Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 4 – Chapter 6 – Part 2 – Dragon x Lion: Rebirth of a Dragon Emperor: I am…

Japan, Kuoh

Jin Skyward

Only a few more days left until my match with Sairaorg and I feel like a lot of people have been contacting me. We can communicate via communication circles, texts, or even phone calls.

It was still the same day and I had come back home after my date with Ingvild and Valerie. It was around eleven at night though and most of the girls retired to sleep, some were still awake. I was on the top floor of my home just looking out at the town of Kuoh.

"Haaa.... Hmmm?"

I felt someone's presence behind me and I turned around. I see that Akeno had come up here. She was in a see-through nightgown and her breasts were sticking close to them. She approaches me and then hugs me; I hug her back.

"Akeno? Is something the matter? Can't sleep?"

She just shakes her head on my chest and doesn't say anything. The thing back during dinner with Lisa and now this…what's up with her lately? We stay like that for a few minutes until Akeno finally looks up.

"Am I… Clingy?"

Clingy? I mean… Aren't most teenagers like that? I don't exactly blame you for being this dependent on me… But you aren't THAT clingy… Though that's me being biased, and also, I don't mind it.

"I mean… Maybe? If I take a step back and observe from someone else's viewpoint then yes, maybe? Why do you ask, Akeno?"

"Grayfia… Brought Reni and I for a little talk and said we may be a little clingy to you and that's why—"

"You've been watching what you do and say?"

I finish her sentence for her and she nodded… Haaa. I see it was Grayfia, huh? I guess she feels responsible since she does help me with the sleeping schedule and she's one of the oldest in the harem.

"I-I mean I do kind of agree with what she said… But I'm still a teenager you know? You're my first and last love, and I never plan on leaving your side. I even became immortal."

"Well… We'll probably come out of the 'honey moon' phase we're in sooner or later but just go about it at your own pace, Akeno. I'll need to speak to Reni about this too and probably Grayfia. Anyway, let's go to bed."

I pick Akeno up bridal-style and we go back to my room with the rest of the girls.


Bael Territory

Sairaorg Bael

"Sairaorg? Are you not tired enough to sleep yet?"

I had been standing looking at the Underworld's moon and it was night time. Jin mentioned to me before that he liked gazing at the sky, whether it be night or day. There is beauty in looking at the moon, and you can also clear your mind when doing that. I can understand why he likes doing it.

I heard my mother's voice from behind me and I turned around. She was already in her night gown and she walks over to me.

"I will be heading to bed soon, mother."

"Is that so? Please do, sleep is essential after all."

She says so and we silently stare up at the sky together. However, she then continues—

"Sairaorg… Are you worried about your match with Jin?"

I shake my head and look at my right hand as it trembled…

"No… I am looking forward to it. I asked him for this because I want to test myself and help him."

"Help him… Do you mean…?"

I nodded, while subtle I noticed something wrong with Jin while at the gathering of the youth devils. We bumped fists and I knew something was off… I tell mother of what had happened that day and my concerns.

"I see… I had an inkling feeling when he came over the day before, he seemed a little rigid. I only met him for a brief time but I could tell that much."

Mother said with a thoughtful look.

"Yes, that is why I asked him for this match. I can only rely on my fists and this body of mine, and there are questions and doubts that can be answered through battle. I believe I can help Jin in my own way."

"You are a kind child, Sairaorg… I am proud of you… I do hope you get through Jin."

"Yes, I hope so too…"

She nods before leaving. Mother, what is your opinion on Jin? I know most of my peerage respect him and I believe Kuisha is slowly gaining more affection for him, but what about you…?


Hmm? I turn around again to see… Silveteela Stolas, my lover and fiancé. She had stayed over for the night, I thought she had already fallen asleep. She comes over to me and hugs my arm that I let down.

"Teela, I thought you went to sleep?"

"I went over to your room but you weren't there, and then I passed by Misla-sama so she told me of your whereabouts."

"I see…"

Silveteela Stolas, I met her early in my teenage years. I was desperately training to achieve power. It was quite challenging to get along with her at first, but I could see through her façade and she was actually quite kind on the inside.

She cares deeply for her servants and family. She truly wants to bring her clan back from where they are. However, if she marries me then she will need to leave her clan… So we're holding that off until her little sister becomes older.

"Your match is soon."


"Do you think you stand a chance against Jin-sama?"


This prompted her to look at me in shock, so I turned around and smiled at her.

"I challenged Jin knowing full well I won't win. However, I want to see how far I have come, and I also want to help a friend. I did not expect it to gain so much traction beyond the Underworld..."

"Now most of the supernatural world will be watching our exhibition match. After that, I along with my peerage will have our Rating Game against Rias. I will be putting my dream on the line against Rias."

Yes, knowing Jin and his powers this may end quite quickly but… Seeing as how massive this event has become, he may try holding back to make it more entertaining. I will not fault him for that; however, I expect him to put in some effort.

"Do you think you'll win against your cousin?"

"…I am unsure; however, I will go all out from the start. So will my peerage."

No more words were said and we headed back to my chambers for the night.

Japan, Kuoh

Kuoh Academy

Jin Skyward

Next day

We were in the clubroom after school and we were busy preparing for the culture festival. Rias had given everyone orders and everyone was doing their own part.

Having decided to turn our maid café into a full-fledged ghost house, we decided to add more elements to it. At the start you'll go through a fortune telling room, then you'll walk through the haunted house section, and then finally the maid café.

You'll also be given fun facts and trivia about the occult as you eat and have some drinks. Just to unwind you know? I had to persuade Sona to let some Youkai help us in this case since most of us will be working at the café portion.

I will have Shaula as the fortune teller, my shadows as some of the ghosts and the youkai of course, and finally us—the Occult Research Club manning the café. Sharon and Grayfia will be helping with the café too. I will temporarily have Antares help Yasaka in Urakyoto for that day.

The girls were currently making the costumes, I had offered to just, you know, snap them into existence but was lectured. They said it was to make it more memorable and meaningful so they can remember it fondly over the years.

The girls were also responsible with the interior design for both the fortune telling room, haunted house and café.

We— The guys were responsible for building it all up, we were the man-power here. Gasper was tasked to go and buy supplies with Asia and Rose. This left Kiba and I to get started on the construction part.

Azazel, Griselda and Rose were meant to be in a teacher meeting but with the help of Lisa she got to help us instead. Oh right, Lisa also unofficially joined us as part of the club, another advisor in a way… Though she just comes here to hang out and relax.

"Is that okay, Kiba?"

"Yes, please hold it there."

Kiba and I were making some wooden signs and other miscellaneous items for the front of the old school. Signs like 'Welcome to the Occult Mansion' and whatever else is in store for them.

With that in mind, it seems like Akeno's parents and Suzaku will be present at the festival. The same with Rias' parents, though I don't know who can make it... If not then Sirzechs and Asteri may come instead.

Tobio also texted me and said that team Slash/Dog may try coming over if they don't get a mission on the day or if they are not busy with other things. They work at what's called the 'Black Dog'. It's a bar made by Azazel and it's two stops away from Kuoh.

Team Slash/Dog's office building is also there. Natsume and Reni used to work there too but since they moved in with me, they no longer do. The same with Shigune, however, according to Tobio, Sae and Ajamu have taken their spots and they work there too.

There were also others who hinted that they may try coming… Like Áine, who said she'd try to drag Goddess Danu with her. Hestia said she'll come with Hephaestus, and also the historical trio of Benkei, Yoichi and Yoshitsune may be present here too.

"By the way Jin-senpai, do you know Diehauser Belial?"

Kiba looked at me and I nodded.

"Only by name though, he's the Rating Game champion, right? He has the moniker 'The Emperor' and uses his clan's trait quite efficiently. It's called [Worthless], I believe."

"Yes, that's right. He's ranked first in the official Rating Game, the current champion and he's also the head of the house of Belial. He has been called a natural monster since the house of Belial was formed."

"He is also a true king of the Rating Game as he has been standing at the top for a very long time. And yes, one of his more well-known monikers is 'Emperor Belial'."

Kiba continues.

"Rankings twenty and below are said to have a power on a totally different level, and if you are in Top ten, you would even be called a Hero. Among them, ranks five and below are said to be unmovable."

"They have been standing in the top positions where they haven't moved their ranks for a long time. Especially the third ranked Bedeze Abaddon, the second ranked Roygun Belphegor, and the first ranked Diehauser Belial"

"They are Ultimate-class devils among Ultimate-class devils who have the power equal to the current Satans. Despite this, all three of them are said to not intervene unless a war were to break out on a large scale. They have been researched due to the game's traits, and they are spoken well of by others. They are called the 'results' born due to many matches."

Haaa… Kiba, while Diehauser Belial is the real deal, both second and third are using the [King] pieces to boost their powers, while they may equal Falbium now… Not Serafall since she's basically a Dragon God-class being, and certainly not Ajuka or Sirzechs.

Even with Roygun's reasons for loving the game, they are still cheaters. She's still cheating… And when the truth comes out, she'll be exiled by her clan.

"We could say the same thing to everyone here… Even if you do reach the top three to fight against any one of them, you should have a reasonable chance at winning. All that matters now is tactics, strategy and experience."

"You guys have some of that, especially in the last fifteen years. Of course, they have more years on you, but you've fought stronger and more experiences opponents in there, yes?"


From the Electa, the two Heavenly Dragons, Scathach and the monsters. The Gremory peerage have fought a lot of different beings the last fifteen years, hell it should be twenty if we add the first five.

"But for now, focus on the match against Sairaorg. I mean I have to fight him first, right? I am going to reveal some secrets, so make sure to watch."

Kiba only chuckled at what I said and we jumped back to working on the signs. We did this for the rest of the day until night came around and we headed home.

Jin's soul

"Dragon Blaster!!!"


"Mode change! Welsh Sonic Boost Knight!"

[Change Star Sonic!]

Everyone was watching me, giving me tips from time to time, while I was in my soul and seeing how fast I could change forms for [Illegal Move Triaina]. I will be accompanying the Gremory peerage to the Underworld, to a certain part of the Gremory territory.

We'll be conducting an interview to hype fans up even more. I swear they're so meticulous about this… Using my natural speed and the one I get from [Knight] form, I zoomed around my soul creating small tornados.

"Mode change! Welsh Draconic Rook!"

[Change Solid Impact!]

I punched the ground and the entire place rumbled. Once I was done, I sighed and reverted back to my base form of my Balance Breaker. The transformation is near instantaneous so I won't have a problem with doing that against my match with Sairaorg.

"Hmmm, so that's your… [Triaina] thing, huh? It looks cool…"

Velgrynd came over to me and started peering curiously at my armor. I haven't used it in here now that I think about it. She's only seen it when watching from my soul…

"Yeah, those were the [Bishop], [Knight] and [Rook] forms. My base is basically the [Pawn] form."

"What about the [Queen] form then?"

She asks and tilts her head. I look at her, then to everyone else who just looked to their sides… Pieces of… I inwardly sigh.

"I'm…saving that for my match against Sairaorg. It would be better to make its debut during that time, right?"

"If you say so, Jin."

My relationship with Velgrynd had become quite casual over the years. I mean nothing substantial but it's a step towards the right direction. We had a few… 'Bonding' moments but like I said, nothing happened.

[The way you're hyping it up, Partner, I want to see it now.]

"…I don't even know how it would look like, Ddraig. I'm also still iffy about the chant but whatever…happens, well, happens."

I exited my Scale mail and joined the others with Velgrynd, we spent the rest of the night talking about random things, most of it was Ddraig blabbering about a show he's been watching called 'SVU Law & Order', the title sounded familiar…

He even told me to google 'SVU Forehead guy' on my phone… And then started laughing like a psycho and nearly peed himself. Everyone was just mostly confused, I kind of understood it…


Gremory Territory

The Gremory peerage and I were in a high-class restaurant located within the Gremory territory, we came here after cutting our preparations for the festival short.

I was standing by in a changing room with Kiba and Gasper. We had to get dressed for this since it was an interview after all. The girls also had their own changing room. In the room, there was expensive furniture, as well as a fridge stocked with snacks and beverages.

Kia and I were wearing full suits for the occasion, while Gasper was wearing a dress. I mean, more power to him, I guess? Or did Coriana ask him to do that…?

He had already eaten some since he was a little nervous. I mean you can't get used to being interviewed or even being on live television especially if you've only done it a few times. I certainly haven't because it just feels weird.

The interview will be held in the second floor of this building, both Gremory and Bael peerages will be present, of course, I will also be there.

"I'll go check on them."

The two nodded before going back to what they were doing. I stroll over to their door and knock on it. I announce that it was me and I walk in. Everyone was there, including Rose. Now why was she here? I mean… I did say she was my secretary, but I meant for the restaurant not as me— The Middleman and Red— I mean Dual Dragon Emperor…

"Looking good."

They were all wearing dresses that suited them and they all looked gorgeous. As I entered the room, I closed the door behind me. Asia and Rose were by the mirrors and murmuring to themselves like 'Will this be okay?' and 'Does it look good or it doesn't?'.

"It looks like we're all ready. Rias do you know who's going to be interviewed first?"

"I think both our peerages will be and then to you, but I may be wrong."

She answers me and I nodded. Finally, the door opened—

"Everyone, it's almost time."

I nodded and left to go get Kiba and Gasper.

While on the way to the interviewing room we encountered a certain individual.

"Ah, Rias-senpai, Jin-senpai, and the rest of the club, hello!"

It was Saji and he was also dressed up in a tuxedo, but he looked really uncomfortable as he kept on tugging at the bow on his neck.

"Hey Saji, are you here for your own interviews?"

"Ah yes, we'll have our own along with the Agares peerage. We'll be having our match at the same time as the Gremory peerage. It's unfortunate that it didn't get as much attention though."

Saji sighed in defeat. It couldn't be helped. These guys are monsters now… And your match with Seekvaira is mostly about tactics and strategy. The people watching my match and Rias are kids and teenagers who are interested in seeing the Lion King, Oppai Dragon, and Crimson Haired Princess.

"Genshirou-kun, let's get moving. It'll be problematic if we're late. Excuse us, Rias-senpai, Jin-senpai."

One of the [Bishops] of Sona's peerage, Momo Hanakai came and started to drag Saji away, she also had make-up on and was wearing a fancy dress.

"Ah, wait! Don't pull me! I'll see you guys soon!!!!—"

"Say hi to Sona for us!"

As I said that they finally turned a corner. Power vs Power for the Gremory and Bael, while it's Tactics vs Tactics with the Agares and Sitri. Both the Kings are smart as hell so it'll be an intense match in its own right.

After meeting Saji we continued on our way, we finally arrived at a large hall where the interviews will be held at. Once we did—

[It seems like the Gremory team and the Middleman has arrived!]

There was a huge round of applause following the announcement. It also seems like the Bael team was here as Sairaorg smiled confidently at both Rias and I. Above the seats in the hall was a curtain with devil letters that said 'Sairaorg Bael vs Jin Skyward' and 'Sairaorg Bael vs Rias Gremory'.

We take our seats. Rias sat in the middle Akeno to her right and I was to her left. On the Bael side, Sairaorg was in the middle, Kuisha to his right and Regulus who still had his rob on his left. Sairaorg was already exuding a lot of fighting spirit and Rias responded in kind.

This got the crowd riled up. Both of them had pretty serious faces on them. Behind me were the rest of the peerage. I glanced back to see Gasper looking over to the other side and Coriana waving at him. He also waved back at her. He sees me and I smirk at him, making him blush.

[Since everyone is here, I would like to start the press conference!]

As the host said quite excitedly, the press conference began. He wanted to start with the Gremory and Bael Rating Game, so— Basic information about the game's outline, the date and such was explained to us by the host, and after that, he asked the opinions of both [King]'s of Rias and Sairaorg.

They both held themselves in high regard and answered the questions from the host with elegance and with no hint of doubt. I sat there quietly as the host asked everyone else some questions pertaining to their thoughts in the upcoming game.

Finally, it was the more… Less tense part of the interview. Then the crowd asked everyone some questions, some from themselves or the fans they had. The girls in both peerages were quite popular, so they were asked many questions by the men.

"Himejima-san! Is it true that you're in the Middleman's harem?"

"Yes I am."

Akeno answered honestly, she also said it quite seriously. The male reporter who asked that, his mouth twitched but he nodded in the end. Kiba was also asked some questions by the female since he was quite popular with them.

Gasper… He was asked by both, he had fans from both sides after all… And the guy actually answered them calmly and professionally, albeit in girl's clothing but it seems like they understand he likes cross dressing so they didn't ask about it.

Finally, the host turns to Sairaorg then to me and nodded.

[I would like to ask, Sairaorg-sama, why did you ask the Middleman, Jin-sama to a one-on-one exhibition match?]

Sairaorg and I look at one another and both nodded—

"Many months ago, when Jin's identity was still quite obscure, I heard from… Sirzechs Lucifer-sama that there was a person who was taking requests from the Three Factions, so I visited him personally and asked if he could ask that person to help me."

I will not go into too much detail, but he cured someone close to me of the Sleeping disease, and I am forever in his debt. However, after that, I requested another thing from him… A short sparring match."

The crowd started to murmur amongst themselves, a few gasped out of shock.

[Incredible! To be able to cure such a rare disease! The Middleman shows no bounds! Sairaorg-sama, how did the sparring match turn out? Would it be reasonable to assume it was a close match?]

Sairaorg laughed and smiled confidently.

"Fuahahaha! Unfortunately, no! I lost quite badly! Jin was holding back then and defeated me with a single punch! He even nearly killed me!"

The entire hall fell silent as the only thing that could be heard was Sairaorg's laughter. I facepalmed and sighed.

"Jin, however, healed me straight away and we forged a friendship from that day onward. That loss also motivated me to re-double my efforts in my training. My peerage also followed suit! We are twice as strong— No, we are three times as strong than we were all those months ago!"

"The reason I asked Jin for a truth, it will be a re-match. I wish to see where I stand now. Will I lose as easily as I did back then? Or will I hold up longer? I will find out these answers once we clash again!"

Sairaorg says confidently and looks at me, in turn everyone else did the same thing… Jesus Christ… I'm in the spotlight now, say something that makes sense, Jin.

I nodded.

"Yes, what Sairaorg said was true, I indeed help cure someone close to him of that disease and we did have a short sparring match. Over the months we've become good friends, so I did not mind him asking for a re-match. I just didn't think it would get this much traction."

"Middleman-san! A question!"

I look towards a reporter who suddenly jumped up and shouted. I look at the host and he gives the okay, so I gesture for him to continue.

"Will you be using the [Boosted Gear] or [Divine Dividing] during your match with Sairaorg Bael-sama?!"

"…I will be using the [Boosted Gear]."

Another reporter stood up, this time it was a woman.

"If I may? All of your goals of gaining a harem and finding peace have been mostly realized, however who will you marry first? Have you proposed to any of them yet?"


Fucking hell lady! How the hell am I supposed to answer that? Everyone that was in my harem was staring at me quite seriously and curiously! But the one who was burning a hole through me was Akeno!

I awkwardly cough into my fist and look at her—

"I am still in high school, so I'm not proposing yet."

"But you are in your last year, yes?"

"That's correct… I do have plans for after I graduate. I will leave it at that…"

The reporter understood what I meant and I'm pretty sure the rest of the bloody room and supernatural knew what I meant. I felt my phone buzzing like it was on crack. I glanced back at Akeno and her eyes were wide in surprise.

The host turns back to Rias—

[Switch Princess! Do you know what that means!]

Rias turned red, fully knowing what it meant but… She's not in my harem yet though— Well, unofficially she is but—

"I-I-I don't know….!"

[Sairaorg-sama, what is your opinion of it?]

Sairaorg nods sagely—

"Yes, I believe he and Rias will marry someday. I can see a bright future between them."

As a result, Rias became even redder.


More flashes of cameras as they took our picture. I bet Rias will hate both of us after this… I felt that she was subtly gripping my suit. And so, the rest of the interview was a little more relaxed.


We were in another part of the building along with the Bael peerage. Sairaorg was laughing quite loudly as Rias was still quite red.

"To think Rias would be embarrassed about the mention of marriage!"

"I-I normally wouldn't be, but it was in front of those people, and also the rest of the supernatural world…! A normal person would be, Sairaorg!"

"Hmmm, amusing things always happens with your group, Rias. Well, when Jin is around that is… Well it has happened, so let it be. At the very least, we did not have a messy conference, that part made the entire room relax. However, I do look forward to the paper tomorrow."

Again, Rias turned another shade of red as she gripped my wrist with her hand. Sairaorg then turns to me and holds up a fist, I bump fists with him. This time he smiled, but had a small confused expression.

"Jin. I look forward to our match, don't hold back too much now."

"…Heh, you knew?"

"Of course, if you one-shot me again, the watchers and crowd may not like it."

We grin at each other before laughing. He then pats both Rias and my shoulder.

"It was fun tonight, Rias, Jin. The next time we meet is on the battle field! In the skies of Agreas!"

With that, Sairaorg turns around and walks away. Coriana—


To our surprise she kissed Gasper on the cheek. We stared at Gasper as he had a look of shock—then he slowly turned red and looked back at her wide-eyed. Coriana only winked at him and started to walk away.

Sairaorg began to laugh again as he congratulated his [Bishop]. It was brief, but, Kuisha smiled at me and bowed before turning to walk away.

"Another [Queen] from another peerage, Jin~"

I felt Akeno come up beside me and whisper into my ear. I just laughed and didn't say anything.

"Alright then! Let's go home, shall we?"

Everyone nodded in agreement as we headed back to change and then returned home.

Japan, Kuoh

Skyward household

It's been a few hours since the press conference and interviews, it was around eleven at night now. Everyone was unwinding. Kiba and Gasper were still here and were getting in some training in the training facility.

I was in the bathroom on the second floor. When I checked my phone earlier, I got a lot of messages from different people. Ranging from Hermes, to Hestia, Hephaestus, Áine, Benkei, and many more. They were along the lines of 'Who will you ask first?'.

I mean… The first three with me. Those who were a little closer to me understood that, so when we got home earlier, Reni and Kuroka were quite touchy feely with me. I guess they know when to expect their proposals then…

I am also curious about tomorrow's Underworld newspaper. I wonder what it will say?

Slide~ Close~

The door to the bath opened and closed. I looked up to see… Rias, and she was covering her body with a towel.


She walks over to me and straddles me. She puts her head on my chest and hugs me while saying nothing.

"Can you spoil me a little, please?"

"And how do you want that, Rias?"

"…I think everyone here knows what you meant by what you said during the interview. We know who you will ask first, right?"

"I would assume so, yes."

Rias doesn't say anything for a few minutes as we just sat there hugging it out. But finally starts speaking again.

"Akeno was really happy you know? So were Kuroka and Reni. When you were up here getting ready to take a bath, they were really gushing about it. I know I wasn't the only one feeling jealous."


I mean, I'll get to all of you eventually you know…?

"Please give me some encouragement, Jin."

I look at her—

"And not sex… Geez."

I nodded and chuckled at her, not thinking that either.

"Then what might that be, my Crimson-haired princess?"

She smiles at me and closes the gap between us—


"Chuu… Nn, hafuu… Nhaa, nhhann…!"

Obscene sounds of kissing echoed throughout the bathroom as Rias and I shared a sloppy kiss. She was quite aggressive. I usually take charge but let her do it this time.

She abruptly stops the kiss as both of us separate from each other. There, a thread of saliva glistened between our lips.

"More please…"

I kissed Rias again and pushed my tongue into her mouth. She happily starts to lick my tongue back. I snake my hands behind her and start groping her ass. This elicits some sweet moans from her. As we continued Rias grabbed my towel and threw it off me.

I felt her soft hands wrap themselves around my now erect member. I briefly break the kiss as she cutely pouts at me.

"I thought no sex?"

"I never said I couldn't touch it…"

She gave it a light squeeze making it twitch. She smiled at the reaction and we continued kissing. We didn't proceed any further than that, so we eventually stopped before it reached that point. Rias looked at me. I could tell she wanted to say it but whatever was stopping her…

"L-Let's take a bath then…"

Rias gets up first, washes herself and gets into the bath. Earlier, I had already done that before she came in, so I joined her in the bath. It was a little awkward but we started to talk about our day and other trivial things.

I had gotten up and headed down to the kitchen, it was around one in the morning and when I got there Grayfia was also there.


"Jin… My apologies did I wake you up?"

"No… I wanted to get a drink. I can see the same thing applies to you."


I go over to the fridge and grab myself a drink. We stood there drinking until I decided to talk.

"Raiko has been getting along with everyone, as well as Inaie."

"Yes, Raiko-san also helps with the cooking. Inaie is also quite well versed in it, and sometimes helps too."

"I see, that's good. Scathach has returned to the Land of Shadows to check up on it, right?"


We fall silent again but it didn't last long.

"Grayfia… Did you tell Akeno and Reni they were… Clingy?"

She nodded.

"When you returned after your trip, we spoke briefly about it. You had gone to take Suzaku home and Akeno started to speak of her experience. I simply made a comment and also included Reni in it…"

She puts her glass down and looks at me with concern.

"D-Did I overstep my boundaries…? If so, I will have to apologize to them. However, I do believe what I said was true. And from the sounds of things, Shigune is also the same but isn't as problematic as those two."

"I do admit that we are all quite attached to you, Jin. But quite a lot of us have restraint and only show that side when we're alone with you…"

I put my glass down and rub the back of my head while sighing.

"No, I get where you're coming from… Those two have been like that since near the start… Reni slowly became like that, the same with Akeno. Anyway, I spoke with Akeno about it and she does say she feels the same and will tone it down."

"But she is a teenager, Grayfia… She and you probably have different ways of seeing how love and affection work, both physically and probably emotionally. I guess she just likes showing it more outwardly and physically. I mean… We show it a little differently, don't we?"

Grayfia looks at me and thinks about it. You could say ours is a little… More mature? I certainly try to match Grayfia's mood when we're together, the same with the other girls. With Grayfia it's a lot more calm, subtle and few and far between.

When we cook together, the small window of opportunities we have to be together, we usually just sit and cuddle somewhere quietly enjoying each other's company, add in the sex every now and again.

Akeno is a bit more… Well, to her age, I guess? Dates, flirting, and the things I do with Grayfia. She just wants to show me and probably the whole world.

"…If you put it that way, then I can understand her line of thinking… Perhaps I was too harsh with Akeno, however, with Reni she's…"

I won't lie, I hadn't told them about the 'Fated One' thing, I never really saw a reason for it either and I'm not too concerned about it. But I also thought they might react to it? As to how? Probably differently… I might as well start with Grayfia and see how she reacts.

I didn't want them to think I thought of them less or loved them less, that's my reasoning behind it.


I tell Grayfia what I know about the 'Fated One' thing, basically telling her what Cúntóir told me. Safe to say, she was a little surprised.

"…That's why you two are so close… You do not know of the other three…?"

"No. But I never really thought of it much. I mean, I treat everyone more or less the same so… Anyway, now you know that, and you also know her past, right? I guess she just clung onto me for that support after being abandoned a second time."

"She sees team Slash/Dog as another family and she appreciates that but… I guess she wanted something else? Add in the fated thing and bam…"

Grayfia sighs and looks at her glass.

"I will go apologize to the both of them tomorrow. I will also keep the fated one information a secret, it seems you're not too bothered by it or plan on telling anyone about it…"

"Thanks, Grayfia."

I quickly clean both our glasses and we go back up to my room.

Kuoh Academy

Occult Research Club


"Now then, have you guys memorized the data about Sairaorg's group, right?"

I walked into the clubroom and the Gremory peerage was in what looked like a meeting with Azazel. He had some kind of holographic screen in the air with each of the Bael peerage on the screen.

"Oh, Jin good timing. I have a question to ask you. But before that, you lot know that Sairaorg and his peerage train, just like you. They're a rare group of devils since you know regular devils don't train and rely on their natural powers."

True, but I'm the catalyst for their increase in training.

"I also heard that they seem to have been fighting Khaos Brigade quite regularly. They appear in certain places and fight them, so they have experience in real life combat. Don't go underestimating them."

Irina puts her hand up.

"Yes, Irina-chan."

"That [Pawn] from the Bael peerage didn't show up in the video!"

Irina was pointing at Regulus who still had his hood and mask on. In the holograph it only registered his name as [Pawn]. Sairaorg's peerage consists of one [Queen], Kuisha, two [Bishops], Coriana and Misteeta, two [Rooks], Liban and Beruka, two [Knights], Gandoma and Ladora, and finally a single [Pawn].

Sairaorg's unused [Pawn] piece is a mutation piece from what I know. Azazel sighs and nodded.

"Yes, he also didn't speak during the conference last night. Also, when Sairaorg was asked about his [Pawn] he dodged the question and only said it will be revealed during his fight against Jin. So, any comment, Jin?"

They turn to look at me and I sigh.

"I guess I can say something… He used up seven [Pawn] pieces, so he's quite powerful. That's all I'm saying… Though you'll see soon as to why."

They all had a look of shock, well yes, seven [Pawn] pieces being used is quite rare, I mean, Issei had all eight, though it was due to the [Boosted Gear] being seven and Issei himself being one at the very start of the story…

I look around the room as the meeting continued, they then started to talk about strategies and tactics they can use. Griselda, Irina, Rose and… Ravel were there just to listen in; however, Ravel was hard at work busy taking notes. Ingvild was with her friends since it was lunchtime.

Ravel joined the club after the school day ended as she was invited to the clubroom by Gasper and Shirone. So, she's officially a member now.

I caught something that was thrown at me, turned to look and it was Azazel. He smirked once he gained my attention.


"As I was saying— This group, along with the 'Rookies Four' are abnormal devils for your generation. You gain power at stupidly fast rates and grow further as well. Also, unlike the others you have experience in fighting world-class enemies. Kokabiel and Azrael being two."

"It won't be a surprise in the future if the Gremory peerage dominates the Rating Games."

Azazel says as they blushed. It's not everyday you get praised by the Governor of the Fallen Angels. He sees this and chuckles.

"However, because of that attention, as well as a certain Dragon, you have the entire supernatural world watching you now, not just the Underworld. You guys are already famous for stopping Loki, Khaos Brigades attack during one of your Rating Games and assisting Jin with Kokabiel and Azrael."

"Don't forget the press conference, you managed to hype it up even more. Anyway, a part of that attention comes from that idiot over there."

Azazel points at me and I snort.

"You're already aware of what the hell he's up to so I won't go into detail, but his match is first, use that time to analyze Sairaorg Bael and exploit any weaknesses. Anyway, because of all this, the Top-rankings of the game will be keeping an eye on all of you and Sairaorg."

I add in—

"They'll be researching you from now on. Rias, Akeno and I will be graduating soon. Meaning Rias will become a mature devil and can officially start participating in the Rating Games. As mentioned by Azazel, the entire supernatural will be watching you, don't go doing something to embarrass yourself."

Azazel nodded.

"Right, aim to change the unmoving spots of the top ten of the ranking of the Rating Game! Change it! Challenge them and shake them to the core. Become—"

"Champion, Rias."

I finish Azazel's sentence and we both nodded. Rias blushed but nodded determinedly.

After school

We were busy making preparations for the school culture festival when a magic circle appeared in the center of the room. From the Phoenix symbol, a holographic image appeared.

The image was of a young woman; she looked high-class and seemed a little like Ravel. She has her hair up and is wearing fashionable accessories.


[How do you do, Ravel? Sorry for the sudden call. I couldn't get any time, so I ended up calling at this hour. In the human world of Japan, it's still school time, right?]

"N-No, school has ended but we are still in our clubroom preparing for the festival…"

Ravel's mother nodded and then starts to look around, she spots Rias and I.

[May I speak to Rias Gremory and the Middleman?]

Rias and I stand in front of the projection as she nods to us.

"How do you do, Oba-sama. It's been a while."

[Ara, Rias-san. How do you do? It certainly has been a while. And…..]

The Lady looks at me and smiles.

"Hello, I'm Jin Skyward, we met briefly after my small duel with Riser. Do you have business with me?"

[Thank you very much. Ravel?]

"Yes Okaa-sama?"

[Yes, I thought I should greet you properly. Normally, I would go and greet the both of you myself since she's staying in the human world, however, there are reasons that I cannot...]

I nodded. It's probably because of the demand for Phenex tears, I'm not exactly selling my slime balls or pills...maybe I should help out with the production of Phenex tears...?

"Not at all, Oba-sama. Your words are enough. Please leave Ravel to us."

[....I'm truly sorry, Rias-san. For having you take care of Riser after the game, and also having you look after Ravel....]

It seems they don't hold some weird grudge against me after my brutal beating of Riser… They are adults so I expect as much… But I did talk it out with the guy. Well, I beat him up a little too...

Lady Phenex then looks at me.

[Also, please especially look after my daughter, Jin Skyward-san.]

"Yes, of course, I did promise Riser and Ruval that as well."

She and everyone else seemed a little surprised by that. Well... I did, it was after we— Or I helped him with his trauma of dragons.

Ravel on the other hand was blushing furiously and looking at the ground.

[You know what you must do? You have to support Rias-san, and you

have to listen to your seniors, and on top of that you have to deepen your relation with Jin Skyward-san.]

[As the daughter from the house of Phoenix, work very hard so you don't tarnish the name of our house, okay?]

"Of course!"

Ravel agreed with her mother while still quite red. But she did seem quite determined with it... Lady Phenex turns back to me.

[I heard from Serafall Leviathan-sama that you may be starting a restaurant once you graduate? Feel free to employ my daughter, she's quite smart for her age.]

I look at Ravel and she didn't seem to mind. I nodded; I'll think about it. I have Rose, Inaie and Kanami, and probably Ravel then.

[My business here is done. Rias-san, Jin Skyward-san, and everyone, please forgive my sudden introduction. And it's time now. Ravel, behave in a manner where you won't make a shame as a lady.]

"Yes, Okaa-sama."

[Now then, everyone. Good bye.]

And just like that, Lady Phenex's magic circle disappeared in a small flash of flames. I wasn't expecting her too randomly pop-up like that but nevertheless...

I look at Ravel as she was still quite red, I have most of her family's approval, all that's left is Lord Phenex. My match with Sairaorg happens… Tomorrow.

Later that night

As weird as it sounds… I was having a late-night dip in the underground pool. I just felt restless, I know I'll win but at the same time I have to hold back and make it entertaining for everyone else watching. All eyes will be on Sairaorg and I.

[Just relax, Partner, you'll be fine.]

{Trust in your ability, Jin.}

'Yes, to add to what the two dragons said, you have had your fair share of fights, as well as training more of your sword skills in your soul during those fifteen years. You will be fine, Jin. You also have us.'

…I know, thanks, Ddraig, Albion and Rudra. But I still can't help it. I mean, the WHOLE supernatural world will be watching! I can't exactly not think about that… I mean I was pre-occupied during the press conference so I wasn't too self-conscious about it.

Splash! Splash!

I turn to see someone swimming towards me and… It was Reni. She comes up to me and wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me. I also kiss her back.

"Reni? I thought you guys were busy playing mahjong?"

"I lost… So we came here."



I felt another person hug me from behind… It was, Suzaku? She did come over earlier since she had time. She has contact Tobio on what might be happening soon so he should be ready, the same with Shuri.


"…Good evening, Jin."

I was sandwiched between two beauties as both their chests were pressed up against me… This is heaven. We stayed floating and silent for a full minute before—

"I spoke with Grayfia… I can't help it but I'll try to lessen it, Jin… But I love you too much."

"…Hmm? What are you talking about, Lavinia?"

Reni proceeded to explain to Suzaku what she and Grayfia were talking about. I felt her nod behind me.

"I see… I do agree but I don't see a problem with it. No one is being hurt, but if you also agree I won't stop you...… Jin, your match is tomorrow, how do you feel?"

"Pumped? I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight."

I start swimming back and go out of the pool, I help the two of them out and we sit on a bench and continue talking. Reni hugs my arm… And also Suzaku…

"A week after tomorrow will be Rias' game with Sairaorg, knowing him he'll expose his 'ace' and will go all out from the start with them. That guy lives how he likes and at his pace, I respect that…"

"Mmm… But focus on yours for now, okay? I'm sure Ddraig-chan, Albion-chan and Cúntóir-chan already told you that?"

"Yeah… They did. I should try to debut my [Queen] form for this match. I've held it off for too long."

"I and everyone else have been looking forward to it, Jin. I overheard you saying the chant once or twice back in the [Pocket Dimension]."

I look at Suzaku in horror as she giggles at me. God was I too preoccupied at that time…? Let's see… I was— No, Ddraig! Weren't you talking about some kind of show in one of those?!

[I'm pickle Ddraig!!!!]


{Yes, he wouldn't shut his mouth about Rick & Morty.}

"I hope I don't disappoint then…"

I awkwardly smile at the two and we stayed there for the next hour just chatting about different topics as well as lightly flirting. Suzaku was still quite new so she became flustered a few times. However, we eventually had to go back since it was getting late.

"I have to go back… I can't stay the night, unfortunately."

I felt Reni push me towards Suzaku and we both look back at her in confusion, she just smiled at us.

"Take her home, Jin. I'll wait here."



Outside Suzaku's apartment door

"This feels like déjà vu."

Suzaku suddenly hugged me after opening her door again.

"Good luck, Jin. I'll be watching you…"

"Thank you."

We share a quick kiss before she heads inside and waves goodbye to me. I teleported back to my home and joined Reni.

Japan, Kuoh

"Mmm?! I thought Suzaku… Geez, she didn't do it…"


Reni shook her head and held my hand and pulled me away.

"It's nothing, Jin! Let's go!"


Next day


It's the day of the match and I, along with the Gremory peerage and my harem were on a gondola lift traveling towards the floating island city called Agreas. Kanami, Raiko and Inaie were quite curious about the place, they hadn't been to the Underworld before.

Inaie and Kanami sat with the devils that knew the place as they explained where we were. I was beside Reni and Akeno, Kuroka was in her cat form and was on top of my head.

It's said that the power which is making the island float was created in the Old-Satan era, but it's said that only Ajuka Beelzebub knows the details about it. Due to that, the servants of the current Beelzebub are maintaining the core of this place.

Many there were still quite fascinated by it, I wasn't too surprised since I saw a lot of floating islands the last few months…

There were three ways to get to this floating city, teleportation by magic circle, airships as transportation and the third, which we took. Many wanted to ride this so… I just expanded the inside so we could all fit in here.

"To tell you the truth, there was a dispute between the higher-ups on which stadium to use for Jin's match and your upcoming Rating Game."

Azazel says that while looking at the sky. Everyone looks at him.

"Dispute? For deciding… The stadium?"

Azazel nods at Xenovia's question.

"The higher-ups from the current Satan faction wished for the Game to take place in either the Gremory territory or the Satan territory. But then, the Bael faction who takes importance of the lineage protested to have it in the Bael territory."

"The current Satans aren't part of heredity, so for High-class devils who take importance in lineage and household. The house of the Great-King Bael is an important factor which has more fame than the Satan. They are in the first ladder among the 72-pillars."

"Still not over century old grudges? How petty can those old fucks get? The old and bitter make the young and dumb do their bidding. Annoying."


Azazel nods and sighs

"Adults are complicated creatures both in the human world and Underworld. Appearance and influences. Well, it means that there are many things going on in the Underworld where the noble society has many powers."

"....So it became the Agares territory."

Shirone mutters and Azazel nods.

"Yeah, it's said that the Arch-Duke Agares came between the Satans and the Great King. The middle manager, and the one acting for the Satans, the Arch-Duke Agares. Even if the era changes, they are the household which always has a hard time."

".....So will our match become like a representative War between the Satan Lucifer and the Great-King Bael?"

Kiba asks while narrowing his eyes. Azazel laughs while stroking his chin.

"Well, there are many of those who look at it in that way. The Switch-Princess VS the Strongest Youth Sairaorg is just a cover, which is just to make the attention of the common people go there. On the other side, the bunch from the politician will be looking at it while making comments."

"Also, the upcoming match between Jin and Sairaorg became a little political too, you know? Whoever wins will gain a little more control, the current Satans vs old."

They really don't stop, do they? Annoying old bats...

"There are politicians behind Sairaorg too you know?"

I say to everyone and they look my way.

"That man has risen up with only his body won't be influenced by the opinions of the politicians. Except, he himself has made connections with them so they could become a support for him to aim higher."

"Anyway, just ignore that part for now and focus on your own Rating Game that happens in a week."

I say and Azazel agrees.

"Jin is right, you guys don't need to worry about him and charge at him with all your strength. You won't be able to defeat him if you don't use everything you have in order to accomplish your aim."

"It's a battle of dreams and ambition, your Rating Game that is."

Rias nods seriously while thinking about her own dream and Sairaorg. We eventually reached the island and then the stadium.

"The rest of you follow me, and Jin will go that way."

Azazel points towards a certain hallway and he gestures everyone else to follow him. Everyone started to give me wishes of luck and waving to me. The ones who stayed behind were… The ones with me the earliest.

Akeno, Kuroka, Reni, Grayfia and Ingvild… To my surprise Suzaku.

"Good luck, Jin. Win this~"

"Give him hell nya~"

"We know of your strength, so we don't need to worry."

"I will go back to our home once this is done and make a feast, Jin."

"Do your best, Dual Dragon! Everyone will be cheering on for you."

One by one they wish me luck, kisses me and started to walk away. Finally, once it was just Suzaku and I share comes over to hug me.

"Good luck…"


With that I was alone. I turn around and follow the path that Azazel had pointed towards. There were a lot of noises everywhere as I walked down it. But—

"Fafafa, to think I would come across the Red Dragon— No, you're known as the Dual Dragon Emperor, now, aren't you?"

It was Hades, I couldn't feel his aura anymore which means… He took the blood. No one else was with him

"I am, so you're here to watch from the VIP booth?"

"I am. I did not think you would bring a Valkyrie with you."

….? I turn back to see Rose was behind me, when did she…? I guess I was too focused on Hades to give it too much thought.

"It matters not, show me an entertaining show, Dual Dragon Emperor."

Once Hades walked past us, another loud and boisterous duo resounded throughout the hallway.


I turn back to see… Zeus and Poseidon.


"Zeus, Poseidon… It seems like you came here to watch my match? What about your realm?"

Both of them nodded and came nearer to us. They both put their hands on my shoulders and smiled.

"It is just us, Jin. However, Apollon and Hera are the ones showing the match in our realm, they are in the stadium and just showing it via holographic visions around our realm too."

"Hmm, I am also doing the same for my home. I have told many of my people about you, they are… Quite interested in seeing you fight."

Yeah… No pressure, right?

"I see…"

They start patting my shoulder again and walked away.

"We won't keep you any longer, Jin. Show us an entertaining match!"

"Mmm, let us head off, Poseidon and harass Azazel-boy about getting a wife!"


The two Greek God geezers started to laugh to themselves as Rose and I kept on walking.

"You came?"

"I am your secretary…"

We were walking silently until I felt a familiar aura, the same could be said for Rose—

"Hohoho! Jin-boy!"

It was Odin, and beside him was Brynhildr. They wave to us and we quickly walked towards them.

"Make this interesting for me, boy! The entire realm of Asgard is going to be watching you know!"

"Brynhildr-senpai are you Odin-sama's new body guard?"

Brynhildr nods and Odin and I speak for a few more seconds before they went on their way. We turn a corner and a staff member waves me over.

"Jin-sama, please go in there, that will be your waiting room… You will be transported into the stadium when it's time."

I nodded in agreement when he informed me. He opens the door and we both walk in. The room consisted of a table, a few chairs, a few lamps, some plants as decorations, and of course, a refrigerator. On the table was… A letter with some kind of device.

Rose and I go over to it and I pick it up, the letter was written by Sirzechs. It said:

Dear Jin, this device will show you some fans from around the supernatural world. They wanted to wish the Oppai dragon some good luck. Just put some of your magic into it and it will activate. -Sirzechs

I did so. It started to show a small holographic image of fans giving me words of encouragement and other things. Many of them were children. It was sweet. I couldn't help but smile during it.

"Everyone will be watching, Jin."

"I know."

The monitor in the room suddenly turned on, and the announcer started to talk. I guess it was about time. I felt a weird surge of emotions in me. They were threatening to make me cry but I composed myself.

A lot of people are supporting me, friends, lovers, strangers and everything and everyone in between.

"Especially the children, they look up to you, the Dual Dragon Emperor and Oppai Dragon."


I'm Jin Skyward, the current Dual Dragon Emperor, the Breast, Butt and Thigh Dragon. I'll make this entertaining and exciting for everyone watching.

[Ladies and gentlemen!!! Our very own Sairaorg Bael-sama has teleported into the arena and he brought someone with him?!!!!! Now all that's left is!!]

[The Oppai Dragon!!]

The monitor in front of us says. Yeah, I hear you all.

Ddraig, Albion, everyone… Let's go.


Once I teleported into the stadium there were loud cheers around me. Many of the watchers were kids chanting 'Oppai Dragon' or something along those lines. It seems like he brought Regulus with him as he intended.

[Hello, everyone! The broadcaster for this match will be I, Naud Gamigin from the house of Gamigin of the former 72 Pillars, who will be broadcasting to you!]

[The arbiter for this game will be Rudiger Rosenkreutz!]

A magic circle appears in the air. A good-looking guy with long silver-hair, dressed in full uniform steps out from the magic circle! Women mostly applaud when he appears.

[And our special guest! We have the Governor of the Fallen Angels, Azazel-sama, as a commentator today! Hello there, Governor Azazel!]

[Well, hello there. I'm Azazel. I look forward to working with you tonight.]

Azazel says with a smile and waved.

[Sirzechs Lucifer-sama, and also the leaders of various factions and you are also famous for being the leading expert in the research of the Sacred Gears. For today's match, who do you personally think will win?]

[Hmm, it's hard to say since Sairaorg Bael is a monster in his own right, however, our very own Middleman is a huge black horse with a lot of cards left to show to us.]

Azazel says with a shit-eating grin but it was mistaken for a smile.

[And we have also called another person! 1st Ranker of the Rating Game! The current Champion! 'Emperor' Diehauser Belial!]

An even larger and louder cheer resonated throughout the stadium, it felt like it was shaking.

[How are you, everyone? I'm Diehauser Belial. Today, I will be doing commentary for the match between the Dual Dragon Emperor and Sairaorg Bael]

The host turns to both Sairaorg and I—

[Today! There are no strict rules, except for no killing! It's an all-out match, anything goes! Are both fighters ready?! Once this start both will be transported into a different dimension to fight!]

Both Sairaorg and I dash to the middle and bump fists.

""Good luck.""

Both of us say before jumping back. This made the crowd wilder, the announcer smiles—

[Without further ado! Let the exhibition match between Sairaorg Bael and Jin Skyward, Begin!!!!!!!]


We were transported into an interesting dimension, the ground beneath us looked like white clouds while the sky above us looked like space, stars were shining everywhere.

"This is it, Jin. Give it your all."

"You too…"

"Stay back for now."


Sairaorg says to Regulus as he covers himself in touki. I respond in kind cover myself in my own touki—


Both of us disappear and met in the middle as bot hour fist collide! Sairaorg grinned and we threw more punches at each other! Our fist clash and collide while slowly the ground beneath us started to crumble and be destroyed.

Every time we do so, the entire place shakes as we disappear from our spot and clash around the new dimension. This is just both of us testing the waters… He hasn't taken it seriously yet.

[Ohhhhhhhh!!! Both of them are clashing on the field! During each of their clashes, the ground was destroyed! It seems like—]

[The entire dimension is shaking each time their fists clash, haha! Those two are really monsters, huh? what do you think, Emperor-kun?]

Azazel's voice asks the champion.

[They are merely testing the waters; they haven't gone all out yet. It seems like the future is bright for the Rating games, I can almost feel those punches from here. I am quite excited.]

Don! Don! Don! Gan!!!

Our fists keep colliding until one of my punches slip through and connects with Sairaorg's face sending him back! He wipes the blood off his nose and grins at me.

"…I see, I have been training relentlessly since my lost to you, Jin. Today I want to test my new found strength and go all out against you… Even if it means exposing my ace before my game with Rias."

Sairaorg says then closes his eyes.



Regulus jumps to his side and removes his hood and mask! Revealing to the world what he looks like. Regulus then gets on all fours and starts to transform.

Regulus body started to morph while making a noise! His body gradually started to get bigger and was morphing into something else. Golden fur started appearing all over his body and his limbs became thicker. His mouth ripped open revealing sharp fangs. A tail appeared and long golden fur appeared around its neck.


[Oooooooooo! The identity of the Bael Team's mysterious [Pawn] is a huge lion!]

[Wait! Is that the Nemean Lion!? No, that jewel is...]

It seemed like Azazel who was commentating realized something and became shocked. The announcer then asked him.

[What do you mean?]

[...It was originally the opponent who the original Hercules faced in one of his twelve labors.... The God from the Bible captured one of them and sealed it inside the Sacred Gear.]

[It became something that was listed as one of the thirteen Longinus. If you master it, you can split the Earth in a single swing, and it can also transform into a huge lion.]

[The [Regulus Nemea]! I remember it also had an ability to protect the possessor from projectile weapons. But I received the information that the possessor has been missing for the past several years. I never thought it would have become the [Pawn] of Bael Team...]

Sairaorg shook his head.

"No. Unfortunately, the possessor is already dead. When I found the actual possessor of the [Regulus Nemea], he was already killed by a mysterious group. The Sacred Gear that had the form of an axe was the only thing left."

"The Battle-Axe that was supposed to disappear because the host died turned into a Lion by its own will, and annihilated the group that killed its possessor."

I look at Regulus as he didn't say anything but stood there, Sairaorg continued.

"That's when I turned it into my servant. I thought it was a fateful meeting brought about by my mother's lion ruler bloodline. However, that is irrelevant for now. I will unleash my full power, Jin! Regulus!"


"Oh, my lion—"

"Oh, King of Nemea—"

"You who bears the name of the Lion King—"

"Answer my howl!—"

"And turn into armor!!!"


The entire dimension shook, as Sairaorg was consumed in a bright golden light. Regulus had turned into a ball of light and moved towards Sairaorg.

"[Balance Break!]"

....When the light vanished, what appeared in front of me was a golden colored plate armor, which had a motif of a lion. The helm on its head had golden hair, which looked like that of a lion. There was a lion-like face on its chest, and the eyes on it glowed as if it had its own consciousness.

"The Balance Breaker of the [Regulus Nemea], the 'Regulus Rey Leather Rex'! Now, come, Jin. Let's fight with all of our might! Show me, no, show us what the Dual Dragon Emperor can do!"

[A Balance Breaker!!! Sairaorg Bael-sama has achieved a [Balance Break]!!!!!!!!!!!!]

The announcer screams as Sairaorg makes a stance and waits for me… Alright.

"You got it, Balance Break!!!"

[Welsh Dragon Balance Breaker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]

Donning my red armor, I also—

"Let's go! Mode change! Welsh Sonic Boost Knight!"

[Change Star Sonic!!!]

I changed into my [Knight] form and speed blitz Sairaorg, but he was ready and when I appeared beside him, he was already sending a punch towards me. I met his fist with mine!


He slightly cringes and frowns.

"Mode change! Welsh Draconic Rook!"

[Change Solid Impact!]

I changed into my [Rook] form and this time I clashed with Sairaorg with my [Rook]'s gauntlets. This time Sairaorg gritted his teeth and grinned at me.

"More, Jin! This isn't everything, is it?!"

Don! Don! Don! Don! Booooooom!!!!! Fwshhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

It was clear that each time our fist met each other, it was hurting Sairaorg but… He wasn't backing down and continued forward. It was like he was waiting for something… There were holographic visions around us and we could hear the cheers of everyone.

They were only getting more and more hyped as we continued to fight.



Our fists collide again but to my surprise I was the one pushed back. I know I was holding back but… What was that?

"Jin… I appreciate you holding back and making this entertaining for everyone. However, I feel a bit insulted. I cannot feel any 'impact' from your punches. They are lacking."

He glares at me, looking a bit angry.

What's he—

Jin's soul

"Umm I'm in a middle of a match you know?"

I turn to look at— Well everyone was there, Ddraig was waving his finger at me.

[You know what comes next, Partner. Everyone knows, we know. Do it.]

I turn around as I could hear the sounds of everyone cheering for us and more clashing from Sairaorg and I…. Wait what?

"Right now, your body is on auto-pilot, Jin. It will counter, dodge and run but not fight back."

Cúntóir informs me from behind. I see, I had some kind of auto-pilot mode? Geez…

"Answer Sairaorg's wishes, Jin."

"I was going to…"

Rudra says from behind me. I glance back at him and then back to the monitor but then—

[Oppai Dragon!!! You can do it!!!!]

[Jin-boy is certainly holding back for our and his opponent's sake, right?]

[That he is, Odin-sama.]

Wait…this is…is this showing me everyone's reactions? I look back at Cúntóir and she nods. It switches multiple points of view as many people were cheering me on, as well as Sairaorg. It even showed the young youkai kids in Urakyoto…

They kept on chanting 'Oppai Dragon' or 'Ketsu Dragon'. I really should get back out there… So many people were looking forward to this and now are watching… Me just fucking around.

[Do your best, Jin-senpai!!!]

[Fighto, Jin!!!]

[Harem King-sama!!!]

[Aniki, you better not lose in such an uncool way...!]

Gasper and Shigune were basically screaming from their seats, forgetting about their own shyness. Áine and even Vali…? It kept on switching to factions, pantheons and people I've only met for a brief time, they were seriously cheering me on…

[What's wrong, Jin?! Are you only going to run away?! Then I will just stand here until you come to me!]

Sairaorg says and stops attacking me. My body jumps back and also stands from afar. Both Sairaorg and my body just go into a stare down.

[It's fine, right, Partner?]

Ddraig says behind me. I felt that swelling in my chest from earlier, it was stronger this time and tears threatened to fall from my eyes.


I turned back to face the monitor fully and clenched my right fist, I then closed my eyes.

Click~ Click~ Click~

That's right… I've always ran away from my problems… Especially back then. I never faced them head on and tried to overcome them, not until I was pushed to the edge… I had no support— No, that's wrong, I did have support but… I ignored them and even pushed them away.

But here…

[Oppai Dragon!!!]

Click~ Click~ Click~

Another child yells in excitement... Running away isn't and wasn't what Aoife would have wanted me to do…

[Chant! Chant! Chant!!!]

Ddraig shouts from behind me, the rest of them were also telling me the same thing…

"I, who am about to awaken—"

'I believe you Jin. I always will.'

'If I'm together with you… Then I feel at ease. When I see your smile, my heart becomes filled with love…'

Akeno, Kuroka…

"Am the Outer Dragon God who holds the truth of the king up high—"

'Mmmm… Together with Jin, forever. I love you…'

'I will live to serve you for the rest of time, I just want to stand by your side and nothing more— That is all I wish for.'

Reni, Grayfia…

"Holding the infinite hope and unbreakable dreams and walking the path of righteousness—"

'I'm glad you woke me up… I want to live this age with you, Jin… And any more that's to come!'

'I, love you. My love, goes beyond Infinity.'

Ingvild, Ophis…. Many more voices of my loved ones started to flood into me…

"I will become a God Emperor of All Dragons—"

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I opened my eyes.

"And I promise you all! I will lead you to a path beyond the stars, glowing in true outer light!"

Shhhpwsh!!!!!!!! Fwshoooooooooshh!!!

A large gust of wind blew throughout my soul. It felt freeing as it hit my face. Everything seemed a little brighter than usual...

Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~

[Heh, we finally get to hear it, huh? But beyond the stars, huh?]

{That we did. Perhaps it's a little nod to Azathoth? Hehe.}

I felt a huge burden from within me leave me all once. I hadn't felt this free in months… Tears were still streaming down my face but… I felt at peace.

"How does it feel, Jin?"

"Freeing. I realized that many people have been helping me over the past months, especially everyone in my harem, close friends and colleagues and you guys… Unlike my old life, I had more support here…"

"Then get going!"

Velgrynd shouts from behind me, but it felt encouraging rather than annoyance.

"Yeah! Let's get going then! I'll be relying on all of you even more from now on! I won't just bottle it up to myself anymore."

With a large smile on my face, I stomped the ground hard and clenched my other hand into a fist as I looked forward to the screen.

Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~

"I'm the Dual Dragon Emperor! The man who'll inherit Azathoth's position! And an idiot who can't stop loving women….!!! I am!!!!!!—"

A woman with red hair that gradually fades to orange and cool blue eyes flashes before my mind. She had a bright smile on her face before she faded away. Everyone I know, everyone I love appeared in place of her...

Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~ Click~

That's right, I'm…

"I am Aaron Toole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I shouted from the depths of my heart as I slowly faded away from my soul.

"Get going!"

Rudra's words were the last that I heard.






An assortment of colors enveloped my body but—

Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!!!!!!!!! Dwoooooooooooosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The entire dimension erupted in a bright golden, black and blue pillar of light. When I opened my eyes, my armor had changed.

The main body of my armor was mostly black, gold, silver, red, blue and green. Those were at various places. This was… Certainly different… The shape was also different; I felt a little taller in this.

[Oooo! What is this?!?!?! The Dual Dragon Emperor was suddenly enveloped in a bright pillar of light and his armor changed!!! Could this be the rumored [Queen] form?!?!]

The announcer screams!



[I'm loving the brand-new armor!!! Holy!!! Let's do this!!!]

"Fuhahahaha! It seems like you promoted into your [Queen] form, Jin! Can you even be called the Red Dragon Emperor anymore?"

[It seems that harem loving idiot changed into his [Queen] form and change colors completely, there's barely any hints of red anymore! Is this for your women, Jin?!]

You're absolutely right, Azazel!!!! This is for them and me!!!!!!

"I wouldn't even know where to start with naming this, but we can think about that at a later time, Jin! It's something unique to you after all."

"... It's a color I associate with myself and those I care about. I couldn't have gotten this far without their emotional support. I owe them a lot… That includes you, Sairaorg."

"Fuahahaha! Is that so? It seems like you finally woke up, Jin! Let us continue then!!!"

Sairaorg's fighting spirit erupted, and his power increased even more.

I'll regulate my power but…

[We'll help you, Partner. Go!]

"Hell yeah! Sorry for the wait, Sairaorg, let's go!!!!!!!"

I became enveloped in a new aura, it looked like Ultra instincts but black with gold, blue and red. I then went full speed towards Sairaorg!!

[EX Sonic Booster!!!!]


I instantly appear in front of Sairaorg! I forgot to hold back there and he hadn't even caught up yet! I held back my power and sent a punch towards him!


"Guh?! Haha!!"

Hit in the gut Sairaorg flinched and scrunched up his face. However, he just laughed it off and threw his own punch at me! I then followed it up with another!

[EX Impact Booster!!!!]


Our fists met!! But this time Sairaorg visibly and audibly cringes back, small spews of blood come out of his armor covered fist! We were back to brawling it out! But this time all of Sairaorg's punches only grazed me or didn't hit at all!

Each time my fist hits his armor it broke! But it quickly repaired itself, that definitely will take a lot of stamina from him! Regulus has to be going overdrive here! The entire field was shaking with our clash! No— It was slowly breaking apart!

Then the announcer shouted—

[It's a fist fight! An incredible fist fight is occurring at the center of the field! It doesn't have any magnificent tactics, it's not a fight of fine-tuned demonic-powers, it's a close-range fight like a children's brawl!]

[They hit! And they get hit! Something simple like that is incredibly intense and seems like it would break the whole field! The viewers are all standing! Both old and young! Both man and woman! Everyone is excited! Damn! These two are incredible!]

[[[[[[[[[[Sairaorg! Sairaorg!]]]]]]]]]]

[[[[[[[[[[Oppai-Dragon! Ketsu-Dragon!]]]]]]]]]]

Is that so? If the viewers are getting all heated and hyped up then we'll continue to do this! If a simple child's fight can do this then what happens if it's full of tactics and strategy?!

I can see that Sairaorg was in pain but was enjoying this to the fullest!

The unique-colored aura covers my right arm, as it morphs into that of Triaina-Rook's gauntlet! I increased my speed and my fist smashes deep into Sairaorg's stomach!

I shattered the lion's armor! My fist even digs deep into the flesh of his body! Receiving the punch, Sairaorg drops to his knee. His legs are shaking. It seems like the damage is serious. Sairaorg struggled back onto his feet.

"What happened, my legs!? Why do you shake!? Not yet! This is just the start!"

Sairaorg takes a big step back, and stands up. He covers Touki around his body. But the amount of Touki has decreased from before.  In front of me, Sairaorg increases his will to fight!

"Endure it. Endure it, my body...! Do you think I can name myself as the next heir of the house of Great King Bael if I don't taste a great fight like this...!?"

That's it Sairaorg! This is the man I always respected and liked! You never back down from a challenge and keep at life with the type of ambition that I always wanted, even back then!

I dash towards Sairaorg and prepare a punch; he also prepares to receive it but!! I do a faint and kick his calves instead! If your legs are getting weaker then I'll aim for them! This also destroys the armor around them.

Sairaorg trembles and without a moment to spare I followed it up by punching him on the face! This time his helmet breaks, I then use my other hand to uppercut him in to the sky! I jump backwards as he gets launched into the sky.

I raise my left foot and stomp it into the ground! I expand my light wings from behind me and grow cannons out of them.


I quickly charge it by feeding it my aura and energy!

[From Azazel's comment before, you can say that the Lion's Sacred Gear has resistance to projectile weapons! Rather than shooting a blast to destroy the whole area, wouldn't it give more damage if you just concentrate the blast into one point?]

That's the plan! Minimize the blast area and concertante it! Let's do this, Ddraig!!

"X Blaster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

[EX Blast Booster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]


The unique-colored aura shot out of my canons and envelops Sairaorg! He was consumed in a large explosion and the entire dimension shook again. Once it died down, the area below where he landed was completely destroyed. He was lying still on the ground.

"This isn't the end, is it, Sairaorg?"

I say to them man who hadn't completely been knocked out yet.

Sairaorg Bael

"Mother? Is something the matter?"

Jin had just left us after making a quick visit. It was the day after the youth devil gathering.

"It's nothing, Jin… He felt, strange… As if something was amiss."


I guess I was not the only who could tell then? Perhaps I inherited this ability from mother? I felt it yesterday when we bumped fists… Something felt off with Jin. But I do not know what.

"Jin will be able to push past it, if the next time I meet him… If he hasn't then I will provide him assistance. He did help me, and I wish to help a friend."

My mother just smiled at me and nods, my peerage was looking at me curiously. I will tell them another time, eventually Kuisha came back and looked at me strangely.

It seems like Jin is slowly getting back to his old self but something… Something was preventing him from taking that last step. I always thought he was the confident type but perhaps he always had doubts about himself?

Even with that absurd power, this makes him feel more human… As strange as that sounds.

Today was the fated day! The day we clash fists again. I had spent the last few nights with Teela to calm my nerves. I never once thought I would win against Jin in our re-match but… If I can help him even just a little bit…


I turn to see Teela with me as well as my mother. I was waiting in the room that was provided to me by the staff.

"Mother, Teela…"

"Just do your best, Sairaorg… You're doing this to help a friend. Jin will greatly appreciate it; I know he will."

"I agree with Misla-sama, you and Jin-sama are good friends. Aren't friends meant to help each other?"

Friends help each other… Heh, does Jin consider me as such? I certainly hope so. I nod to the both of them.

"Yes, they do. I am ready, I will see the both of you later."

"Good luck, my son."

"Good luck, Sai."

His punches were lacking, they didn't have the usual energy! The usual feeling! Jin! Come to your senses! There are things where you can only find through fighting!

He wasn't moving as he was just looking at the grou—

Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!!!!!!!!! Dwoooooooooooosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

W-What? Light?! I could feel a large quantity of many kinds of energies emitting from Jin! What was happening to him…? The light eventually died down and—


His armor had changed, it was different… What the— Is this the [Queen] form that I have heard so much about…?

...Everything hurts. Did I lose? Am I down? I did not expect that kind of beat down from him… Whatever happened to him in that short amount of time… He definitely came back, and stronger than ever…

This was it, this was the Jin I knew! But… I guess this is where it ends…



I opened my eyes… And in front of me was the sky of this dimension. I thought I could hear my mother's voice…

"Sairaorg… Stand up! Stand up, Sairaorg!"

My eyes widen! It… It was her voice…! How?

[Sairaorg-sama it seems like someone is channeling their power through me to connect to your mother's voice.]


"Didn't you promise me that you will become stronger than everyone?"

!!! I forced my body to move…MOVE!!!!! I could feel myself slowly starting to rise from the ground.

"Fulfill your dream! For the world you desire. For the future of the Underworld. For not allowing others to taste the pain you felt! Isn't that the reason why you continued to hold tightly to your fist!?"

"A world where anyone can position themselves in a place with their ability and not where they were born from! Was that not the world you dreamed!?"

"A world where the children who are about to be born won't feel unwanted or unloved?! Are you not going to create a world like that!"

...…Mother. I felt my body becoming hotter, my heart beat faster! I can't stop now; I can't stop here. I still have a match with Rias in a week! I also want to help Jin…!!

"Now go… My lovely and precious son, Sairaorg."

Jin Skyward

"I knew you weren't out of it yet."

He fully stood up, the heavily injured and bleeding Sairaorg Bael completely stood up.


The Lion King howled.


That was the howl of a magnificent lion that sounded brave but also sad. The arena shook violently. Even I was shaking. Excitement, that's what I felt. I also still had my other emotions from earlier too.

All those feelings mixed inside me were making the cells in my body boil. I can still fight with this man.....  I can finish the fight with him. Just thinking about that— I felt a giant smile spread across my face.


Sairaorg ran at me with everything he got! Bleeding and battered!


Don!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don! Don! Don!!!!! Gan!!!!!!!!

My fist landed on his face, and he also hit me with his. I didn't want to avoid it, so I took it! I felt nothing from it, like a soft pillow hitting me!

But! He won't go down! No matter how many punches I hit him with, Sairaorg Bael wouldn't go down. The light in his eyes slowly started to dim, but he kept moving forward. Is this the same resolve you had when fighting Issei, Sairaorg?!

Even though it doesn't hurt, I can feel the intent! The emotion from them! Sairaorg Bael, the Great-King who didn't inherit the [Power of Destruction]! This man built himself up from the ground up, I have no idea how much you struggled, how many tears you shed! I certainly suffered less than you!

You're going at me with this much power even though it isn't an official Rating Game! You risked showing your ace to face me! Why? Was it to help me?! If so then I am grateful to you! When I first read your dream I felt for you, I supported it and felt bad when you lost to Issei's! But you kept on moving forward!

"(I only have this body. I will lose everything if I lose my Rating Game against Rias, even now I am not sure what will happen if I lose to you. But I want to help out a friend who brought my mother back even if it risks everything I've done until now.)"

"(Everything I have built up to now may crumble. For someone like me who didn't inherit the [Power of Destruction], this was the only path for me. That's why I have to win with my body.)"

"(It looks uncool, but this is my way of fighting you since I am unskillful in everything else.)"

...….I felt the same feeling from earlier boiling in my chest. God, you're so fucking cool, Sairaorg! You have my utmost respect! But… Thank you, for helping an idiot like me!

"…Thank you… My dear friend…!"


The last punch I threw at Sairaorg was effective as he had stopped moving after it. I also stopped moving as I just stared at him…this is the end, huh?

"It's over, isn't it, Regulus?"

[…Yes, Jin-sama… It's alright now…]

Regulus located at the chest of Sairaorg's body spoke.

[...My master.... Sairaorg-sama has...….]

Regulus was shedding tears from its eyes.

He has lost consciousness while his fist is being pushed forward as if he is preparing to strike me right in the face. Even so, his eyes were still glittering with light, and he still had the determination to continue fighting.

[…..Sairaorg-sama had already lost his consciousness since just a moment ago….]

[Even so... He was happy. He kept on going forward as if he felt overjoyed... He just went straight ahead.... Because he was truly enjoying the fight between the two of you...]

The lion explains. So he continued fighting with only his will..... Even if he lost his consciousness….. Yet he..... Just went forward.... For his dream... I retracted my helmet and walked towards Sairaorg and hugged him.

"...You were cool until the end, and thank you..."

[Sairaorg Bael loses! He retires! The winner from the exhibition match is..... Jin Skyward!!!! The Dual Dragon Emperor!!!!]

The final announcement is made, and the stadium became filled with the cheers of the audience.


Haaaa… That was one hell of a show those two showed the supernatural… I even felt my old bones shaking. After finishing my job as one of the commentators for the match I left the booth. All the Gods that came here were at their own booths that were labeled like 'Asgard' or 'Shinto' or 'Olympus'.

Even Jin's lovers had their own booth, so I was walking back towards them. But I was going towards a certain one and—

And the 'said person' came out of the room I was walking towards with his guards. He has a buzz-cut hairstyle and he's wearing circular sunglasses, an aloha shirt and has a jewel around his neck.

The 'said person' is wearing a rough outfit that won't be worn by someone with an important position...  Well, I'm not the one who can speak about other people's clothing though. I then spoke to the 'said person'. Śakra.

"Well, if it isn't Śakra-dono. How was the match?"

"Oh? Hey, the fallen-angel brother of justice! It was a smoking hawt match! That human with both the [Boosted Gear] and [Divine Dividing] is certainly an interesting one."

He laughs.

"I doubt I could win against him when I felt that huge pillar of light. Maybe we should form an alliance too? Heh."

....He does speak with sarcasm like always. He's a person with ultimate-class power among the entire factions in the world. The Emperor of Heaven. The Warrior-God, who defeated the God-of-Battle, Asura…..

There was something I wanted to ask this Emperor of Heaven. It has something to do with the incident at Kyoto involving the attack done by Hero faction.

"There is something I want to ask you."

"HAHAHA! What is it Fallen Angel brother of justice! If it's me you want, then I will gladly answer."

"....The Longinus possessor. You knew about Cao Cao before we did, did you not?"

Śakra smirked at me as if he was mocking me.

"What about it? What will you do? Is there any problem if I knew him since he was a brat? Is it because I didn't report it? Or is it.... Because I had contact with him?"

This piece of...


"HAHAHA! You seriously like to make it entertaining by calling me by that name. Don't make a scary face like that Aza-boy."

"If you get pissed at something like that, then what about the God of the Dead, Hades, isn't he doing something right that now can change the whole supernatural world?"

I frown and he points his finger at me.

"I will tell you one thing, youngster. All of the factions that are saying 'Peace' and 'Negotiation'. But within their mind they are thinking that; 'Our mythology is the strongest! Other mythologies should just be wiped out'. The shitty-geezer, Odin, and shitty-old man, Zeus, are the only ones who don't think like that and they are naïve."

"After all, it's easy to gather the thoughts of humans if the God they believe in doesn't exist! It's common sense to think that other religions can just rot, you know?"

"Just how many Gods do you think exist that fell so low because your religion invaded our territory and took away our believers and lowered the beliefs, they had towards us by making us turn into 'myths'?"

"You should just look back on each mythology. Gods are beings who are more honest with their grudges and feelings more than humans, you know?"

...I know that. Even if any of the mythologies and Gods take the official stance of negotiation, we can't tell what they are thinking deep within. No. It's obvious that they are thinking of making their move if they see the chance.

But that official position is what is important right now! If the power-balance changes, then the Human World can get destroyed easily...!

I know Jin knows this too! The mythologies he's gone to have been co-operative because of his ever-rising social status, and today I believe that it'll make them even warier, they may be more willing to join it.

Indra then sighs.

"Seeing and feeling his power first hand, I can't exactly threaten him anymore, I doubt he'd even let it pass if I did it towards his harem."

That's just asking to die… Also, those ladies are quite strong. I can't feel their power anymore…

"Anyway, tell the Dual Dragon Emperor that I had fun watching his fight with the Bael heir. He certainly took the [Boosted Gear] into a new path, didn't he? See you around, Fallen Angel brother of justice!"

Indra then walks away while waving his hand… I wonder if Shiva was watching too…? I shake those thoughts away, let's just celebrate for now… I turn to walk to the booth where Rias and the other were at.



"Did you see that! His armor completely changed! And that light… I felt it here even if he was in the Underworld!"

We may need to seriously reconsider some things… Even Promestein looked uneasy beside me. The other leaders who were also watching had looks of concern on them, they're probably thinking in the same line as us.

Jin Skyward


When I got back to the room I was in before teleporting in to the stadium… It was empty, I didn't feel Rose anywhere near here. Where did she go? I quickly locate her and… She was in the same booth as the rest.

"I wonder why she went back…"

I shrug and quickly left the room, when I did the staff member jumped back out of fright. I quickly apologized and left. I was dashing through the hallways when—

I came across some Gods, it was Amaterasu, Fūjin and Raijin.

"Oh, hello you three."

"Jin… A splendid match."

I stop and greet the three Goddesses. Amaterasu was the one who greeted me first, the other two nodded at me.

"Are you guys going back now?"

"Yes… It was truly splendid. Please do come back to our realm, Jin."

"Sure thing! I'm just a request or magic circle away."

I gave them a thumbs up before running again, I come across a few more Gods. I stop and briefly speak with them, in all honesty I just want to be with everyone right now, no offense!

I finally reach the room after I went up some flight of stairs. I sigh and then readied myself, I push open the door and everyone turns to look at me.


They asked as I was just staring at all of them. After coming to that conclusion in my soul… I felt the same swelling in my chest as I stare at them.

"Sorry for the wait… I'm back."

I meant that in more ways than one… And they understood as they—


Ran to me and hugged me.

"Should I join in, Jin?"

Azazel asks.

"Fuck you, Ash Crow."

We then grin at each other.

"Welcome back, brat."

"Yeah, glad to be back."

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