Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 5 – Chapter 2 – Part 2 – Wounds of the Past, Strength of the Future: Birth of a new Rabbit Goddess

Khaos Brigade

Hero Faction


Not too long ago, and after our attempt at conquering Kyoto failed, we, the Hero faction tried to use other means of traveling. One such way was through the Dimensional Gap. I, along with some I am close with did not go on that excursion, but…

It ended in disaster. Before their demise, a few managed to send out a message via communication circles, and that 'shadow-like' beings, one that looked like a knight and another that looked like a dragon whipped them out.

It's known that the Middleman has subordinates that look like humanoid shadows, so it wasn't too difficult to understand who was responsible for it. Other reports were of a giant lizard monster and a giant moth.

We didn't anticipate that he would keep subordinates in the Dimensional Gap, and that was the reason for our faction to suffer a great loss of members. However, other factions within our organization have noted this and will avoid the use of travel in the Dimensional Gap.

But… We have run into other problems as of late. As I mentioned earlier, our mission in Kyoto failed, but that also gave us another problem to try to overcome, however, I feel like it will be impossible to do so…

Our leader, Cao Cao was pacing back and forth. Soon our next mission was going to start, we will be traveling to Egypt. Both in the real world, to a certain spot, and into the mythology. At first, we weren't all too sure in how to get to the realm since there were so many active Gods there, but…

We found some unexpected help from a certain rabbit youkai. He was quite strange, but we moved past that since he was willing to let us into their realm of Nembesouk. He gave me the wrong vibes so I didn't interact with him that much, but he seemed to be obsessed with someone else so I was thankful for that.

"Make sure you have everything you need, all of you."

I heard Georg-kun's voice as he addressed all of us. Since our founder and original leader's mental breakdown, Georg-kun has decided to lead us on his behalf. He is always calm and calculated, even now, but I suspect he has some doubts and anxiety as our original leader is a bit off right now…

"We have a chance to fight some Gods, you know? Isn't that amazing? I look forward to it!"

Sieg-kun says with a lot of enthusiasm.

"Fighting Gods will be difficult you know? Even with our [Chaos Break]. Lapis-sama recently mixed it with the red vial and said it had become even more potent and powerful. It makes me wonder how much more…"

"It doesn't matter, we'll eventually need to use it, that's without a doubt in my mind!"

Heracles-kun says with a grin. Haaa… I'm with a bunch of muscle brains. Only Cao Cao and Georg-kun uses their brains…

Ring ~

A sound of a phone notification resounds throughout the room we were in. It came from Georg-kun and he takes his phone out and reads the message he received. His neutral face slowly morphed into one with a strained smile.

He puts it away and sighs heavily. Even Cao Cao who had been pacing back and forth stops to wait for what he was about to say.

"…Halzaham has informed us that the Middleman is in the Egyptian realm. This may make our mission considerably harder. Keep that in mind."

The two meat-heads had huge grins on their faces and I just sighed. I feel like we won't come out of this alive, or ourselves. But what caught our attention was Cao Cao.

"Good. If he brings that woman there, I can settle it with her. As Georg said, go prepare. We'll be leaving soon. The other factions should be nearly ready too."

At the thought of fighting the woman named Aurelia, his composure returned— His old personality did, perhaps he was saving it to be calm and collected during their fight? Whatever the reason may be… I had a terrible feeling about all of this.



"Hmm? Oh, [Welsh Dragon] Ddraig. You came here?"

I, Scathach was currently in the place called Skellig Rocks, or Skellig Michael. Skellig Rock is southwest of Ireland and are two islands away from Country Kerry. Early settlers named it after the Seraph Michael. Little did they know he actually exists… This is where one of the newest Electa was stationed at.

Selene, the Moon Dragon God. She had been sitting on top of a rock while drinking some sake. I believe she may become a formidable opponent and sparring partner in the future. However, she seemed quite relaxed, but I could not find an opening.

[Yeah, I said I'd come here on Partner's behalf. Anyway, change of plans, he won't be sending an Avatar here. But with all of us, it should be more than enough. Especially Selene and the shadow knights.]


[When do you think they'll come here? I mean why pick this island too?]

"I am unsure, however, there were many religious humans that lived here at some point in history. Perhaps they may have something significant on this island that we are not aware of? Selene is the one who chose to come here."

After I said that, we both turn our attention to the woman. Her eyes were still closed and she was still drinking the sake. But she finally opened her eyes and stared at me.

"I do wonder…"

I hate that she remains cryptic even to us.

"Where has the [Vanishing Dragon] been sent to?"

[Hmm? Albion? Oh, he's going to Russia with Celestin. Edel should be there already. But knowing her powers… Isn't she at a disadvantage? I wonder what Partner was thinking…]

"I see."

Celestin. I had sparred with him once, and I had difficulty in landing a blow, but he was quite skilled. Much like Sharon, he's a 'super butler' as Natsume Minagawa and Xenovia Quarta calls him.

However, Edel… It is true, many of the abilities she's shown me are plant or wood based. But I believe Jin wouldn't just give them access to a singular ability. So, he must have sent her there for a reason.

"We, the Electa are more than meets the eye, [Welsh Dragon]. You should be aware of that; aren't you close with Jin-sama?"

Ddraig grumbled about something that I didn't catch.

"Oh yes, what about the one in Egypt?"

I asked the both of them.

[What about him? He's a complete weirdo, and I'm quite unique myself. So, if I say he's weird… Then he's definitely weird!]

Well, I only met him briefly, but… It is as the [Welsh Dragon] says. He was a unique individual. He was overconfident but could back up his own ego. He had many strange mannerisms, as he would sometimes speak in third person.

"Fufu, Serena is certainly unique… Hybrid Theory, or Eight-Dragon God Serena… He certainly is an interesting person, don't you think?"

Interesting is one way to put it… Ddraig mumbled something and left for the other island, leaving Selene and I alone.

"Come now, Scathach, let us chat before our day becomes troublesome."

Selene summoned a chair and table with some tea. Agreeing with her, I went over there to have a little chat with her.




{Hmm. This is quite something.}

"Indeed it is, Albion-sama."

When Celestin and I teleported to where the other Electa was stationed at. We were greeted by a large circular blue lake with many trees surrounding it. Feeling her mana, I start walking in that direction.

It didn't take long for Celestin and I to reach where she was. Edel is a young woman with long greenish-blonde hair and violet eyes. Edel wears a long pencil skirt in beige with white frills, and a padded white dress shirt with a black vest over the top. She wears a large sun hat, that is a pale green ribbon with a purple flower in it.



The woman in question, who had been sitting on a rock looks over at us with a smile and waved us to go over to her.

"Albion-chan, Celestin-chan. I'm glad you could join me. Isn't this place beautiful? I've enjoyed my time here, even if it was short."

{Well, certainly. That giant lake in front of us is quite something.}

To this, Edel giggles at me, and then points toward the center… W-Wait is that…

{Why is there such a large hole in the middle?}

"Did you know? This is called the Bottomless Lake here in Russia, as well as the Blue lake. Perhaps Khaos Brigade found something in it. Well, we can speculate all we want, but our priority will be helping to defend this place. However…"

Edel stops and stares at Celestin.

"Yes, leave the Russian Gods' realm to me, Edel-sama. You and Albion-sama will be the ones to defend this place."

Clap ~

Edel claps her hands happily.

"Wonderful! I've already made contact with them, and the Chief God is more than willing to let us in, however, he said he would just accept one for now since it isn't the Middleman himself. It's understandable after I told him of the events happening."

Has she already made contact with them? I didn't think she would, but it does make sense since Jin will go there eventually. We also don't know if they're only attacking this place, and not the realm of the Russian Gods too…

{Who did you meet up with?}

"Mokosh, the Chief God's wife. Well, one of them."

Mokosh… I vaguely know of her, but Perun, huh? I do believe Jin and him will get along swimmingly. Apart from being in a relationship with more than one woman… I am eager to see their interaction.

"Where is Jin-sama by the way?"

"He's in Egypt. Jin is about to start a little mission since he accepted to do a request so he could enter the realm for a justifiable reason. Instead of waiting to be invited or just barging in there."

Edel smiled and tilted her hat.

"Huhu, I see. I can't wait to get this mission done so I can go back ~"

"Yes, I agree. Jin-sama's home is quite lively after all."

The two of them were already quite loyal to Jin, the females already hold him in high affection. I wonder who else he'll make…? He hasn't made a leader or captain for the Shadow Knights, and I doubt Igris or Bellion wants to lead them.

Clap ~

"Anyway, go ahead, Celestin. Albion-chan and I will remain here."

"Yes, of course. Until we meet again."

Celestin bows before disappearing. I was left with Adel as she jumps down from where she was and stands next to me.

"If you want, you can fly around to inspect the surroundings. Ah, but be careful of potential humans spotting you ~"

"Yes, I was going to do that. I was curious about the giant hole in the lake. Thank you for the warning."

I spread my wings and prepared to take flight.

Egyptian Gods' Realm


[Alright, let's get this mission started.]


Jin says through the transceiver, and everyone else answered. I, Kurousagi was making my way towards the spot where all this started. Even before I left the town, I already felt Halzaham and his group in pursuit of me.

What Alnaham said was true. It does seem he has become more interested in me since my disappearance. I walked out of the west entrance as I didn't want to alert them that I knew of their presence.

However, once I was outside, I readied myself and jumped away while increasing my speed. They also did the same thing and continued their pursuit. Halzaham lowered his speed so he wouldn't catch up to me, and so that his group could keep pace with him.

The temperature in our realm lowers significantly when it's nighttime. Like in the human world, in the desert when it's night the temperature drops and it becomes very cold, in contrast to the temperature during the day.

Nevertheless, our race has adapted to it over many years, and we have no problems with the huge change. But our race does get stronger at night, perhaps it's due to us being called 'Moon Rabbits' or a completely different reason, I do not know.

The Rabbit Goddess Wenet. Master Ra and Osiris have mentioned them in the past, I found out about them through reading books, through word of mouth, and as I said, through the two Gods. Ra said that she died a long time ago, he did not say how or to who though.

Reincarnation. I wonder if it's real? It appears that Master Ra thinks so, but I'm skeptical… If she— Goddess Wenet was meant to come back, wouldn't she already have done so? What was taking her so long? Even though I know Gods and Goddesses are real, I sometimes feel like I'm an atheist.

I was nearing the spot now, and Halzaham's group was slowly increasing their speed to catch up to me. A few more seconds and I reached it, but they didn't join me and watched from a distance. I have to keep up the act. I walk over to the edge of the cliff and stare down.

Step ~

"I didn't think you were that nostalgic, Kuro ~"


They finally stepped out of their hiding place and were behind me.

"Why are you here? Murderer."

"Murderer? You've got to be kidding, right? What happened here was an accident! You hurt me, with such lies, Kuro. Aren't we childhood friends? We're supposed to have each other's back! But when I was accused of such things you turned your back on me ~"

[Keep calm. I am nearby so don't worry too much. I'll let you fight your own battles, but if you get in a pinch, I'll step in. I've started broadcasting everything when you have him start to confess, and I'll also start the replay of the past after he confesses.]

Jin says through the transceiver. I couldn't even feel his presence, but I will trust his word on that.

"Your lies do not work on me, vermin. Stay away from me."

"Oh ~ still as spicy as ever, huh? I like that about you, Kurousagi."

They inch closer.

"Many believe my word for it, sooner or later it will come out. All I need is to get the proof. Junaid will regain his courage sooner or later and won't be scared of going against you anymore."

Halzaham laughs at this, no, he's howling in laughter. Even his group is a bit taken aback by it. It appears that he found what I said genuinely funny. I was disturbed by it. He eventually stops laughing and wipes a tear from his eye.

"I didn't think you could make jokes like that, Kuro ~"

Shwwip ~

[It's starting.]

"Since it's been years since we last saw each other, allow me to just personally confess to you. But first, yes, I love you, and will have you join my concubine."


"Oh, come on. Don't give me that look, they all enjoy me you know ~"

The thought of it makes me physically sick. I felt my body recoil a little, this made him let out a chortle.

"To your other point ~ sure, why not? I did beat those kids up that day. I mean, they were having too much fun, and didn't invite us— Invite me! I'm amazing you know? And when I found them having fun without me, it pissed me off."

"That doesn't give you the right to hurt them!"

I shouted at him, but he snickers.

"Might makes right, and I stand at the top of our species, and I definitely stand above you! This is the simple rule of the supernatural world! They can try to make it look like they're being reasonable, or use political and all that mumbo jumbo!"

"But at the very core of everything, they— Be it the Four Satans of the Underworld, the Seraphs of Heaven, or any number of leaders of the factions and pantheons around the world. THEY! HAVE! POWER! No one would have picked them to rule otherwise!"

Even if it's true, they still…

"They were also picked for various different reasons. Just because they're powerful doesn't mean everything! The Seraphs are mostly neutral to passive, the Beelzebub of the Four Satans may be called a 'Super Devil' but he's mostly interested in his own research and technology. Even the Leviathan! She's a magical girl!"

"It's all a façade! If they didn't have their own morality, then they would be ruling with an iron fist! It makes it easier! It's been proven in human history in the past!"

"It's also been proven wrong since most of those tyrannic rulers were overthrown!"

Halzaham's powers were rising, and so were my own. His group had backed away as we were getting out of hand. I was meant to make him confess… So, how did we come to this?

"That dumb rabbit, what was his name? Junaid? He stood up, he went up against me. The rest stayed down; they knew they belonged there. But a dumbass like him? Standing up to me? Don't make me laugh! The weak should know when to stay down. They never had a right to begin with!"

He laughs—

"He tried to fight me you know? It was pathetic. Such a weak punch, it felt like I was hit with a weather. But he had balls back then, but I guess a little tumble down this ravine made him think otherwise, eh?"

"I enjoyed dragging his unconscious body over to it and then tossing it over. I would have wished that he was awake during it. A shame. Maybe I can just do it now? I mean, who would even miss him? He's just a cripple, a disgrace to our species."

A massive grin spreads across his face.

"Just like that runner-up fucker. What the hell was his name? Batil?"

"Akil! His name was Akil! Shame on you! He had a good chance of competing with you!"

My blood boiled at the blatant disrespect of the supposed dead.

"Ah right, Akil, yes, Akil… I'll admit that he was strong, not as strong as me, but he had potential. Hell, if he was still alive, he'd probably reached my level if he continued with his training. But that was something I couldn't let pass, so…"

"You killed him."

Clap ~ Clap ~

"As expected of my future first wife, you sure are smart ~ yes, I, Halzaham killed him. I mean, nip that problem small problem before it becomes a bigger one, right? I would say I was logical about it."

"You kill him in cold blood!"

"Nothing is gained without sacrifice! His sacrifice was necessary for my own growth!"

"…What did you do to him? Where is he?"

"Huh? Why does it matter now? He's long gone. Probably shit."

What…? He apparently was amused by my reaction, so he kept on talking.

"I meant what I said, Kuro. He probably became multiple rabbit's poop. Ever notice why some of the food at a certain restaurant was a bit… Let's say 'weird' or had a 'unique' flavor for a few weeks? B-i-n-g-o ~ some of you ate him ~"

W-Wha— Is this person…

'This kid was defected from the start'

No reasonable person with a moral compass would do such a thing…! And also making our friends, family and strangers eat...… The thought makes me sick…

"Oh, right. I'm not gay by the way, but I did want to try mating with a dude once. Even if he was a dead corpse, sooo, I tried that too."

Doom! Ksh! Spppp ~

"Ah, ah, ah. Don't do that now, Kuro ~ you know it won't end well for you. I would rather be…Gentle with that body of yours."

I had summoned my spear and tried to pierce his head, but Halzaham only needed to slightly move his head to the side to avoid the attack. I had also gone into my [War God] mode, my hair had turned pink.

Seeing as I missed, I jumped back. Halzaham was just grinning at me. I looked back at his group, but they were reluctant to join him. They were probably too shocked at what he had confessed… Our town should surely have heard it all, right…?"


Oh my rabbit! I didn't think Halzaham was that unhinged… Also, that makes so much sense in why the food of that restaurant was so weird… Ugh, thinking about it made my stomach turn…

But everyone who had been watching and listening before that had reacted like how Jin predicted. I was just outside the hotel that they were staying at. Goddess Isis had joined me outside.

However, as the conversation continued to be heard, and the fact that Halzaham outright confessed to the crimes he's committed… The entire town had fallen silent. Even Goddess Isis was staring at the holographic screen in the sky with very scary and cold eyes.

"Tell me this isn't true! Our hero! The once in a lifetime genius…!"

"You heard him confess you fool! If you still support him after this then… You're as guilty as he is!"

"We ate…. Akil?! Oh, no… I'm going to puk—"

The crowd was obviously outraged, some still holding on to the fact that their 'hero' might be set up, and framed, but he— Halzaham had unequivocally admitted to his crimes. There was no shadow of a doubt that he did it, and some are just in denial.

"Tell me, Vera. What do you think will happen after this?"


What will happen after this? I-I would think Halzaham will be brought to justice? Isn't that the logical course of action?

"It's not that simple. Your species will always need a servant to each God. If Halzaham is taken away, who is going to substitute for him? The one you call Akil is dead, there has been no talk of the one after Akil."


It's true. Only the one after the chosen ones are mentioned, anyone else below them just go into obscurity, never to be heard from again, but…

"Perhaps we can just hold new trials to see who the strongest is after he is brought to justice? If my memory serves me right, there were quite a few who tried to become the next servant of Osiris. Maybe after his demise, the ones who were afraid of stepping up may not do so."

[Uwa… Eating a person, that just sounds unthinkable for me…]

Inaie-chan says through the transceiver, I can totally understand. But I may have involuntarily eaten some in the past…

[He's despicable.]


Rossweisse, and Raiko hate him. They already did, but I guess finding about this just made them detest him even more…

"Jin should be showing everyone the past events soon."

Goddess Isis says beside me. I also fall silent as I wait for him to do that.

"It's the Middleman! He randomly showed up, and now this is happening! He's trying to frame Halzaham and destroy our village!"

One of Halzaham's supporters shout trying to rally the others. A few join him, but overall, not many do so as Halzaham did confess. Seeing this was in vain, they quickly ceased their attempts, and quietly looked back at the screen.

"It seems like his efforts weren't in vain."


Plop ~ Plop ~ Kshshshs ~

"Ah? What the hell's happening now?"

The same feeling from before… It's starting. In front of us, the past images of our younger selves appeared.

"This is… I see, hahaha! You set me up! Amazing! Did you get the Middleman involve in doing this? I see, I see. You really did think this through, huh? It's pretty simple, but I guess I fell for it since we hadn't seen each other in a long time!"

As he said that, more and more of what had happened in the past played out. The fact that he attacked the others, injuring them, and then finally brutally beating Junaid. He finally threw him into the ravine, and left. Then the adults came, and finally it ended. The light disappeared and Halzaham was just laughing.

"Is this all funny to you?"

"Everything is, Kuro. If you're a genius— No, if you're a naturally born monster like me, everything is quite boring! Of course, in order to keep that, I had to get rid of certain individuals. Haha ~ well, it doesn't matter anymore. I've abandoned this terrible boring town, and its people."

He then snapped his fingers… What did he do?!

"Did you know? I joined up with the Monkai Association of Khaos Brigade. While my status is still quite low, I believe— No, I know I will rise through the ranks at a brisk pace. First, I will lay waste to this town, and then the rest of Nembesouk. Rejoice, Kuro. For you are one of the first sacrifices for my inevitable godhood!"


Halzaham powered up… It was overwhelming! He had become even stronger since the last time I saw him. He had gone into his own [Alternate War God] form, and summoned two khopesh as he duel wielded them.

I also entered my [Alternate War God] form, and summoned the spear that Master Ra gave me. I don't stand a chance, but… I have to try. I don't want Jin's help in this…

[Don't help me.]


Clang! Clank! Kachiiing!!

We dashed towards each other as my spear and his khopesh clashed. Sparks flew, the air around us distorted, and the ground beneath us was destroyed. This will be the toughest fight in my life so far. I did not feel any urgency when I faced against Lianne, one of Jin's subordinates.

It was an exhibition match, not a fight where my life was at stake.

"Don't get distracted, Kuro!!"

Halzaham increased his strength as he started to push me back!


Ding! Ding! Ting!

"What's wrong?! Can you only defend?! Can't you fight back?! Eh?! Strongest female rabbit?! Or is it all a lie?! Did you fuck your way—"


"Don't be absurd!"

Halzaham tried to insult me, he tried to force my emotional outburst so I would fight recklessly and so he could find an easy win over me. No, I won't give him that satisfaction… I thrust my spear towards his abdomen and he dodged it, however, it grazed him a little.

"Nice, nice! See?! If you let your emotions go wild, you can reach me. Not really, but still!"

"Shut up, and fight me."

Grinning, he increased his speed even more. What I saw was after images of Halzaham appearing around me, I couldn't tell which one was the original him.

[If you can use touki, focus on his life energy. Those afterimages are only images and has no life in them. Stay calm.]

Hearing Jin's advice, I do as I was told… I closed my eyes and focused on finding his life energy and… There! I turn left and fired flames from my spear towards the ones on the right!


It hit Halzaham as he quickly jumps away and looked at his injury. He had a look of disbelief, and pure rage towards me.

[Good job.]


I felt a smile creep up on my face. I injured him, and from the looks of it, he wasn't expecting such a thing to occur.

"Don't get fucking cocky, you dumb whore… You just got lucky. I'll take this seriously now…"

Halzaham gets down on all fours and a large burst of light erupts from his body. It consumed everything around him… Once it disappeared, he looked completely different. The left side of Halzaham's hair turns black, while the right side becomes pink. His right eye also turns a lighter shade of pink.


"This is what lies beyond the [Alternative War God] form. I dub it [Hybrid War God] form, it's a mix of the two previous forms. Pretty fancy, huh? Well, whatever. I'll end this now."

Tang! Slice! Slice!


He disappeared and re-appeared beside me, I reacted on time since I faced Lianne before and she was much faster! I blocked both his attacks, but I somehow received cuts all over my body…! H-How?!

"Hyahaha ~ can't keep up, can you?!"

Ting! Slice! Cut! Ting! Klang! Cut! Cut!

He kept on running all round me while attacking from a distance. He created blades of wind with his weapons, and every time I parried or blocked them, I would get injured… At this rate I will lose too much blood.

I was bleeding all over and my vision was starting to blur. Did this mean the difference in strength was too great? Was it all for naught…?

[What? You're giving up now? Don't you want to help Junaid? Even the others who he hurt? What about Akil who was killed in cold blood? Stand up, Kurousagi. Aren't you known as the Spear of Sun God Ra? The Strongest of your species? Stand up to him. Go past your limits, right here, right now!]




A sudden surge of power swells from deep inside me, and my powers increase exponentially. Halzaham gained a surprised look on his face.

"Oh?! Haha! You still had more in you, huh?! Good! Struggle more, Kuro! Don't make me bored before I kill you!"

With his crazed grin, he also powered up too. This is it… This is my final stand. I summoned flames around my spear, this is my last attack. I, either win or lose.

White, and green flames erupted from Halzaham; he was also going to end this too. With a final shout, I charged towards him. I will put every last bit of power, every last bit of my strength left in me into this attack.

As I ran towards him, the blood that was seeping through me increased. I was pushing my body… I felt my own vision slowly going dark. Will I even reach him? No, I will. Halzaham's figure quickly reached me and I thrust my spear in front of me, and he swung both his khopesh down at me.



I didn't think it would turn into a fight! Kuro has no chance! Even though I wasn't here personally to see it, my parents had been keeping me up to date with many things, this included how much more powerful Halzaham became.

But what shocked me even more was that he achieved a higher form than [Alternative War God]! We always thought that there was one, but no one had achieved it!

"Godhood, huh? If that's his answer… Then he's far from reaching it. She— Wenet did not look like that. Whatever form that is, it's certainly unique to him and him alone. What this race has lost over the years is that, what lies after the [Alternative War God] form is [Godhood], the true form of the Rabbit Goddess."

"When one reaches that form, they will become the next Rabbit Goddess or God."

Goddess Isis says that so casually… W-What?! Is that true?! Wait, yes, because it's coming from a Goddess herself. D-Does that mean anyone can reach it?! Wait is that why…?

Goddess Isis continues, and tells me the whole truth of there being three Gods, and it was originally three who were chosen to serve them.

"Where was Goddess Wenet laid to rest?"

"That's the thing, her body just disappeared."


Disappeared? Why did it disappear—


A large explosion occurred in the monitor, and we also felt the shockwave from here… No, who won?!

Jin Skyward

"Heee? So you were here too, Middleman? ~"

Even though Kurousagi told me to not interfere, her life would have ended there, so I had to step in. However, the aforementioned female rabbit was on the ground, and her breathing was quite ragged.

"Haha ~ it doesn't matter, as soon as I cut her it was over for her ~"

Shatter! Don!

"Ugh?! W-What? I can't move…?!"

I destroyed his weapons and punched him in the gut. I also 'froze' him in time when I punched him. Now then… I have a few things to do. First, let's check his memories.



Nothing. As he said earlier, he wasn't that high up in the factions' rankings, so he wasn't given enough sufficient information, however, he did spy on some and found it will happen within the week. So, I at least can anticipate it may happen today or the next few days. As the week was going to end soon.

After inspecting his memories, I go over to Kurousagi and hold her in my arms. Cúntóir, scan her.

Cúntóir: Answer: His swords were coating in some kind of substance, I detect traces of Lapis' power, and Wenet. Conclusion: I believe Lapis mixed her power, with Wenet's blood from many years ago. Perhaps Nyarlathotep planned this in advance?

Cúntóir: Answer: As of right now, you could call this the rabbit youkai's version of Samael's blood, as it is slowly killing her. I would suggest you speak with Kurousagi and creating a new body for her.


After hearing Cúntóir's explanation I look at Kurousagi...… Now, what shall I do?


I was a failure, and even now I was a failure. The Mid— Jin… He was holding me as I was dying. I don't believe Halzaham would lie about this since I could feel my own body shutting down. I can't read Jin's face, as he was staring at me with no change in emotion…

We just met; would he feel sad about me passing…? What kind of useless thoughts am I thinking…? I felt him holding my hand. This was being shown live to everyone else, hopefully I don't traumatize the younger ones because of my death…

My strength left me fully, and my eyes finally shut.



"Hey, Kuro. When we grow up, let's become the strongest together!"


I… Was I living through my past memories? I could see a younger version of me and Halzaham. This was way before I found out his true nature. He looked very young and innocent here. His smile even seemed genuine.

"Mmm! I want to be strong!"

A younger version of me says happily… How naïve of me… The scene around me changes as it shows a small montage of Halzaham and I, training together, over time other rabbit youkai of our age joined us, and that our friend group was formed. This also included Junaid, and the others he hurt.

We seemed very happy and energetic back then… If only those times stayed…

The scene changed, and we were a little older. This was after the incident and when I and many people distanced themselves to Halzaham. However, he was still quite charismatic and many were drawn to him.

This was also—

"Hey, you're Kurousagi, right?"

"…Who's asking?"

"I'm Vera! And I declare myself as your rival!"

"…Huh? Are you stupid?"

That's right, that was the day that Vera came up to me and declared herself my rival. We hadn't even been picked to be the potential candidates yet, but I guess… In a way it was fate for the both of us to meet.

The scene changed again, and it was when I was chosen as Master Ra's servant. I looked very happy and ecstatic. But that feeling soon changed as I— My past version of me saw that Halzaham would be the other servant of Master Osiris. Even then, Master Ra saw my disdain for the fellow.

"Are you not happy, Kuro?"

"…No, I am happy that I was chosen, but seeing the other candidate over there…"

Master Ra looks over at Halzaham and nods, he misinterprets it and waves happily toward us. Master Osiris gave Ra a strange look, but he shook his head.

"Tell me, young one. Why you do not like him."

"…I wish to speak of this in a more private setting, i-if that isn't a problem to you, I mean…"

"It is not. We shall speak about it once all of this is over. For now, bear with it for me."

"Yes sir…"

The next few changes of scenes were of me working for Master Ra for a few years, and also working with Master Osiris, however, anytime it happened I had a frown or look of antipathy towards Halzaham. Even Master Osiris noticed this, but I think he didn't think too much of it…

I truly don't know what he thought. Perhaps I'll never find out since I'm dying or just died…

It also showed the aftermath of the disappearance of Akil. I even confronted Halzaham and he denied it with his usual carefree attitude and grin.

Finally, it showed me running away from this realm, and wandering the human realm for quite some time. Many were intrigued by my clothing, but somewhere down the line I found my way into the Greek Gods' realm, and everything from there seemed a little more bearable.

Even when Vera pursued me there, the years I spent there were almost magical compared to my time in my hometown. Since it felt so suffocating being near a murderer. The rabbit youkai of the Greek realm, the friends I made there…

Amalthea-sama… She was a frequent visitor or that little village. She listened to my worries, my troubles, and even to my past. Not only that, but she never tried to give advice, but just listened. That was enough for me. Even Artemis-sama and Demeter-sama would sometimes visit.

"I want to see them again…"

"Then why don't you do that?"


After I said that, I heard a tiny child-like voice say that to me. I look up as I had been staring at the ground since the visions of my past stopped after showing me in the Greeks' realm.

In front of me was… The younger version of me…?

"W-What? How can you…? Am I hallucinating?"

"Did older me become a little bitch?"

"E-Excuse me?!"

"Excused, now tell me, are you?"

W-What the… Was I always this sassy as a kid?! I didn't think I had such a vulgar mouth too…! The younger version of me huffed and put her small hands on her hips and glared at me.

"Did we become strong? Did we fulfill our promise to ourselves? To become strong enough to protect not only ourselves but our friends and family too? Or did you become like Halzaham, and forget about it? It's cliché, right? But that's what you— What I promised myself all those years ago. So, did you fulfill it?"


"No. I didn't, I was weak. I am probably dying or just died right now."

"…Are you sure?"

?! W-What? The both of us turn to our left and saw… Jin…? H-Huh? How did he get here? Wait, where is 'here', where am I…?

"W-Wait, Jin? Where is this actually? The afterlife? The land of the dead, Duat?"

"You are dying, Kurousagi. But there is a chance to save you."

He explains what Halzaham had done, and what's happening to my body... So, I really was dying…

"So, I propose I make you a new body using my powers, and then transfer your soul and consciousness into it."

"H-Huh?! Y-You can do that?!"

"I revived the Heavenly dragons and gave them bodies. Do you really think this is beyond me?"

He says with a smirk. I mean if he says it like that then…

Smack! Kick!

"Why are you hesitating?!"

"Ow?! Why did you hit me?!"

My younger version kicked me on the side of my leg. That hurt you know!

"You want to live, don't you?! So stop hesitating and accept the deal! You get to live, and fulfill more things in life. I certainly wouldn't want to die now! Are you stupid?! Hey, Jin person, is the older me just stupid?!"

T-This little…

Jin laughed at what the younger version of me said, but shook his head in the end.

"No, she's quite smart, but she can be stubborn at times. Anyway, you won't be bound to me or anything, Kurousagi, but…"

He seemed hesitant to say the next part, but—

"We'll be like linked to you or something?"

The younger version of me asks, and surprised Jin.

"No, not really, but… You will be stronger than what you are. In a way, you'll have a body that's a mix of rabbit youkai and dragon. Like a—"

"Draconic rabbit?! Oh my gosh, do it! Do it!!!"

The younger version of me started to jump around excitedly. I guess she shows her age, huh?

"Yeah, that, and also… You'll probably be reborn as the next Rabbit Goddess."



He proceeds to explain to me how the real history of our race is since he added that Goddess Isis told him about it…

"T-The next Rabbit Goddess… W-Wait, aren't you actually making me into a—"

"Draconic Rabbit God? Yeah, I guess so. So, will you accept?"


"She does."

"…Can you not decide things for me?"

"We're the same person."

"I am the older one!"

I sigh, I really want to hit my younger self… Is that child abuse…?

"I accept, Jin."


He holds his hand out, waiting for me to grab a hold of it. I look at it, and back at my younger self, who looked annoyed at waiting. I really had an attitude problem when I was younger… How anyone tolerated me… That's a mystery in of itself.

I finally reached out and grabbed his hand... After that, everything started to turn white.

"See? If you just stopped hesitating and doubting yourself, you can achieve so much more. Now, go out there and beat up Halzaham."

Those were the last words I heard my younger version said to me. A giant grin spread across her face.

Jin Skyward

I already created the new body for Kurousagi, and only needed her to accept the proposal. Once that was done, the transfer began, and it was instantaneous… Now I don't want to leave her old body here, so I'll just… erase it.

I don't want the Khaos Brigade to get their hands on it, or someone else, and create copies of her, just like how they did with Issei's old body, and created clones of the [Boosted Gear].


A large circular bubble encompassed Kurousagi's new body. It slowly got brighter and brighter until it exploded and out came—


Kurousagi. She still looked the same, but when I used [Observe] on her, her race had become a [Draconic Rabbit God], and her current rank and potential had increased. She— Kurousagi had changed to become a Low-tier God-class, and her potential had changed from High-tier God-class to the peak of Dragon God-class.

"How about a rematch then?"

Kurousagi silently nods and she transformed, it wasn't like any form her race had seen before. Kurousagi's hair slowly turned white, and her eyes turned golden. I wasn't sure if it was because of Goddess Wenet or because of me, but she was bursting with divine aura.

I unfroze Halzaham as he got into a stance and prepared to fight Kurousagi again. With his weapons gone, he had to fight barehanded. Even if he did have them, I would have removed the blood that was on them.

"Well, I guess I might as well announce it. This is a birth of a new God. A new Rabbit Goddess."

"Quit fucking with me!"

Halzaham who was already in his [Hybrid God] form quickly dashed towards Kurousagi who was silently standing there.



Halzaham threw a punch toward Kurousagi who also met it with her own fist. When their fists collided, a large backdraft was created, however—

Spshhhhhh!! Crack!

Halzaham's hand spurted out large amounts of blood, and as well as his bones starting to break. He jumped back and recoiled in pain. He clutched his broken arm as he looked at Kurousagi in horror.

"That's the first time I've seen you with that look, Halzaham. Do I scare you?"

"Me? Scared? Don't be fucking delusional, Kuro…"

He clenched his broken fist and winced.

"That was just a lucky hit."


He dashed back towards Kurousagi who remained motionless, and starting throwing punches and kicks at her. However, Kurousagi parried and deflected them all with a finger hand. She had become blasé about the current situation.

Don! Don! Don!

After blocking a few more attacks from Halzaham, she hit him with three punches. One on the neck, one of his guts, and another on his crotch, once the hits finally registered— Halzaham was launched backwards as he lost consciousness.

He crashed to the ground with a loud thud, and Kurousagi summoned her spear and ignited it. She stared coldly at the down Halzaham.

"You hurt many people, and killed many. I must admit that you sound irredeemable, as I am the new Rabbit Goddess, I will personally execute you. Perish."

Kurousagi spun her flame-covered spear a few times around her hand before swing it down towards Halzaham who was crawling away in a desperate attempt to avoid the attack. In front of Kurousagi, the entire area lit up in flames, an enormous fire tornado erupted from the ground.

It consumed everything in front of us. It looked like the fiery depths of hell had come to the land of the living, the heat around us was quite high as the surroundings were slowly melting, the smell of burning flesh wasn't pleasant either.

However, from the fiery flames of the tornado. The screams of a young male rabbit could be heard. The screams were horrific sounding, it was as if he was pleading for his life through those screams.

But as quickly as the fire tornado appeared, it also vanished. The ground where Halzaham once stood had been turned into a fiery, gooey mess. He was gone, not even a single strange of hair, or a single bone of his remained.

"I guess… You set his heart ablaze, huh?"



Kurousagi, as if on reflex smacked me with her free hand. Okay, that's my fault. I guess it wasn't time for a pun. Kurousagi undid her new form and put away her spear. She turns to me—

"Let's head back. Everyone else saw what had just happened."

"Sure thing."


"Ehhhhhhhhhh?!?!? Kuro became the new Rabbit Goddess?!?! I thought she was going to die for a second there?! But she suddenly came back to life and ehhh..."

I was so confused! One second, she was dying, the next she got up and had a new form and called herself the new Rabbit Goddess!? I stared at Goddess Isis for answers and she sighs.

"To think she would become the new Rabbit Goddess… No, she couldn't have done that on her own. Jin. We must question him."

R-Right, that's right! Jin was holding her as she was dying, and then bam! Some weird bubbling thing appeared over her and she had white hair all of a sudden! But I wasn't the only one freaking out! B-Because—

Boom! Boom!

When Halzaham snapped his fingers we heard some explosions outside our town, but Rossweisse and Raiko told us not to worry about it. Even Inaie also told us that… For the last few minutes, we had been hearing explosions outside of the town.

However, they gradually stopped, and only a sound of some kind of battle was heard around the north side of the town.

[Please don't mind the sounds, just wait for Jin to come back.]

I wasn't sure on what to think anymore… So many things were just happening and—


Ah, they're back…

Jin Skyward

When Kurousagi and I got back to the town, all of the denizens were just staring at us. Most of them were still too shocked to give a proper reaction. Many of them were staring at Kurousagi, we started to walk towards where Isis and Vera were.

I was leading while Kurousagi walked beside me, but she was a little behind. I'm not sure what she was thinking. How does she see me now? Some kind of savior? Does she feel gratitude? Or are we still the same? As in, strangers or acquaintances.

When we reached the two, I felt Inaie finally finish off the last cryptid that she was fighting. I left it up to Rose, Raiko and Inaie in dealing with any backup that Halzaham had. I had assumed that he was in Khaos Brigade, and had those three ready for combat just in case.

"Yo. We're back, how were things on your end?"

"O-Our end? I mean we didn't really have to do anything, Jin…"

True, but I felt obligated to just ask, for formality's sake, you know? I nod.

"True. Anyway, what do you think, Isis?"

She was silently staring at me, and at Kurousagi. Who was squirming slightly, finally, Isis sighed and shook her head.

"I contacted Ra and Osiris, they'll be here shortly, however—"


"Is it true?! Oh my me (God)! It really did happen! Haha, Kuro! Kuro! You did it, you became the new Rabbit Goddess! I was waiting for this day to happen!"

Ra almost seemed like an excited child walking around Kurousagi and poking at her. Kurousagi stood there awkwardly not too sure in how to react.


Another circle appeared and out came an adult who had dark skin, green eyes and hair. He wore green and yellow kalsiris robe, belt sandals and multiple fancy ornaments and jewelries. He spots Ra and Osiris before walking towards us with a smile.

"Hmm? Oh, you finally made it, Osiris."

"Yes, although I did not think it was this urgent, but alas it is. To think a new Goddess would be born this soon… No, it's been many years, forgive me. Kurousagi was it? I, Osiris congratulate you."

He spoke in a formal and polite tone. He was carrying a staff and book... Wait, is that Game of Kings? The knockoff of Game of Thrones in this world… He looks around us and nods.

"Let us entertain the thought of moving to a more private space to continue this conversation."

The other two Gods look at each other and nod. Ra then turns to the rabbit youkai and addresses them.

"Hear my word, denizens of this land! It is I, the God of the Sun, Ra! We will address the current situation in the morning as we have much to discuss about! So, for the time being, please go and get some rest. Whatever you saw and learned tonight may have been a lot to take it, right?"

He started out sounding like a leader, but near the end he sounded a lot more casual. He smiled at them in the end, and without a word, everyone started to disperse. They must really like him, huh?

I glance at him, and Ra grins at me. What charismatic idiot. My companions also joined us during that small speech of Ra. Ra makes a small circular motion with his fingers, and everyone else steps closer to him. We do the same thing and he claps his hand and we were transported to a different place…

No, this was the palace in Nembesouk, the throne room.

"Phew! Now that we're here, let's talk a little?"

Ra says and turns hit attention back to Kurousagi. Osiris then addresses us.

"Middleman, no, Jin as well as Isis and Vera. Please tell us of any detail that Kurousagi may have missed if you don't mind. Please also include your own perspectives."

We agreed and Kurousagi started from the very start. From the incident, to her running away to the Greek Gods' realm, to asking me for help, and my reason for coming here. Well, they finally know the real reason I helped her, but it doesn't matter. I would have told them down the line.

After that, she told them of our plan while I added my own, the same with Isis. Kurousagi also told them of the confrontation and fight from her perspective. Vera and Isis did the same. In the end, they looked at me—

"What did you do?"

Isis asked and shrugged.

"Kurousagi was dying, and I had thought of removing whatever was slowly killing her body, but I decided why not give her an upgrade instead? An upgrade to be the new Goddess of her race. So, I did. No big deal."

Pinch ~

As I finish saying that, Rose had slunk to my side and pinched my cheek.

"Sho, yheah. Kuwousawgi ish dha new Wabbit Gyoddeshs, pwetty neat, wight?" (So, yeah. Kurousagi is the new Rabbit Goddess, pretty neat, right?)

They were a bit taken aback at me casually continuing one like nothing was wrong. Fufu, do not mistake it! For I, Jin am used to this! After a brief silence Ra begins laughing and slapping his sides.

"Oh, you're great. It's like some kind of comedy act. I'll assume she's part of your con— No, harem, right? You certainly have interesting tastes, Jin! A Valkyrie, a hybrid and a legendary hero figure of the Japanese Mythology. Very interesting indeed."

Ra says while eyeing me. Isis shook her head and sighed in frustration.

"That doesn't explain how you did it. Does that mean you can create new bodies? And also resurrect the dead? Transfer souls and consciousness to a new body? I have only been with you for a day, but the things I've seen you do… No normal human can do that."

I look at her strangely.

"Who said I was human?"

She goes to open her mouth but stops. She gives me a questioning look before closing her eyes and thinking about what I said. But this is true though, for most beings I've met, be it Gods, Goddesses, or whatever. They just assumed I'm a human. The only one to ask me out right was Azazel, and Sona…

I gave Azazel my answer, and of course, Sona knows since she was there in the Peace Conference. But they've been quite good since they've kept it a secret for me.

"Hmm. Then what are you? No, before that, who knows?"

Isis finally asks me, and they look at me curiously.

"Well, the Four Satans, the Four Great Seraphs, and some of the leaders of Grigori, probably."

Well, they know the half-truth. They know me as a hybrid of a dragon god and human. Not an Outer Dragon God, but that's beside the point. Isis looks at me with a 'go on' look, and I shrugged.

"Gotta get more friendship points from me to disclose that kind of information, Isis. Anyway, how are things going with preparations, Ra?"

"Mmm. I've informed many of the Gods and Goddesses here, and as well as trusted individuals. I will inform the rabbit town tomorrow along with the new Rabbit Goddess here. There are two more prominent area in our realm."

"Only two? I thought there would be more, seeing as how large other mythologies have been."

"Hmm. Well, we don't have too many other races or species here, the ones who live in that area just wanted to live by some oasis. So, you could say they are oasis-based towns? Anyway, Ash, the God of Oases usually governs the place. He's neutral toward you, but when he learns of your recent achievement…"

He may lean more to liking me. But he's probably informing me of this since it might be a potential area that Khaos Brigade may attack. So I'll go check it out and maybe put a barrier around it.

"Oh yes, even though I said it's one area, it's more like two separate towns. So yeah, and yes, it's as you suspect. One is for you, and the other is against you. They have been divided like that for many years. So—"

"Only go to one? I can't afford that. If Khaos Brigade decides to attack the other and if I didn't go there to inspect before the attack it can spell disaster for them. I'll still go."

Ra chuckles at me.

"I also suspected that, I cannot stop what you do, Jin. But please do be aware that they may be hostile and not so welcoming. Some may even try attacking you. Please don't hold it against them."

"I won't exactly blame them, but I will defend myself by putting them in some kind of sleeping magic if they do, though that may be just an extreme."

Ra nods and turns to Osiris.

"What will we do for your servant? Shall we hold a small tournament to find the next servant? On my end, it should be Vera but…"

"A-Ahahaha… I-I don't particularly want to…"

Vera awkwardly laughs and rubs the back of her head. Her eyes keep darting between Kurousagi and I for some reason. Ra laughs to this and nods.

"Then that means we need to have a small tournament for both. Do you want to watch it, Jin?"

"…As much as I would, I need to go to that other area in your realm. I just need a guide…"

I was curious about it, but I had to decline Ra's invitation and look at the two rabbit girls and Isis. Isis rolls her eyes while Vera was all for it.

"Hmm. I see, it's a shame but understandable. However, we must keep Kurousagi since she is the new Rabbit Goddess, so she will need to watch over the tournament. So, Isis and Vera can go with you instead."

"Cool beans. Then we should—"

"No need, Jin. You and your harem can stay in this palace. There is more than enough room. Rashida! Guide them to their chambers."

"Yes, Master Ra. Please follow me."

That was quite generous of him. The girls follow after Rashida but I don't. I stop and turn back to him.

"Seth is the God of Sand in the Egyptian Mythology, I also heard some rumors that he may not like me, or me visiting. Is he here? Or anywhere near where Ash or that area I'm going to tomorrow?"

Ra shakes his head.

"Fortunately for you, he is not here at the moment. He has been gone for around a week, actually. But it is true that he is not fond of the Heavenly Dragons or their wielders. His former territory, a large city in the desert was completely decimated by two of your seniors."

"…I see."

I start to walk away and follow the girls' aura—

"He was also powerless to stop it. That's why he's against you, Jin. I do not know if his heart can be swayed at this point, but you can try. The same with Ptah, however his former lover Sekhmet is neutral towards you."

He chuckles behind me.

"Perhaps you can quell the dying embers of love between them? Ah, I'm just speaking from nothing, forget about what I said, Jin."

I finally left the room and quickly found the room that they were staying in. Did they just put us all in one room…? Rashida left the room and bowed to me. I stop as she walks past me.

"Are you Ra's lover?"

"…I am nothing but a mere maid. Master Ra has his wife, Mistress Hathor."

"I see."

Rashida finally left and I also entered the room. Once I did, I saw Inaie bouncing on the stupidly large bed, larger than the one I had at home.

"They really put us all in one room, huh?"

Rose sighs and looks at me.

"You did not confirm or deny the question if Raiko-san and Inaie-san were in your harem earlier, Jin. That's perhaps why Ra-sama put us in one room."

"...…Point taken, that's my bad. Sorry about this, Raiko, and Inaie. I can always—"

"It's fine, Jin! Lavinia-san and Akeno always says it's comfortable sleeping with you, so I've been curious. So will you let me?"

Inaie interrupts me and asks rather quite innocently. I'm sure she's not naïve, but I agree in the end. I look over at Raiko and she also agrees to the arrangement, albeit a bit embarrassed.

"Well, let's rest up before we go check on that town Ra mentioned for tomorrow. When we get there, and if any of you find a magic circle of any kind, or traces of magic or energy, tell me straight away, okay? I'll say this again tomorrow."

I say that to them while removing my clothes.

"W-W-W-W-W-W-What are you doing?!"


Both Inaie and Raiko panic and I give them strange looks. Rose makes another heavy sigh and shakes her head.

"As he forgot to mention, he sleeps in his boxers or underwear. Please do not panic, Inaie-san, Raiko-san."

Rose said this while changing into her own erotic nightgown making the two of them blush at her choice. Rose gets on the bed and pats it; I chuckle and join her. I wait for the two others to get ready.



Rose gestures for me to take lay on her thighs and I do so, once I do, she puts her hand over my eyes.

"Ah, that's what you meant!"

As bad as this sounds, it's great not having Ddraig. He may have said something along the lines of: 'He uses his [Penetrate] ability from the [Boosted Gear] on his eyes to see through your clothing! He knows how you look without clothing already!'

I have never done that….

Cúntóir: Answer: ...…


'Cúntóir? Velgrynd? Why are you looking at Jin like that…?'

Yeah, I never did… I'll just ignore those three… Rose eventually sighs and takes her hand off my eyes and I turn to face her crotch.

"Jin. Wrong way…"


Crack! Spin!

Rose not amused forcefully changed my direction and I heard a weird cracking sound. However, I was greeted by a Raiko in tight purple/violet lingerie, and an Inaie in cute pajamas, that were black and purple with a feather design.

Raiko's boobs are really sticking to her—

Slap ~

"You're ogling the both of them too much, Jin."

I remove her hands from my eyes and sit up. I move over to sit beside her, look at her, and smirk.

"You certainly are acting like we've been married a long time, Rose. Did Fia influence you?"

She looks at me while sporting a small blush, however, she didn't answer me. I chuckle at her and just lie down on my bed. Rose also lies down on my left side. Raiko to my right and…

"—Oof… Are you sure, Inaie?"

"Mmm. This is fine… Also, there's not a lot of space…"

Inaie had opted to use my chest and body as the bed and pillow. So, we went to sleep.



"Ddraig, is something the matter?"

Selene and I have been chatting for the past few hours, she's a woman with great conversational skills, charisma, and can speak about many different topics. However, around one hour ago, we saw Ddraig walking back and forth looking a bit irritated.

He stops to look at us.

[Uh, do you know where Halloween lives?]

"Halloween? Oh, do you mean Queen Halloween or Queen Maeve? She lives in her own realm, and governs her own people, why do you ask?"

[Apart from letting me help here, he also asked me to help or check on them. He said it was just a gut feeling.]

A gut feeling? Perhaps Jin and Cúntóir speak about it? I do know where it is…

"It's in Dublin, Ddraig. In a place called the 'Hellfire Club'. If you go to a certain part of the building, you will find the border between the human realm to Queen Maeve's realm. It's called Thine Ifreann Réimse, or Hellfire field. Though it looked normal and not a lot of fire."

Queen Halloween has always had a weird naming sense, though she shares that a bit with Jin…

[I see, I'll make my way there then. You two will be fine, right?]

"Yes, go ahead, Ddraig."

Selene answers for the both of us and he teleports away. I turn to look at her and she smiles.

"He will have a much more enjoyable time there; he loves to fight after all. If whatever Jin-sama and Cúntóir-sama sensed there, then it will be worthwhile for the [Welsh Dragon]. We have twenty other Shadow Knights here; it will be quite easy to defend."

I nod. She speaks the truth, with my current new power level, and add Selene with the twenty Shadow Knights… It will be a breeze, but—

"He will be fine. He is a Heavenly Dragon, the Dragon of Domination after all. He has also gone up in power, put some trust in him. If he does struggle, Jin-sama will be there. He won't let anything bad happen to the [Welsh Dragon]."

Selene has a degree of trust in Ddraig. Is it because they are fellow Dragons? Or is it because Jin considers both Ddraig and Albion his 'brothers?' Whatever the case may be…

I look at where Ddraig once stood and look back at Selene who smiled...… When will this begin? I am also feeling restless…



A new teleportation circle appeared. I am familiar with this. A blonde-haired magician with a witch's attire appears from it.

"Lavinia, why have you come here?"

She smiles at my question.

"I wanted to help defend Jin's home country ~"

"We do not need your help, Lavinia-sama. Please go join Ddraig."

"Ddraig-chan? Where did he go?"

Selene explains what he had just discussed and she nods.

"Okay! I'll go meet him over there then!"

She waves to us before disappearing again… That woman… Even though Jin said to leave it to us, she just appeared… If what Jin said was true, then she may be facing a small portion of her past during this time.

Will she be okay?

"She is strong. Trust in her, Scathach."

"…I suppose you're right. Come, let us continue our previous topic."


I had arrived in Dublin and in a place called Phoenix Park. I was about to leave when I felt a teleportation circle appear nearby. I wasn't too alarmed once I recognized who it was, so I stood there waiting.

She comes out of the tree a little clumsily, spots me, and runs over to me. With my enchanted hearing, I could hear many people around us commenting on her beauty. What I didn't like was—

"Are they dating?"

"They look good together."

"Should we cuck him?"

Yeah, no. Partner would kill me one hundred times over. Not to mention that Lavinia Reni sees me like an older brother figure to Partner. I'm also not interested in her, like how Partner mentioned once before…

'Hey Ddraig. Did you and Albion have any mates in the past?'

'Maybe that Tiamat person?'

Velgrynd says casually making me shiver. I would rather turn gay than be with that psychotic dragon.

[Neither of us had one, Partner. We were mostly preoccupied with getting stronger before we met, and fighting anyone strong. After we met each other, well, you know the rest.]

'Hmm, then how about now?'

[It's not in our minds that much, Partner.]

'He'll probably wait until you go to other worlds, and then strike.'

[Shut up, Rudra! No, we won't!]

{I won't deny the possibility.}

[White one?!]

{Seeing Jin in so many relationships makes me sit down and reconsider. Perhaps I too will settle down one day. We have been revived after all.}

I was left speechless. I wasn't sure in what to think.


"Huh? Oh, sorry about that. We're going to that Hellfire Club or whatever, right? Let's go. I would rather not lose to Albion."

"Hehe ~ so competitive. Let's go ~"

Charging ahead of me, Lavinia Reni lightly jogged away.

"…Settling down, huh?"

I shake these thoughts away. I'll think about that another time, I have to focus on this first and foremost.


Next day

Jin Skyward

"I first ate Egyptian food yesterday, and now I'm eating it for breakfast. It's quite tasty, Ra-sama, oh, um Master Ra?"

"Either works for me, Inaie!"

We were currently having breakfast and after this, we would be going to whatever the hell that area is called. Everyone in my group, plus Ra, Osiris, Isis, Vera, and Kurousagi was here too. They all decided to sleep here for the night.

"So, are you going to be doing the tournament right away?"

"Yes. After we tell them of the birth of a new Goddess, we will conduct the tournament straight away. After that, we'll assign them to both mine and Osiris's servants. Kuro has said last night that she doesn't want a servant and we will respect her decision as she is a fellow Goddess now."

"I see. Good luck, Kuro."

She seemed a little surprised. Did I call her that too soon? But in the end, she smiled and nodded... I guess not...… Hmm? This aura…


"I'm back!! Hubby ~ ….Hmm? We have gue— Oh, the Middleman, Jin-chan! ~"

A new Goddess appeared from the door behind us. She walked past us and waved, she goes over to Ra and they share a quick kiss.

She had long pink hair, blue eyes, and brown skin. She wore a unique-looking wraparound gown and close-fitting sheaths. She also had many fancy, unique and colorful ornaments all over her head, neck, and hair.

"Welcome back, my beloved Hathor! How was your trip to the human realm?!"


What an energetic couple… But that's Goddess Hathor, huh? The Goddess of love, beauty, music, dancing, fertility, and pleasure. Interesting, I wonder if Ra is married to anyone else?

"Did you have breakfast yet, my love?"

"I have not."

Clap ~ Clap ~


"I was prepared, Master Ra."

Rashida instantly appeared with another plate of food. Hathor seemed pleased and hugged Rashida making the maid blush at the contact. Hathor after hugging the maid sat down and began to eat her breakfast.

Ra started to tell her of what had recently transpired and that Kurousagi had become the newest Rabbit Goddess.

"My ~ I know you had it in you, Kuro ~ good job!"

"T-Thank you…"

She turns her attention to me next—

"Thank you for saving her, Jin."

"No problem, I like Kuro too, can't have her kicking the bucket yet."

Nudge ~ Nudge ~

"Do you hear that? He likes you ~"

That's not what I meant, woman…

Hathor gained a cheeky grin and started to nudge Kurousagi who was trying to eat her breakfast. Her ears were drooping and she blushed. But she ultimately decided to ignore the teasing, this was probably somewhat regular.

"Will you behave? Geez, who would even take you seriously as a Goddess."

Isis scolds Hathor and she just sticks her tongue out at her in response. Osiris stifles his laughter at their interaction.

...…That somehow feels like a punch in the gut, I feel like many would say that about me… Huh, now that I think about it. Kuro and I will have the same problems. She'll have to try to change her way of thinking that will fit a ruler or God. That should be a fairly interesting thing to watch.

"So, that's why Jin is going to Emzusai after breakfast."

Emzusai? Is that the name of the town? I look at Ra and he nods.

"I see. Good luck, Jin! You'll have a tough time at the west side of Emzusai since they hate you. The East is a little more welcoming though. Even though some of them suffered in the attacks. I guess you could say they are a lot more forgiving?"

Hathor says and Ra nods.

"But once the rest of the realm finds out you are here, and as well as how you helped the Rabbit town, then it may sway more opinions of you."

Hathor adds a bunch of 'that's right' after Ra said that, the other two didn't say anything but just kept on eating. I haven't met many, although I had spent most of it in the Rabbit town, and I didn't really go there to explore, so I had a limited amount of exposure to it since I was already doing a job.

Maybe I'll get a more accurate representation once I go to the west side of Emzusai since there are a lot of them there, haters I mean. If they wish to hate and harm someone, they can put it all on me, but they better not extend that to the ones accompanying me.

But maybe Isis' presence might stop some of it. I wasn't sure yet, but we'll see when we go there.

We were by the entrance hallway of the palace. We finished eating breakfast not too long ago, and everyone was ready to depart. Hathor was going to accompany Ra, Osiris, and Kuro.

"I will leave it to you then, Vera. Get them there safely."

"Yes, of course, Master Ra!"

Ra and his group left first and we were the ones left in the hallway. Vera turns to us with a large smile on her face.

"Okay! Let's get going then, but first! We have to go outside…"

So, she leads us out into the walkway again and turns right. We follow where she was looking and she seemed to be looking at a certain building that's being elevated to a higher altitude.

"We go there to teleport to Emzusai!"

Huh, I thought all we had to do was teleport there ourselves…

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