Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 13 – Part 1 – A Clotilde’s Past

Third Person Point of View

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On a different part of Earth, various factions had initiated their plans, each with unique intentions and strategies regarding Team [DxD] and their alliance. Among these factions was one known as the [Malebranche].

[Are we nearly prepared?] inquired Malacoda, who held the esteemed position of leader among the [Malebranche].

[Almost,] responded Barbariccia, [however, we must collaborate with the True Satans Faction and Zaorama Nebiros, as they intend to launch their attack on the same day as us.]

[Very well. Nevertheless, it is of little consequence, for the long-anticipated showdown draws near. The final adversary has been located and is already in motion. All 13 Longinus have been gathered, thanks to the efforts of the individual who has worked in our favor. We will incapacitate them within a week.]

[Understood. I will relay this information to the others,] affirmed Barbariccia before departing from the room.

A potent aura enveloped Malacoda, accompanied by a malevolent grin spreading across his face. [Soon... very soon, we will demonstrate our superiority over the Longinus, whether they be old or new!]

The impending clash between the [Evil Claws] and the wielders of the [Longinus] Sacred Gears was rapidly approaching, and the stakes were higher than ever.

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Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

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I let out yet another sigh, a recurring expression that had escaped my lips at least four times in the past hour, or perhaps even within the last half-hour? I couldn't pinpoint the exact duration, but it had been approximately that long.

"You're slowing down, Aaron," Scathach remarked, perched on my lap, her arms enveloping my neck as I toiled away in my office. Aífe had also been roped into this situation and was seated on the couch with the Church Trio, who had dropped by our place.

"Well, having you in my lap isn't exactly facilitating my productivity," I retorted with a playful tone. She responded with a mischievous smirk and proceeded to pepper my face with kisses, eliciting yet another sigh from me.

Suddenly, Xenovia rose from her seat, causing the table she had been stationed at with the others to violently shake. Snacks were scattered across its surface, but I had designed our glasses to be nearly impervious to tipping over, to prevent spills like this, so their beverages remained intact.

"Shishō," she declared, locking her gaze with Scathach, who returned her intense stare with equal determination.

"Hmm? How can I assist you, Xenovia?" Scathach inquired, the two women engaged in an intense standoff.

"I believe you've been hogging Aaron for too long. I'd like a turn – no, it's not just me; the rest of us want a turn as well," Xenovia stated firmly.

"Hoho? Are you challenging my position right now, Xenovia?" Scathach countered, the two of them locked in a glaring contest.

"I-I want to sit on Aaron's lap too!" Irina blurted out.

"Me too!" Asia chimed in, clapping her hands excitedly.

Aífe, the odd one out in this scenario, surveyed the room, her gaze moving from one person to another. With a sigh, she remarked, "Is this how your life typically unfolds, Aaron?"

I chuckled and nodded in affirmation. "Yes, it is. But I don't mind it. There's a certain chaotic joy to it, and I've grown accustomed to it. In fact, I seek it out from time to time," I confessed, prompting a look of horror from Aífe.

"Desiring such a chaotic life... I'm not sure if I could endure it," she admitted, shaking her head.

"Fufu, you'd get used to it, Aífe. Many things might seem overwhelming at first, but in the end, they become part of your everyday routine. You've visited here from time to time, haven't you? Surely you've grown accustomed to it to some extent," Scathach inquired.

"Well, there have been a few instances where I found myself less bothered by the happenings here, given that I've visited numerous times throughout the year. However," Aífe paused and gestured to Scathach and me, "there are still aspects I'm not accustomed to."

"Are you referring to my displays of romantic affection, Aífe?" Scathach asked, tilting her head inquisitively. Aífe nodded in confirmation.

"Once you acquire a lover, Aífe, you'll understand the occasional need for such attention. I, myself, don't require it too frequently, but when I do, I've realized that the desire is far stronger than I initially thought," the Queen of the Land of Shadows admitted.

Aífe pondered her sister's words for a moment before returning her focus to her snacks. However, Xenovia hadn't abandoned her earlier idea and suddenly appeared beside me, silently challenging Scathach with an intense stare.

She turned my head and kissed me passionately. Gasps escaped from a few onlookers, and Aífe dropped her candy, which she had been about to pop into her mouth. Xenovia's tongue danced with mine, intensifying our kiss. Finally, she released me, her flushed face bearing a triumphant grin as she looked down at Scathach.

"Try and beat that, Shishō," the blue-haired reincarnated devil boldly declared, provoking her teacher.

"Quite audacious, Xenovia. Very well, I shall raise the stakes," proclaimed the woman seated on my lap. She turned to me and ordered, "Remove your pants. We shall engage in an intimate act before their very eyes."

I raised my hand and lightly karate chopped both of their heads. "No, enough of this, seriously. I'd like to finish what I'm doing before catering to your whims."

"Hmm-hmm, so you're not averse to the idea of doing it with me in front of everyone?" inquired Scathach.

"That's not what I meant," I replied, staring at her in disbelief. She huffed in response but did dismount my lap, though not before giving me a passionate kiss with lingering tongue, all while keeping her eyes locked on Xenovia.

"That's my response, Xenovia," she declared and winked at the astonished girl. Xenovia's attention immediately shifted to my lap, but before she could make her move, Asia suddenly sprang from her seat and gracefully landed on my lap.

"What—Asia!?" Xenovia exclaimed in shock. "W-what are you doing?!"

Asia nuzzled her head against my chest and planted a chaste kiss on my cheek. "We're all part of this competition, Xenovia-san, except for Aífe-san, of course."

Irina had also appeared on my other side, her gaze expectantly fixed on me. It seemed that the Church Trio had launched a coordinated assault. This prompted Scathach to laugh at them and join Aífe on her own couch.

"Well, you could always join the competition, you know?" Scathach teased, smirking at her sister.

"Excuse me? I don't have those kinds of feelings for Aaron," she retorted and sighed. "What on earth made you think that?"

Scathach stared at her sister for a moment before turning her gaze back to me. "Court her," she said, almost as if giving an order.

"What?" I stammered, once again rendered speechless. What kind of request was that? Who in their right mind would ask someone, "Hey, could you pursue my sister romantically?" It was far too unusual—

[Rias Gremory and Venelana Gremory.]

'...Ddraig, be quiet. I didn't ask for your opinion,' I told the dragon, who proceeded to cackle at me.

[Runeas Gremory and Chysis Gremory,] he added, continuing his fit of laughter. It felt like he was turning into a villain at this point...

"I'll consider it," I replied to Aífe. This elicited a shocked stare from her, and her face flushed slightly.

"W-w-what are you talking about!?" she shouted, addressing both me and Scathach.

Scathach leaned in closer to her sister and continued, "Just imagine it—his tender caresses, his passionate kisses, and he might even spoil you a bit, you know? Perhaps even—"

Aífe immediately pushed Scathach away, her expression a mix of mortification and deep embarrassment. She started shouting incoherently, switching between English and Irish, creating a blend I dubbed "Iriglish."

Aífe was clearly seething when the door to my office swung open, and in walked Aoife, accompanied by Vita and the rest of the Millstein family.

Right. Today was the day, wasn't it? The day when Vita Millstein—or Vita Clotilde and Gasper Vladi—would engage in a duel.

"I've brought some company, Aaron!" Aoife announced dramatically, gesturing grandly toward Vita, Emma, Anastasia, and Roselia.

"I'm here, Jin," Vita stated, her gaze fixed on me.

I nodded. "It's a bit early, so why don't you take a seat? Gasper's occupied until noon, but after that, you can proceed with your duel," I explained, to which she readily agreed.

During my recent operation to apprehend Satanael, Vita had joined me, and afterward, she had approached me about challenging Gasper, or more specifically, his Sacred Gear, [Aeon Balor], given her clan's historical connection to the Evil God Balor and Lugh's battle centuries ago.

"Fumu, Jin, your home is rather spacious," Roselia inquired, her keen senses detecting the presence of powerful spells woven into the very fabric of the building. "Did you construct it using magic? The interior seems even more expansive, suggesting the use of spatial manipulation."

I nodded and replied, "Indeed, I did, but it's been a few months since I made any significant upgrades."

Her nod of understanding acknowledged my response.

Suddenly, a request for milk came from an unexpected source—Emma's familiar, Celine. The sleek black cat, adorned with a delicate blue ribbon, had gracefully hopped onto my desk, taking care not to disrupt the scattered documents.

Raising an eyebrow, I eventually agreed, conjuring a small bowl of milk. I handed it to Xenovia, who carefully placed it on the floor. Celine promptly left my desk and began sipping the milk from her newfound perch.

Curiosity piqued, I turned my attention to our guests. "Is this your first visit to Japan?" I inquired as the Millstein family settled into their seats, some of them nibbling on the snacks adorning the table. Aoife, on the other hand, cast a questioning glance at the Church Trio before shrugging.

"For me, no. I've ventured to this land on several occasions in the past, driven by personal interests and insatiable curiosity. Along the way, I encountered various factions and deities, each curious about my presence. After explaining my purpose, they graciously permitted me to continue my explorations," Roselia explained, revealing a side of herself that Emma appeared surprised to learn.

"I had no knowledge of these adventures, grandmother," Emma admitted, her eyes reflecting her astonishment at the recounted tales.

Roselia chuckled softly. "Well, there were few opportunities to speak of them, and you never inquired."

Turning to Roselia, Asia, perched comfortably on my lap, asked, "Have you ever visited Italy, Roselia-san?" With the arrangement of seats, Asia occupied the space between my lap and Xenovia on my right, while Irina sat to my left.

Our guests shared a moment of amusement at our seating arrangement before responding.

"I have," began Roselia, her tone contemplative. "The Roman gods were... well, let's just say, they were a fascinating bunch of deities. For the most part, they were benevolent, with a few rather eccentric ones among them." She turned her attention to me, her curiosity piqued. "You crossed paths with them recently, didn't you, Jin? What is your impression of these divine beings?"

All eyes in the room shifted towards me, and I nodded in acknowledgment. "Yes, I forged an alliance with them a few months ago, and I recently had the opportunity to meet with them again in the Shinto realm during a cultural exchange."

"I've heard that you were even challenged to a few sparring matches by various gods from both sides, is that correct?" Roselia inquired further, her interest evident.

"That's correct," I confirmed. "Several of them approached me with the idea of a sparring match, and I willingly accepted their challenges. I even had a rematch with Raijin, although I chose to conclude it swiftly due to prior commitments within the pantheon."

Roselia nodded in comprehension, then turned her gaze to Anastasia and Scathach. "Speaking of which, Anastasia, I recall you embarked on solo journeys to different countries, didn't you? And Scathach, what brings you here today? Normally, you'd be immersed in your training."

Anastasia exchanged a silent understanding with Scathach before responding, "I'm here because I wanted to spend time with my future husband. I've found a balance now – my life isn't solely focused on constant training, Roselia." She gestured towards the trio from the Church who accompanied her. "They are here because of me," she added with a playful chuckle.

The conversation shifted back to us, and the three accompanying me couldn't hide their blushes. Asia, however, wore a warm smile as she looked at Roselia and the others. Among the three, and sometimes Xenovia, Asia seemed the most at ease with our relationship and our affectionate displays. Although the other two had become less embarrassed since we started dating, they still retained a degree of shyness.

They had mentioned that they might overcome it entirely once we took things to the next level, in a somewhat unconventional way of putting it, to which I had simply agreed at the time. While we had shared more intimate moments since then, they hadn't progressed beyond certain boundaries. Meanwhile, Asia and I maintained a consistent and fulfilling connection, much like my other partners.

I turned the conversation towards Anastasia. "So, what about you, Miss Anastasia?" I inquired, shifting the focus back to her.

She rested her hand on her cheek, wearing a wistful smile. "Well, let me think... It was before Emma was born, and I was known as a 'Wandering Witch.' During that time, I traveled extensively throughout Ireland, the United Kingdom, France, Spain, and a few other European countries. I did have encounters with some Roman gods, and, as my grandmother had foretold, they granted me their favor after discerning my intentions," she explained.

Emma appeared even more taken aback by the revelation. "I-I wasn't informed about this either..."

Celine offered a reassuring perspective. "Emma, not every detail of your family's lives will be disclosed to you. Consider Vita's past, the very reason for her duel today. It implicates the rest of us as well. I mean, I've embarked on adventures with Roselia and Anastasia a few times, and I've been on those trips mentioned too, you know?" She glanced up from her bowl, addressing Emma with empathy.

Emma was left momentarily speechless and slightly miffed. However, she swiftly acknowledged the reality of the situation and chose to move past her feelings on the matter. Perhaps Emma had a strong inclination toward family matters, desiring to grasp every facet of her family's actions, although I couldn't help but speculate on that point.

My curiosity about her husband lingered, but I refrained from broaching the subject, recognizing its sensitivity. Remarkably, Anastasia seemed to sense my unspoken query and decided to address it herself.

"It appears that Jin is curious about my husband," she remarked playfully, her tone carrying a hint of humor. "Don't flatter this old lady too much, or she might just bite," she added with a wink. I offered a wry smile in response but remained silent.

"To put it succinctly," Anastasia continued, "we parted ways long ago. I have no knowledge of his current endeavors. Like me, he possesses a longer-than-average human lifespan and remarkable magical talents. However, fidelity wasn't his strong suit. He couldn't remain faithful. That's the crux of it."

An awkward hush descended upon the room, and no one dared to break it. Yet, Anastasia pressed on with her narrative. "I might have considered a different path if he had expressed his desire for a harem upfront. However, he chose to cheat and then attempted to backtrack, revealing his intentions afterward. At the time, I was too wounded to accept his explanation, so we parted ways. Of course, back then, Emma was merely a one-year-old, blissfully unaware of the situation until I disclosed it to her in later years."

A slightly awkward chuckle escaped my lips, leaving those present somewhat perplexed. "It seems like all of us carry some sort of troubled past, don't we?" I ventured, prompting them to ponder my question.

Their gazes converged as they exchanged glances, and then Scathach broke the silence with a laugh. "That's indeed true," she agreed, "and given that most of us have managed to overcome our pasts, it's often best to find humor in them."

We continued our conversation in that room, the atmosphere becoming more relaxed. As I juggled my documents, the Church Trio provided assistance, all while they began inquiring about the Millstein family. Emma, in particular, showed curiosity about the details of our history, but as she sensed our collective reluctance, particularly from Aoife, she promptly backpedaled, offering apologies and steering clear of the sensitive topic.

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The moment for their impending duel was rapidly approaching, but before that, we gathered for lunch in the dining room. The laughter and chatter of my companions filled the air, save for Gasper, who remained secluded in his spare bedroom. I had sensed his arrival earlier, but he hadn't ventured out of his room. Furthermore, he had come alone, which meant I didn't need to be concerned about disturbing anyone else. With this in mind, I approached his door and knocked gently.

"Come in," he responded with a tired murmur. Pushing the door open, I entered his room to find Gasper engrossed in his computer, fervently scouring the web.

"Gya-suke, lunch is ready. You should come down," I informed him as I approached. I couldn't help but inquire, "What are you researching?"

"I'm delving deeper into the lore surrounding the Evil God Balor. However, most of what I come across seems to be fabricated falsehoods or incomplete truths. I've attempted to question him in the past few days, but he's been quite reticent. All he mentioned was that this battle belongs to him, and I agreed to let him take control of my body," he explained, slumping back in his chair.

Glancing at his monitor, I observed an array of open tabs—around a hundred of them—all dedicated to sites and forums discussing myths and legends about Balor. He had clearly been tirelessly dedicated to this research, evident from the scattered coffee cups and empty food bowls around his room.

"Do you not have faith in Balor?" I asked, concerned.

"I-I do, but I wish he would trust me more and share these details," Gasper replied with a hint of frustration. He continued, "But... this battle holds more significance than just Vita-san's desire for revenge, right?"

"Indeed, it's a form of closure for her. She likely has her own questions about the past involving Balor," I responded, locking eyes with Gasper, who appeared perplexed. I then offered a small pill to him.

"Take this just before the fight. When the time is right, it will trigger pertinent memories, allowing you to understand the full picture. I'll also be on standby if you require assistance with Vita. She is, for better or worse, the most talented member of her clan since its extinction, and latent powers within her might unpredictably awaken, potentially causing her to lose control."

Determination overtook Gasper's expression. "I want to help. You're helping too, right, Aaron-nii?"

"Absolutely," I affirmed. "After she made this request, I have a fairly good idea of what to expect, so I'll be there to support her. I'll also involve her new family, as they're undoubtedly the ones who can guide her through this. Let's make every effort to accommodate her, alright?"

"That's what the Occult Research Club members do, isn't it?" Gasper replied, his confidence shining through in his smile.

I couldn't help but chuckle and playfully tousled his hair. "Indeed, I'm glad to hear that those early teachings from last year have left a lasting impression on you. Now then, let's join everyone."

— ○ ● ○ —

Lunch had passed relatively smoothly; Vita and Gasper managed to maintain a cordial demeanor, though it was evident that an underlying tension lingered in the air. Nevertheless, I must emphasize that the atmosphere remained quite pleasant, allowing us to savor our meal while engaging in light-hearted conversation, sprinkled with a touch of chaos.

Currently, we found ourselves within my meticulously designed [Training Facility]. Out on the field, Gasper and Vita positioned themselves at opposite ends, their gazes locked in an intense standoff. The responsibility of overseeing this match had fallen to me, a choice agreed upon by both participants. By my side stood Asia, who had volunteered to provide healing assistance in case of injuries that might arise after the duel.

Earlier, as Gasper strolled toward his designated spot, he carefully ingested the pill, just to ensure he wouldn't forget. An odd expression washed over his face, and he cast a glance back at me, wordlessly inquiring whether it was supposed to have an unusual taste. I offered him reassurance, explaining that it was indeed meant to have a distinct garlic flavor.

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Third Person Point of View

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Gasper Vladi and Vita Clotilde stood at opposite ends of the expansive field, their eyes locked in anticipation, both awaiting the commencement of their forthcoming match.

A voice, not of the physical realm, but one residing within Gasper's consciousness, inquired, <<Once the match begins, I shall assume control of your body, my other half. I will also enact a transformation to alter our appearance. Are you in agreement with this arrangement?>>

Unwavering, Gasper replied, "I am in agreement," all the while keeping his unwavering gaze fixed on Vita.

With determination in her voice, Cornelia chimed in, "Do your best, Gasper!"

Tomoe echoed the sentiment, exclaiming, "Fight on, Gya-suke!"

Both of his lovers, Cornelia and Tomoe, had come to lend their support, fully aware that Balor would be assuming control of Gasper's body during the match. They had joined him after lunch, and word had spread, attracting the Bael team, who were eager to witness the battle.

Aaron, presiding over the event, addressed both participants, casting a brief glance their way. Gasper and Vita nodded in response, signifying their readiness. Aaron swung his arm downward with deliberate force. "Begin!"

As if in response to the start signal, Vita summoned her staff, but a shroud of darkness swiftly enveloped the entire arena. Gasper's form underwent a profound transformation, emerging as a taller, more mature version of himself. His hair bore a unique blend of platinum blonde and black, his red eyes radiated a mysterious glow, and his attire had shifted into a sleek, jet-black suit.

Vita's countenance betrayed a hint of concern, though she did not allow it to sway her focus. With determination, she raised her staff and summoned a multitude of intricate magic circles, each meticulously crafted over her lifetime. Each circle bore different, potent magics within.

Without the slightest delay, Vita unleashed a relentless barrage of magical attacks directed at Gasper, now under the influence of the entity known as Balor. Balor extended his hand toward the incoming onslaught, and in an instant, all of Vita's formidable attacks were engulfed and devoured by the voracious darkness.

The highly anticipated and formidable magical onslaught, honed over years of experience, was rendered utterly impotent by the Evil God inhabiting Gasper's Sacred Gear. Balor's gaze remained unwavering, fixed on Vita, as if issuing a challenge.

Undeterred, Vita conjured even more magic circles behind her and resumed her relentless assault on Balor. However, each time her magical onslaught neared its target, Gasper's darkness would instinctively activate, generating impervious barriers that swallowed and absorbed Vita's magical projectiles.

Vita's frustration mounted as she stared at Balor in disbelief. <<Shall we engage in discourse, Vita Millstein—or would you prefer that I address you as Vita Clotilde?>> inquired Balor.

With a condescending smirk, Vita retorted, "So, you have not forgotten about my lineage, Evil God Balor?"

<<It would be discourteous and insensitive of me to disregard a formidable clan such as yours. Your clan supported the Sun God Lugh in our battle, after all. With their aid, he managed to swiftly defeat me.>>

"Oh? Pray, elaborate," Vita responded, her curiosity piqued.

<<Half of your fellow clansmen diverted my enslaved servant at the time—the Evil Dragon Crom Cruach. With him thus occupied, battling your clansmen, the other half, alongside Lugh, confronted me. In the end, your faction emerged victorious, with many casualties to report. Crom Cruach was also liberated from my mind control and fled.>>

Vita seethed with anger upon hearing this account, yet her thirst for knowledge compelled her to withhold her attack for the moment. Sensing her intrigue, Balor continued to recount his memories.

<<Following that, my memories become hazy, but I found myself in the clutches of the God of the Bible, imprisoned within this Sacred Gear. Nonetheless, before Lugh and the remnants of your clan took me away, my followers from bygone eras made a solemn pledge.>>

"That they would eradicate any surviving members of the Clotilde clan? My grandparents would sometimes allude to that, but my parents hushed them, claiming that I wasn't ready to hear such things as a child. Yet, I overheard and comprehended that one day, my life would be sought after," Vita responded.

<<Did it indeed come to fruition?>> he inquired.

Vita chuckled and extended her arms wide. "Can't you discern it? I am the sole survivor. Your followers kept their word and relentlessly pursued each remaining clan member through generations, including my parents."

"Thanks to my mother's quick thinking, I survived. She concealed me in a hidden compartment. After they killed them all, I heard their jubilant cries as they confirmed the extermination, unaware that I had endured. As a child, I simultaneously grasped and failed to comprehend why they committed such acts. But…"

Vita shifted her gaze to her newfound family. She observed Emma's distress and couldn't help but feel a pang of sorrow that Emma had to learn this harrowing history. Her adopted mother and grandmother also regarded her with sorrowful eyes, but Vita pressed on.

"After that, the Millstein family found me. They took me in, raised me, and imparted as much knowledge as they could. As I matured, I began to fathom the reasons behind the attacks and the identity of those responsible. That's when…"

"Is that why you disappeared for several years, Vita!?" Emma exclaimed.

Vita smiled and nodded, not turning to face Emma. "Indeed, that's the reason for my absence. Like them, I hunted down all the surviving followers of yours who persisted to this day. Some of them hailed from the past, while others were from more recent generations. However, they were all aware of the facts and supported the deeds of their forebears."

"But I wasn't devoid of compassion, you know? I spared the children, I spared the innocent, and I spared those who didn't endorse the actions of the previous generations. Nevertheless, I made sure to acquaint the children and the innocent with the crimes and sins of their ancestors and conveyed that I was merely a woman on a mission—a mission of vengeance."

"That's why..." Vita closed her eyes, and the surroundings began to tremble. An ominous green and blue aura enveloped her, rapidly expanding in both size and intensity. Even Balor found himself taken aback by this display of power. "I returned to my home during those years away."

When she reopened her eyes, they radiated with a brilliant glow. Her environment underwent a dramatic transformation, and her familiar, Grianos, materialized by her side. Grianos, too, underwent a striking transformation, his power surging to new heights.

"I stumbled upon some long-forgotten techniques within my clan—a means to harness our unique power. I only briefly showcased this power during a recent mission with Jin. I'd like you to experience it firsthand," she explained, and suddenly, the entire room was bathed in a radiant green and blue light.

As Vita observed her attack consuming everything around her, a heavy sigh emanated from in front of her. She was bewildered to discover that it came from Balor. He raised his arm, and in an instant, his mastery over Gasper's darkness not only nullified her attack but also engulfed the [Training Facility] in total darkness.

Vita stood there, stunned by the unexpected turn of events. "Wha—what just happened...?" she uttered, still in disbelief.

Without uttering another word, Balor fixed his glowing eyes on Vita, activating the time-stopping ability inherent to [Aeon Balor]. He proceeded to advance toward Vita, intentionally moving at a slow pace. As he drew nearer, terror surged through every fiber of Vita's being, triggering a profound change.

"It's starting," Aaron murmured, attracting attention from those present.

"What do you—" Roselia began to inquire, but before she could finish, an even more potent aura erupted from Vita, with a cyan hue that forcefully pushed everything back, including Balor. Despite Balor's evident restraint and his attempt not to harm Vita, he knew he had to act swiftly. However, he momentarily halted and fixed his gaze on Aaron.

"Alright, let's get started," Aaron declared, causing further bewilderment.

"Huh?" the crowd chorused in unison.

"Millstein family, I'll need your assistance in this endeavor," he announced, turning toward them. "It's time for a deep dive into Vita's soul. Let's go!" He snapped his fingers, and they all materialized in front of Vita.

"<<Aaron-nii,>>" Gasper Balor mumbled. "<<Are we going in?>>"

"Yeah, let's go and help her, alright? She's carrying far more emotional baggage than she lets on. I'd like all of you to lend her a hand, if you—"

"Yes!" Emma exclaimed, interrupting Aaron. "Vita is my sister; blood doesn't define family for me!"

<<It was my fault that this happened, so I'll do whatever I can to assist,>> Balor added.

Everyone around Aaron shared their agreement. He glanced back at those remaining in the stands, and Grayfia, along with a few others, began to exit the facility.

"Alright, let's do this." Aaron raised his arm and guided them all into Vita's soul. Meanwhile, he stayed behind to encase Vita in a protective barrier to prevent any further harm to herself.

— ○ ● ○ —

As the group ventured into the depths of Vita's soul, a breathtaking spectacle unfurled before their eyes. Towering, majestic mountains soared high into the cerulean sky, their snow-capped peaks piercing the heavens. Beneath these colossal giants lay an expansive, enchanting forest, an emerald sea of towering trees that whispered secrets to the wind.

The air was alive with an indescribable magic, a palpable sense of wonder that coursed through every living thing. Lush, verdant grass stretched out as far as the eye could see, inviting weary travelers to rest upon its soft embrace. Creatures of all shapes and sizes frolicked in harmonious unity, creating a symphony of life amidst this Eden-like landscape.

At the fringes of this enchantment stood a solitary cottage, its chimney billowing gentle tendrils of smoke into the azure expanse. A beacon of warmth and comfort amidst the wild beauty that surrounded it, it beckoned the group to explore the mysteries of Vita's soul.

His entourage stood in stunned silence, captivated by the enchanting environment Vita had crafted within her soul.

"The inner landscape of a soul varies for each individual. It's a canvas of their very essence. Despite Vita's emotional turmoil, the inner sanctum of her soul and heart... it's remarkably serene and tranquil, wouldn't you say?" Aaron remarked, gesturing towards the cottage. "Vita is currently located over there—"

Without hesitation, Emma exclaimed, "Let's go, then!" She started moving towards the cottage when Aaron gently grasped her shoulder, halting her in her tracks. "W-why are you stopping me? Don't we need to help my sister!?"

"Vita won't allow us to reach her so easily. This awe-inspiring spectacle serves as a form of protection in its own right. Everything we encounter on our journey will attempt to obstruct us. It won't cause physical harm, but it will seek to sway us in other ways," Aaron explained.

<<By showing us things we desire, correct? Gasper, for instance, has a fondness for the internet and computers. Will this forest cater to those preferences, even if it seems unimaginable?>> Balor inquired.

"Exactly. In my case, it might present exotic ingredients for dishes I aspire to create or even illusions of the women I hold dear. I urge everyone to exercise caution and not let this beguiling landscape deceive you. Stay close to me, and I'll ensure our safety. However, we must navigate through it gradually. You could say... Vita is also testing us in this manner," he elaborated.

"We'll rely on you to guide us through this forest, Jin. But once we reach Vita's cottage, we'll take it from there," Anastasia declared.

Aaron chimed in, "I'm okay with that, but I'll also contribute my insights. Balor, you'll need to do your part, but let's avoid antagonizing the girl, alright?"

Balor responded, <<I will do my best.>>

"<<Me too!>>" Gasper added.

Aaron nodded, satisfied with their responses. "Then, follow me." He took the lead, and magically, the branches of the trees in front of them parted to allow their passage.

Their group was soon surrounded by various elemental spirits that flew towards them, chattering excitedly.

"Hey, do you want to play?"

"Let's have some fun!"

More and more elemental spirits gathered around them, but for the most part, they ignored the playful creatures. Emma, however, found herself slightly distracted by their antics. Aaron noticed and took her hand, gently pulling her away, helping her regain her focus, though she blushed slightly.

Shortly afterward, they crossed a small bridge over a sparkling river. Below, fish-like creatures swam, and many of them attempted to entice their visitors.

"Do you want to be my familiar?" Roselia inquired.

"You can join our world!" replied the fish-like creatures.

This time, Roselia was the one captivated, eager to make one of the creatures her familiar.

"You can't do that; they are part of Vita's soul. Although, with my powers, I might be able to replicate—"

"Please! I'll give you my body if you do!"

Aaron's expression soured as he stared at Roselia. 'I feel like a man-whore when you say that,' he thought to himself.

"Is my body not good enough!?" Roselia, now slightly irate, transformed into an older version of herself, asking, "Would this form be more to your liking, boy?" in a seductive tone.

Aaron sighed and flicked her forehead gently. "Let's save the jokes for when we're out of here, okay?"

"What!? Am I still not attractive like this?" she protested, but they continued walking. "My pride and confidence as a woman just took a hit, you know!? You're the Harem Dragon; how could you reject me!?"

Aaron awkwardly looked to his side, wanting to avoid further discussion when they had more pressing matters. Eventually, Emma managed to calm her grandmother down, and they resumed their journey.

The next distraction came in the form of a river of milk, which prompted Celine to exclaim, "Meow! Milk!" and attempt to dive headfirst into it. Aaron caught her in time.

"Why?" Celine asked with disappointment.

Aaron smirked and explained, "That would upset your stomach. Vita probably knows how much you love milk and decided to play a little prank."

Celine cringed and gazed back at the milky river, grimacing. "T-that does sound like her... I'll be more careful next time."

Her family playfully teased her as they continued their trek through the enchanting forest. However, the next obstacle proved to be challenging.

Aaron asked Gasper, "You won't get distracted by that, will you?" In front of them stood a colossal tree with a desktop PC, equipped with the latest technology. Balor remained composed, but Gasper's body froze, and he began to drool.

<<Really?>> Balor asked, bewildered by his counterpart's response.

"<<I-I can't help it! Damn it! I have to save up for the next few months...>>" Gasper mumbled, his eyes fixed on the tempting PC.

They pressed on, Gasper stealing one last longing glance at the computer, a single tear rolling down his cheek as if he had lost his true love.

Aaron patted Gasper on the head and reassured him, "If you want, I'll upgrade your PC at home."



"<<Thank you, Aaron-nii!>>"

In mere seconds, Gasper had overcome his loss and was looking forward to the upgrade.

— ○ ● ○ —

Their group had been walking for the past few minutes without a single distraction. However, their tranquil journey took a sudden turn when they found themselves just five minutes away from Vita's cottage. Before them appeared a man cloaked in tattered brown robes.

"Now, that's quite troubling," remarked Roselia, her voice tinged with concern.

Perplexed by the reaction, Emma inquired, "Why is that, grandmother?" She couldn't help but notice her mother's sudden stillness, as Anastasia stood frozen, her gaze locked onto the mysterious man.

<<Hmm. I see.>>

"Yeah," Aaron concurred, his eyes shifting from Emma to Anastasia. "I would assume that this man is your husband?" he ventured to ask.

A look of sheer shock overcame Emma as she stared at the enigmatic figure before them.

He stood there with an air of quiet mystery about him, his short brown hair tousled as if perpetually ruffled by the wind's playful fingers. His deep blue eyes held a certain depth, as if they held a lifetime's worth of stories and secrets. A modest beard adorned his face, adding a rugged charm to his countenance.

His frame was lean, suggesting a life marked by resilience and endurance, standing at a height of 5'11" with a presence that was both unassuming and intriguing. He was enveloped in a weathered brown cloak, a garment that seemed to have journeyed through time and seen its fair share of adventures. Its frayed edges and patched-up fabric whispered of countless tales etched into its fibers. In this enigmatic figure, one could sense a man shaped by life's unpredictable twists and turns, a living embodiment of tales waiting to be unraveled.

"Clarence?" Anastasia's voice quivered as she uttered his name.

"It's been a while, Anastasia. I never thought I'd meet you all here, especially you, Roselia, and Celine. It appears you've brought two more acquaintances with you," Clarence acknowledged with a slight bow. "I'm Clarence, Anastasia's husband... or should I say, ex-husband?" He chuckled softly.

He took a step closer towards them, his tone carrying a hint of nostalgia. "How about we consider being a family again? I've wandered the world alone since then, you know? And I think Emma could use a father figure in her life, don't you?" Another step forward, but his progress was halted by Aaron.

"Such illusions can be rather troublesome for people, particularly those who haven't fully processed their past traumas. Considering there are unresolved matters even for Anastasia, this manifestation has taken the form of her unfaithful ex-husband. The only ones remaining now are myself, and Balor," Aaron explained, pointing his index and middle fingers towards the illusion.

Clarence appeared bewildered. "What are you talking about? I've been keeping a watchful eye on our adopted daughter, Vita, all this time," he argued.

He took another step forward, but Aaron emitted a faint pulse from his fingers, causing Clarence's form to shift into mist. The illusion gazed at his dissipating body and sighed, only to look back up with a wicked grin.

"If I could have touched you, you would have been trapped here forever. Regrettably, it seems that wasn't meant to be," he lamented before vanishing into thin air, a soft, eerie chuckle lingering in the air.

Aaron cast a brief glance back at the group and offered reassuring words, "As I mentioned earlier, everything here is a product of Vita's conjurations. These are her candid impressions of all of us, even your ex-husband. However, dwelling on this won't serve us well." With that, he began to walk ahead, prompting the others to catch up.

"Mother, are you alright?" Emma inquired, a genuine concern evident in her voice. The unsettling encounter had left her equally shaken. She hadn't seen her father's face in years, as most of his photographs had been removed from their home. It was a strange feeling to finally catch a glimpse of him, even if it was just a mere illusion.

Anastasia managed a composed response, though she was inwardly rattled. "I'm fine, Emma, thank you," she assured her daughter. The encounter had stirred emotions she had thought she had buried long ago. It appeared that there were still traces of lingering affection for her ex-husband, no matter how faint.

Roselia observed Anastasia and Emma with a concerned expression but opted to remain silent. Her attention shifted to Aaron, who was diligently leading them through the remainder of the forest. As she followed his confident stride, she couldn't help but ponder, 'Maybe...'

— ○ ● ○ —

Their group arrived at the cottage with no other obstacles trying to stop them. The rest of their journey was silent but tranquil, they encountered the occasional animal that would come up to them, but for the most part it wasn't as hectic as their past encounters.

Nestled amidst the lush expanse of Vita's soul, a tall and expansive cottage stood proudly, a cozy haven amidst the wilderness. Its sturdy wooden frame exuded an inviting charm, while a chimney sent plumes of smoke spiraling into the open sky. A large wooden fence enclosed the cottage, a sentinel guarding the secrets within.

Nature had not forgotten this home, as vines and overgrowth gently embraced its walls, adding to its rustic allure. In the heart of the cottage's garden, a small, ornate fountain bubbled merrily, its waters glinting in the dappled sunlight.

The windows, crystal clear and enigmatic, gave an ethereal quality to the cottage, almost as if it were a portal to another world. Within its walls, bookshelves adorned every available space, filled with volumes of knowledge and adventure. And there, amidst the literary treasure trove, stood the enigmatic Vita Clotilde herself.

"Very well, I'll entrust this to all of you. I'll remain here," Aaron informed them.

"<<Eh? You're not coming with us, Aaron-nii?>>" Gasper inquired, a hint of surprise in his voice.

"I'll be with you shortly; there's just something I need to attend to out here, alright?"

Despite his reluctance, Gasper reluctantly joined the others as they made their way into Vita's residence.

"Now then... what should I do about you?" Aaron mused, turning his attention to the entrance gates. Standing there was a blonde woman with sapphire eyes, gazing back at him. "The illusion of Lavinia, huh? You're quite the devious woman, Vita."

— ○ ● ○ —

As Emma, Anastasia, Roselia, Celina, and Balor crossed the threshold into Vita's abode, they found themselves in a compact entrance hallway. To their right, a quaint wooden staircase beckoned them upwards, its steps promising a glimpse into the upper reaches of this mysterious domain. At the summit, a door stood ajar, inviting them to explore further.

Turning their attention to the left, the group faced two doors. The first one stood open, granting access to the living room, where Vita presently dwelled. Soft light spilled from within, casting a warm glow on the space, and the muffled hum of conversation hinted at the presence of their enigmatic host.

The second door led to the heart of the home—the kitchen and dining room. It remained closed, its secrets hidden behind its wooden facade, leaving the visitors with a tantalizing choice of where to begin their journey within Vita's sanctuary.

With Roselia at the forefront, the group moved in unison, crossing the threshold of the open door. As they entered the room, their senses were immediately overwhelmed by the sight of an abundance of books. Countless tomes lined the walls, stacked in haphazard piles, and arranged in towering bookshelves that reached for the ceiling. It was a bibliophile's paradise.

Amidst this literary treasure trove, their eyes settled on Vita, seated in an elegant chair, a book held delicately in her grasp. She appeared engrossed in her reading, her world defined by the words on the pages.

Upon the sound of their arrival, Vita looked up, her eyes betraying a bittersweet smile. "Welcome, everyone," she greeted them with a hint of melancholy. "I didn't anticipate all of you making your way here. Is the situation outside as dire as it seems?" Her voice, tinged with concern, hung in the air, waiting for their response.

"Vita, please reconsider coming back to us. Do you truly wish to persist with your quest for revenge?" Emma implored, her plea directed at her elder sister.

Vita responded with a soft chuckle and a shake of her head. "I've long moved past the desire for revenge. I had already exacted my vengeance. All I sought was an explanation from Balor regarding the fate of my clansmen and why his followers made such promises," she explained, casting a meaningful glance in Balor's direction.

"I must confess that my emotions did influence my decisions, but... let's not linger on that," she added.

All eyes in the room shifted toward the god, who let out a sigh. <<I have various theories, but I never instructed them to engage in such actions. You're aware of how groups sometimes become fanatical, correct?>> he inquired of Vita.

She nodded in understanding. "So, you're suggesting that they acted of their own volition, driven by their deep reverence for you?"

<<That's my assumption, yes,>> Balor confirmed. He briefly glanced out the window, where Aaron was engaged in conversation with a familiar woman, then refocused on Vita. <<The leader among them, someone you're likely familiar with, Berach. He was the first to pledge his allegiance to me. He had lived for many years before our paths crossed, and when my defeat occurred, he was the one who made the announcement, I believe.>>

Vita narrowed her eyes, a simmering undertone of hatred and hostility gleaming within them. "Berach... huh? I remember him. He was the leader of that group when I sought my revenge. He had the audacity to tell me he had no regrets for what they did, claiming they believed it was what you would have wanted."

"They couldn't vanquish or kill Lugh, the God of the Sun. However, they thought that by eliminating those who aided him—the Clotilde clan—you might be compelled to return to life. They were unaware that you were sealed within a Sacred Gear," Vita elaborated.

<<Not many are privy to the events that unfolded after my defeat at the hands of Lugh. Frankly, I never envisioned myself sealed within a peculiar artifact known as a Sacred Gear, but fate is a fickle thing. Now that we've cleared that up, is there anything else you'd like to inquire about?>> Balor inquired.

"You engaged in battle with Lugh, one of the leaders of my clan, if I understand correctly? Could you enlighten me about them? Granny always refused to share any details whenever I tried to broach the topic," Vita inquired, her gaze briefly falling upon Roselia, who took a step back and flinched.

"I-I had my reasons, dammit!" quipped the older woman. "Back then, I deemed it best to shield you from such knowledge, believing you weren't prepared to hear about them," she explained.

<<It will be a rather lengthy account, but are you prepared for that?>> Balor inquired.

"I have the time. I trust Jin to safeguard me and prevent any harm from befalling us, so we can take it at our own pace," Vita responded.

Harnessing her inner powers within her soul, Vita conjured chairs for everyone to sit on, and Balor commenced his narrative.

— ○ ● ○ —

Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

— ○ ● ○ —

An illusion targeting me, eh? I maintained my composure, unfazed by the ethereal image of Lavinia before me. With a measured tone, I addressed the apparition, well aware of the futility of its powers against my will.

Lavinia's illusion bore the same disarming smile as the genuine article, but as it attempted to breach the boundaries of my cottage, I stood firm, blocking its path. The mimic's countenance shifted, a hint of frustration marring its features. Pouting, it tried to appeal to my emotions.

"Aaron, it's me. Why are you being so harsh?" Her eyes welled up with tears, a convincing attempt to tug at my heartstrings.

However, I couldn't be swayed. I'd honed my instincts through years of familiarity, and no matter how uncanny an impostor's imitation might be, there remained an innate recognition that set them apart. This, to me, was not the Lavinia I knew.

With a resigned sigh, I locked my gaze onto the illusion. "As I said, you won't fool me. You're just another illusion, so what is it that you want? If you don't have something important to convey, I'll have to dismiss you," I declared, pointing my finger at the specter.

It discarded its disguise at that moment and sported an evil grin aimed directly at me. It was a visage that Lavinia would never direct towards me or anyone she cherished. The only instance her countenance underwent any alteration was when she confronted her adversaries. The familiar warm smile of Lavinia vanished, replaced by the unyielding persona of the [Ice Queen].

However, this was an entirely different matter. The imitated Lavinia bore that sinister grin and mocked me. "Wow~ I never thought love-struck fools like you could resist, especially when this woman stands before you."

I retorted, unyielding. "When comparing a steaming pile of shit to a sparkling diamond that defines my world, the distinction is abundantly clear. You'd have to be blind not to notice it." My response made her glare at me, but I stood firm in my resolve.

She could no longer maintain her composure and facade, so she started hurling herself against the barrier I had erected around our home. However, her attempts were futile and only resulted in her injuring herself. Fed up with the situation, I directed the same pulse towards the fake Lavinia.

My attack struck her, causing her body to transform into mist. She shot me a hateful glare before screaming, "I despise you! I should have never fallen in love with you! There were other men who were better! I regret ever loving you; my life has been a nightmare since then—"

Her words were abruptly silenced as she finally dissipated. I must admit, hearing Lavinia's voice perfectly mimicked stung a bit, but I could find solace in the knowledge that she would never utter those words to me. Only a loathsome impostor would—though I was surprised that Vita's soul used that as a weapon against me.

[Perhaps she was jealous?] Ddraig pondered.

"Maybe," I replied.

Satisfied that there were no more disturbances on the horizon, I turned around and stepped into Vita's home. Upon entering, I heard sobbing emanating from one of the rooms. I ventured inside and discovered the Millstein family, locked in a tight embrace, weeping. Even Celine was part of the hug, while Balor, or rather Gasper in his original form, stood guard.

Approaching Gasper, I rested a hand on his head. "Did everything go well?"

"Mmm. It seems Balor also found some closure on his end. But I think we should give them some space, Aaron-nii," Gasper suggested. I agreed, and we returned outside, sitting down on the ground.

I recounted, "An illusion of Lavinia materialized in front of the house," trying to keep the conversation flowing.

Gasper let out a small chuckle. "Yeah, Vita-san mentioned that her soul might have conjured something like that—she listed Lavinia-nee, Suzaku-san, Rossweisse-san, Akeno-senpai, Velgrynd-san, Azathoth-san, or Danu-san as possible manifestations. But since you confirmed it was Lavinia-nee..."

I found it somewhat surprising that so many individuals were involved in this peculiar situation, so I probed further, asking, "Why?"

Gasper explained, "Vita-san felt a sense of jealousy towards your close relationship with your harem and the others. She saw the affection you shared with them and desired the same. Oh, and before you jump to conclusions, she still felt like an outsider within her new family, even after changing her name."

I pondered on this. When a child is adopted into a family at a young age, there's usually no issue since they won't recall much from their earlier years. Eventually, the adoptive parents will reveal the truth. However, Vita was old enough to comprehend her own situation when she joined the Millstein family, and she had clear objectives in mind for when she grew older.


Once she achieved her vengeance, I wondered what her next step would be. Would she aimlessly drift through this world until her time came to an end? Such a life would likely be monotonous and lonely. Additionally, she probably felt like an outsider because she had been absent for several years…

"Jealousy, huh?" I mused aloud. "Well, I do show affection to the girls quite often. Although... she never really saw me doing that regularly. I mean, I did visit them once or twice."

"And that was enough for her, Aaron-nii," Gasper replied, gazing up at the azure sky above us. "Well, she's finally moving on, so I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive her."

"I don't hold any grudges against her," I responded. "I admit I was taken aback by the illusion, but ultimately, it's just a fleeting illusion that won't matter once we leave this place. Vita has had her own burdens to carry, and I won't judge her based on that. Besides, there's no reason for her to worry about me hating her."

"Oh, really?" Vita's voice chimed in. Gasper and I turned around to find the Millstein family standing there, smiling at us. Vita crouched down and wrapped her arms around me from behind. "You made my heart skip a beat. How about I show you how I truly feel?"

Chuckling, I stood up, bringing Vita along with me, and then helped Gasper to his feet. "Maybe another time, Vita. Anyway, I assume everything else is in order, right? Shall we get going?"

"I'm ready!" Vita declared, hugging my arm and ignoring my previous comment.

Roselia pointed at me and declared, "I've heard rumors of you attempting to court the females of the Gremory devils. You won't make much headway with us, boy!"

"She's not telling the truth; she's interested in you, although I suspect it's for different reasons," Vita explained, sticking her tongue out at Roselia, who flinched back in response.

"Right, right, let's get going then," I said. Everyone gathered around and as we left Vita's soul, she gave me a peck on my cheek.

"Vita!?" Emma screamed, surprised by her actions.

We left it, in a more chaotic manner…

— ○ ● ○ —

The aura around Vita's body began to quickly diminish before her body slumped forward. I swiftly caught her. She didn't remain unconscious for long, and I deactivated the protective barrier surrounding us. Her eyes fluttered open and gaze lingered on me for a few moments before a mischievous grin played on her lips.

Turning my attention toward the stands, I noticed the crowd—my entire household had returned. Realizing this, Vita wrapped her arms around me once more, locking eyes with several of the girls. The most prominent figure among them was Lavinia, and then she kissed me on the lips. The kiss was fleeting, but the impact was profound.

A mixture of shock and surprise swept across their faces. Among the onlookers, especially Sairaorg, hearty laughter erupted at the sight of their reactions.

"There she goes, acting like nothing just happened, sheesh," Roselia grumbled, drawing a chuckle from Anastasia.

"Anyway, let's consider this a draw and get back to enjoying the day," I suggested, and they readily agreed. I shifted my focus to Gasper, playfully ruffling his hair. "Great job today, buddy. As a token of my appreciation, I'll upgrade your PC, both here and at your home."

He beamed at me. "Thanks, Aaron-nii! Best of luck to you too, Vita-san!" With that, he dashed off to join his two lovers in the crowd.

"Hmm... it seems like you'd be good with children, Jin," Anastasia commented. Her family turned their attention to her, intrigued by her remark. She rested a hand on her cheek, her gaze thoughtfully fixed on me.

This left me momentarily speechless. How on earth was I supposed to respond to that? I might be the Oppai Dragon, inspiring the younger generation, but the idea of me being good with kids felt a tad peculiar, though secretly, I hoped it was true.

"Thanks?" I replied hesitantly before walking away. I could still feel the lingering stares of the Millstein family as they followed me.

[Another MILF acquired, we're on a roll, boys!]

{You'll never get tired of saying that, will you?}


— ○ ● ○ —

Later that day, as the sun gradually dipped below the horizon, the Millstein family still lingered at my home. I had suggested they stay for dinner, and they eagerly accepted the invitation. As the evening progressed, they continued to socialize with everyone present.

Sairaorg and I engaged in a brief sparring match, a testament to his determination to stay in peak condition for his eventual confrontation with Hirokazu, whenever that would be announced. He recognized the formidable potential of the [Nascent Dragon], and after the revelation about Caeda, she posed an even greater threat than Hirokazu. Consequently, he and his team had intensified their training efforts, even though it meant Kuisha spent longer periods away from my home.

At present, I found myself in the library alongside the Millstein family. They had expressed a desire to explore the library, and upon their arrival, their astonishment was palpable. The sheer size and variety of books available left them utterly amazed. Emma and Vita, in particular, exhibited boundless enthusiasm as they scurried about, eagerly gathering a diverse selection of books to peruse.

Anastasia, too, showed genuine interest in the library's offerings. Meanwhile, Roselia wore an expression that hinted at her desire to challenge me, likely stemming from her previous boast about the vastness of her own library in their realm. However, it appeared that my collection surpassed hers in both size and quality, leaving her somewhat frustrated.

"Fufu, it seems like they're enjoying it, Aaron," Lisa whispered in my ear, her voice filled with amusement. She playfully pecked my cheek as we observed them scurrying around. Among them, Roselia stood out, seated in a chair with books spread before her, her arms crossed in contemplation.

I returned her kiss and responded, "Well, it's not surprising that they'd be eager to explore the library's offerings after I explained everything to them. However, I doubt they'll manage to read all of them before their departure."

"Would you consider lending the books to them if they wish to take them back?" Lisa inquired, her curiosity evident.

Considering her question, I gestured towards the empty air in front of me, conjuring a blue, game-like screen adorned with various options.

"What's that?" she asked, her intrigue piqued.

"These are the settings for the library," I explained. "Just like in video games, I've designed it this way to facilitate adjustments and modifications. I plan to introduce a new feature. If they wish to borrow a book, the library will create an exact replica or copy, which will be bound to them. If it gets lost, it will teleport it back to them. If anyone else possesses it for an extended period, especially outside their family, the book will self-destruct. This measure is in place to prevent the wrong groups from acquiring these texts."

"Do you think it's fine to provide them with knowledge from different factions? Are they okay with it?" she inquired.

"I've already informed them about it. Most of the more 'forbidden' texts are in a separate section, and you're aware of them. The books they've gathered are accessible to everyone who visits those pantheons and factions. Besides, my home and my territories are essentially neutral grounds for everyone. If they want to engage in conflicts, they'll have to go through me first."

"And they wouldn't want to challenge you, would they?" she pondered, showering my cheek with more kisses.

"Yeah, that's the gist of it."

"By the way... what about that thing you mentioned a few days ago?"

Glancing at Lisa, I let out a sigh. "Yes, we need to prepare for that as well. It won't be long before they start, and they might involve the humans in this mess too. Actually, it's more accurate to say they don't care if their battles and schemes spill over into the human world because they're primarily concerned with their own interests."

"You'll prevent that from happening, won't you?"

"Of course," I assured her.

"Nya? What are you talking about, nya?" Kuroka inquired, suddenly appearing out of thin air.

I gazed at her for a moment, contemplating whether to disclose the impending situation. After all, one of the individuals involved in the upcoming attack bore partial responsibility for her family's downfall. It crossed my mind to prevent Kuroka and Shirone from participating in this ordeal, but I knew they were not so fragile as to be shielded from it. In fact, they might even take offense if I excluded them.

"Nyello?" Kuroka prodded, poking my nose. Lisa joined in, and soon they were both poking and prodding my face.

With a sigh, I halted their playful prodding and decided to brief Kuroka about the imminent events. Initially, I had conveyed this information when she was away with Le Fay and the Gremory team for some reason. I must admit that I had timed it that way due to my prior concerns. Nevertheless, Kuroka listened attentively, her usual playful demeanor giving way to a more serious and focused expression.

"Could you include me in the team or group assigned to confront Zaorama Nebiros?" she asked with utmost seriousness. "I also want to bring Shirone with me. I have this burning desire to deliver a powerful Nekoshou punch to that old devil, if I can."

"Is this driven by revenge?" I inquired, wanting to understand her motivation.

"I won't deny it; there's definitely an element of revenge. I strongly believe that Nebiros has not only ruined my and Shirone's lives but has likely inflicted pain on many others as well. I want to repay him by... well, let's just say I want to give him a taste of his own medicine," she replied, her voice laced with venom.

Lisa and I exchanged surprised glances, momentarily taken aback by Kuroka's intensity. After a brief pause, Lisa burst into giggles, and I couldn't help but offer a wry smile.

"Well, I'll discuss this with Rias, and if she's on board with it, we'll talk to Shirone about the idea. Does that work for you?" I asked.

Kuroka responded with a nod and a hint of enthusiasm in her strange English, saying, "No problemu! I'll go ahead and prepare some things for it then. Thank you for letting me know." With a newfound spring in her step, she left the room, appearing visibly happier now that she had a potential plan in motion.

"...That was the right decision, wasn't it?" I turned to Lisa for her opinion.

"Kuroka, much like yourself, is an adult. She's capable of making her own choices. However, I must acknowledge that Shirone is still a child, at least from a legal standpoint. And I'm not even considering the time you spent in your alternate dimension," Lisa replied, providing her perspective on the matter.


At best, it seemed rather questionable, but I was confident that Rias would eventually agree to it. Based on what I had gathered about Zaorama, he appeared to only possess a small, elite group of Super Devils that he had managed to assemble over the years. Beyond enhancing the powers of the [Malebranche], he didn't seem to possess much more. Of course, he had his own abilities as well, but with the team I intended to dispatch to him, and with Kuroka and Shirone in the mix, he and his group wouldn't stand a chance.

For the remainder of that time, leading up to dinner, Lisa and I kept a watchful eye on the Millstein family as they enjoyed their time in the library.

— ○ ● ○ —

"We'd like to participate in the operation, Jin," Vita declared, catching me by surprise.

At that moment, I found myself in the open-air indoor bathroom on the second floor of our residence. Originally, the plan was for them to depart after dinner, but due to unforeseen circumstances during the meal (circumstances I had no control over), they decided to stay the night, postponing their departure until the morning.

We had enough rooms to accommodate everyone comfortably, so that wasn't an issue. However, I had been on guard, suspecting that Vita might be up to something. After a few hours of nothing happening, I began to relax. Little did I know, she had been waiting for the perfect moment, and that moment had finally arrived.

A magic circle materialized between us, and from it emerged Lavinia, who was already unclothed. She walked over to me and enveloped me in her embrace.

"We accept your offer, but did the others agree as well? Did you and your family discuss this beforehand before you came to inform Aaron?" Lavinia inquired, her demeanor calm and friendly.

To an outsider, it might have seemed like ordinary conversation, but to me, there was an underlying message. It was as if she was silently asserting, 'Don't overstep your boundaries with him—he's mine,' or something along those lines. Perhaps she was attempting to get back at Vita for the thing that had transpired earlier? I could only speculate.

Vita, seemingly amused, nodded her head. "Yes, I've already discussed this with my grandmother, mother, and sister. They all agree with our participation. However, they prefer to play a supportive role rather than join the front lines. I, on the other hand, would like to be actively involved in the operation. And, just so you know, we learned about this from Kuroka. The topic naturally came up in our conversation; we didn't pry into it," Vita added, providing some context.

Lavinia nodded in agreement, releasing her grip on me and offering a satisfied clap of her hands. "Well, that clears things up. Would you like to join us?" she asked, extending the invitation.

I found myself taken aback by the unexpected offer, as did Vita. However, Vita promptly accepted the proposition, and after a quick round of washing up, we headed to the bath. As we settled into the warm water, the door swung open once more, revealing the Church Trio.

"Oh? Aaron's here... with Vita and Lavinia?" Xenovia remarked, her head tilting in curiosity at our rather unusual gathering. "Weren't you planning to bathe alone?"

"Plans changed," I replied with a sigh, though I still welcomed them with a gesture. "But the same goes for you three. You didn't mention you'd be joining me."

"It was a last-minute decision on our part. We hope you don't mind," Irina explained with a slight jump, causing her chest to jiggle enticingly.

"Of course not," Asia added, her smile warm and inviting.

I gestured for them to come closer, saying, "Feel free to join us..."

After a quick wash-up, they joined our group. Xenovia promptly settled in between my legs, unintentionally creating a rather cozy situation.

"That reminds me," she began, looking up at me with her curious gaze. "The school trip for the second years is coming up soon, isn't it? They're headed to Kyoto again, so they'll probably meet up with Yasaka and Kunou, right?"

I nodded, running my fingers through her hair. "Yes, that's likely. However, I already have plans for that time, and I'll be joining them with my group and Team [DxD] because something else is happening."

Irina chimed in, her eyes filled with hope. "Can we come?"

"Well, you'll need to ask the school's President," I replied, gesturing toward Xenovia.

During that period, the gods of darkness had assembled their own small faction, plotting an attack on Kyoto. Their targets were twofold: the Longinus wielders and the members of the alliance congregating in Kyoto. As for why they were targeting Kyoto, the exact motives remained a mystery, though I suspected it might be related to a desire for revenge against another god—King Enma.

Earlier in the year, I had the opportunity to visit King Enma, and he was quite the intriguing god. However, his wife was an even more unique character—a blend of Sona, Rossweisse, Shuri, and Gabriel. To say the least, she was an intense individual.

She exhibited the same strictness as Sona, Rossweisse, and Shuri, yet also displayed kindness and affection toward us and King Enma like Gabriel. This affection only surfaced when King Enma wasn't engaging in his usual antics; he was a remarkably relaxed and laid-back god. It was a well-known fact that he enjoyed watching my show, and we often shared a good laugh about it.

As a token of my appreciation, I had gifted them tickets to an upcoming show. This was one of the reasons I planned to be in Kyoto—Rias and Lavinia would undoubtedly accompany me to the performance.

Xenovia took a few moments to contemplate the question before finally responding, "I'll need to discuss it with both former Presidents since they hold authority over me. It's essential to convey these matters to them since they approve absences. If they agree, then yes, we can proceed. We'll also need to remind the others."

"Eyaaay~" Irina enthusiastically pumped her hand into the air, brimming with excitement.

"But wouldn't you also need permission from the President of the Occult Research Club?" I inquired, directing my question toward the eager angel. She froze and turned to Asia, her eyes pleading for support.

A mischievous grin tugged at the corners of Asia's lips. She placed a hand on her cheek and playfully mumbled, "I wonder if I should grant permission..."

"President! No! Asia-sama, please!" Irina implored, bowing earnestly before her.

Asia couldn't keep up the charade for long. She chuckled and reassured Irina, "Hehe, I was just joking, Irina-san. I believe everyone would enjoy the little trip. However, it's possible that we'll need to take on more contracts to compensate for the time we'll be away. Of course, that applies to you too since have your own responsibilities as well, don't you?"

"Y-yes, I perform my angelic duties while you guys are on your contract. That's what I report at the end of each week," Irina replied.

"Hehe, then that settles it." Asia clapped her hands, content with Irina's response. Irina couldn't contain her joy and hugged Asia, who warmly reciprocated the embrace.

I nodded in agreement, remarking, "That's wonderful—friendships blossoming, huh?"

Xenovia chimed in with a mischievous grin, "And their bosoms squishing against each other."

"Well, yes, that too," I conceded, sharing a laugh with Xenovia.

"Ah, youth, isn't it a remarkable thing?" Vita inquired, her voice filled with nostalgia. She had been sitting quietly beside me, with Lavinia on my other side. Lavinia had been attentively listening to our companions, silently nodding in agreement with everything they said.

I chuckled at Vita's remark and added, "You two are still young, you know? Meanwhile, I feel as old as the hills."

A puzzled expression crossed Vita's face as she asked, "What do you mean?"

I realized that she was unaware of my true age. I debated for a moment whether to share this secret with her or not, then glanced briefly at her. Vita responded with a warm smile, and in a playful gesture, she lifted her arms, cupping her breasts and offering them to me.

With a wry smile in response to her boldness, I allowed my eyes to slowly close. I felt Lavinia's tender embrace as she cradled my head against her chest. In that fleeting moment, I made a conscious choice not to linger on the uncertainties of the past. Instead, I harnessed my powers to peer into the future—our shared future, Vita's and mine. As I glimpsed into the yet-to-unfold years, I found a deep sense of contentment with the vision that lay ahead of us.

"So," I began, taking a moment to share my age and recount my life's journey. She was aware of my title as a 'god,' but the intricacies of it had remained undisclosed. As I divulged this newfound knowledge, Vita's astonishment was palpable, prompting the rest of the group to erupt in laughter at her utterly surprised expression.

"Outer god," she mumbled thoughtfully, her curiosity piqued. "You can... do anything, right?"

"Yes?" I responded, somewhat intrigued by where this conversation was headed.

"So, why haven't you impregnated any of your women?" She blurted out, her question catching me completely off guard.

That's what she wants to ask!? I was prepared to answer almost any question, well, mostly anything. I would have gladly addressed many of life's mysteries for her if she had asked. But out of all the inquiries she could have posed, she chose this one!

Glancing around, I could tell I wasn't the only one left dumbfounded by her question. The others in the room wore equally surprised expressions.

Vita herself scanned each of our faces and tilted her head. "What? Did I say something strange? Considering how frisky you are—those were Kuroka's words, by the way—I'm surprised you haven't fathered any children with them. So again, I ask, why haven't you?"

"Didn't Kuroka-san tell you?" Asia interjected, breaking the silence.

"Tell me what?" Vita responded with a puzzled expression. Asia grinned and went on to explain that I had used my power to ensure that I wouldn't impregnate any of them.

"...I see, that's why Kuroka said you enjoyed finishing inside of everyone," Vita nodded sagely, as though she had just confirmed some bizarre piece of information.

Once again, I found myself utterly speechless. Was Vita as irreverently perverted as Kuroka? I sincerely hoped not! My household already had its fair share of kinky and playful women, not that I was complaining about that particular aspect!

For some inexplicable reason, the other two and Lavinia decided to join in the conversation, completely sidelining me. I had heard rumors of women discussing their intimate experiences with their friends in great detail, but witnessing it firsthand, especially with Xenovia occasionally adding movements with her butt to my lower half, it made for an utterly surreal experience.

Though the atmosphere was undeniably comfortable and relaxing, it was rather challenging to insert myself into the conversation unless a specific question was directed at me. And so, that marked the conclusion of the first half of my evening—a bath filled with lively discussions about various aspects of my romantic life.

— ○ ● ○ —

Later that night, I roused from my slumber and felt compelled to investigate something on the rooftop. However, upon reaching the rooftop, I realized someone else was already present. I communicated with the person I had arranged to meet there, asking them to delay their teleportation. I needed to decide whether to ask them to depart or allow them to stay; at that moment, I remained uncertain.

Upon my arrival on the rooftop, I was greeted by the sight of Anastasia Millstein. She stood by the railings, letting the cool night breeze ruffle her hair. As she heard the door open, she turned her gaze toward me, offering a warm smile and beckoning for me to join her.

I approached, standing beside her as we both peered out over the town.

"Kuoh seems like a wonderful place. Would it be possible for us to explore it tomorrow before we depart?" Anastasia inquired.

"Of course, you're free to explore. I can't exactly stop you. Although I could arrange for one of the girls to—"

"Could you be our guide?"

I hesitated for a moment, pondering her request. "Well, I don't mind, but wouldn't it be better if another woman accompanies you? I might not be the best person to show you around."

Anastasia chuckled at my response. "You're acting like you've never been on a date, Jin, or should I call you 'Aaron'?" she teased.

"Either name is fine, I don't mind. You can call me Jin or Aaron, or we can come up with a new one—how about 'Jaaron' or 'Ain'?" I suggested playfully. She softly laughed at my lighthearted jest before growing contemplative.

"You know, with my abilities, I can help you find your husband," I said, broaching a topic that had been on my mind since our earlier experience in Vita's soul. It was evident that Vita held a deep dislike for the man she depicted in her memories. As I waited for Anastasia's response, I turned to study her expression. It revealed a mixture of sorrow and complexity, signaling her uncertainty in addressing the matter.

"Vita mentioned earlier tonight that you're an 'Outer God,' correct?" Anastasia began cautiously. "If that's the case... I'm not sure. But could you provide me with some vague information about him?"

I hadn't delved into Clarence's life before, but I decided to look it up to provide Anastasia with a general idea. What I discovered was intriguing, although not entirely shocking, considering his history of infidelity and disappearance.

Clarence's life had been tumultuous, to say the least. After his divorce from Anastasia, he descended into alcoholism. Despite his efforts to salvage his relationship with the other woman, she had fallen for him before his descent into alcoholism, leading to further chaos. He delved into dark magic, experimenting with forbidden spells and curses on unsuspecting humans. His actions eventually attracted the attention of the Khaos Order, and, after some persuasion, he joined their ranks.

In summary, his life took a dark and twisted path. He conducted gruesome experiments on humans, which ultimately led to his demise during the war. I was responsible for many casualties during the war after the omniverse's destruction, including him. Although they reincarnated, I couldn't bring them back to life. Aware of this, I wondered how Anastasia and the other Millstein children would react. If they ended up despising me, I'll accept their right to do so.

"I can provide you with a condensed version, although it might not be pleasant," I warned her.

Anastasia regarded me for a few moments before responding, "Tell me. I've lived a very long life, Aaron. I believe I can handle some unsettling news."

Having obtained her consent, I commenced recounting the entire tale, beginning from the very inception. I progressed through the middle, where her expression soured, and ultimately, to his tragic end by my own hands. I made it explicit that I had been blissfully ignorant of these events until now. Additionally, I offered her the liberty to despise me if she chose. Subsequently, a heavy silence enveloped the surroundings.

A look of profound shock marred her countenance. It was apparent that she had clung to a glimmer of hope—perhaps nurturing the belief that he still existed, much like she had for several years, aimlessly searching for a reason to persist. Alternatively, she might have imagined that he had forged a new life elsewhere, possibly with a new family. The sudden revelation about Clarence's fate had evidently blindsided her.

"Thank you for divulging this, Aaron, but... I think I need to retire for the night," she murmured. She turned away from the balcony railing and paused at the doorway. "Good night."

"Yeah, good night," I responded softly. She was clearly grappling with the shock of this revelation, and I sensed she was contemplating her next steps. I resolved not to pressure her into a response, opting to await her own timing to broach the subject tomorrow.

Mentally signaling those scheduled to rendezvous with me, I instructed them to proceed with their teleportation. Elyscia and Bellion materialized before me. Glancing at Bellion, I inquired, "Have the tasks I assigned been completed?"

"Yes, everything has proceeded without a hitch and is prepared for the impending events, my Liege," Bellion affirmed, genuflecting.

"Our preparations on our end are also complete, Aaron-sama. We have secured oversight over the Underworld, Heaven, France, Italy, Ireland, and Russia. The remaining two territories, America and Mexico, will be entrusted to Querehsha and Antares," Elyscia elucidated.

The territories she enumerated were the impending targets of the [Malebranche], the True Satans Faction, and Zaorama Nebiros in the imminent offensive.

Shadow Soldiers, [Electa], and the G.o.B were already stationed in these regions, poised for the upcoming developments. They maintained a vigilant stance, refraining from interference unless confronted with suspicious activities, in order to avoid prematurely provoking the impending attackers.

Members of my group, as well as members from [DxD] and [EXE], were slated to participate in the upcoming campaign. However, not all were partaking, as I encouraged some to prioritize their professional responsibilities, educational pursuits, and training for the impending tournament. Naturally, exceptions existed, necessitating certain individuals to temporarily disengage from their daily routines to join our efforts.

"Are there any activities in any of those places?" I inquired, curiosity tugging at my thoughts.

"Apart from minor activity among the place's regular members, there's been nothing significant so far. However, we have been keeping a close eye on some humans who have been displaying peculiar behavior," explained Elyscia, her voice carrying a note of vigilance.

"I also encountered some minor disturbances during my visits to those locations. They were mostly scuffles between local groups, feuds that have been brewing for years. Based on your usual approach, my Liege, I don't believe your direct involvement would have a significant impact," added Bellion, his wisdom shining through his words.

I hummed in thought, contemplating the situation. "So, you believe I should adopt a more forceful stance?" Bellion responded with a silent nod, and I acknowledged his advice. Unless those affected come to me seeking aid, I'm inclined to refrain from interfering.

Turning to our next topic, I inquired about the future of my faction. "Has Antares outlined any plans for expansion within the Dimensional Gap?"

"I met with him earlier, and he mentioned that he's still in the planning stages. He envisions transforming the existing city within the Dimensional Gap into an even grander spectacle. His goal is to reconstruct the Emerald City, which once served as the base for the Wizards of Oz," elucidated Elyscia, providing insight into Antares's ambitions.

Nodding in understanding, I further inquired, "Will there be a network of highways or roads connecting the two locations, or does he intend to rely solely on teleportation? If it's the former, I'll deploy 666 as a guardian of sorts."

"That's one of the matters he wishes to discuss with you, Aaron-sama. However, he did mention that if both options are chosen, he intends to create a breathtaking landscape for those journeying between the two places," Elyscia explained, revealing Antares's vision for the expansion.

I found Antares's proposal intriguing, and I was open to exploring both options if it served our interests well. We delved deeper into our plans for the upcoming days, hashing out the details and considering every possible angle. Once we had thoroughly discussed our strategies, I brought our meeting to a close and gave everyone permission to leave. However, Elyscia remained behind, her presence lingering in the area.

"Is there something on your mind, Elyscia?" I inquired, my gaze fixed upon her with a sense of curiosity.

I locked eyes with her, a silent connection in the midst of the tranquil night. Her silvery hair danced with the caress of the evening breeze, a spectral cascade of strands illuminated by the moon's gentle embrace. The moonlight lent an ethereal glow to her visage, casting a silvery halo around her.

For a moment, she seemed lost in thought, her eyes slipping shut as if pondering some distant reverie. In that suspended moment, the world felt hushed and reverential. Then, with a faint sigh, she rekindled her gaze upon me, her eyes opening once more. A subtle shake of her head carried unspoken words, a cryptic message concealed in the depths of her gaze.

"No, it's nothing, Aaron-sama," Elyscia began, her voice tinged with a hint of hesitation. "However, I wish to discuss something with you after this operation. It concerns our upcoming offensive in the Phantasma, scheduled for a few months' time."

I offered her a reassuring smile. "Of course, Elyscia. You, as well as anyone else, are always welcome to come and consult with me."

Her gratitude evident, she nodded and offered a polite bow before vanishing from the rooftop.

After taking one final sweeping look around the rooftop, I released a quiet sigh, a subtle testament to my contemplative state. With that, I departed, leaving the elevated vantage point behind in favor of some much-needed rest.

— ○ ● ○ —

As the day neared its end, the Millstein family had spent most of it exploring Kuoh alongside Lavinia, Suzaku, Akeno, and myself. I had consulted the three women, as they frequently embarked on girls' day outings together. The rest of our group had been occupied, and Rias had graciously granted Akeno a day off from her training duties.

It had been an eventful day, to say the least, with Vita playfully teasing and provoking the other three. Even Suzaku, typically unflappable, had been slightly perturbed by the banter and had confided in me about it. I couldn't help but find it endearing, despite how that might sound. Her pleading expression was a rare sight, and I couldn't resist coming to her aid.

As I mentioned, the day was drawing to a close, and we decided to take a break in Kuoh Park. I had just returned with a parfait for each of us. The park, at this hour, remained bustling with families, couples, and children happily frolicking in the waning daylight.

The signs of evening's approach were evident, with the sky painted in warm shades of orange by the setting sun. A gentle breeze rustled through the park, causing leaves to take flight. Laughter filled the air as the children nearby watched the whimsical dance of the leaves.

"Sorry for the wait," I said, extending a parfait to each of them. They offered their thanks before indulging in their sweet treats.

As I observed everyone around us, I couldn't help but notice that Anastasia had been stealing glances at me all day. This behavior had persisted throughout our outing, and every time our eyes met, she would quickly avert her gaze, a hint of fluster evident on her face.

"Kuoh isn't so bad; it's a shame we'll be departing soon. Perhaps we can come back here again," Roselia mused after taking a bite of her parfait.

"Well, ever since the alliance was formed, anyone can more or less visit here. Although, my barrier will discern your motives before allowing teleportation," I replied, and she nodded in acknowledgment.

The rest of the Millstein family shared their agreement, and we promptly finished our parfaits. We strolled through the park for a few more minutes, and as the daylight began to wane, the crowds slowly dissipated. Eventually, we found ourselves as the sole occupants in the dusky twilight, prompting the Millstein family to decide it was time to head home.

"We'll be getting going now," Roselia announced. She had stopped in a slightly more secluded spot to avoid the prying eyes of normal humans.

"Ah, may I speak with you for a moment, Aaron?" Anastasia asked, capturing everyone's attention.

"Oh? I see, so Mother has also fallen for Jin. It can't be helped then," Vita remarked, drawing everyone's attention away.

"What? N-no, Vita, I simply wish to—" Anastasia attempted to explain, but Vita playfully brushed her off.

"Take your time~!" Vita cheerfully interjected, ignoring Anastasia's sigh of defeat.

Anastasia and I exchanged a few moments of silence. It was clear that she wanted to address our conversation from the previous night, given how she had been stealing glances at me all day. I decided to allow her to broach the subject.

"About last night..." she began, bowing her head. "Thank you for informing me about my husband. I can't imagine how difficult it must have been for you. However, please understand that, while you may bear some responsibility for his death, I don't blame you in the least."

She continued, "He was an adult who made his own choices in life. While I feel a tinge of sadness for his passing, he had made his decisions that led him down that path. If he was part of a terrorist group, then I can't muster much sympathy for him."

Suddenly, she took hold of my hands, her grip firm yet gentle. "I haven't informed Emma or Vita about this, but Roselia learned the truth last night. Thank you for telling me, Aaron. I finally have closure for that part of my life."

She smiled at me, and it felt different from the previous smiles I had seen from her. Perhaps it was because she had finally let go of that burden?

"That smile suits you, Anastasia. You should wear it more often; you might attract another admirer," I teased, trying to lighten the mood. "But thank you. I wasn't sure how you would react to that revelation, so I'm relieved to hear your perspective on the matter."

Anastasia appeared taken aback, and her cheeks flushed slightly. "I-is that so? Jeez, Aaron, I told you not to tease an old woman like me."

I chuckled and replied, "I have goddesses for lovers, Anastasia. Age hasn't been much of a concern for me—unless you're underage, of course."

Her cheeks flushed an even deeper shade of crimson in response to my words. Deciding to steer the conversation in a different direction, I gently added, "Well then, shall we rejoin the others? We wouldn't want you to be stuck here for another day. Queen Maeve might require your help, wouldn't she?"

"Y-yes, you're right," she agreed, and we walked back to rejoin the group. Halfway to where they were waiting, we inadvertently (?) let go of each other's hands, realizing we had been holding hands all along.

"Yo, we're done. Good luck, and I'll contact you when the operation starts, all right?" I told them as they prepared to leave.

"You better, Jin! Even if I'm just playing a supporting role!" Roselia quipped, giving me a playful glare. She then clapped her hands, summoning a magic circle beneath them.

As they began to teleport away, Vita seized my tie and pulled me toward her, planting a brief kiss on my lips. She then stuck her tongue out at me, prompting a horrified and muffled exclamation from Emma. Before any further protests could be voiced, they had already disappeared.



Beside me, both Lavinia and Akeno expressed their dissatisfaction, grabbing my arm in protest. I attempted to soothe their annoyance by patting their heads, but Suzaku also joined in, silently protesting by resting her head and arms on my back.

[Troubles of a harem king, eh?]

'Shut up…'

For the remainder of the night, I found myself tending to the three disgruntled ladies. Although I couldn't deny that I didn't mind it, the thought lingered that the third-to-last battle of the Draconic Deus was about to commence. After that, there were only two more battles before we moved on to the Phantasma. I felt a mix of excitement and concern about what lay ahead and hoped that these challenges wouldn't weigh too heavily on their hearts.

— ○ ● ○ —

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