Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 13 – Part 5 – A Dreamer’s Dream

Third Person Point of View

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"Fuahahaha!" Sairaorg's thunderous laughter echoed through the battleground. He clashed head-on with a Malebranche, their ferocity evident as they exchanged a relentless barrage of mighty punches and sword strikes.

Farfarello, the enigmatic Goblin God among the [Malebranche]. In stark contrast to the goblin-like image that his name might conjure, he bore a striking semblance to humans. He stood apart even among his Malebranche brethren, a remarkable figure in their otherworldly ranks.

His most distinctive feature was a cascade of long, flowing blonde hair that shimmered like molten gold in the light. His eyes, a vibrant and resolute shade of green, seemed to hold the secrets of worlds within them, reflecting an unwavering determination.

Adorned in a regal ensemble, Farfarello's attire combined pristine whites, rich golds, and ethereal pale blues. At the center of his chestplate, luminous green pieces mirrored the hue of his weapon, a masterfully crafted sword, which he clutched with an air of profound authority.

When Farfarello wielded his sword, it came alive in his hands, aglow with a deep, mesmerizing emerald green, like a living testament to his divine power.

Following their departure from the Underworld, Sairaorg and his companions embarked on a journey to America. Their mission? To rendezvous with none other than Querehsha, a stalwart defender of the nation who had tirelessly battled against relentless devil incursions.

Querehsha, along with the formidable magicians of Grauzauberer and several other allied groups, had valiantly stood their ground, protecting the country from the malevolent devil forces.

Upon their arrival, a generous offer was extended by Querehsha. She expressed her willingness to take on a member of the Malebranche, a formidable adversary. However, Sairaorg, with unwavering determination, insisted on taking up the challenge personally.

And so, with a nod of acceptance, Querehsha yielded to his wishes. Nevertheless, she positioned herself at a discreet distance, her keen eyes never wavering from the impending clash. Her interest was piqued, and she watched the unfolding battle with rapt attention.

"I'm thoroughly enjoying this, Farfarello-dono!" Sairaorg bellowed, his punches and strikes delivered with remarkable speed and ferocity.

Refusing to be outshone by the younger man, Farfarello skillfully parried each attack and countered with his trusted sword, a smile gracing his own lips. [I concur, Sairaorg Bael. You're indeed a formidable adversary.] Much like the deputy commander of the [Malebranche], Barbariccia, Farfarello adhered to a code of warrior's honor and would never stoop to employing underhanded tactics in a duel.

In the heart of Washington, an epic clash unfolded as Sairaorg and Farfarello collided, unleashing a destructive maelstrom that laid waste to everything in their vicinity. They were acutely aware that no ordinary humans remained within the buildings that bore witness to their titanic struggle. Thus, they allowed their innate battle instincts and exhilaration to guide their every move.

Sairaorg held the knowledge that Aaron, ever the adept mender of destruction, would soon set about repairing the damage they wrought. This understanding allowed him to fully revel in the intensity of their battle, for their battlefield extended to encompass the entire world.

Having narrowly evaded yet another thrust from Farfarello, Sairaorg withdrew his arm, infusing it with an extraordinary concentration of touki before driving it relentlessly toward the [Malebranche]. Farfarello, in a last-ditch maneuver, managed to evade the strike, but the aftermath left an indelible mark. As he glanced back, all that met his eyes was a landscape of devastation.

The structures that once stood behind him had crumbled to ruins, a chain reaction of destruction that seemed endless, stretching all the way to Seattle and Victoria, reaching out to touch those distant places. Even though Sairaorg had intentionally held back, his desire to assess the legendary [Malebranche], Farfarello couldn't help but hold the young man in high esteem for the sheer might he possessed.

"Querehsha-sama, may I pose a question?" Regulus inquired politely. Querehsha turned her attention towards him and gave a tacit nod. "I'm curious, who do you believe possesses the greater skill? If we were to consider raw power, my master undoubtedly holds the advantage. But when it comes to sheer skill..."

Querehsha redirected her gaze from Regulus to the ongoing battle unfolding before them. Several moments passed as they observed the intense combat. A subtle shift in the dynamics caught their attention when Sairaorg evaded a strike from Farfarello and swiftly countered, driving his knee into the demon's abdomen, sending him hurtling through the air.

"In the past," Querehsha began to explain, "I might have leaned towards Farfarello in terms of skill, but that was at least a year ago. However, as Sairaorg and Aaron-sama continued their friendship, Sairaorg devoted himself to rigorous training, honing his techniques and skills. He no longer solely relies on his overwhelming physical might and touki. You witnessed it just now, didn't you?" she inquired of Regulus.

"...Yes," Regulus responded with a nod. He had personally witnessed it unfold. During their century spent within Aaron's [Pocket Dimension], Sairaorg had received a plethora of counsel from various individuals. The prevailing wisdom emphasized the need for him to enhance his own abilities and techniques while honing his touki.

These well-meaning advisors made it clear that relying solely on his innate physical might, speed, and the power of his Sacred Gear would have limitations. If he aspired to achieve greater overall growth, especially in the long term, it was imperative that he made substantial improvements in those specific areas.

"Lianne-sama, Aurelia-sama, Scathach-sama, and even Jin-sama all encouraged him to refine his touki, master his existing abilities, and delve deeper into martial arts. He dedicated years to this pursuit, and this is the master you see before you now," he elaborated, a smile gracing his features.

Regulus blinked a few times, his curiosity getting the better of him. "W-wait, how do you know all of this? Weren't you assigned to protect—"

Before he could finish his sentence, Querehsha broke into laughter. "My primary mission was indeed to safeguard that place. However, over time, I've amassed a substantial army. I also created smaller insectoids that served as spies, monitoring the events transpiring back home. I'm well-informed about the developments of the past year," she disclosed, a sly smirk playing on her lips.

"Regulus!!!" Sairaorg's roar reverberated through the air, abruptly teleporting the young man to a different location. Querehsha swiftly rose to her feet and bounded over to another intact building, from where she could observe the ongoing battle.

"Sir!" the young man swiftly acknowledged.

"We've come to a decision," Sairaorg declared resolutely. "We shall settle this while being in our strongest forms," he elucidated his intent, and Farfarello, in agreement, nodded in affirmation.

Farfarello, standing a considerable distance from the group, became the epicenter of a remarkable transformation. His once-ordinary armor surged with a potent, radiant power, casting a luminous emerald glow that bathed the surrounding area. It was as though the very essence of nature had infused his being.

As the verdant radiance intensified, a breathtaking spectacle unfolded. Countless ethereal swords of emerald light materialized around him, swirling in a mesmerizing dance. The dazzling light show gradually subsided, revealing Farfarello adorned in a fusion of pristine white and vibrant green armor. Intriguingly, his form now bore a series of striking protrusions, emerging from his shoulders, knees, and metallic footwear.

His helmet underwent a profound alteration, and from his sides, a flurry of large, gleaming white feathers sprouted, lending him an otherworldly aura. Behind him, a magnificent metallic circular apparatus took form, adorned with a constellation of rotating swords that created a symphony of gleaming motion.

Sairaorg's face lit up with a grin as he fixed his gaze on Farfarello's recently acquired armor. His excitement was palpable as he couldn't contain his enthusiasm. He bellowed, "Regulus! Release!"

The young boy, Regulus, responded, "Understood, sir!"

As soon as those words left Sairaorg's lips, a brilliant combination of golden and purple aura began to emanate from his very being. This radiant energy enveloped him entirely, creating an awe-inspiring spectacle. Both Sairaorg and the young boy entered a simultaneous state of focused concentration, ready to unleash their next move.

"This body, this soul, even if it falls into an endless ravine!"

[My Lord and I, we will exhaust this body and this soul to rise up the endless royal road!]

A transformation was underway. A purplish touki enveloped his body, gently infusing itself into his very being, gradually forming a protective armor that would safeguard him.

"Raze, triumph, play, and shine!"

[This is the body of a Demonic Beast!]

"Lodged on top of my fist, is the glorious imperial authority!"

The vicinity surrounding Sairaorg and Regulus bore the marks of devastation, a direct result of the overwhelming aura and immense pressure they generated. Even the ground beneath Sairaorg's feet succumbed to their might, transforming into a gaping crater.

The very earth fractured, the air pulsed with energy, and the fabric of space itself contorted. Such was the magnitude of their confrontation that it sent shockwaves rippling across the entire country of America.

In the distance, faint shouts of encouragement could be heard from a group of magicians who had chosen to bear witness to this epic showdown.




"[Breakdown The Beast, Climb Over]!!"

A colossal eruption of aura burst forth like a supernova, its brilliance lighting up the surroundings. In the wake of this spectacular display, Sairaorg emerged, his imposing figure encased in a resplendent armor of regal purple and gleaming gold. This formidable armor seemed to radiate power, amplifying his already impressive presence.

Surrounding him was an aura of pure touki, an overwhelming force that crackled and pulsed with unrestrained might. As Sairaorg took a single step forward, the very earth beneath him quaked and fractured, unable to withstand the sheer force of his advance. Each footfall echoed like a seismic event, leaving no doubt about the seismic power he wielded, an indomitable force ready to reshape the world in his wake.

"Here I come, Farfarello-dono," Sairaorg declared before vanishing from his initial position. Farfarello remained vigilant, concentrating his focus on the area, anticipating the return of the heir of the Great King Bael.

Yet, an unexpected turn of events left the [Malebranche] member in a state of shock and bewilderment. Suddenly, an immensely potent and weighty blow struck his abdomen, robbing him of his breath and sending him hurtling through the air. This time, the resulting shockwave wreaked even greater havoc upon the territory of the United States.

However, the bystanders were spared from the cataclysmic consequences, all thanks to Querehsha's quick thinking and protective actions. She shielded them from the impending devastation, preserving their lives in the face of impending doom.

Querehsha, an [Electa], repeated this heroic feat for her comrades scattered throughout the expanse of American soil, thwarting the obliteration that would have ensued had Sairaorg's ferocious punch found its mark unchecked.

Returning to the scene with Sairaorg, his superior strength and speed enabled him to accomplish a remarkable feat. In one mighty leap, he closed the distance between himself and the spot where he had struck Farfarello, successfully catching up to the demon.

Even Farfarello himself found the ferocity of this assault startling. Despite his body's augmentation courtesy of the Khas Order and his transformation, he couldn't help but be taken aback by the sheer force of the attack.

Inside Farfarello's thoughts, a torrent of questions swirled. 'How am I still breathing? An attack like that should have left me dead! Unless... he held back? It would make sense; his mastery over his own abilities is unparalleled. Perhaps he tempered the intensity and force of the impact, yet the resulting shockwave it produced still proved substantial,' he mused, attempting to unravel the paradox.

High above him, the Great Lion King descended with thunderous force, compelling Farfarello to spring backward to evade the impending attack. As Sairaorg made contact with the ground following his formidable leap, the earth quivered beneath him, causing tremors that reverberated through the entire country. Farfarello, too, experienced the unsteady footing as he landed, further attesting to the sheer magnitude of the power at play.

Farfarello moved swiftly, swinging his sword in the direction of Sairaorg. The result was a barrage of hundreds of demonic aura slashes launched toward Sairaorg. Simultaneously, the swords hovering behind Farfarello unleashed a relentless barrage of smaller blades, all aimed squarely at Sairaorg.

Sairaorg, in response, countered with a flurry of punches. Each punch generated a compact but potent shockwave that effectively dismantled or disrupted the incoming demonic attacks. Once he had successfully fended off these attacks, Sairaorg kicked his speed into high gear, leaving Farfarello struggling to keep up.

With astounding agility, Sairaorg darted behind his opponent and delivered a powerful, precise blow directly to Farfarello's back. The impact was so forceful that it shattered through Farfarello's formidable armor and inflicted devastating damage to his spine. As a result, not only did the floating swords and the circular apparatus disintegrate, but Sairaorg also hurled Farfarello away with tremendous force.

However, Sairaorg's relentless assault was far from over. He pursued his opponent, swiftly closing the gap. In a spectacular display of acrobatics, Sairaorg positioned himself directly above Farfarello, executing a rapid spin that culminated in a resounding double-strike. Both of his metallic legs descended with incredible velocity, driving Farfarello's head deep into the ground and leaving him ensnared by the earth.

Regulus found himself utterly stunned by the unfolding spectacle. Throughout their time within Aaron's Pocket Dimension and even during the tournament, he had grown accustomed to witnessing his master's numerous defeats.

Those losses had piled up, especially during the matches that his master eagerly anticipated in that dimension. But this particular showdown, it felt different, something he couldn't quite put his finger on.

"What's the matter? Can you not stand?" Sairaorg inquired, casting a quizzical glance toward his fallen opponent.

"That, Sairaorg Bael, would be an impossibility," Querehsha responded as she descended from her vantage point above.

Sairaorg's curiosity piqued, and he pressed for further explanation. "Why do you say that?"

"Because, in essence, you have brought about his demise," the insectoid woman elaborated. "The sheer force of your earlier punch obliterated his spine. Subsequently, your leg strike delivered a fatal blow, crushing his skull. In essence, you have taken his life."

Sairaorg's brow furrowed as he gazed upon the lifeless body of Farfarello. "I... had thought he possessed greater resilience and could withstand my attacks."

"Perhaps in the company of Aaron-sama's [Electa], his devoted subordinates, and his harem, but certainly not among the [Malebranche]. While they may hold considerable power, I must confess that, when measured against the likes of you or any other member of DxD, they pale in comparison," she added, punctuating her explanation with a light chuckle.

Sairaorg shut his eyes, bringing an end to his [Breakdown the Beast]. He fixed his gaze on Farfarello and spoke with determination, "I desire another battle with him after today's operation. I shall consult Jin regarding this matter," he declared before turning away. He then addressed Querehsha, seeking her assistance, "Can I entrust him to your care?"

Querehsha, with an eerie, insectoid demeanor, responded with confidence, "Fufu, yes, you can leave him to me. I will deal with him swiftly." With these words, Sairaorg sped off, vanishing into the distance.

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[What's wrong!? Is this all you have!?] shouted one of the [Malebranche].

At this moment, a diverse group of individuals had united with a common goal: to confront and subdue a formidable adversary. The target of their collective efforts was none other than Draghignazzo, the notorious and malevolent Sneering Dragon.

Draghignazzo had long, flowing white hair cascading down his back like a cascade of frozen moonlight. His eyes, a piercing and unnatural pure yellow, seemed to hold the secrets of ages. His upper half was exposed, revealing a physique chiseled with supernatural might.

Golden lightning-shaped earrings dangled from his ears, glinting with an electric allure. A small but distinctive mark adorned his face, adding a mysterious charm. Intricate tattoos adorned his muscular arms and stretched across his broad chest.

Curved horn-like appendages sprouted from his arms, adding a sinister edge to his appearance. Below the waist, he wore black, scale-like pants that clung to his form, exuding a sense of ominous authority. A golden accessory, almost belt-like, adorned his waist, completing his impressive presence.

Their intense confrontation unfolded within the heart of Paris, France, a stone's throw from the iconic Eiffel Tower. This unique assembly from [DxD] comprised Genshirou Saji, Hirokazu Miller, Valerie Tepes, as well as the formidable dragon twins, Haru and Yoru.

The twin dragons charged toward their formidable adversary, the [Malebranche], aiming to strike him with powerful blows. However, the cunning demon swiftly thwarted their attempts by employing a tail that had sprouted from behind his back, deflecting their assaults with ease.

[Too bad! Try again!] the demon boomed with smug confidence before effortlessly hurling both dragon sisters aside. Their rough landings left them gazing up at him, seething with frustration.

Meanwhile, Valerie, positioned on the sidelines, clapped her hands together and cheered on her comrades. "Do your best~!" she exclaimed, offering her spirited encouragement.

Although she had initially sought to join the fray, the dragons of her group had persuaded her to remain on standby for the time being. As the strongest among them, her involvement could bring a swift resolution to the conflict.

Even though she was the wielder of a Longinus, she graciously accepted their request and settled into a separate location. At first, Draghignazzo had resisted this decision, attempting to launch an attack on her.

However, he quickly regretted his choice as Valerie's masterful blood manipulation effortlessly severed one of his arms. The dhampir vigilantly guarded the detached limb, leaving him powerless to reclaim it.

"Let's do this, Hiro!" Genshirou's shout resonated as he charged boldly toward Draghignazzo. Hirokazu swiftly concurred, wielding his floating sword with determination, and together, they closed in on the formidable [Malebranche].

Genshirou wasted no time, unleashing a volley of cursed black flames toward Draghignazzo with breathtaking swiftness. Simultaneously, Hirokazu summoned ethereal white wings that sprouted from his back. He transformed his floating sword into a potent firearm and proceeded to fire off several rounds of bullets infused with draconic aura.

Draghignazzo, sensing the impending attack, cloaked himself in potent demonic energy. In response, he unleashed a torrent of golden and silvery fire breath, aimed directly at Genshirou and Hirokazu's combined offensive. The two opposing forces clashed in a spectacular display of power.

To Draghignazzo's astonishment, the might of Genshirou and Hirokazu's attack proved overwhelming, compelling him to evade their onslaught. The collision of forces tore through the very fabric of the air, wreaking havoc in its wake.

Their combined attack struck the iconic Eiffel Tower with devastating force, obliterating its upper half entirely. A deafening cacophony echoed as the severed portion plummeted earthward, creating a colossal crater upon impact. In its destructive wake, numerous buildings lay in ruins.

"Oh crap! That was an accident, right!?" Genshirou asked, his voice tinged with a hint of panic as he sought confirmation.

"It was, don't dwell on it too much!" Hirokazu reassured him. In response, he transformed his gun back into a sword, firmly gripping it in his hands. Simultaneously, he harnessed his magical abilities to take flight, emboldened and ready for another attack.

[Oh!? The [Nascent Dragon]! I've been itching for a fight since your evolution to this form!] Draghignazzo exclaimed with palpable excitement, his anticipation evident.

Hirokazu closed the distance swiftly, slashing his sword toward the formidable [Malebranche]. In a swift response, Draghignazzo enshrouded his left arm in powerful demonic energy, hurling it towards Hirokazu's blade. The clash of their forces sent shockwaves rippling through the vicinity, initiating a brief yet intense power struggle. Ultimately, Draghignazzo's increased strength prevailed, sending Hirokazu reeling backward.

After Hirokazu had been dispatched, Haru, Yoru, and Genshirou made their dramatic entrance, each enveloped in their distinctive auras. With resolute determination, they advanced towards Draghignazzo, raising their fists to strike. Much to their surprise, Draghignazzo greeted this challenge with laughter, his excitement palpable.

[More! Keep it coming! We're dragons! Our purpose is to engage in combat and determine who is the stronger one!!] he bellowed, his voice echoing with a fierce determination.

The trio exchanged no words, but a silent understanding passed between them. Genshirou, with a subtle glance, signaled the commencement of their strategy. Haru and Yoru withdrew, leaving Draghignazzo puzzled. It was Genshirou who took the initiative, igniting his fist with his cursed black flames, aiming squarely at Draghignazzo.

[Khhh! So, these are the renowned cursed flames of Vritra!? They sting, you know?!] Draghignazzo cried out, though a gleeful smile lingered upon his face.

"They had better!" Genshirou retorted defiantly, maintaining his attack. Yet, Draghignazzo neither flinched nor sought to escape the scorching flames.

[Then, try mine as well!] he challenged, his aura transforming into a meld of black and gold demonic flames, distinct from his previous manifestation. Observing this, Genshirou's brow furrowed in concern.

[Genshirou, those flames are dangerous. Avoid any contact with them!] Vritra cautioned his wielder.

Responding to Vritra's warning, Genshirou hastily distanced himself as the inferno grew in intensity, coalescing into the shape of a dragon's head surrounding Draghignazzo. The demon then thrust both his arms forward, directing the fiery dragon head towards Genshirou.

Genshirou's mind raced, considering various strategies. Ultimately, he decided against engaging the flames with his own fiery powers, instead opting to evade the impending attack. He propelled himself sideways, witnessing the incendiary attack pass him by, obliterating the ground beneath it. Yet, what caught his attention was the eerie transformation in the vicinity of the black and golden flames—they drained colors and life.

"What in the world...?" Genshirou muttered in disbelief, his gaze fixed on the now lifeless spot.

[Kekeke. My flames will sap your colors and vitality. If you aren't cautious, I can easily extinguish your life with these flames!] Draghignazzo boasted confidently. [Oh, and—!]

To his dismay, small golden and black bubbles materialized around Draghignazzo, and he sighed in satisfaction. [They can mend me and restore my stamina after siphoning the colors and vitality of whatever they touch.]

Genshirou grimaced internally at the revelation. 'Doesn't that mean he can simply direct his flames at an inanimate object and drain it to rejuvenate himself? That's incredibly annoying,' he thought, casting a disapproving glance at the formidable [Malebranche].

However, Genshirou couldn't help but flash a triumphant smirk in Draghignazzo's direction. The reason for his newfound confidence became apparent when, out of the blue, two colossal spheres materialized above Draghignazzo.

These orbs were no ordinary creations; they were manifestations of the potent auras belonging to Yoru and Haru. The twins had harnessed their formidable auras and hurled them with purpose toward Draghignazzo.

Just as Draghignazzo was about to unleash a mocking retort, an unexpected turn of events unfolded. Genshirou, with an air of cunning, deployed a network of intricate lines that extended from his form and latched onto Draghignazzo. The demon's initial smugness quickly dissipated as the realization dawned upon him.

[Shit! I forgot about these! Why on earth didn't you use them earlier!?] Draghignazzo exclaimed, his frustration palpable.

"Suck it, idiot!" Genshirou retorted with a triumphant grin as he initiated a relentless siphoning of Draghignazzo's energy and strength. He meticulously drained the demon's power, gradually weakening him with each passing moment.

The [Malebranche] were specifically crafted to rival and counter the original [Longinus]. However, in this ever-evolving age and era, numerous Sacred Gears, aside from the originals, had undergone transformations and adaptations to better serve their wielders. This resulted in an expanded repertoire of powers that these users had at their disposal.

Draghignazzo, unfortunately, had not anticipated this change in circumstances. While undeniably powerful on his own, he suddenly found himself facing a group of formidable opponents. In an effort to fend off their relentless attacks, he cloaked one of his arms in an ominous fusion of black and golden flames.

However, his defense proved insufficient as a barrage of bullets infused with draconic energy found their mark, riddling his arm with devastating punctures.

These precision attacks were courtesy of Hirokazu, who had been biding his time for the perfect opportunity to strike. With unwavering determination, he continued to unleash his torrent of bullets, thwarting any attempts by Draghignazzo and leaving the demon seething in frustration.

Yoru and Haru launched their simultaneous attacks, which struck Draghignazzo in the back. An audible gritting of teeth and a look of bewilderment washed over the demon's countenance. Their powers had experienced an abrupt surge, leaving him puzzled. Casting a quick glance at one of the two assailants, Draghignazzo's eyes caught sight of a distinctive mark—a tattoo adorning their arm.

[Don't tell me that's—!?] he began to mutter, but before he could complete his thought, Haru couldn't contain her triumphant laughter any longer.

With arms crossed, she gleefully proclaimed, "Ha-ha-ha! Indeed it is! I contacted Jin just a few moments ago!"

On the arms of both Yoru and Haru, the telltale [Dragon Tattoo] marked their skin, further enhancing their already formidable powers. This newfound strength allowed them to inflict substantial damage upon Draghignazzo with their assaults.

In the ensuing quietude, Yoru quietly extended her left arm once more towards Draghignazzo, a perplexing action that left Haru scratching her head in confusion. A surge of Yoru's aura rippled through the air, causing her energy ball to swell in size and intensify in potency, much to Haru's astonishment.

"What... where did you learn that!?" Haru exclaimed, her shock evident.

With a faint blush tinting her cheeks, Yoru admitted in a hushed voice, "Jin..." Her revelation rendered Haru momentarily speechless.

'When did Yoru start speaking with him?' Haru pondered, her mind racing to piece together recent events. Recollections from the past few weeks surfaced, and she realized that Yoru had been disappearing on her own during that time. Initially, Haru had assumed her friend simply needed some solitude, never delving too deeply into the matter. Now, however, everything fell into place.

Tears welled up in Haru's eyes as she spoke with undeniable envy. "That's not fair! You can't simply go and train with Jin all by yourself. I'm joining you from the next session onward!"

Yoru wore a wry smile as she glanced at her sister. Whenever they got together, her original intention was never really about training, but it inevitably ended up heading in that direction. Nevertheless, Yoru didn't mind at all. In fact, she embraced these impromptu training sessions and didn't feel the need to point out her sister's mistaken assumption.

[Quit fucking with me—] Draghignazzo's words were abruptly cut short as a silent but lethal streak of red arced through the air, finding its mark on his neck. Within moments, his head had been cleanly severed from his body, plummeting unceremoniously to the ground.

The other dragons in their group stood in stunned silence, their collective gaze fixing upon Valerie. She stood there, a serene smile gracing her features as she casually waved at the now headless Draghignazzo. Her casual display of power was nothing short of astonishing.

Valerie gracefully glided toward her companions and, with a polite clap of her hands, addressed them. "Well done, everyone, but I believe it's time to conclude our activities here. Haru-chan, Yoru-chan, could you lend me a hand in gathering Draghignazzo?" she requested.

The two dragon sisters, Haru and Yoru, readily agreed, their willingness to assist Valerie evident in their demeanor. Valerie then turned her attention to Hirokazu and Genshirou, who were still in a state of shock over the abrupt conclusion of their battle.

"Ah, Aaron has advised us to wrap things up; something intriguing is unfolding in Russia, and he's requested our presence there," she divulged, her tone light-hearted as she giggled. "Of course, you're free to return to your respective teams if you prefer; Aaron isn't compelling you to rendezvous with us in Russia."

"S-something interesting is happening over there?" Genshirou muttered, his curiosity evident in his questioning tone.

Valerie paused briefly before responding, "Mmm. It seems a creature from the Phantasma has been summoned, and Shirone and Kuroka are currently engaged in combat with it. Zaorama Nebiros apparently acquired it prior to the closure of universal travel by Aaron."

"Caeda might have insights or a desire to witness this," Hirokazu remarked. "I'll gather my team first, and then I'll join you, Valerie-san."

"Of course! The disturbance spans across all of Russia, so you won't have any trouble spotting it," Valerie replied, offering a nod of acknowledgment as Hirokazu departed.

— ○ ● ○ —

Aaron Toole observed the ongoing battle from a prudent distance, his vigilant gaze fixated on Kuroka and Shirone as they confronted the formidable creature that had emerged from the Phantasma. Several other teams had assembled, their own respective troubles now resolved, and had united to confront this new threat.

"Out of the twelve [Malebranche], seven have met their demise today, while the rest fled upon hearing of their comrades' defeats. The sole exception is Rubicante, who had already joined our side," he muttered to himself, his voice tinged with contemplation.

The fallen [Malebranche] included Malacoda the Evil Tail King, Barbariccia the Bearded Apocalypse, Cagnazzo the True Dog God, Draghignazzo the Nasty Sneering Dragon, Farfarello the Goblin God, Graffiacane the Hound Slasher, and Libicocco the Libyan Hothead. They had all met their match on this fateful day.

The retreating [Malebranche] consisted of Alichino the Harlequin, Calcabrina the Grace Stomper and Frost Trampler, Ciriatto the Wild Hog King, and Scarmiglione the Troublemaker. Aaron possessed knowledge of the intended matchups: Alichino was slated to face him and Ingvild, Calcabrina was to engage Dulio and Lint, Ciriatto was destined for a showdown against Sona's team and Latia, and Scarmiglione had planned to escape after losing against Cao Cao and Leonardo.

However, before Draghignazzo's eventual defeat, the remaining [Malebranche] had made a collective decision to alter their course and flee. They had opted to regroup at their base located at the far reaches of the Multiverse and await another opportunity for battle in the future.

"Changing their plans so abruptly, huh? I would have thought they'd persist in their pursuit since they were so eager to engage us," Aaron murmured, puzzled by their choice.

Latia, standing beside him, offered her insight. "It can't be helped. We'll have another chance to face them—another operation is on the horizon, isn't it?"

Aaron nodded, confirming her statement. "Yes, it's set to take place in Kyoto once more. That place seems to be quite the focal point," he grumbled, prompting Latia to playfully pinch his cheek.

"Don't overthink it; it'll just lead to a headache," Latia advised, her tone filled with genuine concern for her friends. She couldn't help but worry about their safety.

Before Jin could respond, Caeda's voice came from behind them, offering reassurance. "I'm here, Jin," she stated, her presence comforting in the face of uncertainty.

Aaron nodded appreciatively and directed his inquiry towards Caeda. "Could you enlighten us about it? You've spent your entire life in the Phantasma."

Caeda locked her gaze onto the mysterious creature and began sharing her knowledge. "Those are Arachnymphs. They inhabit a colossal, solitary planet, approximately the size of the sun, situated close to Earth. Their appearance matches what you see here, and they are predominantly female-born. Their society is governed by a queen who has a rather unsettling habit—she kidnaps men from our universe, engages in mating rituals with them, and then proceeds to consume them."

She paused for a moment, studying the newborn Arachnymph with a trace of concern. "The one before us is a hatchling, relatively weak when measured against the standards of my universe. According to Jin's ranking system, it should hover around the pinnacle of the Satan-class. The Queen, on the other hand, would be classified as a peak of the God-class entity, or possibly comparable to the weakest Dragon Gods in terms of power."

"I'm guessing there are more beings like this in your universe?" Aaron inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Caeda responded with a nod, confirming Aaron's assumption. As he gazed at the mysterious creature before him, a myriad of thoughts raced through Aaron's mind. He contemplated the possibility of transforming it into one of his Shadow Soldiers, recognizing the potential usefulness of its unique abilities for future missions and operations.

The idea even crossed his mind to pit it against the queen of the planet to which it belonged and, if victorious, add both the creature and the queen to his formidable army or all of them if he wished.

Yet, a sense of hesitation lingered within him. After all, he already had Querehsha by his side, and this new addition gave rise to doubts about the wisdom of his decision.

Aaron released a weary sigh as he took the lead, stepping to the forefront of the group. With a swift motion, he extended his hand and harnessed his teleportation abilities, whisking both Kuroka and Shirone to a safer position behind him.

"Nya!? Eh? Aaron... we were in the middle of a fight, nya!" Kuroka protested, her discontent evident as she leaped onto his back, her actions punctuated by a gentle nibble on his neck.

"My bad, but I believe it's time to conclude matters, considering a few unexpected (although not entirely surprising) developments happened," he explained to her. Kuroka, in response, simply tilted her head, while Shirone took her place beside him.

"Zaorama Nebiros is still over there, Aaron. What do you plan on doing about that? The monster has yet to attack him," Shirone voiced her concerns.

"Hmm... let's save him for last, and then you two can decide whether to kill him or give him a thorough beating," Aaron declared. He conjured a shimmering silvery-white aura in his right hand, hinting at the immense power he possessed. In a swift motion, he delivered an uppercut that sent an enormous silvery-white pillar surging forth, obliterating the Arachnymph in its path.

With the Arachnymph's demise, Aaron clenched his hand, causing a burst of shadowy energy in black and purple hues to erupt from the same spot. This ethereal manifestation of the fallen foe transformed into a Shadow Soldier, seamlessly integrated into Aaron's formidable cadre.

"Return to my shadow for now," he commanded, and the unnamed Arachnymph obediently dove into the shadow at his feet. Satisfied with this development, Aaron shifted his focus to the severely wounded Zaorama Nebiros.

With a mere snap of his fingers, Aaron teleported the incapacitated devil right before them. He confronted Zaorama with a challenge, "Now, Zaorama, you're trapped and powerless. What's your next move?"

Though weakened, Zaorama managed a smirk and replied defiantly, "I still hold the upper hand in the end. Even if you were to end me here, it won't change anything..."

Aaron cocked his head to the side and snapped his fingers once more. A colossal machine materialized to their right, capturing the attention of everyone present. Dread washed over Zaorama as he beheld the unexpected sight.

"Ah, this thing?" Aaron remarked casually. "I've already rendered it inoperative a few days ago, and just to drive the point home..." With a fluid movement, he appeared in front of the machine and unleashed a powerful kick, causing the machine to hurtle away and shatter into pieces. He then turned his gaze back to the shocked devil and continued, "I've also erased all traces of its blueprints and purged it from your memory."

"It's impossible! How could you possibly—!?" Zaorama began, but every attempt to recall the blueprints and the machine's construction led to nothing but a foggy blank. His memories eluded him, clouded by an inexplicable haze.

"What have you done—!?" As he attempted to voice his outrage, Kuroka swiftly silenced him with a fierce kick to the face. Shirone, too, joined in, delivering a brutal stomping on his vulnerable areas, causing the devil to scream out in agonizing torment.

The assembled team gazed upon the scene, cringing as they bore witness to Shirone's unrelenting onslaught, mercilessly stomping upon Zaorama's sensitive regions. Her actions were devoid of any sympathy for the devil beneath her. Meanwhile, Kuroka mirrored this brutality, directing her relentless assault towards his head. Zaorama's consciousness flickered in and out, each kick delivering a harsh reminder of his plight.

Returning to the group, Aaron surveyed their faces and declared, "This operation has concluded. While we may not have apprehended everyone, the remaining individuals will be captured in the next two operations. For now, take a well-deserved rest, and excellent work, everyone."

A smattering of applause and cheers erupted from the assembled team, marking the conclusion of their mission. Yet, the faint sounds of Zaorama Nebiros' struggle could still be heard in the background, a lingering reminder of the tumultuous events that had unfolded.

— ○ ● ○ —

Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

— ○ ● ○ —

Several hours had slipped by since the day's tumultuous events, and now, as the sun gently descended on the horizon, casting Japan in a soothing, orange embrace, I found myself situated in the Underworld. This location was chosen primarily because most of our adversaries this time around hailed from the ranks of devils.

In recent developments, the three remaining original Satans had been successfully apprehended. An interesting twist had seen Resneas, one of my G.o.B, emerging as the victor in a battle against the original Asmodeus. Altaria had not only emerged victorious against the offspring of the original Beelzebub, but the son in question was also present on the scene.

Meanwhile, Vali, on his journey through the Underworld, had a fateful encounter with his resurrected father, Razvan Lucifer.

Regrettably, neither Lavinia nor I could accompany him during this pivotal moment, and we couldn't help but feel a pang of remorse. Vali, however, reassured us, brushing it off as inconsequential and claiming that he handled the situation with ease.

Nonetheless, I couldn't shake the notion that something still gnawed at him, something that weighed on his mind. As I looked forward to my return, I contemplated surprising Vali with something special, a gesture to alleviate his concerns.

I had already shared this plan with Lavinia, who wholeheartedly supported the idea. Azazel, too, had lent his endorsement to the endeavor. In addition to our inner circle, we had also briefed the Slash Dog Team, both the veterans and the newcomers, along with Odin, who had taken Vali under his wing.

In just a few short hours, everyone of significance would be privy to what awaited the younger Lucifer. Vali did indeed slay his father once more, preventing us from bringing him here. However, in the grand scheme of things, it held little significance.

Serafall and a few others provided me with some insights into certain Super Devils and [Malebranche]. It seemed that these individuals didn't quite match the rumors and legends that had circulated about them. They requested, on their behalf, that we, the alliance, show some leniency. However, given their involvement in this global attack, some form of retribution was necessary.

Among these figures, there was a Super Devil named Yuvlunea, whose activities were slated to be closely monitored by both Serafall and myself. It was important to keep a vigilant eye on her. On the other hand, another Super Devil, Chrome, had been designated to fall under Sona's watch. This arrangement was a result of a prior agreement among the Satans.

As I contemplated the future, I couldn't help but find amusement in what awaited Chrome. The unfolding events held a certain intrigue, and I couldn't wait to see how it all played out.

However, this also signaled yet another shift in the future. Genshirou's harem, which had previously consisted of three individuals, now expanded to include a fourth member. In light of these developments, my heartfelt prayers are with Ruruko, wishing for her safety and happiness as it would be turbulent future ahead for her.

"Jin-kun, do you concur with all of this?" Sirzechs inquired. The meeting had wrapped up just a few minutes earlier, and I found myself in one of the chambers within the Satan's headquarters, sipping on a glass of water. Sirzechs had joined me for this conversation.

"Whether I agree with it or not," I began, my tone contemplative, "won't really alter the course of events, will it? After all, it's not solely my decision to make."

My response drew a chuckle from the Satan Lucifer, adding a layer of amusement to our conversation. He then shifted the focus of his inquiry, phrasing it with a hint of playfulness, "That's a valid point. So, let me rephrase it. Among the devils and [Malebranche] we've apprehended today, who do you believe has the highest likelihood of finding redemption?"

Who do I believe can be redeemed, you ask? Well, in my opinion, Yuvlunea appears to be a promising candidate. Then there's Chrome, considering her potential future. Additionally, both Deputy Commander Barbariccia and the Goblin God Farfarello seem like demons with whom I can establish a rapport, although I do ponder how they might react to me altering their comrades' memories.

As for the others we've apprehended, it appears highly improbable that they will change their stance and cooperate willingly. Therefore, I might consider altering the memories of all of them to facilitate a smoother transition. However, at this point, I remain undecided and plan to seek input from others on this matter.

"Well," I began, sharing my opinion with Sirzechs, who nodded thoughtfully, clearly contemplating something.

"I agree with your perspective, Jin-kun," he responded. "However, I'm curious about your thoughts on Chrome-kun and Saji-kun," he added with a mischievous smirk.

I couldn't help but deadpan, "I might just have to inform Asteri that you made another attempt to sneak into my home and snap pictures of a sleeping Rias."

The mere mention of this seemed to send shivers down Sirzechs' spine, causing nervous beads of sweat to materialize on his forehead. He fidgeted with his fingers and scanned his surroundings anxiously. "W-we had moved past that, Jin-kun! I trusted you to keep that secret!" he exclaimed, his distress evident.

I sighed and responded, "Last time, we got caught, and to be honest, I wasn't really into it. You were the one trying to capture a snapshot of Rias while she slept. You're quite the siscon, you know."

Asteri had accompanied him to the meeting, even though I had heard that she was in the Gremory territory when the attack occurred, and thus, she didn't witness any combat today. However, one could never predict what Asteri might do—

Suddenly, the door to the room was forcefully thrown open, and to my astonishment, Asteri strode in, flanked by Millicas and Venelana. Sirzechs, in a rather surprising move, immediately seized me and positioned me as a shield against Asteri.

I must stress once more that if the denizens of the Underworld caught a glimpse of one of their esteemed leaders acting in such a manner, particularly the renowned Crimson Satan himself, it could potentially erode some of the respect they held for him. This was certainly a precarious situation.

Asteri approached us, and I effortlessly slipped out of Sirzechs's grasp, causing him to recoil in terror.

"Why are you so frightened of your own wife?" she asked, clearly unimpressed by his antics.

Venelana and Millicas joined us, and I reached out to pat the young boy on the head. "Aaron-nii-sama, I heard that the operation was a success?" Millicas inquired.

"Yeah, that's right. Our side didn't sustain any major injuries, although many of the young devils caused quite a bit of damage worldwide that I had to mend—Sairaorg was among them. He nearly decimated the entire USA with his powerful punches. And Antares, he came close to setting Mexico ablaze," I replied with a weary sigh.

Millicas burst into laughter, and suddenly, I recalled a promise I had made to him a few months ago. Conjuring the item in my free hand, I handed it to him. "Here you go, Millicas. I remember you asked for this as a birthday gift, right? I apologize for being preoccupied at the time and not being able to give it to you personally."

What I presented to him was a custom-made microphone, a special request he had made since he enjoyed singing for Runeas and the rest of the Gremory family. Moreover, he had been brought to my restaurant and was captivated by Lavinia's singing, which had prompted him to make this unique request. Alongside the microphone, I had crafted some bracelets that amplified his demonic power by two-fold.

Over the months, Millicas had made remarkable progress in honing his powers. Not only had he gained better control over his abilities, but his raw strength had also significantly improved, accompanied by an expansion of his demonic energy pool.

Despite these achievements, he had confided in me that he remained dissatisfied with his progress. Hence, I decided to create these items, knowing they would prove beneficial for him. I took a moment to explain their functions to him, and he seemed genuinely delighted with the gifts.

"Thank you, Aaron-nii-sama!" he exclaimed, wrapping his arms around me in a warm hug.

I couldn't help but chuckle at his enthusiasm and returned the hug before he hurried off toward his parents. However, I noticed that Sirzechs was on his knees, currently on the receiving end of a stern scolding from Asteri, who briefly paused her lecture to acknowledge Millicas with a thankful smile before resuming her admonishment of Sirzechs.

Venelana's words carried a hint of amusement as she observed, "You seem to have quite the knack for winning over the Gremory family, don't you~?" She moved gracefully to my side, her actions suggesting a sense of playfulness as she slyly entwined our fingers together behind our backs.

I responded with a nonchalant tone, "I'm just being myself, Venelana." In response, she tightened her grip on my hand ever so slightly, her expression carrying a hint of a pout. It did feel a bit unusual, considering she was a mother of two and a grandmother of one. Realizing my slight error, I quickly amended, "My apologies, Lana." She nodded in contentment, a happy smile lighting up her features.

She insisted that I call her "Lana" and nothing else, a preference she reserved for our private moments, well aware of the necessity to maintain this secrecy within the Underworld. Nevertheless, as time passed, she grew progressively more daring in our interactions.

As for myself, I remained somewhat uncertain about making things "official" with Venelana. The circumstances surrounding her relationship with Zeoticus left me with lingering reservations. Despite their unofficial "separation," brought about by Zeoticus's newfound commitment to his unofficial new wife, it still felt somewhat odd. Fortunately, Venelana was understanding, allowing me the space to proceed at my own pace. For that, I was truly grateful.

Once more, the door swung open with surprising swiftness, and Serafall's screams filled the air. Startled by the sudden entrance, she laid eyes on me and charged forward with unbridled enthusiasm. Witnessing the impending collision, Venelana wisely released my hand and sidestepped just in the nick of time.

Serafall, with her arms flung wide open, bearhugged me with such fervor that her legs wrapped around my chest as she sobbed uncontrollably.

"I have to be separated from you for a few months!? What is this nonsense!? I was hoping for Lunea-chan, but this is just outrageous!" Her words spilled out as she squeezed me even tighter, my head buried against my chest.

Trapped within her embrace, my vision was completely obscured by her ample bosom. However, with a somewhat elevated perspective, I could see Yuvlunea, standing awkwardly by the doorway, observing this unfolding spectacle. Meanwhile, Ajuka and Mealeanis Purson entered the room, drawn by the commotion.

"What... is she talking about, Ajuka?" I inquired, gently detaching Serafall from me.

Ajuka let out a resigned sigh, clearly feeling the weight of the situation. "Well, Serafall wants Yuvlunea in her peerage. This means Yuvlunea will need to remain in the Underworld for the next few months, under close monitoring. You, on the other hand, have your own responsibilities, but I'd appreciate it if you could check in on them from time to time," he explained.

Serafall, clearly upset, interjected, "Did you hear that!? I'm going to be away from home! Aaron, please do something!"

Ajuka sighed once more, seemingly accustomed to Serafall's dramatic outbursts.

I positioned Serafall in front of me, patting her head reassuringly. "I promise I'll make regular visits," I assured her.

"You're so mean!" she exclaimed, rushing over to Yuvlunea and embracing her instead. "You're my only ally, Lunea-chan~"

Yuvlunea, caught off guard by the sudden display of affection, awkwardly patted the tearful Satan Leviathan and offered comforting whispers of "there, there."

"Jin, can we talk about the upcoming operations now?" Ajuka inquired, a sense of urgency in his tone. "I've informed the other leaders that I'll relay the information to them when the time is right. However, Yasaka mentioned that she's already discreetly preparing."

I nodded, acknowledging the need for a discussion. "Sure, we can discuss it. There's a plan in motion by them, and some of the [Malebranche] will be joining the attack. However, the majority of the forces will consist of gods and goddesses, as there are specific reasons behind this," I explained.

We delved into the details of the operation, ensuring that our conversation remained confidential. I cast a protective barrier around the room to prevent any sensitive information from leaking to unintended ears.

— ○ ● ○ —

Estonia, the place of Vali's mother's birth, this raised questions about Vali's own nationality. Could he also be considered Estonian? It seemed plausible, especially considering that his mother had bestowed upon him an Estonian name. The town where she resided with her new family was known as Tõrva, a small settlement with a population of approximately 4,200 residents.

I was currently waiting in a secluded clearing, alongside Vali's biological mother, who remained hidden behind a veil of trees. With us were his half-siblings and stepfather, all safely enclosed within a protective barrier, rendering Vali's ability to detect them impossible.

Before the outbreak of the war that happened last year, I had initiated contact with his mother and had candidly shared every detail with her and her husband. To my surprise, her reaction hadn't involved a breakdown but rather a heartfelt cry upon learning about the ordeals Vali had endured. She did, however, express her intention to give him a stern talking-to when they were reunited.

Her husband, too, had displayed remarkable understanding. In fact, he had eagerly embraced the revelation of the supernatural world, having been a fervent believer since his youth. He was also quite enthusiastic about the prospect of meeting a stepson who possessed considerable power. Without a doubt, the family Vali would soon encounter would shower him with love and acceptance.

Whatever illusions Aži Dahāka may have shown him would pale in comparison to the reality he was about to experience.

By the way, Vali's mother's full name is Liina Metsik. It had felt somewhat strange to hear it initially, as my mind involuntarily added "Vali Metsik" after it, or even "Vali Metsik Lucifer." However, I resolved to respect whatever name he chose to adopt after today. Lavinia shared the same sentiment.

As for his stepfather, his name is Aivar Metsik. According to Liina, before she married Aivar, her maiden name had been Luik—Liina Luik, which translated to "Tender or Gentle Swan." In contrast, the surname Metsik carried the meaning of "wild" or "untamed."

We waited in anticipation for Lavinia and Vali's arrival. I had asked her to bring him here, though she had also offered to do so. Having me personally deliver the message would have resulted in less resistance, as I could have enticed him with the prospect of a sparring match here.

"They've arrived, huh?" I mumbled, sensing both of them teleporting to the outer fringes of the forested area.

As they approached us, I couldn't help but catch the familiar sound of their playful bickering. Vali, true to his nature, remained elusive when it came to Lavinia's affections, maintaining that typical tsundere attitude of his. Their ongoing banter provided a humorous backdrop to our impending encounter.

As their gaze landed upon me in the expansive clearing, Vali's expression shifted to one of bewilderment. With a wry grin, he couldn't resist asking, "What are you, some kind of final or first boss one might encounter in a wooded area of a video game?"

I couldn't help but chuckle at his comparison. "Well, when you put it that way, I suppose I do bear a resemblance," I replied with a playful twinkle in my eye. "But, today, I have something rather special in store for you."

Vali's eyes sparkled with anticipation as he ventured, "A sparring match!?" His excitement was palpable, and his aura seemed to surge with newfound vigor.

I raised my hand to temper his enthusiasm and let out a sigh. "Not quite yet, my little brother. However, if you can restrain your excitement, absorb what I'm about to share, and genuinely consider it, then yes, a sparring match can be arranged," I explained.

"Deal!" Vali exclaimed with unbridled enthusiasm. "So, what's this special something you have for me?"

I knew a little trick when dealing with Vali—dangling the prospect of a "match" or a "duel" in front of him. It had the uncanny ability to secure his cooperation nearly 90% of the time. Even though what I had in mind was beneficial for him as well, it wasn't all that manipulative, and I'd never overused this subtle ploy I had up my sleeve.

I subtly pointed behind me with my finger, signaling for the family to approach. They began walking toward us but stopped momentarily. 'Don't worry, I've made you all invisible and ensured he can't detect you. You can come up beside me,' I communicated telepathically. Encouraged by this, they resumed their approach.

After a few moments, they gathered beside me, though Vali seemed puzzled by the unusual silence. "What's going on, Aniki? Why haven't you—" His words were cut off as I raised my right hand to draw his attention. With a decisive click, I began undoing the various spells I had cast upon his soon-to-be family.

As the spells unraveled, Vali froze in his tracks, his face a tableau of complete shock. He stared at me, then at his mother, his half-siblings, and his stepfather. All of them smiled warmly at him, radiating love and acceptance. Even his younger siblings, unaware of the supernatural, sensed that their older brother was special, a sentiment that resonated with both Lavinia and me.

"Hmm, should I address you as Vali Metsik or simply Vali Metsik Lucifer?" I playfully pondered, teasing him.

Before he could respond, his mother, Liina, stepped forward. She gently cradled his head into her chest, her eyes already brimming with tears. In a voice filled with affection, she whispered, "Vaa..."

Just like Lavinia, Liina had called him "Vaa." Curiously, neither Liina nor Lavinia had ever communicated with each other about this shared endearment, and neither knew that the other referred to Vali with that name. Yet, something within Vali seemed to snap when he heard it, and he silently wept in the warm embrace of his mother. In turn, he embraced her back, their connection profound and deeply emotional.

Reflecting on a novel I had read years ago, I couldn't help but recall a scene where Vali yearned to hug the illusion of his mother. He understood that doing so would trap him within the illusion, as it embodied one of his most cherished desires.

As I observed the poignant reunion between Vali and his mother, my own emotions stirred. Lavinia joined me, clinging to my arm, her tears silently falling in empathy for Vali.

Sensing their cue, Vali's siblings also embraced their mother and the legs of their older brother. I had previously shared positive stories about Vali with them, and they held him in high regard.

Meanwhile, their stepfather hesitated, unsure whether he should participate in this heartwarming reunion. However, before any of us could react, Liina drew him into the embrace, and he enveloped them all in a loving hug.

— ○ ● ○ —

After a few minutes, their heartwarming reunion finally came to a close. Vali's curiosity got the better of him, and he hesitantly inquired, "What about... um..."

"Ahh, you must be referring to Rasmus, your younger brother, and Helle, your little sister," Aivar kindly explained, helping Vali put names to his new siblings.

"Rasmus and Helle... hello," Vali greeted them warmly, nodding appreciatively at his stepfather. He then knelt down to engage with his younger brother and sister.

Helle, a bit on the shy side, murmured, "Hello..."

Rasmus, on the other hand, was brimming with excitement. "You're our big brother, right? Can I get a piggyback ride?" he asked eagerly, taking Vali by surprise.

Helle, not one to be left out, protested, "No fair! I wanted big brother to give me a piggyback ride!" The two younger siblings exchanged playful glances, lightly glaring at each other in good-natured rivalry.

Vali found himself momentarily stunned by the unexpected turn of events and wasn't quite sure how to respond. He glanced back at me and Lavinia. We had discreetly moved away from the family, granting them some privacy. Seeing that Vali was grappling with the situation, I decided to offer a helpful suggestion.

'Why not carry your little brother on your shoulders and give your little sister a princess carry?' I proposed, hoping to alleviate the dilemma. Vali regarded me for a moment before adopting my idea.

"Yes!" Rasmus and Helle chorused with delight. Rasmus eagerly hopped onto Vali's shoulders, while Vali gently princess-carried Helle in his arms.

For the next few minutes, the three siblings reveled in their playful interactions. Though it primarily involved Vali accommodating the requests and desires of his younger brother and sister, it was a heartwarming scene of bonding and newfound connection.

Eventually, Vali initiated a conversation with his mother and stepfather. It seemed like an opportune moment for more privacy, so Lavinia and I decided to discreetly withdraw from the area. We strolled away, making our way back to the entrance they had used earlier.

"I believe he's content with that," I remarked, considering the situation. "He has several sets of families now: his biological family, the Slash Dog Team, his own team, Grigori, and, of course, ours."

Lavinia shared my sentiment with a quiet, approving nod. In addition, she gave my hand a gentle squeeze, signifying her agreement and the bond we shared. Just as I was about to speak further, Lavinia unexpectedly tackled me with gentle force, and we tumbled to the ground together. In that moment, she pulled me closer in her embrace, her actions catching me off guard.

"Nia?" I questioned, a hint of concern in my voice.

Nevertheless, she merely shook her head, and we remained in that tranquil moment for a few minutes. The harmonious melodies of the birds, the gentle flow of the river, and the distant hum of passing vehicles filled the surroundings, enveloping us in a serene symphony of nature's sounds.

Lavinia caught me off guard with her sudden question. "You've always worried about being a good dad, right?" she inquired.

I chuckled, "Yeah, my own biological dad wasn't exactly 'Dad of the Year material."

To my surprise, Lavinia didn't join in the laughter. Instead, she looked up at me with a warm smile. "I don't think you need to worry about that. From what I've seen and heard from Vaa-kun about what you did prior to the war, you'll definitely be a good dad to our children," she assured me, sealing her words with a gentle kiss on my lips.

I eagerly returned the kiss, and we remained locked in that sweet moment for a full minute. When we finally broke apart, Lavinia turned around and nestled herself against me.

"Elvira and Livia, those are our daughters' names, right?" she asked.

I nodded, "Yes."

Her eyes lit up, and she continued to inquire about our future twin daughters. I had to caution her not to delve too deep into the details, as we needed to be careful about changing the future. Instead, she opted for asking about their quirks and other small particulars. In this way, half an hour slipped by, and finally, Vali contacted us, signaling that it was time to rejoin the group.

— ○ ● ○ —

Upon our return to the clearing, I couldn't help but inquire, "I take it the reunion went well?"

Vali nodded in agreement. "Yeah. I guess my family just got a bit bigger. But..." In the blink of an eye, he appeared right in front of me, his fist hurtling towards me. I calmly caught his punch, and he flashed a mischievous grin. "You always meddle in my life, but... thanks, Aniki. That being said, I still want our sparring match!"

Lavinia let out a giggle by my side, and I sighed. "You're still keen on that? Are they fine with it?" I questioned.

Vali nodded affirmatively. "Yeah. I told them everything, well, mostly everything. I didn't disclose your true nature, but I mentioned that you were an incredibly powerful god. Rasmus and Helle even started calling you 'Super Big Bro.'"

I couldn't help but grin in response. "Well, I suppose I should live up to that nickname."

After a brief conversation with the family, Lavinia guided them to a safe distance, leaving Vali and me to prepare for our duel. He swiftly donned his Balance Breaker armor, showcasing it proudly for his younger siblings who were utterly fascinated.

"Wow! Big bro's armor is so cool! The... divine... what is it called?" Rasmus asked, a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

Helle chimed in, attempting to clarify, "It's the biding byebye thingy!"

Lavinia giggled and stepped in to correct them both. "It's called [Divine Dividing], Vaa-kun really loves using it."

"Oooh!" the younger siblings exclaimed in unison.

Turning to Vali, I instructed, "You can start the countdown."

"Three, two, one, go!" Vali shouted, launching himself towards me with great speed. However, to his immense surprise, I managed to appear beside him before he could make any significant progress. In an instant, I delivered a swift karate chop to his neck, rendering him unconscious.

The area fell silent, and I couldn't resist making exaggerated gestures as I turned towards the family, lifting both my arms to form a 'V' shape and shouting, "Victory!"

"Victory!" Lavinia, Rasmus and Helle echoed enthusiastically.

"Ah! Super Big Bro beat big bro so quickly!" Rasmus exclaimed, bouncing up and down in excitement.

"He's like a super superhero...!" added Helle, her excitement evident.

Vali, still groggy, mumbled incoherently, "Why didn't... you... let me... win." He then passed out, surprising us all with his ability to stay awake even after such a defeat.

I roused Vali from his slumber once more, and he awoke with a flurry of complaints and grumbles about not getting a chance to flaunt his abilities. To make amends, I offered to prepare some ramen for our evening meal, which promptly earned his forgiveness.

The remainder of our time in the town was spent bonding with the family and exploring the quaint surroundings together. They generously extended an invitation to Vali, offering him a place to stay whenever he needed. However, I couldn't resist the urge to perform a quick renovation on their home, expanding its size and incorporating various upgrades, which left them all utterly astounded.

Until now, I had supported them from the shadows, but this time, I chose to offer my assistance more directly. There were numerous other things I wished to do for them, and we agreed to discuss these plans in more detail during our future conversations.

— ○ ● ○ —

Many hours had passed before I returned to the comfort of my home. The moon had already ascended into the night sky, casting a gentle glow over my home in Kuoh. To my mild surprise, upon my arrival, I found Runeas in the company of Chysis and Venelana.

With an amiable smile, Runeas greeted me, "Greetings, Jin! I thought I'd drop by for a quick visit," she remarked, extending her hand in a friendly gesture, a bag of snacks cradled within it. Meanwhile, Rias was deeply engaged in conversation with her mother, Venelana, and her grandmother, Chysis, while Akeno and the other members of the Gremory peerage joined the gathering.

"Ah, welcome! Please, make yourself at home and enjoy your visit," I responded, extending a courteous nod toward them. "If you require anything, feel free to let me know. I'll be in my office, wrapping up some unfinished matters," I added before making my exit.

However, as I made my way to my office, a nagging sense of another presence lingered behind me. I decided to address it once I settled into my workspace. Upon arriving, I left the door ajar and settled into my chair, summoning an array of documents and intricate magic circles. They were essential components for discussions I needed to conduct with Azazel concerning various matters.

After roughly thirty minutes, I glanced up from my work and noticed Runeas calmly munching on snacks, her demeanor reminiscent of a patient squirrel awaiting its turn.

"Runeas... is there something you require?" I inquired. As I posed the question, the door swung open once more, and Gabriel made her entrance. She summoned a chair, placing it beside me without uttering a word.

I shifted my attention to Gabriel, asking, "Gabriel, is there something on your mind that I can assist you with?"

Both ladies exchanged glances, and then Runeas made a subtle gesture, indicating for Gabriel to speak first. The angel offered a grateful smile before addressing me.

"I've had conversations with various people," she began. After taking a deep breath, she locked her gaze with mine, her cheeks tinted with a flush of embarrassment. "I have a request. Would you please consider having sex with me tomorrow tonight?"

Her words hung in the air, and we couldn't help but notice Runeas attempting to stifle a cough. Nonetheless, I found myself puzzled by this unusual proposition. Typically, we'd let the mood evolve naturally after a date, but it seemed that the Seraph desired a more direct approach to this matter.

"Tomorrow night?" I inquired, my curiosity piqued. While I had several questions swirling in my mind, this particular detail stood out, and Gabriel affirmed it with a nod.

"I...," she began hesitantly, her cheeks turning an even deeper shade of crimson. "I... I need some time, and I could use assistance from the others to prepare."

Understanding the significance of what she was asking, I offered reassurance, "Ah, I understand, Gabriel. If you'd prefer, we could arrange a brief date beforehand. However, it's entirely up to you."

"N-no, it's fine," she stammered, still battling embarrassment. "I just want it to be... at night."

"Understood," I replied with a nod, accommodating her wishes. "I'll patiently await your return. Tomorrow, I have a few errands to run, so it's likely we'll only have the chance to meet in the evening."

As I spoke, Gabriel leaned in, planting a fleeting kiss on my cheek before hastily departing the room, leaving her chair behind. Her actions left me contemplating the driving force behind her sudden request. Was it related to the events of the 'Angels Date Night,' or did it stem from an entirely separate motivation? Regardless, I resolved to ask her about it when we met tomorrow night.

"Fumu, your women certainly don't beat around the bush, do they?" Runeas inquired, a sly smile playing on her lips. I turned my attention towards her, noting the amusement dancing in her eyes.

"You could say that," I responded with a wry grin. "Playing games isn't my idea of a good time. I'd rather avoid a repeat of what happened last year."

Runeas tilted her head curiously but discerned my reluctance to delve further into the topic. She respected my choice to leave it at that and didn't press the matter.

Shifting the conversation, I inquired, "So, what brings you here? Is there something you need from me?"

She shook her head, her gaze focused on me. "No, I merely wanted to observe you at work. If it's inconvenient, I can depart."

I reassured her, "No need to leave. You're already well-informed about the happenings in the Underworld and the supernatural realm. There's nothing we won't discuss eventually."

With that, I rose from my seat and approached her, ready to continue our conversation. As I settled down next to her, she wasted no time in closing the gap between us and extended a snack that I hadn't encountered before.

"What's this?" I inquired, studying the packaging. "Yumi-Oppai-Crisps? What's that all about?"

The bag featured an image of Yumi dressed in Kuoh Academy's school uniform, holding up the very bag of crisps that Runeas was offering. However, there was an unusual twist—the depiction had dramatically increased her bust size, accompanied by a caption that read, "Oppai Dragon approved! It'll enhance your bust size!" This, to say the least, struck me as quite odd.

"It's just as it appears, a bag of crisps that taste like... well, food from the Underworld! They've teamed up with the Oppai Dragon show for this collaboration. Originally, they had wanted the [Switch Princess] or even the [Witch Princess] to be a part of it, but the [Witch Princess] declined, saying she wasn't comfortable with it. Rias was busy at the time, so Yumi-chan stepped in," she explained.

I found Lavinia's decline a bit surprising, but I could understand her reasons. However, it was truly unexpected for Yumi to step in. "Yumi?" I inquired.

"Mmm," she responded. "She mentioned that it might catch your attention, even though she wasn't thrilled about the extra emphasis on her bust size in the promotional picture. She's been eagerly looking forward to the day when you'd come across these snack bags," she continued. "Isn't that right?" She turned towards the door, and there stood Yumi Kira.

"Good evening, First-Generation-sama, Aaron-senpai," Yumi greeted, her voice tinged with nervousness.

"Yumi, welcome," I greeted her with a warm smile. "We were discussing your decision to take on the photoshoot in place of Rias. I must admit, I anticipated Akeno or Xenovia for this role."

Yumi nodded and swiftly joined us, taking a seat on my other side. "I did it because I wanted more of your attention!" she exclaimed, her sudden outburst catching both Runeas and me by surprise.

"I... I have been giving you that though?" I replied, puzzled by her statement.

Her eyes widened with a hint of frustration. "You haven't kissed me yet!"

I couldn't help but chuckle. "I have?"

Her cheeks turned an even deeper shade of red as she responded, "It's only been on the forehead and cheek! I want more!" Her determination was clear, though her embarrassment was equally evident.

Runeas took me by surprise when she suddenly seized my shoulders and playfully nibbled on my ear. Her words were equally teasing, "Why don't you fulfill the little [Knight]'s desire, Jin? I'm the progenitor of the Gremory family, and as she is a member of my descendant's peerage, I give you both my blessing~!" Her excitement was palpable in her voice.

I turned to look at Runeas and then back at Yumi, who was still blushing and awaiting my response. It felt as though I was being gently pushed into a situation, but at the same time, I had been contemplating taking our relationship to the next level.

Initially, it had taken some time for me to accept Kiba's decision to transition into a woman permanently and pursue me in her new form. However, months had passed since then, and while I had engaged in some playful teasing and flirting with her, I hadn't made significant progress in our relationship. It appeared that Yumi's patience was also wearing thin.

"Right, my bad," I said before taking her wrists and leaning in to kiss her passionately.

Yumi was taken aback by my direct approach, but she quickly reciprocated the kiss, and in the background, Runeas cooed in approval.

I finally broke our kiss, and Yumi's face had turned even redder than before. "How was it? Did you like it?" I inquired.

"Th-thank you very much!!!" Yumi exclaimed, her voice quivering with excitement as she dashed out of the room.

"Ara, it seems it might have overwhelmed her a bit, fufu," Runeas chuckled. She continued, "Speaking of which, Rias is still in need of a [Rook] and [Pawns], isn't she? Will you assist her in finding her final pieces?"

As Runeas brought up Rias's need for the last members of her peerage, I recalled the visions I'd glimpsed of the future. I had indeed helped with one [Pawn], but it was Rias who truly recruited them into her peerage. My role was to ensure they crossed paths under the right circumstances.

"I suppose you could say that," I responded, deliberately keeping my answer somewhat cryptic.

But she wasn't one to give up easily. She inched closer and, with an air of persuasion, maneuvered herself onto my lap, her gaze fixed upon me. "Come on, why not tell me?" She tilted her head, as if trying to win me over. "Or perhaps you'd like some form of compensation on my part?"

I was about to dismiss her offer when she surprised me by planting a swift kiss on my lips. I regarded her with a mixture of surprise and amusement. "I was planning on telling you regardless, with or without the kiss," I admitted. "Anyway, she will only have one [Pawn], and she hails from the Phantasma."

Runeas' eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Oh! A [Pawn] from another universe! Does that mean she'll relocate here to be by Rias' side?"

I nodded in agreement. "That's the general idea."

With that conversation settled, we delved into a range of other topics that piqued Runeas' interest. Before long, Chysis, Venelana, and Rias joined us, and we found ourselves engaged in an hour of lively chatter. Although my work had been momentarily delayed, I couldn't help but appreciate the pleasant diversion.

— ○ ● ○ —

Later that night, as the girls in my company drifted off to sleep, I quietly slipped out of my bedroom and teleported to the rooftop of my home. Gazing up at the moon, I took a moment to admire its serene glow before turning my attention back to the familiar landscape of Kuoh town below.

"Two places to visit, huh?" I mused to myself. "Well, let's make this quick—"

My thoughts were interrupted by a voice from behind. I turned to find Latia standing there.

"Why did you leave your room?" she inquired.

Surprised by her presence, I replied, "I thought you were already asleep. What brings you here?" She approached me and playfully tugged at my cheeks.

"I was still up, tending to a few matters. Now, answer my question," she insisted.

"Antares contacted me regarding something important," I explained. "I'm heading back to the moon, and after that, I plan to visit the Dimensional Gap to check on his progress with the expansion." With that, Latia released her grip on my cheeks.

"I'm coming with you," she declared, her determination evident in her eyes as she reached out and took my hand.

I nodded in acknowledgment. "Yeah, I figured as much."

— ○ ● ○ —

After teleporting to the moon, Latia and I took in the lunar landscape. Latia's fascination with this celestial body was still evident as she gazed around.

"Are we at the edge of the boundary you'd set for us? Is the project complete?" she inquired.

"Yeah, it is," I confirmed. "But let's take a closer look at the finished product." With that, I guided her beyond the protective barrier I had established. As we crossed the threshold, Latia's eyes widened in astonishment.

"I-is this what you were talking about?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly.

"Yeah, it is," I replied. "It may be relatively small, and I've taken inspiration from the typical sci-fi moon bases depicted in media and the like. What do you think?" I inquired, eager to hear her thoughts.

Below me stretched the moon base I had envisioned and built, a testament to my sci-fi dreams brought to life. True to its genre-inspired design, it presented a circular structure with semi-circular components that gave it an otherworldly, futuristic aesthetic. The predominant color scheme of gray and white, with strategically placed illuminated areas, created an intriguing interplay of light and shadow on its surface.

The base boasted six entrances in total, four of them thoughtfully designed to accommodate large vehicles for future endeavors. But the heart of this lunar haven was a towering structure that served as my own sanctuary. It was reminiscent of my home back in Kuoh, with a grand hallway that extended into a realm of infinite rooms.

Scattered around the moon base, I'd allocated spaces for various businesses and shops, fostering a sense of community and commerce in this lunar landscape. In essence, it resembled a colossal mall, with my living quarters perched on the top floor, overseeing the bustling activity below.

The backdrop was nothing short of breathtaking—a panoramic view of Earth and the vastness of space. It cast a mysterious, almost mystical glow upon the structure, evoking a sense of wonder.

"Can we explore it?" she inquired.

"Yeah, that was my initial plan, and once we're done here, we'll head to the Dimensional Gap. Is that okay with you?"

"I joined you with that in mind," she responded. I chuckled, then swept Latia into my arms, carrying her like a princess, and bounded towards one of the entrances.

We swiftly reached our destination, and the entrance doors initiated a scan of both of us by employing a green scanner that ran over our entire bodies. As the scanning process concluded, the doors swung open, allowing us to step inside.

Upon entering, we found ourselves in yet another room, where a detoxification process commenced. A white, gaseous substance filled the room, working to cleanse and purify us.

The detoxification procedure lasted for approximately a minute, and when it was complete, a screen positioned before us displayed the reassuring message 'Cleared,' illuminated with a soothing green hue. Subsequently, the doors opened, granting us access to the lobby of this remarkable place.

Latia's eyes shimmered with a sense of wonder as she took in the breathtaking spectacle that surrounded us.

The lobby stretched before me, vast and imposing, its lofty ceilings adorned with a mesmerizing display of futuristic circular lights that bathed the space in a soft, ethereal glow. My eyes were drawn to a prominent white pillar right at the entrance, adorned with lights coiling around its elegant form, while verdant foliage graced the ground surrounding it. It was a fusion of nature and technology, a testament to the harmony I sought to embody.

The lobby was brimming with opportunities, offering an array of office spaces that could be leased by aspiring entrepreneurs. Nestled behind the pillar, a small yet significant statue of myself stood proudly in my formidable Balance Breaker armor, featuring both the [Boosted Gear] and [Divine Dividing], overlooking a tranquil fountain.

To our right, the receptionist's desk stood as a hub of activity, and will be manned by diligent professionals in the future. Beneath our feet, the hexagonal patterns on the floor mirrored the ones on the ceiling, creating an intricate symmetry that captivated the eye. In total, the building boasted twelve floors, with the first six dedicated to commerce and the latter six serving as a testament to the legacy of my family.

Each of these floors was a sprawling canvas, accommodating a wide range of shops and businesses. The thought of space constraints was dismissed with the mention of magic, which could readily adapt and reshape the environment to suit the ever-evolving needs of its occupants.

"Isn't it awesome?" I asked Latia with a hint of pride. "And it's going to get even better when we start welcoming other people to establish their businesses here. We'll begin with the supernatural community and then gradually bring in human companies after we reveal ourselves. Oh, and if you see anything you'd like to change or enhance, feel free to let me know."

Latia released my hand and eagerly took a step forward, embarking on a comprehensive exploration of her surroundings. Her approach was akin to that of a child exploring an amusement park for the very first time, brimming with wonder and curiosity.

However, her demeanor was anything but casual; she conducted her examination with unwavering seriousness. Not only did she scrutinize each element in detail, but she also summoned a notepad to document her observations. She touched and prodded various components of the structures, making thorough notes along the way.

However, I couldn't help but intervene when I noticed her poking at a particularly sensitive part of one of the statues. "...Please don't touch that," I interjected, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment as I saw her actions. Latia halted, her face reddening in response, and she quickly scurried away to explore a different section of the base.

As I stood there, two balls of light and another figure emerged from my shadow. The ones who emerged were Albion, Ddraig, and Apophis.

Ddraig let out a triumphant roar, exclaiming, [Time to explore!]

Albion added, {I'm quite interested in seeing this place for myself.}

Apophis, however, had a question, [Is your own section finished too or is it just the business areas?]

As the two Heavenly Dragons soared away to embark on their exploration, I took a moment to answer Apophis's inquiry, "It's done, but it's rather barren. Well, there are a few prebuilt items in place, but nothing particularly distinctive. I'll need to bring everyone here again after my next meeting with the alliance."

Apophis nodded in acknowledgment and then continued on his way. Just as I took a step forward, I was halted by a familiar voice.

"So, this is where you went? It looks like an interesting place," Velgrynd's voice greeted me. I turned around to see her and Azathoth, both curiously examining their surroundings.

"Oh, Vel, Azathoth. Yeah, I came here once it was finished. I brought Latia with me too, and the three dragons with me have gone off to explore. After we're done here, we're planning to visit the Dimensional Gap. Would you like to join us?" I extended the invitation after a brief explanation.

Both of them nodded, and it happened that Latia returned at that moment. "Oh, you two came too? Would you like to accompany me on a tour of Aaron's base? There are still plenty of areas left to explore," she extended the invitation.

Velgrynd accepted the offer, but Azathoth chose to stay with me. The two of them strolled away as the echoes of Ddraig's enthusiastic shouts echoed throughout the base. I exchanged a glance with Azathoth, and then we made our way to a spot where a couple of seats awaited. We sat down, and a comfortable silence settled between us.

"Why did you create this?" she asked, her curiosity evident.

"You mean the moon base?" I clarified, and she nodded in response. I reflected on the question for a moment before answering, "Back in my previous world, the population was continually increasing, and we faced challenges like limited space, escalating pollution, and various other issues that threatened the long-term sustainability of our planet."

I scratched the back of my head, letting out a small chuckle as I continued, "I never got to witness how it all played out before I... well, you know. But I wanted to take steps to prevent such a future. My goal is to expand human territories as well as those of the supernatural. I aim to unite both realms and gradually establish a presence across this universe. However, I have no intention of letting this expansion spill over into other universes—it could get too complicated."

As I contemplated my vision, I looked down for a moment, deep in thought. It had occurred to me that, given my connection to the Central World of Tensura, why not facilitate a fusion of the DxD and Tensura universes?

People from both realms, including humans, could freely come and go. I also intended to create a central hub for meetings and policy-making. In addition, I envisioned deploying the multiversal [DxD] and [EXE] to undertake missions across the multiverse, addressing any problems that arose.

Just as I was about to elaborate on this plan, I felt a pair of hands gently caress my head, tilting it forward. To my surprise, it was Azathoth who had embraced me. I glanced up, only to find her wearing her typical blank expression, albeit with a faint smile on her lips.

"Um... what are you doing?" I asked, a touch bewildered by her unexpected affection.

"...The Fated Ones, Róisín and Aoife, told me to do this to you if you make a certain face. I'm not sure why, but is this working?" Azathoth asked, her voice carrying a hint of uncertainty.

I'd always wondered about that peculiar expression, and perhaps I'd delve into it in the future. "Yeah, thanks," I replied, pulling myself back to my feet. As I looked down at Azathoth, I noted that she wasn't as petite as one might assume. She seemed to stand around 5 feet 10 inches, maybe even 5 feet 11 inches if we stretched it.

Her golden eyes gazed back at me, their luster almost shimmering. I couldn't resist reaching out to poke her cheek, which caught her off guard. My finger then traced down to her lips as I remarked, "You have makeup on? I didn't expect that from you."

She hesitated for a moment before responding, "A few of your women suggested I try it. Does it make me look strange?"

Chuckling softly, I cupped her cheek. "Nah, you look great with it, but you also look great without it. So it's entirely up to you whether you want to keep using it," I reassured her, causing a faint blush to tinge her cheeks as I turned away.

"Anyway, let's explore the rest of the base ourselves. I have to admit I haven't had the chance to do that yet," I added and extended my hand to her. She looked at it briefly before accepting, and we walked away in the direction of the clamor emanating from Albion and Ddraig.

Though there was still much for us to discover and navigate in our journey, it felt like Azathoth and I were beginning to understand each other a bit more. I could tell this by the slightly firmer grip she had on my hand compared to the last time I held it.

— ○ ● ○ —

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