silhouette that added to the air of mystery surrounding him.

His form was predominantly black, enveloped in a seamless darkness that seemed to absorb the light around him. Yet amidst the abyss, several striking golden accessories adorned his neck and wrists, shimmering like tiny, radiant beacons against the backdrop of shadows.

He donned long, ebony pants that cascaded down to his feet, offering a stark contrast to his dark complexion. Around his waist, a substantial loincloth skirt unfurled, blending deep shades of blue and opulent gold, its fabric draping gracefully over most of his pants.

"I had a conversation with Jupiter regarding you," Aaron remarked, his curiosity evident as he faced the powerful deity. "You are his polar opposite, yet you chose to vanish and align yourself with the Khaos Order. What prompted that decision?"

Summanus gazed at Aaron, his expression serious, and began to clarify, "Longinus—no, Sacred Gear wielders must be eliminated from our world. Humanity has disrupted the delicate equilibrium by continually pushing their limits and unlocking their Balance Breakers. This wasn't a concern some years ago, but ever since your arrival in our world, it has been in a severe decline."

The stern god fixed his narrowed eyes on Aaron, and his resolve became apparent as he continued, "For the sake of our world's continued prosperity, we must eliminate you and eradicate the Sacred Gear system from the realm of Heaven!" With that declaration, he launched several bolts of menacing black lightning directly at Aaron.

Aaron's grin remained unwavering as holy lightning cracked through the sky, intercepting the god's lightning bolts, rendering them powerless.

The celestial display of force forced Summanus to evade the torrent of light spears aimed at him, each with the potential to vanquish even gods. Recognizing the overwhelming power of these attacks, Summanus turned his attention toward those responsible for this affront.

To his astonishment, the assailants were none other than Akeno and Raynare, who had orchestrated the formidable assault. Akeno, with a mischievous wink, playfully quipped, "Ufufu, Summanus-sama, please don't obstruct my husband too much, okay~?" Her words only added to the god's vexation.

Raynare, on the other hand, took a more direct approach, her comment dripping with disdain. "Yeah, he's more important than you, so fuck off, you old freak." Her profane language further infuriated the god, but she didn't seem to care, knowing full well that their combined might far surpassed Summanus's own.

Amused by the exchange, Akeno chuckled and gave Raynare's shoulder a playful poke. It was a subtle reminder to avoid antagonizing the god too much. Raynare, however, remained unrepentant, knowing that their power was more than enough to handle Summanus.

Raynare turned her attention to Aaron, taken aback by the hoverboard. She couldn't help but shake her head in response. "Why are you even using that? Ah, whatever, just get going and leave this idiot to us," she declared. In a flash, she materialized beside him and, in a somewhat unorthodox gesture, planted a quick peck on his cheek before forcefully propelling him away.

But Summanus was not about to let him go easily. His roar thundered, "You think I'll let you go!?" He readied another attack, his divine power crackling. However, before he could unleash it, a mighty kick, fueled by a surprising and stupendous strength, found its mark right between his legs, crushing everything in its path.

The deliverer of this punishing blow was none other than Akeno, who, for some reason, couldn't help but giggle with glee throughout the entire endeavor. She spoke playfully, "I just told you not to obstruct him, didn't I?" Her amusement painted her words, even as Summanus descended, his trajectory guiding him to an earth-shattering crash.

Raynare watched in mild astonishment, her lips twitching. She remarked, "Sometimes I wonder who's more fucked up between us, Akeno. You didn't hesitate to deliver a world-shattering kick where it hurts..."

Akeno's response was cryptic yet telling. "Because he was going to get in Aaron's way," she sang out in a seemingly carefree manner, her smile never fading.

Raynare couldn't help but comment further, her tone hinting at some darker depths. "Yeah, maybe it's you... maybe you're becoming a yandere?"

In response, Akeno's laughter took on a somewhat eerie quality as she playfully licked her fingers, a gesture that sent shivers down Raynare's spine.

"You foolish children…! You have doomed this world if you let that thing roam it!" Summanus grumbled, gradually lifting himself from the ground, his face twisted in pain.

Surprisingly, Akeno interjected with a hint of sarcasm, "I'm surprised you woke up that quickly. How are your—"

Summanus interrupted her before she could finish, unwilling to engage in such a conversation. "Silence you wench! If get my—"

Instead, Akeno continued in a carefree tone, "Well, he regularly makes love to me, so I don't care too much if he destroys this world. He'll simply remake it."

Raynare, who had been watching the exchange, cast a concerned look in Akeno's direction. She couldn't help but be disturbed by her friend's casual acceptance of such grim possibilities.

Summanus responded by summoning black lightning around his arms, his resolve unwavering as he declared, "I see. If that's the case, then I will kill his harem of women too! His offspring will be even worse if they ever come into existence! Especially if they come from you! You wretched woman!"

Akeno, unfazed and smiling devilishly, let draconic holy lightning crackle around her body. Her grin grew even more menacing as she spoke, "Ufufu, is this a challenge, Summanus-kun?"

Raynare, feeling a sense of responsibility, muttered, "I'll back you up," as she summoned a light sword and prepared to join the fray.

— ○ ● ○ —

Arriving at the designated location, Aaron Toole found himself face to face with his opponent, Erebus, and the imposing titan of darkness. The titan's eyes fixed on Aaron, casting an eerie hush over the surroundings.

"Long time no see, Ere-chan. How's life treating you?" Aaron greeted with a cheerful tone.

"Don't call me that, you wretched lizard," Erebus retorted, dripping with venom. He extended a trembling finger toward Aaron. "You defeated my sister and imprisoned her within our pantheon! You deserve to suffer a thousandfold for your actions!"

Aaron quirked an eyebrow and responded, "I wasn't the one who defeated her; Lisa did that. Besides, if we hadn't intervened, the power she received from the Phantasma would have eventually taken her life. You might even want to thank me for preventing that fate."

He raised a finger, adding, "Furthermore, yes, she's incarcerated, but it's not as if she's being subjected to torment or cruelty over there. She's merely confined to a jail cell with her powers sealed. In truth, your gods have shown her a fair degree of leniency."

Erebus directed an intense glare at Aaron, his lips betraying hints of his annoyance. The truth couldn't be denied, and he knew that well. However, the root cause of his anger and irritation lay elsewhere, beyond mere facts. It was because his beloved sister, Nyx, had fallen in love with Aaron, and that infuriated him.

Erebus was already well-aware of Aaron's harem, knowing the vast number of women who were part of it, and this was the last thing he wanted for his sister. Nyx's attraction to Aaron had begun the moment she laid eyes on him within their pantheon. Back then, it had been a mere flicker of interest. But over time, that ember had grown into a raging inferno of one-sided love, and he despised it.

"Apart from that," Erebus continued, his voice heavy with accusation, "you Sacred Gear wielders are like a cancer to our planet, and perhaps to the entire universe. Ever since you arrived in our world, you've disrupted its delicate balance. The current tournament only highlights the extent of this disruption. Humans and hybrids attain a Balance Breaker, and they further shatter the equilibrium!"

Erebus sneered with resentment, his words cutting like a knife. "Yet, I'll begrudgingly give you some credit. Thanks to who you are and the actions you've taken, the Evie won't be invading our world to conquer it. But don't be fooled; they haven't given up on trying to circumvent the restrictions you've placed on universal travel."

While Erebus ranted, Aaron remained surprisingly calm. He wore a knowing smile that seemed to irk his accuser even more. In the depths of his thoughts, Aaron contemplated the situation. 'Hmm, I suspected as much,' he thought silently. 'But I've already taken steps to safeguard against such attempts. Any efforts to break through or bypass these barriers will be in vain, doomed to failure.'

Erebus was further enraged by Aaron's unwavering calmness. He sighed heavily and fixed his gaze on the mysterious figure. "This titan and I will take you down. We had assistance from the Khaos Order in its creation, used the Battle Gods as a reference, and, of course, drew inspiration from our own pantheon's titans," he explained.

Aaron, still unperturbed, replied with a nonchalant, "Hmm, cool, I guess." His attention was focused on the titanic entity made of shadow and darkness.

Erebus couldn't contain his frustration and yelled, "Enough, let's start!" He unleashed several dark energy balls towards Aaron. But in a baffling display of power, Aaron effortlessly neutralized Erebus's attacks without budging an inch. Erebus, clenching his teeth, summoned even more darkness-infused projectiles and unleashed them upon his opponent.

Once again, Aaron intercepted and disintegrated Erebus's onslaught, maintaining his eerie, unbroken focus on the god. Erebus, disturbed by the strange atmosphere, felt compelled to address the situation. "You're acting really creepy right now, Middleman! Do something or say something!" he shouted in frustration, extending his arm towards Aaron. "Attack him!"

The colossal titan made a menacing move, its gigantic arms lunging toward Aaron, aiming to ensnare him. Yet, as the colossal fingers drew closer to Aaron, they abruptly halted, arrested by an unseen force. It was the manifestation of Aaron's incredible power—his [Infinity]. He fixed his gaze on the enormous titan and the god Erebus.

Still focused on both the titan and Erebus, Aaron posed a significant question, "If the fate of this world were left in your hands, with your faction, your organization, would you be up to the task?"

Erebus didn't waver, his confidence unwavering as he declared, "Certainly! We are the gods of this universe, our power knows no equal!"

Aaron closed his eyes for a moment, while the relentless titan outside continued its futile attempts to breach the impervious shield. The massive fists pummeled the barrier relentlessly, but it refused to yield to the creature's fury.

Aaron reopened his eyes and posed a further query, "Then can you say, with the utmost confidence, that you could simultaneously defeat the formidable forces of a fully powered Ophis, Great Red, and Trihexa? Keep in mind that the Evie possess even greater power than these entities, and they are in far greater numbers. What say you, the primordial god of darkness?"

Erebus cast a scrutinizing gaze in Aaron's direction, his countenance marred by a deep scowl. The truth was that Erebus understood the dire predicament they were in.

Yet, despite the odds stacked against them, he clung to the hope that, by venturing into the vast multiverse, they might unearth the power they desperately needed. Their mission was to uncover the means to fend off the impending threat of the Evie, who sought to conquer their planet.

"Yes," he replied resolutely. "In different universes, there lies a possibility of discovering new powers that we can harness for the fight. Unlike the mechanical gods, we aren't constrained by the need to hunt down new components to enhance ourselves. We, as organic beings, have the innate capacity to grow and become stronger through training. It's a natural advantage that sets us apart from them," he concluded, his tone reflecting his confidence in their potential.

Aaron sighed as he absorbed Erebus's words. After a moment, he regarded Erebus with a touch of pity in his eyes. "While what you're saying has some truth to it," he began, "you might be overlooking a few key points. Organic beings, like us, do have their limitations. It's worth considering that even mechanical gods need time to adapt to their new parts and optimize their performance."

Erebus, however, was undeterred. He declared with unwavering determination, "We'll just have to break through those limits!"

Aaron shook his head gently, explaining, "Breaking through limits and reaching one's true potential isn't a straightforward process. Upgrading their mechanical parts provides the Evie gods with an advantage. It allows them to circumvent the usual constraints of organic lifeforms. And about getting stronger, well, without the support of Lapis, Nyarlathotep, and the Khaos Order, you wouldn't have experienced the same growth you have in the past year. So, your argument about training doesn't hold for any of you, does it?"

"Enough!" Erebus couldn't stand what he was hearing. Fueled by his frustration, he and the Titan intensified their assault.

Darkness-based attacks swirled all around them, summoned by Erebus, and he launched them relentlessly at Aaron. Simultaneously, the Titan conjured spears and blades made of darkness from beneath Aaron, attacking him from below while also pummeling Aaron's infinity barrier with a fist infused with darkness.

Their combined onslaught suddenly ground to a halt as they both sensed the world around them twisting. Erebus and the Titan were left perplexed, unsure of what was happening. However, both their gazes landed on Aaron's raised right hand, as if he were cupping something mysterious.

Frozen in place, Erebus and the titan watched in a mix of horror and anxiety as Aaron's power seemed to know no bounds. It was as if their deepest fears had come to life before their eyes. Aaron clenched his hand into a fist, raising his index finger as if pointing to the heavens.

"Everyone has a limit, even those mechanical gods you dread," he declared, while a radiant, swirling red sphere materialized above his index finger. "But I, alone, have none. Not everyone may like it or support how I'm doing things, but I believe it's the only way this universe, this world, can truly prosper."

The power of the red sphere intensified, its glow filling the surrounding space, distorting reality itself. Aaron's gaze shifted between the crimson orb, Erebus, and the titan.

"Let's put you to the test, Erebus. If you can withstand this... and your titan, then I'll consider your proposition," he said with a smile, a hint of mockery in his voice. "I'll dedicate this to you, Gojo, since you met your end recently. Although, this attack of mine is quite different from yours."

With a soft chuckle, Aaron allowed the red sphere to hover in the air and descended to the ground, locking his eyes onto the two adversaries.

"Cursed Technique Reversal: Red," he declared, and an immense beam of energy erupted from the crimson sphere, obliterating everything in its path. Erebus and the titan were violently thrown back, subjected to pain they had never imagined.

Aaron's attack had been calculated, ensuring that it wouldn't obliterate the protective barriers he had carefully placed around Kyoto's buildings. Yet, despite his precision, many structures still bore visible cracks from the tremendous force of the red beam. Erebus, sent hurtling into a distant building, bore the brunt of the impact, while the massive titan met its ultimate demise, utterly consumed by the cataclysmic attack.

With a nonchalant whistle, Aaron jumped from one rooftop to another, making his way toward the seemingly lifeless body of Erebus. Although the god appeared on the brink of death, Aaron's keen senses could still detect traces of life within him.

"This… doesn't mean…you won…" Erebus managed to rasp out before losing consciousness.

Just as Erebus fell into unconsciousness, the ground beneath Kyoto quaked once more, and an enormous Olympus-style magic circle materialized in the sky above the city. From within this magical sigil emerged an immense figure, none other than Tartarus, the Primordial God of the Abyss.

Tartarus presented a daunting sight. His spherical form spanned a staggering hundred meters in diameter, adorned with countless eyes and sinuous tentacles. His very presence exuded an unimaginable, malevolent aura, casting a shroud of dark mist that tainted the surroundings.

Aaron tapped his transceiver and said, [It's all yours then, Georg.]

[Roger,] replied Georg. He then appeared beside Tartarus, much to the god's surprise. "Balance Break!" he shouted.

Georg's magical power surged to unprecedented levels, causing millions of intricate magic circles to manifest across the skies of Kyoto.

Georg clapped his hands, and as he did, mist began to materialize in the area. As he slowly extended his hands apart, a rectangular object emerged between his palms. This object would serve as the foundation for the pseudo-space. After Georg applied a series of protective elements to fortify the pseudo-space base, he elevated it into the sky.

As everyone witnessed this three-dimensional object resembling space rise into the air, it started radiating divine lights and was subsequently transported through the use of a magical circle. This pseudo-space would now expand within the alternate dimension.

The Balance Breaker of the High-tier Longinus [Dimension Lost], [Dimension Create], was an ability that allowed its user to create a powerful barrier. This unique barrier could be infused with various effects, and this time, an additional feature was incorporated into it.

The new addition was designed to prevent even Dragon God-class or God-class beings from easily escaping. This protector function had been added earlier, forming numerous barriers around the pseudo-space. These barriers served a dual purpose: first, they ensured that their enemies couldn't escape, and second, they were built to withstand the full-scale combat within the space.

However, the pseudo-space still had a weakness, even with these solid barriers in place. It lay in the barrier's cores, which were essentially the Sacred Gear's devices situated inside the space. Destroying this device would result in a loss of its abilities.

While the device itself was quite robust, there was still a considerable risk that it might not withstand certain attacks or techniques from gods or other beings of that nature. Hence, it needed someone to guard the device.

Suddenly, a transformation occurred within Georg's body once the pseudo-space was deployed. A pale mist began emanating from Georg, gradually spreading throughout the vicinity and reaching up into the sky.

This mist was subsequently absorbed by the magic circles, suggesting that Georg might be sending this mist to the enemies' location through those very same magic circles. The amount of mist being emitted continued to increase, and an astonishing quantity of it was being absorbed by the magic circles.

[I'm transporting the ones we spoke about beforehand! Get ready!] Georg's voice echoed through the transceivers. [The teams that are going to be fighting them, get ready too!]

Aaron couldn't help but smile as he responded, [Good luck to everyone.] With those words, a magic circle materialized beneath Aaron, and the same happened for everyone else heading into the pseudo space. Within seconds, they were all transported into it.

Aaron was well aware that Tartarus might attempt the plan outlined in the canon storyline. To counter it, Aaron devised a different strategy. He chose to confront Tartarus alone within the dimension crafted by Georg.

Simultaneously, the other teams were tasked with handling the remaining deities and the lone [Malebranche] that Aaron had transported to Kyoto. This division of tasks aimed to ensure the most effective approach to thwart Tartarus's plans as they would be dispersed across the dimension.

Aaron had decided that the rest of the team would remain in Kyoto, prepared to face other groups and gods left behind. It wasn't that he doubted their capabilities; he knew they could overcome these adversaries.

Nevertheless, as a precaution, he had arranged for a group of Shadow Soldiers and the [Electa] to be on standby, ready to offer assistance should the need arise. The safety and success of this mission were paramount, and he wasn't taking any chances.

— ○ ● ○ —

Suzaku couldn't help but mutter to herself as she surveyed the battlefield after vanquishing yet another enemy. Her eyes were fixated on the newly formed space created amidst the chaos, which had rapidly become the focal point for countless Shadow Soldiers. These ethereal protectors swarmed around it and fortified the surrounding area, all in a concerted effort to safeguard it from impending threats.

A member of the Shinra clan approached her, concern etched on his face. He respectfully inquired, "Suzaku-dono, should we proceed with our designated mission?"

She considered his question carefully before responding, her gaze unwavering. "Yes, we shall press on. News of our comrades' successes will reach us in due time. For now, our duty is to maintain our defense. If any among us are wounded, bring them to this location for care and healing."

The man nodded in understanding and then quickly departed to rejoin the ongoing efforts to protect the perimeter of Kyoto. The city's defense was their paramount concern, and they would not waver in their commitment to its safety.

Suzaku glanced to her side, where a small magic circle displayed the ongoing events involving the Kushihashi and its members. It appeared they were managing to hold their own against the foes within Kyoto. Still, Suzaku couldn't help but notice that a significant portion of their group had sustained severe injuries.

She muttered to herself, "If they persist like this, we might have to consider sending them assistance. Although, I doubt Giyu-sama would take kindly to that."

A dismissive snort accompanied by Zhuque's booming voice interrupted her thoughts. The Vermillion Bird, taking on her human form, directed her displeasure toward the magic circle beside Suzaku.

"Who cares about that arrogant human and his opinions! He either listens to what Aaron and the team says, or he can go get himself killed! He's certainly not doing well for himself!"

Both Zhuque and Suzaku shifted their attention back to the magic circle. Zhuque adjusted its view to show Giyu Kushihashi battling a range of enemies associated with the Gods of Darkness' group.

Giyu fought against a few devils, entities shrouded in darkness, and youkai. It was evident that he wasn't performing at his peak due to his age, but that didn't make him powerless. However, the display revealed multiple cuts on his body, and he was visibly laboring to catch his breath.

"Isn't this exactly what Aaron was trying to convey during your meeting? Why must he be so stubborn!? Aaron was aware of his pride and his open animosity towards him... and now look at where he is!" Zhuque remarked, accompanied by a disdainful scoff.

A faint smile graced Suzaku's lips. "I didn't expect you to hold such a high opinion of Aaron. In the beginning, you seemed quite... I guess, opposed to him. What caused the change in your perspective? Nevertheless, I do agree that Giyu-sama is struggling, and his fellow Kushihashi members are undoubtedly feeling the strain," Suzaku remarked.

With a hiss in her voice, Zhuque retorted, "We should send reinforcements regardless of how he feels. Unless he's willing to stubbornly face his doom, let him!"

Then, Zhuque shifted her gaze to the side, avoiding Suzaku's direct look. She continued, "I've always held him in high regard, but I wanted to witness his prowess firsthand before altering how I addressed him. His accomplishments are nothing to be taken lightly," she admitted with a touch of shyness.

Suzaku chuckled softly and responded, "Indeed, let's proceed and dispatch reinforcements." She conjured a magical communication circle beside her and began giving out orders. She also used her transceiver to relay the plan to other key individuals.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Fuhahaha! It seems you're having quite a time of it, Giyu Kushihashi!" declared a voice that resonated loudly. The owner of the voice had a ponytail of orange hair and struck an oddly flamboyant pose while addressing the elderly man. It was God Serena.

"Must you be so deafening, Serena? There's no need to shout all the time," chided a woman with piercing pale eyes and white hair pulled back into a ponytail. She sported distinctive blue horns on her head—it was Ara, formerly a snake of the Khaos Order, who had been transformed into an [Electa] by Aaron.

These two individuals, accompanied by a few members of [DxD], had come to provide assistance to the Kushihashi clan. While most of the other clans had chosen to safeguard the city of Kyoto from the perimeters, the Kushihashi clan had opted to defend Kyoto directly—a decision that brought them into a fierce confrontation.

"Who are you?" Giyu Kushihashi gasped, his voice reflecting a mix of surprise and apprehension. "No… you belong to that dragon, don't you? I do not need help! I am fine!" he protested. Despite his insistence, the rest of his clan members eagerly welcomed the aid that was offered, and many of them began to receive the healing abilities of Ara.

"Do not accept their aid!" Giyu's voice boomed again, his pride refusing to let him yield.

"I'm sorry, Giyu-sama, but I would rather live! I have a wife and child!" shouted another male clan member, emphasizing the importance of survival over pride.

A female clan member echoed this sentiment, saying, "I also have a fiancé I can't leave, Giyu-sama. I don't care about pride! I want to see my family too, so I'm accepting any help!"

As more clan members voiced their fears, desperation, and willingness to accept assistance, Giyu's anger and frustration grew. However, weakened and incapacitated as he was, there was little he could do but reluctantly yield to the will of his people.

"Ara, I'll leave them to you!" God Serena's voice rang out as he catapulted himself toward the approaching opponents. With unrelenting determination, he yelled, "Purgatory Dragon's Blazing Inferno!" His incantation marked the beginning of a blazing torrent of flames that surged forth, consuming an entire cluster of foes in an instant, leaving no survivors in its wake.

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"…Why have you chosen to side with them, Zhong Kui?" Ningguang inquired. She, along with several others, hovered high above China, facing Zhong Kui, the King of Ghosts.

Zhong Kui had managed to assemble a diverse group, consisting of the remaining artificial vampires, Super Vampires, devils, and Super Devils. Together, they had embarked on a mission to China, with a singular objective in mind: to dismantle the newly established Chinese alliance.

In line with the Gods of Darkness and the Alliance of the Evil Gods, Zhong Kui was convinced that the world would experience an improvement if it were to rid itself of Sacred Gears and specific groups.

"You should understand, Ningguang," Zhong Kui began, emphasizing his point with a steady voice, "Sacred Gears, individuals with innate abilities, and certain factions must be eliminated from this world. The Khaos Order seeks to maintain the current order, which has served us well for a very long time."

As the King of Ghosts spoke, he made sweeping gestures with his hands, summoning an army of ghostly specters and bats that materialized behind him, all poised and prepared to launch an assault on Ningguang and her companions. "Given our historical rapport," Zhong Kui continued, "I'll offer you and your alliance an opportunity to stand down. But should you choose not to..."

A sinister glow overtook Zhong Kui's eyes as he leaned closer, his tone foreboding. "I will not hesitate to put an end to you and all of China by day's end. I am no longer the same being you once knew," he warned them.

A smile graced Ningguang's countenance as she held her smoking pipe in one hand, resting the other against her cheek. "Surrender? Surely you jest, Zhong Kui. We aren't known for such capitulation. And, if I'm being entirely honest... you don't seem to possess that level of power."

Ningguang's words only served to irritate Zhong Kui, and his displeasure was clearly etched across his face. "I'll ask you one more time. Surrender, or I will unleash my forces and attacks upon you."

A soft, almost mischievous chuckle escaped Ningguang as she twirled her smoke pipe thoughtfully. "Fufu," she teased, "I'm afraid I must decline your offer, Zhong Kui. Instead, let us engage in a modest skirmish and see who emerges victorious."

With this declaration, she withdrew her hand from her cheek and raised it confidently. Zhong Kui followed suit, emulating Ningguang by raising his hand high. Subsequently, his group surged forward, locking onto their counterparts in Ningguang's group.

The King of Ghosts, brimming with malice, unleashed a relentless barrage upon the unsuspecting members of Ningguang's entourage. Ghastly bats swooped in, screeching fiercely and launching soundwave attacks upon their foes.

Meanwhile, Zhong Kui's ghostly minions contributed to the chaos, firing an unceasing torrent of ghostly beams and spectral balls from their ethereal hands. The battleground was alight with an eerie and destructive display of supernatural power.

The Jade Emperor materialized next to Ningguang and offered, "Shall I deal with him?"

Ningguang, wearing a confident smile, replied, "Fufu, I appreciate the offer, Jade Emperor, but I am more than capable of handling Zhong Kui." The Jade Emperor acknowledged her choice with a nod before vanishing.

Zhong Kui couldn't suppress his skepticism, retorting, "You? Take care of me? Please, enough with the jests today, Ningguang. You are not a fighter, and you never will be. I sense no change within you; you have not grown in power nor have you trained in any form of martial arts to make yourself formidable in that way."

Ningguang chuckled in response, and in a blink of an eye, Zhong Kui felt a barrage of invisible attacks pelting him. Confusion took hold as the King of Ghosts scrambled to protect himself by erecting a protective barrier.

Unfortunately, the unseen onslaught shattered his defenses, subjecting him to a ceaseless barrage. Though individually not overwhelmingly powerful, the sheer quantity of the attacks began to take its toll, as multiple blue bruises marred his body and face.

He ramped up his aura output, sending a powerful shockwave that knocked everyone in the vicinity away from him. However, much to his surprise, Ningguang remained completely unfazed.

This left a deep frown on Zhong Kui's face as he questioned her, "Why is it that you are not affected by this? Is it your work as well?"

Ningguang, ever composed and wearing her characteristic smile, responded, "It might be, or it might not be. Perhaps you could use your newfound knowledge to figure that out, King of Ghosts, Zhong Kui."

Zhong Kui harbored a deep dislike for Ningguang's demeanor. He certainly respected her capabilities as a leader, acknowledging that she had the potential to guide thousands, even millions, to prosperity if entrusted with a city.

Nevertheless, he couldn't help but loathe her personality. To him, it felt grating and rubbed him the wrong way. It seemed as if Ningguang held herself above everyone she encountered, and the manner in which she spoke, particularly to him, left him with a personal distaste.

Zhong Kui let out a scoff and summoned an item into his hand, taking a sip. His smirk grew more pronounced as he began to speak, "Even though they are quite rare nowadays, we still possess a stash of illegal Phenex Tears. I made sure to stock up on them back when they were more widely available."

As he drank, the injuries that marred his body quickly healed, and he turned his renewed determination towards Ningguang. Ghostly green and black aura oozed from his form, shaping into eerie wings behind him. With unparalleled swiftness, he repositioned himself behind Ningguang and unleashed a point-blank blast of his aura.

To his bewilderment, a multitude of brown, mirror-like objects materialized all around Ningguang, absorbing his attacks with remarkable ease. Zhong Kui quickly retreated and began bombarding her with even more attacks, yet each one met the same fate, getting absorbed by her mysterious mirrors.

Then, something caught his eye. Wrapped around Ningguang's neck was a small creature—a brown and yellow dragon with yellow, diamond-shaped pupils that stared at him with a piercing gaze.

"Wait, what is that? Could it be the source of these mirrors?" Zhong Kui asked with a demanding tone, his curiosity piqued.

Ningguang's lips curved into a warm smile as she looked at Zhong Kui, a soft chuckle escaping her lips. "Indeed, it is. With this adorable little creature by my side, I feel almost invincible. You see, it was a special request I made to Aaron, or rather, Jin, who we fondly call the Middleman. This little dragon boasts a plethora of versatile abilities, making it exceptionally handy," she explained with a gentle tone. Her fingers lovingly caressed the tiny dragon, causing it to respond with an endearing, sleepy yawn.

"Always with this Middleman business! That insufferable lizard constantly meddles in everything!" Zhong Kui bellowed, his aura intensifying further with his growing frustration. "I'll prove that these powers have their limits! Let's see how much it can withstand!"

Zhong Kui stretched out his arms, conjuring a colossal bat enveloped in an otherworldly, ethereal armor. This bat dwarfed the ones he had summoned earlier, a true behemoth, and he swiftly commanded it to attack Ningguang.

The bat blazed past Ningguang, vanishing from her sight almost instantaneously. As Zhong Kui had earlier mentioned, she wasn't a skilled combatant, and she struggled to track the creature's movements. Yet, she had specifically requested this formidable creature from Aaron, seeking to enhance her self-defense capabilities.

The creature sported an array of enchanted mirrors that possessed the ability to deflect and absorb attacks, albeit up to a certain threshold of power and intensity. Should the attack exceed these limits, the mirrors would shatter, initiating another phase of protection for Ningguang.

Small tornados composed of blood and wind swirled to life, conjured by the enormous bat. It unleashed these bloodied tempests upon Ningguang, and in tandem, Zhong Kui initiated his relentless barrage of attacks, each activating Ningguang's defenses—the intricate mirrors appeared like clockwork, dutifully absorbing every attack.

However, despite her unwavering resolve, the leader of the newfound Chinese alliance, Ningguang noticed her faithful pet, the small dragon resting on her shoulders, conveying a silent message through his eyes.

It was a gentle warning that their defensive capabilities were reaching their limit. In the midst of the battle, the violent tornados created by the giant bat crashed headlong into Ningguang's resolute mirrors, pushing them past their breaking point.

With a smile, she acknowledged her dragon companion and initiated the second phase of their plan. Ningguang skillfully wove Chinese-style defensive magic circles around them, preparing to bear the full force of Zhong Kui's relentless onslaught. This would be their strategy for enduring the coming storm.

In an instant, the petite dragon radiated a brilliant, radiant gold, encasing Ningguang within a protective sphere of shimmering light. This magical shield exerted a force that pushed everything in its vicinity away.

Zhong Kui found himself caught up in this powerful surge and was forcefully propelled backward. Even his enormous bat summon was not immune to the sheer strength of this extraordinary display of energy.

As Zhong Kui and the colossal bat observed the golden ball, they couldn't help but be captivated. However, their fascination was short-lived, as the sphere suddenly expanded at an alarming rate, growing ten times larger than its initial size.

With a resounding explosion, it shattered into countless golden blades of swirling energy, scattering them in all directions. The ferocity of the unleashed power prompted everyone nearby to swiftly evade the oncoming onslaught.

Reacting swiftly, Zhong Kui summoned a defensive magic circle in an attempt to shield himself. To his dismay, he watched in disbelief as his protective magic circle crumbled like fragile glass.

The unforgiving attack left him with a shallow cut on his shoulder. Though not a severe wound, the experienced warrior couldn't help but scowl in frustration, his eyes searching for Ningguang, the source of this unexpected attack.

Ningguang was adorned in a resplendent armor that shimmered with a gentle fusion of golden and brown hues. The upper part of her form was ensconced in intricate, scale-like plating, bearing the same entrancing golden-brown luster. Nestled in the midst of this regal armor, a small emerald gem gleamed with a hint of familiarity, reminiscent of the gem found in the [Boosted Gear].

Her attire extended into a skirt-like armor that flowed gracefully, while her thighs and legs were encased in a sleek, golden-scaly armor. Emanating an aura of authority, behind her, were pure gold metallic wings, their presence exuding a sense of power.

Perched atop her head rested a resplendent golden crown, embellished with delicate white and red feathers, adding a touch of grandeur to her appearance.

Hovering gracefully above her hand was a floating grimoire, resplendent in shades of gold and brown. This mystical tome emitted a radiant, golden yet enigmatic glow, underscoring the aura of majesty that enveloped Ningguang.

Positioned just behind her, the diminutive dragon had undergone a remarkable transformation, evolving into an imposing, 20-meter behemoth that coiled protectively around her figure. Its eyes, previously fierce in its smaller guise, had now intensified into an even more menacing aspect, radiating an air of formidable power and guardianship.

Zhong Kui's voice quivered as he beheld the peculiar sight, his eyes wide with bewilderment. He stammered out his questions, unable to hide his horror. "W-what the…what is this!? What kind of creature is that? Is it…don't tell me, a Sacred Gear!?"

However, Ningguang couldn't help but chuckle softly at his visible distress. She shook her head, eager to explain the truth.

"It's a bit different from a Sacred Gear. It bears a closer resemblance to the Sacred Beasts and their unique technique known as [Spiritual Symbiosis]," she clarified. Her voice held a hint of admiration. "But, you see, this little companion was crafted by our extraordinary Middleman. So, there's no doubt that it surpasses the usual [Spiritual Symbiosis] and the power of the Sacred Beasts, don't you think?"

Zhong Kui raised an eyebrow, a look of incredulity etched across his face. "Stronger than the Sacred Beasts?" he asked with a scoff. "Well, I wouldn't put it past that troublesome lizard... Heh, then let's see this gift, Ningguang! Did you get it from your new romantic interest? I do pity that young man if he thinks he has captured your heart."

Ningguang's expression darkened as she absorbed Zhong Kui's words. "I received this as a special request that I made to him. Also, what kind of woman do you take me for?" She retorted with an undertone of irritation.

"I've only been in one relationship, and that was back when I was a teenager. I haven't been in another one since." She brushed her hair back with an air of annoyance and glared at the man before her. "On the contrary, I think I might not be quite his type, fufu. Regardless, I won't waste any more time talking. It's time to defeat you," she declared with a determined resolve.

Ningguang executed an exaggerated motion, sweeping her right arm to the side, and a multitude of magic circles materialized behind her. The dragon surrounding her emitted a resounding roar, instantly enveloping them in a massive barrier that confined their battle within.

She then unleashed her formidable attacks upon Zhong Kui, who, undeterred, retaliated using his own formidable magic, creating razor-sharp wind blades by vigorously flapping the wings on his back.

However, it quickly became evident that Ningguang held the upper hand when it came to raw power. Their clashing attacks sent shockwaves of explosions rippling around them, yet Zhong Kui started to feel an onslaught of invisible attacks across his body. This time, these attacks were notably more potent, leaving impressions upon his flesh.

'What's happening? Where are these unseen attacks coming from?' Zhong Kui pondered frantically, attempting to evade the imperceptible threats. Unfortunately, his inability to sense these concealed strikes led to repeated impacts.

Turning his gaze towards Ningguang, he was met with a sly smirk, further fueling his frustration. As his mental composure began to wane, Zhong Kui grew more impulsive in his actions. He pointed to his surviving bat summon, which miraculously endured Ningguang's previous attack, and applied duplication magic to it.

Zhong Kui's lone summoned bat quickly multiplied, birthing a total of fifteen of its kind. With precision, he issued orders to these winged minions, directing them to launch a relentless assault on Ningguang.

Half of the bats, imbued with sinister power, spun into a frenzy, creating gruesome blood-red tornadoes. The remaining half unleashed high-pitched, ear-piercing screeches, each screech forming a circular aura attack aimed at the formidable leader of the Chinese alliance.

Unfazed by the swarm of bats and their ominous attacks, Ningguang maintained her calm demeanor. With a soft, almost nonchalant tone, she addressed the sleek dragon draped around her body, "Take care of that for me, sweetie."

Responding to her command, the miniature dragon exhaled a confident puff of smoke from its dainty nostrils. Its eyes gleamed with a brilliant radiance, and several golden stars materialized around the attacks of bats summoned by Zhong Kui. As each star exploded into a burst of dazzling energy, it obliterated the incoming attacks. To Zhong Kui's surprise, the very same stars now encircled him, a phenomenon that baffled him.

Cursing under his breath, he acted swiftly to protect himself. He conjured defensive magic circles while his wings unfolded, forming a protective barrier. The next moment, the star attacks unleashed by Ningguang detonated, causing powerful explosions that rocked the small area around them.

A pained cry escaped Zhong Kui as he was forcefully pushed away by Ningguang's relentless attack. The King of Ghosts bore the marks of the battle, with a missing arm and tattered wings. It was evident that the confrontation had taken its toll on him, yet he stood resolute, his gaze locked on Ningguang.

Ningguang couldn't help but appreciate Zhong Kui's unwavering determination. "I must concede, Zhong Kui, you possess an admirable tenacity, refusing to yield even when faced with my superior power," she remarked, a trace of pride evident in her voice.

However, Zhong Kui's response was sharp, his frustration apparent. "Silence, you wench! If only you had accepted my offer... Can't you see the havoc the Middleman and his group are wreaking? They're disrupting the delicate balance of the—"

Ningguang interrupted him, her tone resolute. "And so what?" she demanded.

Zhong Kui was left momentarily bewildered by her response. "W-what?" he stammered, taken aback.

Ningguang's lips curled into a knowing smirk as she continued, "That is in the past. The status quo evolves over time, and the new status quo being forged by Jin in our era is what matters. Although he may be young, he shoulders a significant responsibility, and in my view, he's handling it admirably."

She further expounded, "Resistance to change is a common trait among both gods and ancient beings. Change, no matter who it is directed towards, is invariably unsettling, and adaptation is challenging. This holds true for humans and us, the supernatural alike." Her smirk deepened as she regarded Zhong Kui. "Tell me, King of Ghosts, are you afraid of the change he seeks?"

Zhong Kui instinctively moved backward upon hearing Ningguang's words, which served as the confirmation she needed.

"In the annals of history, it's often the victors who set the rules," Ningguang began, her words carrying the weight of countless events that had shaped their world. "Whether it's the two world wars in the human realm, the grand conflicts within the supernatural realm, or the myriad events that unfolded last year, it's always those who emerge triumphant who dictate the course of events."

Ningguang closed her eyes briefly, her mind awash with images of Aaron's remarkable accomplishments over the past year and the enduring friendships he had forged. A subtle smile tugged at her lips as these memories played before her mind's eye. Then, within that cascade of events, a fragment of Ningguang's own past surfaced—a memory intertwined with her childhood.

'Listen, Ningguang,' a voice from her family's past echoed, 'those who dare challenge the established order, those who leave an indelible mark on the world, they will be etched into history for all eternity. If you fear the prospect of being forgotten, if you dread fading into obscurity as an inconsequential nobody, then make a name for yourself. Let the world echo that name and remember you.'

These words had been imparted to her by someone dear from her earlier years—a voice laden with wisdom and encouragement.

"He'll be enshrined in the annals of time, and perhaps, so will you," Ningguang mused, addressing Zhong Kui. "Not due to your brazen assault on us, but perhaps for other reasons."

A palpable dread hung over Zhong Kui's features. He was a historical figure of great renown in their country, and his name was etched in the annals of human history. Yet, he couldn't escape the sinking feeling that his name would be tarnished for future generations to remember—if he failed.

"D-don't peer at me in that way! I've already etched my name into history, I will be remembered! I will prevail!" Zhong Kui defiantly declared, his arms raised as he summoned a magical circle.

Ningguang responded somberly, "No, it's already too late."

Throughout her speech, she had conveyed an unspoken command to her dragon, instructing it to launch an attack into the sky, positioning it to descend upon Zhong Kui. She knew that he was already weighed down by disquiet, and the revelations she held could cast shadows upon the choices he had made throughout his life.

"What do you—?" Zhong Kui began, but before he could finish, a powerful golden beam descended upon him.

The ferocious flames scorched his flesh and consumed his garments. Within moments, a devastating explosion enveloped Zhong Kui, and the divine entity plummeted from the heavens to the lands of China.

With a satisfied stroke of her dragon's cheek, Ningguang mused, "Well done. We need him alive."

Ningguang shifted her gaze in a specific direction, her eyes settling on Japan. Her tone carried a touch of contemplation as she expressed her thoughts, "I've never been one to advocate for peace, but if it's a world crafted by your hands, Aaron Toole, it might be one I wouldn't mind seeing. You can rest assured of our unwavering support."

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